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U.S. Representatives Butterfield, Ross, and North Carolina Advocates to Discuss Historic Health Provisions in Build Back Better Act, Call for Immediate Passage in the Senate


  The Build Back Better Act will lower health care costs for millions of people, the Senate should pass the legislation without delay

Raleigh, NC — On Thursday, December 9th at 9:15AM, elected officials including U.S. Representatives G.K. Butterfield (NC-01)  and Deborah Ross (NC-02) will join Protect Our Care North Carolina to discuss the House passage of the Build Back Better Act, the most significant expansion of affordable health care since the Affordable Care Act. The legislation includes historic measures to strengthen American health care, lower insurance premiums, give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, expand affordable coverage to millions by closing the Medicaid coverage gap, expand Medicare benefits, and invest $150 billion in home care for seniors and people with disabilities. Health care is a fundamental part of the Build Back Better agenda, and the plans to reduce costs and expand care are the top issues for voters. It is urgent that the Senate move quickly to pass this historic legislation. Every single House Republican rejected these measures to lower costs and improve care, but Democrats have their finger on the pulse of America – delivering relief where families need it most. 


U.S. Representative G.K. Butterfield (NC-01) 

U.S. Representative Deborah Ross (NC-02) 

North Carolina Democratic Party Chair Dr. Bobbie Richardson

DonnaMarie Woodson, cancer survivor that relies on the Affordable Care Act

Herb Harton, senior facing high prescription drug prices

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference

WHEN: Thursday, December 9th at 9:15 AM

WHERE: Register for the Event Here 


Senator Warnock Continues to Fight to Level the Playing Field for Working Families and Lower Drug Costs

The Capping Prescription Costs Act Would Lower Drug Costs for Families Nationwide

Washington, DC — Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock (D-GA) introduced the Capping Prescription Costs Act, legislation that could save families thousands on their prescription drug costs every year. Under this legislation, millions of individuals with private insurance would pay no more than $3,000 per year for their prescription drugs, and families’ drug costs would be capped at $6,000 annually. In response, Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement: 

“American families could save thousands of dollars a year under the Capping Prescription Drug Costs Act. In the wealthiest country on earth, no one should be forced to choose between essentials like food or rent and the medications they need to survive. This legislation works to lower families’ everyday health care costs so they can have a little bit more breathing room. Senator Reverend Warnock is a true health care champion, and this bill is just a testament to his unwavering commitment to ensuring every American is able to afford the health care they need.”

Senators Patty Murray and Tina Smith, Representative Anna Eshoo Joined Protect Our Care to Call For Passing Build Back Better For Lower Insulin Costs Now

The Build Back Better Act Will Lower Insulin Costs for Millions

Watch the Event Here.

Washington, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senators Patty Murray (D-WA) and Tina Smith (D-MN) and U.S. Representative Anna Eshoo (D-CA-18) joined Protect Our Care to discuss the Build Back Better Act’s critical provisions to make insulin more affordable. The bill caps insulin costs at $35 per month for millions of patients with health insurance. The Build Back Better Act also works to deliver relief to families by giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, cracking down on outrageous price increases, and capping seniors’ out-of-pocket drug costs. 

In addition to lowering prescription drug costs, the historic legislation extends affordable coverage to millions of Americans, reduces premium costs, enhances Medicare benefits for seniors to include hearing, and makes bold investments in maternal health. During the call, speakers discussed how it is essential for Congress to pass Build Back Better with all of the health care measures intact to deliver lower health care and prescription drug costs to working families nationwide. 

“No one should have to choose between the insulin they need to live and other necessities like food, housing, or child care. Patients have enough to worry about without constantly dreading the question, ‘how in the world am I going to pay for this?’ That’s why Build Back Better takes significant new steps to lower drug costs for families, put money back in Americans’ pockets, and cap the price of insulin at $35 a month for people on Medicare and people with private insurance. If we are going to build a stronger, fairer nation in the wake of this pandemic, that has to include building a health care system that is focused on patients’ health, not drug companies’ profits,” said Senator Patty Murray (D-WA).

