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The Biden-Harris Administration’s Accomplishments vs. the MAGA Republican Agenda

Later tonight, Vice President Harris and Donald Trump will take the stage for a presidential debate of the 2024 election.

From day one, the Biden-Harris administration has fought tooth and nail to lower costs and make affordable health care a reality for seniors and families across the nation. Vice President Harris has fought to expand affordable coverage, lower prescription drug costs, strengthen Medicaid for moms and kids, and reduce inequities in care. On the other hand, Donald Trump and his MAGA allies have vowed to repeal the ACA and Inflation Reduction Act, slash Medicaid and Medicare funding, take away protections for pre-existing conditions, and raise prescription drug and premium costs. Under the MAGA agenda, millions of Americans will lose coverage and costs will skyrocket. The contrast could not be more clear:

The Biden-Harris Administration

Donald Trump

The Affordable Care Act

  • Enrolled a record-breaking 21.4 million Americans in ACA Marketplace plans
  • Allowed four out of five enrollees to find a plan costing $10 or less per month
  • Saved families an average of $2,400 on their premium costs
  • Safeguarded the ACA and expanded protections against junk plans
  • Made historic investments in enrollment outreach through Navigators
  • Harris fought in court to protect the ACA as California Attorney General and a Senator
  • Harris champions the ACA and its requirement that people with pre-existing conditions can’t be denied care or charged more 
  • Tried to repeal the ACA repeatedly
  • Wants to end premium tax credits that make health insurance affordable for 80 percent of people who purchase coverage on their own
  • Tried to sabotage ACA enrollment, making it harder for people to access affordable coverage
  • Would throw 40+ million people off their coverage
  • Wants to end protections for the more than 100 million Americans with pre-existing conditions
  • Would end coverage for adult children who want to stay on their family’s plan until age 26
  • Wants to raise costs for hospitalizations, prescription drugs, maternity care, and more
  • Wants to take away free preventive care 
  • Slashed funding for enrollment outreach and Navigators

Drug Pricing

  • Harris cast the tie-breaking vote to cap insulin costs at $35/month
  • Harris voted to protect seniors from outrageous prescription drug price increases
  • Harris voted to cap seniors’ drug costs at $2,000/year beginning in 2025, saving 19 million people an average of $400
  • Harris voted to give Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices for 80 drugs by 2030
  • Harris took on big drug companies as California Attorney General, recovering nearly $7.2 billion for inflating drug prices and illegal marketing practices 
  • Claimed insulin was as “cheap as water” when it still retailed for $300 a vial
  • Drug prices rose faster than inflation every year of his presidency
  • Would increase prescription drug costs for all Medicare beneficiaries
  • Wants to rip away Medicare’s power to negotiate lower drug prices
  • Signed a $1.5 trillion tax bill benefiting big drug companies by reducing the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent


  • Harris cast the tie-breaking vote for the Inflation Reduction Act, enacting policies that help 67.3 million people on Medicare have lower costs and better medical care.
  • Harris voted to provide free vaccines for seniors
  • Harris voted to expand eligibility for cost assistance for lower-income seniors enrolled in the Medicare Part D Extra Help program
  • Tried to cut hundreds of billions in Medicare funding during his presidency
  • Wants to roll back cost assistance for 400,000 lower-income seniors enrolled in the Medicare Part D Extra Help program 


  • Incentivized states to offer a full 12 months of Medicaid postpartum coverage
  • Incentivized Medicaid expansion to improve health outcomes, support state economies and boost funding for rural hospitals
  • Harris voted to require free vaccines for nearly 81 million Americans on Medicaid
  • Wants to slash funding by nearly $2 trillion
  • Wants to impose burdensome paperwork requirements on working families designed to throw them off their coverage
  • Wants to eliminate Medicaid expansion, which covers about 24 million people.
  • Wants to throw people with disabilities and children off coverage

Other Priorities

  • Strengthened health care for LGBTQI+ individuals, women, children, people of color, rural Americans, and people with disabilities
  • Pressured big drug companies to cap insulin costs at $35 per month, lowering costs for around 90 percent of insulin on the market
  • As Senator and Vice President, Harris has fought to protect reproductive freedom and expand access to contraception, IVF, and abortion care
  • Wants to strip abortion access and end reproductive freedom
  • Wants to expand junk plans providing inadequate health coverage