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TODAY: House and Democratic States to Submit Briefs Urging SCOTUS to Reject Disastrous Trump-Republican Lawsuit to Overturn Health Care in Midst of Coronavirus Crisis

Washington, DC – Today, the House of Representatives and Democratic states will submit their opening briefs to the Supreme Court, urging the court to reject the Trump-Republican lawsuit to overturn the ACA. These briefs from Democratic attorneys general and the House of Representatives will lay out clear arguments in defense of the law and against the Trump administration and Republican lawsuit that seeks to strip health care away from 20 million Americans and protections from 135 million with pre-existing conditions in the midst of the coronavirus crisis. Ahead of the briefs being filed today, Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach released the following statement: 

“No issue is more important to Americans today in the middle of the coronavirus crisis than their health care, and yet President Trump is doing everything he can to rip that away from them. If the president and his Republican allies are successful in repealing the ACA through this lawsuit, 20 million Americans will lose their health insurance, on top of the millions who have already lost their employer-based insurance. Everyone who contracts the coronavirus could now have a pre-existing condition and be at the mercy of their insurance companies who could refuse to pay for needed care. It’s critical that Americans understand just what’s at stake if this outrageous and irresponsible lawsuit succeeds.”


As Pandemic Rages, Supreme Court Activity in Trump Lawsuit to Repeal American Health Care Begins 

Today marks a critical point for the future of American health care and the fate of the Affordable Care Act. Opening briefs will be submitted today to the Supreme Court from those urging the court to reject California v. Texas, the Trump-Republican lawsuit to overturn the ACA. These briefs from Democratic attorneys general and the House of Representatives will lay out the arguments in defense of the law and against the Trump administration and Republicans’ lawsuit that seeks to strip health care away from 20 million Americans and protections from 135 million with pre-existing conditions. The consequences of the lawsuit for America’s health care are particularly horrendous at a time the country is gripped by the coronavirus crisis which threatens the health and safety of the entire nation. 

How We Got Here

Republicans in Congress have tried and failed dozens of times to repeal or weaken the Affordable Care Act and since day one of his presidency, Donald Trump has done everything in his power to sabotage and undermine the law. When he failed in Congress to overturn it, the president and Republican attorneys general turned to the courts. That case, California v. Texas, is now before the Supreme Court, and today, Democratic attorneys general and the House of Representatives will submit their briefs urging the court to reject the disastrous Trump-Republican lawsuit and protect the health care of millions of Americans. On May 13, health care experts, patient advocacy groups and others will file their briefs in opposition to the lawsuit. And in June, Republican states and the Trump administration will submit their briefs in response. The case will then be argued before the Supreme Court in its next term, quite possibly before the election in November. 

The submission of these briefs from Democratic states will put the Trump administration’s politically-motivated lawsuit on full display for the American people in front of the highest court. And as this case comes back into focus, it’s especially important that Americans understand just what’s at stake if the law is overturned, particularly in the midst of a global pandemic.

The Trump Lawsuit Would Rip Apart America’s Health Care

If the Affordable Care Act is struck down:

GONE: Protections for 135 million Americans with pre-existing conditions. The uninsured rate will increase by 65 percent.
GONE: Medicaid expansion, which covers 17 million people.
GONE: Nearly 12 million seniors will have to pay more for prescription drugs because the Medicare ‘donut hole’ will be reopened.
GONE: 2.3 million adult children will no longer be able to stay on their parents’ insurance.
GONE: Insurance companies will be able to charge women 50 percent more than men.
GONE: Financial assistance that helps 9 million people purchase health care in the marketplace.
GONE: Key support for rural hospitals. As Americans lose coverage, already struggling hospitals will be hit even harder as their costs increase.

The Trump Lawsuit Will Make the Coronavirus Crisis Far Worse

Simply put, there has never been a more important time to protect and expand Americans’ health care, and never been a worse time to rip it away. As the Trump administration and state Republicans present their case for doing just that, Democrats tomorrow will put into stark terms why the Trump-Republican lawsuit is not only cruel, but disastrous for our country during this crisis at a time when people need health care the most. 

No action would be more damaging to Americans’ health and safety than if the Trump administration achieves their desired goal of overturning the ACA in its entirety during this crisis. When the court hears this case, there will likely be no vaccine and no viable treatment for the virus. When millions of Americans have already lost health insurance due to the pandemic, it’s absurd that President Trump is arguing in court that 20 million more Americans should lose their health care. And when millions of Americans with the coronavirus join the 135 million Americans with a pre-existing condition, President Trump will also be arguing in court to allow insurance companies to deny them coverage or charge them more. 

At a time when we should be taking aggressive action to protect and expand health care for all Americans, like fully expanding Medicaid, opening a special enrollment period for the uninsured, or increasing financial assistance for people purchasing insurance, the Trump administration is instead arguing in court that the entire law should be overturned and programs like Medicaid expansion — which has covered millions more Americans — should be eliminated. If the Trump administration is serious about protecting Americans they would drop this lawsuit, yet sadly they have demonstrated that their desire to destroy the law trumps the health and safety of our nation.

