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January 2025

HEADLINES: Experts and Lawmakers in Maine Sound the Alarm on RFK Jr.’s Threats to American Health Care

RFK Jr.’s Nomination Poses a Threat to the Health and Well-Being of Mainers and Families Across America

Yesterday, health care experts and State Representatives joined Protect Our Care Maine in Augusta to sound the alarm on Donald Trump’s nomination of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). Speakers discussed how RFK Jr.’s complete lack of qualifications and radical views on vaccinations and health care are a threat to the health and well-being of Mainers and families all across America. 

RFK Jr. has absolutely no place leading our health care system. As HHS Secretary, RFK Jr. would prioritize his own interests over the needs of the American people. Not only does he oppose lifesaving vaccinations, but he has also downplayed the severity of infectious diseases and plans to gut funding from the FDA and NIH, which will halt progress of essential research on lifesaving drug and vaccine development. Working families deserve access to affordable, high-quality health care and an HHS leader who trusts science and is committed to strengthening public health. 


CBS 13 Portland: ‘Utterly Unqualified:’ Maine Groups Rallies Against RFK Jr. Nomination as DHHS Secretary

  • “Advocates and Maine lawmakers say RFK Jr. is ‘utterly unqualified’ to serve as Secretary for the Department of Health and Human Services. Health care professionals joined state reps and the group Protect Our Care Maine today in Augusta. They say President-Elect Trump’s nominee poses a threat to Mainers’ healthcare. They pointed to his history of promoting anti-vaccination views and what cutting funding for infectious diseases could mean for Maine.”

Fox 23 Portland: Advocates Express Concerns Over RFK Jr. Nomination

  • “Health officials have expressed concerns about [RFK Jr.’s] views on vaccinations and a skepticism on funding for research on infectious diseases, wondering what that could mean in the future for people’s health and safety… At the news conference, health officials called on Maine Senators Susan Collins and Angus King to reject RFK Jr.’s nomination.”

Maine Public: Protect Our Care Maine Urges U.S. Senators to Oppose RFK Jr. Nomination

  • “Deborah Deatrick, former vice president of community health at MaineHealth who also served as director of the state office of dental health, said she’s concerned about Kennedy’s statement that the new administration would recommend removing fluoride from public water systems… Deatrick was joined at the Augusta press conference by Democratic State Representatives Dan Shagoury and Anne Graham, who emphasized what they said are the dangers of Kennedy’s comments opposing vaccines.”

Maine Morning Star: State Lawmakers Say Health Secretary Nominee RFK Jr. Would Threaten Public Health in Maine

  • “Two Maine state representatives are raising concern about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s nomination to serve as health secretary under President-elect Donald Trump, highlighting his statements against vaccinations, water fluoridation and other common sense public health measures… The pair, who both sit on the Legislature’s Health and Human Services Committee, criticized Kennedy’s lack of medical or public health experience, plans to cut funding to research organizations such as the National Institutes of Health, and warned Mainers that his appointment would have adverse effects on the state’s public health.”

Spectrum News: Group of Maine Lawmakers Protest Potential RFK Jr. Cabinet Nomination

  • “Critics took aim Tuesday at Kennedy’s anti-vaccination beliefs, along with his contention that municipal water supplies should not be fluoridated… Rep. Anne Graham called Kennedy ‘inexperienced and completely unqualified.’ He has never worked in a government position, she said, has never run a large organization, is not a doctor, not a nurse and holds no medical degree… Graham said she genuinely worries about extreme measures such as vaccines being outlawed under Kennedy.”

America’s Health Care Is Stronger Than Ever Thanks to Joe Biden

As President Biden prepares to deliver a farewell address to the nation, Protect Our Care is celebrating his health care legacy. During his time in office, Biden built on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), safeguarding its consumer protections and boosting access to affordable health care for millions of Americans by lowering costs and addressing health inequities. He signed the American Rescue Plan and Inflation Reduction Act, lowering prescription costs and premiums, and he has protected and strengthened Medicare and Medicaid. His administration has worked to improve maternal health outcomes and protect access to abortion care. From day one, Joe Biden has been a health care champion, and he leaves office with the highest coverage rate in American history. 

Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement:

“American health care is stronger than ever thanks to Joe Biden. During his time in office, he made quality, affordable health care a top priority and paved the way for a future where every American has the health care they need. President Biden led us out of a pandemic, took on big drug companies and won, and lowered health care costs for millions of families across the nation.  Today, more Americans than ever before have affordable health care because of President Biden.  He is a once-in-a-generation president whose leadership has improved the health and livelihoods of millions of Americans. 

“But Republicans are dead set on reversing all of this progress to fund tax breaks for their billionaire friends. Donald Trump has not given up on his attempts to repeal the ACA and its protections for pre-existing conditions and Republicans in Congress are plotting trillions of dollars in cuts to Medicaid and Medicare. Under their plan, millions of Americans will have their health care ripped away or see much higher costs. We cannot afford to go backwards. The American people have made it clear they want lower costs and better care, and they overwhelmingly reject the GOP war on health care.”

The Inflation Reduction Act and the American Rescue Plan:

