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ADVISORY: Protect Our Care Hosts Press Calls Today in Seven States

By January 10, 2019No Comments

Local Experts Offer Analysis On House GOP Vote to Repeal the ACA And Gut Protections for People with Pre-Existing Conditions


Washington DC — Representatives Diana DeGette, Ed Perlmutter, and Tom O’Halleran will join Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse in press calls today across the country to discuss a resolution passed by House Democrats on Wednesday that authorizes House Counsel to intervene in the Texas, et. al. vs. United States, et. al. lawsuit to defend the Affordable Care Act and its protections.

The resolution comes after a new poll from Public Policy Polling (PPP) for Protect Our Care found that more than half of voters oppose the recent court decision striking down the Affordable Care Act and sixty-nine percent of voters say it’s a major concern to them that the court case would eliminate protections for pre-existing conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, and asthma.

Below is the schedule of calls today (all times in EST):

10AM EST Maine: 877-229-8493; Pin: 114927

  • State Rep. Anne Perry, nurse practitioner
  • Rebecca London, state director of Protect Our Care Maine
  • Ron Green, former firefighter and Mainer

11AM EST North Carolina: 877-229-8493; Pin: 118274

  • Brad Woodhouse, Executive Director of Protect Our Care
  • State Senator Wiley Nickel (SD-16)
  • Tara Romano, Executive Director of NARAL North Carolina
  • Montica Talmadge, North Carolinian with a pre-existing condition

12PM EST Ohio: 877-229-8493; Pin: 118275

  • Zach Klein, Columbus City Attorney who filed suit against the Trump Administration to enforce the ACA
  • Danny O’Connor, attorney and Franklin County Recorder
  • Ethan Kissock, Ohioan with pre-existing condition

1PM EST Iowa: 877-229-8493; Pin: 118276

  • State Representative Beth Wessel-Kroeschell (HD-45)
  • Robin Stone, health care professional and advocate
  • Melissa Zapata, Des Moines University medical student

2:30 PM ET Colorado: 877-229-8493; Pin: 118277

  • Congresswoman Diana DeGette
  • Congressman Ed Perlmutter
  • Adam Fox, Colorado Consumer Health  Initiative

3:30 PM ET Arizona: 877-229-8493; Pin: 118278

  • Congressman Tom O’Halleran, Arizona’s 1st Congressional District
  • Toni Bannister, two-time cancer survivor
  • Morgan Tucker, Protect Our Care Arizona

4:30 PM ET Alaska: 877-229-8493; Pin: 118279

  • Alyse Galvin, health care advocate and former congressional candidate
  • Susanna Orr, Alaskan whose husband benefited from pre-existing conditions protections
  • David D’Amato, health care policy expert
  • Amber Lee, Protect Our Care Alaska