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U.S. Senator Thom Tillis Rushes to Confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court, Refuses to Protect Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions

Judiciary Committee member U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) has made his opposition to the Affordable Care Act crystal clear by voting time and again to repeal the health care law and by supporting California v. Texas, the Trump administration’s lawsuit to completely dismantle the health care law. If successful, the lawsuit would throw our entire health care system into chaos by ripping away health care from more than 20 million Americans and ending protections for more than 135 million people with pre-existing conditions, all in the middle of an ever-worsening pandemic. Senate Republicans are rushing to confirm anti-ACA Judge Amy Coney Barrett in hopes she will help them accomplish their decade-long goal of eliminating the law — and the protections it provides for Americans — when the Supreme Court hears oral arguments in California v. Texas one week after the election. 

What’s At Stake If The Supreme Court Overturns The ACA

If Trump’s lawsuit to overturn the ACA is successful, 607,000 North Carolinians would lose coverage. 

Without the ACA, 4,240,500 North Carolinians with pre-existing conditions could be charged more or denied coverage altogether. 

A Walk Down Memory Lane: Senator Tillis And The ACA

Tillis has voted FOUR TIMES to fully repeal the ACA.

2018: Tillis Called His Votes To Repeal The ACA “Courageous” And Said “The First Thing We Have To Do Is Take Out The Underpinnings Of The Affordable Care Act.” Chris Wallace: Senator, the fact is that the ‘repeal and replace’ bill, which Republicans pushed repeatedly, significantly reduced protections for people with pre-existing conditions. Senator Tillis: Well, Chris, that’s actually one of the reasons why I think it was a courageous vote. The first thing we have to do is take out the underpinnings of the Affordable Care Act so that we put a health care policy in place that’s sustainable.” [“Fox News Sunday,” Fox, 11/4/18

2018: Tillis Remained Committed To Repealing The ACA, Promising That “With 53 Members We Get Health Care Done.” “The National Republican Senatorial Committee has concentrated its fall reservations in those states and in defending Heller and Arizona’s Republican open seat. Florida Gov. Rick Scott is also mounting a serious challenge to Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson, while former Tennessee Democratic Gov. Phil Bredesen is running a surprisingly strong campaign against Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn for that state’s open seat. Trump won all of those states except Nevada. So if Republicans can capitalize on his popularity in conservative states, picking up two or three seats is not out of the question — and neither is a more ambitious agenda. ‘With 53 members we get health care done,’ said Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), vice chair of the party’s campaign arm.” [Politico, 7/31/18

2017: Tillis Complained That Donations To The GOP Fell Off A Cliff After Failing To Repeal The ACA. “The backlash is threatening to deprive Republicans of resources just as they’re gearing up for the 2018 midterms. Party officials are so alarmed that North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis, who oversees fundraising for the National Republican Senatorial Committee, told his colleagues at a recent conference meeting that donations had fallen off a cliff after the Obamacare flop. The committee’s haul plummeted to just $2 million in July and August, less than half of what it raised in June.” [Politico, 10/5/17

2014: Tillis Said Repealing The ACA Was One Of His Top Priorities In The Senate. “A day after his win over Kay Hagan, Republican Thom Tillis is talking about what he wants to get done in Washington. Tillis spoke about the committee he wants to serve on and his plan to try and repeal Obamacare. Tillis met reporters at Cornelius Town Hall on Wednesday and spoke about reaching out to Democrats. ‘I think we should start by finding bipartisan opportunities to move for on the legislative agenda,’ Tillis said. On bills dealing with jobs and the economy, and the proposed oil pipeline from Canada to Texas, Tillis says Democratic leadership stalled in the Senate. He also vowed to fulfill a campaign promise — reversing Obamacare. The president would veto any bill to repeal it, but Tillis said there are other tactics. ‘Take a look at things we can delay like the employer mandates. Other things, if we can delay them or replace them with something more sustainable, that’s what we need to focus on,’ Tillis said.” [WSOC, 11/5/14

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley Rushes to Confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court, Refuses to Protect Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions

Judiciary Committee member U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) has made his opposition to the Affordable Care Act crystal clear by voting time and again to repeal the health care law and by supporting California v. Texas, the Trump administration’s lawsuit to completely dismantle the health care law. If successful, the lawsuit would throw our entire health care system into chaos by ripping away health care from more than 20 million Americans and ending protections for more than 135 million people with pre-existing conditions, all in the middle of an ever-worsening pandemic. Senate Republicans are rushing to confirm anti-ACA Judge Amy Coney Barrett in hopes she will help them accomplish their decade-long goal of eliminating the law — and the protections it provides for Americans — when the Supreme Court hears oral arguments in California v. Texas one week after the election. 

