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MEMO: Widespread Support in Key States for Medicare Negotiations to Lower Drug Prices, Other Key Health Provisions, and the Overall Build Back Better Plan

To: Interested Parties
From: Minami Yoshizawa, Public Policy Polling
Date: October 13, 2021
RE: Widespread Support in Key States for Medicare Negotiations to Lower Drug Prices, Other Key Health Provisions, and the Overall Build Back Better Plan

Four new Public Policy Polling surveys conducted among voters in Arizona, Delaware, New Jersey, and West Virginia find strong bipartisan support for the key reforms to health care that are part of the Build Back Better Plan that will lower drug costs and insurance premiums, expand Medicare benefits, and increase coverage.

Overwhelming majorities of voters across party lines in each state support giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower prescription drug prices.

  • 73% of Arizona voters, 74% of West Virginia voters, 77% of New Jersey voters, and 78% of Delaware voters say they support giving Medicare the power to lower prescription drug prices for all Americans, with a majority in each state saying they strongly support it.
    • This includes support from a majority across party lines, including 65-74% of independents and 63-74% of Republicans.
    • An overwhelming majority of voters (ranging from 85% in New Jersey to 92% in West Virginia) say they think the price of prescription drugs is too high, while just 4-9% think they are “about right.”
  • Opposing Medicare negotiations for drug prices could have political consequences for each state’s elected officials. A plurality of voters (ranging from 39% in New Jersey and West Virginia to 45% in Arizona) say they are less likely to vote for their senator in the next election if they oppose Medicare having the power to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices. Just 17-20% say they would be more likely to support them.
  • An overwhelming majority of voters in each state (ranging from 83% in New Jersey to 88% in Delaware) support making sure that Americans do not pay more for the same prescription drugs than what people pay in other countries, while just 4-6% oppose it. Those in support include 80-84% of independents and 80-85% of Republicans.
  • A majority of voters in each state (ranging from 68% in Arizona to 77% in New Jersey) say they agree more that we should allow Medicare to negotiate with drug companies to make drugs and medication more affordable to patients.
  • Voters reject the drug company argument that giving Medicare the power to negotiate will undermine innovations. Just 7-11% agree more with the drug company argument that by letting Medicare dictate prescription drug prices, drug companies’ ability to innovate and develop new drugs will be undercut.

Voters are also supportive of the other benefits the Build Back Better plan would offer for health insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid:

  • 59% of Arizona voters, 63% of West Virginia voters, 66% of New Jersey voters, and 70% of Delaware voters support a plan in Congress to lower the health insurance costs for people who buy insurance on their own by expanding tax credits and subsidies. Just 9-19% overall are opposed. Like many of the previous initiatives, this attracts bipartisan support, including 56-61% of Republican voters and 52-64% of independents.
  • 79% of Arizona voters, 81% of West Virginia voters, 84% of New Jersey voters, and 86% of Delaware voters support policies to lower drug costs after hearing that savings from lower drug prices would be used to provide health care benefits for hearing, dental, and vision to seniors on Medicare, and lower insurance premiums for millions more. Supporters include 76-85% of Republicans and 71-82% of independents.
  • 56% of Arizona voters, 64% of West Virginia voters, 67% of New Jersey voters, and 70% of Delaware voters support giving low- and moderate-income Americans, including seniors, children, and people who do not get insurance at work, the opportunity to get health insurance at little or no cost if their state does not offer coverage under Medicaid. Just 13-21% are opposed. Supporters include a plurality or majority of independents (48-62%) and Republicans (41-58%).

A majority of voters in all four states (ranging from 57% in West Virginia to 70% in Delaware) say they support the overall Build Back Better plan, which would provide paid family and medical leave, expand Medicare coverage for seniors including dental, vision, and hearing coverage, and lower health care costs by allowing Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices.

Public Policy Polling surveyed 709 Arizona voters on behalf of Protect Our Care from October 8-9, 2021. The margin of error is +/- 3.7%. 52% of interviews for the survey were conducted by text message and 48% by telephone.

