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IN THE STATES: Health Experts, Patient Advocates, and Lawmakers Call on Congress to Lower Drug Prices

Across the country, health care experts, lawmakers, and advocates are calling on Congress to finally lower drug prices for all Americans. Americans pay three times more for their prescriptions than people in other countries, and millions are forced to make impossible choices between affording essential medications or putting food on the table or paying rent. This fall, Congress has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to take action by giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices. From Alaska to West Virginia, the following op-eds make clear that Americans of all walks of life are demanding relief from the skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs. The time to act is now.  


(AK) Al Gross, Doctor and Former U.S. Senate Candidate, in the Anchorage Daily News: There Is No Better Time Than Now for Prescription Drug Reform. “The COVID-19 pandemic has further exposed the inequities in our health system, and now more than ever, we must be working together to lower health-care costs for everyone so our society can rebound and businesses can grow. In particular, we should be focusing on and trying to help communities disproportionately impacted by the high cost of drugs: seniors, women of color and even children, as these groups are especially vulnerable to these skyrocketing costs.” [Anchorage Daily News, 6/7/21

(AZ) Iesha Meza, Phoenix Resident and Type 1 Diabetic, in the Arizona Mirror: Arizonans Like Me Are Fed Up With High Drug Prices, and It’s Time to Fix That. “Drug companies like to claim that high prices are necessary to offset the high costs of research and development, and that reforms would harm innovation and competitiveness: but Arizonans don’t buy it. Even amidst the pandemic, drug company profits continued to escalate. Further, as the country reckoned with a racial uprising last summer, it was revealed just how much this underlying price gouging particularly impacts BIPOC communities.” [Arizona Mirror, 8/24/21]

(FL) Janet Cruz, State Senator for District 18, in the Tampa Bay Times: It’s Time to Make Prescription Drugs More Affordable for Floridians. “This is an issue of right and wrong. It’s wrong that Americans often pay three or four times the cost for the same medicines as other countries, and big pharmaceutical companies are still making profits. It’s wrong that Americans have to choose between paying for food or rent, rather than their medicine. And it’s wrong that Americans need to make the life-threatening choice to ration insulin.” [Tampa Bay Times, 7/9/21

(ME) Sarah Lukianov, Bath Resident and Type 1 Diabetic, in the Bangor Daily News: Now Is The Time for Prescription Drug Reform From Congress. “It’s horrifying to know there are people like me who ration their medications to near-death or delay care because the costs are too high. Legislation like HR 3 would help change that reality for millions of people and federal reform is long overdue. With Biden’s support, we can get this done. Now is the time for Congress to take bold action and pass this bill.” [Bangor Daily News, 6/26/21

(OH) Dr. Geraldine Hayes Nelson, President of the Portage County NAACP, in the Record Courier: Congress Must Pass the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act. “If you’ve had trouble paying for prescription medicine for yourself or family members — regardless if you are insured or not — you aren’t alone. Americans pay three times more for medications than people in other countries. As the cost of lifesaving medications like insulin skyrocket, Ohioans face impossible tradeoffs, like deciding whether to pay rent or to purchase the medications that keep them alive.” [Record Courier, 6/6/21]

(NH) Jayme H. Simões, Chair of Protect Our Care NH and Resident of Concord, in the New Hampshire Union Leader: Medicare Needs Power To Negotiate With Drug Makers. “I have met with New Hampshire residents who ration their medications or delay care because the costs are too high. Legislation such as H.R. 3 could change that reality for millions of people and reform is long overdue. Now is the time for Congress to take action and pass this bill.” [Union Leader, 6/14/21

(NJ) Assemblywoman Carol Murphy, Representing Mount Laurel, in the New Jersey Globe: It’s Time for Washington to Make Lowering Prescription Drug Costs a Priority. “The pandemic has been a wake up call and we need to get serious about how we approach public health and what our priorities are. If we are truly going to repair and rebuild, prescription drug costs must be lowered. Democrats are planning to include in their infrastructure deal a provision that will allow the federal government to negotiate prescription drug prices – taking a big step forward in lowering the cost of prescription drugs.” [New jersey Globe, 7/29/21

(PA) Meaghan Reid, Phoenixville Emergency Medicine Physician and Co-state Lead for the Committee to Protect Health Care in the Reporter: There Is No Better Time Than Now for Prescription Drug Reform. “So many of my patients would benefit from H.R.3 and the health and financial security it would afford them. Those personal benefits are evident in the polling around it: Insights from a Gallup survey show the American public supports the provisions in H.R.3 meant to lower the cost of prescription drugs. Separate polling conveys that 93% of respondents — Democrats, Republicans, and independents alike — support giving Medicare the power to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices.” [The Reporter, 7/28/21

