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PRESS CALL: U.S. Rep. Colin Allred, Little Lobbyists, MomsRising and Protect Our Care to Highlight Dire Toll of High Drug Costs on Children


PRESS CALL: U.S. Rep. Colin Allred, Little Lobbyists, MomsRising and Protect Our Care to Highlight Dire Toll of High Drug Costs on Children

 Call Will Convey Urgent Need to Stand Up to Big Pharma and Give Medicare the Power to Negotiate for Lower Drug Prices 

Washington, D.C. — On Thursday, August 5 at 11:00 AM ET // 10:00 AM CT, U.S. Representative Colin Allred (D-TX-32), Elena Hung, the executive director and co-founder of Little Lobbyists, and Felicia Burnett, MPA, National Director for Health Care at MomsRising will join Protect Our Care for a virtual press conference to discuss the devastating toll of high drug prices on children and their families. In addition to addressing the urgent need for prescription drug pricing reform, speakers will discuss how closing the Medicaid coverage gap could help millions of Americans, including 771,000 Texans, access affordable health care. 

The event comes after Protect Our Care released a report co-sponsored by Little Lobbyists and MomsRising as part of Week 8 of Lower Rx Summer. Lower Rx Summer consists of themed weeks of action to illustrate the urgent need for legislation to lower drug prices principally by giving Medicare the power to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices for all Americans. 

In the coming months, President Biden and members of Congress have an unprecedented opportunity to finally take action to lower drug prices. In 2019, the House of Representatives passed the Lower Drug Costs Now Act (H.R. 3), historic legislation that would lower drug prices for all Americans. H.R. 3 would save patients over $150 billion and reduce the price of the costliest drugs by as much as 55 percent. Giving Medicare the power to negotiate would dramatically reduce drug prices for Americans of all ages and is supported by over 80% of voters, including over 50% majorities of Republicans and independents.


U.S. Representative Colin Allred (D-TX-32)
Elena Hung, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Little Lobbyists
Felicia Burnett, MPA, National Director for Health Care, MomsRising
Leslie Dach, Chair of Protect Our Care

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference to Highlight Dire Toll of High Drug Costs on Children and the Importance of a Federal Solution to Closing the Medicaid Expansion Gap

WHERE: Register for the Event Here

WHEN: Thursday, August 5 at 11:00 AM ET // 10:00 AM CT

Democrats Remain Laser-Focused on Health Care During August Recess

Washington, DC — Today, the Democratic National Committee, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee released a memo outlining their priorities for the August recess. The memo makes clear Democrats are laser-focused on advancing American health care, including by lowering prescription drug costs and insurance premiums and expanding access to affordable coverage on the ACA marketplaces, while Republicans remain opposed to these highly popular reforms. 

The memo comes just days before Protect Our Care kicks off its 19-state bus tour in Bangor, Maine, which will promote the work of President Biden and dozens of Democratic lawmakers who are leading the charge to lower health costs, expand coverage, and reduce racial disparities in care. In response to the memo, Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement:

“The Democratic plan to focus on health care during the August recess reflects the fact that poll after poll shows that health care is the number one issue for voters. Just like in previous election cycles, health care will be a deciding issue in 2022. Protect Our Care’s nationwide bus tour kicking off next week will drive home the message that Democrats are delivering on their promises to reduce the cost of prescription drugs and insurance premiums while Republicans continue to oppose legislation to improve care and lower costs for the American people.” 

From the memo:

Democrats will highlight how we are lowering costs like health care for the American people: 

  • Thanks to President Biden and Democrats’ American Rescue Plan, 4 out of 5 people enrolled in a marketplace plan can now buy health care for $10 or less per month. Now, Democrats are fighting to make those premium reductions permanent – lowering millions of American families’ monthly health care costs — along with proposals that would further reduce the cost of health care, prescription drugs and expenses like elder care and child care.  
  • Since the Biden administration opened a special enrollment period because of the pandemic, more than 2 million Americans have signed up for health insurance since February.
  • Even in the midst of the pandemic, Republicans have continued their efforts to roll back, weaken and eliminate the Affordable Care Act — attempting to spike costs and gut coverage protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Democrats believe that every single American should have access to quality, affordable care.

