Yesterday, President Biden and Democratic Leaders Reaffirmed Their Commitment to Lowering Health Care Costs

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Yesterday, President Biden and Democratic leaders in Congress confirmed that policies to lower health care costs are central to the path forward on the Build Back Better Act. Measures to lower premium costs, reduce drug prices, and expand coverage enjoy overwhelming support from the American people. By prioritizing health care, Democrats are proving their commitment to delivering meaningful relief to working families across the country.
Here’s what people are saying:
President Joe Biden: “‘We need the Senate to pass my Build Back Better Act, which will lower premiums for more than 9 million Americans, cover 4 million Americans in states that have failed to expand Medicaid, lower prescription drug costs, and bring down the price of insulin from $1,000 a month to $35 a month,’ he said. ‘We have to get this done. We have to get it done together. And we will.’” [Politico, 1/25/22]
Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR): “Democrats are closer than ever before to holding Big Pharma accountable for decades of high prices. These high prices have inflicted pain on seniors, families, and taxpayers, and now is the time to do something about it.” [Protect Our Care, 1/25/22]
Senator Tammy Baldwin: “I agree with @POTUS and @RonWyden we must close the Medicaid coverage gap in my state so we can open the door for 90,000 Wisconsinites to have access to high-quality, affordable health insurance. #BuildBackBetter” [@SenatorBaldwin, 1/25/22]
Representative Peter Welch: “We are the closest we have been to finally getting real prescription drug reform done for millions of Americans. Now is the time to get this across the finish line because lower drug prices are good for all Americans, whether you voted for Biden or Trump.” [Protect Our Care, 1/25/22]
Representative Hakeem Jeffries: “The Build Back Better Act will significantly lower health care costs for everyday Americans. Republicans are still trying to detonate protections for those with pre-existing conditions.” [@RepJeffries, 1/26/22]
Representative Pramila Jayapal: “We fight inflation by passing Build Back Better and lowering costs for families and working people. Let’s get this done.” [@RepJayapal, 1/25/22]
Judy Soloman, Senior Fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: “BREAKING; @POTUS Senate Finance Committee Chair @RonWyden said today that #BuildBackBetter would close the #Medicaid coverage gap, which would once and for all provide a pathway to coverage for over 2 million uninsured people in states refusing to expand.” [@JudyCBPP, 1/25/22]
Brad Woodhouse, Executive Director of Protect Our Care: “Today @POTUS and the Chair of the Senate Finance Committee @RonWyden said Build Back Better must include Rx Drug reform, closing the Medicaid Coverage & extending the ACA tax credit enhancements which were included in the American Rescue Plan. Hugely significant. @ProtectOurCare” [@woodhouseb, 1/25/22]
Leslie Dach, Chair of Protect Our Care: “Support for ending big drug company greed has grown and solidified in the Senate, and we are confident that no matter what form the final Build Back Better Act takes, the bill that goes to the President’s desk will include bold measures to drive down drug prices.” [Protect Our Care, 1/25/22]
Bloomberg Government: Democrats Target Drug Prices for BBB Unity. “Senate Finance Chairman Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) told reporters yesterday that Democrats agree broadly on expanding access to health care, empowering the government to negotiate with drugmakers and offering tax incentives for clean energy. Senate Democrats hope to clear a package soon built around these policies, he added. ‘The reality is there is a lot of common ground right now,’ Wyden said.” [Bloomberg Government, 1/26/22]