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President Biden Places Reducing Prescription Drug Prices as Top Priority to Pass Build Back Better

In Press Conference, President Biden Cites High Insulin Prices, Overwhelming Popularity of Drug Pricing Reform In Fight to Lower Drug Prices

Washington, DC — Today, in a press conference, President Biden reaffirmed his commitment to bringing down prescription drug prices as lawmakers continue working to pass the Build Back Better Act. The president noted the overwhelming popularity for Build Back Better’s drug pricing measures, saying “the American people overwhelmingly agree with me on prescription drugs.” In response, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement:

“President Biden made clear that whatever the future of the Build Back Better Act entails, it will include provisions to lower prescription drug prices. Americans are sick and tired of making impossible choices between paying for the medications they need to survive and affording essentials like food or rent. The Build Back Better Act will finally meet the demands of the vast majority of Americans and give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices. The president’s commitment to delivering lower costs for the American people is unmatched, and he won’t rest until he gets this done.”  

Navigator Poll Demonstrates The Majority of Americans Continue To Support Build Back Better. Overall, 63 percent of registered voters support the Medicare drug price negotiation provision in Build Back Better, including 87 percent of Democrats, 48 percent of Independents, and 39 percent of Republicans. [Navigator, 1/12/22]

Voters From Across Political Spectrum Strongly Support Health Provisions Of Build Back Better. “Of the 16 provisions listed in the survey, five of the top six priorities for voters were health measures…Biden’s comments on lowering prescription drug costs will resonate with the entire electorate: 7 in 10 voters back the provision, including 4 in 5 Democrats and 3 in 5 Republicans.” [Morning Consult/Politico, 12/8/21]

Navigator Poll Confirms Health Care Remains Most Important Reason to Pass Build Back Better. “Top reasons cited as good reasons to pass the plan are lowering health insurance costs, giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices, expanding Medicare, and raising taxes on the wealthy.” [Navigator Research, 11/11/21]

  • Health Reforms Remain Top Priorities For Passing BBB. 82 percent support lowering health insurance premiums, 80 percent support lowering premiums for individuals purchasing insurance on their own, and 80 percent support allowing Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs. [Navigator Research, 11/11/21]

President Biden’s Health Achievements

What a Difference a Year Makes

In his first year as President, Joe Biden has made tremendous strides in battling the pandemic, lowering health care costs, and expanding coverage.

When President Biden assumed office one year ago, he inherited the greatest public health crisis this nation has ever faced, but thanks to his leadership, we now have a science driven approach to the pandemic that protects American lives and livelihoods, that has reopened schools, kept businesses afloat, bolstered our health care system, and prevented millions of hospitalizations and deaths. And the work didn’t stop there.

In 2021, President Biden made historic investments in American health care. Thanks to his vision and determination, nearly 14 million people are now covered by an ACA Marketplace plan, an additional 80 million Americans receive their coverage through Medicaid or CHIP, and nearly five million individuals became newly insured. Americans can now sleep easier at night knowing President Biden and Democrats in Congress are fighting to ensure that health care is right for every American.

Biden’s First Year By The Numbers

  • 13.8 million Americans now covered under an ACA plan
  • 4.6 million Americans newly signed up for ACA Marketplace coverage in 2021
  • 83.2 million Americans now have health coverage through Medicaid or CHIP
  • 249.4 million people have received at least one COVID-19 shot
  • 81 million people have received a booster shot
  • 1 million COVID-19 deaths and 10 million hospitalizations have been avoided
  • 53 percent of Americans support President Biden’s handling of the pandemic

President Biden Has Expanded Affordable Health Coverage

Millions Of Americans Enrolled In Affordable Coverage. A record 13.8 million Americans now receive their health insurance through an Affordable Care Act Marketplace. More than 4.6 million Americans newly gained coverage through the Marketplace in 2021, including 2.8 million Americans who enrolled during the Special Enrollment Period (SEP), and 1.8 million who signed up during traditional open enrollment. 

Cutting Health Care Costs And Expanding Access To Lifesaving Coverage. The American Rescue Plan has reduced or eliminated Marketplace premiums for millions across the country. Under the plan, 3.6 million uninsured Americans became eligible for health coverage tax credits and 1.7 million individuals have access to coverage with zero dollar premiums.