Public Policy Polling surveyed 782 Delaware voters on behalf of Protect Our Care from October 8-10, 2021. The margin of error is +/- 3.5%. 50% of interviews for the survey were conducted by telephone and 50% by text message.

Public Policy Polling surveyed 720 New Jersey voters on behalf of Protect Our Care from October 8-10, 2021. The margin of error is +/- 3.7%. 50% of interviews for the survey were conducted by telephone and 50% by text message.

Public Policy Polling surveyed 960 West Virginia voters on behalf of Protect Our Care from October 8-9, 2021. The margin of error is +/- 3.2%. 50% of interviews for the survey were conducted by telephone and 50% by text message.

TODAY: Local Advocates in West Virginia Join Protect Our Care to Call on Congress to Lower Drug Prices


Charleston, WV — On Thursday, October 14 at 11:00 ET, Protect Our Care Founder and Chair Leslie Dach and local advocates will join Protect Our Care West Virginia for a virtual press event, calling on Congress to deliver lower costs and better care to Americans by passing all of President Biden’s health care priorities in the Build Back Better budget package, including allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices. New polling on behalf of Protect Our Care shows that 74% of West Virginians across party lines support giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices.

Congress is closing in on a budget agreement that will transform the lives of West Virginians and American families nationwide. Giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices is the single most effective way to bring down drug prices, potentially saving patients more than $150 billion and creating $500 billion in savings for the federal government. 

Still, Big Pharma is ramping up its lobbying and scare tactics to protect its profits and lie to the American people. This event will make clear that this is not the time for half measures; Congress must give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices for all Americans. 


Leslie Dach, Protect Our Care Founder and Chair
Dr. Jessica Ice, Executive Director of West Virginians for Affordable Health Care
Ryan Frankenberry, State Coordinator for WV Working Families Party
Mindy Salango, West Virginia Patient and Advocate 

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference Calling on Congress to Lower Drug Prices

WHERE: Register for the Event Here

WHEN: Thursday, October 14 at 11:00 AM ET

NEW: Protect Our Care Urges Senators Carper and Coons to Stand Up for Patients and Lower Drug Costs with New Delaware Poll, Radio Ad

New PPP Polling on Behalf of Protect Our Care Shows That Medicare Negotiation is Overwhelmingly Popular With Delawareans

Listen to the Radio Ad Here

Full Poll Results and Memo Here

Delaware — Today, Protect Our Care announced a new radio ad calling on Delawareans to tell U.S. Senators Tom Carper (D-DE) and Chris Coons (D-DE) that they expect their support for giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices. The ad comes as Protect Our Care is releasing a new poll conducted by Public Policy Polling showing that 78% of Delaware voters say they support giving Medicare the power to lower prescription drug prices for all Americans, with more than 6 in 10 saying they strongly support it. The poll also shows that a large majority (70%) of Delaware voters also say they support the overall Build Back Better plan, which would provide paid family and medical leave, expand Medicare coverage for seniors including dental, vision, and hearing coverage, and lower health care costs by allowing Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices.

As Congress is closing in on legislation that will transform the lives of American families nationwide, the new poll and radio ad make clear that Delawareans won’t settle for half-measures and that Senators Carper’s and Coon’s votes are key to passing prescription drug pricing reform. President Biden and Democrats are leading the charge to include Medicare negotiation and other key health care priorities in the Build Back Better bill, but the fight is not over: Big Pharma is ramping up its lobbying and scare tactics to protect its profits and lie to the American people. Senators Carper and Coons must meet the demands of their constituents and give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices for all Americans. 

“Delawareans are fed up with the broken system that allows drug companies to charge them three times more for medications than people in other countries,” said Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach. “Delawareans are counting on Senators Coons and Carper to put working families over drug company profits by giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices. With Republicans marching in lockstep with Big Pharma, every Democrat needs to get on board and help pass the Build Back Better Act so millions of Americans no longer have to worry about affording the medications they need to survive.”

Ad Script (60s):

Families here in Delaware pay 3 times more than people in other countries for the same life-saving medicines.

It’s not right.

94 percent of Americans want Congress to lower drug prices now. 