(WV) Mindy Salango, Resident of Morgantown, in the Charleston Gazette-Mail: Prescription Drug Pricing Reform Needed Now. “I’m a Type 1 diabetic, and, even though I have health insurance, I still spend about $350 every month paying for my prescription medications, insulin and other diabetes supplies I need to stay healthy and alive. These high prices don’t have to be our reality. In April, Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives reintroduced the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act (HR.3), bold legislation to lower prescription drug costs for people like me. HR.3 would allow Medicare to negotiate lower prices on behalf of all Americans — not just those on Medicare.” [Charleston Gazette-Mail, 6/16/21

(WI) Anthony Short, Resident of Green Bay, in Up North News: Drug Costs Are Skyrocketing. Congress Must Step In. “No American should be forced to make decisions that harm their health due to the cost of prescription drugs. Right now, we know that too many do. Just three years ago, I had no other option than to ration insulin for weeks as I changed jobs, and health insurance provider…That is just one example of the terrible positions people are left in because of the cost of drugs. Simply put, without insurance, insulin and other drugs that millions of Americans rely on to survive are prohibitively expensive, even for those with a good job.” [Up North News, 7/20/21]

House Advances Budget Agreement That Includes Historic Investments To Lower Costs and Improve Care for Millions of Americans

Washington, DC — Today, under the leadership of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, House Democrats passed a $3.5 trillion proposed FY2022 Budget Resolution framework that will make historic investments in American health care. Previously passed by the Senate, the proposal lowers the cost of prescription drugs, expands Medicare benefits to include dental, vision, and hearing, closes the Medicaid coverage gap, and extends the premium reductions under the American Rescue Plan so millions of people can continue to afford their coverage. In response, Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement:

“House Democrats just passed a historic budget resolution that will transform the lives of millions of Americans. We are now one step closer to finally lowering the cost of prescription drugs, closing the Medicaid coverage gap, expanding Medicare benefits to include dental, vision, and hearing and further reducing health care premiums for millions of Americans. 

“Reducing costs and expanding benefits and coverage has never been more urgent as we continue to battle this devastating pandemic, and we commend Speaker Pelosi’s  leadership in swiftly taking action to ensure these historic health provisions are passed this fall. In contrast, every Republican member put politics over people’s health by voting no and ignoring the wishes of the vast majority of voters. Today’s vote is another reminder that President Biden and Democrats in Congress are laser-focused on delivering lower cost, better health care for the American people.”



The Majority Of American Adults Take Prescription Drugs. 53 percent of American adults, or roughly 130 million people, take prescription drugs in the U.S. and stand to benefit from legislation to lower drug prices. 

Giving Medicare The Power To Negotiate Would Save Patients And Taxpayers Billions. Empowering Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices for all Americans would save patients more than $150 billion and create $500 billion in savings for the federal government that could be reinvested to strengthen health care.


Millions Of Seniors And People With Disabilities Are Struggling With Dental Problems, Poor Vision, And Hearing Loss Due To Cost. Nearly 38 million traditional Medicare enrollees would gain dental, vision, and hearing coverage. Between 47 and 64 percent of Medicare beneficiaries do not have dental coverage, 74 percent lack vision coverage, and 76 percent go without hearing coverage.

Medicare Has No Out-of-pocket Limit For Prescription Drugs. Individuals on Medicare are the only insured Americans to have no cap for out-of-pocket medication costs. In 2019, average out-of-pocket costs for specialty medications surpassed $8,000, while 50 percent of Medicare recipients had incomes under $29,650.


President Biden’s American Rescue Plan saved Americans thousands on their health care, and Democrats are working to make these changes permanent. Thanks to the American Rescue Plan, four out of five current Marketplace consumers can find a plan on the ACA marketplaces for less than $10 per month. If these subsidies were made permanent, 4.2 million uninsured people would gain coverage and millions more would continue to save on health care costs. 


Millions Would Gain Access To Quality, Affordable Insurance Under Medicaid Expansion. Providing health care for working families, older adults, and people with disabilities by closing the Medicaid coverage gap would mean that more than 2 million uninsured people would get access to quality insurance at little or no cost. 

Closing The Coverage Gap Is The Single Most Important Step To Reduce Racial Disparities In Health Coverage. People of color are more likely to have a lower median income and live in a state without Medicaid expansion, compared with their white counterparts. People of color make up nearly 60 percent of the people who could gain coverage in the remaining non-expansion states. 