Senator Kamala Harris, ACS President Russ Feingold and Protect Our Care Discuss Trump-GOP Lawsuit to Overturn Health Care as SCOTUS Proceedings Begin Tomorrow

On A Press Call Today, Senator Harris and ACS President Feingold Discussed the Consequences of This Lawsuit and How Ripping Health Care Away from 20 Million Americans During the Global Pandemic Would Be Devastating for Americans’ Health Care

Call Audio Available Here

Washington, DC — Today, Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), American Constitution Society President and former Senator Russ Feingold along with Protect Our Care held a press call to discuss the dire consequences of the lawsuit to overturn the Affordable Care Act ahead of the Supreme Court receiving briefs for the case beginning tomorrow. On Wednesday, the Supreme Court will begin its consideration of the case, when the House of Representatives and Democratic attorneys general submit briefs defending the law. Oral arguments are expected to happen this fall before the November election. On the call, Senator Harris and ACS President Feingold discussed the legal argument against this case and described how if Republicans are successful in their lawsuit to overturn the law, 20 million Americans will lose their health care and 135 million with pre-existing conditions will lose their protections while the country is still reeling from the coronavirus crisis. 

“Once again, the Trump administration and Congressional Republicans are actively trying to dismantle the Affordable Care Act,” said Senator Kamala D. Harris. “We cannot lose sight of the fact that this administration is trying to rip health coverage away from people in the middle of a life threatening global health crisis. Now, more than ever, people need access to quality, affordable health care.” 

“So much work went into passing the Affordable Care Act, and now we have the courts potentially poised to undo it,” said American Constitution Society President Russ Feingold. “In an unprecedented way, the current administration is not defending the law of the land. Instead, they are pushing the other way to take away health coverage from 20 million people during this very frightening pandemic.” 

“The Texas lawsuit is the clearest example of the Trump administration and Republicans’ war on Americans’ health care,” said Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse. “Having tried dozens of times to repeal the health care law in congress, Trump and Republicans have taken to the courts to throw Americans’ health care into chaos in the midst of a global pandemic. As this case comes back into focus before the Supreme Court, we need to remind the public of just how devastating it would be if this lawsuit is successful and 20 million more Americans lose their health care during this crisis.”

Martha McSally and President Trump’s Failed Leadership and Health Care Sabotage Makes Coronavirus Far Worse

Washington, DC — Today, Senator Martha McSally (R-AZ) will join President Trump to tour a mask-making facility outside Phoenix, Arizona. Their visit comes as President Trump and Senator McSally continue to downplay the seriousness of the pandemic and as proceedings in the Texas lawsuit they both support to rip health care away from 20 million Americans begin before the Supreme Court tomorrow. Ahead of President Trump and Senator McSally’s tour, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement:

“Senator McSally and President Trump have consistently downplayed this pandemic as the virus raged and tens of thousands of Americans lost their lives and their relentless sabotage of Americans’ health care puts more lives at risk. At a time when access to health care has never been more critical, both Trump and McSally support the lawsuit to rip coverage from 20 million more Americans and throw the health care system into chaos as the country grapples with this crisis and as deaths and infections continue to rise.”


In Response To The Pandemic, Senator Martha McSally Has Reprised Her Role As “Chief Cheerleader” To Trump

Instead of confronting the crisis head-on and finding solutions for struggling Arizona families, McSally has spent her time praising Trump and shifting blame to China for the crisis. 

Laurie Roberts, Columnist For The Arizona Republic, On McSally: “She Seems To Have Quarantined Herself Smack Inside The President’s Pocket.” “The world has changed but it’s comforting to know that some things never do. Sen. Martha McSally, for example, is still reprising her role as chief cheerleader to President Donald Trump. In fact, she seems to have quarantined herself smack inside the president’s pocket.” [Arizona Republic, 4/7/20]

McSally Praised Trump For Freezing Funds To The World Health Organization And Accused The W.H.O. Of Promoting Chinese Propaganda. “The U.S. is right to freeze WHO funding. Instead of acting in the best interest of our global health, the WHO has served as a propaganda arm for the Chinese government. WHO’s actions are unacceptable.” [Twitter, @SenMcSallyAZ, 4/7/20]

McSally: “China Is To Blame For This Pandemic And The Death Of Thousands Of Americans.” “Make no mistake: China is to blame for this pandemic and the death of thousands of Americans.” [Twitter, @SenMcSallyAZ, 4/7/20]

McSally: “Chinese Propaganda & WHO Complicity Cost American Lives & Muddled Our COVID-19 Response.” “Couldn’t agree more. Chinese propaganda & WHO complicity cost American lives & muddled our COVID-19 response. WHO’s Director-General should resign & China’s voting privileges suspended immediately. Congress needs to investigate WHO’s ties to China & reconsider funding levels.” [Twitter, @SenMcSallyAZ, 4/7/20]

McSally’s Record On Health Care Has Left Arizonans Exposed And She Continues To Lie About Her Opposition To Protecting People With Pre-Existing Conditions

Despite the positive impact of the Affordable Care Act in Arizona, McSally has repeatedly voted to repeal the health care law, and she refuses to condemn the Texas lawsuit that would end Medicaid expansion and rip coverage away from nearly 300,000 Arizonans. 

