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RADIO AD: Health Care Advocate Mindy Salango Calls on Senator Manchin to Keep His Promise and Deliver Lower Drug Prices Now

Morgantown Resident and Type I Diabetic Mindy Salango Shares Her Story to Show Why West Virginians Are Counting on Senator Manchin to Pass Build Back Better Act 

Listen to the Radio Ad Here

Morgantown, WV — Protect Our Care announced a radio ad going up in West Virginia today calling for U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) to do the right thing and support the Build Back Better Act for lower prescription drug prices. The ad features Mindy Salango, a Morgantown resident who suffers from Type I diabetes, explaining that because West Virginians pay three times more for drugs than people in other countries, patients like her are struggling to afford the medications they need to survive. Mindy makes clear that the Build Back Better Act, which gives Medicare the power to negotiate, is the solution to the broken drug pricing system.

The ad comes as Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) indicated that he opposes the Build Back Better Act after months of negotiations. If Senator Manchin fails to support the Build Back Better Act, he is fighting against lower drug prices, lower health care costs, and improved care for millions of seniors and working families. The ad will run statewide.

“For patients like Mindy Salango, the Build Back Better Act would mean knowing she can afford the insulin she needs to stay alive. Joe Manchin cannot turn his back on her and the countless other West Virginia families who are depending on the Build Back Better Act,” said Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach. “This fight is not over. Senator Manchin has said publicly that giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices is not only good policy, but the right thing to do. Now, it’s time for him to get Build Back Better over the finish line so millions of Americans no longer have to worry about affording their medications.” 

Script for “Mindy” Ad (60s):

Too many West Virginians wake up everyday and have to make a heartbreaking choice: 

Should I pay the rent or should I pay for my medication that keeps me alive? 

My name is Mindy Salango and I’m a Type 1 diabetic.

Even though I have health insurance, I still spend about $350 every month paying for my prescription medications, insulin and other diabetes supplies I need to stay healthy and alive.

The thought of not being able to afford my medication is terrifying.

West Virginians are suffering because of high prescription drug costs. We pay 3-times more than people in other countries for the same drugs. It doesn’t have to be this way. 

Congress can give Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices for West Virginia families.

Senator Manchin has told us he’s with us on this.  Now, we’re counting on him to get it done.

“This is Survival of the Richest:” Morgantown, WV Resident with Type 1 Diabetes Reacts to Senator Manchin’s Sunday Show Appearance

Morgantown, WV – Today, after months of negotiation, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) indicated that he now opposes the Build Back Better Act. If Senator Manchin fails to support the Build Back Better Act, he is fighting against lower drug prices, lower health care costs, and improved care for millions of seniors and working families. In response, Mindy Salango, type 1 diabetic from Morgantown, West Virginia, issued the following statement:

“Type One diabetics like me are left with one decision at the pharmacy counter: pay the high price of insulin or die. Unchecked greed has ruled the pharmaceutical industry for far too long, but Build Back Better would lower drug prices and improve care for millions of seniors and working families. Without Build Back Better, diabetics could still be forced to pay hundreds of dollars on insulin instead of just $35 per month. In the greatest country in the world, we are not meant to beg and depend on the kindness of strangers in order to obtain insulin. This is ‘survival of the richest’ and it must stop.

“I’m not giving up the fight – for myself and on behalf of those who are rationing their insulin, those who are not caring for their chronic disease as they should, those who are suffering irreparable harm to their bodies, those who are dying, and those who have died. Senator Manchin, you promised West Virginians lower drug prices, and I took you at your word. Please fight for us.”

The Fight Isn’t Over: If Joe Manchin Really Cares About Lowering Drug Costs for the People of West Virginia, He Will Do the Right Thing and Pass the Build Back Better Act

Washington, D.C.– Today, after months of negotiation, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) indicated that he now opposes the Build Back Better Act. If Senator Manchin fails to support the Build Back Better Act, he is fighting against lower drug prices, lower health care costs, and improved care for millions of seniors and working families. In response, Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement: 

“Senator Manchin has long said he wants to give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices for American families, but he just went on Fox News and said he’d oppose the bill that does exactly that. It’s outrageous. Build Back Better drives down prescription drug prices, caps insulin costs, lowers health insurance premiums, and expands coverage to millions of Americans. For people like Mindy Salango, a type 1 diabetic from Morgantown, the Build Back Better Act would mean sleeping easier knowing she will be able to afford the insulin she needs to stay alive. Joe Manchin cannot turn his back on families who are depending on this relief.