Your Senators Chris Coons and Tom Carper are key votes. They get to decide whether big drug companies get to keep the rigged system that lets them charge as much as they want OR we put an end to that and give Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices.

Too many families have to choose between paying their rent or paying for their medicine.

It shouldn’t be this way and it doesn’t have to be. 

Giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower prices for prescription drugs would be life changing for patients.

Call Senators Coons and Carper. Tell them we need them to stand with Delaware patients 

Delaware families need this Build Back Better act that gives Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices.

Paid for by Protect Our Care.

TODAY: Representative Ruben Gallego to Highlight How Historic Health Care Investments Included in Democrats’ Budget Legislation Will Impact Arizonans


Phoenix, AZ — On Wednesday, October 13 at 9:30 AM MT // 12:30 PM ET, Representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ-07) and local advocates will join Protect Our Care Arizona for a virtual press conference to highlight how the efforts of President Biden and Democrats in Congress will lower costs and expand access to health care in Arizona and across the country. 

Expanding access to quality, affordable health care has never been more critical. The pandemic has laid bare the high costs and alarming inequities in our health care system, and it has demonstrated that health care must be a right, not a privilege. President Biden and Democrats in Congress are fighting to make this a reality in Arizona, by working to include historic health care provisions in their budget reconciliation legislation. 

President Biden’s Build Back Better proposal includes driving down prescription drug prices, expanding Medicare benefits to include vision, dental, and hearing, closing the Medicaid coverage gap, and dramatically lowering the cost of health insurance for millions.


U.S. Representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ-07)
Dora Vasquez, Executive Director of Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans
Laurie Wagner, Arizona Patient and Advocate
Iesha Meza, Arizona Patient and Advocate

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference to Highlight How Historic Health Care Investments Will Impact Arizonans 

WHEN: Wednesday, October 13 at 9:30 AM MST // 12:30 PM EDT

WHERE: Register for the Event Here 

Protect Our Care Hosts Nationwide Events Demanding President Biden’s Health Care Priorities Remain in Final Budget Agreement

Protect Our Care Hosted Events in Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia

Protect Our Care continued its events and activities calling on members of Congress to meet the demands of their constituents and pass all of President Biden’s health care priorities in the Build Back Better legislation. Democrats are continuing to negotiate a final budget agreement that could give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, close the Medicaid coverage gap, expand Medicare benefits to include vision, dental and hearing, and reduce health care costs for millions of people purchasing coverage on their own. These proposals are overwhelmingly popular among voters of all parties and will extend access to health care for millions of Americans. 

Through press calls, mobile billboards, radio ads, and other demonstrations, Protect Our Care made clear that all of the health care reforms are central to the popularity of the Build Back Better package. And with Republicans bought and paid for by Big Pharma and other special interests, we need every Democrat to keep up the fight. Protect Our Care will continue to ensure that lawmakers understand the importance of lowering drug prices and expanding care leading up to the final passage of the Build Back Better Act. 


PRESS EVENT: Executive Director of the Arizona Public Health Association Will Humble joined the Arizona chapter of AARP on Morning Scoop for a press event highlighting the benefits for all consumers of allowing Medicare to negotiate the prices of prescription drugs. In Arizona, the cost of prescription drugs grew 69% faster than the average resident’s income from 2015 to 2019, forcing many to choose between medication and rent, groceries or other necessities. 

WEBSITE AD TAKEOVER: Protect Our Care placed ads in the Arizona Capital Times calling for Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) to meet the demands of her constituents and support giving Medicare the power to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices. The ads were placed in advance of an event with Will Humble, who appeared in a POC radio ad last week.

RADIO AD: Protect Our Care extended its radio ad calling for Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) to meet the demands of her constituents and support giving Medicare the power to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices. The ad features Will Humble, the Executive Director for the Arizona Public Health Association, who explains that Arizonans pay three times more for drugs than people in other countries while Big Pharma continues to rake in record profits and hike prices on Americans.

Listen to the Radio Ad Here


PROTEST: On Thursday, Indivisible, Protect Our Care and constituents of California’s 52nd district protested outside of Rep. Scott Peters’s office for his opposition to giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices. These protests will take place every Tuesday and Thursday until Rep. Peters does the right thing and supports all of the health care priorities in the Build Back Better Act. 