“Every day, I hear from Minnesotans struggling to pay for their medicine. Americans should not be required to pay three times more for their medications than people in other parts of the world, while drug companies go about the business of making huge profits,” said United States Senator Tina Smith (D-MN). “The Build Back Better Act will finally give Medicare the authority and the tools to negotiate for lower prices for certain medications, including insulin. If you are a person living with diabetes, and you get your health insurance through Medicare or through private insurance, you won’t pay more than $35 a month. This is a big deal.”

“The price of insulin has tripled in the last 15 years. And these price hikes have forced so many Americans to choose between buying their prescriptions and paying their mortgage, their rent, their groceries, and the other essentials in their day to day lives. In fact, one in four diabetes patients reports rationing their insulin, which is life threatening,” said Representative Anna Eshoo (D-CA). “In my family, we lost a young member in his early 20s to diabetes. He left a young wife and a newborn baby. So for millions of others, as well as in my family, this is personal. It’s about the American family and being able to care for one another. The Build Back Better Act is going to lower costs for patients — it’s going to save lives.”

“I first rationed my insulin in 2009 when I was underinsured and I was working two jobs just out of college. The price for my insulin was over $1,000 for one month’s supply, and that’s well beyond my means. I gambled with my life, as many diabetics have done,” said Kevin Wren, a type 1 diabetic from Washington. “It’s dehumanizing not being able to afford insulin, and our desire to live is exploited and extorted by pharmaceutical manufacturers like Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk, and Sanofi. The price of insulin has increased unabated for almost 30 years now, and the Build Back Better Act will take great steps and allow the HHS Secretary to negotiate for lower prices. I think this is a huge win and a great step.”

Build Back Better takes a bold step forward to ensure millions of patients can afford their insulin,” said Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach. “In the wealthiest nation on earth, it is shameful that so many families are forced to choose between essentials like food or rent and the medications they need to survive. Build Back Better works to put an end to the status quo by cracking down on big drug companies who have abused the system for far too long. Families are counting on Congress to pass Build Back Better so they can sleep easier at night knowing they can finally afford the health care they need.” 

IN THE NEWS: President Biden Calls On Congress to Pass Build Back Better for Lower Drug Prices Now

Today, President Biden delivered remarks on the Build Back Better Act’s critical provisions to make prescription drugs more affordable for millions of patients. The event featured health care storyteller, Iesha Meza, a young Arizonan and type 1 diabetic who has struggled to afford her insulin. As it stands, Americans pay three times more for their medications than people in other countries, forcing families to choose between paying for food or rent and affording the medications they need to survive. Build Back Better works to end this broken system by giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, cracking down on outrageous price increases, limiting insulin copays to $35 per month for millions of diabetics with insurance, and capping seniors’ out-of-pocket drug costs. Today’s event made clear that the Senate should work quickly to pass Build Back Better to deliver long-overdue relief to families. 


POLITICO: Biden Touts Drug Pricing Plan In Push For Social Spending Bill. “‘These price increases are about companies looking to maximize profits, and nobody is standing up for the patients,’ he said in a speech at the White House. ‘Nobody has held the manufacturers accountable until now.’ [Biden] noted the extraordinary lengths some Americans go to afford drugs that cost considerably less in comparable nations, including rationing their supplies or choosing between paying for medicine or other life necessities.” [POLITICO, 12/6/21]

NPR: Biden Calls On Congress To Pass His Build Back Better Bill To Lower Drug Costs. “The president pointed to the cost of insulin needed to treat Type 1 diabetes, which Biden says affects some 1.5 million Americans, who pay anywhere from $375 to $1000 per month for the drug. The House-passed measure would cap insulin prices at $35 per month. ‘I think it’s safe to say that all of us, all of us, whatever our age, where ever we live, we can agree that prescription drugs are outrageously expensive in this country.’” [NPR, 12/6/21]

