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Xavier Becerra’s Decades-Long Health Care Record

Xavier Becerra has been on the frontlines fighting for health care throughout his career by working to expand people’s access to health care and protect underserved communities — all while taking on powerful special interests. Becerra’s decades of experience in health care make him uniquely qualified to serve as Health and Human Services Secretary as our country faces the challenges of an ever-worsening global pandemic. As California’s AG, Becerra held drug companies accountable for the opioid crisis and stopped hospital systems from overcharging patients. He’s been on the legal forefront of defending the Affordable Care Act, opposing junk plans and fighting pharmaceutical companies to make prescription drugs more affordable. Becerra will undo the sabotage Republicans have been waging on health care for the last decade and use his policy experience to enact President-elect Biden’s vision of lowering health care costs, expanding access and improving care.

Expanding Access To Care 

  • Becerra was an original co-sponsor of the Affordable Care Act and helped write the portion of the ACA that addresses Medicare benefits and reimbursements. 
  • Becerra served in Congress for 24 years and was the first Latino to serve on the House Ways and Means Committee where he tirelessly worked to protect Medicare and Social Security.
  • Starting in 2007, Becerra was the lead sponsor of the Medicare Savings Programs Improvement Act. The bill expanded cost-sharing subsidies for low-income seniors who receive both Medicare and Medicaid benefits by increasing the amount of resources they could receive and making assistance available to more seniors who need medical care, but can’t afford it. Portions of Becerra’s legislation were included in legislation passed by the House in 2008 and 2015
  • Becerra sponsored legislation to raise the cap on benefits for patients receiving Medicare physical therapy. 
  • In 2009, Becerra sponsored the E-Centives Act, which provided incentives for Medicaid providers to improve care by implementing electronic health records. A version of Becerra’s bill was included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. 
  • Becerra helped draft the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act (IMPACT) of 2014, requiring the HHS Secretary to conduct research on issues related to socioeconomic status in Medicare’s value-based programs.
  • As California Attorney General, Becerra worked with the state senate on legislation that would make healthcare more affordable and accessible by cracking down on anticompetitive behavior and consolidation in the healthcare market. The bill required the Attorney General’s Office to review and approve affiliations or acquisitions between healthcare systems, facilities, or provider groups to ensure transactions either improve care coordination or increase healthcare access for underserved populations. 

Fighting to Protect the Affordable Care Act

  • In the House, Becerra fought back against multiple attempts to repeal and sabotage the Affordable Care Act, voting at least nine times against efforts to fully repeal or defund the law. Becerra stood up to protect the law and its achievements, which he said he was “very proud” of. 
  • Becerra has been a stalwart legal defender of the Affordable Care Act, taking on at least four cases to protect the law: 
    • Becerra has led the 20+ state coalition of attorneys general fighting to protect the Affordable Care Act from the Republican effort to repeal the entire law via the California v. Texas lawsuit. The case was heard at the Supreme Court on November 10, 2020. 
    • Becerra joined a coalition of attorneys general filing a lawsuit in opposition to the Trump administration’s expansion of Association Health Plans that offer junk insurance that doesn’t have to comply with ACA coverage requirements and protections. 
    • Becerra intervened in House v. Hargan, a lawsuit filed by Republicans seeking to eliminate cost sharing reduction payments and undercut the affordability of the ACA’s health plans. He then led a multi-state coalition in California v. Trump suing the administration over its decision to stop making CSR payments as required by the ACA. 
  • Becerra led a coalition of attorneys general who successfully secured a preliminary injunction against the Trump administration’s “Public Charge” rule, which targeted immigrant families who often rely on health safety net programs. 

Reducing Drug Prices

  • Becerra led the defense of California’s law banning collusive “pay for delay” pharmaceutical agreements that delay generic drugs from entering the market and keep costs high. 
  • Becerra launched a House Affordable Drug Pricing Task Force in 2016 to address the rising costs of prescription drugs. 

