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President Obama Helps Launch Protect Our Care’s “ACA 10 Anniversary Tour” in New Video Marking Landmark Anniversary of His Signature Health Care Law

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Washington, DC — On Sunday, March 15, Protect Our Care will set out on a multi-state bus tour in key 2020 battleground states ahead of the 10 year anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Care Act on March 23. In a new video for Protect Our Care released today, former President Barack Obama marks the landmark anniversary and helps launch POC’s “ACA 10 Anniversary Tour” by highlighting the importance of his signature health care law which has allowed 20 million Americans to receive health coverage and continues to ensure protections for 135 million Americans with pre-existing conditions. 

President Obama concludes the video by saying: “So even as we celebrate, we commit ourselves to protecting the progress we’ve made until we finish the job for good with quality affordable coverage for every single American. Thank you to Protect Our Care for leading that fight, and to everyone who joins them.”

POC’s tour will kick off this Sunday in St. Paul, Minnesota before traveling to the key 2020 battleground states of Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and North Carolina. The tour will also include a stop in Washington, DC on March 23 where President Obama and other key health care leaders will hold a panel discussion to mark the anniversary.

Stops along the “ACA 10 Anniversary Tour” will include members of Congress, state and local lawmakers, health care advocates, doctors and patients who will speak about how the ACA has made a difference in the lives of those in their communities and how Republicans’ relentless war on health care, including their ongoing lawsuit to overturn the ACA, threatens their health care. The tour will hold vulnerable Republicans like U.S. Senators Joni Ernst (IA) and Thom Tillis (NC) accountable for failing to stop the Trump-Republican war on health care and will promote the work of newly elected House Democrats who are leading the charge to improve and strengthen the health care law and lower costs for Americans’ health care.  

Video script:

President Obama:
It’s been ten years since we passed the Affordable Care Act.
With your help, it’s the closest we’ve ever come to universal coverage in America.
There are people alive today because of what you did.
There are 135 million Americans whose pre-existing conditions are now protected because of what you did.
Young people who have been able to stay on their parents plans,
Seniors who’ve had an easier time affording their medicine,
Women who can’t be charged more just because they’re women, and a lot more.
That’s something worth celebrating, but it’s also progress worth protecting.
You helped protect it with your vote in 2018.
But even with a House of Representatives committed to building on the Affordable Care Act, Republicans will keep trying both in Congress and in the courts to rip away the care that millions of Americans rely on and to raise costs for millions more.
So even as we celebrate, we commit ourselves to protecting the progress we’ve made until we finish the job for good with quality affordable coverage for every single American.
Thank you to Protect Our Care for leading that fight, and to everyone who joins them.

Full “ACA 10 Anniversary Tour” schedule (more speakers to be added):

Sunday 3/15: St. Paul, MN

WHO: U.S. Senator Tina Smith, stage four cancer survivor Laura Packard
WHAT: Protect Our Care “ACA 10 Anniversary Tour” Press Conference
WHERE: St. Paul, MN
WHEN: 1:00 PM CT

Monday 3/16: Des Moines, IA

WHO: Stage four cancer survivor Laura Packard and local elected officials
WHAT: Protect Our Care “ACA 10 Anniversary Tour” Press Conference
WHERE: Iowa State Capitol, 1007 East Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA 50139
WHEN: 10:00 AM CT

Monday 3/16: Cedar Rapids, IA

WHO: Stage four cancer survivor Laura Packard and local elected officials
WHAT: Protect Our Care “ACA 10 Anniversary Tour” Press Conference
WHERE: Cedar Rapids, IA
WHEN: 2:00 PM CT

Tuesday 3/17: La Crosse, WI

WHO: U.S. Rep. Ron Kind (WI-03), stage four cancer survivor Laura Packard
WHAT: Protect Our Care “ACA 10 Anniversary Tour” Press Conference
WHERE: La Crosse, WI
WHEN: 10:00 AM CT

Tuesday 3/17: Madison, WI

WHO: WI Attorney General Josh Kaul, stage four cancer survivor Laura Packard
WHAT: Protect Our Care “ACA 10 Anniversary Tour” Press Conference
WHERE: Madison, WI
WHEN: 2:00 PM CT

Wednesday 3/18: Lansing, MI

WHO: Stage four cancer survivor Laura Packard and local elected officials
WHAT: Protect Our Care “ACA 10 Anniversary Tour” Press Conference
WHERE: Lansing, MI
WHEN: 10:00 AM ET

Wednesday 3/18: Canton, MI

WHO: U.S. Rep. Haley Stevens (MI-11), stage four cancer survivor Laura Packard, Beaumont Health Chief Operating Officer
WHAT: Protect Our Care “ACA 10 Anniversary Tour” Press Conference
WHERE: Beaumont Canton Hospital, 7300 N Canton Center Road, Canton, MI 48187
WHEN: 2:00 PM ET

Thursday 3/19: Wilkes-Barre, PA

WHO: U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright (PA-08), stage four cancer survivor Laura Packard
WHAT: Protect Our Care “ACA 10 Anniversary Tour” Press Conference
WHERE: Wilkes-Barre, PA
WHEN: 1:00 PM ET

Friday 3/20: Allentown, PA

WHO: U.S. Rep. Susan Wild (PA-07), stage four cancer survivor Laura Packard
WHAT: Protect Our Care “ACA 10 Anniversary Tour” Press Conference
WHERE: Allentown, PA
WHEN: 10:00 AM ET

Friday 3/20: Philadelphia, PA

WHO: PA Attorney General Josh Shapiro, stage four cancer survivor Laura Packard  
WHAT: Protect Our Care “ACA 10 Anniversary Tour” Press Conference
WHERE: Philadelphia, PA
WHEN: 2:00 PM ET

Monday 3/23: Washington, DC

WHO: Former President Barack Obama, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, AU President and former HHS Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell, Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach, former HHS Secretary and Governor of Kansas Kathleen Sebelius, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (PA), Governor of Kentucky Andy Beshear, U.S. Rep. Lauren Underwood (IL-14), stage four cancer survivor Laura Packard, political analyst and former senior White House official Paul Begala
WHAT: Protect Our Care Panel Conversation Marking the 10th Anniversary of the Passage of the Affordable Care Act
WHERE: American University, School of International Services Atrium, 4400 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016
WHEN: 12:30-3:30 PM ET

Wednesday 3/25: Charlotte, NC

WHO: Stage four cancer survivor Laura Packard and local elected officials
WHAT: Protect Our Care “ACA 10 Anniversary Tour” Press Conference
WHERE: Charlotte, NC
WHEN: 9:30 AM ET

Wednesday 3/25: Raleigh, NC

WHO: Stage four cancer survivor Laura Packard and local elected officials
WHAT: Protect Our Care “ACA 10 Anniversary Tour” Press Conference
WHERE: Raleigh, NC
WHEN: 2:30 PM ET

Former President Barack Obama and Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Mark 10th Anniversary of the Affordable Care Act at American University With Protect Our Care and Policy Leaders


Washington, DC — Former President Barack Obama and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi will be welcomed by American University President and former Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Sylvia M. Burwell for a conversation marking the 10th anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This conversation will be preceded by a panel discussion led by Protect Our Care featuring additional elected officials and policy leaders who have been fierce advocates for Americans’ health care. 

Former President Barack Obama
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
Sylvia M. Burwell, AU President and former HHS Secretary
Leslie Dach, Chair, Protect Our Care
Kathleen Sebelius, former HHS Secretary and Governor of Kansas
Bob Casey, U.S. Senator, Pennsylvania
Andy Beshear, Governor of Kentucky
Lauren Underwood, U.S. Representative, Illinois
Andy Slavitt, former Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Laura Packard, Stage 4 cancer survivor and health care advocate
Paul Begala, panel moderator, political analyst and former senior White House official 

12:30-3:30 PM on Monday, March 23, 2020

American University
School of International Services Atrium
4400 Massachusetts Ave NW (campus map)
Washington, DC 20016

Media interested in covering this event must RSVP by Monday, March 16 at noon to [email protected]. Please note that space for this event is limited. RSVP does not guarantee attendance but must be received in order to be considered for admittance. You will be notified of your credential status and all event details by Thursday, March 19 at noon.

