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July 2024

Senator Bob Casey Introduces New Legislation to Lower Prescription Drug Costs for Everyone

U.S. Capitol Building

Washington, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) introduced new legislation extending an important piece of the Inflation Reduction Act’s prescription drug savings to everyone. The Capping Prescription Drug Costs Act would cap individual cost-sharing for prescription drugs at $2,000 annually for both group and Marketplace plans. It would also cap family cost-sharing for prescription drugs at $4,000 annually. The Biden administration’s Inflation Reduction Act is already saving millions of people money on their prescriptions and it will save 19 million seniors an average of $400 annually thanks to the $2,000 cost cap, which begins in 2025.

In response, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement: 

“Senator Casey is tackling the issues that matter most to the American people. Lowering health care costs is a top way to address the high cost of living. Americans pay up to four times more for the same drugs as people in other countries, forcing people to cut pills in half or skip doses altogether. The Inflation Reduction Act has been a remarkable step forward to rein in drug companies’ greed, lower drug costs for seniors, and give Medicare the power to negotiate lower prices. These measures are saving seniors thousands of dollars a year. Now it’s time to expand these lifesaving savings to everyone, no matter where they get their insurance which is why Senator Casey’s legislation is so important.”

New Navigator Polling Shows Deep Opposition For MAGA Republicans’ “Project 2025” Health Care Agenda

New Navigator polling finds that Americans deeply oppose the health care policies in Project 2025, a conservative blueprint for a second Trump term. Specifically, 83 percent oppose removing protections for people with pre-existing conditions, 81 percent oppose putting a new tax on health insurance for people who get coverage through their employer, and 80 percent oppose banning Medicare from negotiating lower prices and eliminating the $35 monthly insulin cap. 

Today’s survey follows a string of recent Navigator polls showing that President Biden and Democrats are more trusted on health care. Additionally, voters overwhelmingly support the Inflation Reduction Act and Democratic efforts to lower health care costs, including giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower prescription drug prices, capping the cost of insulin, and providing free vaccines. The contrast is clear:

Today’s Navigator results also show that Americans believe that Project 2025 would only benefit the wealthiest Americans, CEOs, and corporations – and it would have a negative impact on all other groups, like small businesses and the middle class.

Additionally, Navigator found clear guidance on framing Project 2025 as a dangerous policy roadmap designed to hurt the middle class and a takeover of the government led by MAGA Republicans who are power hungry and dangerous to our health care.

ROUNDUP: Lawmakers and Advocates Across the Nation Call Out Donald Trump’s Dangerous Health Care Agenda

Last week, Democratic lawmakers and health care advocates joined Protect Our Care for events across the nation to call out Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans for their radical agenda to hike costs and rip health care away from millions. Ahead of the first presidential debate of 2024, speakers noted Donald Trump’s plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and its protections for pre-existing conditions, slash tens of billions of dollars from Medicaid and Medicare, and hike prescription drug prices while handing out more tax breaks for big drug companies and wealthy executives. 

On the debate stage, Donald Trump tried to rewrite history and claim that his administration was responsible for capping insulin costs. This lie has been debunked by independent fact checkers, which noted that the $35 monthly insulin cap was a direct result of President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. President Biden stood up to big drug companies, lowered the price of insulin and other prescription drugs, and made health insurance more affordable. President Biden and Congressional Democrats are continuing their fight to make sure that everyone, regardless of income, has access to quality health care.


Thursday, June 27 – Pre-Debate Accountability Event with Senator Rev. Raphael Warnock, State Rep. Dr. Michelle Au, and Health Care Storytellers: U.S. Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock, State Representative Dr. Michelle Au, and impacted Georgians joined Protect Our Care Georgia ahead of tonight’s presidential debate to call out Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress for their escalating attacks on health care. “The polls will go up, and the polls will go down, but at the end of the day, the people of Georgia know who has been working to get them healthcare, and they know who has been trying, at every turn, to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. They know that the Republicans in this state,10 years after I was arrested for fighting for Medicaid expansion, still refuse to expand Medicaid — leaving 640,000 Georgians in the coverage gap. They know who opposed the provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act and who fought to give Medicare the ability to negotiate the price of prescription drugs. Georgians are smart, and they are going to get this right,” said U.S. Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock. You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.


