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ROUNDUP: New Research Shows Historic Drop In Uninsured Rates Among Underserved Communities

By June 7, 2024No Comments

More People Than Ever Have Access To Health Care Coverage Thanks To President Biden and Democrats

This morning, the Biden-Harris administration released new research showing how President Biden and Democrats in Congress have helped more people get health care and stay covered and announced $500 million in grants for the Navigators program over the next five years, which plays a key role in helping people across the country sign up for health care coverage through Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace plans.

A record 21.4 million Americans signed up for coverage through ACA marketplaces for 2024, and this historic investment into the Navigators program will only continue to expand access to affordable plans, particularly in underserved communities. Many communities of color have faced systemic barriers to accessing health care. The new data shows that more people have coverage than ever – including people who haven’t historically had a reliable source of coverage, with uninsured rates among Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Americans falling by nearly two-thirds, nearly halving among Black and Latino Americans, and falling by more than a third for American Indians and Alaska Natives. 

President Biden has worked to rebuild the Navigators program after the Trump administration cut ACA outreach funding by 90 percent, which resulted in as many as 1.1 million fewer people getting covered, and slashed funding for Navigators down to just $10 million, instead encouraging people to sign up for junk plans skirting ACA coverage protections for pre-existing conditions, preventive services, and more. While the Biden administration works to expand affordable health care, MAGA Republicans continue to push a radical health agenda of ripping away coverage from millions of Americans by repealing the ACA. 


  • $500 million in new funding to help people enroll in ACA Marketplace plans over the next five years.
  • The number of uninsured Black Americans dropped by 48 percent thanks to the ACA.
  • The number of uninsured Latinos fell by 45 percent thanks to the ACA.
  • The number of uninsured Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Americans fell by 62 percent thanks to the ACA.
  • The number of uninsured American Indians and Alaska Natives decreased by 38 percent thanks to the ACA.


The New York Times: Minority Groups’ Uninsured Rate Has Plunged in Recent Years, Reports Find.

  • “Uninsured rates among Black, Hispanic, Asian and Native Americans plummeted between 2010 and 2022, according to reports released Friday by the Health and Human Services Department, as more patients gained health coverage from the Affordable Care Act’s marketplaces, Medicaid and employer plans.”
  • “The drops cut significantly into gaps between ethnic groups. The uninsured rate among Black Americans, for example, was almost eight percentage points higher than for white Americans in 2010, and was only four percentage points higher in 2022. The data points to the broad effects of the Affordable Care Act, the landmark law President Barack Obama signed in 2010 that created new state and federal insurance marketplaces and expanded Medicaid to millions of adults. National uninsured rates have continued to drop in recent years, hitting a record low in early 2023.” [The New York Times, 6/7/24]

The Hill: Minority Groups’ Uninsured Rates Plummeted Under Affordable Care Act: Research.

  • “Uninsured rates among minority groups in the U.S. plunged between 2010 and 2022, according to reports released Friday by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The increase in the number of insured people points to the impact of the Affordable Care Act, former President Obama’s signature health law.”
  • “The administration also announced a $500 million investment in the agency’s Navigators program, which aims to promote the ACA and help Americans make sense of coverage options available under the legislation. The $500 million will be issued in grants over the next five years.” [The Hill, 6/7/24]

Politico Pulse: Navigators Get Boost.

  • “HHS said today it’s investing an additional $500 million in its Navigators program, which helps people sign up for insurance on the marketplace or via state Medicaid. The program was created under the Affordable Care Act. The announcement comes as the Biden administration touts record-high enrollment numbers since the ACA was implemented — a cornerstone of the president’s reelection campaign — and points to gains in enrollment among minority communities.”
  • “The $500 million in Navigator funding will be made available in grants over the next five years, HHS said, with the first investment at $100 million. The agency has praised the program for reaching underserved populations.” [Politico, Pulse, Accessed 6/7/24]


HHS Secretary Xavier Beccera: “The Biden-Harris Administration is laser focused on making sure everyone can get health care, regardless of the color of their skin. Today’s data show just how far we have come in reaching Black, Latino, Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, and American Indian and Alaskan Native populations, who are disproportionately uninsured. HHS is doubling down on our efforts by announcing another historic investment in Navigators, helping us continue to reach record enrollment in underserved communities.” [Department of Health and Human Services, Press Release, 6/7/24]

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure: “Behind the historic health equity gains championed by the Biden-Harris Administration are the countless communities we are connecting to health care coverage, often for the first time. The combination of asking the right questions and unprecedented investments in Marketplace outreach will help us better understand the communities we serve, making coverage more attainable than ever for people who are our neighbors, friends, and loved ones.” [Department of Health and Human Services, Press Release, 6/7/24]

White House Domestic Policy Advisor Neera Tanden: “President Biden firmly believes that health care is a right, not a privilege, and is committed to making sure that everyone one of us has the peace of mind that health insurance brings. These reports show that by making health insurance more affordable, more accessible, and easier to sign up for, millions of Americans in underserved communities are now able to access the health care they need and deserve.” [Department of Health and Human Services, Press Release, 6/7/24]

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY): “Big news thanks to Democrats passing the American Rescue Plan!” [Chuck Schumer, X, 6/7/24]