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Washington, D.C. — Yesterday, President Joe Biden ended his reelection campaign, endorsing his Vice President, Kamala Harris, for the Democratic Presidential nomination. 

Over the last four years, President Biden has cemented his legacy as a true health care president. Alongside his Vice President Kamala Harris, President Biden capped the cost of insulin at $35 a month for seniors, lowered prescription drug prices, and reduced premiums for people who purchase coverage through the Affordable Care Act. Thanks to their leadership, more people are covered than ever before. The Biden-Harris administration also beat Big Pharma and gave Medicare the power to negotiate lower prices for some of the most expensive drugs on the market, while also protecting Medicaid and Medicare from Republican attacks and strengthening health care for new moms and kids. In addition, President Biden reignited the Cancer Moonshot program to accelerate progress in cancer research and improve the lives of those affected with new programs, policies, and resources.

Both Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse and Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statements: 

“Joe Biden is a health care president,” said Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach. “By building on the success of the Affordable Care Act and standing up to greedy drug companies, people across the country now have peace of mind knowing they can afford the lifesaving health care they need. Passing historic legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act made a world of difference for our nation’s seniors, people of color, people with disabilities, rural communities, and countless others. History will remember him as one of the most effective presidents and Protect Our Care will continue to carry on his legacy to ensure everyone, regardless of income, has the health care they need.”

“Joe Biden’s health care legacy is a BFD,” said Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse. “He entered office in the midst of a health care crisis inherited from Donald Trump. From day one, the Biden-Harris administration has been a champion for the middle class, fighting tooth and nail to reverse Trump’s health care sabotage and make affordable health care a reality for seniors and families across the nation. In the face of so many attacks on health care from across the aisle, President Biden doubled down on his efforts to lower drug prices, keep premium costs low, expand Medicaid, and put the health and well-being of families first. Millions of people receive better care at a lower cost thanks to President Biden.”