“The fight isn’t over. President Biden said he is committed to helping Americans with their child care, health care, prescription drug costs, and elder care—and combating climate change. The fight for Build Back Better is too important to give up.”

TODAY: Reps. Judy Chu and Sara Jacobs Join Health Care Advocates to Discuss Historic Health Provisions in Build Back Better Act and Call for Immediate Passage in the Senate 


Concord, NH —  Today, December 16 at 1:00 PM ET // 10:00 AM PT U.S. Representatives Judy Chu (D-CA-27) and Sara Jacobs (D-CA-53), and local advocates will join Protect Our Care California to discuss the House passage of the Build Back Better Act, the most significant expansion of affordable health care since the Affordable Care Act

The historic legislation includes measures to deliver relief to American families by lowering insurance premiums, giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, expanding affordable coverage to millions by closing the Medicaid coverage gap, expanding Medicare benefits, and investing $150 billion in home care for seniors and people with disabilities. During the call, speakers will stress the urgent need for the Senate to move quickly to pass the bill so millions of Americans can finally afford the health care they need.


U.S. Representative Judy Chu (D-CA-27)
U.S. Representative Sara Jacobs (D-CA-53)
Anthony Wright, Health Access California
Rachel Compton, Nurse at UC San Diego Health
Protect Our Care California

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference to Discuss Historic Health Provisions in Build Back Better Act and Call for Immediate Passage in the Senate 

WHEN: Thursday, December 16 at 1:00 PM ET // 10:00 AM PT

WHERE: Register for the Event Here

TODAY: Rep. Annie Kuster Joins Health Care Advocates to Discuss Historic Health Provisions in Build Back Better Act and Call for Immediate Passage in the Senate


Concord, NH —  Today, December 16 at 10:30 AM ET, U.S. Representative Annie Kuster (D-NH-02), Granite State Progress, and local advocates will join Protect Our Care New Hampshire to discuss the House passage of the Build Back Better Act, the most significant expansion of affordable health care since the Affordable Care Act

The landmark legislation includes measures to deliver relief to American families by lowering insurance premiums, giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, expanding affordable coverage to millions by closing the Medicaid coverage gap, expanding Medicare benefits, and investing $150 billion in home care for seniors and people with disabilities. During the call, speakers will stress the urgent need for the Senate to move quickly to pass the bill so millions of Americans can finally afford the health care they need.


U.S. Representative Annie Kuster (D-NH-02)
Lucy Hodder, University of New Hampshire Law
Zandra Rice Hawkins, Granite State Progress
Mike Castaldo

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference to Discuss Historic Health Provisions in Build Back Better Act and Call for Immediate Passage in the Senate 

WHEN: Thursday, December 16 at 10:30 AM ET

WHERE: Register for the Event Here

NEW: Protect Our Care Launches Ad Campaign About Republicans Voting Against Lower Health Care Costs In Build Back Better Act

By Opposing Build Back Better, Republicans Rejected Lower Health Care Costs for American Families

Watch the Ads Here

Washington, DC — Protect Our Care is launching new digital ads today in eight key districts calling out Republican lawmakers for their votes against the Build Back Better Act. While American families are struggling with high costs, Republicans voted against reforms that will level the playing field for working families by lowering health insurance premiums and giving  Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices. 

The ads will run in the following districts: Ted Budd (R-NC-13), Steve Chabot (R-OH-01), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA-01), Carlos Gimenez (R-FL-26), Scott Perry (R-PA-10), María Elvira Salazar (R-FL-27), David Schweikert (R-AZ-06), and Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ-02).

“If Republicans had their way, drug prices would continue to skyrocket and millions of people would pay higher health insurance premiums, right when families need relief most,” said Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse. “Thankfully, President Biden and Democrats are in charge, and they are committed to delivering lower costs for families struggling to make ends meet. It has never been more clear that Republicans are out of touch with the worries that keep families up at night, and they are willing to put their political goals above the well-being of the people they represent. We will do everything in our power to ensure Americans remember who stood by Big Pharma and special interests and who stood up for working families.” 

Example (PA-10) Ad Script: 

Everyone’s feeling it.

Costs keep going up and up. 

Health insurance and drug companies make record profits.

But, millions of Americans can’t keep up. 

And Congressman Scott Perry just voted AGAINST the Build Back Better Act which lowers health care costs for millions of families. 

Against the plan that gives Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices.