THIS WEEK: The “Lower Cost, Better Care” Bus Tour Continues With Stops in West Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida

U.S. Representatives Charlie Crist (D-FL-13) and Darren Soto (D-FL-09), State Senator Richard Lindsay (D-WV-08), State Senator Jay Chaudhuri (D-NC-15), State Senator Natalie Murdock (D-NC-20), Charlotte City Councilman Malcolm Graham, and Savannah Mayor Van R. Johnson, II Will Headline “Lower Costs, Better Care” Events in Four States

Washington, DC — On the third week of Protect Our Care’s 8,600-mile, 36-event, 19-state “Lower Costs, Better Care” bus tour, “Care Force One” will make stops in four states to demonstrate the urgent need to lower health costs, expand coverage, and reduce racial disparities in care. During each stop, national and local elected officials, health care advocates and storytellers will promote the work of President Biden and dozens of Democratic lawmakers who are leading the charge to advance American health care and hold Republicans accountable for continuing to reject measures to improve care and lower costs for the American people. Additional speakers are expected to be added throughout the week. 

Throughout the nationwide tour, participants will advocate to give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices for all Americans, create a federal solution to close the Medicaid coverage gap, expand Medicare benefits to include vision, dental and hearing, and reduce health insurance premiums by making permanent the provisions of the American Rescue Plan so millions of people can continue to access low-cost coverage.

Watch All Bus Tour Stops Live Here




Senator Richard Lindsay

Delegate Mike Pushkin

Mindy Salango, Type 1 diabetic

Delegate Kayla Young

Laura Packard, cancer survivor and ACA storyteller

WHERE: Care Force One, West Virginia State Capitol, 1900 Kanawha Blvd.

WHEN: Monday, August 23rd at 3:00PM





Senator Jay Chaudhuri

Senator Natalie Murdock

NC AFL-CIO President Mary-Be McMillan

Raleigh-Apex NAACP President Gerald Givens

Laura Packard, cancer survivor and ACA storyteller

WHERE: Moore Square, Raleigh (Martin Street side)

WHEN: Tuesday, August 24th at 9:30AM




Charlotte City Councilman Malcolm Graham

Action NC Executive Director Pat McCoy

DonnaMarie Woodson

Little Lobbyists Community Engagement Director Stacy Staggs

Laura Packard, cancer survivor and ACA storyteller

WHERE: Action NC, 1817 Central Ave, Charlotte 

WHEN: Tuesday, August 24th at 2:00PM





State Representative Rebecca Mitchell

Health Care Voter Executive Director Laura Packard

WHERE: IBEW Local 613 Auditorium: 153 Richardson St, SW, Atlanta, GA 30312

WHEN: Wednesday, August 25th at 9:30AM




Mayor Van R. Johnson, II

Laura Packard, cancer survivor and ACA storyteller

WHERE: City/Visitors’ Center: 301 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Savannah, GA 31401

WHEN: Wednesday, August 25th at 4:00PM





Representative Darren Soto (D-FL-09) 

Laura Packard, cancer survivor and ACA storyteller

WHERE: City Hall: 400 S Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32801

WHEN: Thursday, August 26th at 10:00AM




Representative Charlie Crist (D-FL-13)

State Representative Dianne Hart

Dr. Mona Mangat, MD

Laura Packard, cancer survivor and ACA storyteller

WHERE: City Hall: 400 S Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32801

WHEN: Thursday, August 26th at 4:00PM 


The Protect Our Care “Lower Costs, Better Care” Tour Continues In: 

Denver, Colorado on Monday, August 30, 2021

Flagstaff, Arizona on Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Phoenix, Arizona on Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Tucson, Arizona on Wednesday, September 1, 2021

San Diego, California on Thursday, September 2, 2021

Anaheim, California on Thursday, September 2, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada on Friday, September 3, 2021


For more information on the Protect Our Care “Lower Costs, Better Care” Bus Tour visit 

TODAY: Policy Experts and Researchers, Providers, and Advocates Join Protect Our Care California to Present New Study Confirming H.R. 3 Will Not Harm Pharma Innovation

Contact: Nick Day | (612) 396-2908 | [email protected]


TODAY: Policy Experts and Researchers, Providers, and Advocates Join Protect Our Care California to Present New Study Confirming H.R. 3 Will Not Harm Pharma Innovation

New research confirms House Democrats’ Rx drug legislation will not impact pharmaceutical innovation

San Diego, CA On Wednesday, August 18 at 11:30 AM PT, Tim Lash, Chief Strategy Officer of West Health, a family of nonpartisan, nonprofit organizations dedicated to lowering healthcare costs to enable successful aging, and Dr. Jennifer Poast, Director of the Research Division of San Ysidro Health, will join Protect Our Care California to discuss new research confirming that the Lower Drug Costs Now Act (H.R. 3) — Democrats’ legislation to lower prescription drug costs — will not negatively affect innovation in the pharmaceutical industry. 