Steve Daines: Not the Senator Montanans Need on Health Care

Daines Supports Repealing The Health Care Law Which Would Strip Coverage From More Than 112,000 Montanans And Protections For 425,900 Montanans with Pre-Existing Conditions

As Governor Steve Bullock (D), a supporter of the health care law who pushed through Medicaid expansion in Montana, announces his run for the U.S. Senate today, his opponent, Republican incumbent Steve Daines, is actively trying to rip the law apart and deny protections for over 400,000 Montanans with pre-existing conditions. When it comes to health care, Steve Daines is not on Montanans side and not the Senator they need. 

Senator Daines Voted Five Times To Repeal The Health Care Law: 

2013: Daines Voted For A Total Repeal Of The ACA. Daines voted for HR 45, an act “to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.” [HR 45, Roll Call Vote #154, 5/16/13

2014: Daines Campaigned On Repealing The ACA. “The Affordable Care Act (also known as ‘Obamacare’): Opposes it and wants to repeal it. Says he supports some elements, such as prohibiting insurers from considering pre-existing health conditions when setting prices, but that it’s a “series of broken promises” imposing unnecessary costs and bureaucracy on the health-care system. Says more competition should be injected into health-care and insurance markets and that individuals should get tax breaks for buying health insurance.” [Billings Gazette, 10/12/14

2015: Daines Voted To Repeal Most Of The ACA. Daines voted for legislation that gutted the Affordable Care Act by eliminating the insurance exchanges and subsidies, and repealing the Medicaid expansion accepted by 30 states, including Nevada. [HR 3762, Roll Call Vote #114, 12/3/15

  • Daines Promised To “Work Tirelessly To Repeal Obamacare.” “Senator Steve Daines today hailed the passage of legislation that repeals the President’s failed health care law and puts states on a glide path toward creating locally driven health care solutions, upholding the promise Daines made to Montanans to continue fighting to repeal Obamacare. ‘Last year, when I decided to run for Montana’s open Senate seat, I promised the people of Montana that I would work tirelessly to repeal Obamacare. Today, I upheld that promise and voted to repeal President Obama’s broken health care law,’ Daines stated. ‘President Obama will now have to decide whether to put the American people first, or if he’ll continue imposing fines and substandard care on the hardworking people of this country. If the President rejects the will of the American people and vetoes this bill, I will continue working to protect Montanans from rising health care costs.’” [Sen. Steve Daines Press Release, 12/3/15

What would full repeal of the Affordable Care Act eliminate?

  • Protections for 425,900 Montanans with pre-existing conditions, if they buy coverage on their own
  • Improvements to Medicare, including reduced costs for prescription drugs
  • Allowing kids to stay on their parents’ insurance until age 26
  • Ban on annual and lifetime limits
  • Ban on insurance discrimination against women
  • Limit on out-of-pocket costs
  • Medicaid expansion currently covering roughly 85,000 Montanans
  • Rules to hold insurance companies accountable
  • Small business tax credits
  • Marketplace tax credits and coverage for up to 37,193 Montanans

2017: Daines Voted For The Senate “Repeal And Delay” Plan. Daines voted for Obamacare Repeal and Replacement Act was a Republican effort to repeal the ACA without a replacement. Known as “repeal and delay,” the bill repealed major sections of the ACA, including the Medicaid expansion and premium tax credits, in 2020. [HR 1628, Roll Call Vote #169, 7/26/17

  • If Repeal and Delay became law, 32 million fewer people would have health insurance by 2026. 18 million Americans would lose health coverage just in the first year after repeal. 
  • Health insurance premiums would double for those in the individual market.

2017: Daines Voted For The Better Care Reconciliation Act. Daines voted for the Better Care Reconciliation Act, which repealed and replaced the ACA. [HR 1628, Roll Call Vote #168, 7/25/17

2017: Daines Voted For “Skinny Repeal” Of The ACA. Daines voted for “Skinny Repeal” of the ACA, which repealed the individual mandate and delayed the employer mandate while leaving most of the rest of the law in place. [HR 1628, Roll Call Vote #179, 7/28/17

According To CBO, Skinny Repeal Would Have Resulted In The Largest Coverage Loss in American History: 

    • At minimum, 15 million Americans would lose coverage in 2018. This would have been the biggest one-year increase in our nation’s history. 
    • Premiums would go up by roughly 20 percent 

2017: Daines Was Furious After The Senate Failed To Repeal The ACA. In a press release titled “Daines Blasts Failure to Repeal Obamacare,” Daines said, ‘Montanans have made it clear in election after election, they want Obamacare to be repealed and replaced. These families have paid far too much and have faced an increase of 133 percent in their premiums over the past five years. We must help these families and not let them suffer under this broken law anymore.’” [Sen. Steve Daines Press Release, 7/28/17

Daines Refuses To Condemn The Texas Lawsuit That Would Rip Coverage Away From More Than 112,000 Montanans

President Trump is trying to rip away our health care by going to court to eliminate the Affordable Care Act in its entirety. If the Texas lawsuit is successful, it will strip coverage from millions of Americans, raise premiums, end protections for people with pre-existing conditions, put insurance companies back in charge, and force seniors to pay more for prescription drugs. 

2020: Daines Refused To Answer Questions About The Texas Lawsuit. “Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.), who could face a challenge from his state’s governor, Democrat Steve Bullock, did not directly answer when asked if he supports the lawsuit, simply saying ‘we’re going to be talking about a lot between now and next year’ before walking into the Senate chamber. Daines spokeswoman Katie Schoettler later added in an email: ‘Obamacare has been disastrous for Montana and dramatically increased healthcare costs for Montanans. The Senator thinks that regardless of the outcome, Congress must protect people with preexisting conditions.’” [The Hill, 3/6/20

Daines Voted For The Tax Bill Which Forms The Basis For The Trump-Republican Lawsuit. Daines was a key vote for the Republican tax bill, which repealed a key provision of the Affordable Care Act that required most people to have health coverage and which is the basis of the Trump-Republican lawsuit seeking to overturn the Affordable Care Act. 

Daines Refused To Support Authorizing The Senate Legal Counsel To Intervene In The Trump-Republican Lawsuit And Defend The ACA. Daines refused to sponsor a resolution (S. Res. 18), which would authorize Senate legal counsel to defend the Affordable Care Act against attack in Texas v. Azar.

If the Texas lawsuit is successful:

  • 112,000 Montanans could lose coverage. According to the Urban Institute, 112,000 Montanans would lose coverage by repealing the Affordable Care Act, leading to a 126 percent increase in the uninsured rate.
  • 7,000 Montana young adults with their parents’ coverage could lose care. Because of the Affordable Care Act, millions of young adults are able to stay on their parents’ care until age 26.
  • Montanans would lose important federal health care funding — an estimated reduction of $1.1 billion in the first year. The Urban Institute estimates that a full repeal of the ACA would reduce federal spending on Montanans’ Medicaid/CHIP care and Marketplace subsidies by $1.1 billion, or 49.2 percent in the first year.
  • Insurance companies would be put back in charge, ending protections for the 425,900 Montanans with a pre-existing condition. 425,900 Montanans have a pre-existing condition, including 54,000 Montana children, 206,000 Montana women, and 116,400 Montanans between ages 55 and 64. 