  • Protect seniors from prescription drug hikes. Under the Inflation Reduction Act, when drug companies hike prices faster than the rate of inflation, they will have to pay Medicare a rebate. This has not only saved the government billions of dollars, but it has drastically reduced out-of-pocket costs for people on Medicare. Since April 1, 2023, the Biden-Harris administration has enabled some seniors and people with disabilities to pay less for over 120 drugs available through Medicare Part B thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act’s rebate program.
  • Give Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices, which will save taxpayers billions of dollars and lower costs for some of the most popular and expensive prescription drugs. By 2030, 80 of the most expensive prescription drugs will have lower prices because of these negotiations. This past August, the Biden-Harris administration announced the new, lower prices for 10 of the highest-cost, most popular drugs taken by nearly 9 million people on Medicare who spent $3.9 billion in out-of-pocket costs in 2023. In the first year alone, these newly lowered prices will save seniors $1.5 billion in out-of-pocket costs and will save taxpayers $6 billion, slashing the list prices of the first ten drugs by 38 to 79 percent. Amidst negotiations, the Biden-Harris administration has also successfully fended off lawsuit after lawsuit from big drug companies and their allies seeking to ban Medicare from negotiating lower drug prices.
  • Cap drug costs for seniors. Under the Inflation Reduction Act, Part D plans are required to cap annual out-of-pocket spending to $2,000 starting this year, giving more than 50 million Americans with Medicare Part D more reassurance and financial stability. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, this particularly helps seniors with serious conditions like cancer and Multiple Sclerosis. Seniors will also continue to save on insulin and vaccines.
  • Cut insulin costs. The Inflation Reduction Act capped insulin prices at no more than $35 starting January 2023 — saving seniors up to $1,500 annually. In response to calls from President Biden, the three largest insulin manufacturers announced $35 monthly out-of-pocket cost caps, lowering costs of about 90 percent of the insulin on the market.
  • Provide free vaccines for seniors. Millions of Americans enrolled in Medicare Part D have access to covered vaccines, such as shingles and Tdap, at no cost. HHS found that over 10 million people on Medicare received a free vaccine thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act.
  • Lower health insurance premiums for millions of Americans. The American Rescue plan lowered costs for millions by increasing financial assistance for people who buy coverage on their own and making financial assistance more widely available to middle-class families, ensuring people purchasing coverage through the ACA marketplaces will not pay more than 8.5 percent of their income for coverage. The Inflation Reduction Act carried on those provisions, and families continue to save an average of $2,400 a year on their health insurance premiums.
  • Cap the amount of money families pay for health insurance. The Inflation Reduction Act ensures families pay no more than 8.5 percent of their income towards coverage.
  • Eliminate premiums for low-wage workers. The Inflation Reduction Act and American Rescue Plan ensured no American with an income at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty level buying their coverage on the Marketplace will pay a premium.
  • Provide extra savings for low-income seniors. The Inflation Reduction Act expanded the Medicare Extra Help program, and the Biden-Harris administration announced investments in helping up to 3 million eligible seniors and people with disabilities enroll in the Extra Help program in 2023 to benefit from the program’s lower cost premiums, deductibles, and copayments.
  • Expand coverage and build on public health emergency continuous coverage protections. The American Rescue Plan provided robust financial incentives for the states that have not yet implemented Medicaid expansion. 
  • Create a pathway to coverage for new mothers. The American Rescue Plan called on states to extend postpartum coverage under Medicaid from two months to a full year following pregnancy, when most negative health outcomes occur.

Safeguarding and Building on The Affordable Care Act

“This Is A Big F*cking Deal:” Then-Vice President Biden Championed The Affordable Care Act. In 2010, the Obama-Biden administration and Democrats in Congress passed the landmark Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, transforming the American health care system. The ACA cemented protections for more than 100 million Americans with pre-existing conditions, expanded Medicaid coverage to about 21 million people, and established affordable health care marketplaces now providing quality coverage for nearly 24 million people who buy insurance on their own. Then-Vice President Joe Biden championed the bill, telling then-President Obama, “This is a big f*cking deal.” Not only did President Biden champion the law, but he worked to strengthen it and protect it from Republican attacks: 

  • President Biden opened a Special Enrollment Period, allowing millions of Americans to enroll in affordable coverage. Just days into his presidency, President Biden issued an executive order reopening for a special enrollment period to help Americans gain coverage as they continue to suffer from the health and economic impacts of the pandemic. 2.8 million Americans enrolled during the Special Enrollment Period (SEP), with particularly large increases in enrollment for Hispanic, Black, and American Indian and Alaska Native people. 
  • President Biden defended the ACA from lawsuits seeking to dismantle all or part of the law. Less than a month into his Presidency, President Biden defended the Affordable Care Act in California v. Texas, the lawsuit before the Supreme Court to completely dismantle the law. The Biden-Harris administration has also defended a major provision of the ACA that requires no-cost coverage of lifesaving preventive health care services in Braidwood Management v. Becerra.
  • President Biden rolled back the Trump administration’s efforts to undermine the ACA and revoke consumer protections. In his first days in office, President Biden directed federal agencies to re-examine Trump-era policies that undermine the ACA. His administration has since taken steps to revoke Trump administration actions undermining the ACA’s consumer protections. In March 2024, the Biden-Harris administration issued a final rule to protect consumers and limit short-term junk plans that do not need to cover pre-existing conditions, often use deceptive marketing practices, and leave American families with staggering medical bills. In April 2024, the Biden-Harris administration issued a final rule under Section 1557 of the ACA to advance health care protections against discrimination on the basis of race, color, natural origin, sex, age, and disability. That same month, the Biden-Harris administration also reversed a Trump-era regulation allowing insurance companies to sell junk plans known as association health plans.
  • President Biden invested millions in ACA outreach. The Biden-Harris administration made historic investments in outreach, announcing $500 million in grants over the next five years for the Navigators program. The program plays a key role in helping people across the country sign up for health care coverage through ACA marketplace plans.
  • President Biden launched executive actions strengthening building on the ACA by protecting people with pre-existing conditions and making it easier for low-income enrollees. The Biden-Harris administration announced new executive actions to lower health care costs and protect people with pre-existing conditions. The new actions eliminate surprise medical bills and limit junk insurance plans that do not need to cover people with pre-existing conditions like asthma, cancer, and diabetes. In April 2024, the administration also announced new policies to strengthen the ACA, making it easier for low-income Americans to enroll in coverage, increasing access to routine adult dental services, and setting standards for the time and distance people need to travel for appointments for in-network providers. 
  • President Biden expanded affordable health care to DACA recipients under the ACA. In May 2024, the Biden-Harris administration finalized a policy to expand affordable health care to DACA recipients through the ACA. CMS estimates that this rule could lead to 100,000 previously uninsured DACA gaining coverage. 
  • During this enrollment period, a record-breaking 24 million Americans have signed up for affordable health care through ACA marketplaces so far. Last year, the Biden-Harris administration announced that a record 21.3 million Americans have signed up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplaces – over nine million more than when President Biden took office. 80 percent of enrollees were also able to find a health plan through the Marketplace for $10 or less per month thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act lowering health insurance premiums. So far this year, 24 million Americans have already signed up for coverage through the ACA marketplaces and there is still time left to enroll.
  • President Biden fixed the “family glitch,” expanding ACA marketplace eligibility to over one million Americans. In October 2022, the Biden-Harris administration issued a final rule to fix the “family glitch,” which blocked millions of families from accessing affordable coverage through the ACA marketplaces – expanding coverage and lowering health care costs for more than one million Americans.