U.S. Rep. Kim Schrier, Alliance for Retired Americans, and Protect Our Care Advocate for Expanding Medicare Benefits to Include Hearing, Dental, and Vision

On Medicare’s 56th Anniversary, Protect Our Care Released New Report Illustrating How the Savings From Drug Pricing Reform Could Be Reinvested in Strengthening Medicare Benefits

Watch the Event Here

Read the Report Here

Washington, DC Today, U.S. Representative Kim Schrier (D-WA-08) and President of the Washington State Alliance for Retired Americans Jackie Boschok joined Protect Our Care for a virtual press conference to mark Medicare’s 56th anniversary and discuss how prescription drug pricing reform will generate robust savings that could be used to expand Medicare benefits to include dental, vision, and hearing. As it stands, millions of Medicare beneficiaries are currently without coverage in all three areas, profoundly impacting the health and well-being of seniors and people with disabilities. 

During the call, Protect Our Care unveiled a new report as a preview to Week 8 of Lower Rx Summer, which focuses on strengthening Medicare benefits. Lower Rx Summer consists of themed weeks of action to illustrate the urgent need for legislation to lower drug prices principally by giving Medicare the power to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices for all Americans.

President Biden and members of Congress have an unprecedented opportunity to finally take action to lower drug prices. In 2019, the House of Representatives passed the Lower Drug Costs Now Act (H.R. 3), historic legislation that would lower drug prices for all Americans. H.R. 3 would save patients over $150 billion and the federal government $500 billion, which could be reinvested to strengthen health care for millions. These savings could help lower premiums on the ACA marketplaces, expand coverage to Americans stuck in the Medicaid coverage gap, and strengthen Medicare benefits to include hearing, vision, and dental. 

“I am really proud to be the House sponsor of the Medicare Vision Act, and it does feel like we can get this over the finish line,” said U.S. Representative Kim Schrier, M.D. (D-WA-08). “We want to make sure that seniors and younger people with disabilities can live independently and safely for as long as possible. An important factor of independent living is making sure that they can see well enough to drive to appointments, walk safely around the house, and carefully read prescriptions. I was happy to see the Senate’s announcement that expanding Medicare to cover hearing, dental, and vision will be included in the reconciliation bill.”

“Medicare has given us a lot to celebrate over the years, and the best way to celebrate as we recover from the pandemic is to build back better and strengthen it for the future for all of us,” said Jackie Boschok, President of the Washington State Alliance for Retired Americans. “I can’t express enough what a difference lower drug prices and access to guaranteed hearing, dental, and vision benefits would mean for the 1.6 million Washingtonians who rely on Medicare. We must let Medicare negotiate prescription drug prices and use those savings to expand Medicare to provide vision, dental, and hearing benefits.”

“Giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices is a win-win policy,” said Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse. “Not only will Americans see major savings at the pharmacy counter, but millions of seniors and people with disabilities could finally gain access to vision, dental, and hearing benefits. There has never been a more urgent time to improve health care access, and Democrats won’t stop until they deliver lower costs and better care for the American people.” 

West Virginia Leaders to Highlight How High Drug Prices Hurt Seniors and Need for Rx Drug Reform


West Virginia Leaders to Highlight How High Drug Prices Hurt Seniors and Need for Rx Drug Reform

Charleston, WV — On Friday, July 30, 2021 at 11:00 AM ET, Protect Our Care West Virginia will hold a virtual press conference to draw attention to the need for Congress to pass meaningful prescription drug pricing reform, particularly because of the disastrous impact the high drug prices have on West Virginians over the age of 65 and living with a fixed income. July 30, 2021, is also the 56th anniversary of the enactment of Medicare and Medicaid.

