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Biden Keeps Health Care Promises, Announces Additional Funding to Boost ACA Special Enrollment Period

Washington, DC — Today, as first reported in Axios, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced an additional $2.3 million in funding for Navigators that will help people enroll in coverage during the current special enrollment period that runs through May 15, 2021. This is in addition to the $50 million in outreach and education funding announced last month. In response, Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement:

“President Biden is keeping his health care promises. Today’s announcement is another example of President Biden delivering on his commitment to increase coverage by funding the necessary outreach, education, and enrollment efforts to make sure people know how to get covered. Since taking office, President Biden has opened a special enrollment period, removed barriers to enrolling in Medicaid, and proposed the American Rescue Plan, which includes the most significant reforms to health care in over a decade — to reduce cost, expand coverage, and improve care. After just a few weeks in office, President Biden is enacting policies that add up to the largest improvement in health care in ten years.”

House Democrats Pass American Rescue Plan

Bill Provides Desperately Needed COVID Relief Including Historic Health Care Provisions

Washington, DC — Today, the House Democrats passed the American Rescue Plan, a historic step toward strengthening the Affordable Care Act and providing desperately needed pandemic relief, despite Republicans’ attempts to block it. The American Rescue Plan includes key health care provisions that will lower health care costs, expand coverage, and incentivize holdout states to expand Medicaid. In response, Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement:

“This is a historic day for American health care. The American Rescue Plan will lower health insurance premiums for millions, get more Americans covered, and help address racial inequities. After four years of Republican efforts to sabotage and repeal the Affordable Care Act, the American people now are seeing the results they need and want. Elections matter. The American Rescue Plan is absolutely essential to beating this pandemic and rebuilding our economy, and it has overwhelming bipartisan support, in red states and blue states. Americans want vaccines in people’s arms, cash into families’ pockets, and kids back to school.  \But Republicans would rather play politics with our jobs and our lives than listen to the voices of their constituents. Democrats are using every tool available to them to get Americans relief, and Republicans should be ashamed of trying to block these efforts.” 

COVERAGE: Praise for HHS Nominee Xavier Becerra

This week, the Senate HELP and Finance committees held confirmation hearings for Biden’s pick for Health and Human Services Secretary, Xavier Becerra. Coverage shows Becerra left no doubt that he is a historic, experienced, well qualified nominee to lead HHS. Becerra has decades of experience and was an architect of the Affordable Care Act when he served in the House. Becerra also led the charge to protect Americans’ health care against constant, baseless Republican attacks as California’s attorney general. Becerra is ready to lead HHS on day one, and he will work with the Biden administration to build on the strong foundation of the Affordable Care Act by lowering health care costs, including prescription drugs, expanding coverage for all Americans, and working to get the pandemic under control.  

Key Stories

Yahoo Finance: Why Biden Chose California’s Attorney General To Be Health And Human Services Secretary. “Becerra served in Congress for 12 terms and was a senior member of the health subcommittee of the Ways and Means Committee. Upon being elected California’s attorney general in 2017, he became a key defender of the ACA with his office frequently filing lawsuits (over 100) against the Trump administration, most notably the case of Texas v. California, which challenges the constitutionality of Obamacare.” [Yahoo Finance, 2/25/21

  • Former HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Said Becerra “Has Been A Leader On Everything From Expanded Insurance Coverage Access To High-Quality Health Care.” “’He has been a leader on everything from expanded insurance coverage access to high-quality health care,’ Kathleen Sebelius, HHS secretary from 2009 to 2014, told Yahoo Finance. ‘He is one of the foremost experts I would say in the country on the Affordable Care Act, both in its design features and then defending the law in court. But he’s also done lots of important work for children and families and immigrant children, which was one of the areas of great concern when he served in Congress.’” [Yahoo Finance, 2/25/21
  • Larry Levitt, Executive Vice President For Health Care Policy At The Kaiser Family Foundation, Said “It Would Be Hard To Find Anyone In the Country Who Has Been So All-In On Preserving And Expanding The ACA.” “Larry Levitt, executive vice president for health care policy at the Kaiser Family Foundation, agreed with the assessment that Becerra’s strength lies in his expertise related to Obamacare. ‘It would be hard to find anyone in the country who has been so all-in on preserving and expanding the ACA,’ Levitt told Yahoo Finance. ‘The setup as attorney general was the chief legal defender of efforts to overturn the ACA and the courts. So he’s well-steeped in all of the intricacies of the law, and it comes from a state that has been one of the most proactive in implementing the ACA from the start. So I think he’s certainly a good choice to reinvigorate the Affordable Care Act.’” [Yahoo Finance, 2/25/21

The Nation (Column): Why Xavier Becerra Is A Smart Pick To Run HHS. “But it was Becerra’s dogged efforts to protect the Affordable Care Act—and to maintain California’s ability to bring millions of previously uninsured residents under its umbrella—that pushed him to the fore when Biden was deciding whom to nominate as his HHS secretary. At a time when conservative states, led by Texas, along with the federal government were urging the US Supreme Court to declare the entire ACA unconstitutional, California—which had used the law and its own insurance exchange to reduce the percentage of its population that was uninsured from upwards of 17 percent to roughly 7 percent—marshaled an alliance of states to aggressively defend the landmark legislation.” [The Nation, 2/26/21

