Republicans Have Passed a Budget Resolution Plan to Cut Nearly a Trillion Dollars From Medicaid
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office just confirmed what Democrats have been saying all along – the Republican budget plan forces nearly $1 trillion in cuts to Medicaid, the largest cut in its history. Medicaid provides coverage for over 70 million Americans, especially low-income seniors, children, veterans, people with serious disabilities, and people who take care of their children or elderly parents.
Washington Post: GOP Must Cut Medicaid or Medicare to Achieve Budget Goals, CBO Finds.
- “But the House GOP’s budget, which passed last week in a hairline vote, asks the committee responsible for federal health-care spending to find at least $880 billion in savings over 10 years. And the Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday that reducing costs that much won’t be possible without cuts to Medicare, Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program.”
The Hill: Republicans Need to Cut Medicaid to Hit Budget Savings Target, CBO Finds.
- “That’s a problem for House Republicans, who are looking to slash $880 billion from programs in the committee’s jurisdiction to help pay for an extension of President Trump’s tax cuts and border enforcement funding. One of the prime targets is Medicaid, the joint federal and state-funded program that provides health coverage to more than 72 million low-income Americans.”
NBC: Republicans Can’t Meet Their Own Budget Target Without Cutting Medicare or Medicaid, Budget Office Says.
- “That leaves Republicans in a deep predicament. The budget resolution, adopted by the slimmest of margins in the narrowly divided House, was the delicate product of negotiations among conservative hard-liners who demand steep spending cuts and swing-district GOP lawmakers who say they don’t want to slash funding for the health programs their constituents rely on.”
MSNBC: On Medicaid Cuts, Budget Officials Tell Republicans What They Didn’t Want to Hear.
- “The truth wasn’t nearly that simple. While the literal text of the bill didn’t reference specific Medicaid cuts, the GOP plan directed the congressional committee that oversees Medicaid to find $880 billion in cuts that can only be found in Medicaid. A week later, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office confirmed that Democratic criticisms were true.”
Common Dreams: CBO Report Confirms ‘Republicans Are Lying’ About Medicaid Cuts.
- “According to the CBO, just $135 billion in spending under the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s jurisdiction over the next decade would be available for cuts when excluding Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and programs that are ‘budget-neutral with revenues offsetting spending.’”
The 19th: The 19th Explains: Is Trump cutting Medicaid?
- “Why would the $880 billion in spending cuts come from Medicaid? Put simply: The math otherwise does not add up.”
- “The Congressional Budget Office, a nonpartisan entity that acts as Congress’ bookkeeper, confirmed late Wednesday that it would not be possible to finance Trump’s tax agenda without cutting Medicaid or Medicare.”
Alternet: ‘Republicans Are Lying’: Top Dem Says Government Report Confirms Fears About Medicaid Cuts.
- “That means Republicans would have to cut Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), or Medicare to achieve the $880 billion in spending reductions that the House budget resolution instructs the energy and commerce panel to impose between fiscal years 2025 and 2034.”