Strengthening and Protecting Medicaid and Medicare

President Biden Has Worked To Strengthen and Protect Medicaid and Medicare. Throughout his Presidency, President Biden has made protecting and strengthening Medicaid and Medicare – which cover hundreds of millions of Americans – a cornerstone of his health agenda. During his tenure, President Biden has:

  • Protected Medicaid from budget cuts.
  • Cracked down on Trump’s disastrous paperwork requirements.
  • Pushed to make it easier for millions of eligible people to enroll in Medicaid, reducing red tape and simplifying applications, verifications, enrollment, and renewals for health care coverage through Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
  • Signed legislation guaranteeing 12-month continuous coverage for kids on Medicaid and CHIP and announced a rule standardizing enrollment and renewal processes nationwide. The rule also applied consumer protections from the ACA to Medicaid and CHIP enrollees, like banning lifetime limits and waiting periods.
  • Fought to protect people on Medicaid from disenrollment. In September 2023, the Biden-Harris announced that nearly 500,000 children and adults who were improperly disenrolled from Medicaid and CHIP would regain their coverage thanks to their actions. 
  • Established national Medicaid and CHIP standards for patient wait times and travel distance, ensuring that people who rely on Medicaid have meaningful access to health care services including primary care, behavioral health and substance use disorder services, and OB/GYN care. The Biden-Harris administration also announced minimum staffing standards at nursing homes to promote safety and high-quality care for 1.2 million seniors and people with disabilities. 
  • Pushed for prescription drug transparency in Medicaid. 
  • Cracked down on Medicare Advantage plan providers publishing misleading ads.

Lowering Costs and Improving Health Care

President Biden Has Fought To Lower Drug Costs, Including Inhalers. In December 2023, the Biden-Harris administration announced plans to lower prices for certain high-priced medicines by developing a policy for using federal “march-in rights” to license drugs to other manufacturers who could sell them for less in order to stop price gouging and boost competition between drug manufacturers to lower prices for patients. That same month, the Biden-Harris administration announced a new policy to ensure the best value for taxpayers by establishing a fair pricing standard for medical products purchased by the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response. In March 2024, President Biden hosted an event to celebrate lower inhaler costs following the FTC’s recent crackdown on drug companies that use improper patents to keep the price of inhalers too high. In response, two drugmakers have capped out-of-pocket costs for some top-selling inhalers at $35 per month. 

President Biden Has Fought To Improve Health Equity and Access to Health Care. President Biden has taken steps during his presidency to address health inequities, issuing several executive orders and new agency rules. On his first day in office, President Biden signed an executive order calling for the federal government to advance an ambitious, whole-of-government equity agenda. In April 2022, he signed another executive order focused on continued efforts to expand access to affordable, quality health coverage, and in February 2023, President Biden signed a new executive order aiming to strengthen and reaffirm the administration’s commitment to deliver equity. In September 2023, the Biden-Harris administration released a historic proposed rule that strengthens prohibitions against discrimination for people with disabilities in any program or activity receiving funding from HHS.

President Biden Has Worked Tirelessly To Address Maternal Health. President Biden has worked to address the maternal mortality crisis and invest in maternal health. In June 2022, the Biden-Harris administration released a whole-of-government blueprint for combating maternal mortality and morbidity. In March 2024, President Biden signed an executive order directing federal agencies to prioritize women’s health research, including studying conditions like menopause, arthritis, and heart disease and in April 2024, the Biden-Harris administration invested $105 million in funding to support more than 100 community-based organizations working to improve maternal and infant health.

President Biden Has Prioritized Reproductive Health Care As MAGA Republicans Rolled Out Abortion Bans and Pushed For Limited Contraception Access. In the wake of the MAGA Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade and rolling back nearly 50 years of abortion protections, President Biden has made protecting reproductive health care a top priority. Following the Dobbs v. Jackson decision, President Biden signed an Executive Order seeking to protect access to reproductive health care services and defend women’s fundamental rights. He has issued executive orders strengthening access to affordable contraception and family planning services and rolling back Trump’s gag rule barring family planning providers from mentioning abortion to patients to receive Title X funding. The Biden-Harris administration also recently released new guidance reminding state Medicaid agencies that they must ensure enrollees have access to comprehensive family planning services.

Senator Wyden Vows to Bring “Receipts” to RFK Jr.’s Confirmation Hearing

Last night, Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden discussed RFK Jr.’s upcoming confirmation hearing on MSNBC, saying that Democrats will bring “the receipts” on his dangerous anti-vaccine positions and the threat he would pose to Americans’ health care as Secretary of HHS. According to Senate Finance Chair Mike Crapo, RFK Jr.’s confirmation hearing could take place during the last week of January. 

For years, Kennedy has fueled disinformation and conspiracy theories about vaccinations that have had deadly consequences. He has been a leading anti-vaccine voice for decades, spreading false information about vaccines and autism that led to a full-blown measles outbreak in Samoa that killed 83 people, primarily infants and children. However, on his whirlwind media tour across Capitol Hill, he has claimed that he’s “never been anti-vaccine.” But we have the receipts: 

Watch Protect Our Care’s video on RFK Jr.’s comments here. 