Fighting The Covid-19 Pandemic

  • Becerra led a bipartisan multi-state coalition to urge the federal government to take action to increase the supply and affordability of drugs to fight Covid-19.
  • Becerra has repeatedly urged President Trump to fully invoke the National Defense Production Act to ensure that Americans have enough PPE. 
  • In May 2020, Becerra and other state attorneys general called on CMS Administrator Seema Verma to increase transparency and accountability from nursing homes as Covid-19 continued to spread through Medicare and Medicaid facilities. Following Becerra’s letter, CMS issued interim rules to ensure that nursing homes would quickly notify family members of illness and provide data to federal public health institutions about any cases

Reproductive Rights And Equitable Care

  • Becerra sued to overturn the Trump administration’s “Healthcare Refusal Rule,” which jeopardizes health and safety by allowing anyone remotely involved in a healthcare transaction—from doctors to ambulance drivers or front office staff— to deny care on religious or moral objections. 
  • Becerra is a stalwart supporter of reproductive freedom. He led a lawsuit against the Trump administration’s rules that would take away access to birth control and defended the Title X Family Planning Program in court, which funds care for more than four million people each year. 

NEW REPORT: Priorities for Addressing Racial Disparities in Health Care Under a Biden Administration

HHS Secretary-Designate Xavier Becerra Uniquely Qualified to Lead on Reducing Racial Disparities in Health Care 

Washington, DC — Today, Protect Our Care released a new report detailing priorities for addressing racial disparities in health care access and outcomes. Donald Trump’s health care sabotage coupled with his complete failure to respond to the coronavirus pandemic has revealed and exacerbated the deep inequalities in our health care system that are the result of structural racism. This new report details meaningful steps President-elect Biden and HHS Secretary-designate Xavier Becerra can take to address these racial disparities as they work to enact priorities of expanding coverage, lowering costs, and taking on health inequities.

Report: Protect Our Care’s Priorities for Addressing Racial Disparities in Health Care

“Donald Trump’s war on health care and the coronavirus pandemic have shed even more light on the deep inequities caused by structural racism in our health care system. These inequities mean people of color face higher rates of chronic illnesses as well as steep barriers to accessing health care,” said Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse. “When President-elect Joe Biden takes office, there are a series of steps he and HHS Secretary-designate Becerra can take to begin to make meaningful changes to reverse these racial disparities in health care access and outcome. This new report summarizes these actions and the impacts they will have for communities of color across the country.”

NEW REPORT: A Roadmap for President-Elect Biden and His Team to Reverse Trump’s Health Care Sabotage

Read the Report Here

Washington, DC — Today, Protect Our Care released a new report detailing how President-elect Joe Biden can use executive action to begin to reverse the last four years of Donald Trump’s health care sabotage. 

President-elect Biden will be a health care president, and he has chosen a strong, experienced, diverse team that will be ready on day one to reverse Trump’s health care sabotage. His health care team, led by Xavier Becerra, will hit the ground running to enact President-elect Biden’s health care plans. During his campaign, Biden put forth a sweeping plan to expand coverage and lower costs by creating a public option, lower drug prices through Medicare negotiation and guarantee that no one pays more than 8.5 percent of their income on health coverage. The Biden plan will ensure that 97 percent of Americans are covered, and it will lower costs for millions of families at a time they need it most. While major elements of President-elect Biden’s plan will require Republicans in Congress to end their war on health care, this report details executive action Biden can take to begin to reverse the damage Trump has caused. 

Report: Protect Our Care’s Agenda for Executive Action to Reverse Trump’s Health Care Sabotage

“During his time in office, Donald Trump has taken every opportunity to wage a war on health care, including relentless attacks on people with pre-existing conditions, repeated attempts to dismantle and undermine the Affordable Care Act and a complete failure to respond to the coronavirus pandemic,” said Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach. “Voters rejected the Republican war on health care and elected Joe Biden, who campaigned and won on health care, and pledged to immediately begin reversing the Trump administration’s health care sabotage. This new report details what executive actions President-elect Biden can take to  provide meaningful changes for Americans’ health care access and affordability.”

