Protect Our Care Has Held Events in Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Maine, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin
Senators Bob Casey, Jr. (D-PA), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Representatives Mark Pocan (D-WI-2), Charlie Crist (D-FL-13), and Ted Deutch (D-FL-22), Mayors, State, and Local Elected Officials Joined Protect Our Care for Events
Over the last few weeks, Protect Our Care held over a dozen events nationwide calling for the urgent need for Congress to pass the American Rescue Plan to deliver $1,400 direct checks, money for vaccination distribution, and the expansion of affordable health care. While Republicans in the Senate continue to stall the American Rescue Plan, the key provisions in the legislation remain overwhelmingly popular among voters of all parties. Across the country, elected officials are calling on their senators to stop the political games and pass the American Rescue Plan.
Highlights and coverage from Protect Our Care’s events:
January 28, 2021 — American Rescue Plan Zoom Press Event with Health and Faith Community Advocates: Rev. Matt Schultz, of Christians for Equality, Jessica Cler, the Alaska State Director of Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawai’i, and Trevor Storrs, the Executive Director of Alaska Children’s Trust joined Protect Our Care Alaska for a virtual press conference to discuss how President Biden’s American Rescue Plan will provide desperately needed relief to Alaskans struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic, and urge Congress to take immediate action to pass the plan. You can watch the event here.

January 28, 2021 — American Rescue Plan Zoom Event with Congressman Ted Deutch, Small Business Owner, and Local Doctor: Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL-22nd District) and along with local residents joined Protect Our Care Florida for a virtual Zoom event to discuss how President Biden’s American Rescue Plan will provide desperately needed relief to Floridians struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the pandemic stretches into 2021, Floridians remain desperate for federal relief, and are urging swift action in Congress. You can watch the event here.

February 25, 2021 — American Rescue Plan Zoom Event with Congressman Charlie Crist and Tampa Mayor Jane Castor: Congressman Charlie Crist (D-FL-13th) and Tampa Mayor Jane Castor joined Protect Our Care Florida for a virtual press conference to highlight the provisions of the American Rescue Plan that would deliver real relief to Floridians still struggling because of the pandemic, ahead of an expected vote on the legislation in House of Representatives. You can watch the event here.

- Telemundo: Local Leaders Call for Rescue Plan
- Florida Politics: Charlie Crist, Jane Castor push for COVID-19 stimulus package
- WFTS (ABC): Tampa Mayor Urges Congress to Pass Relief
February 4, 2021 — American Rescue Plan Virtual Press Event with Trio of Local Elected Officials: Three county commissioners in Georgia — DeKalb Commissioner Ted Terry, Gwinnett Commissioner Kirkland Carden, and Rome Commissioner Wendy Davis joined Protect Our Care Georgia for a virtual press conference to call on Congress to pass President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, and to highlight how cities and local communities, bearing the brunt of the national public health emergency, are desperate for meaningful federal relief. Gwinnett Commissioner Carden said, “Here we are in the middle of a once-in-a-lifetime public health emergency, and Republicans are dragging their feet on giving Americans the leadership and resources we need during this pandemic.” You can watch the event here.

March 3, 2021 — American Rescue Plan Event with Four Georgia Mayors: Four of Georgia’s mayors — Augusta Mayor Hardie Davis, Jr., South Fulton Mayor William ‘Bill’ Edwards, Brookhaven Mayor John A. Ernst, Jr., and Union City Mayor Vince R. Williams — joined Protect Our Care Georgia for a virtual press conference to call on the Senate to pass President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, and provide desperately needed relief to Georgians. “A crisis of this magnitude requires bold federal response, and it is time for Congress to meet us at the moment and pass the American Rescue Plan,” said Union City Mayor Vince Williams, “If our federal leaders are totally committed to this, they need to get out from the halls of the capitol and face the realities that we see as mayors each and every day.” You can watch the event here.