  1. There’s no vaccine that is safe and effective.” [Lex Fridman Podcast #388, ‘Robert F. Kennedy Jr: CIA, Power, Corruption, War, Freedom, and Meaning’, 7/6/23, VIDEO]
  2. “Our job is to resist and to talk about it to everybody…I see somebody on a hiking trail carrying a little baby and I say to him, ‘Better not get him vaccinated.’ And he heard that from me. If he hears it from 10 other people, maybe he won’t do it…” [The Way Forward with Alec Zeck, ‘HFfH: The State of Health Freedom with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’, 9/3/21, AUDIO]

  3. “I do believe that autism comes from vaccines.” [Fox News, ‘Jesse Watters Primetime’, 7/10/23, VIDEO]
  4. “They’re trying to get at your baby. And force him to take their vaccines. And give him a lifetime dependency.” [Speech, Texans for Vaccine Choice Rally in Austin, Texas, 5/4/19]
  5. They get the shot, that night they have a fever of a hundred and three, they go to sleep, and three months later their brain is gone. This is a holocaust, what this is doing to our country.” [Speech, ‘Trace Amounts’ Screening in Sacramento, California, 4/7/15]
  6. “The COVID shots are a crime against humanity.” [Robert F. Kennedy Jr., X, 12/12/22]
  7. “The digitalized economy? We get rid of cash and coins. We give you a chip. We put all your money in your chip. If you refuse a vaccine, we turn off the chip and you starve!” [RFK Jr., Instagram via Forbes, 8/15/20]
  8. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.” [The New York Post, 7/23/23]
  9. “[5G] causes cancer. It causes DNA dysfunction. It penetrates the blood-brain barrier. It’s making our children stupider and sicker.” [The Globe and Mail (Canada), 11/11/20]
  10. “I do not believe that infectious disease is an enormous threat to human health.” [The Joe Rogan Experience, ‘#1999 – Robert Kennedy, Jr.’ 6/15/23, AUDIO]
  11. “We’re going to give drug development and infectious disease a break. A little break, a little bit of a break for about eight years.” [TikTok Town Hall, 6/20/24, VIDEO]

TODAY: Experts and Lawmakers Join Protect Our Care Maine to Discuss How RFK Jr.’s HHS Nomination Poses a Serious Threat to American Health Care


If RFK Jr. is Appointed to Lead HHS, Mainers’ Health and Well-Being Will Be on the Line

AUGUSTA, MAINE – Today, Tuesday, January 14, health care experts and State Representatives will join Protect Our Care Maine to sound the alarm on Donald Trump’s nomination of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary. Speakers will discuss the danger he poses to Mainers’ health and the country’s health care system if he is confirmed. In the wake of his nomination, RFK Jr. has been on a whirlwind media tour attempting to persuade the public that he is up for the job despite his complete lack of qualifications. His lack of leadership in any role in public health or a government agency and radical views on vaccinations and health care make it clear that RFK Jr. is a threat to Mainers’ health and well-being, and he has absolutely no place leading America’s health care system.

As HHS Secretary, RFK Jr. would prioritize his own interests over the needs of the American people. Not only does he oppose lifesaving vaccinations, but he has also undermined the severity of infectious diseases and plans to gut funding from the FDA and NIH, which will halt progress of essential research on lifesaving drug and vaccine development. Working Maine families deserve access to affordable, high-quality health care and an HHS leader who trusts science and is committed to strengthening public health.


Deborah Deatrick, MPH: Former Senior Vice President for Community Health, MaineHealth, 1997-2019 and former Director of the State Office of Dental Health, MDHHS, 1980-88
State Representative Dan Shagoury: Member of the Health and Human Services Committee
State Representative Anne Graham: Member of the Health and Human Services Committee and retired Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Toby McGrath, Maine State Director for Protect Our Care

WHAT: Press Conference

WHEN: Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 11:30 AM ET

WHERE: Welcome Center, Maine State House, Augusta

HEADLINES: Republicans Are Putting Medicaid “on the Chopping Block” to Fund Tax Breaks For the Wealthy

Republicans Put Health Care for 70 Million Americans in Jeopardy in Order to Fund Tax Breaks for Billionaires and Big Corporations

Republicans are ramping up their threats on health care for more than 70 million Americans as they negotiate a forthcoming budget reconciliation package. Donald Trump and his allies in Congress are not hiding their extreme plans to gut Medicaid, which are featured in their policy priorities for 2025. Instead of protecting health care for millions of families who count on it, Republicans want to give more tax breaks to billionaires. Medicaid is the largest health insurance program in the country, and the consequences of any cuts to Medicaid would touch nearly every household in America. Every community has someone who counts on Medicaid: children, new moms, seniors, and working people who don’t receive health insurance through their employer.


KFF Health News: Trump’s Return Puts Medicaid on the Chopping Block.

  • “House Budget Committee Chair Jodey Arrington (R-Texas) told KFF Health News that Medicaid and other federal entitlement programs need major changes to help cut the federal debt. ‘Without them, we will watch this country sadly enter into fiscal collapse.’ Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas), a member of the Budget Committee, said Congress needs to explore cutting federal spending on Medicaid. ‘You need wholesale reform on the health care front, which can include undoing a lot of the damage being done by the ACA and Obamacare,’ Roy said. ‘Frankly, we could end up providing better service if we do it the right way.’”

HuffPost: Big Cuts To Medicaid Reportedly On The Menu For House Republicans

  • “Republicans have long called for these sorts of changes, arguing that government-financed health care programs are wasteful, put excessive drain on taxpayers and ultimately do more harm than good ― even for people in need… But those arguments have rarely proven persuasive, thanks in no small part to independent projections showing consistently that enacting such policies would effectively strip millions ― maybe even tens of millions ― of Americans of their health insurance.”

Politico: House GOP Puts Medicaid, ACA, Climate Measures on Chopping Block.

  • “Cuts to Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act and the country’s largest anti-hunger program would spark massive opposition from Democrats and would also face some GOP resistance. House Speaker Mike Johnson can’t afford any Republican defections if he wants to pass a package on party lines… The policy menu suggests Republicans could capture major savings from Medicaid — up to an estimated $2.3 trillion. The list includes so-called per-capita caps on Medicaid for states, meaning the program would be paid for based on population instead of being an open-ended entitlement, and would institute work requirements in the program.” 

Common Dreams: ‘Republicans Are Gearing Up for Class War,’ Democrat Warns as GOP Pursues Huge Medicaid Cuts. 

  • The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities warned in an analysis published last week that cuts to federal funding under a per-capita cap “would impose significant strain on states and put millions of people at risk of losing benefits and coverage.”

New Republic: Republicans Plan Deadly Cuts to Government as L.A. Fires Spread.

  • The GOP is aiming to cut $5.7 trillion from the budget over the next 10 years, and is considering cuts to important government services like welfare, climate protections, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act to get there. They then want to use that money to pay for Trump’s draconian immigration plans and tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans, according to Politico. 
  • “The Republican ‘menu’ cuts food and health care for low income people to put more money in the pockets of the rich,” said Aaron Fritschner, deputy chief of staff to Representative Don Beyer. “Even the item names are dystopian: $490B Medicare cut= ‘Strengthen Medicare For Seniors.’ Cutting food for low income people= ‘Ending Cradle-To-Grave Dependence.” 