RADIO AD: Protect Our Care extended its radio ad campaign calling out Representatives Scott Peters (D-CA-52) for his opposition to giving Medicare the power to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices for all Americans — a proposal supported by over 90% of all Americans and central to President Biden’s Build Back Better proposal. 

Listen to the Radio Ad Here


MOBILE BILLBOARD: On Wednesday, a mobile billboard sponsored by Protect Our Care appeared outside of the Wilmington Amtrak station urging Senator Carper to support giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices for all Americans. 


PRESS CALL: On Wednesday, a group of healthcare advocates, medical professionals, and faith leaders in Central Florida held a virtual event urging Representative Stephanie Murphy (D-FL-07) to be a champion for lowering prescription drug prices and expanding Medicare and Medicaid by voting for President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda.

Watch the Event Here



MOBILE BILLBOARD: On Tuesday, Protect Our Care’s mobile billboard appeared at an event sponsored by Our Revolution in front of U.S. Senator Bob Menendez’s (D-NJ) Jersey City office calling on the senator to stand up to Big Pharma and bring relief to New Jersey’s seniors and families who struggle to afford their medications by giving Medicare the power to negotiate. 


RADIO AD: Protect Our Care extended its radio ad campaign calling out Representative Kathleen Rice (D-NY-04) for her failure to support giving Medicare the power to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices for all Americans. 

Listen to the Radio Ads Here


PRESS CALL: On Wednesday, Representative Susan Wild (PA-07) joined local health care advocates for a virtual roundtable to highlight how the health provisions included in President Biden’s Build Back Better Act will lower costs and expand access to health care in Pennsylvania and across the country.

Watch the Event Here


RADIO AD: Protect Our Care announced a new radio ad today calling for U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) to meet the demands of his constituents and fight for giving Medicare the power to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices. The ad features Mindy Salango, a Morgantown resident who suffers from Type I diabetes, explaining that giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower prices is the solution to the broken drug pricing system. 

Listen to the Radio Ad Here

ROUNDUP: Editorials & Op-Eds From Across the Country Expose Big Pharma’s Lies on Drug Pricing

Big Pharma has ramped up their lobbying and their lies around drug pricing as Congress closes in on a budget agreement that has the potential to provide relief to consumers struggling with sky-high drug prices. Giving Medicare the power to negotiate is the single most effective way to lower drug prices for patients. With Republicans bought and paid for, every Democrat in Congress needs to get on board with this overwhelmingly popular proposal. Editorials, lawmakers, advocates and patients across the country urge Congress to do the right thing and pass Medicare negotiation now.


Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Time Has Come To Bargain Drug Prices. “Bringing down prescription drug prices has been a major kitchen-table issue for American consumers for years. When the 2019 bill was being debated, a Kaiser Family Foundation poll showed that more than 85% of Americans favor allowing the government to negotiate directly with pharmaceutical companies and using those negotiated prices for private citizens too. And politicians have long pushed for allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices — Presidents Joe Biden, Donald Trump and Barack Obama all campaigned on it.” [Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 9/17/21]

New Jersey Star Ledger: Don’t Be Duped by Dark Money ‘Mediscare’ Ads: “Democrats aren’t cutting Medicare in their $3.5 trillion plan – they’re expanding it. They’re adding new dental, hearing and vision benefits to help folks like the nearly 20 percent of American seniors who have no teeth left. And they’d cover the cost of this by negotiating lower prices for prescriptions. So who is lobbing these lies? Thanks to laws that hide the identity of the sponsors, we can’t know for sure, but who could it be aside from Big Pharma?” [, 10/6/21]

The Press Democrat: Let Medicare Negotiate Cheaper Drug Prices. “The federal government could save up to $450 billion over 10 years if Medicare could negotiate drug prices. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the provision also would increase federal revenues by $45 billion by lowering costs for employer-provided health care plans and increasing employees’ taxable incomes. Beneficiaries would pay less, too. Polls shows near-universal support among Democrats for giving Medicare the power to negotiate prices with the pharmaceutical industry, but that change has remained elusive, even as part of a reconciliation package that Democrats can pass with no Republican votes.” [The Press Democrat, 10/1/21]