Daines Has Voted To Slash Medicare And Medicaid

2017: Daines Voted To Cut Medicare By $473 Billion. Daines voted for the FY 2018 budget resolution, which included $473 billion in cuts to Medicare over 10 years. [H Con Res 71, Vote #245, 10/19/17; Vox, 10/26/17

2017: Daines Voted To Slash $1.3 Trillion From Medicaid. Daines voted for the FY 2018 budget resolution, which cut funding for non-Medicare health programs, most notably Medicaid, by 1.3 trillion, a 20 percent cut over the course of 10 years, increasing to a 29.3 percent cut by 2027. [H Con Res 71, Vote #245, 10/19/17; Vox, 10/26/17

Daines Was Supportive Of The Graham-Cassidy-Heller Bill Which Would Have Slashed Medicaid Funding For Montana. “Republican Steve Daines said the GOP’s latest attempt at a health care re-do could be good for Montana. The Graham-Cassidy bill would replace current flow of the federal money for Medicaid and other ACA subsidies with block grants. Those block grants will be smaller than current federal ACA support levels in some states, but Daines said it looks like Montana will receive more money. Dating back to his 2013 term in the U.S. House, Daines has been a consistent yes vote for repealing the ACA. ‘You look at what’s going on in Montana with the fiscal situation,’ Daines said. ‘The governor has a train wreck going on. Under the current Obamacare legislation, Medicaid is on a glide path, down from 100 percent to 90 percent. That shift, under current law, will even add more fuel.’” [Billings Gazette, 9/20/17

  • Avalere: $4 Trillion Cut To States Over Next Two Decades, Including $11 Billion Cut To Montanans. Independent analysts at Avalere estimated that states collectively would lose $215 billion from 2020 to 2026 from the plans block grants and Medicaid cap, another $283 billion in 2027 when the block grant funding disappears altogether and $4 trillion over the next two decades. Montana would see a $1 billion reduction in 2027 and a $11 billion cut over two decades.
  • 54,775 Montanans Enrolled Through Medicaid Expansion At Risk. The Graham-Cassidy bill would eliminate Medicaid expansion, which has helped 54,775 Montanans receive quality, affordable coverage, and put part of its funding into inadequate block grants. The bill would further punish states that expanded Medicaid by redistributing funds to states that did not expand Medicaid.

Daines Supports “Junk” Insurance Plans That Can Refuse To Cover Pre-Existing Conditions

2019: Daines Voted To Uphold The Expansion Of “Junk” Insurance Plans. Daines voted against a Congressional Review Act resolution to overturn a Trump administration health care policy that allows the expansion of short term health care plans that do not have to guarantee coverage for pre-existing conditions or cover essential health benefits. [SJ Res 52, Roll Call Vote #337, 10/30/19

2018: Daines Voted To Allow The Expansion Of “Junk” Insurance Plans. Daines voted against a resolution to block President Trump from expanding access to short-term health care plans. [SJ Res 63, Roll Call Vote #226, 10/10/18

Junk plans allow insurance companies to deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions, limit care, and put consumers at risk of financial ruin and limit the care consumers get: 

  • Junk Plans Are Allowed To Discriminate Against People With Pre-Existing Conditions. “Policyholders who get sick may be investigated by the insurer to determine whether the newly-diagnosed condition could be considered pre-existing and so excluded from coverage.” [Kaiser Family Foundation, 2/9/18]
  • As Many As 130 Million Nonelderly Americans Have A Pre-Existing Condition. [Center for American Progress, 4/5/17]
  • 1 in 4 Children Would Be Impacted If Insurance Companies Could Deny Or Charge More Because Of A Pre-Existing Condition. [Center for American Progress, 4/5/17]
  • Junk Plans Can Refuse To Cover Essential Health Benefits. “Typical short-term policies do not cover maternity care, prescription drugs, mental health care, preventive care, and other essential benefits, and may limit coverage in other ways.” [Kaiser Family Foundation, 2/9/18]
  • Under Many Junk Plans, Benefits Are Capped At $1 Million Or Less. Short-term plans can impose lifetime and annual limits – “for example, many policies cap covered benefits at $1 million or less.” [Kaiser Family Foundation, 2/9/18]
  • Commonwealth Fund: “Cost Sharing Designs In Short-Term Coverage Leave Members Facing Major, Unpredictable Financial Risk.” “The out-of-pocket maximum for each best-selling plan is higher than that allowed in individual or employer plans under the ACA, when adjusting for the shorter plan duration. When considering the deductible, the best-selling plans have out-of-pocket maximums ranging from $7,000 to $20,000 for just three months of coverage. In comparison, the ACA limits out-of-pocket maximums to $7,150 for the entire year.” [Commonwealth Fund, 8/11/17]
  • Short-Term Junk Plans Can Retroactively Cancel Coverage After Patients File Claims. “Individuals in STLDI plans would be at risk for rescission. Rescissions are retroactive cancellations of coverage, often occurring after individuals file claims due to medical necessity. While enrollees in ACA coverage cannot have their policy retroactively cancelled, enrollees in STLDI plans can.” [Wakely/ACAP, April 2018]

Daines, A Big Recipient Of Pharmaceutical Cash, Has Refused To Support Medicare Drug Price Negotiations

After nearly a full term in office, Steve Daines has never taken a position on allowing Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices, while accepting more than $100,000 in campaign contributions from pharmaceutical giants.  Daines also voted for the 2017 GOP tax law — a giveaway to big pharma so large that just four pharmaceutical companies pocketed a massive $7 billion in tax savings in 2018 alone, all while prices for patients continue to rise. 

Daines Has Received Over $100,000 In Pharma Contributions Over His Career. From 2007-2020 Daines has received $110,000 in contributions from pharmaceutical companies. [Kaiser Health News, 9/3/19

  • Daines Claims That He Doesn’t Let His Contributions From Big Pharma Affect His Votes. “Greg Findley pointed to data compiled by Kaiser Health News that shows Daines has accepted $50,000 from pharmaceutical companies so far this election cycle. Tester has received $12,500, while Rep. Greg Gianforte, a Bozeman Republican, has received $4,000. ‘Might it be better if we got pharmaceutical money and big industry money out of politics?’ he asked. Daines said he doesn’t let donations affect the way he votes. ‘If the pharma companies go home unhappy and Montanans go home happier, I’m doing the right thing,’ he said.” [Bozeman Daily Chronicle, 9/14/19

Daines Supports Drug Pricing Legislation From Chuck Grassley That Does Not Include Medicare Negotiations. “A bipartisan attempt to cut prescription drug costs more than $100 billion passed out of Senate Finance Committee with the support of the U.S. Sen. Steve Daines. […] The bill is known as the ‘Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act of 2019.’ ‘What we saw today is that bipartisan compromise isn’t dead. Today was about making life easier for Montanans,’ Daines said in a post-vote press conference. Daines is a Senate Finance Committee member. ‘It’s about cutting out-of-pocket costs and lowering prescription drug costs for seniors, for hardworking moms and dads, for grandmas and grandpas, frankly for Montanans in every corner of our state.’” [Billings Gazette, 7/25/19

Daines Claims That Rural Hospitals Are “Critical” But His Policies Could Force Hospital Closures In Montana

Daines Called Rural Hospitals Critical. “U.S. Senator Steve Daines today sent a letter to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Tom Price regarding health care in rural America. The letter emphasizes the importance of rural health-care providers and their critical role in rural communities. ‘As you take on this new leadership role at HHS, we request that you work with us to ensure that the federal government does not act as an impediment to providing health care in rural communities,’ Daines wrote. ‘Overreaching and onerous regulations from Washington disproportionately harm rural America. We believe that together we can enact and implement effective policies that help providers innovate in care delivery and enable them to make efficient use of available resources.’” [Sen. Steve Daines Press Release, 2/15/17

HEADLINE: “Rural hospitals rely on Medicaid expansion to stay open, study shows” [PBS Newshour, 1/9/18

ACA Repeal Like The Bills Daines Voted For Could Cost Montana Rural Health Providers Millions Of Dollars And “Cripple Rural America.” “The election in November of Republican majorities in the House and Senate and a Republican president means the Affordable Care Act is likely to be repealed when the new Congress convenes in January. But many Montanans, despite significant criticism of the law known as Obamacare, wonder what the future of affordable health care will look like for thousands of people in this state if it goes away. In an effort to understand community perspective, Senator Jon Tester met with some of those Montanans, along with about 25 healthcare professionals from various facilities, at Missoula’s Providence St. Patrick Hospital Saturday afternoon for a Missoula Healthcare Roundtable. Although Tester, a Democrat, started the discussion with introductions, he quickly turned it over to the participants with a single question: How would a potential partial or full repeal of the ACA impact your community? For Mineral County, a repeal of the ACA without an immediate similar or better healthcare plan could mean the loss of the county’s only hospital, according to Ron Gleason, CEO of Mineral Community Hospital. The hospital treats everyone in Mineral County, which Gleason said has a large low-income and veteran population, and is operating with a minimum staff. Gleason said the hospital will be closing its assisted living center in February and a repeal of the ACA would mean a loss of even more funding. If Mineral Community Hospital closed, Gleason said there wouldn’t be another health center for miles, and much of the population would move or be left without care. […] Rural Community Health Centers, which serve more than 100,000 people, could face the loss of 70 percent of their funding. Tester said Lincoln County alone could lose up to $2.5 million a year in asbestos-related disease screening and support. Ken Burd, a Granite County Hospital board member, said the loss of the ACA would set off a series of unintentional events that would eventually cripple rural America. Rural America, Burd said, depends on blue collar, industrial jobs and recreational outdoor activity, both of which are injury prone. Without affordable emergency care, people will stop working industrial jobs and move away from rural America. ‘So this would have larger impacts socially and economically than I think people are looking at now,’ Burd said.” [Missoulian, 1/7/17