McSally Voted Twice To Repeal The ACA. During her time in the House, McSally famously encouraged her GOP colleagues to “get this f***ing thing done” and repeal the ACA. After repeal ultimately failed in the Senate, she called for a fresh start from the “failed” ACA.

  • 2015: McSally Voted For A Total Repeal Of The ACA. McSally voted for HR 596, an act “to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.” The bill also ordered House committees to develop a replacement that would “provide people with pre-existing conditions access to affordable health coverage,” but provided no specifics. [HR 596, Roll Call Vote #58, 2/3/15
  • 2017: McSally Voted For AHCA. McSally voted for passage of the American Health Care Act. [HR 1628, Roll Call Vote #256, 5/4/17

Martha McSally: It’s “Not My Role” To Oppose The Trump Lawsuit. “Brahm Resnik: Do you support the Trump administration’s support — they’re asking a federal judge to throw out the Affordable Care Act and declare it unconstitutional. Do you support that? Martha McSally: Again, it’s not my role, but in my view, if we could start all over again, we would do it differently.” [KPNX, 5/17/19

  • McSally Voted For The Tax Bill Which Forms The Basis For The Lawsuit. McSally voted for the Republican tax bill, which repealed a key provision of the Affordable Care Act that required most people to have health coverage and which is the basis of the entire lawsuit seeking to overturn the Affordable Care Act.
  • McSally Refused To Support Authorizing The Senate Legal Counsel To Intervene In The Trump-Republican Lawsuit And Defend The Aca. McSally refused to sponsor a resolution (S. Res. 18), which would authorize Senate legal counsel to defend the Affordable Care Act against attack in Texas v. Azar.

Representatives Underwood, Allred and Protect Our Care Discuss Key Health Care Provisions Needed in Next COVID Package and New Polling Showing Widespread Bipartisan Support

Read More About the Widespread Support for Protect Our Care’s Priorities for the Next Coronavirus Relief Package Here

Washington, DC — On a press call this morning, Congresswoman Lauren Underwood (D-IL-14), Congressman Colin Allred (D-TX-32) and Protect Our Care discussed the need for Congress to include critical health care provisions in the next coronavirus response package that are supported by a bipartisan majority of Americans, according to a new survey from Public Policy Polling. These provisions include funding adequate testing, supporting Medicaid expansion and a Special Enrollment Period for the uninsured, and opposing the Trump-ACA repeal lawsuit that would rip health care away from more than 20 million Americans as Americans grapple with the coronavirus crisis. The poll also found that a majority of Americans disapprove of the job President Trump has done on health care.

Call Audio Available Here

Key findings from the poll:

  • 80% of respondents, including 84% of independents and 70% of Republicans, support reforming the health care system to increase financial assistance for those who need it the most and make sure no American spends more than 10% of their income on health insurance.
  • 79% of respondents support expanding Medicaid so more low and moderate income Americans can qualify and get treated for coronavirus and other health care needs. This is also popular among independents (83%) and Republicans (65%).
  • 79% of respondents support Congress requiring that testing and care reach communities of color. This includes 80% of independents and 63% of Republicans voters.
  • 76% of respondents, including 72% of independents and 67% of Republicans, support a special enrollment period to allow uninsured Americans to sign up for affordable coverage through the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
  • The Affordable Care Act remains popular with voters. Only 29% of voters support the Trump administration lawsuit to strike down the ACA.
  • President Trump’s approval on health care is underwater by 10 points among American voters (51-41). Among independents, the margin is even wider: 62% disapprove of the job he’s doing on health care, while just 31% approve.

“We know that COVID-19 has only made our cause more urgent, and our next relief packages need to include a range of health care protections and funding,” said Rep. Lauren Underwood (IL-14). “We cannot stop there; we must keep an eye on the bigger picture. COVID-19 is a once in a generation crisis that will change our world forever. But, it’s also a once in a generation opportunity to catapult us into a stronger health system for everyone.”

“In a future COVID-19 response package, we need a clear plan to ramp up testing, tracing and treatment across America,” said Congressman Colin Allred (TX-32). “Priority number one should be investing in taking this virus head-on and shoring up health programs that can help regular people now. From Medicaid expansion in Texas to a special enrollment period to ending attacks against the Affordable Care Act — I will keep fighting in Congress to lower costs and expand coverage to those who need it.” 

“There has never been a more important time to ensure Americans have access to quality and affordable health care, which is why the next COVID bill needs to be a health care bill,” said Leslie Dach, Chair of Protect Our Care. “Americans, regardless of political party, are more worried than ever about their health and the health of their families and rightly expect to be able to be tested and treated with quality, affordable health care if they get sick, now or in the future. Americans agree: it’s time for President Trump and Republicans to support these provisions and drop their disastrous lawsuit to repeal the ACA and end their support for junk plans that don’t include protections for pre-existing conditions.”