Additional Coverage Highlights Becerra’s Health Care Experience 

CNN: “One Of Becerra’s Highest-Profile Health Care Roles Recently Has Been Chief Defender Of The Affordable Care Act In Court.” “One of Becerra’s highest-profile health care roles recently has been chief defender of the Affordable Care Act in court. He has also battled the health care industry to keep costs down for consumers. In 2018, he filed a lawsuit against Sutter Health, a system of 24 hospitals and more than 12,000 doctors in Northern California, for using anti-competitive practices to consolidate market power, resulting in higher health care prices. The attorney general secured a $575 million settlement that requires Sutter to change some of its practices.” [CNN, 2/23/21

Los Angeles Times: “Fixing Disparate Access To Health Care Was A Signature Issue During [Becerra’s] Two Dozen Years In The House.” “Becerra represented Los Angeles for 24 years in the House and was a senior member of the committee that sets healthcare policy. He was among the small group of lawmakers who helped write the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Fixing disparate access to healthcare was a signature issue during his two dozen years in the House. Abortion rights and child advocacy groups have lined up in support of Becerra, as has the American Medical Assn.” [Los Angeles Times, 2/23/21

Associated Press: “As A Congressman, [Becerra] Played A Behind-The-Scenes Role Steering President Barack Obama’s Health Care Law Through Democratic Divisions In The House.” “Becerra, 63, represented Hispanic neighborhoods of Los Angeles in the U.S. House for more than 20 years before becoming his state’s chief law enforcement officer, succeeding Vice President Kamala Harris after she won election to the Senate. His politics are liberal but his style is low-key and oriented toward problem solving. As a congressman he played a behind-the-scenes role steering President Barack Obama’s health care law through Democratic divisions in the House.”  [Associated Press, 2/23/21

Washington Post: “Running The Nation’s Largest State Justice Department Since 2017, [Becerra] Has Led A Coalition Of Democratic Attorneys General Defending The ACA…” “However, Becerra worked on major health-care legislation, including the ACA, during his long tenure in the House. Running the nation’s largest state justice department since 2017, he has led a coalition of Democratic attorneys general defending the ACA from an attempt, in a case now before the Supreme Court, to invalidate the entire health law. He would be the first Latino HHS secretary.” [Associated Press, 2/23/21

NEW REPORT: The American Rescue Plan Will Reduce Racial Disparities in Health Care

Read the full report here.

Washington, DC — As part of Black History Month, Protect Our Care is releasing a new report showing expanding the Affordable Care Act will help Black communities recover from the pandemic and address longstanding racial disparities in health care. The report comes as the House is poised to pass the American Rescue Plan, which includes desperately needed pandemic relief and builds on the Affordable Care Act with historic provisions to lower health care costs, expand coverage, and incentivize holdout states to expand Medicaid. In response, Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement: 

“This report shows just how critical the American Rescue Plan is in working to eliminate racial inequities. Black people face systemic barriers to care and are overrepresented in the jobs that are on the front lines of battling the virus Black Americans are more likely to get sick and 1.4 times more likely to die from the virus. In addition to taking bold action to end the pandemic,  restart our economy and get working families back on their feet, the American Rescue Plan includes critical health care provisions to expand coverage and lower costs while addressing stark racial disparities in health care that have only been exacerbated by the pandemic. That’s why it’s so important to pass the American Rescue Plan.”

Health Care Champion Xavier Becerra Puts His Exceptional Qualifications on Display During Confirmation Hearings

Washington, DC — Today, the confirmation hearings for Xavier Becerra concluded, leaving Senators and the public no doubt that he is a well qualified nominee to lead the Department of Health and Human Services. Becerra has decades of experience and was an architect of the Affordable Care Act when he served in the House. Becerra also led the charge to protect Americans’ health care against constant, baseless Republican attacks as California’s Attorney General. In response, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement: 

“Xavier Becerra has once again shown us why he’s the right person for the job. Becerra dedicated his decades-long career to fighting to expand access to health care and protecting underserved communities while taking on powerful special interests to help working families. From his time in the House working tirelessly on the Affordable Care Act to his time as California’s Attorney General defending the law from relentless Republican attacks, Xavier Becerra has always prioritized health care. Becerra is a historic pick, and as Secretary of Health and Human Services, he will build on the strong foundation of the Affordable Care Act to lower health care costs including prescription drugs and expand access for all Americans. He is ready to lead HHS on day one, and the Senate should move quickly to confirm him so we can get the pandemic under control and get the country back on track.”

Republicans Endanger Americans (And Their Own Political Futures) By Opposing President Biden’s Overwhelmingly Popular COVID Relief Plan

Washington, DC — Today, reporting shows Republican leaders are trying to prevent all their members from supporting President Biden’s overwhelmingly popular American Rescue Plan and endangering the health and safety of Americans in the process. In response, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement: 

“Republicans are going to learn again, just as they did in 2020 when they ignored the severity of the pandemic and in 2018 after trying to repeal American health care, that defying the will of a large majority of the American people is political suicide. Republicans want to make it more likely you get infected with the virus and less likely you can get health care if you do. Why? Because they’d rather appease the radicals and extremists in the base of their party instead of following the will of the majority of the American people. Americans know that this rescue plan creates a surge in vaccines, delivers relief checks, will help schools reopen and make health care more affordable and accessible for people in red states and blue states so they want it passed now.

“But hey, if Republicans are intent on committing political suicide, who are we to stop them?”