The Hill: Biden Points To Drug Prices In Call For Senate Social Spending Vote. “Lowering drug prices is one of the most popular parts of Biden’s sweeping climate and social spending measure, and Democrats are looking to tout the changes and hammer Republicans for opposing them. A Kaiser Family Foundation poll found 83 percent of the public supports allowing the government to lower the prices.” [The Hill, 12/6/21]

Bloomberg: Biden Calls Drugs ‘Outrageously Expensive,’ Prods Senate To Act. “The package would also cap what most insured Americans pay out-of-pocket for insulin at $35 per month and limit what Medicare beneficiaries pay each year on medications to $2,000 per year. Before he spoke, Biden met with two young women with diabetes who would benefit from less expensive insulin.” [Bloomberg, 12/6/21]

CNN: Biden Says He Wants His Social Safety Net Bill Passed ‘as Early As We Can Get It’ As Negotiations Drag On. “‘There aren’t a lot of things that almost every American can agree on, but I think it’s safe to say that all of us … can agree that prescription drugs are outrageously expensive in this country,’ Biden said…”It doesn’t need to be that way’…Biden met with two women who suffer from diabetes ahead of his remarks. The bill, if passed, would cap the cost of insulin at $35 per month for Medicare beneficiaries and those with private insurance.” [CNN, 12/6/21]

MarketWatch: Biden Promises Build Back Better Plan Will Slash ‘Outrageously Expensive’ Drug Prices As Democrats Push To Pass Bill Before Christmas. “The bill features an annual cap of $2,000 on out-of-pocket drug costs for Medicare recipients. Pressing lawmakers to ‘finish the job’ on the Build Back Better plan, Biden said diseases like diabetes or cancer ‘don’t care whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican. This is not a partisan issue,’ he said.” [MarketWatch, 12/6/21]

President Biden Continues to Lead on Lowering Drug Prices for American Families 

The Build Back Better Act Will Drive Down Insulin Costs for Millions of Patients

Washington, D.C. — Today, President Biden delivered remarks on the Build Back Better Act’s critical provisions to make insulin more affordable for millions of patients. The historic legislation gives Medicare the power to negotiate for lower insulin prices and caps insulin costs at $35 per month for patients with health insurance. During the event, Iesha Meza, a young Arizonan and type 1 diabetic, told her story of struggling to afford her prescriptions and explained why Build Back Better will help. Here is Iesha sharing her story at a rally with Senator Klobuchar and Protect Our Care in September. Iesha also appeared at Protect Our Care’s “Lower Costs, Better Care” bus tour stop in Phoenix. 

For decades, high drug prices have been a top concern for Americans from all walks of life. In addition to lowering insulin costs, the Build Back Better Act works to deliver relief to seniors and families  by giving Medicare the power to negotiate, cracking down on outrageous price increases, and capping seniors’ out-of-pocket drug costs. In response, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement:  

For too long, diabetics in this country have had to pay far too much to get the medications they depend on. It is unfathomable that, even when insulin costs only a few dollars to produce, drug companies have hiked insulin prices to hundreds of dollars for one month’s supply. With Build Back Better, President Biden and Democrats are working to put an end to Big Pharma’s broken system that has forced patients to choose between putting food on the table and affording the very medications they need to survive. Now, the Senate must work quickly to pass this historic legislation to lower health care costs so millions of families can finally sleep a little easier at night.” 

PRESS CALL: Senators Patty Murray and Tina Smith, Representative Anna Eshoo to Join Protect Our Care to Urge Senate Passage of Build Back Better Act For Lower Insulin Costs


The Build Back Better Act Will Lower Insulin Costs for Millions

Washington, DC — On Tuesday, December 7 at 3:00 PM EST/ 12:00 PM PST, U.S. Senators Patty Murray (D-WA) and Tina Smith (D-MN) and U.S. Representative Anna Eshoo (D-CA-18) will join Protect Our Care and Kevin Wren, a health care storyteller from Washington, to discuss the Build Back Better Act’s critical provisions to make insulin more affordable. The bill gives Medicare the power to negotiate for lower insulin prices and caps insulin costs at $35 per month for millions of patients with health insurance.