Protect Our Care Marks Medicaid Awareness Month with Activities Nationwide Showing Critical Importance of Medicaid as Americans Grapple with Coronavirus Crisis

Protect Our Care marked Medicaid Awareness Month throughout April with activities nationwide, highlighting Medicaid’s overwhelming importance as the country grapples with a crisis that threatens Americans’ health and safety. Medicaid is an essential program for more than 70 million Americans currently receiving coverage, including more than 35 million children and 7.2 million seniors. Despite its successes, Medicaid is continuously under attack from President Trump and Republicans. From proposing massive cuts to Medicaid in his budgets, his Texas lawsuit that would end Medicaid expansion to encouraging states to impose draconian work requirements and block grants that would kick people off the rolls, Trump has been on a long march to end Medicaid since the day he took office. 

“Medicaid is a lifeline for millions of Americans, and its importance has never been more clear as America grapples with the coronavirus crisis that threatens everyone’s health and safety,” said Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse. “Despite its successes – providing health insurance to children and those with disabilities and coverage for seniors and Americans in rural communities – Medicaid is still under attack from President Trump and Republicans who want to gut the program and end Medicaid expansion at a time when the health and safety of Americans has never been more at risk. April was Medicaid Awareness Month, but every day we will fight to defend a health care program that so many millions of Americans rely on.” 

Here’s a look at the activities and some of the news coverage that took place over Medicaid Awareness Month:

Wednesday, April 1 – Medicaid is A Critical Part of America’s Response to the Coronavirus, But President Trump Wants to Gut It
The Medicaid program is a critical part of our response to coronavirus, but President Trump is waging a war on Medicaid. Here are the ways the Trump administration is trying to gut Medicaid and the ways Medicaid is essential to America’s coronavirus response: Read the full fact sheet here.

Tuesday, April 14th – Press Call with Senator Doug Jones (D-AL), Congressman Colin Allred (TX-32), Andy Slavitt on the Overwhelming Benefits of Medicaid Expansion During the Coronavirus Crisis
Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) along with Rep. Colin Allred (D-TX-32), former CMS Administrator Andy Slavitt and Protect Our Care held a press call to discuss the overwhelming benefits of Medicaid and why Medicaid expansion is needed now more than ever as America grapples with the coronavirus crisis. Listen to the call here and read POC’s report, “Medicaid Expansion, A Critical Part Of America’s Response to the Coronavirus, Is Under Threat From President Trump” here.

  • North Dallas Gazette: Rep. Allred Op-Ed: Now more than ever, Texas must expand Medicaid to save lives [4/27/20]
  • Alabama Daily News: New Coalition Pushes For Medicaid expansion, Republicans Remain Reluctant [4/16/20]
  • WKRG (CBS Mobile): Sen. Jones: Coronoavirus Shows Need For Medicaid Expansion [4/14/20]
  • Why Hasn’t Alabama Expanded Medicaid During The Pandemic? [4/15/20]
  • Montgomery Advertiser: “The Coronavirus Outbreak Has Upended Daily Life In Alabama, But One Fact Remains Constant: Republican Leaders Resist Medicaid Expansion.” [4/15/20]
  • WKRN: Democrats push for Medicaid expansion in next coronavirus relief plan [4/15/20]

Monday, April 20th – Press Call with Senator Angus King (I-ME) Discussing Critical Importance of Medicaid for Rural Communities During the Coronavirus Crisis
Senator Angus King (I-ME) along with State Rep. Anne Perry (D-Calais, ME) and Protect Our Care discussed the overwhelming benefits of Medicaid for rural communities’ access to health care as America confronts the coronavirus crisis. Listen to the call here and read POC’s report, “Rural America in the Balance: Medicaid, Coronavirus & Rural Hospitals,” here.

  • WABI 5: Rural hospitals feeling the financial strain of fighting COVID-19 [4/20/20]
  • FOX 22: Pandemic especially hard on rural healthcare providers, King says [4/21/20]

Thursday, April 30th — Rural Health Zoom Roundtable with State Rep. Charlene Fernandez, Providers and Health Care Advocates
Protect Our Care Arizona hosted a virtual roundtable with Jeff Jeans—a cancer survivor—and Rep. Charlene Fernandez, the Democratic Leader of the Arizona House of Representatives who represents Arizona’s fourth legislative district, which includes a handful of rural counties. Jeff Jeans, who survived advanced cancer and relies on the Affordable Care Act for ongoing access to care described how ongoing Republican health care sabotage leaves Arizonans like him at risk. Speakers on the call urged lawmakers to protect Arizona’s rural hospitals, which are playing a critical role in combating coronavirus in the state. You can see a recording of the roundtable here.

Tuesday, April 7th – Our Lives on the Line Digital Town Hall
Protect Our Care was joined by health care advocates, consumers, and experts on a Digital Town Hall to discuss the critical role Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act are playing in Colorado’s response to COVID-19. Medicaid expansion granted coverage to 453,400 Coloradans, including children, seniors, and people with disabilities. With more than 80,000 Coloradans filing for unemployment due the pandemic, it is especially important for low-income adults to have a place to turn for coverage in this public health emergency. Watch the entire Digital Town Hall here.