New polling continues to highlight broad, bipartisan support for President Biden’s pandemic response and American Rescue Plan:

  • New Polling From Gallup Has Found That 67 Percent Of Americans, Including One In Three Republicans, Support President Biden’s Handling Of The Pandemic. “Several weeks into his first term in office, 67% of Americans approve of President Joe Biden’s handling of the coronavirus… Biden’s current approval rating for his handling of the coronavirus includes 95% of Democrats, 66% of independents and 34% of Republicans.” [Gallup, 2/22/21]
  • According To Recent Polling By The New York Times, Seven In 10 Americans Support President Biden’s “American Rescue Plan.” “More than 7 in 10 Americans now back Mr. Biden’s aid package, according to new polling from the online research firm SurveyMonkey for The New York Times. That includes support from three-quarters of independent voters, 2 in 5 Republicans and nearly all Democrats. The overall support for the bill is even larger than the substantial majority of voters who said in January that they favored an end-of-year economic aid bill signed into law by President Donald J. Trump.” [New York Times, 2/19/21]

These new polls join the growing body of evidence that voters strongly support Biden’s response and want Congress to pass the American Rescue Plan:

  • A CBS Poll Found That A Large, Bipartisan Majority Of Americans Support Congressional Passage Of A New Stimulus Bill To Help Those Impacted By The Pandemic. “A very large and bipartisan majority of Americans would support congressional passage of a new stimulus bill to help those impacted by the pandemic… Large majorities of Democrats, Republicans, and independents, as well as Americans of all income levels would approve of a COVID relief package.” [CBS, 2/10/21]

[CBS, 2/10/21]

  • Meanwhile, The CBS Poll Found That “Most Americans” Say Their Family’s Finances Have Been Impacted By The Pandemic — Highlighting The Need For More Relief. “Most Americans say their family’s finances have been impacted by the coronavirus outbreak in some way, including one in four Americans who say it has had a major impact. Lower-income Americans have been disproportionately affected: 35% of those with incomes under $50,000 say the coronavirus outbreak has left a major financial impact.” [CBS, 2/10/21]
  • Polling From Navigator Research Found That More Than Seven In Ten Americans Support Biden’s “American Rescue Plan.” “More than seven in ten support Biden’s ‘American Rescue Plan,’ and each provision of it earns support from at least three in five Americans.” [Navigator, 2/4/21]
  • The Navigator Poll Also Found That Key Provisions In The American Rescue Plan — Like Stimulus Checks — Have Support Across Demographic Groups, Including Republicans. According to the Navigator poll, 78 percent of Americans, including 60 percent of Republicans support new stimulus checks. Meanwhile, Republicans broadly support other key provisions: 57 percent support funding for vaccines and testing, 65 percent support paid family and sick leave, 64 percent support helping with health insurance premiums, 66 percent support small business grants, 53 percent support increasing the child tax credit, and 59 percent support rental assistance.
  • Hart Research Found That, Across Party Lines, Nearly Three Quarters Of Americans Favor Biden’s Rescue Plan And Want Congress To Pass It. “With support across party lines, large majorities favor President Biden’s COVID rescue plan and want Congress to pass it. After seeing the main provisions 74% favor the plan, including 46% who strongly favor it.” [Twitter, Geoff Garin, 1/28/21; polling for Protect Our Care]

    • Hart Research Found That Half Of Republicans Support The Relief Package. “There is broad, bipartisan support in the country for the Biden COVID package: 98% among Democrats; 72% among Independents; 50% among Republicans; 46% of Trump voters support it, even though it is explicitly identified with Biden.” [Twitter, Geoff Garin, 1/28/21; polling for Protect Our Care]
  • Quinnipiac University Polling Found That Nearly 8 In 10 Americans Support Sending $1,400 Stimulus Checks Directly To Americans. “Nearly 8 in 10 Americans are in favor of $1,400 stimulus payments to Americans with 78 percent supporting and 18 percent opposing.” [Quinnipiac University Poll, 2/3/21]
  • Quinnipiac Also Found That Most Americans — 61 Percent — Support Raising The Minimum Wage To $15 Per Hour.  “Respondents also favor Biden’s call for a $15 per hour federal minimum wage by a 61% to 36% margin, according to the [Quinnipiac] survey. [CNBC, 2/3/21]
  • According To Data For Progress, Nearly 70 Percent Of Americans, Including 80 Percent Of Democrats, 70 Percent Of Independents, And 55 Percent Of Republicans, Want To Pass More Relief As Soon As Possible.  “The majority of voters (69 percent) prefer to pass more relief as soon as possible to support small businesses, schools and Americans who are struggling, rather than wait and see what aid may be needed. Notably, we find bipartisan support: 80 percent of self-identified Democratic voters, 70 percent of Independents and 55 percent of Republicans want relief as soon as possible.” [Data for Progress/Invest in America, 2/21]
  • 68 Percent Of Americans — Including 67 Percent Of Independents And 55 Percent Of Republicans — Are Prioritizing Support For The Economic Recovery, Rather Than Being Concerned WIth The National Debt. “We find that the majority of voters (68 percent) support prioritizing as much support as possible for our future economic recovery, rather than being concerned with the national debt. Again, we find bipartisan support: 80 percent of Democrats, 67 percent of Independents, and 55 percent of Republicans want as much recovery as possible now instead of prioritizing a bill that is less costly.” [Data for Progress/Invest in America, 2/21]
  • Voters Overwhelmingly Support The Key Provisions In The American Rescue Plan. “We tested voter support on the different areas of economic relief that President Biden’s plan proposes. This includes: additional $1400 stimulus checks, extending and expanding unemployment benefits, grants and loans for small businesses, extending moratoriums on evictions and foreclosures and providing utility aid to struggling families, expanding Child Income Tax Credits and Earned Income Tax Credits, increasing the minimum wage to $15, and a range of funding for vaccine distribution, to schools, and to state, local and territorial governments. Overwhelmingly voters support all of these key provisions, with extraordinarily high levels of support for immediate steps to increase our coronavirus response such as support for small businesses and funding to state, local and territorial governments to prevent layoffs of frontline essential workers and distribute the vaccine.“  [Data for Progress/Invest in America, 2/21]