And against the plan that lowers health premiums by thousands of dollars. 

With everything people are dealing with right now, Congressman Perry voted for higher health care costs for you.

SHOT/CHASER: New Poll Finds Surge In Americans Struggling to Afford Medical Care; Build Back Better Will Lower Health Care Costs for Millions 

SHOT: Gallup Poll Finds “Surge” In Americans Struggling To Afford Health Care, With Nearly A Third Reporting They’ve Skipped Medical Care Due To Cost. “Nearly a third of Americans — triple the share since March— say they’ve skipped medical care for a health problem in the previous three months due to concerns about the cost, according to a new study from Gallup and West Health.” [CBS News, 12/14/21

CHASER: Because Of Build Back Better, Families Could Save Thousands Of Dollars In Health Care Costs Every Year. Build Back Better will lower premium costs, give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, cap insulin co-pays at $35 per month, extend hearing benefits to seniors so they can afford hearing aids, and extend affordable coverage to working families in states that have rejected Medicaid expansion. 

Senator Wyden Is Right: Seniors Shouldn’t Be Forced to Pay for Big Pharma’s Greed Through Medicare Premium Hikes

Washington, D.C. — Today, Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-OR) called on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to limit Medicare premium increases for millions of seniors caused by one greedy pharmaceutical company. CMS previously announced that it would raise Medicare Part B premiums in response to the unprecedented price tag of Biogen’s new Alzheimer’s drug, Aduhelm. The approval of Aduhelm has forced Medicare to establish a contingency reserve in the event Medicare decides to cover the medication. In response, Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement: 

“For far too long, Big Pharma’s greed has gone unchecked, and Americans from all walks of life have struggled to afford the drugs they need. Senator Wyden is right: seniors should not have to front the costs of an outrageously expensive, unproven drug. Big drug company executives should not be cashing in at the expense of millions of seniors struggling to afford their everyday health costs. Aduhelm’s high price tag only underscores the urgent need to pass the Build Back Better Act, which will lower costs, and ensure seniors are able to access the prescription drugs they need to live full and healthy lives.” 

TODAY: Delaware State Sens. Sarah McBride and Kyle Evans Gay Join Health Advocates to Discuss Historic Health Provisions in Build Back Better Act and Call for Immediate Passage in the Senate


Wilmington, DE–  Today, December 10 at 3:00 PM ET, Delaware State Senators Sarah McBride and Kyle Evans Gay Join, and storytellers will join Protect Our Care Delaware to discuss the House passage of the Build Back Better Act, the most significant expansion of affordable health care since the Affordable Care Act

The landmark legislation includes measures to deliver relief to American families by lowering insurance premiums, giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, expanding affordable coverage to millions by closing the Medicaid coverage gap, expanding Medicare benefits, and investing $150 billion in home care for seniors and people with disabilities. During the call, speakers will stress the urgent need for the Senate to move quickly to pass the bill so millions of Americans can finally afford the health care they need.

State Senator Sarah McBride
State Senator Kyle Evans Gay

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference to Discuss Historic Health Provisions in Build Back Better Act and Call for Immediate Passage in the Senate 

WHEN: Friday, December 10 at 3:00 PM ET

WHERE: Register for the Event Here

TODAY: Reps. Ted Deutch and Debbie Wasserman Schultz Join Florida Health Advocates to Discuss Historic Health Provisions in Build Back Better Act and Call for Immediate Passage in the Senate 


Boca Raton, FL —  Today, December 10 at 9:30 AM ET, U.S. Representatives Ted Deutch (D-FL-22) and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL-23), and local advocates will join Protect Our Care Florida to discuss the House passage of the Build Back Better Act, the most significant expansion of affordable health care since the Affordable Care Act

The landmark legislation includes measures to deliver relief to American families by lowering insurance premiums, giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, expanding affordable coverage to millions by closing the Medicaid coverage gap, expanding Medicare benefits, and investing $150 billion in home care for seniors and people with disabilities. During the call, speakers will stress the urgent need for the Senate to move quickly to pass the bill so millions of Americans can finally afford the health care they need.

U.S. Representative Ted Deutch (D-FL-22)
U.S. Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL-23)
Scott Darius, Executive Director for Florida Voices for Health
Bill Sauers, Florida Alliance for Retired Americans President 

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference to Discuss Historic Health Provisions in Build Back Better Act and Call for Immediate Passage in the Senate 

WHEN: Friday, December 10 at 9:30 AM ET

WHERE: Register for the Event Here