  • Colorado Times Recorder: Why Are Gardner and Trump Trying to Dismantle Obamacare During a Pandemic, Ask Advocates [4/7/20]

Friday, April 17th – Op-Ed by Alice Kresh
Alice Kresh, whose son was diagnosed with a severe defect called Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia and relies on Medicaid for access to care, penned an op-ed in the Colorado Independent on the importance of protecting the program. “Even in the face of a global health crisis, the Trump administration and our own Senator Cory Gardner continue to sabotage and attack Medicaid, leaving Coloradans’ health care hanging in the balance. Republicans have spent years undermining Medicaid and Trump’s war on Medicaid has been cruel and unending. For families like mine, these attacks have real and dangerous consequences.”

  • The Colorado Independent: Medicaid saved my son’s life, it saves lives in a pandemic too [4/17/20]

Thursday, April 30th — Rural Health Zoom Roundtable with State Sen. Kerry Donovan, State Rep. Dylan Roberts and Health Care Experts
Protect Our Care Colorado hosted a virtual roundtable with State Senator Kerry Donovan (SD 5), Representative Dylan Roberts (HD 26), Adam Fox with Colorado Consumer Health Initiative, and Ross Brooks, the Chief Executive Officer of Mountain Family Health Centers to discuss the critical role of Medicaid in supporting rural Colorado’s response to COVID-19. Speakers on the call highlighted how Medicaid has allowed hospitals in rural Colorado to remain open, but warned that the coronavirus pandemic is straining these resources. Participants explained how now more than ever, it is both irresponsible and outright cruel for Trump and Republicans to wage a political war on our access to health care. You can see a recording of the roundtable here.

Thursday, April 30th – Former Governor John Hickenlooper (D-CO) Marks Medicaid Awareness Month with Former CMS Administrator Andy Slavitt
“April is Medicaid Awareness Month. When I was Governor, we passed bipartisan Medicaid expansion and got nearly 95% of Colorado covered. Today, Republicans are still attacking Medicaid. I spoke with @ASlavitt about why we need to protect access to health care now more than ever.” [John Hickenlooper Twitter, 4/30/20]

Monday, April 13th – Press Call with State Sen. Nikema Williams
Protect Our Care Georgia was joined by Dr. Melanie Thompson and State Senator Nikema Williams on a press call to discuss how Georgia’s refusal to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act is undermining the response to COVID-19. 885,000 Georgians could have gained health coverage if Georgia had expanded Medicaid under the ACA. Senator Williams also discussed her experience contracting and recovering from COVID-19, and Dr. Thompson, an HIV expert, highlighted the importance of providing care for everyone to ensure the health and safety of the entire community. Listen to the press call here.

Wednesday, April 29th – Digital Press Conference on Rural Health
Protect Our Care Georgia convened a digital press conference to discuss how the coronavirus pandemic is impacting rural Georgia, and what leaders can do to increase access to care and help struggling hospitals. Participants included two rural doctors, an epidemiologist, and the Minority Leader in the Georgia House of Representatives. They condemned the governor’s lifting of social distancing restrictions and called for the expansion of Medicaid in the state. View the press conference here.

  • Capitol Beat: End nears for Georgia shelter-in-place order, extension undecided [4/29/20]
  • Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Kemp poised to lift restrictions, despite warnings of renewed outbreak [4/29/20]
  • Valdosta Daily Times: Rural doctors worry about lifting social distancing [4/29/20]
  • Georgia Recorder: Dem state lawmaker urges Kemp to expand Medicaid to fight COVID-19 [4/30/20]
  • Athens Banner-Herald: End nears for Georgia shelter-in-place order; extension undecided [4/29/20]
  • The Daily Tribune News: End nears for Georgia shelter-in-place order, extension undecided [4/29/20]

Friday, April 10th – Press Call with State Sen. Claire Celsi
Progress Iowa and Protect Our Care Iowa were joined by Iowa Senator Claire Celsi, Denise Rathman, the Executive Director of the National Association of Social Workers Iowa Chapter, and Mary Horsman, a respiratory therapist from Des Moines, on a press call to discuss the critical role Medicaid is playing in Iowa’s response to COVID-19 and Gov. Kim Reynold’s failures to secure Iowa in the face of crisis. You can listen to a full recording of the call here.

Thursday, April 23rd – Rural Health Care Zoom Roundtable
Progress Iowa and Protect Our Care were joined by former Lt. Governor Patty Judge, Iowa Senator Pam Jochum, Iowa Representative Timi Brown-Powers, and Dr. Rossana Rosa at a virtual town hall to discuss how communities in rural Iowa are especially vulnerable to the coronavirus, and how the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid is keeping Iowans safe and healthy, and providing rural hospitals with the resources needed to fight the spread of the virus, despite ongoing attacks from Gov. Reynolds, Senators Ernst and Grassley, and President Trump. You can watch a full recording of the call here.