In 2019, House Democrats passed the Lower Drug Costs Now Act (H.R. 3), bold legislation to give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug costs — the single most effective measure to bring down drug prices. In April, House Democrats reintroduced this legislation, giving Congress another opportunity to lower prescription drug costs and meet the demands of voters. Not only does giving Medicare the power to negotiate help seniors at the pharmacy counter, but it would save the federal government nearly $500 billion, which could be reinvested to strengthen health care for seniors and older adults.

The event is part of Protect Our Care’s Campaign to Reduce Drug Prices, which was launched this summer in 14 states, including West Virginia, to demonstrate the urgent need for comprehensive legislation to lower drug prices.



Kat Stoll, West Virginians for Affordable Health Care

Sam Hickman, National Association for Social Workers, West Virginia

Lynette Maselli, Protect Our Care West Virginia

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference

WHEN: Friday, July 30, 2021 at 11:00 AM ET

WHERE: Register for the Event here

After 56 Years, Medicare and Medicaid Are Only Getting Stronger

56th Anniversary Comes as Congress Has Once-in-a-Generation Opportunity to Expand Vital Health Care Programs 

Washington, DC — On this day 56 years ago, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Medicare and Medicaid into law, improving the well-being of millions of Americans and saving countless lives along the way. Now, President Biden and Democrats in Congress are working to make the programs even stronger by passing legislation to close the coverage gap in states that rejected Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act, give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, and strengthen Medicare benefits to include vision, dental, and hearing. To mark this important anniversary, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement:

“The 56th anniversary comes during a historic moment for Medicare and Medicaid, which have served as a lifeline for millions of Americans. This summer, President Biden and Democrats in Congress are working to close the coverage gap in 12 states that refused Medicaid expansion, give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices, and strengthen Medicare benefits to include vision, dental, and hearing — changes that will transform health care for millions of Americans. There has never been a more urgent time to improve access to health care as the nation recovers from the coronavirus pandemic, and Democrats are working hard to ensure that working families, seniors, and people with disabilities can rely on Medicare and Medicaid for generations to come. It speaks to the strength of these programs that, despite the Republican war on health care, Medicare and Medicaid are stronger than ever.” 



Millions Of Americans Would Gain Coverage if Medicaid was Expanded in all Fifty States.. More than 18 million Americans are currently enrolled in Medicaid expansion, but according to estimates from the Urban Institute, nearly 6 million additional people would gain coverage if the 12 remaining holdout states expanded their programs. 

Medicaid Improves Outcomes Across The Board. Medicaid expansion has been proven to increase access to care, improve financial security, and create better health outcomes. Medicaid expansion has also played a vital role in reducing racial disparities in coverage. People of color make up nearly 60 percent of the people who could gain coverage in the remaining non-expansion states. 

Support For Medicaid Is At An All Time High. 75 percent of Americans have a favorable view of the Medicaid program and 61 percent of Americans in non-expansion states support expansion. 

Nearly One in Four Americans Rely On Medicaid For Coverage. Medicaid expansion has served as a critical safety net as millions have lost jobs and their employer-based health insurance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Unsurprisingly, Medicaid enrollment has grown to an all-time high of 74 million Americans in 2021. 


Millions Of Americans Are Covered By Medicare. Nearly 38 million individuals are covered by traditional Medicare, serving as a reliable source of health coverage for millions of seniors and people with disabilities. 

Medicare Has No Out-Of-Pocket Limit For Prescription Drugs. Individuals on Medicare are the only insured Americans to have no cap for out-of-pocket medication costs. In 2019, average out-of-pocket costs for specialty medications surpassed $8,000, while 50 percent of Medicare recipients had incomes under $29,650.

Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Would Save Billions. Empowering Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices for all Americans would save patients more than $150 billion at the pharmacy counter and create $500 billion in savings for the federal government that could be reinvested to expand Medicare benefits to include dental, vision, and hearing and close the Medicaid coverage gap in the 12 states that have refused to accept expansion.