IN THE NEWS: Biden’s Choice for HHS Secretary a “Vigorous Defender” of the ACA

Throughout his career, Attorney General Xavier Becerra (D-CA) has been fighting to ensure Americans have access to affordable, quality health care, including the Affordable Care Act. During his time in Congress, he was pivotal in helping to pass the health care law, and as California’s attorney general, he has been one of the ACA’s staunchest defenders. He led the fight to protect the law in California v. Texas, the Trump-Republican lawsuit that seeks to completely dismantle the ACA. Here’s a look at Becerra’s long history as a health care champion: 

New York Times: Becerra “Has Been At The Forefront Of Legal Efforts On Health Care, Leading 20 States And The District Of Columbia In A Campaign To Protect The Affordable Care Act.” “But as attorney general in California, he has been at the forefront of legal efforts on health care, leading 20 states and the District of Columbia in a campaign to protect the Affordable Care Act from being dismantled by his Republican counterparts. He has also been vocal in the Democratic Party about fighting for women’s health.” [New York Times, 12/6/20

Associated Press: By Selecting Becerra To Lead HHS, Biden Has Put “A Defender Of The Affordable Care Act In A Leading Role To Oversee His Administration’s Coronavirus Response.” “President-elect Joe Biden has picked California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to be his health secretary, putting a defender of the Affordable Care Act in a leading role to oversee his administration’s coronavirus response.” [Associated Press, 12/7/20

Los Angeles Times: Becerra “Has Become One Of The Most Important Defenders Of The Affordable Care Act.” “Becerra, 62, a rising star in California politics, has become one of the most important defenders of the Affordable Care Act, leading the fight to preserve the landmark law against efforts by the Trump administration and conservative states to persuade federal courts to repeal it. Becerra also has carved out an increasingly important role confronting healthcare costs, using his position to challenge pricing practices at Sutter Health, one of California’s most powerful medical systems. And he has become a leading champion of reproductive health, going to court repeatedly to challenge Trump administration efforts to scale back women’s access to abortion services and contraceptive coverage.” [Los Angeles Times, 12/6/20

CNN: Becerra Served As “Chief Defender Of The Affordable Care Act” Under Trump. “One of Becerra’s highest-profile health care roles recently has been chief defender of the Affordable Care Act in court…In particular, Becerra has pointed to the Affordable Care Act providing coverage for 20 million Americans through Medicaid expansion or the Obamacare exchanges, guaranteeing protections for millions of people with pre-existing conditions and funding state and local public health systems.” [CNN, 12/6/20

CBS News: Becerra Has Served “As A Top Defender Of The Affordable Care Act.” “While he has no medical training or experience in public health, he has served as a top defender of the Affordable Care Act. While in Congress, he was a leading advocate for passage of the law and as California’s attorney general, he has defended the law in federal court, including in recent weeks before the U.S. Supreme Court.” [CBS News, 12/7/20

NBC News: Becerra Is “A Vigorous Defender Of The Affordable Care Act.” “President-elect Joe Biden on Monday picked California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, and created three new senior White House positions intended to signal a more aggressive response to Covid-19, including addressing its disproportionate impact on Black people and Latinos. Becerra, 62, served 12 terms in the House of Representatives and was a vigorous defender of the Affordable Care Act who led the defense of the law in the Supreme Court last month.” [NBC News, 12/6/20

Bloomberg: Becerra Is An “Ardent Backer” Of The ACA, “Having Helped Write The Law And Then Defended It In Court.” “While he may not have worked in the health industry, Biden found in Becerra someone who does have experience in his other key health-care ambition — to expand the Affordable Care Act. Becerra is an ardent backer of it, having helped write the law and then defended it in court, despite his personal preference for the Medicare for All plan that Biden rejected as a candidate.” [Bloomberg, 12/8/20

Reuters: “In Congress, Becerra Played A Key Role In Passing The Affordable Care Act.” “In Congress, Becerra played a key role in passing the Affordable Care Act – former President Barack Obama’s key domestic policy achievement. In his current role, Becerra leads the coalition of 20 states defending the program better known as Obamacare, including before the Supreme Court last month.” [Reuters, 12/6/20

Bloomberg: “The Most Important Consideration Was Becerra’s History Of Fighting For The Affordable Care Act.” “As California attorney general, Becerra has led other states with Democratic attorneys general to file lawsuits defending the Affordable Care Act against the efforts of President Donald Trump’s administration to dismantle it…A person familiar with Biden’s thinking said the most important consideration was Becerra’s history of fighting for the Affordable Care Act, first for its passage while he served in the House, and then as California attorney general.” [Bloomberg, 12/6/20

Kaiser Health News: “Becerra Mounted A Vigorous Defense Of Democratic Health Laws Against The Trump Administration And Other Republicans.” “On Monday, Biden announced he has asked Becerra to serve as HHS secretary. Becerra mounted a vigorous defense of Democratic health laws against the Trump administration and other Republicans. He led the effort by 20 states and the District of Columbia to fight a suit brought by Republican state officials and supported by President Donald Trump to overturn the Affordable Care Act. That case was argued before the Supreme Court last month.” [Kaiser Health News, 12/8/20