In April, House Democrats re-introduced the Lower Drug Costs Now Act (H.R. 3), bold legislation to give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug costs — the single most effective measure to bring down drug prices. The Lower Drug Costs Now Act would save taxpayers $500 billion and reduce the prices for the most expensive medications by as much as 55 percent saving patients an estimated $158 billion. Now Democrats are fighting to include the key provisions of H.R. 3 in upcoming budget reconciliation legislation. 

Last week, Protect Our Care launched its nationwide “Lower Costs, Better Care” bus tour to highlight the work of Democratic lawmakers who are leading the charge to advance American health care and hold Republicans accountable for continuing to reject measures to improve care and lower costs for Americans. Care Force One will make stops in San Diego and Anaheim on Thursday, September 2.

Protect Our Care California
Tim Lash, Chief Strategy Officer of West Health
Jennifer Poast, D.O., M.A., Core Faculty & Director of Research at San Ysidro Health
Annemarie Gibson, a mother of two children with Type 1 diabetes

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference

WHEN: Wednesday, August 18 at 11:30 AM PT // 2:30 PM ET

WHERE: Register to join the Zoom event (Registration required)

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, U.S. Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr., and Health Care Advocates Call for Action to Lower Costs and Improve Health Care for New Jerseyans

HHS Secretary Becerra, U.S. Rep. Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ-06) and Health Care Advocates Joined Protect Our Care on the Nationwide “Lower Costs, Better Care” Bus Tour in New Brunswick to Demonstrate the Urgent Need to Lower the Cost of Prescription Drugs

You can watch the event here.

NEW JERSEY — This morning, Protect Our Care’s “Care Force One” arrived in New Brunswick to demonstrate the need for lowering health care costs, expanding coverage, and reducing racial disparities in care for New Jerseyans. Headlined by U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and U.S. Representative Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ-06), the event underscored the importance of addressing the skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs by giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices.

Read Protect Our Care’s new report: Lower Costs, Better Care for New Jerseyans here.

Throughout the nationwide “Lower Cost, Better Care” bus tour, Protect Our Care is fighting to ensure critical health care measures supported by President Biden remain in the upcoming budget reconciliation legislation. These priorities include giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices for all Americans, getting more Americans covered by closing the Medicaid gap, expanding Medicare benefits to include hearing, dental, and vision, and further reducing health care premiums for millions of Americans who purchase coverage on their own.

“Everyone wins when health care is in reach,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. “We know there is a need and demand for affordable care. Life-saving drugs shouldn’t eat up a person’s life savings. Lowering the cost of care and prescription drugs is a priority for the Biden-Harris Administration, and I am committed to advancing this goal.”

“Americans pay more for prescription drugs than any other country in the world, and as a result too many New Jerseyans do not take their medications because of high costs,” said Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ-06), House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman. “My legislation finally empowers the federal government to negotiate the cost of prescription drugs and make those prices available to both seniors on Medicare and Americans with private health insurance. Last week, the Senate passed a budget resolution that creates the framework for historic investments in health care and other social programs. I believe a key part of this package as it moves forward through Congress must be allowing the government to lower prescription drug prices. I’m grateful that Secretary Becerra joined me today in New Brunswick to see firsthand the momentum we are building for this bill. I’m looking forward to working with the Biden Administration to get it across the finish line.”

“I am proud to stand alongside our federal representatives and healthcare cost advocates as we call attention to the skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs,” said Assemblyman John McKeon from New Jersey’s 27th Legislative District and Chair, Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee. “Healthcare affordability is a uniquely American problem; we pay more for medications than any citizens in any other country in the world! Failure to address healthcare affordability is not an option.”

“Congressman Pallone has been a leader in the fight to lower New Jerseyans’ drug and premium costs, expand coverage, strengthen benefits for seniors and reduce racial disparities in care,” said Maura Collinsgru, Health Care Program Director, New Jersey Citizen Action. “We have a once in a generation opportunity to lower prescription drug costs while expanding access to more affordable health coverage and care for New Jerseyans and millions of Americans. We urge Congressman Pallone’s colleagues in the House and Senate to work tirelessly to ensure these long overdue measures become law this fall.”