Rural Health In Montana By The Numbers


  • 64 percent of Montana’s non-elderly population lives in a non-metro rural area or small town
  • 17 percent of Montanans living in rural areas are uninsured, compared to 17 percent of Montanans living in nonrural areas.
  • Since the Affordable Care Act, the uninsured rate has fallen by 10 percent in rural parts of Montana.
  • 17 percent of Montanans living in rural areas have health coverage through Medicaid. 
  • The Affordable Care Act led to a $40 million reduction in Montana uncompensated care costs. Between 2013 and 2015, Montana hospitals’ uncompensated care costs decreased by $40 million, or roughly 22 percent.
  • In Montana, where lawmakers expanded Medicaid, no rural hospitals have closed since 2010.




Driving the Day: Over the weekend the New York Times, the Washington Post and POLITICO ran stories on the profound disarray in the administration’s response and how it’s left America at risk.

What to Watch For: After spending Sunday golfing with members of the Washington Nationals, today President Trump will attend campaign fundraisers in Florida for the second time in three days and return to Washington, DC in the afternoon. As of now Trump has no coronavirus-related events scheduled this week. The vice president will hold a conference call with governors on coronavirus and will brief the press with the task force at 5:30 PM. Bernie Sanders is holding a coronavirus-focused public health roundtable in Detroit.

Coronavirus Update

  • HUD Secretary Ben Carson appeared on ABC’s This Week and said the administration was “still coming up with” a plan to safely treat and evacuate the 3,500 people aboard the Grand Princess, which is scheduled to dock in Oakland tomorrow. Carson also assured viewers that “there’s no reason you shouldn’t go” to Trump rallies during the outbreak.

  • On Meet the Press, Anthony Fauci said the administration was moving to “mitigation” strategies, including social distancing and said the administration now has a “better sense” of what’s happening and it’s “not encouraging.” On Fox News Sunday, Fauci said that he has insisted that passengers should “absolutely not” be held aboard the ship for quarantine and urged older Americans not to go on cruises.

  • Surgeon General Jerome Adams appeared on ABC’s This Week and praised President Trump saying, that he “sleeps less than I do and he’s healthier than what I am.” Adams was unable to give an answer to the question of how many Americans have been tested for coronavirus. The Surgeon General later tweeted to urge employers to offer flexibility and paid leave for their staff.

  • Sunday night Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) announced that after shaking hands with someone diagnosed with coronavirus at CPAC he wlll self quarantine in Texas. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) announced that he and three members of his senior staff are also self-quarantining. While at CPAC numerous members of the administration, including the president, downplayed the risks and impacts of coronavirus. NBC News reported that members of Congress are increasingly concerned about the virus and there is growing pressure on leadership to take steps to protect them, including a potentially extended recess.

  • House and Senate Democrats called for a set of economic policy changes, including paid sick leave, to protect working Americans and those put at severe economic risk from coronavirus.

Federal Preparedness
The Atlantic (Ideas): The U.S. Isn’t Ready for What’s About to Happen
The Atlantic: What Could Happen if the Coronavirus Closed Schools for Days, Weeks, or Even Months
Bloomberg: U.S. Moves From Containment to Preparing for Daily Disruptions
Bloomberg: Trump Virus Adviser Is a Rarity in White House Ruled by Loyalty
Bloomberg: Fauci Says Sense on Coronavirus Scope Is ‘Not Encouraging’
Bloomberg: Trump’s Aides Drafting Economic Measures to Combat Virus Fallout
HuffPost: The Coronavirus Outbreak Is About To Put Hospital Capacity To A Severe Test
Kaiser Health News: Surging Health Care Worker Quarantines Raise Concerns As Coronavirus Spreads
Los Angeles Times: ‘We’re past the point of containment’: Coronavirus fight enters new phase
Miami Herald: State Department warns against traveling by cruise ship during coronavirus outbreak
New York Times: Not His First Epidemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci Sticks to the Facts
New York Times: U.S. Health Experts Say Stricter Measures Are Required to Limit Coronavirus’s Spread
Politico: Top health official to older Americans: ‘Don’t get on a cruise ship’
Politico: Health officials shift tone on coronavirus, say elderly and sick at risk
Talking Points Memo: Surgeon General On Admin’s Coronavirus Rhetoric: ‘Messaging Is Hard’
Vox: The Trump administration doesn’t yet have a plan to handle Grand Princess coronavirus cases, officials say
Washington Post: Health agencies’ funding cuts challenge coronavirus response
Washington Post: With global economy in balance, the White House and Fed are at odds over how to help

Affordability and Access
New York Times (Editorial): With Coronavirus, ‘Health Care for Some’ Is a Recipe for Disaster
New York Times: Coronavirus Highlights the Pitfalls of Health Deductibles
Popular Information: Free breadsticks during a coronavirus outbreak
Slate (Opinion): Medicaid for All Who Face the Coronavirus

Daily Beast: Surgeon General to Jake Tapper: Trump Is ‘Healthier’ Than I Am
New York Times: State Dept. Tells Americans to Avoid Cruise Ships, Despite Trump’s Misgivings
New York Times (Opinion): Trump, His Eye on the Border, Overlooked the Coronavirus Threat
New York Times (Analysis): For Trump, Coronavirus Proves to Be an Enemy He Can’t Tweet Away
New Yorker (Comment): Trump in the Time of the Coronavirus
Slate: Trump Plays Golf While Coronavirus Cases Surge
Washington Examiner (Opinion): Coronavirus is exposing Trump’s unsuitability to handle a crisis
Washington Post: Coronavirus case at CPAC brings outbreak closer to Trump, threatening to upend his routine amid reelection bid
Washington Post (Analysis): After stopping at the CDC on his way to Mar-a-Lago, Trump heads to the golf course two days in a row

Congressional Activity
Axios: Ted Cruz to self-quarantine after contact with coronavirus patient
KAFF: Congressman Paul Gosar Says He Will Stay In Arizona After COVID-19 Scare At CPAC
NBC: Anxiety in an aging Congress as coronavirus marches across U.S.

Economic Impacts
Bloomberg: Apple’s Cook Offers Work From Home This Week to Many Global Employees
CNBC: Dow set to tank 1,300 points, Treasury yields crater as oil crashes amid all-out price war
New York Times: Surge of Virus Misinformation Stumps Facebook and Twitter
Politico: America’s workers face an outbreak of uncertainty

In The States
New York Times: Failures on the Diamond Princess Shadow Another Cruise Ship Outbreak

Kansas City Star: As coronavirus arrives, Kansas confronts history of underfunding public health

New Jersey
Politico: CDC has yet to confirm any of New Jersey’s 6 presumed coronavirus cases

New York
Bloomberg: New York Coronavirus Test Delays Meant Days Without Diagnosis
Bloomberg: De Blasio Expects Hundreds of New NYC Cases in Coming Weeks
New York Post: FDNY issues order pulling back firefighters from calls describing coronavirus symptoms; says it is prioritizing responses
New York Times: Coronavirus in N.Y.: Cuomo Attacks C.D.C. Over Delays in Testing

CNN: This nursing home is at the center of Washington’s coronavirus. Here’s what one first responder saw there
Seattle Times: Mourning losses and unsure of what’s to come, Seattle area watches warily as coronavirus spreads

Washington, DC
Washington Post: D.C.’s first coronavirus case is church rector; Virginia has second presumptive case, bringing region’s total to 7

Trump Tweets

“The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation, far beyond what the facts would warrant. Surgeon General, ‘The risk is low to the average American.’” [@realDonaldTrump, 3/9/20] “We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House for our attack on CoronaVirus. We moved VERY early to close borders to certain areas, which was a Godsend. V.P. is doing a great job. The Fake News Media is doing everything possible to make us look bad. Sad!” [@realDonaldTrump, 3/8/20]

Are You Kidding Me??!! Trump’s Most Outrageous Coronavirus Comments This Week

The news coverage on the spread of the coronavirus is rapidly evolving making it easy to miss some of President Trump’s most egregious comments about his bungled response to the coronavirus outbreak in the United States. President Trump continues to focus more on his own reelection and trying to boost the stock market than taking responsibility and doing the work necessary to keep Americans safe.