U.S. Reps. Brown and Mfume in the Baltimore Sun: Congress Must Act to Lower Prescription Drug Prices. “It’s long past time Congress acted decisively to make prescription medications more affordable to save lives and ensure families can afford the medicines they need to care for themselves and their families. Fortunately, there’s a tangible fix to this problem: Empower Medicare to negotiate for lower prices with the pharmaceutical industry…It doesn’t have to be this way. It’s long past time for Congress to fix this problem by applying a common-sense approach: allow Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices for all Americans.” [The Baltimore Sun, 9/7/21]

U.S. Reps. Allred, Axne, Davids, Kim and Spanberger in The Washington Post: Opinion: End The Monopoly. Let Medicare Negotiate Drug Prices. “The current system is broken, and it is harming Americans. But now, Congress can stand on the side of consumers and take decisive action to lower prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. By giving Medicare the power to negotiate drug prices, Congress can make sure patients come first.” [The Washington Post, 9/23/21]

Orlando Sentinel: Op-Ed: Rep. Murphy, Please Vote to Lower Prescription Costs. “As I am currently in the Medicaid gap for coverage, I pay almost 80% of the cost of my medication to treat my diabetes and heart condition, which totals over $500a month. That is an extremely high cost just to stay alive, and it has given me financial difficulties to both afford my medicine and stay on top of my bills. I know I’m not alone. Americans pay three times more for prescription drugs than people in other countries, and far too many are forced to make impossible choices between accessing lifesaving prescription drugs or putting food on the table or paying rent.” [Orlando Sentinel, 10/07/21]

Delaware Business Times: Op-Ed: First State in Need of Drug Pricing Reform. “A recent report from West Health found that 25% of Delaware residents couldn’t afford a prescription given to them by their doctor and that over 146,000 respondents in the state chose not to seek treatment for medical issues because of the prohibitive cost of care. It’s clear Delawareans looking to fill their prescriptions need relief, and fortunately, the Biden administration and key senators, like Carper and Coons, are poised to take action.” [Delaware Business Times, 9/20/21]

Reno Gazette Journal: Op-Ed: Nevadans of All Ages Need Lower Drug Prices. “Lawmakers have no good excuse for leaving anyone behind, watering down reform or kowtowing to industry demands for minimal change. The prescription drug industry is the most profitable sector in the nation, outpacing profit margins in some other industries by double digits. A recent study showed that drug corporations could make $1 trillion less in sales and still be the most profitable industry in the nation.” [Reno Gazette Journal, 9/27/21]

Delaware Online: Op-Ed: Congress Must Act Now to Lower Prescription Drug Prices. “Congress must address drug prices to make health care more affordable. Families deserve the best care and treatment possible for their loved ones. This crisis impacts every American family, community and business. It is a universal issue that is growing. A June poll by West Health found that one in four Delaware families were unable to afford a necessary prescription over the last year and 67% said they believe prescription drug prices are continuing to climb. The stress and anxiety created by the financial cost for medications and insurance is one that we must continue to address across both the state and federal government.” [Delaware Online, 9/27/21]

Statesman Journal: Op-Ed: The Problem With Rep. Schrader’s Shifting Priorities on Lowering Drug Prices. “After supporting similar legislation in 2019, Schrader has shifted his priorities, opting to protect drug corporations’ power to control drug prices and doing nothing to lower prices for the hundreds of millions of non-seniors who are also struggling. After voting for an earlier version of the Lower Drug Costs Now Act last Congress, he’s now proposing a bill that would severely limit the number of drug prices that could be negotiated and the number of Americans who would benefit.” [Statesman Journal, 10/1/21]

NEW RADIO AD: Health Care Advocate Mindy Salango Says West Virginians Are Counting on Senator Manchin to Let  Medicare Negotiate Drug Prices