What’s At Stake If The Supreme Court Overturns The ACA

If Trump’s lawsuit to overturn the ACA is successful, 230,000 Missourians would lose coverage. 

Without the ACA, 2,478,400 Missourians with pre-existing conditions could be charged more or denied coverage altogether. 

A Walk Down Memory Lane: Senator Hawley And The ACA

2018: Hawley Said Replacing The ACA Would Be “A Top Priority” For Him In The Senate.  “Hawley says he supports protecting pre-existing conditions as well as allowing children to stay on their parents’ plans until the age of 25. And he says if the lawsuit is successful and Obamacare is scuttled, the Senate must act to keep those provisions and rewrite health care laws. ‘The Senate is not doing its job. There’s no doubt about that. Claire McCaskill is a huge part of the problem,’ said Hawley. Next year, Hawley says replacing Obamacare ‘has got to be a top priority.’” [Politico, 8/17/18

2018: Hawley Falsely Claimed That The ACA Resulted In “Millions Of Americans” Losing Their Health Insurance.  “When parents around Missouri come up to me and say they’re frightened because they can’t afford their health insurance, I get where they’re coming from. They should be frightened. And they should be angry. Nine years ago, Claire McCaskill and her liberal allies forced through a massive bureaucratic takeover of American healthcare. McCaskill told us that if we liked our healthcare plans, we could keep them. She said the cost of health insurance would go down. She said prescription drug prices would fall. She lied. Since then, millions of Americans have lost their healthcare plans. Healthcare premiums have more than doubled. Prescription drug prices are off the charts. And family after family can’t afford their healthcare bills.” [Josh Hawley Op-Ed, Springfield News-Leader, 8/20/18

2017: Hawley: “Obamacare Must Go.” “Obamacare is hurting Missouri families – limiting their healthcare and driving up their bills. And it’s hurting jobs. If we want better healthcare and better jobs in our state, it’s simple: Obamacare must go.” [Hawley For Attorney General, Archived 6/23/17]  

U.S. Senator Ben Sasse Rushes to Confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court, Refuses to Protect Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions

Judiciary Committee member U.S. Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) has made his opposition to the Affordable Care Act crystal clear by voting time and again to repeal the health care law and by supporting California v. Texas, the Trump administration’s lawsuit to completely dismantle the health care law. If successful, the lawsuit would throw our entire health care system into chaos by ripping away health care from more than 20 million Americans and ending protections for more than 135 million people with pre-existing conditions, all in the middle of an ever-worsening pandemic. Senate Republicans are rushing to confirm anti-ACA Judge Amy Coney Barrett in hopes she will help them accomplish their decade-long goal of eliminating the law — and the protections it provides for Americans — when the Supreme Court hears oral arguments in California v. Texas one week after the election. 

What’s At Stake If The Supreme Court Overturns The ACA

If Trump’s lawsuit to overturn the ACA is successful, 75,000 Nebraskans would lose coverage. 

Without the ACA, 789,700 Nebraskans with pre-existing conditions could be charged more or denied coverage altogether. 

A Walk Down Memory Lane: Senator Sasse And The ACA

Sasse has voted FOUR TIMES to fully repeal the ACA.

2014: Sasse: “Look, Obamacare Is Arguably The Worst Law In Our History.” “Look, Obamacare is arguably the worst law in our history. But it’s been four years since it was passed, and Republicans still haven’t offered an alternative. Of course we need to repeal it, but we also need to tell people what we’ll do next.” [Sasse For Nebraska YouTube, 1/4/14

2017: In A Letter To President Trump, Sasse Urged Him To Move Quickly On ACA Repeal: “You Campaigned And Won On The Repeal Of Obamacare. So Did Every Republican Senator.” “If we don’t get to agreement on a combined, comprehensive ObamaCare repeal and replace plan by that day, I humbly suggest that you publicly call on the Congress to do two things: (1) to immediately repeal as much of ObamaCare as is possible under Congressional budget reconciliation rules, and then (2) to cancel the scheduled August state work period and instead to spend that month working through regular order, six days per week, writing a health reform package with a vote to be scheduled on Labor Day. You campaigned and won on the repeal of ObamaCare. So did every Republican senator. We should keep our word.” [Ben Sasse Press Release, 7/30/17]