Thursday, June 27 – Pre-Debate Accountability Virtual Event with Arizona Senior Health Care Advocates: President of Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans and community leaders joined Protect Our Care Arizona ahead of the first presidential debate of 2024 to call out Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans for their escalating attacks on health care for Arizonans and people across America. “I think that the ACA and what the Biden Administration has done for us is hopeful and we need to finish the job,” said Sylvia Gonzalez, United States Air Force Veteran. Advocates celebrated the Biden administration’s work in negotiating lower drug prices and keeping their costs of living more affordable because of their health care bills: “[The Biden administration] accomplished something that we had been trying to do for over 20 years,” said Linda Somo, President of the Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans. “And that is to be able to have Medicare negotiate prescription drug prices for some of the most expensive and highly used prescriptions that seniors have been using for years. The Biden Administration has been a great friend to seniors.” You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here. 


Wednesday, June 26 – Pre-Debate Accountability Virtual Event with California Health Care Advocates: Dr. Sion Roy and Naida Tushnet joined Protect Our Care CA, ahead of the first presidential debate of 2024, to call out Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans like Michelle Steel, Young Kim, and Mike Garcia for their escalating attacks on health care for Californians and people across America. As Donald Trump intensifies his threats to repeal the ACA, Republican lawmakers and their allies are attempting to dismantle reproductive care, hike premiums, slash Medicare and Medicaid, reverse recent coverage gains, and raise prescription drug costs for tens of millions of Americans. “As a doctor in LA, I’ve seen first hand how important the ACA and the Inflation Reduction Act are at increasing access to health coverage and lowering prescription drug prices,” said Dr. Sion Roy. “It’s crucial for my patients and I hope every Californian watches this debate and see how critical this election is to continue to take the steps to improve access to quality healthcare for all Californians.” You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.


Monday, June 24 – Pre-Debate Accountability Virtual Event with State Rep. Laurie Pohutsky, Dr. Farhan Bhatti, and Advocate Eric Schneidewind: Michigan Rep. Laurie Pohutsky and health care advocates joined Protect Our Care Michigan, ahead of the first presidential debate of 2024, to call out Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans for their escalating attacks on health care for Michiganders and people across America. As Donald Trump intensifies his threats to repeal the ACA, Republican lawmakers and their allies are attempting to dismantle reproductive care, hike premiums, slash Medicare and Medicaid, reverse recent coverage gains, and raise prescription drug costs for tens of millions of Americans. “Reproductive rights and health, in particular, continue to be under unprecedented attack by Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress,” said Michigan Rep. Laurie Pohutsky. “We cannot allow Trump and his Republican allies to dismantle reproductive care, hike premiums, slash Medicare and Medicaid, reverse recent coverage gains, and raise prescription drug costs for tens of millions of Americans. As we approach the first of the presidential debates this week, I call on all Americans to play close attention to the candidates and their positions on health care.” You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.

  • News Channel 3: State lawmakers discuss healthcare ahead of first 2024 presidential debate


Wednesday, June 26 – Pre-Debate Accountability and Women’s Health Virtual Event With Nevada Legislators: Senator Dina Neal, Senator Rochelle Nguyen, and Assemblywoman Selena Torres joined Protect Our Care Nevada, ahead of the first presidential debate of 2024, to call out Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans for their escalating attacks on health care for women in Nevada and across America. Amid a worsening maternal mortality crisis and ongoing Republican assaults on women’s health care, President Biden and Democrats in Congress have worked tirelessly to lower costs and improve access to care for women. Nearly 300,000 women in Nevada have lower prescription drug costs thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, and Nevadans will save an estimated $416 a year on drug costs thanks to the $2,000 out-of-pocket cap that begins in 2025. In addition to those cost-saving measures, President Biden and Democrats in Congress have expanded Medicaid for postpartum mothers and launched new public health initiatives to promote the health and well-being of women and their families. “Let’s be clear, it is President Biden and Congressional Democrats working to extend prescription drug savings to everyone, continuing to protect people with pre-existing conditions, and working to expand Medicaid,” said Assemblywoman Selena Torres. “Republicans want to destroy the ACA and return us to a time when being a woman was a pre-existing condition.” You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.