1. He “Stopped” The Coronavirus

At the signing of the $8 billion emergency spending package today, President Trump falsely claimed, “we closed it down…we stopped [the virus].” Meanwhile, U.S. cases continue to surge, with new cases reported in Maryland and the death toll reaching 14 Americans as of this morning.

2. Silver Lining: People Are Spending Money In The United States

At a Fox News town hall in Scranton, President Trump said there was a silver lining to coronavirus, which is that “People are now staying in the United States, spending their money in the US — and I like that.” This came amid reports of catastrophic losses for the domestic travel industry and panic buying by American consumers as well as another nearly 1,000 point loss in the stock market. Trump concluded “It’s all going to work out. Everybody needs to be calm. We have plans for every single possibility.”

3. Obama Administration Is At Fault For Difficulties Testing People For Virus

At a meeting with airline executives, President Trump blamed the Obama administration for difficulties with the coronavirus test saying, “The Obama administration made a decision on testing that turned out to be very detrimental to what we’re doing & we undid that decision a few days ago so that testing can take place in a much more accurate and rapid fashion.”

4. People With Symptoms Should Go To Work

On Wednesday night Trump appeared on Sean Hannity’s program on Fox News and provided dangerously incorrect information to the roughly 3.5 million viewers of the show. Trump said he believed WHO estimates of the coronavirus death rate are “false” and that based on his “hunch,” he believes the actual number is “way under 1%.” Trump then said “a lot of people will have this and it’s very mild” and implied that it was all right for people to continue to go to work while sick, directly contradicting directives from the CDC and state and local public health authorities.

5. Vaccine Is Three To Four Months Away

Speaking to the press while meeting with President Ivan Duque of Colombia, President Trump said that he has asked pharmaceutical companies to “accelerate whatever they’re doing in terms of a vaccine,” and reassured his supporters that it is “very safe” for him to continue to hold campaign rallies during the outbreak. At the meeting with pharmaceutical executives, Trump said he heard that a vaccine can be ready in three to four months and was corrected by Dr. Anthony Fauci who said the vaccine won’t be ready to deploy for at least a year.

At his rally in North Carolina on Monday night, Trump celebrated the stock market rebound and praised pharmaceutical executives who he said would have a vaccine ready “relatively soon” as well as “something that makes you better, and that’s going to actually take place we think even sooner.” Trump accused Democrats of politicizing the crisis and “denigrating the noble work of our public health professionals” and attacked “fringe globalists” who want to keep borders open and allow infection into the US.

Trump Uses Fox Town Hall to Spread Coronavirus Misinformation, Double-Down on Texas Lawsuit, and Once Again Threaten Medicare and Medicaid

Washington, DC — Yesterday, President Trump participated in a Fox News town hall in Scranton, Pennsylvania where he continued to spread misinformation about the coronavirus, doubled-down on his support for the disastrous Texas lawsuit that would overturn the Affordable Care Act, and announced his intention to cut Medicare and Medicaid if he’s elected to a second term. In response, Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach released the following statement:

“The president once again showed his true colors on health care. He’s willing to spread misinformation about the potential impacts of the coronavirus while leaving Americans unprepared because he’s apparently more interested in his politics than in protecting America. He doubled-down on his disastrous health care agenda — including his lawsuit that would rip coverage from millions of people and threatening to cut Medicare and Medicaid — at a time when access to quality, affordable care is more important than ever to combat coronavirus. It’s clear to the American people that President Trump’s relentless war on Medicare, Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act is threatening their health.”


Trump Is All-In On The Texas Lawsuit, Threatening Health Care For Millions. After failing to repeal the health care law, Trump took his war on America’s health care to a new level and went to court seeking to strike down the entire Affordable Care Act–including protections for pre-existing conditions. If President Trump and his Republican allies have their way, 20 million Americans will lose their insurance coverage, 135 million Americans with pre-existing conditions will be stripped of their protections, and costs will go up for millions. Meanwhile, his administration has said there is “not a need” for a replacement plan.

Trump Has Repeatedly Sought Cuts To Medicaid and Medicare. In his 2021 budget, Trump proposed more than $1 trillion in cuts from Medicaid, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act. Through his support for repeal and the Texas lawsuit, President Trump has supported eliminating Medicaid expansion which has provided coverage to 17 million Americans in 37 states. His administration has also attacked Medicaid by championing block grants and work requirements.

Trump Is Spreading Misinformation About The Outbreak. President Trump said there was a silver lining to coronavirus, which is that “People are now staying in the United States, spending their money in the US — and I like that.” This came amid reports of catastrophic losses for the domestic travel industry and panic buying by American consumers as well as another nearly 1,000 point loss in the stock market. Trump concluded “It’s all going to work out. Everybody needs to be calm. We have plans for every single possibility.” 


Driving the Day: Vice President Pence admitted the administration’s response is inadequate, saying that there are not enough tests available stating, “We don’t have enough tests today to meet what we anticipate will be the demand going forward.”

What to Watch For: The president will sign the emergency funding bill today. Trump was scheduled to visit the CDC in Atlanta today, but the trip has been canceled because, “The CDC has been proactive and prepared since the very beginning and the President does not want to interfere with the CDC’s mission to protect the health and welfare of their people and the agency.” Instead, Trump will visit the scene of the deadly tornadoes in Nashville and attend a campaign fundraiser in Palm Beach. Trump was scheduled to address the HIMSS health technology conference in Orlando next week, but the conference has been canceled due to coronavirus concerns.

The coronavirus task force will brief the press at 5:00 today. Over the weekend Mike Pence will meet with leaders in the cruise industry. Dr. Anthony Fauci will appear on Fox News Sunday.

Coronavirus Update 

  • At a Fox News town hall in Scranton, President Trump said there was a silver lining to coronavirus, which is that “People are now staying in the United States, spending their money in the US — and I like that.” This came amid reports of catastrophic losses for the domestic travel industry and panic buying by American consumers as well as another nearly 1,000 point loss in the stock market. Trump concluded “It’s all going to work out. Everybody needs to be calm. We have plans for every single possibility.”

  • On a trip to Washington state, Vice President Pence supported Trump’s dismissal of the WHO’s estimate of a 3.4% death rate from the virus saying, “I support the president’s judgement that we’re going to continue to learn more about this.” Appearing on CNN, Dr. Fauci also gave tempered support to Trump’s assertion, saying that “clearly” the death rate was lower than 3.4% but it was unknown how much lower. An anonymous administration official attempted to clean up Trump’s remarks on Hannity about sick people continuing to go to work, telling NPR that the president was referring to telework.

  • Trump admitted that he is ignoring CDC advice to stop shaking hands saying “there’s no nice way” not to do it. On a visit to Washington state, Pence used an “elbow bump” to safely greet participants in his briefing. On a visit to 3M in Minnesota, Vice President Pence urged healthy people not to buy or wear facemasks and reduce the supply available for those who really need them. This came less than 24 hours after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) facetiously wore a gas mask on the floor of the House while debating the coronavirus funding bill.

  • The Senate passed the emergency coronavirus spending bill 96-1, with Rand Paul voting no. During debate on the bill, Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) continued to push the false narrative that the Grassley drug pricing bill would ensure that coronavirus drugs are affordable.