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Rushes to Confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court, Refuses to Protect Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions

Judiciary Committee member U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has made his opposition to the Affordable Care Act crystal clear by voting time and again to repeal the health care law and by supporting California v. Texas, the Trump administration’s lawsuit to completely dismantle the health care law. If successful, the lawsuit would throw our entire health care system into chaos by ripping away health care from more than 20 million Americans and ending protections for more than 135 million people with pre-existing conditions, all in the middle of an ever-worsening pandemic. Senate Republicans are rushing to confirm anti-ACA Judge Amy Coney Barrett in hopes she will help them accomplish their decade-long goal of eliminating the law — and the protections it provides for Americans — when the Supreme Court hears oral arguments in California v. Texas one week after the election. 

What’s At Stake If The Supreme Court Overturns The ACA

If Trump’s lawsuit to overturn the ACA is successful, 1,958,000 Texans would lose coverage. 

Without the ACA, 11,898,500 Texans with pre-existing conditions could be charged more or denied coverage altogether. 

A Walk Down Memory Lane: Senator Cruz And The ACA

Cruz has voted FOUR TIMES to fully repeal the ACA.

2018: Ted Cruz Said It Was “Reasonable” To Argue ACA’s Pre-Existing Conditions Rules Are Now Unconstitutional. “Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), as vociferous an Obamacare critic as you’ll find, sounds on board with the latest legal challenge to the health care law that could lead to protections for people with preexisting conditions being found unconstitutional. Cruz told Vox that he thought the Justice Department’s position in the lawsuit, that the law’s rules on preexisting conditions should be invalidated along with the individual mandate, was ‘reasonable’ and defended the foundation of the case being brought by his home state of Texas in a brief interview at the Capitol.” [Vox, 6/15/18

2018: Ted Cruz: “We Need To Finish The Job” On Obamacare. “Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, on Wednesday said Republicans needed to ‘finish the job” on repealing and replacing Obamacare in 2018, and he is pushing his colleagues to use one last reconciliation bill before the midterms to deliver on their long-running promise… ‘The biggest unfinished task is Obamacare,’ Cruz said, reflecting on what Congress did in 2017 and his priorities for 2018. ‘We need to finish the job. I still believe it is possible to bring Republicans together. I think we got very close last time and that’s something I’m continuing to devote a lot of time trying to unite our fractious conference and build consensus to get at least 50 Republicans on the same page.’” [Washington Examiner, 1/24/18

2013: Cruz Led The Republican Government Shut Down Over ACA Implementation. “In 2013, Cruz, along with conservatives in the House, demanded that any spending bill also delay the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats, who still had control of the chamber in 2013, were never going to support such a move. But enough House Republicans wouldn’t go for a funding bill that didn’t defund Obamacare, setting up a showdown that shut down government for more than two weeks. (In the end, Cruz and the conservative House faction did not win policy concessions.) Republicans were largely blamed for the shutdown. Cruz’s theatrics inspired the ire not just of Democrats, but of his Republican colleagues in the Senate, who felt Cruz knew his self-righteous gambit was doomed to fail, but went ahead with it anyway to raise his own political profile at his party’s expense.” [Vox, 1/22/18

U.S. Senator Mike Lee Rushes to Confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court, Refuses to Protect Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions

Judiciary Committee member U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) has made his opposition to the Affordable Care Act crystal clear by voting time and again to repeal the health care law and by supporting California v. Texas, the Trump administration’s lawsuit to completely dismantle the health care law. If successful, the lawsuit would throw our entire health care system into chaos by ripping away health care from more than 20 million Americans and ending protections for more than 135 million people with pre-existing conditions, all in the middle of an ever-worsening pandemic. Senate Republicans are rushing to confirm anti-ACA Judge Amy Coney Barrett in hopes she will help them accomplish their decade-long goal of eliminating the law — and the protections it provides for Americans — when the Supreme Court hears oral arguments in California v. Texas one week after the election. 

What’s At Stake If The Supreme Court Overturns The ACA

If Trump’s lawsuit to overturn the ACA is successful, 143,000 Utahns would lose coverage. 

Without the ACA, 1,268,300 Utahns with pre-existing conditions could be charged more or denied coverage altogether. 

A Walk Down Memory Lane: Senator Lee And The ACA

Lee has voted FOUR TIMES to fully repeal the ACA.