Medicare Benefit Expansion Is Essential. Millions of Medicare beneficiaries are struggling with dental problems, poor vision, and hearing loss due to cost. Between 47 and 64 percent of Medicare beneficiaries do not have dental coverage, 74 percent lack vision coverage, and 76 percent go without hearing coverage.

PRESS CALL: U.S. Rep. Kim Schrier, Alliance for Retired Americans, and Protect Our Care to Discuss How Reducing Drug Prices Would Help Expand Medicare Benefits to Include Dental, Vision, and Hearing


PRESS CALL: U.S. Rep. Kim Schrier, Alliance for Retired Americans, and Protect Our Care to Discuss How Reducing Drug Prices Would Help Expand Medicare Benefits to Include Dental, Vision, and Hearing

Protect Our Care to Mark 56th Medicare Anniversary With New Report on How the Robust Savings From Medicare Negotiation Could Be Reinvested in Improving Health Care For Millions

Washington, DC On Friday, July 30 at 1:00 PM ET // 10:00 AM PT, U.S. Representative Kim Schrier, M.D. (D-WA-08) and Jackie Boschok, President of the Washington State Alliance for Retired Americans will join Protect Our Care for a virtual press conference to mark Medicare’s 56th anniversary and unveil a new report on how prescription drug pricing reform will generate robust savings that could be used to expand Medicare benefits to include dental, vision, and hearing. As it stands, millions of Medicare beneficiaries are currently without coverage in all three areas, profoundly impacting the health and well-being of seniors and people with disabilities. 

The event is part of Protect Our Care’s Lower Rx Summer campaign, which consists of themed weeks of action to illustrate the urgent need for legislation to lower drug prices principally by giving Medicare the power to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices for all Americans. 

In the coming months, President Biden and members of Congress have an unprecedented opportunity to finally take action to lower drug prices. In 2019, the House of Representatives passed the Lower Drug Costs Now Act (H.R. 3), historic legislation that would lower drug prices for all Americans. H.R. 3 would save patients over $150 billion and reduce the price of the costliest drugs by as much as 55 percent. Not only does giving Medicare the power to negotiate help patients at the pharmacy counter, but it would save the federal government $500 billion, which could be reinvested in strengthening Medicare to include dental, vision, and hearing benefits. 


U.S. Representative Kim Schrier (D-WA-08)
Jackie Boschok, President of the Washington State Alliance for Retired Americans
Brad Woodhouse, Executive Director of Protect Our Care

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference to Discuss How Reducing Drug Prices Would Help Expand Medicare Benefits to Include Dental, Vision, and Hearing

WHERE: Register for the Event Here

WHEN: Friday, July 30 at 1:00 PM ET // 10:00 AM PT

NEW AD: Protect Our Care Launches Delaware Ad in Seven-Figure Campaign Calling for Action To Lower Drug Prices

Delaware Patients Can’t Wait” Is Running on Digital Platforms Statewide

Watch the 30-Second Ad Here

Delaware — Protect Our Care launched a digital ad in Delaware as part of a seven-figure campaign about the skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs. The ad showcases the impact on patients when drug companies hike the price of essential medicines for Delawareans again and again. The ad makes clear the importance of giving Medicare the power to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices for all Americans. 

The ad is part of The Campaign to Reduce Drug Prices, a grassroots and communications campaign calling for comprehensive legislation to lower drug prices. The ad is running on digital platforms, focusing particularly on older Delawareans. Protect Our Care will continue to run ads and host events both nationally and in 14 key states, including Delaware, throughout the summer.

“It is shameful that Americans pay three times more for medicines than people in other countries,” said Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse. “While drug company profits soar, they continue to hike the price of lifesaving drugs for Delawareans and people across the country, forcing millions of families to choose between paying for the medicines they need to live or paying for food or rent. It’s time for Delaware lawmakers to do the right thing and support giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices. The time to act is now.”

Script for “Delaware Patients Can’t Wait” (:30s):

It’s always the same thing. 