“When I was fighting stage 4 cancer, I had to forego medication that would boost my immune system because the price tag was simply too high,” said Laura Packard, a cancer survivor and health care advocate who is crisscrossing the country on Care Force One this summer. “I wound up in the hospital, and nearly died. Sadly, stories like these are all too common in our country. Patients should be able to focus on getting well, not struggling to pay for medications. That’s why we need Congress to act now to lower the cost of prescription drugs, including allowing Medicare to negotiate prices on behalf of all Americans.”

“Instead of focusing on my health, I worry about how I’ll cover the price of my next prescription,” said Lisa Ann Trainor, a patient advocate who suffers from a chronic illness and shared her story about how high prescription drug costs have impacted her and her family. “We need change. Patients like me need our elected officials to take meaningful action to lower drug prices now. I can envision a reality where I would no longer be prevented from taking the medication I need because of its high price. I am grateful to Secretary Becerra and Congressman Pallone for fighting for legislation to allow Medicare to negotiate lower prices.”

“This tour is giving Americans from all walks of life the opportunity to speak out about the pressing need to lower health care costs and improve care,” said Brad Woodhouse, Executive Director of Protect Our Care. “New Jerseyans have the right to know whether their elected officials stand by President Biden’s agenda to improve health care for millions or if they side with Big Pharma and other special interests. Democrats like Congressman Pallone are fighting for the lower costs and better care that all Americans deserve. Care Force One is crisscrossing the country this summer making the case for getting this critical job done.”

Tomorrow, “Care Force One” will head to Willingboro, New Jersey, where Protect Our Care will be joined by State Senator Troy Singleton and other health care advocates. For more information, please visit

The Protect Our Care “Lower Costs, Better Care” Bus Tour is making stops in:

Scranton, Pennsylvania on Monday, August 16, 2021

Burlington County, New Jersey on Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Wilmington, Delaware on Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Dover, Delaware on Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Morgantown, West Virginia on Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Youngstown, Ohio on Thursday, August 19, 2021

Columbus, Ohio on Thursday, August 19, 2021

Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Friday, August 20, 2021

Madison, Wisconsin on Friday, August 20, 2021

Parkersburg, West Virginia on Monday, August 23, 2021

Charleston, West Virginia on Monday, August 23, 2021

Raleigh, North Carolina on Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Charlotte, North Carolina on Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Columbia, South Carolina on Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Atlanta, Georgia on Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Savannah, Georgia on Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Orlando, Florida on Thursday, August 26, 2021

Tampa, Florida on Thursday, August 26, 2021

Denver, Colorado on Monday, August 30, 2021

Flagstaff, Arizona on Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Phoenix, Arizona on Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Tucson, Arizona on Wednesday, September 1, 2021

San Diego, California on Thursday, September 2, 2021

Anaheim, California on Thursday, September 2, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada on Friday, September 3, 2021

Week One: Protect Our Care “Lower Costs, Better Care” Bus Tour Traveled to Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey

“Care Force One” Events Headlined by U.S. Representatives Peter Welch, (D-VT-AL), Annie Kuster (D-NH-02), Susan Wild (D-PA-07), VT Lt. Gov. Molly Gray, ME Attorney General Aaron Frey

Washington, DC — On the first week of Protect Our Care’s 8,600-mile, 36-event, 19-state “Lower Costs, Better Care” bus tour, “Care Force One” made stops in five states to demonstrate the urgent need to lower health costs, expand coverage, and reduce racial disparities in care. During each stop, national and local elected officials including, U.S. Representatives Peter Welch, (D-VT-AL), Annie Kuster (D-NH-02), Susan Wild (D-PA-07), Lt. Gov. Molly Gray (D-VT), Attorney General Aaron Frey (D-ME), headlined events alongside health care advocates and storytellers promoting the work of President Biden and their Democratic colleagues who are leading the charge to advance American health care. Next week, the tour continues in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, West Virginia, Ohio, and Wisconsin. 

Watch All Bus Tour Stops Here


Protect Our Care was joined by Attorney General Frey, State Sen. Troy Jackson, State Rep. Joe Perry, Lee Humphrey of Consumers for Affordable Health Care, and Laura Packard for a press conference at Pierce Park. 


Watch the event here. | Read Event Release here.


At Portland City Hall, Protect Our Care held a press conference with State Sen. Stacy Brenner, State Rep. Colleen Madigan, Kate Ende from Consumers for Affordable Health Care, and Laura Packard.

