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NEW AD: Protect Our Care Launches National TV Ad on the Urgent Need for Biden’s American Rescue Plan

By January 26, 2021No Comments

President Biden’s Plan Will Put Pandemic Response Back on Track After Trump’s Failure to Act

Washington, DC — Protect Our Care announced a new TV ad today praising President Biden’s American Rescue Plan. The national cable ad, “Rescue” will start this week. The ad details the current coronavirus crisis left by Trump, the actions President Biden is trying to take to get the pandemic under control. The ad calls on Congress to take action to get Americans the relief they so desperately need.

Watch: “Rescue”

“The Trump administration left President Biden with the coronavirus crisis careening out of control. Cases, hospitalizations and deaths are spiraling, and the economic consequences are worsening,” said Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach. “Biden is doing everything he can to address the crisis, using every tool available to the administration, but these measures alone won’t be enough to crush the virus and get America’s economy back on track. Congress must pass Biden’s rescue package immediately to get Americans the critical resources they need to fight the virus and get back to work.”

The American Rescue Plan includes direct stimulus for American families, expansion of unemployment benefits, state and local aid designed to keep first responders on the job, crucial funding for vaccine distribution and testing efforts and help for millions who can’t afford health insurance. These provisions, when paired with the rest of the Biden administration’s efforts to drastically scale up the nation’s pandemic response, will lay the foundation to finally get this public health crisis under control.