2010: Lee Campaigned On ACA Repeal: “We Must Work To Defund And Repeal Obamacare.” “We must work to defund and repeal Obamacare. Every possible means must be applied to stop full implementation of this legislation…Health care reform must never give government the authority to force Americans to buy health insurance, or overburden small businesses which would contribute to job losses. The real solution to our current health care challenge is less government involvement in the process–not more.” [Mike Lee Campaign Website, accessed 10/11/20

2017: Lee Said “The Worst Thing Congress Could Do” Is Abandon ACA Repeal. “When I was first elected to the Senate in 2010, I ran on a promise to repeal Obamacare. When I ran for re-election last year, I again ran on a promise to repeal Obamacare…The worst thing Congress could do is abandon health care reform entirely. We’ve come too far and we were too close to a deal last week to give up now. Especially after we devoted just 17 legislative days to debating the Republican Obamacare repeal and replace plan.” [Deseret News, 3/29/17

2020: Just Ahead Of Barrett’s Nomination Hearings, Lee Tweeted That The ACA Is “Collusive, Corrupt, And Deeply Flawed.” The Affordable Care Act is a collusive, corrupt, and deeply flawed method of control for the sick and those with preexisring conditions.” [Mike Lee Twitter, 10/7/20

U.S. Senator John Cornyn Rushes to Confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court, Refuses to Protect Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions

Judiciary Committee member U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) has made his opposition to the Affordable Care Act crystal clear by voting time and again to repeal the health care law and by supporting California v. Texas, the Trump administration’s lawsuit to completely dismantle the health care law. If successful, the lawsuit would throw our entire health care system into chaos by ripping away health care from more than 20 million Americans and ending protections for more than 135 million people with pre-existing conditions, all in the middle of an ever-worsening pandemic. Senate Republicans are rushing to confirm anti-ACA Judge Amy Coney Barrett in hopes she will help them accomplish their decade-long goal of eliminating the law — and the protections it provides for Americans — when the Supreme Court hears oral arguments in California v. Texas one week after the election. 

What’s At Stake If The Supreme Court Overturns The ACA

If Trump’s lawsuit to overturn the ACA is successful, 1,958,000 Texans would lose coverage. 

Without the ACA, 11,898,500 Texans with pre-existing conditions could be charged more or denied coverage altogether. 

A Walk Down Memory Lane: Senator Cornyn And The ACA

Cornyn has voted FIVE TIMES to fully repeal the ACA.

2019: John Cornyn On The Texas Lawsuit: “I Support Having The Courts Make The Decision.” “Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) did not give a position on the case. ‘I support having the courts make the decision,’ he said. But he noted that the issue of health care is not going away. ‘I expect we’ll continue to have a conversation about health care into the indefinite future,’ he said.” [The Hill, 3/27/19

2017: Cornyn Was Repeal’s “Chief Salesman” In 2017. “Senate Republicans are in a grumpy mood these days. Then there’s John Cornyn, who’s almost unfailingly optimistic about the GOP’s chances of passing its Obamacare repeal bill despite the increasingly long odds. […] He’s held private one-on-one meetings with a slew of wavering senators to try to persuade them to back the party’s controversial bill, which would overhaul one-sixth of the U.S. economy and could mean that more than 20 million fewer Americans have health insurance. Cornyn said his offerings are not ‘state-specific’ deals to convince the likes of Nevada Sen. Dean Heller or Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, although the latest drafts of the bill include some carve-outs for Florida, Alaska and Louisiana. […] With Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell typically tight-lipped, Cornyn has emerged as a chief salesman for the GOP’s beleaguered health care plan.” [Politico, 7/16/17

U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley Rushes to Confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court, Refuses to Protect Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions

Judiciary Committee member U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has made his opposition to the Affordable Care Act crystal clear by voting time and again to repeal the health care law and by supporting California v. Texas, the Trump administration’s lawsuit to completely dismantle the health care law. If successful, the lawsuit would throw our entire health care system into chaos by ripping away health care from more than 20 million Americans and ending protections for more than 135 million people with pre-existing conditions, all in the middle of an ever-worsening pandemic. Senate Republicans are rushing to confirm anti-ACA Judge Amy Coney Barrett in hopes she will help them accomplish their decade-long goal of eliminating the law — and the protections it provides for Americans — when the Supreme Court hears oral arguments in California v. Texas one week after the election. 

What’s At Stake If The Supreme Court Overturns The ACA

If Trump’s lawsuit to overturn the ACA is successful, 227,000 Iowans would lose coverage. 