Watch the event here. | Read Event Release here


Protect Our Care was joined by Rep. Welch, Lt. Gov. Molly Gray, State Rep. Taylor Small, Sarah DeSilvey from APRN-CFamily Medicine, and Laura Packard at Oakledge Park for a press conference. 


Watch the event here. | Read Event Release here.


At City Plaza, Protect Our Care held a press conference with Rep. Kuster, Jay Gupta, Dr. Nick Perencevich, Sandra Pratt, Lisa Beaudoin, Arnie Arnesen, and Laura Packard.


Watch the event here. | Read Event Release here.


Protect Our Care was joined by Rep. Wild, Laura Packard, Robin Stelly from PHAN, and Val Miller at Vida Nueva at Casa for a press conference.

Watch the event here. | Read Event Release here.


Protect Our Care was joined for a press conference by State Sen. Loretta Weinberg, Maura Collinsgru from NJ Citizen Action, Dr. Aakash Shah, and Laura Packard outside Sen. Weinberg’s office. 

Watch the event here. | Read Event Release here.

For more information on the Protect Our Care “Lower Costs, Better Care” Bus Tour visit

NEW AD: Protect Our Care Launches Second WV Ad in Multi-Million Dollar Campaign Featuring Patient Who Needs Action To Lower Drug Prices

“Adrian” Is Running on Digital Platforms Statewide

Watch the 30-Second Ad Here

Watch the 15-Second Ad Here

West Virginia — Protect Our Care recently launched its second digital ad in West Virginia as part of a multi-million dollar ad campaign about prescription drug prices. The ad features Adrian, a Morgantown-based patient storyteller with Type I diabetes who has difficulty paying for her insulin. In the ad, Adrian tells her personal story of struggling to afford lifesaving medication and relays the importance of giving Medicare the power to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices for all Americans. 

The ad is part of The Campaign to Reduce Drug Prices, a grassroots and communications campaign calling for comprehensive legislation to lower drug prices. The ad is running on digital platforms, focusing particularly on older West Virginians. Protect Our Care will continue to run ads and host events both nationally and in 14 key states, including West Virginia, throughout the summer.

“Adrian’s story is all too familiar in West Virginia and across the country,” said Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse. “It is unfair that Americans pay two or three times more for their medicines than people in other countries. Drug companies keep raising the price of existing drugs like insulin year after year, with no reason other than that they can. It’s time for West Virginia lawmakers to do the right thing and support giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices. The time to act is now.”

Script for “Adrian” (:30s):

My name is Adrian and I have type one diabetes. 

Insulin was $25 a month and now I’m paying over $300 a month. 

In Canada, insulin is a fraction of what I’m paying here in the United States.

Over my 37 years of having diabetes, it’s cost me upwards of $300,000. 

It just takes that extra money that you would have away from you. 

It’s time to let Medicare negotiate lower prescription drug prices for everybody.

Script for “Adrian” (:15s):

Insulin was $25 a month and now I’m paying over $300 a month. 

It just takes that extra money that you would have away from you. 

It’s time to let Medicare negotiate lower prescription drug prices for everybody.

HEADLINES: President Biden Presents Plan For Lowering Prescription Drug Prices

President Biden has presented his vision for lowering prescription drug prices, just one day after Senate Democrats passed a budget resolution that will work to provide reduced premiums, expand coverage, lower drug costs, and expanded Medicare benefits to millions of Americans. 9 in 10 Americans support giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, including majorities of Democrats, independents, and Republicans. Addressing the skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs is a priority for Americans and should come as no surprise that it is at the center of President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda.


New York Times: Biden Presses Congress To Move On Prescription Drug-Price Controls. “[Biden] wants Medicare to be granted the power to negotiate lower drug prices, pharmaceutical companies to face penalties if they raise prices faster than inflation, and a new cap on how much Medicare recipients have to spend on medications. ‘There aren’t a lot of things that almost every American could agree on,’ Mr. Biden said at the White House. ‘But I think it is safe to say that all of us, whatever our background or our age and where we live, could agree that prescription drug prices are outrageously expensive in America.’” [8/12/21]

The Hill: Biden Calls On Congress To Act On ‘Outrageously’ High Drug Prices. “‘Prescription drug prices are outrageously expensive in America,’ Biden said in remarks at the White House, calling on Congress to allow Medicare to negotiate lower prices. ‘I look forward to Congress getting this done,’ he added…He said Medicare should be able to negotiate lower prices, and those prices should apply to people with private insurance through their jobs as well, not just people on Medicare.” [8/12/21]

