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August 2022

PRESS CALL: U.S. Senators Wyden, Stabenow, Bennet and Reverend Warnock to Discuss Historic Health Care Provisions in Inflation Reduction Act


Senators Join Protect Our Care as Congress on the Cusp of Passing the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

Washington, DC — On Thursday, August 4, 2022 at 11:15 AM ET, Finance Committee Chairman Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Senators Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Michael Bennet (D-CO), and Reverend Raphael Warnock (D-GA) will join patient advocates and Protect Our Care for a virtual press conference to discuss the Inflation Reduction Act’s critical measures to lower health care premiums and prescription drug costs for the American people.  

The event comes as momentum is building on Capitol Hill to pass The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, which lowers health care premiums by extending enhanced premium tax credits for ACA plans for three years and drives down prescription drug prices by giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower costs for millions of Americans, capping seniors’ out-of-pocket costs for drugs at $2,000 per year, and stopping Big Pharma’s egregious annual price hikes. This bill will help lower costs for millions of working families and address the deep racial inequities in our health care system. For years, lawmakers have promised to lower health care costs and rein in high drug prices, but President Biden and Democrats are actually getting the job done. 


U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR)
U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)
U.S. Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO)
U.S. Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock (D-GA)
Himali Patel, small business owner and patient storyteller from Georgia
Gail deVore, patient storyteller and Type 1 diabetic from Colorado
Leslie Dach, Chair of Protect Our Care

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference

WHERE: Register for the Event Here

WHEN: Thursday, August 4, 2022 at 11:15 AM ET

4 New Polls: OVERWHELMING Support for Lowering Health Care Costs in the Inflation Reduction Act

Four new polls show one unmistakable conclusion – the Inflation Reduction Act has overwhelming support from every group of Americans and the most popular items are those addressing health care costs. The plan will bring down the price of prescription drugs by giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower prices and lower health insurance premiums for millions of Americans. 

Take a look for yourself.

Morning Consult/Politico finds:

– 73% support for “allowing Medicare to negotiate some prescription drug prices”

– 76% support for “placing caps on prescription drug price increases”

– 73% support for “limiting annual out-of-pocket prescription drug costs for Medicare beneficiaries to $2,000”

– 56% support for “extending Affordable Care Act subsidies that are set to expire at the end of the year”

Navigator Research finds strong support by 41-points (65-24%) for Biden and Democrats’ new economic plan, known as the Inflation Reduction Act

  • Independents: +40 (61-21%)
  • Among Non-College College Educated: +41 (64-23%)
  • Among Educated: +43 (69-26%)

Data for Progress finds strong support +51 (73-22%) support for the Inflation Reduction Act.

Yahoo News/YouGov poll finds  61% support (14% oppose) lowering “the cost of prescription drugs by allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices for the first time while capping out-of-pocket costs at $2,000 a year” in the Inflation Reduction Act”

– Among people 65+, support reaches 72-11%.

– Among independents, support reaches 61-13%

BREAKING: Number of Uninsured Americans Reaches Record Low Under President Biden

News Comes as Congress is on the Cusp of Delivering Most Significant Health Care Legislation Since the ACA

Washington. DC —Today, the Department of Health and Human Services released an analysis showing that a just 8 percent of Americans lacked health insurance at the beginning of 2022 — an all-time low for the nation. Additionally, more than five million Americans gained coverage since President Biden was elected in 2020. In response, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement: 

“President Biden has done it again. After Republicans spent years trying to rip coverage away, President Biden has done everything in his power to make health insurance more affordable, accessible, and equitable for the American people. Between signing the American Rescue Plan into law, investing in open enrollment and reversing Republican sabotage, President Biden has delivered on his promise to prioritize the health and well-being of every American. Under his administration, millions of Americans have been able to enroll in coverage giving them much-needed financial relief while ensuring they are protected if they get sick. Now, Democrats in Congress are set to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, which will drive down health care and prescription drug prices and deliver affordable care to working families, people with disabilities, and Black and Brown communities. These provisions will ensure millions more Americans have the health care they need for years to come.”

As Momentum Builds on Historic Reconciliation Vote, Protect Our Care Condemns Big Pharma For $100+ Million Lobbying Campaign to Protect Profits

New TV Ad and Lite Brite Demonstration Call on Lawmakers to Act Now and Rein in Big Pharma’s Reckless Greed

Yesterday, Protect Our Care hosted a Lite-Brite demonstration with health care activists outside of PhRMA’s headquarters urging the Democrats in Congress to rein in Big Pharma’s greed and deliver real relief to millions of families. Protect Our Care also launched a new television ad condemning drug companies for doing everything in their power to protect their profits and block reform to lower prescription drug costs for the American people. The events come as momentum builds on Capitol Hill for passing Democrats’ historic Inflation Reduction Act.  