Without the ACA, 1,288,400 Iowans with pre-existing conditions could be charged more or denied coverage altogether. 

A Walk Down Memory Lane: Senator Grassley And The ACA

Grassley has voted FIVE TIMES to fully repeal the ACA.

2013: Grassley Called The ACA A “Failed Program” That Has “Not Been A Success By Any Measure.” “It is time to admit that Obamacare has not achieved the correct or desired result of an attempt. It has not been a success by any measure. Unless of course you lower your standard to the point that the mere act of keeping the doors open is a success .How sad is that for all we have been through. Maybe, just maybe, it is time to admit that massive restructuring has failed…The American people need to know that this failed program is not the only answer.” [Senator Chuck Grassley Floor Speech, 11/14/13]

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham Rushes to Confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court, Refuses to Protect Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions

Judiciary Committee member U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has made his opposition to the Affordable Care Act crystal clear by voting time and again to repeal the health care law and by supporting California v. Texas, the Trump administration’s lawsuit to completely dismantle the health care law. If successful, the lawsuit would throw our entire health care system into chaos by ripping away health care from more than 20 million Americans and ending protections for more than 135 million people with pre-existing conditions, all in the middle of an ever-worsening pandemic. Senate Republicans are rushing to confirm anti-ACA Judge Amy Coney Barrett in hopes she will help them accomplish their decade-long goal of eliminating the law — and the protections it provides for Americans — when the Supreme Court hears oral arguments in California v. Texas one week after the election. 

What’s At Stake If The Supreme Court Overturns The ACA

If Trump’s lawsuit to overturn the ACA is successful, 288,000 South Carolinians would lose coverage. 

Without the ACA, 2,027,400 South Carolinians with pre-existing conditions could be charged more or denied coverage altogether. 

A Walk Down Memory Lane: Senator Graham And The ACA

Graham has voted FOUR TIMES to fully repeal the ACA.

2019: Graham Vowed To Repeal The ACA If Republicans Are Elected In 2020: “We’ve Got To Remind People That We’re Not For Obamacare.” “ Echoing Trump’s critique of why they failed, Graham noted that ‘we were one vote short in the Senate’ — an apparent reference to his late best friend and fellow Republican senator, John McCain. Trump continues to disparage McCain (Ariz.) for his thumbs-down vote on a skinny-repeal bill in 2017 that killed momentum for Republicans trying to do away with the Obama legacy law as they had been promising to do for seven years. ‘We’ve got to remind people that we’re not for Obamacare,’ Graham said in the radio interview. ‘If we can get the House back and keep our majority in the Senate, and President Trump wins reelection, I can promise you not only are we going to repeal Obamacare, we’re going to do it in a smart way where South Carolina will be the biggest winner,’ Graham said.” [Washington Post, 8/9/19

2013: Graham On The ACA: “This Bill Sucks.” “Senator Lindsey Graham had some colorful words Monday for President Barack Obama’s signature health care law, the Affordable Care Act. ‘This bill sucks, it really does,’ Graham (R-S.C.) told Fox News’ Bill Hemmer.” [Politico, 9/23/13

2012: Graham Called The ACA “A Big Effin Mess.” “U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today said the second anniversary of Obama health care being signed into law was not a cause for celebration, but a chance to examine the ‘broken promises’ that have become clear from the law. He was joined at a press conference in Greenville by South Carolinians who have concerns about the effects of Obama health care on the operation of their business. ‘Two years ago at the Obama health care bill signing the Vice President was overheard telling President Obama, ‘This is a big ‘effing’ deal,’’ said Graham. ‘Unfortunately for them, two years later, the vast majority of Americans believe this has become a big ‘effing’ mess.’” [Sen. Lindsey Graham Press Release, 3/23/12

Protect Our Care Launches New TV Ad Buy on SCOTUS Nomination

“Gone” Shows What’s at Stake If the Supreme Court Strikes Down Affordable Care Act

Washington, DC — Protect Our Care launched a new TV ad showing what’s at stake if the Senate confirms anti-ACA Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. “Gone” will run on cable, including on Morning Joe and Fox & Friends, the week of Judge Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearings. The ad holds Senate Republicans accountable for rushing through President Trump’s nominee in hopes that she will help them do what they haven’t been able to accomplish legislatively — completely dismantle Affordable Care Act. The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case one week after the election. If successful, President Trump’s lawsuit would rip away health care from more than 20 million Americans and end protections for more than 135 million people with pre-existing conditions all in the middle of an ever-worsening pandemic.

