Over the weekend, House Democrats, Protect Our Care, and health care advocates across the country held roundtable discussions, town hall meetings, and press events to highlight the work Democrats are doing to roll back President Trump and the GOP’s sabotage of American health care and the Democratic agenda to lower costs and improve care for millions of Americans. While Republicans and President Trump are vowing to revive their efforts in Congress to repeal the health care law and are currently in court in an attempt to “terminate” the law there, Democrats are pursuing an agenda to block or roll back GOP sabotage of American health care, protect patients with pre-existing conditions from being exploited by junk insurance and to lower health care and prescription drug costs.
Here is just some of the news coverage and social media buzz for the events that took place over the weekend:
New York Times: “Over The Weekend, 140 House Democrats, More Than Half Of The Party’s Caucus, Held Events Or Online Town Halls To Talk About Health Care.” “Over the weekend, 140 House Democrats, more than half of the party’s caucus, held events or online town halls to talk about health care, their largest coordinated action in districts since winning the majority. In particular, Democrats hammered the Trump administration for asking a court in March to overturn the entire Affordable Care Act, which among other things would eliminate protections for patients with pre-existing conditions. Mr. Trump has repeatedly said he favors such protections but has not explained how he would achieve them if the Obama-era law were invalidated.” [New York Times, 6/6/19]
Politico: “Dems Back To Familiar Rallying Cry — Health Care.” “Dems back to familiar rallying cry — health care … Speaker Nancy Pelosi led House Democrats in a ‘Health Care for All Americans’ weekend of action with more than 140 lawmakers participating in district events and online town halls on the issue, according to sources familiar with the effort. The move is part of Democrats’ strategy to press their message on pre-existing conditions, House-passed bills to lower health care costs and prescription drugs going into the 2020 election.” [Politico, 6/16/19]
Saturday, June 15th
Rep. Sewell Town Hall
A huge thank you to the Pickens County Medical Center, Whatley Health Services, Medical Outreach & Advocacy and SMART School Clinics for coming to our #HealthCareWeekend town hall in Pickens County and providing free health care screenings. Y’all are truly working #forthepeople.” [Rep. Sewell Twitter, 6/15/19]
Wednesday, June 12th
Save Our State Rally

Alaskans gathered at rallies across the state to speak out against the on-going threats from Governor Dunleavy to shut down the government unless he accepts the budget proposed by the state legislature. Protect Our Care Alaska co-hosted the event, and organizers focused on threats to the state’s Medicaid program if the governor does not sign the budget.
You can view the post-event release here.
KTVA: Local groups rally, urge Gov. Dunleavy to pass operating budget
Alaska Public Media: State employees anxious as government shutdown threat looms
Friday, June 14th
Rep. O’Halleran Health Care Roundtable