VA Dogwood: US House Republicans Want to Cut Medicaid. Why That’s Bad News for Virginia.

  • Cutting Medicaid funding and taking away the health care of tens of millions of struggling Americans in the process has long been a Republican goal. Now that Republicans have control of Congress and regained the White House this fall, the threat is even more real for the nearly 2 million people in Virginia on Medicaid.
  • If this trigger law were to go into effect today, it would threaten the health care of more than 600,000 people in Virginia, according to The Commonwealth Institute, a Richmond-based nonpartisan research nonprofit.


Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden (D-OR): “I will be straightforward about what this plan means. Republicans are gearing up for a class war against everyday families in America. This list outlines a plan to increase child hunger, boot tens of millions off their health insurance and lay off hundreds of thousands of clean energy workers to fund tax handouts for the wealthy. It won’t be any consolation to struggling Americans that their hardship allows some rich buddy of Donald Trump’s to buy a bigger yacht.” [Press Release, 1/10/25]

Senate Finance Committee Member Elizabeth Warren (D-MA): “This analysis confirms that working people should be on high alert for Trump’s tax plan that overwhelmingly benefits the wealthy. Republicans in Congress are already scheming how to pay for these billionaire handouts with painful cuts to health care services like Medicaid.” [X, 1/10/25]

Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT): “When Trump talks about Canada or Greenland or Panama it’s just clickbait distraction so we don’t pay attention to his central goal – passing a massive tax cut for his billionaire and corporate friends and paying for it by slashing Medicare and Medicaid.” [X, 1/10/25]

Senator Peter Welch (D-VT): “More Americans than ever before signed up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act this year. This isn’t the time for Republicans to make cuts. We need to work together to expand and build on this vital care program that 45 million Americans rely on.” [X, 1/09/25]

Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-CT-03): “House Republicans are ready to take $5.7 TRILLION from Medicaid, Medicare, the ACA, SNAP, and climate programs—and give it to greedy billionaires and corporations. This plan would jeopardize the health and wealth of millions of Americans.” [X, 1/10/25]

Representative Jerry Nadler (D-NY-12): “Imposing work requirements for Medicaid is not just misguided—it’s cruel. In practice, it fails to create jobs and strips essential healthcare from vulnerable individuals. This isn’t uplifting low-income Americans and forgotten communities; it’s punishing them.” [X, 1/10/25]

Representative Mike Levin (D-CA-49): “House Republicans are back to threatening cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act. This won’t lower costs for Americans. These cuts would only help bankroll Trump’s tax cuts for his billionaire friends and corporate interests.” [X, 1/11/25]

SHOT/CHASER: Senator Cornyn Claimed Kennedy Is Not An Anti-Vaccine Extremist, But We Have The Receipts

Yesterday, Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) pledged his support for RFK Jr. to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, denying his long, documented history of opposing all vaccinations and spreading dangerous misinformation. 

SHOT: Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) Recently Announced His Support For RFK Jr., Stating That He Is, “Not Anti-Vaccine.” After meeting with Kennedy, Sen. Cornyn posted, “Look[ing] forward to working with him, and I intend to support his nomination. Cornyn justified throwing his support behind Kennedy by ignoring his anti-vaccine views: “He told me he is not anti-vaccine, he is pro vaccine safety, which strikes me as a rational position to take

CHASER: In His Own Words: Eight RFK Jr. Quotes Showing He’s A Dangerous, Unhinged Anti-Vaxxer:

  1. There’s no vaccine that is safe and effective. [Lex Fridman Podcast #388, ‘Robert F. Kennedy Jr: CIA, Power, Corruption, War, Freedom, and Meaning’, 7/6/23, VIDEO]
  2. “Our job is to resist and to talk about it to everybody…I see somebody on a hiking trail carrying a little baby and I say to him, ‘Better not get him vaccinated.’ And he heard that from me. If he hears it from 10 other people, maybe he won’t do it…” [The Way Forward with Alec Zeck, ‘HFfH: The State of Health Freedom with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’, 9/3/21, AUDIO]
  3. I do believe that autism comes from vaccines. [Fox News, ‘Jesse Watters Primetime’, 7/10/23, VIDEO]
  4. They’re trying to get at your baby. And force him to take their vaccines. And give him a lifetime dependency. [Speech, Texans for Vaccine Choice Rally in Austin, Texas, 5/4/19]
  5. They get the shot, that night they have a fever of a hundred and three, they go to sleep, and three months later their brain is gone. This is a holocaust, what this is doing to our country.” [Speech, ‘Trace Amounts’ Screening in Sacramento, California, 4/7/15]
  6. The COVID shots are a crime against humanity. [Robert F. Kennedy Jr., X, 12/12/22]
  7. “The digitalized economy? We get rid of cash and coins. We give you a chip. We put all your money in your chip. If you refuse a vaccine, we turn off the chip and you starve!” [RFK Jr., Instagram via Forbes, 8/15/20]
  8. COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese. [The New York Post, 7/23/23]

ROUND UP: Health Care Advocates Across the Nation Tell Republicans “Hands Off Medicaid”

Republicans Want to Slash Health Care and Threaten a Lifeline for Over 72 Million Americans to Fund Tax Breaks for Billionaires

This week, Protect Our Care joined health care advocates and union members for press conferences in California, New York, and Pennsylvania to tell Congress that Medicaid cuts must be off the table as Republicans negotiate a forthcoming budget reconciliation package. Leading Republicans are ramping up threats to cut Medicaid in order to pay for tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. This would mean ripping away health care from millions of families who count on it, including kids, moms, seniors, people of color, rural Americans, workers whose employers don’t provide health insurance, and people with disabilities. Medicaid is the largest health insurance program in the country, providing health care to more than 70 million Americans. The consequences of any cuts to Medicaid would touch nearly every household in America. 


Yesterday, outside the office of Rep. David Valadao (CA-22), SEIU-UHW and health care advocates joined Protect Our Care for a “Hands off Medicaid” rally calling out Republicans’ efforts to gut federal funding for Medicaid, which would force the state to slash benefits and coverage for millions of Californians.