- FOX5 News: Georgia Mayors Call For Congress To Pass Covid-19 Stimulus Bill
- CBS 12 Augusta: Segment on Georgia Mayors Calling for Congress to Pass American Rescue Plan
- Atlanta Journal Constitution: The Jolt: Kemp Faces Test With GOP-backed Voting Restrictions
- “A quartet of Georgia mayors are speaking out in favor of President Joe Biden’s coronavirus relief bill, which is currently in the hands of the U.S. Senate. Augusta’s Hardie Davis, South Fulton’s Bill Edwards, Brookhaven’s John Ernst and Union City’s Vince Williams will participate in a virtual press conference sponsored by Protect Our Care, a left-leaning healthcare advocacy group. They are the highest profile Georgia mayors to actively campaign for the new $1.9 trillion relief bill, called the American Rescue Plan.” [AJC, 3/3/21]
February 5, 2021 — American Rescue Press Call with State Senate Leader Troy Jackson and Advocates: Maine State Senate Leader Troy Jackson joined Kate Ende with Consumers for Affordable Health Care, Marie Follayttar with Mainers for Accountable Leadership, and Protect Our Care Maine for a press call to discuss why Mainers need Congress to pass President Biden’s American Rescue Plan a quickly as possible. “Our budgets and bills are moral documents that lay bare our elected officials’ priorities,” said Marie Follayttar of Mainers for Accountable Leadership, who urged Maine’s congressional delegation to stand up for those struggling across the state. “You either care about the people, and vote to make sure that their needs are met, or you don’t care about the people. It is that simple.” You can listen to an audio recording here.
January 26, 2021 — American Rescue Plan Press Call w/ Representative Carla Cunningham and Healthcare Advocate Montica Talmadge: Representative Carla Cunningham and healthcare advocate Montica Talmadge joined Protect Our Care North Carolina for a press call to discuss how President Biden’s American Rescue Plan will provide desperately needed relief to North Carolinians struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic. The American Rescue Plan will deliver much-needed relief to families, provide support for struggling state and local governments, jumpstart a nationwide vaccination program, and rebuild our communities. You can listen to an audio recording here.
March 3, 2021 — American Rescue Plan Event with State and Local Officials and Advocates: North Carolina State Representative Carla Cunningham, Wake County Commissioner Maria Cervania, and local advocates joined Protect Our Care North Carolina for a virtual press conference to urge the Senate to pass President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, and provide desperately needed relief to North Carolina families. The American Rescue Plan also would provide federal resources for North Carolina to expand its Medicaid program. Rep. Cunningham mentioned how expanding Medicaid would be a huge boost for the state. “This plan will provide financial incentives for states like North Carolina to finally expand Medicaid…doing so would benefit children, adults, seniors, and those with disabilities,” said Cunningham. You can listen to an audio recording here.
January 26, 2021 — American Rescue Plan Event w/ State and Local Electeds and Advocates: Mayor Nan Whaley, Rep. Beth Liston, and Ohio advocates joined Protect Our Care Ohio for a virtual press conference to discuss how President Biden’s American Rescue Plan will deliver much-needed relief to families, provide support for struggling state and local governments, jumpstart a nationwide vaccination program, and rebuild our communities. You can watch the event here.

March 1, 2021 — American Rescue Plan Event with Senator Sherrod Brown, Chillicothe Mayor Feeney, Local Elected Officials and Advocates: Senator Sherrod Brown joined other Ohio elected officials and advocates, Protect Our Care Ohio and For Our Future Ohio for a virtual press conference to urge the U.S. Senate to pass President Biden’s American Rescue Plan. “Workers and their families need to see their government work for them, now,” said U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown. “And this rescue plan must be the beginning of our work to deliver results that empower people and make their lives better, not the end.” Desiree Tims, President and CEO of Innovation Ohio added, “we need Congress to pass this bill because it is the right thing to do, but we also need to remember it is the popular thing to do. The vast majority of Americans support this legislation; they support taking big, bold action to help their friends, family, and neighbors who they see everyday struggling to make ends meet.” You can watch the event here.

February 18, 2021 — American Rescue Plan Event with Senator Bob Casey and Bipartisan Local Officials and Advocates: Senator Bob Casey, Lebanon County Commissioner Jo Ellen Litz, Pike County Commissioner Matt Osterberg, and local advocates joined Protect Our Care Pennsylvania for a virtual press conference to urge Congress to pass President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, and provide relief to the many families, health care workers, and Pennsylvanians who are struggling across the state. Senator Casey stressed the importance of Congress taking swift action to deliver immediate relief, saying ,“no family, when faced with the greatest threat to public health of our generation and the accompanying economic crisis, should have to worry about being uninsured or not being able to afford insurance.” You can watch the event here.

January 28, 2021 — American Rescue Plan Event with Congressman Mark Pocan, Milwaukee County Executive Crowley and Nurses: Rep. Mark Pocan, Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley, and front line nurses joined Protect Our Care Wisconsin for a virtual press conference to discuss how President Biden’s American Rescue Plan will provide desperately needed relief to Wisconsinites struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the event, Congressman Rep. Mark Pocan praised the Biden administration’s early moves to confront the pandemic and its impact before noting that Congress has the responsibility to act in order to free up the resources necessary to support taxpayers, business owners, and local units of government. “We (Congress) didn’t take that responsibility seriously enough in the past thanks to Mitch McConnell,” said Pocan. “Now, we’ve got to.” You can watch the event here.

- Up North News: Nurses, Elected Officials Say Fast Action Is Needed on Biden’s Stimulus Proposal
March 1, 2021 — American Recuse Plan Event with State Treasurer Godlewski, Mayor Cory Mason, and Advocates: State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski, Racine Mayor Cory Mason, UW-Green Bay Professor Jon Shelton, and Sunny Kurhajetz, a municipal employee from Madison joined Protect Our Care Wisconsin and For Our Future Wisconsin for a virtual press conference to call on the U.S. Senate to pass President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, and provide desperately needed relief to Wisconsinites. “There are some ideologues who claim that this package is too big — these folks are clearly trapped in the Washington bubble and disconnected from the economic pain that household budgets are facing,” said Wisconsin State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski. “The risk is not doing too much, it’s doing too little.” You can watch the event here.

- Up North News: Progressive Groups Continue Push for Approving a Biden Stimulus Plan, Citing Ongoing Need and Widespread Support
- PM Report: State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski slammed members of Congress who oppose the federal pandemic relief for being “trapped in the Washington bubble.”
Upcoming Events:
March 5, 2021 at 3:00 PM – Lawmakers and Health Care Advocates To Urge Congress to Provide Relief for Struggling Mainers: Lawmakers and local advocates will join Protect Our Care Maine for a press call to urge Congress to pass President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, and provide desperately needed relief to Mainers. Join the call at 3:00pm ET by dialing into 877-229-8493, pin #114927.