[Data for Progress/Invest in America, 2/21]

  • More Than Twice As Many Americans Support Key Elements Of Biden’s Agenda Than Oppose Them — The Most Popular Policies Being Those At The Center Of Biden’s Pandemic Proposal.  “When asked about the 20 policies that define President Biden’s agenda, more Americans support than oppose all 20 of them, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll. The margins are decisive. The majority of Biden’s proposals garner at least twice as much support as opposition. Nearly half are favored by more than 60 percent of Americans… Of all 20 policies covered by the poll, the two most popular were the ones at the center of Biden’s current COVID proposal: $2,000 relief checks (74 percent favor vs. 13 percent oppose) and increased federal funding for vaccination (69 percent favor vs. 17 percent oppose). A full 58 percent of Americans also support raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, another key element of Biden’s COVID-19 rescue package.” [Yahoo News/YouGov, 2/1/21]
  • Meanwhile, Eight In Ten Americans Cite Strengthening The Economy And Fighting The Pandemic As Top Priorities For The President To Address. “Currently, about eight-in-ten Americans say strengthening the nation’s economy (80%) and dealing with the coronavirus outbreak (78%) should be top priorities for the president and Congress to address this year. Two-thirds (67%) rate improving the job situation as a top priority.” [Pew Research, 1/28/21]

Roundup: More Medical Organizations Support Xavier Becerra’s Nomination As HHS Secretary

Support for Xavier Becerra’s nomination as Health and Human Services Secretary continues to roll in from the medical community. In addition to groups previously highlighted by POC, additional health care organizations have thrown their support behind Becerra, President Biden’s pick to lead HHS, ahead of his nomination hearings in the Senate HELP and Finance Committees this week. Becerra’s decades of health care experience and commitment to fighting for affordable health care for all have earned him the support of the medical community and make him an ideal pick to lead Americans through this pandemic. 

Alliance for Retired Americans: “Mr. Becerra has also been an active and effective advocate for lowering drug prices. Seniors proportionately spend more than other age groups on prescription drugs. His work has positively affected the economic and health security of our members. He and a bipartisan group of state Attorneys General have sued to hold drug corporations responsible for their role in the opioid epidemic. Mr. Becerra was also instrumental in the passage of legislation in California to stop pay-for-delay kickbacks that keep many drug prices artificially high and a leader in the battle to uphold the Affordable Care Act and protect the health care coverage of millions of patients.” (Full statement)

American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry: “Mr. Becerra has a strong track record and a depth of experience in formulating and implementing policies and programs to address the crisis of opioid addiction… As Attorney General, Mr. Becerra has also promoted regulations to protect patient data while also ensuring the data can be used appropriately to protect against the diversion and abuse of prescription drugs.” (Full statement)

American Academy of Family Physicians: “Mr. Becerra has long been a champion of ensuring all Americans have access to high-quality, affordable health care. As a member of Congress, Representative Becerra helped to pass the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and eliminate the flawed Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate. As Attorney General of California, he defended the ACA against legal challenges in the case of Texas v. United States.” (Full statement)

America’s Essential Hospitals:Becerra has spent his career defending key programs of importance to essential hospitals and their communities, including Medicare and Medicaid. Most recently, in his role as attorney general of California, Becerra defended the 340B Drug Pricing Program and championed important protections for immigrant communities.” (Full statement)

American Kidney Fund: “HHS is one of the largest and most important federal agencies – especially now, during the deadly COVID-19 pandemic – and Mr. Becerra’s experience as both a legislator and an executive give him the needed expertise to lead during this crucial time. People with kidney disease need a strong leader at HHS now more than ever.” (Full statement)

American Nurses Association: As California Attorney General, Mr. Becerra has defended the Affordable Care Act and essential health benefits. He fought against hospital consolidation and short-term junk insurance plans which make health care more expensive for consumers. His experience running the Department of Justice in America’s largest state instills confidence that he is very capable of running one of the largest government agencies in the world during the COVID-19 pandemic.” (Full statement)

Association of American Medical Colleges: “Secretary-designate Becerra’s leadership experience – such as the efforts to protect patients’ access to health care and establish health equity initiatives that he led during his tenure as Attorney General of the State of California – will be an asset in this role. He also brings health policy expertise from his experience on the House Committee on Ways and Means where he championed affordable, comprehensive health care coverage for patients.” (Full statement)

Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids: “As the Attorney General of California, Mr. Becerra has demonstrated leadership in protecting kids from tobacco. Recognizing that youth are particularly vulnerable to nicotine use and addiction, he worked to protect kids from e-cigarette marketing and tobacco imagery in streamed video content. He also supported California’s new law ending the sale of flavored tobacco products, which are a key driver of youth tobacco use.” (Full statement)