Congressman O’Halleran met with several constituents on Friday to talk about rural health care, community health centers, and what Democrats are doing in the House to defend Arizonans’ health care. Participants in the roundtable included:
- Alicia Held, Patient
- Travis Robinette, Sun Life Family Health Center CEO
- Kim Collins, Sun Life Family Health Center COO
- Laura Larson-Huffaker, Horizon Health and Wellness CEO
- Rose Lopez, Intermountain Centers for Human Development CEO
- Ralph Varela, Pinal Hispanic Council CEO
Friday, June 14th
Rep. Lieu Health Care Facebook Live
“How are @HouseDemocrats addressing the rise of Rx drug costs & protecting people w/ pre-existing conditions? Join us TODAY at 3PM PT for our Facebook LIVE #HealthCareWeekend of Action #ForThePeople.” [Rep. Lieu Twitter, 6/14/19]
Watch the Facebook Live here.
Rep. Barragan Senior Center Visit
“Had a great conversation with folks at the Willowbrook Senior Center about how Dems are working #ForThePeople & fighting for affordable health care & lower Rx drug costs for older Americans. Proud to join @HouseDemocrats across the country for our #HealthCareWeekend of Action.” [Rep. Barragan Twitter, 6/14/19]
Watch the visit here.
Saturday, June 15th
Speaker Pelosi’s Events in San Francisco
CBS San Francisco: Democratic Leaders Shine Spotlight On Health Care. “On Saturday, House Democrats held about 140 events around the nation to highlight their health care progress and plans for the future. In San Francisco, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appeared with fellow California Democrats Rep. Jackie Speier and Rep. Mike Thompson at the offices of Health Right 360.” [CBS San Francisco, 6/15/19]
San Francisco Chronicle: Pelosi Highlights Democratic Efforts To Preserve Health Care in SF Visit. “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco, joined by Rep. Jackie Speier of San Mateo, and Rep. Mike Thompson of St. Helena, and health care advocates, visited San Francisco Saturday to highlight efforts Democrats are making to preserve coverage of pre-existing conditions and lower medical and drug costs.” [San Francisco Chronicle, 6/15/19]
Rep. Aguilar Health Care Talk
“I was proud to join the California Alliance for Retired Americans this week to talk about how @HouseDemocrats are working to expand and protect Medicare and lower health care costs #ForThePeople. Thanks to all those who came out during #HealthCareWeekend of action.” [Rep. Aguilar Twitter, 6/15/19]
Rep. Matsui Roundtable
“It was great to meet with health professionals from across the region at my provider roundtable. We discussed potential reforms within the #ACA to bring down costs across the board and how to increase access to care for all. #HealthCareWeekend.” [Rep. Matsui Twitter, 6/16/19]
Friday, June 14th
Rep. Neguse Health Care Roundtable

Congressman Joe Neguse met with patients, advocates, and health care providers to discuss the rising costs of prescription drugs and the fight to protect healthcare from Republican roll backs. The Congressman vowed to protect the ACA and stop health care sabotage efforts.
Participants included:
- Healthier Colorado
- The American Association of People with Disabilities
- Boulder County Health
- Laura Packard, Health Care Advocate
Rep. Crow Health Care Roundtable

Six health care advocates and two health care providers shared their experiences with Congressman Jason Crow at this healthcare round table event. The Congressman and participants discussed junk plans, pre-existing conditions, protecting provisions in the ACA, health care and prescription drug costs, Medicaid and lifetime caps.
Participants included:
- Maytham Alshadood, Rep. Crow’s District Director
- John Santistevan, CEO—Salud
- Salud Providers
- Rachel Wall, Patient
- Laura Packard, Patient
- Nic Wisman, Patient
- Rebecca Gillett, Patient
- Liz Reilly, Patient
- Nicole Cimbura, Patient
Friday, June 14th
Rep. Castor Heath Care Roundtable
“@HouseDemocrats have passed meaningful legislation to lower the cost of health care and prescription drugs! #Tampa area neighbors and advocates told me how important affordable health care is to them on #HealthCareWeekend #ForthePeople.” [Rep. Castor Twitter, 6/14/19]
Watch local coverage of the roundtable here.
Rep. Deutch and Rep. Demings Health Care Roundtables
Sun Sentinel: Health Groups Make Pitch For More Affordable Drugs And Insurance. “As the national battle rages on over drug prices and health insurance, Broward County residents and health advocates met today to praise the safety net of the Affordable Care Act and show their concern about any possibility of their medical coverage going away…the Broward round table led by U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch focused on issues around access to treatments, cost of medications and trust in the health care system; the event was part of a national effort to call attention to what Democrats are doing to protect health care and the challenges ahead…in Orlando, Rep. Val Demings used Health Care for All Americans Day of Action to hold a round table discussion to address the soaring costs of prescription drugs and release a new report on diabetes medication prices in her district. The report shows that because Medicare is not allowed to negotiate drug prices, the costs for diabetes medications to Medicare are nearly four times higher than in the United Kingdom, five times higher than in Australia, and three times higher than in Canada. For uninsured patients, the costs can be as much as 21 times higher.” [Sun Sentinel, 6/14/19]
Saturday, June 15th
Rep. Shalala Health Care Roundtable
“Since the start of our Congress #ForThePeople, @HouseDemocrats have been working hard to improve health care for all. This morning I met with local health care professionals and advocates to discuss the most pressing health issues in South Florida. #HealthCareWeekend.” [Rep. Shalala Twitter, 6/15/19]
Friday, June 14th
Rep. Johnson Twitter Health Care Town Hall
Rep. Hank Johnson held a Twitter town hall on Friday using the hashtag #AskHank.
Saturday, June 15th
Rep. McBath Health Care Roundtable