Saving American Families Thousands On Premiums. Premium savings under the American Rescue Plan benefit all Americans, with families now saving an average of $2,400 a year on their health insurance premiums. Four out of five individuals who signed up for a Marketplace plan during the SEP, were able to get coverage for less than $10 per month. These savings are particularly important for older Americans. For example, a 60-year-old couple with an annual income of $75,000 saw their monthly premiums drop from $1,920, to just $531, saving more than $1,389 each month.

Implemented A Ban On Surprise Billing. The No Surprises Act went into effect January 1, 2022 and prohibits surprise medical bills for out-of-network care that occurs in unexpected or emergency situations. The Biden Administration is committed to protecting patients and holding insurers and providers accountable for deceptive billing practices. 

President Biden Has Expanded Access To Medicaid

One In Four Americans Are Now Covered By Medicaid & CHIP. Between February 2020 and June 2021, more than 12 million Americans enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP, bringing the total number of enrollees to an all time high of 83.2 million. Reporting on the increase, The New York Times stated, “The spike in enrollment demonstrates Medicaid’s increasingly important role not just as a safety net, but also as a pillar of the American health system.” President Biden understands the critical roles Medicaid and CHIP play in American health care, which is why he has been a fierce advocate for the expansion and strengthening of Medicaid. The ARP provided generous incentives for non-expansion states to adopt Medicaid, temporarily increasing the federal government’s contribution to each state’s program over a two year period. This increase in federal funding would have exceeded the cost of expansion, creating a large financial benefit to each state.

Revoking Harmful Work Requirements. President Biden understands that health care is a right, not a privilege. In 2021, he kept his promise to roll back discriminatory Medicaid work requirements that create unnecessary obstacles for low-income individuals seeking access to affordable, quality health coverage. The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services have repeatedly stated that the vast majority of Medicaid beneficiaries are employed, ill, or disabled. The Biden Administration’s quick action put a permanent stop to these requirements in 12 states that received waivers under the previous administration. 

Improving Maternal Health Access. The American Rescue Plan created a pathway to coverage for pregnant Americans, allowing states to extend postpartum coverage under Medicaid from 60 days to 12 months following pregnancy. The United States has the highest rate of maternal mortality in the industrialized world, with 12 percent of maternal deaths occurring between six weeks and one year following delivery, after Medicaid coverage has ended. These numbers demonstrate the immense need for continuous health coverage for a minimum of one year following the birth of a child. 

President Biden Has Lead On The Pandemic Response And Saved Lives

Shots in Arms. 75 percent of Americans have received at least one dose of a vaccine, and over 60 percent are fully vaccinated.  Over 81 million booster doses have been administered, providing the best protection against the Omicron variant. The Biden Administration has made booster shots free and convenient at over 80,000 locations nationwide. Vaccines are our best tool to prevent severe sickness and death from all variants of Covid-19 and they have already prevented 1.1 million deaths and 10.3 million additional Covid hospitalizations. The administration continues to expand access to vaccines to more and more Americans, authorizing vaccination for 5 to 11 year old children in November, and opening eligibility for booster shots to 12 to 15 year olds in January. 

New Access To Therapeutic Drugs And High Quality Masks. On January 4, President Biden announced that the federal government is doubling the U.S.’ order for Pfizer’s Covid-19 antiviral pill, Paxlovid, which has been shown to reduce hospitalizations and severe illness significantly, another vital tool for reducing suffering and bringing the pandemic to an end. Twenty million doses of Paxlovid will be delivered in coming months, with the first shipments sent to hospitals on Christmas Eve. In the largest deployment of personal protective equipment in U.S. history, the Biden administration will distribute 400 million free, high-quality N95 masks at thousands of sites around the country beginning at the end of January. 

Increased Testing. Since taking office, the Biden administration has taken numerous steps to increase Americans’ access to vital Covid-19 testing, both at home and at testing sites around the country. There are more than 20,000 free testing sites around the country, including new federal sites deployed in response to the Omicron variant surge.  Four times as many rapid tests are available for Americans to use at home than were available last summer, and the administration has purchased a half-billion rapid tests this winter with the initial delivery starting this month. Americans with private health insurance are able to access up to eight, free at-home over-the-counter COVID-19 tests each month. The White House also announced that insurance companies are setting up systems to provide free tests to consumers up front without requiring reimbursement. The announcement is in addition to the Biden administration’s purchase of 500 million free rapid tests to send to American families.

