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Navigator polling released today highlights just how unpopular the Republican agenda on health care is among the American people. MAGA Republicans want to hike prescription drug costs, repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Inflation Reduction Act, cut Medicare and Medicaid, and rip coverage away from people with pre-existing conditions. As they raise costs on the middle class, MAGA Republicans want to give out more tax breaks to the rich and big corporations. This agenda is totally out of step with the American people. Three main takeaways from the results: 

  1. Americans Overwhelmingly Support Medicare Negotiation. Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress want to stop Medicare from negotiating lower drug prices – even as nearly 9 in 10 Americans (88 percent) support Medicare negotiation.
  2. The ACA Remains Widely Popular. While Donald Trump and his Republican allies want to revisit repealing the ACA and its protections for pre-existing conditions, Americans support the ACA by a 34-point margin (59 percent favorable – 25 percent unfavorable).
  3. Americans Want Congress To Prioritize Extending ACA Subsidies Over Extending The 2017 Trump Tax Law. As Republicans work to extend the Trump tax breaks, the poll shows that the tax law is “26 points underwater” with Americans (30 percent support – 56 percent oppose). At the same time, 88 percent support Democrats’ plans to lower health insurance premiums for Americans through the ACA. Per Navigator: “As both the subsidies through the ACA and the Trump tax law are set to expire in 2025, three in five Americans say they would rather Congress prioritize extending ACA subsidies in order to make health care more affordable than to extend the Trump tax law.”