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House Republicans Push Meaningless ‘Health Care’ Bills Ahead of Recess

By July 20, 2018No Comments

House To Consider Package of Legislation that Fix None of the Health Care Problems They’ve Created, While Giving More Tax Cuts to the Wealthy


Washington, DC – Following the announcement from Leader Kevin McCarthy that next week will be “health care week” in the chamber that gloated about repealing protections for people with pre-existing conditions, jacking up premiums and reducing coverage, Brad Woodhouse, executive director of Protect Our Care released the following statement:

“Here’s what the Republican so-called ‘health care’ agenda has done: raised premiums, gutted protections for people with pre-existing conditions and handed billions of dollars in tax breaks to insurance companies and drug companies while they jacked up costs and raked in record profits. Republicans know that when they face their constituents this fall, they will be facing a political mess of their own making. Next week is a year to the day that Americans rose up to defeat health care repeal in the Senate, and all this time later, poll after poll shows health care to still be the top issue for American voters. These bills do nothing to fix the problems they created and are an obvious attempt to create political cover they know they desperately need. These bills are designed to distract from the fact that every chance they get, Republicans vote to repeal protections for people with pre-existing conditions, jack up premiums, reduce coverage and give kickbacks to insurance companies, drug companies and the wealthy.”