Newsweek: Biden Calls On Congress To Lower ‘Outrageously Expensive’ Prescription Drug Costs. “Medicare—the federal health insurance program that covers more than 61 million Americans, most of them ages 65 and older—can negotiate costs for every other service, but it’s blocked from the same power when it comes to prescription drugs…’Right now, drug companies will set a price at whatever the market will bear,’ Biden said. ‘The prices have put a squeeze on too many people’s families.’” [8/12/21]

NBC: Biden Calls On Congress To Tackle Soaring Prices Of Prescription Drugs. “Biden urged Congress to allow Medicare to negotiate across the board…and said that the negotiated prices would reflect the drugmakers’ costs of research and development and would still provide a ‘significant profit’ to the pharmaceutical companies…‘This isn’t a partisan issue. Alzheimer’s, diabetes, cancer — they don’t care whether you’re a Democrat or Republican,’ Biden said. ‘This is another area where we can come together to make a difference in people’s lives.’” [8/12/21]

Reuters: Biden Urges Congress To Lower Prescription Drug Costs. “The Democratic president’s remarks laid out his vision to help reduce the costs for prescription medications as part of the Build Back Better agenda he is seeking to push through Congress as the nation continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic…That spending plan would expand Medicare to include dental, vision and hearing benefits as well as lower the eligibility age, among other healthcare, climate and childcare provisions.” [8/12/21]

WLEX: Biden Delivers Push For Congress To Lower Drug Prices. “President Biden was calling on Congress to take up legislation that would change Medicare policies and allow the agency to negotiate the best price for prescription drugs. He’s also asking Congress to establish a cap on the amount that Medicare beneficiaries pay out-of-pocket for drugs. The president said Americans are currently paying two to three times more than prescription drugs than people in other countries.” [8/12/21]

President Biden Makes Lowering Prescription Drug Prices a Centerpiece of His Build Back Better Agenda

During Address Today, President Biden Lays Out His Vision for Lowering Drug Prices by Allowing Medicare to Negotiate on Behalf of All Americans 

Washington, DC — In an address today, President Biden laid out his vision for lowering the costs of prescription drugs, underscoring that health care is a centerpiece of his Build Back Better agenda. This comes just one day after Senate Democrats took bold action to ensure Americans have access to the health care they need during the coronavirus pandemic and for years to come by passing a budget resolution that includes the health care provisions being put forth by President Biden and Democrats in Congress. The pandemic has laid bare the high costs and alarming inequities in our health care system, and President Biden’s plan is a critical step forward to ensure that health care is a right, not a privilege. 

Addressing the skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs is a top concern for Americans from all walks of life at a time when far too many people are struggling to make ends meet. 9 in 10 Americans support giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, including majorities of Democrats, independents, and Republicans. Empowering Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices for all Americans would save patients more than $150 billion and create $500 billion in savings for the federal government that could be reinvested to expand Medicare benefits to include dental, vision, and hearing, lower the cost of health insurance premiums and close the Medicaid coverage gap in the 12 states that have refused to accept expansion.

“It’s unconscionable that Americans pay three times more for their prescription drugs than people in other countries. Americans shouldn’t be struggling to afford their medications all while drug companies rake in massive profits,” said Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach. “Allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices for all Americans is a win-win: patients and taxpayers save billions of dollars and the savings can be invested into expanding hearing, dental, and vision coverage to seniors, reducing health care premiums for millions of people who purchase insurance through the ACA, and covering more Americans who are currently left behind by closing the Medicaid gap. 

“It’s no surprise that health care and lowering the cost of prescription drugs is at the center of President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda. Health care costs are a top concern for families, especially as COVID-19 continues to impact Americans’ everyday lives. The Democratic reconciliation legislation is the right thing to do politically and for families. Voters will hold Republicans accountable for standing by Big Pharma and other special interests and rejecting measures to improve care and lower costs for the American people.”

ROUNDUP: Senate Passes Groundbreaking Budget Resolution, Setting Stage To Transform American Health Care

Senate Democrats have taken a bold step to lower the cost of prescription drugs and health insurance premiums, and expand benefits and coverage so millions of Americans have access to affordable, quality health care. Today’s passage of the budget resolution delivers on the promise of President Biden and Democrats in Congress to expand Medicare to include dental, vision, and hearing benefits, lower the cost of premiums for those purchasing their health coverage on the ACA, closing the Medicaid coverage gap, and lowering prescription drug prices. Americans have spoken and President Biden and Congressional Democrats have listened. This moment marks significant progress in achieving the cost reductions and expanded benefits Americans have long sought. 