For decades, high drug prices have been a top concern for Americans from all walks of life. In addition to lowering insulin costs, the Build Back Better Act works to deliver relief to families by giving Medicare the power to negotiate, cracking down on outrageous price increases, and capping seniors’ out-of-pocket drug costs. During the call, speakers will call for immediate passage of the Build Back Better Act in the Senate with all of the bill’s health care measures fully intact. 


U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA)
U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-MN)
U.S. Representative Anna Eshoo (D-CA-18)
Kevin Wren, Type 1 diabetic from Washington State

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference With Senator Patty Murray, Senator Tina Smith, and Representative Eshoo to Urge Senate Passage of Build Back Better Act For Lower Insulin Costs

WHERE: Register for the Event Here.

WHEN: Tuesday, December 7 at 3:00 PM EST // 12:00 PM PST

TODAY: Senator Jeanne Shaheen and Advocates to Discuss Open Enrollment in NH and Encourage Granite Staters to Sign-up for ACA Marketplace Coverage 


 Manchester, NH — Today, Friday, December 3 at 12:00 PM ET, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and local advocates will join Protect Our Care New Hampshire to discuss open enrollment under the Affordable Care Act and encourage more Granite Staters to enroll in coverage through the ACA Marketplace this year. The affordable plans may be selected at any time until January 15, 2022.

This event is timely as the Build Back Better Act awaits a vote in the Senate. Already passed in the House, this legislation represents the most significant expansion of affordable health care since the passage of the ACA. The legislation includes two top priorities Shaheen secured: provisions from her legislation to expand and enhance the Affordable Care Act’s premium tax credits and provisions to lower the cost of insulin. The Build Back Better Act also includes historic measures to give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, expand affordable coverage to millions by closing the Medicaid coverage gap, expand work Medicare benefits, and invest $150 billion in-home care for seniors and people with disabilities. Health care is a fundamental part of the Build Back Better agenda, and the plans to reduce costs and expand care are the top issues for voters.


U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)
Elias Ashooh, Project Director of Health Market Connect
Greg White, Chief Executive Officer at Lamprey Health Care
Lisa Beaudoin, Executive Director at ABLE NH

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference to Discuss Health Provisions in Build Back Better Act and Call for Immediate Passage in the Senate 

WHEN: Friday, December 3 at at 12:00 PM ET

WHERE: Register for the Event Here

TODAY: Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Wisconsin Advocates to Discuss Health Provisions in Build Back Better Act and Call for Immediate Passage in the Senate 


Wisconsin — On Friday December 3 at 10:30 AM CT // 11:30 AM ET, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Ben Wilson of Citizen Action Wisconsin, and patient storytellers, will join Protect Our Care Wisconsin to discuss the House passage of the Build Back Better Act, the most significant expansion of affordable health care since the Affordable Care Act

The landmark legislation includes measures to deliver relief to American families by lowering insurance premiums, giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, expanding affordable coverage to millions by closing the Medicaid coverage gap, expanding Medicare benefits, and investing $150 billion in home care for seniors and people with disabilities. During the call, speakers will stress the urgent need for the Senate to move quickly to pass the bill so millions of Americans can finally afford the health care they need.


U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)
Ben Wilson, Citizen Action Wisconsin
Lillian Cheesman, patient storyteller from La Crosse, WI
Megan Grinde, patient storyteller from La Crosse, WI
Tina Pohlman, patient storyteller from West Allis, WI

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference to Discuss Health Provisions in Build Back Better Act and Call for Immediate Passage in the Senate 

WHEN: Friday, December 3 at 10:30 AM CT // 11:30 AM ET

WHERE: Register for the Event Here

IN THE NEWS: Members of Congress Joined Local Events to Discuss Historic Provisions in Build Back Better Act and Call for Immediate Passage in the Senate

Protect Our Care held local events praising the House passage of the Build Back Better Act and calling for the Senate to quickly pass the bill. The legislation includes historic measures to strengthen American health care, lower insurance premiums, give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, expand affordable coverage to millions by closing the Medicaid coverage gap, expand Medicare benefits, and invest $150 billion in home care for seniors and people with disabilities. Through press events, Protect Our Care continued to convey that President Biden’s health care priorities are among the most consequential policies to Americans’ health and well-being and remain central to the popularity of the Build Back Better package. 