President Biden and Democrats are on the cusp of driving down health care costs and leveling the playing field for working families by including Medicare negotiation and other key health care priorities in their reconciliation package. These provisions stand to benefit millions of Americans, particularly seniors, women, people with disabilities, and Black and Brown communities. However, big drug companies have spent more than $100 million lobbying, political contributions, and misleading advertisements this year alone to block any reform that reduces drug prices at the expense of their sky-high profits. Leading up to the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, Protect Our Care will continue its activities urging Congress to put an end to drug company greed now. 

“Fight Pharma: Lower Rx Prices Now!”: Protect Our Care Hosts Lite-Brite Demonstration Outside PhRMA Headquarters Calling for Immediate Action

This evening, Protect Our Care hosted a Lite-Brite demonstration outside PhRMA’s headquarters in D.C., condemning them for doing everything in their power to protect drug company profits. Thankfully, Democrats in Congress are poised to rein in Big Pharma’s greed and deliver on their promise to lower prescription drug costs. Big Pharma has spent over $100 million on lobbying this year alone in an effort to maintain the status quo that allows them to raise prices while millions of Americans struggle to afford their prescriptions. As it stands, Americans pay three times more for prescription drugs than people in other countries, forcing millions to choose between affording their medications and paying for essentials like food or rent.

The Lite-Brite display comes as President Biden and the Democrats in Congress are moving forward with the most significant health care legislation since the Affordable Care Act. Earlier this week, Senate Democrats announced a historic reconciliation deal that will deliver lower health care costs for millions of families. This Inflation Reduction Act will finally give Medicare the power to negotiate lower costs for millions of Americans, while capping seniors’ out-of-pocket costs for drugs at $2,000 per year and stopping pharmaceutical companies from enacting egregious annual price hikes. The Lite-Brite display makes clear that Congress must act now to put an end to Big Pharma’s greed by quickly getting the reconciliation bill to President Biden’s desk for signature.


Big Pharma Drops Over $100 Million Fighting Prescription Drug Price Negotiation

Democrats Move to Drive Down Insulin Costs for Millions in Inflation Reduction Act

The Inflation Reduction Act harbors hope for the millions of Americans who depend on insulin and other life-saving prescription drugs. Insulin is vital to the management of diabetes but often comes with a hefty price tag. The U.S. is a target for Big Pharma price hikes because current policies have allowed them to raise prices year after year unchecked. This legislation – which is the largest health care bill since the ACA – will, for the first time, authorize Medicare to negotiate prices directly for some of the most expensive prescription medicines, including insulin; institute a cap on out-of-pocket drug costs for Medicare beneficiaries; and limit annual price increases to stop price gouging by drug corporations. Now, Democrats are also moving to limit the cost of insulin at $35 per month for everyone with insurance.  

Key Points:

  • Millions Of Americans Rely On Insulin. 37.3 million Americans—more than 1 in 10—have diabetes, with more than 7 million Americans dependent on insulin to manage their diabetes. In 2017, 3.1 million Medicare Part D enrollees used insulin.
  • Skyrocketing Insulin Costs Are Hurting Diabetics. As many as one in four of the 7 million Americans dependent on insulin are skipping or skimping on doses, which can lead to death. This is because of Big Pharma’s outrageous price hikes. The cost of the four most popular types of insulin have tripled over the past decade, with the average price per month rising to $450 in 2016. Eli Lilly, for example, has hiked the price of its brand-name insulin, Humalog, 30 times in 20 years, from $21 per vial in 1998 to nearly $300 in 2018.
  • The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 Will Lower Costs & Protect Patients. Beginning in 2023, Medicare, group, and individual health plans will be required to cover selected insulin products with out-of-pocket costs capped at $35 per month, regardless if a deductible has been met. The bill would also allow Medicare to negotiate insulin prices directly with drug makers. These provisions are expected to provide savings to millions of insulin users with health coverage.

In The News:

Politico: Insulin ‘Things’ Return In Reconciliation. “Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer told reporters on Thursday that insulin provisions will be added back into the reconciliation package…” [Politico, 7/29/22]

Bloomberg: Schumer Seeks to Slash Insulin Prices. “Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) said in an interview that she’s trying to resurrect a provision that would subject all insulin products automatically to government negotiations.” [Bloomberg, 7/29/22]

Washington Post: Inflation Reduction Act Is ‘A Truly Historic Breakthrough.’ “‘Now, finally, like every other country in the world, we’ll be able to negotiate with drug companies on expensive drugs. It is a truly historic breakthrough many, many years in the making,’ said David Mitchell, president and founder of Patients for Affordable Drugs, one of the advocacy groups that has been pushing Congress to act.”  [Washington Post, 7/28/22

Washington Post: Senate Democrats Weigh Adding Insulin Cost-Saving Measure to Economic Package.  “While discussions are still in flux, [Senators Shaheen and Collins] are now looking at ways to include measures that would address the cost of insulin in the Democrats’ long-sought economic package.” [Washington Post, 7/28/22]