Representatives Gwen Moore, Adriano Espaillat, Hillary Scholten, HHS Regional Directors Michael Cabonargi, Melissa Herd, Antrell Tyson, Local Leaders, and Health Care Advocates Headline Events Across the Nation.
This April was the seventh annual Medicaid Awareness Month. Protect Our Care hosted nationwide events to recognize the crucial role Medicaid plays in Americans’ health care and highlight how recent Republican attacks come at a time when more Americans than ever before are relying on the program. Over 85 million Americans are enrolled in Medicaid, which provides affordable care to people from all backgrounds, especially people with disabilities, people with mental health and substance use disorders, children, pregnant women, seniors in nursing homes, rural Americans, and people of color. But Republicans haven’t stopped their attacks. The latest GOP budget proposal slashes trillions from Medicaid through block grants, calls for work reporting requirements, and other bureaucratic measures designed to throw people off their coverage. GOP leaders in 10 states have failed to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), blocking 1.6 million people from lifesaving coverage. Medicaid has strengthened local economies, provided Americans with access to quality, affordable health care, and improved health outcomes across the country.
Throughout the month, Protect Our Care also released a series of fact sheets on how Medicaid is a lifeline for women and children, communities of color, rural Americans, seniors, and people with disabilities. Watch Protect Our Care’s new video with U.S. Representative Debbie Dingell (D-MI-06) here.

Monday, April 1 – Protect Our Care released a new national report detailing Republican plans to slash Medicaid and rip coverage away from millions of Americans. While Medicaid Awareness Month is a celebration of how this vital health care program has touched millions of families across the nation, it is also an important reminder that Medicaid remains under attack by Republicans. Read the full report here.
Tuesday, April 9 – Protect Our Care released a new video in celebration of the seventh annual Medicaid Awareness Month this April. One in four Americans rely on Medicaid for access to health care. Medicaid coverage saves lives and improves health outcomes nationwide, serving people from all backgrounds, including children, mothers, people of color, working families, people with disabilities, rural Americans, and seniors. Watch the video here.
Wednesday, April 17 – Medicaid Awareness Month Virtual Event with Leading Arizona Health Care Experts: Arizona health care advocates from Children’s Action Alliance, Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans, Valle del Sol Community Health Center, Chicanos Por La Causa joined Protect Our Care Arizona to discuss the importance of Medicaid and how expanding the program has benefited Arizonans of all ages. “The Affordable Care Act expansion of Medicaid to lower-income adults is preventing thousands of premature deaths for adults aged 55 to 64,” said Claudia Boyer, Director of Resource Navigation Systems for Chicanos Por La Causa. “Together AHCCCS and Kids Care are responsible for record-high rates of health insurance for kids nationally and in Arizona. They help protect families from medical debt, give them peace of mind, and allow their kids to grow up healthy and succeed in life,” said Matt Jewett, Health Policy Director for Children’s Action Alliance. You can watch the event here and view the post-event release here.
Thursday, May 2 — Medicaid Awareness Month Virtual Event with Los Angeles County Medical Association and California Health Care Advocates: Los Angeles County AMA President Dr. Jerry Abraham and President of the Long Beach Gray Panthers Karen Reside joined Protect Our Care California to highlight the vital role the Medicaid program serves in providing affordable health care coverage and access to services for Californians. “Over a third of our state benefits from Medicaid and as a result many lives have been saved under this program,” said Los Angeles County AMA President Dr. Jerry Abraham. “We know access to care is critical to living our best lives. At this time, Republican leaders are attacking a lifeline to our community and we’re not going to let that happen – we’re going to continue fighting to protect our care.” You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.
Wednesday, May 1 – Medicaid Awareness Month Event with HHS Regional Director Antrell Tyson and Georgia Health Care Advocates: Antrell Tyson, US Health and Human Services Regional Director for Region 4, Yolanda Pickstock, an Atlanta-based healthcare advocate with Georgia Stand-Up and Glenda Battle, a retired nurse from Leesburg, joined Protect Our Care Georgia to mark the seventh annual Medicaid Awareness Month and call on Republicans to expand Medicaid and provide coverage to the thousands of Georgians who currently live in the coverage gap and cannot access care. Speakers also highlighted the vital role that Medicaid expansion would serve in providing health care coverage and access to services for Georgians with disabilities, people with mental health and substance use disorders, children, pregnant women, seniors in nursing homes, rural families, and people of color. “Enrollment in Medicaid has increased by 52 percent nationally since 2013. Unfortunately, this figure doesn’t include as many Georgians as it could have. Without Medicaid expansion, Georgia ranks 48th out of 50 states for coverage rates. An estimated 431,000 Georgians could benefit from the affordable healthcare that Medicaid expansion would provide if the state expanded,” said Antrell Tyson, US Health and Human Services Regional Director for Region 4. You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.