Thursday, June 27 – Pre-Debate Accountability and Women’s Health Event with Assemblymember Anna Kelles, Citizen Action New York, and Empire State Voices: Citizen Action NY, Indivisible Binghamton and Empire State Voices, storytellers joined Protect Our Care New York to highlight new data that illustrates how the Inflation Reduction Act has reduced health care and prescription drug costs and expanded access to quality, comprehensive health care for New York women. “Until reproductive rights are protected at a national level, working families will live under constant threat of that choice being made for them by politicians, not them and their doctors,” said Maria Martinez, Executive Director of Empire State Voices. “As conservative legislatures across the country continue to push for restrictive bans on abortion, IVF, and even contraception, Congressman Marc Molinaro has remained silent, supporting anti-choice legislation hoping no one will notice. We will continue to hold our representatives accountable when they refuse to protect our reproductive freedoms, and urge them to fight for the communities they represent, not just the ultra-wealthy and interest groups.” You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here. 


Tuesday, June 24 – Pre-debate GOP Accountability and Women’s Health Event with State Senator Natalie Murdock: State Senator Natalie Murdock and Dr. Jenna Beckham joined Protect Our Care North Carolina, ahead of the first presidential debate of 2024, to call out Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans for their escalating attacks on health care for North Carolinians and people across America. As Donald Trump intensifies his threats to repeal the ACA, Republican lawmakers and their allies are attempting to dismantle reproductive care, hike premiums, slash Medicare and Medicaid, reverse recent coverage gains, and raise prescription drug costs for tens of millions of Americans. “With Medicaid there’s so much more care that we can provide. I was thrilled we filed MOMnibus right here in North Carolina,” said Senator Natalie Murdock. “There’s a direct correlation with Black maternal health outcomes with these abortion bans.” You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.


Monday, June 24 – Ohio Capital Journal Op-Ed by Pastor Brandon Davis on Protecting the Affordable Care Act: Protect Our Care Ohio placed an opinion piece in the Ohio Capital Journal by Reverend Dr. Brandon Davis. In the piece, Pastor Davis discusses the more than doubling of ACA coverage in Ohio thanks to the Biden administration, the ongoing Republican attacks on Ohioans’ coverage, and the need to protect these critical benefits. Davis writes, “Fortunately, ACA coverage in Ohio has more than doubled thanks to the efforts of President Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress who have worked to protect and expand the ACA. But now, all of this progress is once again under threat. The Inflation Reduction Act, championed and signed into law by President Biden, reduced or eliminated out-of-pocket premiums for millions of people by expanding tax credits through 2025. Lowering premiums allows more families than ever before to enroll in the coverage they need to stay healthy – 80% can find coverage through the Marketplace for $10 or less. The average savings for the nearly 240,000 Ohioans receiving the premium tax credits is $481 per month. This is money they can put toward other everyday needs like putting food on the table and a roof over their heads.” You can read the full op-ed here.

Wednesday, June 26 – Pre-debate GOP Accountability and Women’s Health Event with Franklin County Commissioner Erica Crawley, Lucas County Commissioner Lisa Sobecki, and Advocates: Franklin County Commissioner Erica Crawley, Lucas County Commissioner Lisa Sobecki, and advocates joined Protect Our Care Ohio, ahead of the first presidential debate of 2024, to call out Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans in Congress for their escalating attacks on health care. As Donald Trump intensifies his threats to repeal the ACA, Republican lawmakers and their allies are attempting to dismantle reproductive care, hike premiums, slash Medicare and Medicaid, reverse recent coverage gains, and raise prescription drug costs for tens of millions of Americans. “Joe Biden and Sherrod Brown have been working hard for all Americans to protect and expand their health care,” said Lucas County Commissioner Lisa Sobecki. “MAGA Republicans and Donald Trump want to take us back to a time that wasn’t healthy for Americans. They want to repeal the ACA and take opportunities away from so many people to be able to have health care coverage.” You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.