Campaign for Sustainable Prescription Drug Pricing: “While in Congress, then-Representative Becerra worked diligently to enact to make health care more affordable and later, as Attorney General of California, continued that work. As part of his determined efforts on behalf of consumers, Attorney General Becerra has taken important actions to thwart egregious anti-competitive activity by the pharmaceutical industry aimed at protecting monopolies and keeping prescription drug prices needlessly high and unaffordable for far too many U.S. patients and their families. (Full statement)

Cancer Support Community: “Throughout his career, Mr. Becerra has always put patients first, including those impacted by cancer. Mr. Becerra was a proud co-sponsor of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and actively worked to pass this landmark legislation. As a member of Congress, he steadfastly fought to protect and preserve the ACA by voting at least nine times against efforts to repeal and replace the law. He also sponsored the E-Centives Act, which provided incentives for Medicaid providers to improve quality of care by implementing electronic health records.” (Full statement)

Casa De Esperanza: “Mr. Becerra is a deeply qualified and passionate leader with a depth and breadth of experience that spans three decades of working to address violence against women and support survivors, ensure access to healthcare, and protect Social Security and Medicare. In May of 2020, as California Attorney General, Xavier Becerra called for the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, stating that “[t]here’s no place for violence against women anywhere.” (Full statement)

Center for Medicare Advocacy: “Mr. Becerra has been a champion of expanding access to health care, from his time in Congress to his most recent role as California’s Attorney General. During his twelve terms in Congress, including while serving on the House Ways & Means Health Subcommittee, Mr. Becerra worked to improve the Medicare program as well as health care access more broadly.” (Full statement)

Futures Without Violence: Xavier Becerra is a highly qualified and passionate leader with demonstrated depth and breadth of experience spanning three decades. As Attorney General of California, he joined with Attorneys General from across the country in 2018 and 2020 to advocate for the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. His defense of the Affordable Care Act has meant essential health care access and coverage for many previously uninsured people, including those experiencing sexual and domestic violence.” (Full statement)

Leading Age:We support the nomination of Secretary-Nominee Becerra to be the next HHS Secretary to advocate for and carry out the robust health care platform outlined by President Joe Biden. We have confidence that he has the health care expertise and experience managing large systems that are critical to successfully leading HHS and that he will work with Congress to take quick action…” (Full statement)

Mental Health America: “As a member of Congress, he sponsored and supported legislation that has proven essential on the journey to health equity for all our people, including those affected by mental illnesses. As the Attorney General of California, his efforts in support of enforcing mental health parity, for example, are well-known and critically important.” (Full statement)

National Alliance on Mental Illness: “Attorney General Becerra has been a true leader on mental health and addiction issues, tirelessly defending the ACA and working to enforce federal & state mental health parity laws. As California’s Attorney General he led efforts on the part of states to challenge measures taken by the previous Administration to undermine a series of patient protections in the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Under his leadership, California also stepped up enforcement and compliance with respect to the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) ensuring more equitable coverage of mental illness treatment.” (Full statement)

National Alliance to End Sexual Violence: Xavier Becerra is a demonstrated leader who brings decades of health policy experience addressing violence against women and support services, ensuring access to healthcare, and protecting Social Security and Medicare. His long history of defending and protecting the Affordable Care Act has provided essential health care access and coverage for many previously uninsured people, including those experiencing sexual violence and trauma.” (Full statement)

National Association of Community Health Centers: Attorney General Becerra has a long-established relationship with California health centers and NACHC. As a former Member of Congress from Los Angeles, and a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, he consistently sought feedback from local health center leadership through roundtable events and regular communications with the Los Angeles Community Clinic Consortium.” (Full statement)

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence: “Becerra has a proven record of fighting for access to healthcare for all Americans. This includes leading the legal campaign to prevent the Affordable Care Act from being dismantled, thereby protecting millions of survivors’ access to healthcare.” (Full statement)

National Council on Aging: “While playing a leadership role in providing health coverage to millions of uninsured and underinsured Americans under the Affordable Care Act and championing improvements to women’s health, he also authored Medicare proposals focused on improving care for beneficiaries in need… NCOA had the privilege of working closely with then-Rep. Becerra and his staff on legislation he introduced in 2007 and 2009 to make health care more affordable for low-income Medicare beneficiaries whose fixed incomes made it difficult to afford rising health care costs.” (Full statement)

National Organization of Rare Disorders: Attorney General Becerra has spent a career in both Washington and California advancing policies that have improved access to affordable and comprehensive health care…We are confident that his experience will enable to him to effectively lead HHS and support the implementation of policies that can help address pressing health needs of the rare disease community.” (Full statement)

Hearings to Confirm Health Care Champion Xavier Becerra Begin

Senate HELP and Finance Committees Hold Hearings This Week

Washington, DC — Today, the Senate HELP Committee will begin confirmation hearings for President Biden’s pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra. Tomorrow, the Senate Finance Committee will take up Becerra’s nomination. Becerra has decades of experience and is well qualified to lead HHS. In addition to being an architect of the Affordable Care Act when he served in the House, Becerra also led the charge to protect Americans’ health care against constant, baseless Republican attacks as California’s attorney general. In response to the hearings, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement: 

“Xavier Becerra is a strong advocate for health care and has decades of experience protecting and expanding health care access, reducing the cost of prescription drugs, and fighting for health care equity. As HHS Secretary, he will work with President Biden to build on the strong foundation of the Affordable Care Act and tackle the pandemic, which has caused catastrophic health and economic fallout for Americans. The Senate should move quickly to confirm Becerra. Needlessly delaying this confirmation process will put more lives at risk in the middle of a pandemic that has killed 500,000 Americans. President Biden has already taken bold action to combat the pandemic, but he cannot go it alone, and he needs to have a Senate-confirmed HHS Secretary to work to end the pandemic.”

