Instead of Protecting Health Care for Millions of Americans, Republicans Are Working Overtime to Hand Out More Tax Breaks to Their Wealthy Friends on Wall Street
Over the past few weeks, Democratic lawmakers including Representative Angie Craig (D-MN-02), HHS Regional Directors, and health care advocates joined Protect Our Care to sound the alarm about the urgent need for Congress to stop Republican premium hikes. As open enrollment for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is underway, millions of families are saving hundreds of dollars thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act’s tax credits. Last year, 21.4 million Americans enrolled with 4 out of 5 finding a plan for $10 or less per month. During the events, speakers explained what is at risk if Republicans in Congress cut funding and let the ACA tax credits expire at the end of 2025.
Allowing the tax credits to expire is part of a wider effort to sabotage the Affordable Care Act. Donald Trump and his GOP allies have made clear that ripping away health care for millions of Americans is a top priority for 2025. Recent reporting indicated that Medicaid will be targeted for budget cuts in the coming year while Trump has even put repealing the ACA back on the table. If the enhanced tax credits do expire, 5 million Americans will become uninsured as costs skyrocket for over 20 million more and Republicans will own the premium hikes and coverage losses for middle-class families.
State Representative Genevieve Mina (D-AK-19)
Stephanie Bergstrom, Lifelong Alaskan enrolled in the Open Market
Amber Lee, Protect Our Care Alaska
WHAT: Virtual Press Conference
WHERE: Register for the Zoom here [Registration required]
WHEN: Friday, December 20, at 11:30 AM AKST // 3:30 PM ET
Friday, December 6 — ACA/Medicare Open Enrollment event with San Clemente City Councilmember Chris Duncan and Health Care Advocates: San Clemente City Councilmember Chris Duncan and health care advocates joined Protect Our Care California to highlight the critical benefits that Medicare provides for California seniors as well as the importance of expanding and protecting the ACA, especially as Republicans in Congress want to do away with enhanced premium tax credits. Losing these tax credits will raise premiums and make health care coverage out of reach for too many. “Everyone is affected by higher health care costs,” said San Clemente Councilmember Chris Duncan. “We need to be working to expand Medicare coverage and lower premiums across the board as we move towards making sure every person gets the health care that they need.” You can watch the event here and view the post-event release here.

Friday, December 20 – ACA Open Enrollment Event with State Senator Joseph Baldacci and Health Care Advocates: State Senator Joseph Baldacci, State Representative Anne Graham and Kate Ende Policy Director for Consumers for Affordable Health Care will join Protect Our Care Maine to discuss the urgent need for Congress to stop Republican premium hikes. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) open enrollment period runs through January 15, and Mainers will continue to save thousands of dollars on their health care thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act’s enhanced premium tax credits. As Congress continues to negotiate a health care package, new reporting indicates that Republicans have rejected Democrats’ proposal to extend the Inflation Reduction Act’s enhanced premium tax credits for one year. Republicans are working overtime to dole out more tax breaks to their wealthy friends on Wall Street. If these tax credits do expire, Republicans will own this premium hike for middle-class families and the coverage losses for millions that come with it.
Wednesday, December 11 — ACA Open Enrollment/ePTC Event with HHS Regional Director Michael Cabonargi and Health Care Advocates: HHS Regional Director Michael Cabonargi, senior policy analyst Amber Bellazaire and Ingham County Health Department Program Coordinator Mindy Smith joined Protect Our Care Michigan to highlight the benefits of ACA coverage and discuss what’s at stake for Michiganders if Republicans in Congress follow through with their plans to let enhanced premium tax credits expire at the end of 2025. HHS Regional Director Michael Cabonargi explained the benefits of enrolling in ACA coverage and how Americans can enroll in more expansive and affordable coverage than ever: “During current open enrollment, four in five consumers will be able to enroll in coverage for less than $10 per month, thanks to premium tax credits under the IRA. Right now, more than 14 million Americans save an average of $527 on monthly health insurance premiums thanks to the tax credits. Marketplace health coverage means people can access quality health care when they need it, not just when they can afford it.” You can watch the event here and view the post-event release here.

- CBS Detroit: Preview: HHS Regional Director to Join POC Michigan for Press Call on ACA and Risks of losing ePTCs (TVeyes clip)
- Michigan Business Network: U.S. DHHS Regional Director Michael Cabonargi, Health Care Advocates Join Protect Our Care Michigan to Discuss ACA Open Enrollment Period
Wednesday, December 4th—ACA Open Enrollment Event with Congresswoman Angie Craig, MNsure CEO Libby Caulum and Health Care Advocates: Congresswoman Angie Craig, MNsure CEO Libby Caulum, and local resident Vicky Selin joined Protect Our Care Minnesota to discuss the urgent need for Congress to stop Republican premium hikes. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) open enrollment period runs through January 15, and Minnesotans will continue to save thousands of dollars on their health care thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act’s enhanced premium tax credits. “For far too long, Big Pharma’s price hikes and the egregious cost of health care in America has forced Minnesotans to make absolutely gut wrenching decisions about getting the healthcare that they need and deserve to survive and putting food on the table, in the richest country in the world. We should not have to make those decisions, but we’ve made incredible progress,” said U.S. Rep. Angie Craig. “Making these enhanced premium tax credits permanent is critical in our fight for more affordable health care.” You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.