  • Questions about the affordability and availability of testing and treatment continued with Washington and California mandating that insurers waive copays and deductibles for testing and AHIP, the country’s largest health insurance trade group, announcing that its members will voluntarily cover all coronavirus tests. Vice President Pence admitted that there are not enough tests available saying, “We don’t have enough tests today to meet what we anticipate will be the demand going forward.” A cruise ship with thousands of potentially ill passengers remains anchored off San Francisco as acting Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Ken Cuccinelli and HHS Assistant Secretary Robert Kadlac testified that there is not sufficient quarantine and treatment capacity available to bring people ashore.

  • nurse at a Kaiser hospital in northern California has come forward to say that she is currently in quarantine after treating a coronavirus patient and being denied testing by the CDC even though her doctor and county public health provider have ordered it. In response, a CDC spokesperson said they were unaware of the nurses case but would “recommend a health care worker who had contact with a confirmed case and then became ill be tested.” A Vice reporter said she returned from a reporting trip to the epicenter of Italy’s outbreak and was asked no questions at US customs at JFK about where she had been or if she had had contact with sick people. Anthony Fauci appeared on CNN’s New Day on Friday morning to say that virus screening got off to “a slow start” and there were some “missteps” with regard to the CDC’s test, but the problems have now been addressed.

Federal Preparedness
Axios: We should have seen the coronavirus coming
CNN: Pence admits ‘we don’t have enough tests’ to meet demands as delay in coronavirus testing persists
CNN: DHS denies 241 people entry at US ports and airports over coronavirus
Bloomberg: U.S. to Miss Rollout Goal This Week on Virus Tests, Senators Say
Bloomberg: The Search for New Drugs for Coronavirus Faces Long Odds
Kaiser Health News: During A Pandemic, States’ Patchwork Of Crisis Plans Could Mean Uneven Care 
Kaiser Health News: Blood Drives — And Donors — Fall Off As Coronavirus Worries Grow
NBC News: Officials Say Coronavirus Tests Are Here. Where Are They?
NBC News: Scientists were close to a coronavirus vaccine years ago. Then the money dried up.
New York Times: Nursing Homes Are Starkly Vulnerable To Coronavirus
Politico: Nursing homes inspectors to focus on preventing infections, CMS says
Politico: Squabble over mask shortage erupts as coronavirus spreads
Time: ‘Doomed from the Start.’ Experts Say the Trump Administration’s Coronavirus Response Was Never Going to Work
Washington Post: Expanded Coronavirus Testing May Overwhelm Lab Capacity, Say Some Experts
Washington Post: Sick cruise passengers await coronavirus test results at sea as officials debate quarantine
Washington Post: This regulation could protect health-care workers from the coronavirus. It hangs in limbo.
Washington Post: State Department blames ‘swarms of online, false personas’ from Russia for wave of coronavirus misinformation online

Data for Progress: Voters Support Capping the Cost of the Coronavirus Vaccine
The Hill: Coronavirus testing could cost some patients extra
Huff Post: How The Government Could Make Coronavirus Treatment Affordable
New York Times: The Rich Are Preparing for Coronavirus Differently
Politico: Insurers promise to cover coronavirus tests, relax coverage policies
Politico: How the drug industry got its way on the coronavirus
Wall Street Journal: States, Insurers Move to Limit Coronavirus Testing Costs for Patients

Huff Post: Amid A Global Crisis, Trump Keeps Lying And Misleading About Pretty Much Everything
Mother Jones: Here Are 17 Ways the Trump Administration Bungled Its Coronavirus Response
NPR: Trump’s Gut Collides With Science On Coronavirus Messaging
Politico: White House sidelines Azar from coronavirus response
Politico: Trump’s coronavirus musings put scientists on edge
Politico: A presidency of two for coronavirus: Trump hands his sidekick the job of a savior
Politico: The coronavirus is a globalist. Here are 5 ways that’s a problem for Trump.
Talking Points Memo: Trump Tries To Downplay Coronavirus Death Rate, Claims Virus Is ‘Not That Severe’
Talking Points Memo: The Trump Coronavirus Team Keeps Falsely Blaming Obama For Testing Disaster
Vox: “This is just my hunch”: Trump goes on Fox News and spreads misinformation about the coronavirus
Washington Post: Trump’s Inaccurate Coronavirus Vaccine Timeline
Washington Post: The Trump administration’s greatest obstacle to sending a clear message on coronavirus may be Trump himself
Washington Post (Analysis): Trump’s habit of fudging inconvenient numbers enters dangerous territory

Congressional Activity
The Hill: Congressional Leaders Downplay Possibility Of Capitol Closing Due To Coronavirus 
NBC: Senate passes $8.3 billion emergency bill to combat coronavirus
Politico: 6 things to know about the coronavirus funding package
Roll Call: Congressional leaders talk contingency plans for coronavirus on Capitol Hill

Economic Impacts
Axios: Southwest Airlines CEO compares coronavirus travel declines to post-9/11
Bloomberg: Airline Warnings Show Coronavirus’s Sudden Risk to U.S. Travel
Bloomberg: Costco’s February Sales Boosted by Surge in Virus-Fueled Demand
Buzzfeed: Uber Finally Told Its Drivers What To Do About Coronavirus: Wash Their Hands
CNN: ‘This is a crisis.’ Airlines face $113 billion hit from the coronavirus
Kaiser Health News: With Coronavirus Lurking, Conferences Wrestle With Whether To Cancel
USA Today: Coronavirus: Working At An Airport Without Health Insurance
Wall Street Journal: Amazon Dogged by Price Gouging as Coronavirus Fears Grow
Washington Post: U.S. markets tank as coronavirus outlook worsens

Opinion And Analysis
Crooked Media: Joe Biden, Republicans and Coronavirus
New York Times (Opinion): Trump’s Calamitous Coronavirus Response
New York Times (Opinion): When Coronavirus Quarantine Is Class Warfare
Playboy: COVID-19, Libel Lawsuits and the Search for Answers at the White House
ProPublica: I Lived Through SARS and Reported on Ebola. These Are the Questions We Should Be Asking About Coronavirus.
Wall Street Journal (Opinion): The Case for a Big Coronavirus Stimulus
Washington Post (Outlook): Testing for the coronavirus might have stopped it. Now it’s too late.

In The States

Los Angeles Times: On Grand Princess, confusion, missteps reigned as coronavirus spread, passengers say
New York Times: California Reports First Coronavirus Death As Symptoms Swirl On Cruise Ship
Sacramento Bee: California directs some health insurers to waive co-pays, deductibles for coronavirus tests

Baltimore Sun: Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan Wants To Tap Millions Of Dollars In Emergency Funds To Prepare For Coronavirus
Politico: Maryland declares state of emergency as 3 coronavirus cases confirmed

Boston Globe: Biogen employees test positive for coronavirus as third case is announced in Mass.
WBUR: Gov. Baker Urges Schools, Colleges To Cancel International Travel Due To Coronavirus Concerns

New York
New York Times: After Family Gets Coronavirus, New York Suburb Is Gripped by Anxiety
New York Times: Coronavirus in N.Y.: 2,733 People Are Under Quarantines in City

North Carolina
Charlotte Observer: Contacts Of NC Coronavirus Patient Under Voluntary Quarantine
North Carolina Health News: Officials Say Get Ready For Coronavirus

WTVF: Gov. Bill Lee announces first confirmed case of coronavirus in Williamson County

Dallas Morning News: Houston-Area Man May Be First Texas Case Of Coronavirus Outside Quarantine

NPR: Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft Tell Seattle Workers To Stay Home
New York Times: ‘We Anticipate She Has the Coronavirus. We Do Not Anticipate Her Fighting This.’
Reuters: Washington State Urges Patience As Covid-19 Test Delays Stoke Anger

Trump Tweets

“Gallup just gave us the highest rating ever for the way we are handling the CoronaVirus situation. The April 2009-10 Swine Flu, where nearly 13,000 people died in the U.S., was poorly handled. Ask MSDNC & lightweight Washington failure @RonaldKlain, who the President was then?” [@realDonaldTrump, 3/5/20]

“With approximately 100,000 CoronaVirus cases worldwide, and 3,280 deaths, the United States, because of quick action on closing our borders, has, as of now, only 129 cases (40 Americans brought in) and 11 deaths. We are working very hard to keep these numbers as low as possible!” [@realDonaldTrump, 3/5/20]