Saturday, April 25th – Op-Ed by Local Health Care Official
Protect Our Care Michigan worked with Janet Olszewski, former director of the Michigan Department of Community Health, to place an op-ed in Bridge Michigan on the importance of protecting Medicaid. “As Michigan and the rest of the United States grapples with the spread of COVID-19, it is more important than ever that every American has access to quality, affordable health care. Medicaid is a lifeline for people with limited resources providing 2.5 million Michigan residents access to life-saving health care.”

  • Bridge Michigan: During this coronavirus crisis, Medicaid must be protected [4/25/20]

Thursday, April 16th – Medicaid Awareness Press Call with State Sen. Matt Klein, State Rep. Alice Mann, and State Rep. Kelly Morrison
Protect Our Care Minnesota was joined by State Sen. Matt Klein, DFL-Mendota Heights, state Rep. Alice Mann, DFL-Lakeville, and state Rep. Kelly Morrison, DFL-Deephaven on a press call to discuss the legislators’ firsthand experiences providing health care during a pandemic. As state legislators and physicians, participants explained how misinformation puts Minnesotans and millions of Americans in danger, and urged the Trump administration to prioritize access to health care amid the COVID-19 pandemic. You can listen to the call audio here.

Friday, April 24th – Rural Health Care Townhall
Protect Our Care Montana hosted a press call with State Senator Jenn Gross and State Representative Barbara Bessette to discuss the latest report on the state of rural health care in Montana. You can listen to a recording of the press call here.

Thursday, April 23rd – Tele-Town Hall with Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)
More than 35 advocates and citizens joined Senator Jeanne Shaheen and Protect Our Care New Hampshire in a tele-town hall to highlight the vital importance of Medicaid and the ACA, especially as the state responds to the coronavirus pandemic. A New Hampshire resident shared her own story about the importance of Medicaid for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and advocacy groups such as Granite State Progress Education Fund, Covering New Hampshire, Bi-State Primary Care Association, Kent Street Coalition, Able NH, and the New Hampshire Medical Society asked the Senator questions. Listen to the call here.

  • Nashua Telegraph: Sen. Shaheen emphasizes importance of ACA [4/24/20]

Tuesday, April 28th – Roundtable with Congressman Chris Pappas (NH-01)
Protect Our Care New Hampshire was joined by Rep. Chris Pappas on a video roundtable to discuss how communities in rural New Hampshire are especially vulnerable to the coronavirus, as well as how Medicaid is keeping Granite Staters healthy while also providing rural hospitals with the resources needed to fight the spread of the virus. Joining Congressman Pappas at the roundtable were more than 20 people, including representatives from Granite State Progress, Laconia Housing, Bi-State Primary Health Care, Kent Street Coalition, Campaign for a Family Friendly Economy, and New Futures. Watch the roundtable here.

  • Nashua Telegraph: Pappas: We need adequate federal response on testing, rural health care [4/29/20]

Thursday, April 9th – Zoom Roundtable with Congresswoman Dina Tutus (NV-01)
Protect Our Care Nevada hosted a Medicaid Zoom Roundtable with cancer survivor and Medicaid recipient, Make it Work Nevada, Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada (PLAN), State Assemblywoman Michelle Gorelow, and Congresswoman Dina Titus. Speakers discussed the importance of Medicaid for Nevadans, ways to improve the program, the role that Medicaid expansion has played in getting more people access to care, and President Trump’s continued threats to destroy Medicaid. You can watch a full recording of the round table discussion here

Wednesday, April 8th — Press Call with Congressman G.K. Butterfield (NC-01) and NC Justice Center
Protect Our Care North Carolina was joined by Congressman G.K. Butterfield and William Munn, of the North Carolina Justice Center on a press call to discuss how North Carolina’s refusal to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act is undermining the response to COVID-19. Speakers urged Republican lawmakers in North Carolina to move to expand Medicaid in response to the public health emergency, and explained how expansion would support not only North Carolinians, but also the state’s hospitals, which are struggling to operate with limited resources. You can listen to the call audio here.

Tuesday, April 28th – Medicaid Expansion Advocacy Day Press Call with North Carolina Justice Center
Protect Our Care North Carolina joined Health Action NC, a statewide coalition of organizations dedicated to the fight for expanding Medicaid on a press call to kickoff the first annual Digital Medicaid Expansion Advocacy Day. On the call, Rep. Verla Insko; Joe Weissfield, Director of Medicaid Initiatives of Families USA; Dr. William Munn of the NC Justice Center; and Penelope Wingard, a North Carolina resident who is in our state’s coverage gap, explained how North Carolina Republican’s refusal to expand Medicaid has left more than half a million North Carolinians without access to health care. Speakers urged Republican legislators to set politics aside, and prioritize access to health care during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can listen to the call audio here.