Watch: Gone

“Coronavirus is in the White House, in the Senate and raging across America, and while Senate Republicans refuse to negotiate a pandemic relief bill, they will stop at nothing to jam through the nomination of an anti-ACA justice to the Supreme Court,” said Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach. “Judge Coney Barrett was chosen because she opposes the Affordable Care Act, and Republicans are hell bent to overturn the law and leave millions of Americans without health care during the worst public health crisis our nation has faced in a century, which would throw our entire health care system into chaos.” 


Our health care is on the line.

One week after election day, the Supreme Court will hear President Trump’s lawsuit to overturn the Affordable Care Act in the middle of a pandemic. 

President Trump has made it clear that he nominated a justice who will take away Americans’ health care.

If President Trump gets his way…

Health care for more than 20 million Americans…


Protections for 135 million Americans with pre-existing conditions, plus everyone who contracts coronavirus…


Coverage for millions who have lost their jobs, at a time over 60 million Americans have filed for unemployment.


Don’t let President Trump and Republicans rip away health care from millions of Americans when they need it most.

The stakes in this supreme court nomination could not be higher: 

Tell your senator to vote against Amy Coney Barrett (with congressional phone number on screen)

Protect Our Care “Your Health, Your Vote” Virtual Bus Tour Week Four Wrap Up: Arizona and Alaska

Virtual Tour “Hit the Road” for Events with U.S. Senate Candidates Captain Mark Kelly and Dr. Al Gross and Elected Officials in Arizona and Alaska

On the fourth week of Protect Our Care’s 16-state “Your Health, Your Vote” virtual bus tour, Protect Our Care held events in Arizona and Alaska. During each stop, U.S. Senate candidates, elected leaders, health care advocates and storytellers from each state met in a virtual format to discuss President Trump’s complete mismanagement of the coronavirus pandemic and highlight the danger of allowing President Trump to pick the next Supreme Court justice. California v. Texas, the Trump-Republican lawsuit to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, will be heard one week after the election. If successful, the lawsuit would take away protections for 135 million Americans with pre-existing conditions and rip coverage away from over 20 million Americans in the middle of a pandemic.

To date, bus tour stops have included:

  • Three United States Senate candidates including Speaker Sara Gideon (ME), Captain Mark Kelly (AZ) and Dr. Al Gross (AL)
  • Four United States Senate Democrats including Senators Bob Casey (PA), Tammy Baldwin (WI), Jeanne Shaheen (NH) and Tina Smith (MN)
  • Seven Democratic Members of Congress including Reps. Matt Cartwright (PA-08), Elissa Slotkin (MI-08), Chris Pappas (NH-01), Dean Phillips (MN-03), Cindy Axne (IA-03), Abby Finkenauer (IA-01) and Tom O’Halleran (AZ-01)


Tuesday, October 6, 2020: Protect Our Care’s nationwide virtual “Your Health, Your Vote” tour arrived in Arizona to highlight Republicans’ ongoing war on health care and failed coronavirus response. Headlined by Congressman Tom O’Halleran (D-AZ-01), United States Senate candidate Captain Mark Kelly, State Senator Jamescita Peshlakai, and Dr. Hiral Tipirneni, the event highlighted how Trump’s health care sabotage, including a lawsuit to completely dismantle the Affordable Care Act during a pandemic, would impact Arizona’s care. They also called on Martha McSally to denounce Trump’s war on health care and discussed Democrats’ agenda to improve health care and lower costs for Americans.

Watch the Event Here


Tucson Local Media: O’Halleran, Democrats Keep Campaign Focus on Health Care Issues

AZ Central: ‘A Pretty Lethal Pandemic’: Arizona Deaths Have Spiked 22% So Far This Year


Wednesday, October 7, 2020: Protect Our Care’s nationwide virtual “Your Health, Your Vote” tour arrived in Alaska to highlight how Republicans’ ongoing war on health care and failed coronavirus response has left Alaskans at risk. Headlined by Dr. Al Gross, a former orthopedic surgeon and candidate for the US Senate, the event highlighted how Trump’s health care sabotage, including a lawsuit to completely dismantle the Affordable Care Act during a pandemic, would impact Alaskans’ care. Speakers also called on Senator Dan Sullivan to denounce Trump’s war on health care and discussed Democrats’ agenda to improve health care and lower costs for Americans.

Watch the Event Here