“I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work. This is just more Fake News and disinformation put out by the Democrats, in particular MSDNC. Comcast covers the CoronaVirus situation horribly, only looking to do harm to the incredible & successful effort being made!” [@realDonaldTrump, 3/5/20]

Sen. Chris Murphy, Protect Our Care Discuss President Trump’s Disastrous Response to Threat of Coronavirus; Highlight Poll Showing Americans’ Disapproval of Trump’s Handling of the Issue

Protect Our Care Discussed President Trump’s Decision to Put Politics Over Preparedness on Coronavirus and New Poll Showing Americans’ Grave Concerns Over His Response on a Press Call Today

Listen to the call HERE

Washington, DC — On a press call this afternoon, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Protect Our Care called out President Trump for his disastrous response to the threat of coronavirus and discussed how his failure to adequately prepare for this public health crisis makes Americans less safe. While health experts warn the public about the spread of coronavirus, the president continues to spout false information and contradict their advice at every turn. President Trump’s focus on politics has also eroded Americans’ confidence in his administration’s response. On the call, Protect Our Care unveiled a new poll from Public Policy Polling conducted for POC that shows a majority of voters are both very concerned about the spread of coronavirus and disapprove of the job the Trump administration is doing in preparing America for the growing threat.

Key findings from the poll:

  • 72% of voters say they’re concerned about the impact the coronavirus virus will have on the economy, including 36% who say they’re ‘very concerned.’ 
  • By a 20-point margin, voters say the Trump administration’s handling of the virus makes them less likely to vote for Trump this fall.
  • Independents say they’re less likely to vote for Trump by 32 points because of how he’s dealt with this issue.
  • Only 37% of voters agree with Trump’s assessment that his administration is doing a “great job” dealing with the coronavirus, while 53% disagree.
  • Voters are also concerned about the administration’s failure to commit to an affordable coronavirus vaccine – 67% of voters have serious concerns about the administration’s statement that “they can’t control that price.

“In many ways, this is the moment that a lot of us have worried about. A true public health threat presented to the country that this president was not ready to meet,” said U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT). “From the very beginning, this administration has not taken coronavirus seriously enough. I wish that we had an administration that understood there is no way to confront an epidemic of this potential size without a robust, early, federal response.”

“The president’s continued focus on politics over preparedness has eroded Americans’ confidence in his ability to keep them safe at a time when they need a leader they can trust,” said Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach, who coordinated the global Ebola response for HHS under President Obama. “President Trump’s politicized response and disregard for the facts and the experts about the threat of coronavirus continues to put American lives at risk. The more the president spouts false information and contradicts health experts, the less prepared the public will be as the threat of the coronavirus grows.” 

On Coronavirus Affordability, Trump Fails the Test

Washington, DC — As worries about the spread of coronavirus rise, President Trump and his administration have failed to address concerns over the affordability of a future vaccine, treatment and testing. The lip service they have paid to the issue is belied by a health care record which includes a spike in the uninsured and a relentless war on coverage and protections afforded to millions through the health care law. 

“When it comes to Americans’ concerns about the affordability of a future coronavirus vaccine and the testing for and treatment of the virus, President Trump and his administration have failed miserably,” said Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse. “President Trump refuses to commit to both an affordable vaccine and affordable care for the uninsured, the number of whom has increased by millions as a result of his policies. 

“What’s more, Trump’s war on health care will make our nation’s coronavirus response worse than it already is and put more people at risk of contracting and spreading the virus. His efforts to repeal the health care law or overturn it in court would take coverage away from 20 million Americans, deny protections for 135 million people with pre-existing conditions and would throw our health care system into total chaos. With all of this, it’s no wonder that polling released today shows Americans disapprove of President Trump’s handling of this crisis and are worried about the spread of the coronavirus as a result. Based on President Trump’s war on health care and his administration’s failures in the current crisis, Americans have every right to be concerned.” 


The Trump administration has not committed to making the vaccine affordable. The Trump administration has failed to commit to making a potential coronavirus vaccine affordable. While the spending package passed in Congress includes some affordability language, Trump has made no plans to address access to treatment for the uninsured. 

Trump is pushing short-term junk plans that would not need to cover coronavirus treatment. Junk plans do not need to comply with the consumer protections established by the Affordable Care Act, including coverage of essential health benefits. The expansion of junk plans under Trump has already led to reports of patients receiving thousands of dollars in unexpected medical bills. 

The uninsured rate is rising under Trump. Uninsured individuals are far less likely to seek medical treatment when they are sick. Amid growing concern about what would be done for uninsured patients seeking coronavirus tests, the Trump administration has so far deflected the problem. While Trump said the White House would “see if we can help them out,” Pence refused to answer questions on this subject altogether. At least 7 million people have already lost coverage under Trump, and experts warn that recent enactment of anti-immigration policies will only serve to deter more people from gaining coverage and seeking medical treatment.

Making matters worse, Trump is backing a lawsuit that would rip away coverage from 20 million people. The Trump administration is currently backing a lawsuit that overturn the Affordable Care Act and, if they are successful, 20 million people would lose insurance overnight. 

The administration’s promise to make coronavirus treatment an “essential health benefit” rings hollow and does not solve the problem of affordability. Any reliance on essential health benefits leaves millions of Americans out in the cold. EHBs only apply to ACA-compliant plans, which the administration is trying to eliminate through their lawsuit. EHBs are also subject to cost-sharing and deductibles, making treatment out of reach for many families. Per the New York Times’ Margot Sanger-Katz, “a change to EHB would require some sort of regulatory change. HHS has issued no new rule or guidance on this matter so far.” 

Americans have already received steep bills for seeking coronavirus treatment. One man in Florida who had traveled to China sought treatment for coronavirus symptoms and ended up with thousands of dollars in medical bills. A Pennsylvania man who had been quarantined with his daughter after returning from China received nearly $4,000 in medical bills. There has been no response from the administration on how to address existing medical bills from coronavirus. 

Republicans continue to reject guaranteed paid sick leave. Many experts have pointed out that American workers face serious barriers to taking time off when they are sick, which could contribute to the spread of the virus. As it stands, about 33.6 million workers do not have access to paid sick leave, and Republicans continue to block the passage of paid sick-leave legislation. During his appearance on Sean Hannity’s program on Fox News, Trump implied that it was all right for people to continue to go to work while sick. 


Driving the Day: On a press call today with Senator Chris Murphy, Protect Our Care will unveil a new poll from PPP showing that voters are very concerned about the spread of coronavirus and strongly disapprove of the Trump administration’s response.

  • Trump’s handling of the coronavirus could threaten his reelection. By a 20-point margin, voters say his administration’s handling of the virus makes them less likely to vote for him this fall. Independents say they’re less likely to vote for Trump by 32 points because of how he’s dealt with this issue.

  • Only 37% of voters agree with Trump’s assessment that his administration is doing a “great job” dealing with the coronavirus, while 53% disagree.

What to Watch For: Today, the president will travel to Scranton, PA for a Fox News town hall at 6:30 PM. The vice president will travel to Minnesota to talk with 3M about increasing manufacture of face masks and protective gear. He will also travel to Washington state to meet with Gov. Jay Inslee address coronavirus response there. CNN will hold a “coronavirus town hall” beginning at 10:00 PM.

Coronavirus Update

  • At a meeting with airline executives, President Trump blamed the Obama administration for difficulties with the coronavirus test saying, “The Obama administration made a decision on testing that turned out to be very detrimental to what we’re doing & we undid that decision a few days ago so that testing can take place in a much more accurate and rapid fashion.”

  • Vice President Pence attempted to clarify that Trump was referring to the fact that “the last administration asserted FDA jurisdiction over testing,” but experts pointed out that the the “regulatory jurisdiction” over lab tests being criticized by Trump was actually a draft guidance and not a regulation, and former Obama White House Ebola Czar Ron Klain responded, “Wasn’t a problem in rolling out massive Ebola testing program in 2014. if Trump people couldn’t manage, why didn’t they fix it 3 months ago?” Barack Obama then tweeted about the outbreak for the first time urging his followers to “Protect yourself and your community from coronavirus with common sense precautions: wash your hands, stay home when sick and listen to the @CDCgov and local health authorities. Save the masks for health care workers. Let’s stay calm, listen to the experts, and follow the science.”