Roundup: Medical Community Supports Xavier Becerra’s Nomination As HHS Secretary

Xavier Becerra, President Biden’s pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, has strong support from the medical community. The top experts who know health care the best praise his willingness to work with medical experts, his trust in science, and his decades of experience advancing health policies to improve the lives of Americans. Becerra is deeply committed to ending the pandemic, addressing racial disparities in health care, and making health care more affordable. The support of these well respected health care groups show Becerra is a highly qualified nominee who knows what’s at stake and who will work to ensure a healthy future for all Americans.

American College of Clinical Pharmacy: “We urge swift confirmation of Attorney General Becerra as HHS Secretary… As communities across the country struggle to respond to the COVID pandemic, a comprehensive strategy to ensure a truly team-based, patient-centered approach to patient care, consistent with evolving integrated delivery models, must be prioritized.” (Full statement)

American College of Radiology: “Becerra is incredibly qualified for this position. During his time in Congress, former Rep. Becerra worked closely with the ACR to improve the American health care system and protect patient access to high quality imaging care.” (Full statement)

The American Hospital Association: “The AHA has worked with Becerra throughout his long career as a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives, including as a member of the Ways and Means Committee’s health subcommittee. He has been a champion for health care coverage and affordable health care, which the AHA has long supported. Throughout his time in public service, it is clear that Becerra has consistently made people across America and their health a priority.” (Full statement)

American Medical Association: “The American Medical Association strongly supports the nominations of Xavier Becerra to be the next Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Vivek Murthy, M.D., to be Surgeon General of the U.S. Public Health Service. While in Congress, then-Rep. Becerra worked closely with the AMA to pass the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and eliminate the Sustainable Growth Rate. As Attorney General of California, he led a coalition of 17 states defending the ACA in the case of Texas v. United States – a case in which the AMA filed an amicus brief championing access to meaningful, affordable health care for all Americans.” (Full statement)

American Physical Therapy Association: “As a congressman, Attorney General Becerra was a staunch advocate for access to health care services. He helped lead a successful effort to eliminate arbitrary caps on seniors’ access to necessary outpatient physical therapy services and championed legislation to ultimately remedy this issue for millions of Medicare beneficiaries.” (Full statement)

American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science: “As a Congressman, Attorney General Becerra was a staunch advocate for access to health care services. Clinical laboratory scientists have a critical health care role to play and we must ensure access to clinical laboratory services is unfettered especially during this coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.” (Full statement)

American Society of Radiologic Technologists: “During his time in Congress, former Rep. Becerra was involved and instrumental (serving on the House Ways and Means Committee) on a wide array of health care issues and worked closely with the ASRT and the medical imaging community to improve the American health care system and ensure patient access to high quality imaging care.” (Full statement)

Association for Clinical Research Professionals: “President-Elect Biden made a wise choice in the selection of California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to lead the department at this time as the country continues to address the array of challenges the pandemic presents… Attorney General Becerra brings to the agency knowledge of the disparities in access to health services in the U.S. He is well positioned to address these disparities.” (Full statement)

Blue Shield of California: Blue Shield values Attorney General Becerra’s leadership and commitment to preserving access to affordable, comprehensive health care for millions of Californians. As Attorney General, he repeatedly defended key Affordable Care Act (ACA) protections and fought for lower drug prices.” (Full statement)

Dental Trade Alliance: “During his twelve terms in Congress, Attorney General Becerra spent much of his time working on health care issues impacting U.S. citizens as a member of the House Ways and Means Committee.” (Full statement)

Federation of American Hospitals: “Secretary-designate Becerra is, first and foremost, a champion for patients. A seasoned public servant, his lifelong commitment and dedication to public health will help him confront the many challenges that face us, from achieving health equity to reducing the cost of prescription drugs to reinforcing access to care in rural and underserved communities. He is highly qualified, time-tested, and will be ready on day 1.” (Full statement)

Home Care Association of America: “As a Congressman, Xavier Becerra was a staunch advocate for access to health care services… Attorney General Becerra brings his experience as an administrator having run the California Department of Justice since 2017. In this position he addressed an array of health and other matters that prepare him well to handle the significant challenges of running an agency as large and diverse as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.” (Full statement)

International Association of Forensic Nurses: “In addition to his experience on health care matters, Attorney General Becerra brings his experience as an administrator having run the California Department of Justice since 2017. In this position he addressed an array of health and other matters that prepare him well to handle the significant challenges of running an agency as large and diverse as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.” (Full statement)

National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association: “During his tenure in the House of Representatives, Congressman Becerra demonstrated a thorough understanding of federal programs that support the aging and disability communities – most notably the Social Security Disability Insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid programs – and made significant and meaningful contributions to disability-related policies.” (Full statement) 