Congresswoman Lucy McBath meet with several constituents with pre-existing conditions to talk about the ACA, expanding medicaid, increase access to health care services, and lowering costs. McBath pledged to keep fighting for Georgians that rely on the ACA for their care and to find w ays to lower costs.
Post event release here.
Participants included:
- Malcolm Reid: HIV patient
- Cindy Vo: Vietnamese American, KSU student, relied on Medicaid to beat juvenile cancer, now on ACA exchange plan
- Kim Schneller, 5 year old son has type 1 diabetes and husband is in cancer remission
- Emily Fain, veteran, cancer survivor, hospice worker
- Marcia West, semi-retired, insurance agent in Marietta with pre-existing conditions
Friday, June 14th
Rep. Casten Health Care Panel Discussion
“In the 6th District alone, there are approximately 15,000 Medicare beneficiaries who have been diagnosed with diabetes. Yesterday I held a panel discussion in Wheaton on the rising costs. #HealthCareWeekend.” [Rep. Casten Twitter, 6/15/19]
Rep. Schneider Health Care Town Hall
“Just wrapped a great town hall at Lake Forest Place w/ focus on health care. The rising cost of prescription drugs is hitting seniors hard. In the House, we’ve voted to speed-up access to generic drugs to help make Rx medication more affordable. #ProtectOurCare #HealthCareWeekend.” [Rep. Schneider Twitter, 6/14/19]
Saturday, June 15th
Rep. Underwood Health Care Press Conference
Rep. Underwood held a press conference in Minooka with farmer Kaylee Heap at Heap Giant Pumpkin Farm, and spoke about how local families have been affected by the high cost of health care:
“From day one, I have heard from members of our community who struggle to afford their premiums. The people who are hit hardest are self-employed farmers, realtors, entrepreneurs; or they work for employers who don’t provide health insurance. That is unacceptable. And it’s why I have introduced the Health Care Affordability Act to reduce premiums for middle-income and low-income consumers. This would make premiums for people who buy their own insurance more similar to insurance costs for people with employer coverage. Thanks to Mrs. Kaylee Heap, who graciously invited us to her family’s pumpkin farm to share her story about the challenges she and her husband Kevin face to afford health insurance for themselves and their baby son, Milo.” [Rep. Underwood Press Release, 6/15/19]
Friday, June 14th
Leader Hoyer and Rep. Brown Health Care Roundtables
“As House Dems kick off our #HealthCareWeekend of action, I joined @RepAnthonyBrown & community stakeholders in Largo to discuss health disparities among minority groups in #MD. While the #ACA took great strides to expand affordable health coverage, there is still much to do…we discussed 10 bills that I’ve brought to the Floor to improve access & lower the price of health care & prescription drugs. We’ll continue to work to end disparities, expand access to affordable coverage, & address the skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs.” [Leader Hoyer Twitter, 6/14/19]
Rep. Raskin Health Care Roundtable
“If my voice isn’t heard, my child’s voice isn’t heard.” Thx to all our #healthcareweekend roundtable participants who spoke their truth about being parents of children w/ developmental disabilities. I’ll continue to use my voice in Congress to amplify yours & to #ProtectOurCare.” [Rep. Raskin Twitter, 6/17/19]
Watch Rep. Raskin’s roundtable here.
Saturday, June 15th
Rep. McGovern Health Care Town Hall
“Today I held town halls in #Orange & #Northfield, where we talked about (among other issues) the rising cost of healthcare & prescription drugs.I will bring these stories with me as we continue to work to #ProtectOurCare.” [Rep. McGovern Twitter, 6/15/19]
Friday, June 14th
MI Congressional Health Care Roundtable
Rep. Dingell, Rep. Lawrence, Rep. Slotkin, and Rep. Levin hosted a roundtable with Beaumont Health, HUDA Clinic, Covenant Community Care, and Western Wayne FHC in Dearborn.
Watch the roundtable here.
Saturday, June 8th
Rep. Lee Town Health Care Hall