SCOTUS Overturns Early Act of Trump’s Health Care Sabotage Just a Week Before the Court Begins Consideration of the Trump Lawsuit to Overturn the Entire Affordable Care Act

Washington, DC — Today, the Supreme Court reversed a decision by the Trump administration in July of 2018 to suspend risk adjustment payments that were included in the Affordable Care Act to help offer more affordable coverage to everyone, regardless of if they are healthy or sick. By refusing to make risk adjustment payments — even though they didn’t cost the taxpayer a single penny — President Trump and his administration made it harder for people with pre-existing conditions to access coverage, and drove up premiums for millions. This Supreme Court decision is one week before the House of Representatives and Democratic Attorneys General submit briefs to the court in opposition to the Trump lawsuit to overturn the entire ACA. Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach released the following statement in response: 

“Today, the Supreme Court overruled an early attack by the Trump administration to undermine the Affordable Care Act — a decision by President Trump that raised insurance premiums for millions of Americans. Next week, the court begins its consideration of President Trump’s most outrageous action of all to rip apart Americans health care, a lawsuit that would take coverage away from 20 million Americans during a global pandemic. This is an outrageous attack by the president on America’s health care at the worst possible time.” 

Protect Our Care, Obamacare Online Communities Join Forces

Washington, D.C. — Today, Protect Our Care announced that it will merge its online health care community with the Obamacare grassroots online community, combining a network of 700,000+ influencers, activists, and storytellers into a health care messaging hub.

Protect Our Care’s Digital Director Sean England released the following statement:

“From driving open enrollment to lifting up stories of everyday Americans, the Obamacare online community has been such a powerful tool in the health care fight, and we are excited to join forces and create a unified community that can reach hundreds of thousands of Americans.”

Roundup: Reporting on Protect Our Care’s New Polling Reinforces Findings Showing Voters’ Disapproval of Trump’s Coronavirus Response in Key Battleground States

On Thursday, Protect Our Care released a new survey conducted with Public Policy Polling in the key battleground states of Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin on voter attitudes towards Trump’s handling of the coronavirus. News coverage of POC’s polling reinforced the fact that majorities of voters in these key 2020 states disapprove of Trump’s handling of the coronavirus crisis, trust their governors far more and oppose relaxing social distancing and recent protests to end stay-at-home orders. 

Coverage of Protect Our Care’s Polling: 

The Hill: EXCLUSIVE: Voters In Swing States Trust Governors Over Trump On Reopening Economy, Poll Finds. “The president’s approval ratings in North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are 46 percent, 44 percent and 45 percent, respectively, in this poll, while his disapproval numbers stand at 49 percent, 52 percent and 48 percent. PPP surveyed more than 1,200 voters in each state on behalf of Protect Our Care, a group devoted to defending the 2010 Affordable Care Act, also known as ObamaCare. “What I think we’ve seen is that President Trump can’t bullshit his way through this pandemic. You have to show genuine competency, genuine leadership and genuine empathy,” said Brad Woodhouse, the executive director of Protect Our Care.” [The Hill, 4/23/20

NBC News: Trump’s Coronavirus Approval Rating Underwater In Key States, Surveys Find. “New surveys out Thursday show President Donald Trump’s approval rating for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic is underwater among voters in four critical states this election while state governors receive high marks for their responses to the virus. By and large, these key voters also oppose protests against stay-at-home orders and efforts to relax social distancing measures. The polling, conducted by the progressive firm, Public Policy Polling, on behalf of Protect Our Care — a left-of-center health care advocacy group — finds that 45 percent of voters in Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin approve of Trump’s management of the crisis while 50 percent disapprove on average. The governors of those states, in contrast, receive a net approval rating for their handling of the pandemic that’s 32 percentage points higher than the president’s with 58 percent approving and 31 percent disapproving.” [NBC News, 4/23/20

VICE News: New Polls In 5 Swing States Are Looking Scary For Trump. “Biden is up 51%-44% in both Michigan and Pennsylvania, 50%-45% in Wisconsin, and 49%-46% in North Carolina, according to polls conducted by the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling for the liberal healthcare group Protect Our Care. Those polls also found a huge trust deficit between Trump and the states’ Democratic governors on how to handle the coronavirus. In Michigan, voters said by 57%-37% that they trusted Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) more than Trump on the question of who they trusted more to protect their state from the pandemic. In North Carolina, Gov. Roy Cooper (D) led by 58%-33%. In Pennsylvania, Gov. Tom Wolf (D) led by 58%-35%, and in Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers led by 54%-39%.” [VICE News, 4/23/20

Up North News: Wisconsin Trusts Evers Over Trump on Coronavirus Reopening. “Nearly two-thirds of Wisconsinites said they oppose protesters who want to end restrictions that have slowed the spread of coronavirus. That same survey, done by Public Policy Polling, shows Gov. Tony Evers getting a net approval rating that is nearly 20 points higher than President Trump when it comes to handling the pandemic crisis.” [Up North News, 4/23/20