Thursday, May 2 – Medicaid Awareness Month Event with Congresswoman Hillary Scholten, DHHS Regional Director Michael Cabonargi, and Advocates: U.S. Congresswoman Hillary Scholten and U.S Department of Health and Human Services Regional Director Michael Cabonargi joined Protect Our Care Michigan to highlight the vital role the Medicaid program serves in providing affordable health care coverage and access to services for Michiganders. “The importance of Medicaid continuation is critical to everyone whether they live in the urban core in Grand Rapids or the rural parts of Ottawa and Muskegon counties stretching between the lake shore and the city,” said U.S. Congresswoman Hillary Scholten. “When people are healthy they are more able to work, care for their families and live successful and prosperous lives. When they are healthy, our communities are healthy.” You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.
Thursday, April 25 – Medicaid Awareness Month Event with HHS Regional Director Melissa Herd, Pennsylvania HHS Secretary Val Arkoosh, and Advocates: HHS Regional Director Melissa Herd, Dr. Val Arkoosh, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, Devon Trolley, Executive Director of Pennie and Antoinette Kraus, of the Pennsylvania Health Access Network will join Protect Our Care Pennsylvania to highlight the vital role the Medicaid program serves in providing affordable health care coverage and access to services for Pennsylvanians. “Medicaid serves as a crucial safety net, offering vital assistance to families facing the greatest need,” said HHS Regional Director Melissa Herd. “The Biden-Harris Administration is firmly committed to preserving Medicaid coverage for eligible individuals.” You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.
- WTXF: Department of human services officials join protect our care to emphasize the importance of affordable health care coverage
Thursday, April 25 – Medicaid Awareness Month Event with North Carolina Senator Gladys Robinson, Rep. Sarah Crawford, and North Carolina HHS Secretary Kody Kinsley: North Carolina DHHS Secretary Kody Kinsley, State Senator Gladys Robinson, and State Representative Sarah Crawford will join Protect Our Care North Carolina to highlight the vital role the Medicaid program serves in providing affordable health care coverage and access to services for North Carolinians. “When the legislature was considering Medicaid Expansion, some were saying that even if we passed the legislation, it would take a long time to actually get all the people eligible enrolled in Medicaid,” said Rep. Sarah Crawford (NC-66). “I am here to tell you that North Carolina has had one of the most successful rollouts in the country – maybe the most successful rollout. Since December 1, because of the great work of Governor Cooper, DHHS Secretary Kody Kinsley, and our county offices, more than 400,000 people have already been enrolled in Medicaid, with the majority of those ages 19-39 who would have otherwise not had health coverage.” You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.
Thursday, April 18 – Medicaid Awareness Month Event with Senate Majority Leader Nicole Cannizzaro and Advocates: Senate Majority Leader Nicole Cannizzaro and Holly Welborn, Executive Director of Children Advocacy Alliance joined Protect Our Care Nevada to highlight the vital role the Medicaid program serves in providing affordable health care coverage and access to services for Nevadans. One in four Americans relies on Medicaid for access to health care, and the program serves people from all backgrounds, including children, mothers, people of color, people with disabilities, working families, rural Americans, and seniors. “Medicaid covers more than 40% of births in the United States. “Thanks to the American Rescue Plan, states were given the option to extend coverage to new mothers for one year postpartum, which improves maternal health outcomes,” said Senate Majority Leader Nicole Cannizarro. “In Nevada, I made that permanent by sponsoring and passing Senate Bill 232. New mothers in Nevada went from having 2 months of postpartum coverage to 12 months.” You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.
- KTVN (CBS): NV Dems Highlight Medicaid Impact on Statewide Healthcare Reform
- KTVN (CBS): Democratic leaders join Protect Our Care to discuss providing health coverage to low income families
Friday, April 26 – Reno Gazette Journal Op-Ed by State Representative Michelle Gorelow on Protecting Medicaid: Protect Our Care Nevada placed an opinion piece in Reno Gazette Journal by State Representative Michelle Gorelow. In the piece, Gorelow highlights the importance of protecting Medicaid from Republican threats. Gorelow writes, “High-quality and affordable health care should be treated as a right, not a privilege, for everyone in America. Yet Republicans are waging war on our health care by seeking broad and devastating cuts to Medicaid that would raise costs and rip away coverage from millions of Americans, including numerous women and children in Nevada.” You can read the full op-ed here.