Schools Open. Thanks to the efforts of the Biden administration to provide safe and effective vaccines for students, and funding for masks and ventilation in schools, nearly 100 percent of American students were back in the classroom full time in December 2021, up from under three-quarters at the end of last school year.  Although the Omicron variant presents new challenges for teachers and students, the Biden administration remains committed to doing everything possible to keep students and educators safe.

Workers Back To Work. The Biden administration has presided over the largest one year drop in the unemployment rate in U.S. history, and the creation of nearly six million jobs, the most of any first year president in history. Thanks to the American Rescue Plan and the success of the vaccination program, workers are able to return to work with greater confidence. 

Meanwhile, Republicans Continue To Restrict Health Care And Fight To Prolong The Pandemic

Every Single Republican Voted Against The American Rescue Plan And Relief For Millions Of Families. Not a single Republican voted for the American Rescue Plan, historic legislation that dramatically expanded health coverage and significantly lowered health care costs for millions of Americans. In addition to providing critical pandemic relief, the ARP has lowered premiums for people purchasing coverage through the marketplaces and expanded access to financial assistance for more middle-class families. 

Republican State Leaders Continue To Block Medicaid Expansion. Nationwide four million Americans are currently uninsured because they live in one of 12 states that have rejected Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act. Of these four million, 60 percent are people of color. These individuals have been denied health coverage because Republican lawmakers have waged an ideological war against Medicaid expansion. Even after President Biden included robust incentives for holdout states to expand Medicaid in the American Rescue Plan, Republican leaders have continued to defy expansion efforts, regardless of the enormous health and financial benefits to states. Each year Medicaid expansion is not accepted, thousands of lives are needlessly lost for cheap, political points. 

Republicans Continue To Spread Disinformation And Oppose Common Sense Covid Safety Measures. Republicans’ objections to vaccine requirements are putting American lives at risk and causing people to get seriously ill and prolonging the pandemic. Republican governors and legislators in Florida, Iowa, Kansas, Arkansas and Tennessee have changed their unemployment insurance rules to allow workers who are fired or quit over vaccine mandates to receive benefits. Republican members of Congress have filed at least 20 bills to block or roll back vaccine mandates. At least eight Republican governors have banned mask mandates in schools, often putting them at odds with their own constituents and local school boards. Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee used their official Twitter account to spread false information, asking: “If the booster shots work, why don’t they work?” The tweet was later deleted.

Big Pharma’s Endless Greed on Full Display In Aduhelm Fight

Washington, DC — Press reports indicate that Big Pharma is about to launch a massive lobbying campaign attacking Medicare’s decision to limit reimbursement for Biogen’s pricey and unproven Alzheimer’s drug, Aduhelm. CMS previously announced that it would be forced to raise Medicare Part B premiums for every Medicare recipient in response to the unprecedented price tag of Biogen’s drug. Biogen and its Big Pharma are rallying against Medicare’s decision to limit the drug to patients in clinical trials, even when the drug has dubious benefits for patients. In response, Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement: 

“Big Pharma’s greed knows no bounds. CMS made the right choice to limit Aduhelm’s coverage.  Medicare premiums shouldn’t go up for the millions of seniors who are already struggling to afford their everyday health care costs, just so Big Pharma can pad their profits and their executives’ pocketbooks. The Aduhelm debate only underscores the urgent need to pass the Build Back Better Act, which will put an end to the broken drug pricing system.” 


Axios: Big Pharma’s Last-Ditch Lobbying Blitz For Aduhelm. “Now that CMS proposed limiting coverage of Aduhelm to patients who enroll in a randomized, controlled clinical trial, the public has 30 days to submit comments. An all-out lobbying blitz that pushes Medicare to scrap its plan and allow full coverage of the $28,000-per-year drug… Independent experts say Medicare’s proposal is a compromise based on the known science.” [Axios, 1/14/22]

Politico: ‘Not A Tolerable Situation’: Patient Groups Take Aim At CMS Over Alzheimer’s Coverage Decision. “Biogen declined to comment on its strategy, but the company told investors that it hoped CMS would revise its decision and cover the drug for patients who mirrored the populations that were already included in clinical trials… Separately, patient groups and pharmaceutical lobbyists plan to pressure Congress, making the case that CMS is stifling innovation and also creating a paradigm that will disproportionately harm patients with low incomes and patients of color.”  [Politico, 1/17/22]