Wisconsin Examiner: What Is The Republican Position On The Pandemic? No, Really. “Across swing states, the polling suggests that the pandemic is hurting Trump’s re-election chances. Trump trails former Vice President Joe Biden in all four states PPP polled — Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and North Carolina. And in all of those states, voters trust their governors significantly more than Trump. “It’s no secret why voters in these states trust their governors more than President Trump to keep them safe during this crisis – his incoherent and disastrous response continues to put their health and safety at risk,” says Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse, whose group commissioned the polling.” [Wisconsin Examiner, 4/24/20

Politics PA: PPP Poll: Wolf Holds Strong Approval on COVID-19, Trump Trails Biden by 7. “Another poll of battleground states shows Gov. Tom Wolf receiving high marks for his response to COVID-19 in comparison to President Donald Trump, while former Vice President Joe Biden also holds a lead in a head to head matchup over the president in the Keystone State. According to a new Public Policy Polling survey, a Democratic-affiliated polling firm that commissioned this poll with Protect Our Care, a significant majority of Pennsylvanians back Wolf’s actions in response to COVID-19, while Trump’s ratings on the issue are under water.” [Politics PA, 4/24/20

The Dispatch: The Latest Polls Bear Bad News for Trump. “When you drill down to the states most pivotal to Trump’s re-election, the numbers don’t look better. A recent Public Policy Polling survey of voters in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and North Carolina found that, on average, ‘the Democratic governors of those four battleground states have a net approval rating for their job on handling the coronavirus crisis that is 32 points higher than Trump’s.’” [The Dispatch, 4/24/20

Protect Our Care, Pollsters Discuss New Polling on President Trump’s Handling of Coronavirus Crisis in Four Key Battleground States

Protect Our Care Unveiled New Survey on Voters’ Opinions on Trump’s Response to Coronavirus in Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin

Read Key Findings from the Survey

Washington, DC — On a press call today, Protect Our Care along with Public Policy Polling and Geoff Garin of Hart Research discussed new polling on voters’ opinions on President Trump’s response to the coronavirus crisis. Additionally, Protect Our Care unveiled a new survey conducted with Public Policy Polling in Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin that finds voters in these key battleground states disapprove of Trump’s handling of the coronavirus crisis, trust their governors far more and oppose relaxing social distancing and recent protests to end stay-at-home orders.

Call Audio Available Here

Key findings from Protect Our Care/PPP survey of MI, NC, PA and WI voters:

  • On average the Governors’ net approval for their handling of the virus are 32 points better than Trump’s. 
  • On the head-to-head question of who voters trust more to protect their state from the coronavirus, the Governors on average beat Trump out by 21 points at 57-36:
  • On the question of who voters trust more to decide when to reopen their state the Governors lead Trump by an even wider average margin of 28 points at 61-33
  • The survey also finds that battleground state voters think social distancing measures need to stay in place and take a dim view of the protesters pushing for the country to immediately reopen: On average only 19% of voters think social distancing measures should be relaxed. 

“It’s no secret why voters in these states trust their governors more than President Trump to keep them safe during this crisis – his incoherent and disastrous response continues to put their health and safety at risk,” said Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse. “President Trump has shattered any credibility his administration might have had when it comes to leadership during this crisis. The more President Trump downplays the threat of coronavirus, lies about his administration’s response and vilifies state officials for trying to keep their citizens safe, the lower his approval will continue to fall in states he needs to win come November.” 

“The polling makes clear that voters have lost trust in Trump’s ability to lead them through this crisis,” said Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach. “And all signs show they will grow more concerned with his leadership the longer this crisis continues. Trump doesn’t learn from his mistakes, instead he repeats them. Americans want clear and consistent leadership to keep them safe during this crisis, but Trump continues to downplay the need for testing and ignore the advice of experts. Voters disagree with his decisions because they know them make them less safe. Americans overwhelmingly support continuing social distancing, they overwhelmingly oppose the protests that the president loves to watch on television and they don’t trust his efforts to rush the reopening of the economy. It’s no wonder they are rejecting his leadership.” 

WATCH: Senator Chris Murphy, Andy Slavitt and Protect Our Care Hold Roundtable Discussion on Trump’s Efforts to Rip Health Care from Millions During Coronavirus Crisis

Tuesday Morning’s Roundtable Discussion With Health Care Advocates Focused On How Trump’s Health Care Sabotage Has Worsened the Response to the Coronavirus Crisis

Watch Roundtable Here

Washington, DC — Today, Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), former CMS Administrator Andy Slavitt and Protect Our Care held a digital roundtable with health care advocates and reporters to discuss President Trump’s efforts to overturn the Affordable Care Act in Congress and the courts and to rip away Americans’ health care in the midst of a global pandemic. 

The roundtable discussion focused on how the Trump administration’s years-long sabotage of Americans’ health care has hindered our ability to adequately prepare for and respond to the coronavirus crisis. Participants also discussed the steps that Congress must take to address Americans’ health care needs during this crisis, including adequately funding testing, supporting Medicaid expansion and a special enrollment period for the uninsured, ending junk plans and stopping the Trump lawsuit that would rip health care away from more than 20 million Americans and end protections for 135 million people with pre-existing conditions.

Watch the discussion here