The costs of prescription drugs keep going up. 

How are patients supposed to afford this?

Families need these life-saving drugs just to stay alive.

Delaware families pay 3 times more than people do in other countries to get the same medicines. 

Drug companies make more and more profits, and drug prices go up and up for patients. 

We can’t wait any longer to act.

Congress needs to give Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices.

NEW REPORT: How High Drug Costs Hurt Children

Protect Our Care, MomsRising, and Little Lobbyists Release New Report As Part of Lower Rx Summer

Washington, DC — Today, Protect Our Care is kicking off week 8 of Lower Rx Summer with a report cosponsored by MomsRising and Little Lobbyists underscoring how high drug costs hurt children. Throughout the week, Protect Our Care will host events and release additional research to demonstrate the urgency for reform to bring down drug prices for children.

Remaining Theme Weeks for Lower Rx Summer
Week 8 (July 26): How High Drug Prices Hurt Children
Week 9 (August 2): Expanding Medicare Benefits—Dental, Vision, and Hearing

Children enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP are more likely to have access to their prescription drugs, however, the children’s uninsured rate in states that have rejected Medicaid expansion is nearly double the rate in states that expanded the program. Between 2016 and 2019, the number of uninsured children increased by more than 700,000. The Urban Institute estimates that more than 6 million people would enroll in Medicaid if the remaining states implemented expansion, including some children who are currently eligible for the program, but would newly enroll as their parents seek coverage. 

“Nothing is more heartbreaking than a sick child, and it is unconscionable that so many families in our country can’t afford the medications their children need,” said Tasmiha Khan, Campaign Director for Health Care at MomsRising. “Lawmakers should act now to ensure that all families can access prescription drugs for their children, without being forced to sacrifice essentials or go into debt to pay for them. We need Congress to take action to reduce the cost of prescription medications now.”

“Many of our families rely on the innovation and development of life-saving medications to treat and sustain our children with complex medical needs and disabilities. Those medications, however, are only life-saving if the patient can afford them,” said Elena Hung, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Little Lobbyists. “Therefore, we call on Congress to give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices so our families can access the life-saving medications our children need to survive and thrive.”

“It’s shameful that children are forced to bear the burden of Big Pharma’s profit motivations,” said Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse. “American families should not have to pay three times more for the same medicines as people in other countries. Children and their families should not be put in the impossible position of choosing between paying for lifesaving drugs and paying for housing or food. It’s time to put an end to Big Pharma’s greed and give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices.”

In 2019, the House of Representatives passed the Lower Drug Costs Now Act (H.R. 3), historic legislation that would lower drug prices for all Americans. H.R. 3 would save patients over $150 billion and reduce the price of the costliest drugs by as much as 55 percent

Not only does giving Medicare the power to negotiate help patients at the pharmacy counter, but it would save the federal government $500 billion, which could be reinvested to strengthen health care. These savings could help lower premiums, expand coverage, and strengthen Medicare benefits to include hearing, vision, and dental. As the nation recovers from the coronavirus pandemic, ensuring access to affordable health care, and specifically prescription drugs, has never been more critical. 


  • Economic and racial inequity limit access to needed medications for children. One in seven children live below the federal poverty line. Factors contributing to systemic racism make children of color more than twice as likely to live in poverty. Children living in households with incomes below $40,000 per year have an increased likelihood of struggling with prescription costs. 
  • Big Pharma’s price gouging puts millions of children at risk. More than one in five children take prescription medication, many for chronic conditions. A recent report found that children zero to four are nearly five times more likely to experience anaphylaxis than their adult counterparts, but many parents are forced to send their children to school without lifesaving medications due to EpiPen price increases. 
  • Government action is essential to improving health outcomes for children. Even young children are being charged nearly three times what patients in other countries are spending on the same prescription drugs. Health coverage, specifically Medicaid and CHIP, helps shield children from pharmaceutical corporation’s price gouging, yet more than eight percent of children remain uninsured in states refusing Medicaid expansion. 