Yesterday, outside the office of Rep. Ken Calvert (CA-41), SEIU-UHW and health care advocates joined Protect Our Care for a “Hands off Medicaid” rally calling out Republicans’ efforts to gut federal funding for Medicaid, which would force the state to slash benefits and coverage for millions of Californians.


Yesterday, outside the office of Rep. Young Kim (CA-40), SEIU-UHW and health care advocates joined Protect Our Care for a “Hands off Medicaid” rally calling out Republicans’ efforts to gut federal funding for Medicaid, which would force the state to slash benefits and coverage for millions of Californians.


Yesterday, outside the office of Rep. Andrew Garbarino (NY-2), 1199SEIU and health care advocates joined Protect Our Care for a “Hands off Medicaid” rally calling out Republicans’ efforts to gut federal funding for Medicaid, which would force the state to slash benefits and coverage for millions of New Yorkers. “I’m out here today in the freezing cold because so many of our seniors depend on Medicaid, but I’m worried about the program’s future,” said Sheike Ward-Kidd, an activities aide at a Long Island nursing home. “Where would my residents go if extremist politicians slashed the program to pay for huge tax cuts for their billionaire donors? Not only would my residents lose access to their healthcare, their medicine, their meals, their activities, their friends and their caregivers, but they would lose the only home they now have if the extremists had their way.”


Yesterday, outside the office of Rep. Mike Lawler (NY-17) 1199SEIU and health care advocates joined Protect Our Care for a “Hands off Medicaid” rally calling out Republicans’ efforts to gut federal funding for Medicaid, which would force the state to slash benefits and coverage for millions of New Yorkers. “We are here today to raise the alarm that federal Medicaid cuts by the incoming administration would have a devastating impact on millions of Americans,” said Milly Silva, Secretary Treasurer of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, which represents 450,000 healthcare workers throughout the East Coast. “It would impact every community, including right here in New York where seven million residents benefit from the Medicaid and CHIP programs. Our message is simple: all elected leaders, regardless of party affiliation, must totally reject any attempts to weaken the Medicaid program.”

  • LoHud: Healthcare Workers Speak Out Against Medicaid Cuts at Mike Lawler’s Office


Yesterday, outside the office of Rep. Nick LaLota (NY-1), 1199SEIU and health care advocates joined Protect Our Care for a “Hands off Medicaid” rally calling out Republicans’ efforts to gut federal funding for Medicaid, which would force the state to slash benefits and coverage for millions of New Yorkers. “We want a future where everyone can get high quality healthcare, no matter their income or where they live. But we will never achieve healthcare justice if we are facing deep and devastating cuts instead,” said Cynthia Ngombe, Healthcare Advocate at the Healthcare Education Project, an initiative of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East and the Greater New York Hospital Association. “We are asking our elected officials to stand with the most vulnerable members of their communities, and keep their hands off Medicaid.”


Yesterday, outside the office of Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01), SEIU and health care advocates joined Protect Our Care for a “Hands off Medicaid” rally calling out Republicans’ efforts to gut federal funding for Medicaid, which would force the state to slash benefits and coverage for millions of Pennsylvanians. “Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress plan to turn their backs on working families by passing a fresh round of tax breaks benefitting billionaires and ultra-wealthy corporations, said Rachele Fortier of the Campaign for a Family Friendly Economy. “They plan to pay for these tax breaks with cuts to care programs like Medicare, Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act, and Head Start. Pennsylvanians need affordable, high-quality child care, home and community-based care for the aging and disabled, and lower costs for their life-saving medications – not another tax break for big corporations and the ultra-wealthy.”


Yesterday, outside the office of Rep. Ryan MacKenzie (PA-07), SEIU and health care advocates joined Protect Our Care for a “Hands off Medicaid” rally calling out Republicans’ efforts to gut federal funding for Medicaid, which would force the state to slash benefits and coverage for millions of Pennsylvanians. “The loss of Medicaid would impact my three-year-old daughter’s physical and emotional health. My daughter suffers from eczema,” said Magdara Pierre, Make the Road PA Allentown Member Leader. “Without health insurance, access to preventive services, such as vaccines and regular checkups, her health is compromised. This could increase the risk that preventable diseases that are not detected in time, which could lead to more serious complications.”


Yesterday, outside UFCW 1776, SEIU and health care advocates joined Protect Our Care for a “Hands off Medicaid” rally calling out Republicans’ efforts to gut federal funding for Medicaid, which would force the state to slash benefits and coverage for millions of Pennsylvanians.

ROUNDUP: Hawaii Gov. Josh Green Visits Capitol Hill, Raising Alarm About RFK Jr.

Protect Our Care Also Held a Day of Action With a Digital Ad Campaign, Mobile Billboard, and Distribution of Report on RFK Jr.’s Deadly Visit to Samoa

Watch Wednesday’s press conference here.

Yesterday, Hawaii Governor Josh Green held a press conference with Representatives Ami Bera, Kim Schrier, Lauren Underwood, and Herb Conaway to raise awareness about RFK Jr.’s role in a devastating measles outbreak in Samoa and warn of the danger he poses if confirmed as HHS secretary. Throughout the week, Governor Green has been meeting with senators to discuss his firsthand experience in Samoa. Protect Our Care’s “Stop RFK War Room” also held a day of action featuring digital ad campaign, a mobile billboard circling Capitol Hill, distribution of a report on RFK Jr.’s deadly visit to Samoa

In 2019, RFK Jr. visited the island nation of Samoa to spread anti-vaccination conspiracy theories, which led to the deaths of 83 people, primarily infants and children. To this day, he refuses to take responsibility and continues to oppose lifesaving vaccines, saying he “does not believe that infectious disease is an enormous threat to human health.” Governor Green visited Samoa in 2019 to help vaccinate over 37,000 people and saw firsthand how RFK Jr.’s vaccine misinformation contributed to the deaths, which he described in detail in a New York Times opinion piece this week. Combined with his complete lack of experience in management, RFK Jr. is completely unfit to lead HHS.


HuffPost: Hawaii Gov: RFK Jr.’s Anti-Vax Misinformation Left Dozens Of Kids Dead In Samoa.