Morgantown Resident and Type I Diabetic Mindy Salango Shares Her Story to Show Why Senator Manchin’s Leadership is Essential to Pass Medicare Negotiation 

Listen to the Radio Ad Here

West Virginia — Protect Our Care announced a new radio ad today calling for U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) to meet the demands of his constituents and fight for giving Medicare the power to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices. The ad features Mindy Salango, a Morgantown resident who suffers from Type I diabetes, explaining that West Virginians pay three times more for drugs than people in other countries while drug companies charge exorbitant prices for lifesaving medications like insulin. Mindy makes clear that giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower prices is the solution to the broken drug pricing system. Democrats’ proposal to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices is supported by 90% of all Americans and remains central to President Biden’s Build Back Better Act.

The ad comes as Congress is closing in on legislation that will transform the lives of American families nationwide. President Biden and Democrats are leading the charge to include Medicare negotiation and other key health care priorities in the Build Back Better package, but the fight is not over: Big Pharma is fighting back with lobbying and scare tactics to protect its profits and lie to the American people. The ad makes clear that Senator Manchin must hold strong in his support for the health care provisions of the Build Back Better Act, including giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices for all Americans. The ad will run statewide beginning on Friday, October 8.

“Patients like Mindy illustrate why bold action to bring down drug prices is so important. Across West Virginia, families are making impossible choices between affording prescription drugs or putting food on the table — that’s no way to live, said Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach. “Senator Manchin has made clear giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices is not only commonsense policy, but the right thing to do. Now, it’s time for Senator Manchin to deliver on his promise and fight to get this over the finish line and help pass the Build Back Better Act so millions of Americans no longer have to worry about affording the medications they need to survive.” 

Script for “Mindy” Ad (60s):

Too many West Virginians wake up everyday and have to make a heartbreaking choice: 

Should I pay the rent or should I pay for my medication that keeps me alive? 

My name is Mindy Salango and I’m a Type 1 diabetic.

Even though I have health insurance, I still spend about $350 every month paying for my prescription medications, insulin and other diabetes supplies I need to stay healthy and alive.

The thought of not being able to afford my medication is terrifying.

West Virginians are suffering because of high prescription drug costs. We pay 3-times more than people in other countries for the same drugs. It doesn’t have to be this way. 

Congress can give Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices for West Virginia families.

Senator Manchin has told us he’s with us on this.  Now, we’re counting on him to get it done. 

TODAY: U.S. Rep. Susan Wild and Advocates to Highlight How Historic Health Care Investments Included in Democrats’ Budget Legislation Will Impact Pennsylvanians


Philadelphia, PA — Today, October 6 at 3:30 PM ET, U.S. Representative Susan Wild (D-PA-07) will headline a virtual roundtable to highlight how historic health care provisions included in the Democrats’ budget reconciliation legislation will lower costs and expand access for Pennsylvanians. Local health care advocates from For Our Future Pennsylvania, Protect Our Care Pennsylvania, MomsRising, The Pennsylvania Health Access Network, and The 99% Campaign will join Rep. Wild, illustrating the growing momentum for President Biden’s Build Back Better plan.

The Build Back Better proposal includes driving down prescription drug prices, expanding Medicare benefits to include vision, dental, and hearing, closing the Medicaid coverage gap, dramatically lowering the cost of health insurance for millions, and increasing the accessibility and affordability of home health and child care. 

This event will showcase how President Biden and the Democrats are fighting to make affordable health care a reality in Pennsylvania through historic health care provisions included in their budget reconciliation legislation.  


U.S. Representative Susan Wild (D-PA-07)
Ashley McBride, For Our Future Pennsylvania State Director
Michael Berman, Protect Our Care Pennsylvania
Karen Showalter, Moms Rising
The Pennsylvania Health Access Network
The 99% Pennsylvania Campaign of the PA Budget & Policy Center

WHAT: Virtual Roundtable to Highlight How Historic Health Care Investments Included in Democrats’ Budget Legislation Will Impact Pennsylvanians

WHERE: Register for the Event Here 

WHEN: Wednesday, October 6 at 3:30 PM ET

TODAY: Local Health Care Advocates, Central Floridians To Hold Virtual Event Urging U.S. Representative Stephanie Murphy to Stand Up to Big Pharma


Coalition Will Call on U.S. Rep. Murphy to Support the Build Back Better Agenda, Including Lowering Prescription Drug Prices via Medicare Negotiations and Medicaid Expansion

Orlando, FL — Today, Wednesday October 6 11:00 AM ET, healthcare advocates, medical professionals, and faith leaders in Central Florida will hold a virtual event urging U.S. Representative Stephanie Murphy (D-FL-07) to support lowering prescription drug prices and expanding Medicaid by voting for President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda. 