Read the new report on how high drug costs hurt children here.

U.S. Rep. Angie Craig, Small Business for America’s Future and Protect Our Care Call For Bringing Down Drug Prices to Help Small Businesses

Call Conveyed the Devastating Impact of High Drug Costs on Small Businesses and Need For Giving Medicare the Power to Negotiate For Lower Drug Prices

Watch the Event Here

Washington, DC — Today, U.S. Representative Angie Craig (D-MN-02), Small Business for America’s Future Senior Advisor Kristi Martin, and Small Business for America’s Future Small Business Council Member and small business owner Candace Combs joined Protect Our Care for a virtual press conference to discuss how high drug prices are harming small businesses. During the call, Rep. Craig and advocates conveyed the urgency for legislation to bring down drug prices so small businesses can recover from the pandemic and thrive for years to come. 

The event followed a new report from Protect Our Care and Small Business for America’s Future published as part of Week 7 of Lower Rx Summer. In June, Protect Our Care announced Lower Rx Summer as part of The Campaign to Reduce Drug Prices. Lower Rx Summer consists of themed weeks of action to illustrate the urgent need for legislation to lower drug prices principally by giving Medicare the power to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices for all Americans.

“We can address the high cost of prescription drugs – but only if we stand with Americans and small businesses instead of special interests in Washington,” said Representative Angie Craig (D-MN-02). “We must pass the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act, to bring relief to small businesses and finally allow Medicare to negotiate the prices of prescription drugs for hardworking Americans.” 

“Rising prescription drug prices are a major concern for small business owners because higher prices lead to higher healthcare costs,” said Kristi Martin, Senior Advisor at Small Business for America’s Future. “In our most recent survey of over 1,000 small business owners, Small Business for America’s Future found that 55% said rising healthcare costs delayed growth opportunities for their business and 40% said they’ve had to increase prices of goods and services to keep pace with their rising healthcare costs. Without action to address these prescription drug prices, our small business recovery will continue to be held back.”

“I stand with the 85% of small business owners surveyed by Small Business for America’s Future who support allowing Medicare to negotiate directly with drug companies because I know the kind of difference it would make for my business and my employees,” said Candace Combs, Owner of Combs Business Consulting and In-Symmetry Spa and Small Business For America’s Future council member. “Small business owners are the backbone of the economy, but skyrocketing drug costs is keeping us from making the investments we need for the future. It is time our leaders had our backs and act to reign in the cost of medication.”

“The future of small businesses depends on bold action to bring down prescription drug prices,” said Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse. “As drug companies hike the prices of lifesaving medications, small businesses are paying more and more for health care, forcing them to pass those costs along to workers and customers. It’s time to stand up to Big Pharma and finally give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices.” 

Tortuous Path for Medicaid Expansion in Missouri Exhibit One for Why Congress Must Pass a Federal Solution to Close Coverage Gap

Supreme Court Ruling Represents Victory for Medicaid Expansion in Missouri, But Long Road Ahead Demonstrates Need for Federal Solution to Closing the Coverage Gap

Washington, DC — Yesterday, the Missouri Supreme Court unanimously ruled in favor of Medicaid expansion, reversing a lower court decision rejecting the program. In August 2020, voters in Missouri approved expansion, but Republicans in the state legislature refused to fund the program, leading to a months-long legal battle. In the meantime, at least 275,000 Missourians have been denied Medicaid coverage. In response, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement: 

“It is simply outrageous that Republicans in Missouri ignored the will of the people and denied hundreds of thousands of Missouri families access to health coverage in the middle of a global pandemic. Research shows that Medicaid expansion increases access to care, bolsters the economy, and saves lives, but Republicans would rather play political games than improve the health and well being of their constituents. Every day this process plays out is another day 275,000 Missourians are denied access to coverage. What’s happened in Missouri makes clear we cannot trust Republican-led states to do the right thing, and we need a federal solution to ensure millions of people stuck in the coverage gap finally get the coverage they need.”