Last Saturday, Rep. Susie Lee held a town hall with constituents while she was home for Congressional recess. The congresswoman discussed health care, what Congress was doing to protect the ACA, and what the Texas v. HHS lawsuit could mean for Nevadans’ care.
View a tweet from Rep. Susie Lee here.
Saturday, June 15th
Rep. Horsford Health Care Stakeholder Meeting
“Health care is a human right and that includes access to affordable prescription drugs. Glad to have a meaningful conversation about the effects of skyrocketing drug prices with Nevada’s healthcare stakeholders.” [Rep. Horsford Twitter, 6/15/19]
Friday, June 14th
Chairman Pallone Health Care Facebook Live
“As part of my dedication to improve health care #ForThePeople, I’m hosting Ray Castro from @NJPolicy for my weekly update on Facebook Live. Join us NOW. #HealthCareWeekend.” [Rep. Pallone Twitter, 6/14/19]
Watch the Facebook Live here.
Saturday, June 15th
Rep. Torres Small Health Care Roundtable
“This weekend I visited Socorro General Hospital for a roundtable discussion on legislation I’ve introduced to expand rural health care access & help New Mexicans get the care they need, right in their own communities. #HealthCareWeekend.” [Rep. Torres Small Twitter, 6/17/19]
Rep. Haaland Health Care Roundtable
“Join me today at @unm Domenici Center for a Tackling New Mexico’s Heatlthcare Challenges roundtable. It starts at 3:30pm with parking in lots L&M! #healthcareweekend #ProtectOurCare.” [Rep. Haaland Twitter, 6/15/19]
Watch the roundtable discussion on Facebook Live here.
Saturday, June 15th
Rep. Jeffries, Rep. Clarke & Rep. Velazquez Health Care Community Speak Out
“Joined @NydiaVelazquez @RepYvetteClarke at Community Speak Out on Healthcare in Brooklyn. Americans pay more for life-saving medicine than any other country in the world. We must stop Big Pharma. And put the public’s interest over the special interests! #ForThePeople.” [Rep. Jeffries Twitter, 6/15/19]
Friday, June 14th
Rep. Dean Health Care Roundtable
“Kicking off #HealthCareWeekend of Action, today we held a roundtable with medical professionals in Abington, @MontcoPA to discuss the ACA and its impact. @HouseDemocrats have passed legislation to improve health care for everyone — it is vital to our #ForThePeople agenda.” [Rep. Dean Twitter, 6/14/19]
Saturday, June 15th
Rep. Cartwright Health Care Roundtable

Pennsylvanians with pre-existing conditions met with Congressman Matt Cartwright to discuss ongoing threats to health care and his work in the House to defend protections for pre-existing conditions. Cartwright pledged to make prescription drugs cheaper and bring down premiums, co-pays, and deductibles for Pennyslvanians.
Press Coverage:
Friday, June 14th
Senator Tammy Baldwin Health Care Roundtable

Senator Tammy Baldwin sat down with constituents for a roundtable discussion about health care issues in Wisconsin. They covered topics ranging from the Texas v. HHS lawsuit to ongoing GOP sabotage of the ACA—and the Senator pledged to “.continue to go to the Senate floor to stop the expansion of these junk plans.”
You can see pictures from the Senator’s roundtable here.