NPR: “Becerra’s Experience As California Attorney General Could Prove Useful” As Biden Seeks To Strengthen The ACA. “As the top law enforcement official in California, Becerra has repeatedly gone to court to fight Trump administration policies on healthcare, the environment and immigration. Earlier this year, he led a coalition of 20 states and D.C. that asked the Supreme Court to review a circuit court decision that could invalidate the Affordable Care Act…This means much of Biden’s ability to keep promises around strengthening the ACA will require administrative and executive action, and Becerra’s experience as California attorney general could prove useful. He holds a law degree from Stanford.” [NPR, 12/6/20

The Hill: Becerra’s “Work On Defending The Affordable Care Act From Trump Administration Attacks…May Have Won Him The Role.” “California Attorney General Xavier Becerra would be taking over the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as secretary amid the worst pandemic in a century if confirmed by the Senate, but it’s his work on defending the Affordable Care Act from Trump administration attacks that may have won him the role. As California attorney general, Becerra helped lead the legal fight to protect the health care law from a Trump-backed lawsuit against it. He also led a whole slew of lawsuits against the Trump administration’s regulatory changes to ObamaCare and abortion policy.” [The Hill, 12/7/20

Politico: Becerra “Will Get To Refocus The Sprawling Department’s Work On Expanding Health Coverage And Fortifying The Affordable Care Act.” “Becerra, if confirmed, will get to refocus the sprawling department’s work on expanding health coverage and fortifying the Affordable Care Act, with the law appearing likely to survive its latest bout at the Supreme Court. He’ll also have to reverse signature Trump policies on reproductive health, refugees and safety net program like Medicaid. With Congress gridlocked on many of those issues, Becerra’s HHS would become the Biden administration’s prime engine for change on a host of policy priorities.” [Politico, 12/7/20]

President-Elect Biden’s Health Care Team Is Ready on Day One to Tackle the Pandemic and Improve America’s Health Care

Senate Republicans Should Support These Highly Qualified Nominees

Watch the Event Here

Washington, DC — Today, Protect Our Care held a press call with former HHS Secretaries U.S. Rep. Donna Shalala (D-FL-27) and Kathleen Sebelius about President-elect Joe Biden’s announcement of his intention to nominate Attorney General Xavier Becerra (D-CA) as Secretary of Health and Human Services and Dr. Vivek Murthy to Surgeon General. Biden also selected Jeff Zients as White House COVID-19 Coordinator, Dr. Rochelle Walensky as Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith as the COVID-19 Equity Task Force Chair and Dr. Anthony Fauci as Chief Medical Adviser to the President on COVID-19. Dr. Fauci will also continue in his role as Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. 

Xavier Becerra is tremendously well-qualified to be next the Secretary of Health and Human Services,” said U.S. Rep. Donna Shalala. “Through his long tenure in Congress and his experience as Attorney General of California leading the fight to protect the ACA, Xavier Becerra has proven to be a champion for the expansion of quality, affordable health care to every American. He will be an invaluable asset to the administration and to the country.”

“President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris have put forward a very strong, competent, compassionate strategic health team. We are in the midst of an unprecedented health crisis in this country, so getting the health team in place as rapidly as possible is really important to save lives and to save entire communities,” said former HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. “Americans day in and day out rely on HHS to deliver services that they need and expect in their lives, and Attorney General Becerra is well equipped, having run a major agency in California, to bring those management and operations skills to the forefront.”

“President-elect Biden has appointed a strong, experienced, diverse team that will be ready on day one to battle this pandemic. They will respect the science, have a plan, and know how to execute it. They will hit the ground running and immediately work to contain the ever-worsening coronavirus pandemic. They know what needs to be done to build on the Affordable Care Act to provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans, which is more important than ever in the middle of this pandemic,” said Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach. “Attorney General Becerra has deep experience in health care, in Congress and state government. He is an experienced manager and proven champion of the ACA. Vivek Murthy was a tremendous Surgeon General in the Obama administration and will be a trusted advisor and voice for public health. Every Republican senator should support the speedy confirmations of Attorney General Becerra and Dr. Murthy to these vitally important positions.”