The Washington Post: Alzheimer’s Groups Vow To Fight Proposed Medicare Restrictions On Controversial Drug. “The company [Biogen] plans to encourage patients and doctors to file protests about the CMS proposal during a 30-day public comment period, according to a company email obtained by Endpoints News, a trade publication. CMS officials, who opened the comment period Tuesday, said they plan to announce a final decision by April 11… The [FDA] approval was not based on evidence showing a benefit. The approval, along with reports about staff interactions with Biogen, set off a furor and led to an ongoing investigation by the inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services.” [The Washington Post, 1/12/22]

Forbes: Medicare Proposes Restricting Coverage Of Aduhelm To Alzheimer’s Patients Who Enroll In Clinical Trials. “In approving Aduhelm in June of last year, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) acknowledged that there was insufficient evidence the drug would meaningfully improve outcomes, but granted it marketing authorization anyway under its “accelerated approval” program… Additionally, approximately 40% of patients who have taken Aduhelm have suffered swelling or bleeding in the brain. Others have experienced side-effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headaches and confusion. And, the manufacturer Biogen is investigating a patient death, which could be attributed to Aduhelm.” [Forbes, 1/12/22]

HAPPENING SOON: Senator Hassan to Hold Virtual Roundtable on Lowering Prescription Drug Costs


HAPPENING SOON: Senator Hassan to Hold Virtual Roundtable on Lowering Prescription Drug Costs

Washington, DC — On Tuesday, January 18 at 9:15 AM ET, U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH) will hold a virtual roundtable with patients and health care professionals in New Hampshire to discuss the urgent need for Congress to take action to lower the skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs.

Senator Hassan is working across the aisle to lower health care costs for Granite Staters and Americans. Senator Hassan led successful, bipartisan efforts with Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) to put in place protections to help end the practice of surprise medical billing, which is now in effect. Senators Hassan and Cassidy also successfully passed into law their bipartisan legislation to enhance education about biosimilar drug products in an effort to increase competition and lower drug costs. Additionally, the American Rescue Plan, which Senator Hassan helped pass into law, is helping to lower health care costs for many Granite Staters who purchase health care coverage through the Affordable Care Act marketplaces.

 As a member of the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Hassan also advanced bipartisan legislation in 2019 to lower prescription drugs costs by enacting a cap on out-of-pocket prescription drug costs for Medicare Part D beneficiaries and cracking down on pharmaceutical companies that raise drug prices higher than inflation. The Senator also joined in reintroducing The Affordable Medications Act, which would help reduce health care costs for Granite Staters who rely on Medicare by increasing competition and transparency for drug companies that are setting exorbitant prices on their products, and allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices.  


Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH)
Heather Carroll, Advocacy Director at NH Alliance for Healthy Aging
Jay Gupta, Director of Pharmacy and Integrative Health at Harbor Care in Nashua
Beverly Cotton, patiently storyteller from Weare
Leah Stagnone, Community Organizer for ABLE NH and patient storyteller from Litchfield

 WHAT: Senator Hassan to Hold Virtual Roundtable on Lowering Prescription Drug Costs

WHEN: Tuesday, January 18 at 9:15 AM ET

WHERE: Send Email to Register for the Event

Rep. Lauren Underwood and Health Advocates Join Protect Our Care to Discuss Importance of Lower Health Care Costs Ahead of Open Enrollment Deadline

Watch the Full Event Here

Washington, DC — Today, U.S. Rep. Lauren Underwood (D-IL-14), Covered California’s Peter Lee, and Illinois-based storyteller Audree Hall joined Protect Our Care for a virtual press conference to give a final push for health care enrollment ahead of the January 15 deadline. A record 13.8 million people have signed up for coverage through the ACA marketplaces thanks in large part to the American Rescue Plan’s enhanced premium tax credits, which were championed by Rep. Underwood. The enhanced tax credits dramatically lowered the cost of coverage for working families, allowing four out of five eligible enrollees to find a plan for $10 or less per month.

During the call, speakers conveyed the importance of Americans taking advantage of lower health care costs by enrolling in coverage in 2022. Speakers also urged the Senate to pass the Build Back Better Act, which passed the House in November, in order to make the enhanced premium tax credits permanent to drive down health care costs for families and expand coverage to millions of Americans.  