  • This is an absolute life-or-death decision that the Senate … and frankly the incoming president is poised to make over our future,” Green, who is also a physician, said at a Capitol Hill press conference with other lawmakers who are medical professionals.
  • “This would not have been necessary, if not for an interloper named Robert F. Kennedy,” Green said Wednesday. “He stopped a week after we did the vaccination program.”

Washington Post: Advocates Hold ‘Day of Action’ on Capitol Hill to Protest RFK Jr.

  • Protect Our Care, a Democrat-aligned advocacy group, took new steps Wednesday to highlight public health leaders’ concerns about Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whom President-elect Donald Trump has selected to serve as the nation’s top health official. The group deployed a mobile billboard, circling Capitol Hill, that plays a video that highlights Kennedy’s record of questioning vaccines and warns of the risks to Americans if he is confirmed to lead the Department of Health and Human Services.
  • Hawaii Gov. Josh Green (D), a physician who responded to Samoa’s measles outbreak, is also on Capitol Hill this week to meet with senators and share his story of caring for measles-afflicted children. Green is scheduled Wednesday to deliver remarks castigating Kennedy, joined by Rep. Kim Schrier (D-Washington), a fellow physician, and other congressional Democrats with health-care backgrounds.

Fox News: Physician Governor Urges Capitol Hill to Block RFK Jr.’s Confirmation: ‘Our Children’s Lives Depend on It.’

  • “As the only physician governor, I need to explain what are good picks and what maybe aren’t so good picks for the cabinet,” Green said in a video ahead of his planned trip to Washington, noting that his lobbying against Kennedy is not anything personal or politically motivated. “[RFK Jr’s] appointment to be the head of Health and Human Services is not consistent with safety for our children,” he said. 
  • “Too much depends on our commitment to truth and the lifesaving power of vaccines to entrust Mr. Kennedy with the direction of these programs. Our children’s lives depend on it,” Green wrote.

Politico: Democratic Doctors in the House Condemn RFK Jr., Plan New Caucus. 

  • The lawmakers said Kennedy’s anti-vaccine activism was “beyond irresponsible” and “should disqualify” him to lead HHS in a press conference on Wednesday, suggesting a Kennedy confirmation would cause more to die of preventable diseases, referencing Kennedy longstanding efforts to discourage vaccination. Schrier joined Reps. Ami Bera (D-Calif.), Herb Conaway (D-N.J.) and Hawaii Gov. Josh Green, all physicians, as well as Rep. Lauren Underwood (D-Ill.), a registered nurse, to publicly oppose Kennedy’s confirmation.

Roll Call: Hawaii Governor Sounds Alarm Over RFK Jr.’s Stance on Vaccines.

  • “I know there are friends and family saying, hey, maybe we’ll finally break through on Big Pharma and this and that,” Green said. “It won’t even matter if we have massive outbreaks of measles, mumps, rubella, polio and meningitis.”
  • Rep. Kim Schrier, D-Wash., a pediatrician who joined Green at a news conference on Kennedy along with other Democratic members who have worked as health care providers, said she “could not agree more” about the importance of diet and exercise. But she added that that shouldn’t take away from the importance of getting immunized. “Sowing this doubt in the minds of parents and the citizens of this country should disqualify Robert Kennedy Jr. from this job,” she said. 

Kent Reporter: Schrier Speaks in Support of Vaccines and Against RFK Jr.

  • “Sowing needless doubt in the minds of parents and the citizens of this country should disqualify Robert Kennedy Jr. from this job. Make no mistake: stoking vaccine hesitancy will lead to deaths. We are here to let the incoming Trump Administration and the Senate know that we believe RFK Jr. is not only unqualified for this role but would be dangerous to the nation and to the rest of the world.”

The Hill: Hawaii Governor: RFK Jr. ‘Could Actually Damage the Health of Our Nation Terribly’

  • Hawaii Gov. Josh Green (D) warned that President-elect Trump’s nomination of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to serve as secretary of Health and Human Services could “damage” the nation’s health.
  • The Hawaiian governor, who is a doctor, said Kennedy in Samoa promoted “misinformation” and “torpedoed” the vaccination program. Afterward, measles cases increased by 5,000, which totaled 83 deaths, mostly children, Green said.

NBC News: More Than 15,000 Doctors Sign Letter Urging Senate to Reject RFK Jr. As Health Secretary

  • The liberal nonprofit group Protect Our Care, which advocates to preserve the Affordable Care Act, also launched a campaign this week with a report and digital ads highlighting Kennedy’s 2019 trip to Samoa before a measles outbreak that killed 83 people, most of them children. This week, Hawaii Gov. Josh Green, a physician, wrote in The New York Times that vaccine misinformation spread by Kennedy played a role in Samoa’s outbreak and warned that appointing him at the Department of Health and Human Services would jeopardize public health.
  • Green appeared alongside members of Congress with backgrounds in public health Wednesday at a news conference opposing Kennedy organized by 314 Action, a progressive political action committee dedicated to electing scientists.  

Politico: Second Sales Pitch

  • House Democrats and one governor are trying to pressure their Senate colleagues to vote against Kennedy, with some suggesting the confirmation vote is a “life-or-death decision.”
  • That’s how Hawaii Gov. Josh Green, a doctor, has put it to lawmakers this week in an effort to derail a Kennedy nomination. On Wednesday, Green joined House Democrats who are also clinicians to plead with senators — and Trump himself — to abandon his choice of Kennedy.

STATEMENT: Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Senator Tammy Baldwin, and Representative Lauren Underwood Introduce Health Care Affordability Act To Stop Republican Premium Hikes for Working Families

Republicans in Congress Want to Take Away Livesaving Tax Credits and Raise Health Care Costs on Working People in Order to Fund Tax Breaks for the Ultra-Wealthy

Washington, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), and Rep. Lauren Underwood (D-IL) reintroduced the Health Care Affordability Act, legislation to stop premium hikes by extending the enhanced premium tax credits that have been in effect since 2021. This comes as a record 24 million Americans have enrolled in affordable health care through the Affordable Care Act. Republicans in Congress are pushing to raise health care costs for millions of working families in order to fund more tax breaks for billionaires and big companies. In response, Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement:

“Senator Shaheen, Senator Baldwin, Representative Underwood, and Democrats in Congress are taking a critical step to fight Republican premium hikes and protect affordable health care for millions of Americans. If Republicans succeed in taking away these tax credits, health care costs will increase by an average of $2,400 for working families, and five million people will lose their health care altogether. Instead of protecting middle-class families against higher health care costs, Republicans are working to line the pockets of their billionaire friends like Elon Musk. Hardworking families are depending on Congress to act now to protect Americans against higher health insurance costs.”