NEW VIDEO: Experts, Analysts Agree Biden’s Pick for HHS Secretary, Xavier Becerra, Is a Health Care Champion

Watch the Video Here

Today, Protect Our Care released a new video highlighting experts and analysts praising President-elect Joe Biden’s nomination of California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to become Secretary of Health and Human Services. During his time in Congress, Becerra helped pass the Affordable Care Act, and during his time as California Attorney General, he led the fight to defend the law in California v. Texas, the Trump-Republican lawsuit that could rip coverage from more than 20 million Americans and end protections for more than 135 million people with pre-existing conditions. Becerra is a health care champion who will execute President-elect Biden’s bold plans to increase access to quality care, lower skyrocketing prescription drug prices, make health care more affordable, strengthen Medicare and Medicaid and work to get the coronavirus pandemic under control.

The release of the video is part of a broader effort by Protect Our Care to highlight Becerra’s qualifications and to generate support for him which includes launching a petition in support of his nomination at  

Health Care Experts Praise President-Elect Biden’s Selection of California AG Xavier Becerra as Secretary of Health and Human Services

This morning, President-elect Joe Biden announced his intention to nominate Attorney General Xavier Becerra (D-CA) as his Secretary of Health and Human Services. Health care experts from around the country praised the president-elect’s decision, highlighting Attorney General Becerra’s expensive health care policy record and defense of the Affordable Care Act in California v. Texas, the Trump-Republican lawsuit that would rip coverage from more than 20 million Americans and end protections for 135 million people with pre-existing conditions. 


Leslie Dach, Protect Our Care Chair and Former Senior Counselor to the Secretary of Health and Human Services: “President-elect Biden has selected a true health care champion in Attorney General Xavier Becerra. As a 12-term member of Congress, he was a leader in the fight to pass the Affordable Care Act, and as California’s AG, he is leading the states that are challenging the disastrous Trump-Republican lawsuit to terminate the law…Protect Our Care has seen first hand Attorney General Becerra’s leadership defending the ACA in court to make sure Americans can get the care they need. He is a passionate and effective fighter for quality, affordable health care and is an ideal pick to lead HHS.” [Protect Our Care, 12/6/20]

Sylvia Burwell, Former Secretary of Health and Human Services: “As a former HHS Secretary, I’m excited by the choice of @AGBecerra to lead the department at this critical time. I had the opportunity to work with Xavier when he was in the Congressional leadership. His understanding of key relationships on Capitol Hill & focus on high quality execution will be invaluable as the @JoeBiden administration addresses the #COVID19 pandemic. Xavier knows the ‘kitchen table’ issues that are at the heart of HHS & his leadership will make a difference in the lives of Americans.” [Sylvia Burwell Twitter, 12/6/20]

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases: “Dr. Anthony Fauci praises picks for @JoeBiden’s health team: ‘I worked with all of them before. They’re excellent choices. I mean, all of them. … I’ve had considerable interactions with all of these individuals, and they’re outstanding.’ (1/2) Fauci says HHS pick @AGBecerra has ‘been in the Congress for a considerable period of time’ and is a ‘very experienced person.’ CDC pick @RWalensky ‘has been a colleague of mine.’ And as for Surgeon General pick @vivek_murthy, ‘I’ve been working with [him] for years.’ (2/2)” [Quint Forgey Twitter, 12/7/20]

Andy Slavitt, Former Acting Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services “NEW: As HHS, @AGBecerra who will become Secretary, is probably the singular top champion of the ACA. As opposed to the current guy, who, uh, isn’t.” [Andy Slavitt Twitter, 12/6/20

Drew Altman, President and CEO of the Kaiser Family Foundation: “KFF congratulates our Attorney General Xavier Becerra on the news of his appointment. We are proud to have the AG from our home state who has been such a leader on health care take the helm at HHS and we look forward to a productive working relationship.” [Drew Altman Twitter, 12/7/20]

Dr. Ada D. Stewart, President of the American Academy of Family Physicians: “But in an interview on Sunday night, Dr. Ada D. Stewart, the president of the American Academy of Family Physicians, one of the groups that sent the letter, described Mr. Becerra as ‘a good choice’ and ‘an experienced legislator and executive…We’ve already seen his commitment to health and equity, and those things can’t be overlooked,’ she said.” [New York Times, 12/6/20]