National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives: “As both Ranking Member and as a member of the House of Representatives Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee, Attorney General Becerra championed important pieces of legislation affecting the lives of millions of beneficiaries of Social Security Disability, SSI, Medicare and Medicaid. NOSSCR awarded then Congressman Becerra our ‘Award for Excellence in Social Security Disability Advocacy.’ Attorney General Becerra understands beneficiaries’ needs and the interaction between Social Security benefits, Medicare and Medicaid health insurance, and an individual’s overall wellbeing.” (Full statement)

National Alliance of Safety Net Hospitals: We worked with Mr. Becerra when he was a member of Congress and served on the House Ways and Means Committee and can attest to his understanding of the distinct challenges low-income and underserved communities face and his sincere interest in using public policy to help address those challenges.” (Full statement)

Private Essential Access Community Hospitals: “Mr. Becerra served on the House Ways and Means Committee and showed a commitment to developing and supporting public policies that reflected his understanding of the distinct challenges low-income and underserved communities face and made a difference in the lives of the people he represented. We are confident he would do the same as Secretary of Health and Human Services, including pursuing a much-needed effort to address the underlying health equity challenges that we must address as a nation.” (Full statement)

Providence: Our health system looks forward to working with Mr. Becerra in his new capacity once confirmed, as we take on critical health issues facing our nation and communities… We have had the privilege of working with Mr. Becerra during his tenure in Congress and as Attorney General in California, another state where Providence has a large footprint. We have experienced, firsthand, Mr. Becerra’s leadership in ensuring access to care for vulnerable communities and addressing racial and ethnic inequities in health care.” (Full statement)

Urgent Care Association: The HHS Secretary must work collaboratively across many organizations, including associations like UCA, to ensure integrity and effective cooperation. In addition, the Secretary should have an expansive perspective on all aspects of healthcare delivery including scopes of care, an understanding of business, legal and regulatory requirements and barriers. Attorney General Becerra is uniquely qualified and experienced in all of these areas.” (Full statement)

Xavier Becerra Will Protect Health Care and Expand Access

Senate HELP and Finance Committees Will Hold Confirmation Hearings for Secretary-designate Xavier Becerra This Week

President Biden’s historic pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, California Attorney General  Xavier Becerra, has decades of experience protecting health care access, reducing the cost of prescription drugs, and has worked to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. If confirmed, Becerra will be a strong advocate for health care.

Secretary-designate Becerra is an experienced litigator who is more than capable of protecting health care access and affordability. As California’s attorney general, Becerra was instrumental in filing over 100 lawsuits against the Trump administration, including leading the fight in Texas v. California, another attempt by Republicans to completely dismantle the Affordable Care Act. Becerra also worked with 11 state attorneys general to protect consumers against so-called junk health care plans that evade ACA basic coverage requirements. In 2014, when House Republicans tried to stop cost sharing reduction payments, Becerra intervened on behalf of consumers and helped to reach a settlement. After the Trump administration targeted immigrant families who rely on health safety net programs with the “Public Charge” rule, Becerra led a coalition of attorneys general who successfully won a preliminary injunction against the rule. 

Secretary-designate Becerra is also an experienced legislator. Before Becerra was attorney general of California, he spent 24 years in the House of Representatives including time at the Ways and Means Committee health subcommittee,where he worked tirelessly to protect Medicare and Social Security. There, he was an original co-sponsor of the Affordable Care Act which has extended coverage to more than 20 million Americans and protections for 135 million people with pre-existing conditions. Becerra helped draft the bipartisan Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (IMPACT Act), which directed the HHS Secretary to study the impact of socioeconomic status on Medicaid’s value-based programs. Becerra is also an experienced dealmaker who has worked to resolve legislative conflicts. During ACA negotiations, Becerra was essential in resolving a conflict between members with urban and rural districts and won the confidence of both sides by ensuring a funding model that relied on facts and science.

Secretary-designate Becerra has fought for affordable and accessible prescription drug prices during his career. As attorney general, he led the defense of California’s law that bans “pay for delay” agreements that keep generic versions of medications off of the market. As part of this defense, Becerra was able to secure $70 million in agreements against pharmaceutical companies He led a bipartisan group of attorneys general to force major drug manufacturers to follow the 340B Drug Pricing Program, which provides drug discounts to low income and uninsured groups. As a member of the House, Becerra launched a House Affordable Drug Pricing Task Force in 2016, which sought to address the rising costs of prescription drugs. Becerra is unafraid to stand up to drug manufacturers, having secured a $10 million agreement with the pharmaceutical companies Royal Pharmaceuticals and Seton Pharmaceuticals after a reporting error led to the underpayment of Medicaid drug rebates. Becerra will be able to work to ensure that pharmaceutical drugs are affordable and accessible. 

Secretary-designate Becerra is also the right fit for this position at a time when HHS needs a strong leader who will work with the entirety of the government to put an end to the pandemic. From the beginning of the pandemic, Becerra urged former President Trump to invoke the Defense Production Act to provide sufficient PPE. In the midst of the pandemic, Becerra joined other attorneys general in calling on CMS Administrator Seema Verma to increase transparency and accountability from nursing homes. As a result, CMS issued interim rules that required nursing homes to inform family members about COVID-19 infections and ensured that federal health agencies received data on any cases. Becerra also led the fight to ensure that potentially-lifesaving drugs to combat COVID-19 were available to those that need them.

In the middle of a pandemic that has killed 500,000 Americans, needlessly delaying this confirmation process continues to put more lives at risk. President Biden has already taken bold action to combat the pandemic, but he cannot go it alone, and he needs to have a Senate-confirmed HHS Secretary to work to end the pandemic.

