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ROUNDUP: President Biden and Representative Spanberger Urge Congress to Get Build Back Better Over the Finish Line for Lower Drug Prices

By February 10, 2022No Comments

Today, President Biden joined U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger (D-VA-07) in Virginia to stress Democrats’ commitment to passing the Build Back Better Act’s critical provisions to lower prescription drug costs. President Biden emphasized the importance of delivering relief to families who are struggling to make ends meet, noting that “everyone has less money in their pockets today because of high drug costs.” Build Back Better gives Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, caps seniors’ out-of-pocket costs, holds drug companies accountable for excessive price increases, and limits insulin copays to $35 per month for people with insurance. During the event, Rep. Spanberger and President Biden urged the Senate to move quickly to pass the historic legislation. 

Richmond Times-Dispatch: Biden, With Spanberger In Culpepper, Urges Lower Prescription Drug Prices. “President Joe Biden visited a heavily Republican rural stronghold in Virginia on Thursday to join Rep. Abigail Spanberger, D-7th, to push Congress  to take action on proposals to reduce the price of insulin and other prescription drugs… The $1.75 trillion package stalled in the Senate this year after failing to win support of all 50 Democrats necessary to pass the bill in the evenly divided chamber. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., said he was unwilling to support such a large spending package with inflation rising, but he signaled he still wants to take action to lower drug prices.” [Richmond Times-Dispatch, 2/10/22]

AP: Biden Puts Focus On Drug Prices In Fight Against Inflation. “President Joe Biden stressed Thursday that his administration’s policies would cut prescription drug prices and make life more affordable for families… Spanberger said she welcomes any effort to lower prescription drug prices and told reporters that the effort was about a broader attempt to reduce inflation.” [AP, 2/10/22]

The Washington Post: Spanberger Joins Biden In Her District To Talk Prescription Drug Costs. “Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.) appeared with President Biden in her district Thursday to speak with him about federal action to lower the cost of prescription drugs, part of Biden’s Build Back Better agenda and one of the congresswoman’s foremost priorities as she heads into a heated reelection campaign.” [The Washington Post, 2/10/22]

The Hill: Biden Calls On Senate To Pass His Agenda To Lower Drug Prices. “President Biden on Thursday called on the Senate to pass his currently-stalled Build Back Better legislation, touting that it would lower prescription drug prices, a popular issue ahead of the midterm elections. Biden traveled to the Virginia district of vulnerable Democratic Rep. Abigail Spanberger, saying that drug prices are “outrageously expensive” and calling for action.” [The Hill, 2/10/22]

Bloomberg: Biden Urges Congress To Pass His Plan To Lower Drug Prices. “President Joe Biden called on lawmakers to pass his plan to lower prescription drugs prices, saying he’s seeking to reduce rising costs faced by families at a time when inflation is surging… Biden’s stalled $2 trillion Build Back Better social spending plan seeks to lower prescription medication costs for people with Medicare and private insurance by allowing the federal government to negotiate the price of some drugs, cap out-of-pocket spending for some Medicare enrollees and limit costs for insulin.” [Bloomberg, 2/10/22]

Spectrum News 1: Biden Pushes For Action On Lowering Drug Costs To ‘Ease The Burden On Working Families.’ “President Joe Biden on Thursday called on Congress to take further action to address the skyrocketing prices of prescription drugs across the country, saying it is far past time to ‘ease the burden on working families.’ ‘In America, we pay the highest prescription drug prices of any nation – developed nation – in the world,’ Biden said Thursday. ‘Everyone has less money in their pockets today because of high drug prices, drug costs and health insurance and it’s more expensive for everyone.’” [Spectrum News 1, 2/10/22]