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Republicans on the Energy and Commerce Committee have met to discuss how to rip Medicaid away from millions of Americans so they can hand out $4.6 trillion in tax breaks to their billionaire friends and big corporations, including the CEOs at some of the largest drug and insurance companies.

SHOT: E&C GOP huddles on Medicaid Cuts as Offsets. “House Energy and Commerce Committee Republicans met Tuesday to suss out how changes to Medicaid or other health care measures could be used as offsets in a reconciliation bill. Why it matters: Although no decisions were made, the closed-door discussion showed how controversial cuts to the safety net program are seriously under consideration.” [Axios, 1/15/25]

CHASER: Cuts to Medicaid Will Shift Costs to Families, Providers and Will Be Especially Harmful to Rural Communities. Medicaid – our nation’s health care insurer for the most vulnerable people in society — is at the top of the list for cuts to generate revenue that Republicans are looking for to finance among other things, extending tax cuts which will disproportionately benefit the wealthy.  As the report findings make clear, rural communities are at grave risk if substantial federal cuts are enacted. [Center for Children & Families of the Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy, 1/15/25]