Xavier Becerra Has the Experience and Qualifications Needed to Be Secretary of HHS:

Expanding Access To Care & Lowering Costs

  • Becerra was an original co-sponsor of the Affordable Care Act and helped write the portion of the ACA that addresses Medicare benefits and reimbursements. 
  • Becerra served in Congress for 24 years and was the first Latino to serve on the House Ways and Means Committee where he tirelessly worked to protect Medicare and Social Security.
  • Starting in 2007, Becerra was the lead sponsor of the Medicare Savings Programs Improvement Act. The bill expanded cost-sharing subsidies for low-income seniors who receive both Medicare and Medicaid benefits by increasing the amount of resources they could receive and making assistance available to more seniors who need medical care, but can’t afford it. Portions of Becerra’s legislation were included in legislation passed by the House in 2008 and 2015
  • Becerra sponsored legislation to raise the cap on benefits for patients receiving Medicare physical therapy. 
  • In 2009, Becerra sponsored the E-Centives Act, which provided incentives for Medicaid providers to improve care by implementing electronic health records. A version of Becerra’s bill was included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. 
  • Becerra helped draft the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act (IMPACT) of 2014, requiring the HHS Secretary to conduct research on issues related to socioeconomic status in Medicare’s value-based programs.
  • During negotiations over the ACA, Speaker Pelosi asked Becerra to resolve a dispute between a group of members of Congress representing rural areas and members ailing from large urban areas about the fairness of Medicare payments.  Becerra secured their confidence in how the ACA would handle Medicare payments by assuring them that Congress would rely on the facts and science to determine payments long-term and he secured short-term relief for states with Medicare per enrollment spending (states that represented more rural areas) — an additional $400 million for their communities, each year for two consecutive years.
  • As California Attorney General, Becerra worked with the state senate on legislation that would make healthcare more affordable and accessible by cracking down on anticompetitive behavior and consolidation in the healthcare market. The bill required the Attorney General’s Office to review and approve affiliations or acquisitions between healthcare systems, facilities, or provider groups to ensure transactions either improve care coordination or increase healthcare access for underserved populations. 
  • As California Attorney General, Becerra took on Sutter Health, the largest hospital system in northern California, reaching a $575 million settlement for anti-competitive behavior and price gouging charges.

Fighting to Protect the Affordable Care Act

  • In the House, Becerra fought back against multiple attempts to repeal and sabotage the Affordable Care Act, voting at least nine times against efforts to fully repeal or defund the law. Becerra stood up to protect the law and its achievements, which he said he was “very proud” of. 
  • Becerra has been a stalwart legal defender of the Affordable Care Act, taking on at least four cases to protect the law: 
    • Becerra has led the 20+ state coalition of attorneys general fighting to protect the Affordable Care Act from the Republican effort to repeal the entire law via the California v. Texas lawsuit. The case was heard at the Supreme Court on November 10, 2020. 
    • Becerra joined a coalition of attorneys general filing a lawsuit in opposition to the Trump administration’s expansion of Association Health Plans that offer junk insurance that doesn’t have to comply with ACA coverage requirements and protections. 
    • Becerra intervened in House v. Hargan, a lawsuit filed by Republicans seeking to eliminate cost sharing reduction payments and undercut the affordability of the ACA’s health plans. He then led a multi-state coalition in California v. Trump suing the administration over its decision to stop making CSR payments as required by the ACA. 
  • Becerra led a coalition of attorneys general who successfully secured a preliminary injunction against the Trump administration’s “Public Charge” rule, which targeted immigrant families who often rely on health safety net programs. 

Reducing Drug Prices

  • Becerra led the defense of California’s law banning collusive “pay for delay” pharmaceutical agreements that delay generic drugs from entering the market and keep costs high. Becerra secured nearly $70 million in settlements against drug companies for entering these “pay for delay” agreements. 
  • Becerra launched a House Affordable Drug Pricing Task Force in 2016 to address the rising costs of prescription drugs. 
  • Becerra led a bipartisan coalition to protect the 340B Drug Pricing Program, which provides drug discounts to low-income and uninsured populations. 
  • Becerra helped secure a $10 million settlement with two pharmaceutical companies, Royal Pharmaceuticals and Seton Pharmaceuticals, after a reporting error led to the underpayment of Medicaid drug rebates.

Fighting The Covid-19 Pandemic

  • Becerra led a bipartisan multi-state coalition to urge the federal government to take action to increase the supply and affordability of drugs to fight Covid-19.
  • Becerra has repeatedly urged President Trump to fully invoke the National Defense Production Act to ensure that Americans have enough PPE. 
  • In May 2020, Becerra and other state attorneys general called on CMS Administrator Seema Verma to increase transparency and accountability from nursing homes as Covid-19 continued to spread through Medicare and Medicaid facilities. Following Becerra’s letter, CMS issued interim rules to ensure that nursing homes would quickly notify family members of illness and provide data to federal public health institutions about any cases

Reproductive Rights And Equitable Care

  • Becerra sued to overturn the Trump administration’s “Healthcare Refusal Rule,” which jeopardizes health and safety by allowing anyone remotely involved in a healthcare transaction—from doctors to ambulance drivers or front office staff— to deny care on religious or moral objections. 
  • Becerra is a stalwart supporter of reproductive freedom. He led a lawsuit against the Trump administration’s rules that would take away access to birth control and defended the Title X Family Planning Program in court, which funds care for more than four million people each year.