Through the reconciliation bill currently being debated in Congress, Democrats are committed to lowering drug prices for American families. Though Representative Murphy voted for H.R. 3 in 2019, she has since indicated that she may not be supportive of similar healthcare measures in the current reconciliation package. 

In Florida, there is currently overwhelming, bipartisan support for Medicare negotiation and the need to lower prescription drug prices in Representative Murphy’s district. Last month, a poll released by Public Policy Polling confirmed that voters in Representative Murphy’s district overwhelmingly support giving Medicare the power to lower prescription drug prices for all Americans. This event will make clear that Representative Murphy must deliver on her promises to her constituents and all Americans by supporting the Build Back Better Agenda. 


Janice Poirier, Ed.S., President Florida Education Association Retired, National Education Association Retired Executive Council
Donesa Jackson, Regional VP of Central Florida for Florida Alliance for Retired Americans
Rev. Dr. Russel Meyer, Executive Director of Florida Council of Churches
Scott Darius, Executive Director for Florida Voices for Health

WHAT: Virtual Event Calling on U.S. Rep. Murphy to Support the Build Back Better Agenda, Including Lowering Prescription Drug Prices via Medicare Negotiations and Medicaid Expansion

WHERE: Register for the Event Here 

WHEN: Wednesday, October 6 at 11:00 AM ET

TODAY: Protect Our Care Actions in Arizona and New Jersey Demand That Medicare Negotiation be Passed in Build Back Better Package

Protect Our Care Continued to Urge Senators Sinema (D-AZ) and Menendez (D-NJ) to Lower Prescription Drug Costs with Website Ad Takeover, Radio Ad, Mobile Billboard, Press Events

Protect Our Care continued its events and activities calling on Congress to deliver lower costs and better care to American families by passing all of President Biden’s health care priorities in the Build Back Better budget package. Democrats are closing in on a budget agreement that could give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, close the Medicaid coverage gap, expand Medicare benefits to include vision, dental and hearing, and reduce health care costs for millions of people purchasing coverage on their own. These proposals are overwhelmingly popular among voters of all parties.

Today’s events made clear that all of these health care reforms are essential to the success of the Build Back Better package. And with Republicans bought and paid for by Big Pharma and other special interests, we need every Democrat to keep up the fight. Protect Our Care will continue to ensure that lawmakers understand the importance of lowering drug prices and expanding care and hold those that fight reform accountable.


WEBSITE AD TAKEOVER: Protect Our Care placed ads today in the Arizona Capital Times calling for Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) to meet the demands of her constituents and support giving Medicare the power to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices. The ads were placed in advance of an event with Will Humble, who appeared in a POC radio ad last week.

PRESS EVENT: Will Humble, Executive Director of the Arizona Public Health Association, joined the Arizona chapter of AARP on Morning Scoop for a press event highlighting the benefits for all consumers of allowing Medicare to negotiate the prices of prescription drugs. In Arizona, the cost of prescription drugs grew 69% faster than the average resident’s income from 2015 to 2019, forcing many to choose between medication and rent, groceries or other necessities. 


MOBILE BILLBOARD: A mobile billboard sponsored by Protect Our Care appeared at an event sponsored by Our Revolution in front of U.S. Senator Bob Menendez’s (D-NJ) Jersey City office calling on the senator to stand up to Big Pharma and bring relief to New Jersey’s seniors and families who struggle to afford their medications. This event made it clear that Senator Menendez must not cower to the demands of drug companies and deliver on his promises to his constituents and all Americans.