Anthony Wright, Executive Director of Health Access California: “Xavier Becerra is an exciting and experienced selection to be the next Secretary of Health and Human Services…His track record shows he will work to not just undo the damage of the last four years, but to have a pro-active plan to deal with the pandemic and to pursue patient protections and needed reforms going forward.” [Washington Post, 12/7/20

Larry Levitt, Vice President for Health Policy at the Kaiser Family Foundation: “In Xavier Becerra, President-Elect Biden has selected a person who has been perhaps the biggest thorn in President Trump’s side on the ACA, reproductive health, and immigrant rights. If confirmed, he will have an opportunity to overturn much of what Trump has done.” [Larry Leavitt Twitter, 12/6/20]

Mary Kay Henry, President of SEIU: “.@SEIU members have been fortunate to work with @XavierBecerra over the years to strengthen our home care workforce, defend Medicaid and protect immigrant families. He is an outstanding addition to the already-strong team @JoeBiden is building. @XavierBecerra knows that having healthcare is a basic human right, not a privilege, and that healthcare providers need to have their voices heard. Thrilled that he will be our next HHS Secretary.” [Mary Kay Henry Tweet, 12/6/20]

Topher Spiro, Senior Fellow and Vice President for Health Policy at the Center for American Progress: “Xavier Becerra was laser-focused on protecting your health care. I know this because his team reached out many times. He is the right person to protect and expand health care at HHS.” [Topher Spiro Twitter, 12/6/20

Peter Lee, Executive Director of Covered California: “Peter Lee, who heads California’s insurance marketplace, Covered California, lauded Becerra’s work in Congress and as attorney general to defend access to affordable medical care. ‘It’s a great choice,’ Lee said. ‘He is a thoughtful, strategic leader who gets the importance of not only expanding healthcare coverage, but also addressing high costs for patients.’” [Los Angeles Times, 12/6/20

Mara Rudman, Executive Vice President for Policy at the Center for American Progress “Having managed the nation’s largest state justice department and having been a longtime champion for expanding access to health care, Becerra brings the experience needed to do the job—experience that is sorely lacking as the nation contends with the greatest public health crisis in generations. He has also led the current legal fights to protect the Affordable Care Act and Title X, making him an excellent pick to reverse President Donald Trump’s health care sabotage.” [Center For American Progress, 12/7/20

Matthew Cortland, Lawyer and Health Care Advocate:.@XavierBecerra is a good choice to lead HHS in this moment. We need someone with executive management experience. And, with the GOP death cult still wielding power, someone who understands the legal tools at the executive’s disposal. Becerra covers both bases.” [Matthew Cortland Tweet, 12/6/20]

Protect Our Care Applauds President-Elect Biden’s Selection of California Attorney General Xavier Becerra for Secretary of Health and Human Services

AG Becerra, Who Fought to Pass and Protect the ACA, is Leading the Charge to Protect Americans’ Health Care Before the Supreme Court

Washington, DC — Today, reports indicated President-elect Joe Biden’s intention to nominate Attorney General Xavier Becerra (D-CA) as the next Secretary of Health and Human Services.

“Attorney General Xavier Becerra has all the skills and qualifications necessary to execute President-elect Biden’s bold plans to increase access to quality care, lower skyrocketing prescription drug prices, make health care more affordable, strengthen Medicare and Medicaid and work to get the coronavirus pandemic under control,” said Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse. “Becerra has the experience needed to lead a large federal agency which impacts the lives of nearly every American citizen. His background makes him an outstanding nominee for HHS Secretary.”

“President-elect Biden has selected a true health care champion in Attorney General Xavier Becerra. As a 12-term member of Congress, he was a leader in the fight to pass the Affordable Care Act, and as California’s AG, he is leading the states that are challenging the disastrous Trump-Republican lawsuit to terminate the law,” said Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach. “Protect Our Care has seen first hand Attorney General Becerra’s leadership defending the ACA in court to make sure Americans can get the care they need. He is a passionate and effective fighter for quality, affordable health care and is an ideal pick to lead HHS.”