Monday, June 24 – Pre-debate Accountability and Seniors Event with Lieutenant Governor Austin Davis and Local Officials:  Lieutenant Governor Austin Davis, York County Commissioner Doug Hoke, and York Mayor Michael Helfrich joined Protect Our Care Pennsylvania to highlight the steps President Biden and Democrats in Congress have taken to protect and expand access to health care for older Pennsylvanians. Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, older Pennsylvanians have lower health care costs, helping them save money and have more breathing room to pay for housing, groceries, and other essentials. The Inflation Reduction Act has capped the cost of insulin at $35 per month for 4 million Americans on Medicare, set a $2,000 out-of-pocket cap on prescription drugs for Medicare beneficiaries, and empowered Medicare to negotiate the cost of prescription drugs. “Inflation is on a lot of people’s minds. Folks are trying to make ends meet, and they’re pinching pennies to do it. Thankfully the Inflation Reduction Act is bringing real relief, especially for older Americans,” said Lieutenant Governor Davis. “For the first time in history, Medicare has been empowered to negotiate prescription drug costs. That’s something that people have been working towards for years – this President got it done. There are elected officials fighting for you everyday.” You can view the post-event release here.


Thursday, June 27 – Virtual Pre-debate Accountability and Women’s Health Event with State Senators Ghazala Hashmi and Aaron Rouche and Advocates: Ahead of tonight’s presidential debate, Senate Education and Health Committee Chair Ghazala Hashmi (D-Chesterfield) and Senator Aaron Rouse (D-Virginia Beach) joined advocates, storytellers, and Protect Our Care Virginia to call out Donald Trump, U.S. Rep. Jen Kiggans, and MAGA Republicans for their escalating attacks on health care. “For everyone who’s tuning into the debate tonight, I want you to know the clear differences between Joe Biden and Donald Trump when it comes to health care, and most especially reproductive health care,” said Senator Hashmi. “Donald Trump has appointed justices who overturned Roe v. Wade, and he continues to brag about the disastrous health care crisis that he has created across the country. And meanwhile, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been a brick wall for reproductive rights at the federal level, just as I and my fellow Democrats in the General Assembly have been a brick wall here at the state level.” You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.

  • 13NewsNow: Panel discusses health care in Virginia
  • BlueVirginia: Video: Ahead of Debate, VA State Senators Ghazala Hashmi and Aaron Rouse Call Out Donald Trump, Rep. Jen Kiggans (R-VA02) and MAGA Republicans for Trying to Take Away Virginians’ Health Care


Tuesday, June 25 – Pre-Debate Accountability Virtual Event with Secretary of State Sarah Godlewski and Health Care Advocates: Wisconsin Secretary of State Sarah Godlewski and Wisconsin health advocates joined Protect Our Care Wisconsin ahead of the first presidential debate of 2024, to call out Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans for their escalating attacks on health care. As Donald Trump intensifies his threats to repeal the ACA, Republican lawmakers and their allies are attempting to dismantle reproductive care, hike premiums, slash Medicare and Medicaid, reverse recent coverage gains, and raise prescription drug costs for tens of millions of Americans. “Donald Trump wants to terminate the Affordable Care Act and significantly cut Medicare and Medicaid — which thousands of Wisconsinites rely on,” said Godlewski, later adding, “There is no doubt about it — healthcare is on the ballot. And, we need to continue the work to expand and strengthen key programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and ACA that millions of Americans rely on. You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.

  • Wispolitics: Protect Our Care: Godlewski, Wisconsinites call out Trump and MAGA Republican efforts to take away health care ahead of debate
  • Up North News: Wisconsin Leaders Condemn Trump and GOP for Attacks on Health Care
  • WFHR-AM [Wausau] (Part 1, Part 2)
  • WXCO-FM [Wausau] (Part 1, Part 2)
  • WAUK-AM [Milwaukee] (Part 1, Part 2)