New York Times: Senate Passes $3.5 Trillion Budget Plan, Advancing Sweeping Safety Net Expansion. “The budget resolution will ultimately allow Democrats to use the fast-track budget reconciliation process to shield the legislation from a Republican filibuster. It will pave the way to expand Medicare to include dental, health and vision benefits.” [8/11/21]

Wall Street Journal: Senate Passes Democrats’ $3.5 Trillion Budget Blueprint. “Senate Democrats on the Budget Committee agreed last month to spend roughly $3.5 trillion on a package, whose framework was fleshed out Monday. The plan is set to expand the safety net by offering a federal paid-leave benefit, universal prekindergarten, two free years of community college and expanded Medicare to cover hearing, dental and vision care, among other provisions.” [8/11/21]

Washington Post: Senate Democrats Adopt Sweeping $3.5 Trillion Budget That Opens The Door To Health, Education And Tax Reforms. “Hours after the Senate advanced a bipartisan bill to improve the nation’s infrastructure, Democrats forged ahead independently on a second front — adopting a $3.5 trillion budget that could enable sweeping changes to the nation’s health care, education and tax laws…Chiefly written by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the $3.5 trillion blueprint sets in motion Democrats’ plans to expand Medicare, combat climate change and boost federal safety net programs.” [8/11/21]

Associated Press: Senate OKs Dems’ $3.5T Budget In Latest Win For Biden. “Medicare would add dental, hearing and vision benefits, and tax credits and grants would prod utilities and industries to embrace clean energy. Child tax credits beefed up for the pandemic would be extended, along with federal subsidies for health insurance. Besides higher taxes on the wealthy and corporations, Democrats envision savings by letting the government negotiate prices for pharmaceuticals it buys.” [8/11/21]

The Hill: Here Are The Key Parts Of Democrats’ $3.5T Budget Resolution. “Democrats said the budget will provide funding for a slew of big health care moves, from adding Medicare benefits to lowering drug prices…Helping pay for it all is ‘hundreds of billions’ of dollars in savings from lowering prescription drug costs, Democrats also said…‘If Democrats are able to accomplish all these goals in the budget resolution released today, it would be the biggest reform of the healthcare system since the Affordable Care Act passed more than a decade ago,’ tweeted Larry Levitt, a health policy expert at the Kaiser Family Foundation.” [8/9/21]

Modern Healthcare: Senate Democrats Outline Priorities In Reconciliation Bill. “The committee also may see billions in healthcare savings as a result of plans to lower prices of prescription drugs.” [8/9/21]

Roll Call: Democrats Unveil Blueprint For $3.5T Budget Reconciliation Bill. “The Finance panel will draft provisions including on paid family and medical leave; renewing expanded health insurance exchange subsidies; Medicare expansion to dental, vision and hearing benefits; closing the Medicaid ‘coverage gap’ in states that haven’t expanded their programs; and subsidies for home health care services.” [8/9/21]

Axios: Democrats’ High-Stakes Fight Against Pharma. “The plan includes paid family and medical leave and an expansion of long-term care for seniors and people with disabilities. It would also extend the expansion of ACA premium subsidies, fill the Medicaid coverage gap in states that haven’t expanded the program, expand Medicare to include dental, hearing and vision benefits and allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices.” [8/10/21]

Vox: Biden’s Reconciliation Bill Would Be A Big Fucking Deal. “It’s a health care bill, especially for seniors.” [8/9/21]

CNBC: Senate Approves Framework Of $3.5 Trillion Budget Plan That Would Expand Medicare, Tax Credits And Climate Initiatives. “The resolution seeks to expand paid family and medical leave, make child care more accessible, create universal pre-K and tuition-free community college and extend enhanced household tax credits passed during the coronavirus pandemic. It also recommends lowering the Medicare eligibility age and expanding benefits to include dental, vision and hearing.” [8/11/21]

CNN: What’s In The Senate Reconciliation Package. “The instruction also calls for lowering the price of prescription drugs, saying it will save hundreds of billions of dollars. Democrats have long pushed to reduce drug costs by allowing Medicare to negotiate prices.” [8/9/21]

CNBC: Medicare Expansion And A Lower Eligibility Age Are Included In Democrats’ $3.5 Trillion Budget Plan. “‘This would be a very big deal for the Medicare program and Medicare beneficiaries,’ said David Lipschutz, associate director and senior policy attorney for the Center for Medicare Advocacy. ‘If Congress adds [those] benefits, it would fill some major gaps in coverage that the program has had since its inception,’ Lipschutz said. About 62.8 million individuals are enrolled in Medicare, the majority of whom are age 65 and older and rely on it as their primary health insurance.” [8/9/21]