Incoming House Energy and Commerce Committee Ranking Member Cathy McMorris Rodgers Has an Extensive Anti-Health Care Record

Despite relentless attacks on health care, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA-05) was elected Ranking Member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Throughout her time in Congress, Rep. McMorris Rodgers has voted time and again to repeal the Affordable Care Act and the protections it provides to 135 million Americans with pre-existing conditions. She also supports the Trump administration’s lawsuit to completely dismantle the health care law which, if successful, would rip coverage away from more than 20 million Americans and throw the entire health care system into chaos — all in the middle of an ever worsening pandemic. Rep. McMorris Rodgers has done nothing to address skyrocketing drug prices and has voted to slash funding for Medicare and Medicaid. 

Cathy McMorris Rodgers Supports Repealing The ACA And Its Protections For 135 Million Americans With Pre-Existing Conditions

Cathy McMorris Rodgers has made it her “mission” to repeal the Affordable Care Act, including at least four votes for a total repeal of the Affordable Care Act with no replacement since 2011. 

Cathy McMorris Rodgers: “We Are On A Mission To Repeal And Replace Obamacare.” “Good morning, everyone. We are on a mission. We are on a mission to repeal and replace Obamacare. It’s a rescue mission to save families and patients all across this country.” [Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Republican Leadership Press Conference, 3/8/17

2011: McMorris Rodgers Voted For A Total Repeal Of The ACA. McMorris Rodgers voted for The “Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act” would have repealed all of the Affordable Care Act. [HR 2, Roll Call Vote #14, 1/19/11

2011: McMorris Rodgers Voted To Repeal And Defund The ACA. McMorris Rodgers voted for the fiscal 2012 budget that would have repealed and defunded the Affordable Care Act. [HCR 34, Roll Call Vote #277, 4/15/11

2013: McMorris Rodgers Voted For A Total Repeal Of The ACA. McMorris Rodgers voted for HR 45, an act “to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.” [HR 45, Roll Call Vote #154, 5/16/13

2015: McMorris Rodgers Voted For A Total Repeal Of The ACA. McMorris Rodgers voted for HR 596, an act “to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.” The bill also ordered House committees to develop a replacement that would “provide people with pre-existing conditions access to affordable health coverage,” but provided no specifics. [HR 596, Roll Call Vote #58, 2/3/15

2017: McMorris Rodgers Voted For AHCA. McMorris Rodgers voted for passage of the American Health Care Act. [HR 1628, Roll Call Vote #256, 5/4/17

McMorris Rodgers Claimed To Oppose The Trump Administration Lawsuit That Would Rip Coverage Away From More Than 20 Million Americans, But Voted Multiple Times To Allow It To Proceed 

2018: McMorris Rodgers Claimed To Oppose The Trump DOJ’s Decision Not To Defend The Affordable Care Act. “Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers criticized the Justice Department’s decision not to defend portions of the Affordable Care Act in court, calling it ‘an attack on pre-existing conditions protections.’ Her announcement on Wednesday followed criticism from her election opponent, Democrat Lisa Brown, that McMorris Rodgers isn’t doing enough to protect patients with pre-existing conditions in the aftermath of Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to stop defending the Affordable Care Act against a lawsuit. Republican leaders of 20 states are seeking to invalidate the nation’s health care law.” [Spokane Spokesman-Review, 6/13/18

McMorris twice opposed blocking the Trump Department of Justice from undermining the ACA McMorris Rodgers voted against Lauren Underwood’s 2019 and 2020 legislation to prevent the Department of Justice (DOJ) from spending federal funds on litigation that undermines the Affordable Care Act, including Texas v. United States. 

McMorris Rodgers opposed allowing the House to intervene against the Texas lawsuit. McMorris Rodgers voted against a House rules resolution that allowed Congress to intervene against the Texas v. U.S. lawsuit. The resolution affirms the House Counsel’s authorization to intervene as a party in the lawsuit, asserting the House of Representative’s authority to defend laws it has passed and enacted into law.

McMorris Rodgers Voted For The Tax Bill Which Forms The Basis For The Trump-Republican Lawsuit. McMorris enthusiastically supported the Republican tax bill, which repealed a key provision of the Affordable Care Act that required most people to have health coverage and which is the basis of the Trump-Republican lawsuit seeking to overturn the Affordable Care Act. 