“The American people have sent a clear message this Open Enrollment period: when coverage is affordable, people enroll in record numbers. My Health Care Affordability Act, which was signed into law as part of the American Rescue Plan Act, has made coverage truly affordable for millions of individuals and families across the country,” said U.S. Representative Lauren Underwood (D-IL-14). “I encourage all Americans who need health coverage to visit to enroll in a plan before the enrollment deadline this Saturday, January 15th.”

“Coverage means that you’re staying healthy and getting primary care. If you’re uninsured, you’re walking out of the hospital with a debt that costs more than a mortgage,” said Peter Lee, Executive Director of Covered California. “Millions of people are signing up for coverage because the American Rescue Plan helped make coverage more affordable than ever. It’s time for Congress to pass Build Back Better because it extends the expansions of the American Rescue Plan for three years. If we don’t lock those in, many people signing up today will drop coverage over the long term.”

“I lost my job. I have been the primary health care provider in my home, and the pandemic hits. What point in time do you decide to pay your mortgage or pay a health care premium?” said Audree Hall, a health care storyteller from Lake County. “I’m beyond grateful that the American Rescue Plan passed, and for those who have not signed up, check out the marketplace — there are options for you that you didn’t think you had before, that cover things you didn’t think it covered. It was life-changing for me. Please pass the Build Back Better bill and extend it for three years.”

“Thanks to health care champions like Congresswoman Underwood, millions of Americans are able to afford high-quality health coverage,” said Leslie Dach, Chair of Protect Our Care. “The success of the 2022 open enrollment period only shows how essential it is that the Senate work quickly to pass the Build Back Better Act to make these enhanced premium tax credits permanent and ensure that families have access to the health care they need during the pandemic and beyond.”

PRESS CALL: Ahead of Open Enrollment Deadline, Rep. Lauren Underwood to Join Protect Our Care to Discuss Importance of Lower Health Care Costs and Urge Enrollment 


Call Will Convey the Importance of Ensuring Americans Sign-Up for Lower Health Care Coverage and the Need to Make Rep. Underwood’s Enhanced Premium Subsidies Permanent 

Washington, DC — On Thursday, January 13 at 11:30 AM ET // 10:30 AM CT, U.S. Rep. Lauren Underwood (D-IL-14) and health care advocates will join Protect Our Care for a virtual press conference ahead of the January 15 open enrollment deadline. A record 13.8 million people have signed up for coverage through the ACA marketplaces thanks in large part to the American Rescue Plan’s enhanced premium tax credits, which were championed by Rep. Underwood and allowed four out of five eligible enrollees to find a plan for $10 or less per month. The House-passed Build Back Better Act would make these tax credits permanent, driving down health care costs for families and expanding coverage to millions of Americans.  Congresswoman Underwood will speak to the importance of Americans taking advantage of lower health care costs and enroll for coverage in 2022. 

As Americans enter the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has never been a more urgent time to ensure families can get the health care they need. Polling shows strong, unwavering support among voters across the political spectrum for the Build Back Better health care priorities. The House-passed Build Back Better Act would make these tax credits permanent, driving down health care costs for families and expanding coverage to millions of Americans. It is essential that the Senate work quickly to pass the Build Back Better Act to level the playing field for working families and lower insurance premiums and prescription drug costs, improve care for seniors, and expand health coverage to millions nationwide. 


U.S. Representative Lauren Underwood (D-IL-14)
Peter Lee, Executive Director of Covered California
Audree Hall, health care storyteller from Lake County
Leslie Dach, Chair of Protect Our Care

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference to Discuss Urgent Need to Lower Health Costs & Expand Coverage In Build Back Better Act

WHERE: Register for the Event Here

WHEN: Thursday, January 13 at 11:30 AM ET // 10:30 AM CT

TODAY: West Virginia Health Care Advocates to Discuss Health Provisions in Build Back Better Act and Call for Immediate Passage in the Senate


Charleston, WV —  Today, January 11 at 11:00 AM ET, local health care advocates will join Protect Our Care West Virginia to discuss the House passage of the Build Back Better Act, the most significant expansion of affordable health care since the Affordable Care Act

After months of negotiation, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) indicated that he now opposes this legislation. If Senator Manchin fails to support the legislation, he is fighting against lower drug prices, lower health care costs, and improved care for millions of seniors and working families. During the call, speakers will stress the urgent need for Sen. Manchin and the Senate to move quickly to pass the bill so millions of Americans can finally afford the health care they need.