PRESS EVENT: Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), Representative Madeleine Dean (D-PA-04), and Representative Susan Wild (D-PA-07) joined The Pennsylvania Budget & Policy Center and Protect Our Care Pennsylvania on a press call to celebrate the Build Back Better Act passage in the House and urge the U.S. Senate to act quickly to get the bill to President Biden’s desk for his signature.

Watch the Event Here.



PRESS EVENT: U.S. Representative Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ-06) and local advocates joined Protect Our Care New Jersey to discuss the House passage of the Build Back Better Act, the most significant expansion of affordable health care since the Affordable Care Act.

Watch the Event Here.



PRESS EVENT: U.S. Representative Carolyn Bourdeaux (D-GA-07) and local advocates joined Protect Our Care Georgia for a press conference to share stories about their experiences with the Medicaid coverage gap and highlight how Congresswoman Boudreaux’s work to expand Medicaid and close the coverage gap through the Build Back Better Act will benefit Georgians.

Watch the Event Here.



PRESS EVENT: U.S. Representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ-07) and local advocates will join Protect Our Care Arizona and Honest Arizona to discuss the House passage of the Build Back Better Act and stress the urgent need for the Senate to move quickly to pass the bill so millions of Americans can finally afford the health care they need.

Watch the Event Here.


Protect Our Care Launches Campaign to Hold Vulnerable GOP Lawmakers Accountable for Their Votes Against the Health Care Provisions in the Build Back Better Act

House Republicans Voted to Deny Affordable Health Care for Millions of Working Families

Read a Sample State Release Here.

Washington, D.C. — On November 19, the House passed the historic Build Back Better Act without a single Republican vote. By opposing Build Back Better, Republicans voted against driving down health care costs, lowering prescription drug prices, expanding coverage to millions, improving care for seniors, and leveling the playing field for working families. The health care measures are the most popular provisions in the entire bill and are widely supported by voters from all parties.

This week, Protect Our Care is launching an ongoing campaign to hold vulnerable Republican members accountable starting with the 21 members listed below. Protect Our Care will educate constituents on the vote their member of Congress took to raise drug costs, raise insurance premiums, deny coverage to millions, and deny hearing benefits for seniors.

“Time and again, Republicans have failed the American people on health care,” said Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach. “Americans from all walks of life support policies to lower drug prices, expand coverage, improve care for seniors, and level the playing field for working families, but Republicans continue to put industry profits ahead of their constituents. By opposing Build Back Better, Republicans proved they are out of touch with the economic and health worries that keep families up at night. Just like their attempts to destroy the Affordable Care Act, this vote will haunt the GOP for years to come.”

Protect Our Care’s campaign is focused on the following Republican members of Congress:

David Schweikert (AZ-06)
Mike Garcia (CA-25)
Young Kim (CA-39)
Michelle Steel (CA-48)
David Valadao (CA-21)
Carlos Gimenez (FL-26)
María Elvira Salazar (FL-27)
Ashley Hinson (IA-01)
Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA-02)
Andy Harris (MD-01)
Ann Wagner (MO-02)
Ted Budd (NC-13)
Jeff Van Drew (NJ-02)
Andrew Garbarino (NY-02)
John Katko (NY-24)
Claudia Tenney (NY-22)
Steve Chabot (OH-01)
Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01)
Scott Perry (PA-10)
Tony Gonzales (TX-23)
Beth Van Duyne (TX-24)