If the Texas lawsuit is successful:

  • 20 million Americans could lose coverage. According to the Urban Institute, 19.9 million people could lose coverage by repealing the Affordable Care Act, meaning the number of uninsured Americans would increase from 30.4 million to 50.3 million, representing a leading to a 65 percent increase in the uninsured rate.
  • 2.3 million young adults with their parents’ coverage could lose care. Because of the Affordable Care Act, millions of young adults are able to stay on their parents’ care until age 26. 
  • Americans would lose important federal health care funding — an estimated reduction of $135 billion in the first year. States would lose important federal health care funding — an estimated reduction of $135 billion in the first year. The Urban Institute estimates that a full repeal of the ACA would reduce federal spending on Medicaid/CHIP care and Marketplace subsidies by $135 billion, or 34.6 percent in the first year.
  • Insurance companies would be put back in charge, ending protections for the 135 million Americans with a pre-existing condition. 135 million Americans have a pre-existing condition, more than 17 million children, 68 million women, and 32 million people aged 55-64.

McMorris Rodgers Has Voted To Slash Medicare And Medicaid 

McMorris Rodgers Voted To Cut Medicare By $473 Billion. McMorris Rodgers voted for the FY 2018 budget resolution, which included $473 billion in cuts to Medicare over 10 years. [H Con Res 71, Vote #557, 10/5/17; Vox, 10/26/17

McMorris Rodgers Voted To Slash $1.3 Trillion From Medicaid. McMorris Rodgers voted for the FY 2018 budget resolution, which cut funding for non-Medicare health programs, most notably Medicaid, by 1.3 trillion, a 20 percent cut over the course of 10 years, increasing to a 29.3 percent cut by 2027. [H Con Res 71, Vote #557, 10/5/17; Vox, 10/26/17

McMorris Rodgers’ Vote For AHCA Cut $880 Billion From Medicaid. McMorris Rodgers voted for AHCA, which included $880 billion in cuts to Medicaid. [HR 1628, Roll Call Vote #256, 5/4/17]

  • Vox Called AHCA A “Sneaky” Reversal Of The Medicaid Expansion. “Medicaid, a government program that simply compensates health care providers at stingy rates, is much cheaper than private insurance. So the ACA’s authors chose to expand it to cover all families with incomes below 138 percent of the poverty line, rather than shelling out the money it would have cost to have the government pay for them to buy private insurance. The AHCA reverses this expansion. But to avoid the criticism that the law throws poor children off their health insurance, it reverses it in a somewhat sneaky way. Rather than taking Medicaid away from families who have it, it simply caps new enrollments in Medicaid so no new poor families can sign up. But the way this cap works, you can’t get back on Medicaid if you go off of it. So a poor family that gets a raise and becomes non-poor for a year will lose access to Medicaid permanently.” [Vox, 5/9/17

McMorris Rodgers Has Accepted Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars In Pharma Contributions, Voted Against Lowering Drug Prices For Millions Of Americans 

McMorris Rodgers Voted Against Historic Legislation To Lower Prescription Drug Prices. McMorris Rodgers voted against the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act (H.R. 3), historic legislation to drastically reduce Americans’ prescription drug prices by up to 55% and save taxpayers nearly $500 billion over the next 10 years. H.R. 3 included the most comprehensive drug pricing reform in American history and the largest expansion to Medicare’s vision, dental and hearing benefits in decades. [HR 3, Roll Call Vote #682, 12/12/19

McMorris Has Received Over $350,000 In Contributions From Big Pharma During Her Career. Since 2007, Cathay McMorris Rodgers has received $355,250 in contributions from pharmaceutical companies. [Kaiser Health News, 5/22/20

Protect Our Care Congratulates Rep. Frank Pallone on His Election to Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee

Washington, DC — In response to the House Democratic Caucus unanimously electing Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ-06) Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee for the 117th Congress, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement: 

“Chairman Pallone is a health care champion who has shown tremendous leadership. He has overseen the passage of historic legislation to lower drug prices, strengthen Medicare, build on the protections of the Affordable Care Act by making health care more affordable and accessible, and used his oversight authority to hold Donald Trump and his administration accountable for their war on health care. The same leadership Chairman Pallone demonstrated the last two years is needed now more than ever as his Committee addresses health care affordability, drug prices, the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and California v. Texas, the Supreme Court case which could throw the entire health care system into chaos. And Chairman Pallone’s leadership will be key in implementing the Biden administration’s vision to expand health care access and defeat the coronavirus. His unanimous selection is well deserved.”