Tuesday, April 30 – Medicaid Awareness Month Event with Congressman Adriano Espaillat, Dr. Dara Kass, and New York Health Care Advocates: New York Congressional Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13), former HHS Regional Director Dr. Dara Kass, and representatives from 1199SEIU and Metro NY Healthcare for All joined Protect Our Care New York for a virtual press conference to highlight the vital role the Medicaid program serves in providing affordable health care coverage and access to services for New Yorkers. “National politics set the stage for New York’s healthcare system, especially when it comes to Medicaid,” said Dr. Dara Kass, former HHS Director. “New York takes every opportunity to expand care and make Medicaid accessible and affordable for those who need it most. Under the Biden-Harris Administration, Democrats in Congress have worked with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on life-saving expansions, including lowering Medicaid’s income eligibility threshold. That’s all on the line if former President Trump is re-elected and empowered by a Republican Congress to remove these expansions, threatening access to affordable, quality care.” You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.
- NY1 Noticias: ‘Necesitamos más doctores que acepten el Medicaid’: representante de servicios comunitarios
Friday, April 26 – Long Island Herald Op-Ed by Health Care Advocate Joseph Sackman on Protecting Medicaid: Protect Our Care New York placed an opinion piece in The Long Island Herald by local health care advocate Joseph Sackman. In the piece, Sackman calls out Rep. Anthony D’Esposito for his part in the Republican threats against Medicaid. Sackman writes, “While Medicaid provides financial security and access to health care to more New Yorkers than ever before, Republicans in Congress, including Rep. Anthony D’Esposito, are threatening Medicaid by pushing for devastating cuts to key federal programs. Earlier in his tenure, D’Esposito claimed to support fully funding critical lifeline programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. He has gone back on this promise time and time again, however, including supporting a provision that would slash nearly all government funding by 30 percent. Long Island families are already grappling with financial hardships, including difficulties affording mortgages, utilities and groceries. Cutting funding to critical safety-net programs like Medicaid would directly harm hard-working families who are just trying to find health care for their loved ones and make ends meet.” You can read the full op-ed here.
Tuesday, April 30 – Medicaid Awareness Month Event with Maumee City Councilmember Scott Noonan and Local Health Care Advocates: Northwest Ohio leaders and health care advocates joined Protect Our Care Ohio to highlight the vital role the Medicaid program serves in providing affordable health care coverage and access to services for Ohioans. “There have been constant attacks on Medicaid by Republicans – and it is very troubling,” said Maumee City Councilmember Scott Noonan. “On the local level, as a City of Maumee council member, I am especially concerned about what cuts to the program would mean to the 12% of people with substance abuse issues who are on Medicaid. We have several health centers here for people struggling with substance abuse, and Medicaid cuts could lead to very serious problems when it comes to helping these individuals and could lead to more opioid overdoses. As a disability rights advocate, the attacks on Medicaid are also jarring because about 15% of people who use the program are people with disabilities.” You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.
Friday, April 26 – Medicaid Awareness Month Event with Delegates Sickles, Srinivasan, and Willett and Advocates: House Health and Human Services Chair Mark Sickles, Chair of the Select Committee on Advancing Rural and Small Town Health Care Rodney Willett and former Chair of the State Board of Medical Assistance Services Delegate Kannan Srinivasan joined advocates, storytellers, and Protect Our Care Virginia for a virtual press conference celebrating the sixth anniversary of Medicaid expansion and the seventh annual Medicaid
Awareness Month. “Forty-five percent of the health coverage in small towns and rural areas comes from Medicaid right now. So it’s a huge percentage of folks being cared for,” said Delegate Rodney Willett. “Medicare is helping to close this health care disparity gap that we have. Medicaid expansion cut the uninsurance rates in those areas by more than 50 percent. It really is enabling so many Virginians who otherwise would not get health insurance to get that.” You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.
- VPM: Delegate Srinivasan discussed Medicaid’s expansion in Virginia
- BlueVirginia: Delegates Join Advocates and Protect Our Care Virginia to Celebrate Sixth Anniversary of Medicaid Expansion and Its Impact on Rural Virginia
Tuesday, April 30 – Medicaid Awareness Month Event with Representative Gwen Moore, State Representative Robyn Vining, and Advocates: Representative Gwen Moore and State Representative Robyn Vining joined advocates and Protect Our Care Wisconsin for a virtual press conference to mark the seventh annual Medicaid Awareness Month and call on Republicans to expand Medicaid and provide coverage to the thousands of Wisconsinites who currently live in the coverage gap and cannot access care. “Everybody knows somebody who needs Medicaid, and it is a disgrace that Wisconsin is one of just ten states that has not expanded Medicaid,” said Congresswoman Gwen Moore. “When Wisconsin first rejected Medicaid expansion the state budget took a $250 million hit, now that’s up to $1.6 billion – monies that Wisconsin is leaving on the table because of (Republicans) partisan refusal to expand Medicaid.” You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.
- Wisconsin Examiner: Wisconsin lawmakers call for expanded Medicaid coverage for new mothers