Dr. Jessica Ice, West Virginians for Affordable Healthcare
Ryan Frankenberry, West Virginia Working Families Party
Mindy Salango, Patient Advocate
Lynette Maselli, Protect Our Care West Virginia

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference to Discuss Health Provisions in Build Back Better Act and Call for Immediate Passage in the Senate 

WHEN: Tuesday, January 11 at 11:00 AM ET

WHERE: Register for the Event Here

After More Than a Decade Against Health Care for Wisconsinites, Sen. Ron Johnson Wants Six More Years

Highlights from Senator Johnson’s 11-Year Tenure Include Fighting to Prolong the Pandemic & Raise Health Care Costs

Washington, DC – According to multiple sources, Senator Ron Johnson intends to announce his bid for reelection for the U.S. Senate. Just this week, Senator Johnson continued to push disinformation about COVID-19, downplaying the effectiveness of vaccines and suggesting science can’t “create something better than God” to fight the virus. Senator Johnson was a prominent voice in the fight to destroy the Affordable Care Act, raise health care costs, and rip coverage from families.  In response, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement: 

“Senator Ron Johnson’s record on health care and spreading COVID-19 misinformation is as abysmal as they come. Over the years, Ron Johnson voted to rip coverage from 416,600 Wisconsinites and strip protections from 2.4 million Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions. Senator Johnson opposes provisions before Congress that would lower drug prices, expand coverage, improve care for seniors, and level the playing field for working families — policies that are supported by Wisconsonites from all walks of life. Republicans like Senator Johnson are completely out of touch with the economic and health worries that keep families up at night as they continue to put industry profits ahead of their constituents. Wisconsin voters are sick and tired of Ron Johnson’s dangerous antics and will undoubtedly reject his disastrous health care agenda in November.”

TODAY: WV Advocates Call on Senator Manchin to Do the Right Thing, Pass Build Back Better Act to Lower Drug Costs for West Virginians


The Build Back Better Act Will Lower Health Care Costs for Millions of People; Joe Manchin Should Help Pass the Legislation Without Delay

Charleston, West Virginia — On Thursday, December 23, 2021 at 11:00 AM, health care and patient advocates will join Protect Our Care West Virginia to discuss the urgent need to pass the Build Back Better Act. After months of negotiation, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) indicated that he now opposes this legislation. If Senator Manchin fails to support Build Back Better, he is fighting against lower drug prices, lower health care costs, and improved care for millions of seniors and working families. Health care is a fundamental part of the Build Back Better agenda, and the plans to reduce costs and expand care are the top issues for voters. It is urgent that Senator Manchin vote to pass this legislation.

Senator Manchin has long said he wants to give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices for American families. Now is the time to do it. Build Back Better drives down prescription drug prices, caps insulin costs, lowers health insurance premiums, and expands coverage to millions of Americans. For West Virginians, the Build Back Better Act would mean knowing they will be able to afford the medications they need to stay alive. Joe Manchin cannot turn his back on families who are depending on this relief. The fight isn’t over. President Biden said he is committed to helping Americans with their child care, health care, prescription drug costs, and elder care. The fight for Build Back Better is too important to give up. 


Mindy Salango – Type 1 Diabetic and patient advocate

Dr. Jessica Ice – Executive Director, West Virginians for Affordable Healthcare

Stormy Johnson – Mother

Lynette Maselli – Protect Our Care, West Virginia

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference

WHEN: Thursday, December 23, 2021 at 11:00 AM ET

WHERE: Register to Join the Zoom Event Here

More Than 4.6 Million Americans Gained Coverage Thanks to President Biden

Washington, DC — Today, the Biden administration announced that more than 4.6 million Americans have gained coverage through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) this year. Now, ACA enrollment is at an all time high after 13.6 million Americans signed up for coverage between November 1 and December 15 – and with the deadline extended to January 15, even more families are expected to enroll in affordable coverage. In response, Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement: 

“More than 4.6 million people now have health coverage thanks to President Biden’s leadership. In a total reversal from the previous administration’s health care agenda, President Biden took immediate action to make health care more affordable and get more Americans covered. Between opening a special enrollment period and signing the American Rescue Plan into law, millions of working families are finally able to access quality, affordable coverage – many with zero-dollar premiums. This means 4.6 million people can sleep easier at night knowing they will not go bankrupt in the event of an illness or accident. And this is just the beginning: the Build Back Better Act will drive down health care and prescription drug prices and ensure millions of families have the health care they need.”