- Red Lake Nation News: Congresswoman Angie Craig Joins Protect Our Care Minnesota to Discuss ACA Open Enrollment Period, and What’s At Stake if GOP Raises Costs by Letting Premium Tax Credits Expire
- Star Tribune Editorial: Mad about the price of eggs? Wait ’til you see coming health coverage cost hikes.
Monday, December 9 – ACA Open Enrollment and ePTC Event with HHS Regional Director Jeffrey Reynoso and Health Care Advocates: U.S. HSS Region IX Director Dr. Jeffrey Reynoso, Katie Charleson with Nevada Health Link, For Our Future and Affordable Care Act (ACA) enrollee joined Protect Our Care Nevada to discuss the urgent need for Congress to stop Republican premium hikes. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) open enrollment period runs through January 15, and Nevadans will continue to save thousands of dollars on their health care thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act’s enhanced premium tax credits. “In 2024 over 99,000 Nevadans selected a plan through Healthcare.Gov,” said Director Reynoso. “I’m proud that health coverage enrollment has remained consistent at or near record levels during the entirety of the Biden Harris administration, a testament to our shared commitment with Nevada Health Link to strengthen and protect access.” You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.

- Public News Service: Nevadans encouraged to look at health care options during open enrollment
- KOLOTV: 97,000 Nevadans sign up for health insurance through Health Link
- FOX5: 97,000 Nevadans sign up for health insurance through Health Link
Thursday, December 19 – ACA Open Enrollment/ePTC Event with Covering New Hampshire Health Care Advocates: Covering New Hampshire executive director Jayme Simoes and health law professor Lucy Hodder joined Protect Our Care New Hampshire to promote the Affordable Care Act (ACA) open enrollment period and discuss what’s at stake for Granite Staters if they lose enhanced premium tax credits. “We cannot afford to go backwards any further on health care,” said Jayme Simoes, Covering New Hampshire. “There is just too much at stake. Like anything, health care requires certainty and leadership…With these tax credits, if we take them away, we throw everything into a huge question mark but we also throw people out of the system.” You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.

Tuesday, December 10 at 10AM ET—ACA Open Enrollment/EPTC Accountability Event with Former HHS Regional Director Dr. Dara Kass: Former Regional Director of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Dara Kass joined Protect Our Care to promote the Affordable Care Act (ACA) open enrollment period and discuss the urgent need for Congress to stop Republican premium hikes. The ACA open enrollment period runs through January 15, allowing New Yorkers to continue to save thousands of dollars on healthcare through enhanced premium tax credits provided by the Inflation Reduction Act. As Congress continues to negotiate a health care package, new reporting indicates that Republicans have rejected Democrats’ proposal to extend the Inflation Reduction Act’s enhanced premium tax credits for one year. Republicans are working overtime to dole out more tax breaks to their wealthy friends on Wall Street. If these tax credits do expire, Republicans will own this premium hike for middle-class families and the coverage losses for millions that come with it. “Over a decade ago, the passage of the ACA was a transformative step in providing millions of Americans with affordable, accessible, and effective health insurance,” said Dara Kass, former Regional Director of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). “Affordability is achieved when premiums are set at levels families can realistically afford. Democrats have fought tirelessly to ensure that tax credits under the ACA and IRA continue to benefit countless New York families. However, if these provisions expire, an estimated 32,000 New Yorkers could see their premiums skyrocket, and 4,000 may lose their insurance entirely. We must do everything in our power to pressure Republicans in Congress and hold them accountable to the constituents whose coverage is at stake.” You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.

Monday, Tuesday 6 — Charleston Gazette-Mail Op-Ed by Ellen Allen on Dangers of ACA Rollbacks and Losing ePTCs: Protect Our Care West Virginia placed an opinion piece in the Charleston Gazette-Mail by West Virginians for Affordable Health Care executive director Ellen Allen on the significant impacts that the ACA has provided for West Virginians and consequences that would come if its benefits were taken away. Allen warns of what might happen to West Virginians if Enhanced Premium Tax Credits (ePTCs) and Medicaid are no longer available: “It’s no secret that West Virginia is in perennial competition for the worst health outcomes in the nation. Stripping away the health care of 217,000 West Virginians will only set us back even further, making the long sought after generational advances in health improvements — especially in infant and maternal health — elusive.” You can read the full op-ed here.
Thursday, December 12 — ACA Open Enrollment/ePTC Event with West Virginians for Affordable Health Care and Health Care Advocates: West Virginians for Affordable Health Care executive director Ellen Allen and storytellers Jesica Ice and Rusty Williams joined Protect Our Care West Virginia to discuss the urgent need for Congress to stop Republican premium hikes. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) open enrollment period runs through January 15, and West Virginians will continue to save thousands of dollars on their health care thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act’s enhanced premium tax credits. “What’s truly frustrating is that instead of prioritizing the needs of hardworking families, many Republican leaders continue to block action on this critical issue,” said Jessica Ice, consumer health storyteller. “They seem content to let these tax credits expire while pushing tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans and corporations, including drug and insurance companies.” You can watch the event here, and view the post-event release here.