HEADLINES: Nearly 24 Million Enroll In Health Care Through The Affordable Care Act — An All-Time High

Health Care Coverage Through The ACA Continues To Hit New Highs As Republican Threats Loom

As the end of Open Enrollment nears, the Biden-Harris administration announced that nearly 24 million people have enrolled in health insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for 2025 so far – already shattering last year’s record of 21.4 million enrollees, with 3.2 million new enrollees. ACA enrollment has more than doubled since Trump’s first term in office. Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act’s tax credits that lower premium costs, 80 percent of people can find a health plan through the Marketplace for $10 or less per month. Taking away these tax credits would increase premiums, and result in millions losing their health care.

It is up to Republicans to stop premium hikes. With a Republican trifecta set to take power by the end of the month and so many enrolled in affordable coverage, the Republican threat to affordable health care looms large. Not only do Republicans want to take away tax credits for working families, but they are revisiting additional policies to raise costs, undermine the ACA, and take away protections for people with pre-existing conditions — all to give billions in tax breaks to billionaires. While in office, Trump attempted to repeal the ACA and was just one vote short in 2017. Under his first administration, Trump and his GOP allies did everything in their power to sabotage the ACA, resulting in millions of Americans losing their health insurance coverage and drug prices skyrocketing. 

The New York Times: Obamacare Enrollment Hits Record Ahead Of Trump’s Return. “… gains have been driven in part by major federal subsidies that helped shave the cost of premiums across income groups… In a statement, Mr. Biden called on Congress to ‘double down on the progress we have made’ by extending them.” [The New York Times, 1/8/25]

CNN: Obamacare Signups Near A Record 24 Million, Almost Double Than When Trump Was Last In Office. “Obamacare coverage has exploded in popularity during President Joe Biden’s term, fueled by more generous federal subsidies, heightened outreach and an easier enrollment process. Nearly 24 million people have signed up for Affordable Care Act plans for 2025 so far, and more are expected to choose policies before open enrollment ends on January 15 in most states, the administration announced Wednesday. This includes almost 3.2 million new consumers and more than 20.4 million returning ones. […] Roughly 12 million people signed up for 2021 coverage during the final open enrollment period of President-elect Donald Trump’s first term, when he unsuccessfully vowed to kill the landmark health reform law and took multiple steps to make Obamacare less attractive and accessible. But the enrollment gains are at risk: The enhanced federal premium subsidies, which were put in place when Democrats controlled Congress earlier in Biden’s term, are set to expire at the end of 2025. It will be up to Trump and the Republican-led Congress to decide whether to extend them.” [CNN, 1/8/25]

ABC News: Record 24 Million Enroll In Affordable Care Act Health Insurance As Biden’s Term Ends, White House Says. “The 2025 enrollment figure is buoyed by 3.2 million new consumers compared to last year, the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services said… ‘That means that enrollment has nearly doubled since I took office,’ President Joe Biden said in a statement. ‘That’s no coincidence. When I took office, I made a promise to the American people that I would bring down the cost of health care and prescription drugs, make signing up for coverage easier, and strengthen the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, and Medicaid.’” [ABC News, 1/8/25]

The Hill: Biden Administration Achieves Fourth Record-Breaking ACA Enrollment Ahead Of Exit. “The Biden administration has achieved a fourth consecutive record year in Marketplace enrollment, one week before the final sign-up deadline and its imminent exit from office… The past four years of record-breaking enrollment have been credited to enhanced subsidies first passed by the American Rescue Plan Act in 2021 and extended by the Inflation Reduction Act through the end of 2025.” [The Hill, 1/8/25]

USA Today: Biden Touts Record Obamacare Signups, Urges Congress To Extend Subsidies. “Nearly 24 million consumers have picked an Affordable Care Act health insurance plan for 2025, breaking last year’s record enrollment, even though consumers have another week to sign up for coverage this year, Biden administration officials announced Wednesday. The number of signups this year surpassed last year’s record of 21.4 million people. And consumers have through Jan. 15 to select a health insurance plan from the federal marketplace,, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. The record signups have been buoyed by the generous subsidies Congress passed during the COVID-19 pandemic, but outgoing Biden administration officials warned there’s no guarantee they’ll be extended beyond the end of this year.” [USA Today, 1/8/25]

United Press International: Affordable Care Act 2025 Enrollment Hits Record At Nearly 24 Million. “He said when he took office he promised the American people that he ‘would bring down the cost of health care and prescription drugs, make signing up for coverage easier, and strengthen the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, and Medicaid.’ Biden said his administration delivered on that promise.” [United Press International, 1/8/25]

Florida Phoenix: Florida Leads The Nation (Again) In Obamacare Enrollment. “More than 4.6 million Florida residents enrolled in an Obamacare plan through the “Marketplace” for 2025 health insurance coverage. Data released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services show that 4,633,650 residents signed up for insurance coverage through the Marketplace by the end of 2024. Nationally, CMS reports that 23.6 million people enrolled for 2025 coverage, including 3.2 million new consumers. Total enrollment is record-breaking, CMS said in a statement. Four insurance companies and 12 health maintenance organizations (HMOs) are participating in the Florida Marketplace, the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation website shows. HMO coverage is regional and people must live in the area an HMO is authorized to operate in to enroll in the managed care plan.” [Florida Phoenix, 1/8/25]

Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Georgia ACA Health Insurance Enrollment Surges Again, To 1.5 Million. “More than 200,000 new Georgians have been added to the Affordable Care Act health insurance rolls this year, for a total of more than 1.5 million. The increase over last year’s 1.3 million marks a new record, in line with increases nationwide, White House officials said Tuesday. The deadline to sign up for 2025 coverage is January 15. Nationwide, more than 3 million new shoppers bought ACA plans. The ACA marketplace now insures a total of 23 million Americans.” [Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 1/8/25]