  • At the airline meeting, Trump also hailed the “positive impact” of the virus, which he said meant that “People are staying in our country and they’re shopping and they’re using our hotels in this country.” In reality, the outbreak is “devastating” the domestic conference travel industry and Americans are reducing their shopping trips. At least nine people in the US have died from the virus.

  • On Wednesday night Trump appeared on Sean Hannity’s program on Fox News and provided dangerously incorrect information to the roughly 3.5 million viewers of the show. Trump said he believed WHO estimates of the coronavirus death rate are “false” and that based on his “hunch,” he believes the actual number is “way under 1%.” Trump then said “a lot of people will have this and it’s very mild” and implied that it was all right for people to continue to go to work while sick, directly contradicting directives from the CDC and state and local public health authorities.

  • Pence met with nursing home executives and said new inspection procedures would be announced to detect and contain coronavirus. This followed an NBC report that detailed the Trump administration’s attempted rollback of nursing home regulations that could put residents at risk.

  • Pence confirmed an announcement from Seema Verma that coronavirus testing has been named an “essential health benefit” that will be covered by Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance. This benefit will only apply to ACA-compliant plans, which does not include short term “junk” plans that the Trump administration has greatly expanded access to. EHBs also do not apply to self-funded plans offered by large corporations and unions. Republican plans to repeal the ACA and the Texas lawsuit now before the Supreme Court would eliminate EHBs all together.

  • Pence and members of the task force did not respond to questions at their daily briefing about testing for the uninsured, but the vice president’s spokesperson, Katie Miller, said that testing has been provided for free to state labs. She did not address whether commercial testing would be provided for uninsured patients. The CEO of Moderna, the biotech company working on a vaccine, committed to pricing the product in line with other vaccines that prevent respiratory infections, but declined to give an exact price.

  • The House and Senate reached a deal on an $8.3 billion coronavirus funding bill. The bill leaves it up to the HHS Secretary to ensure that the commercial price of vaccines is affordable while providing $300 million for HHS to buy vaccines for the poor, and contains no offsets. The funding bill passed the House 415-2 with Ken Buck (R-CO) and Andy Biggs (R-AZ) voting no. During debate over the funding bill, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) wore a gas mask on the House floor, in contravention of CDC recommendations for preventing the spread of the virus. Hours later the CDC director again urged members of the public not to buy respirator masks so that they will be available for health professionals.

Federal Preparedness
ABC News: Democratic Lawmaker On HHS Memo Linked To Whistleblower Complaint: ‘Totally Insufficient’
Associated Press: Frustration Rising Over Lack Of Access To Coronavirus Tests
Associated Press: San Antonio: CDC Planned To Drop Cruise Passengers At Mall
CNN: As US Coronavirus Death Toll Rises, CDC Says Communities Should Start Thinking About Ways To Stop Its Spread
Bloomberg: Feverish Americans Sweat It as Virus Testing Expands Slowly
Bloomberg: Some VA Stockpiles of Protective Medical Masks Aren’t Usable
Daily Beast: A U.S. Embassy Refused to Test Exposed Staff for Coronavirus
The Hill: Cicilline Urges CDC Chief To Alert States Of Travelers From Any Countries With Coronavirus
The Hill: Trump administration issues new guidance for nursing homes to combat coronavirus
HuffPost: Coronavirus Reveals A Gaping Hole In U.S. Workplace Safety Law
Kaiser Health News: Coronavirus Stress Test: Many 5-Star Nursing Homes Have Infection-Control Lapses
New York Times: Coronavirus Testing Offered With Just a Doctor’s Approval, C.D.C. Says
PBS NewsHour: With Novel Coronavirus Deaths Rising, Health Officials Face Grilling On Capitol Hill
Politico: Widespread Coronavirus Testing Could Still Be Weeks Away
Wall Street Journal: For Travelers Returning From Coronavirus Hot Spots, Little Clarity On Quarantining

Bloomberg: Pharma’s Virus Response May Impact Trump’s Drug Pricing Plans
Business Insider: The CEO of the buzzy biotech that’s working on a potential coronavirus vaccine just pledged he won’t set a high price for the shot
New York Times (Editorial): Best Treatment for the Coronavirus? Paid Sick Leave
New York Times: Waive Fees For Coronavirus Tests And Treatment, Health Experts Urge
Wall Street Journal: Coronavirus Response Plan Exposes Vulnerabilities in U.S. Health-Care System
Washington Post: As coronavirus spreads, the people who prepare your food probably don’t have paid sick leave

Los Angeles Times: Coronavirus hits critical moment in U.S.: Obama, Trump urge Americans to remain calm
Associated Press: A Disconnect Between Trump And Health Officials On Virus
Bloomberg: Trump Blames Obama Decision for Coronavirus Test Kit Shortage
CNN (Analysis): Coronavirus tests Trump’s credibility gap
The Hill: Pence pressed over coronavirus response in testy Senate briefing
HuffPost: Amid A Global Crisis, Trump Keeps Lying And Misleading About Pretty Much Everything
New York Times: Trump Makes Room For Experts, But Still Takes A Leading Role On Coronavirus
New York Times: Criticized for Coronavirus Response, Trump Points to Obama Administration
Politico: Trump launches an urgent fight to save his ticket to reelection
Politico: A few months? Trump’s vaccine hyperbole complicates coronavirus message
Vox: Trump donated $100,000 of his salary to fight coronavirus. He’s made much more than that off the presidency.

Congressional Activity
Politico: House swiftly passes bipartisan $8.3B coronavirus package
Buzzfeed: Senators Insist They Will Be Fine During A Coronavirus Outbreak And Won’t Need To Shut Down Congress
CNN: Rep. Matt Gaetz wears gas mask on House floor during vote on coronavirus response package

Economic Impacts
Axios: United Airlines cutting April flights amid coronavirus fears
Axios: The emerging coronavirus economy
Buzzfeed: Etsy Is Removing Coronavirus-Themed Merchandise
CBS News: Coronavirus Fears Shadow This Year’s March Madness Tournament
CNN: Oil consumption just fell off a cliff. OPEC is facing a huge test
CNN: Starbucks forced to halt the use of personal cups at its stores because of coronavirus
Financial Times: US companies tell Fed coronavirus has hit manufacturing, tourism
The Hill: Poll: Coronavirus Fears Dampen Sentiment About The Economy
The Hill: Facebook To Give ‘WHO As Many Free Ads As They Need’ For Coronavirus Response
Hollywood Reporter: ‘No Time To Die’ Release Delayed Due to Coronavirus Outbreak
New York Times: Sick Workers and Spooked Customers: Coronavirus Threatens Small Businesses
Vice: Coronavirus Porn Is Going Viral on Pornhub
Wall Street Journal: Treasury Secretary Mnuchin: Coronavirus Is ‘Going to Affect the Next Year’
Wall Street Journal: Stocks Jump on Virus Spending, Biden Wins
Wall Street Journal: Coronavirus Is Devastating The Conference Circuit
Washington Post: Purell prices are spiking on Amazon, as sanitizer speculation becomes a cottage industry
Washingtonian: The Washington Post Cancels Nonessential Travel Over Coronavirus Concerns

Opinion And Analysis
The Atlantic (Ideas): The Coronavirus Is Exposing the Limits of Populism
Foreign Affairs (Opinion): Pandemic Disease Is a Threat to National Security
Talking Points Memo (Opinion): The Best Way To Keep Big Pharma Interests Out Of Coronavirus Response Is To Ditch Azar
Time (Ideas): Want a Coronavirus Vaccine, Fast? Here’s a Solution
Wall Street Journal (Opinion): Covid-19 May Have You Working At Home

In The States
The Hill: Emergency declared in Los Angeles area after 6 new coronavirus cases reported
KNBC: New Case of Coronavirus Confirmed in West Los Angeles
KRON: Grand Princess cruise to return to San Francisco early as CDC investigates ‘small cluster’ of coronavirus cases linked to ship
Los Angeles Times: Santa Clara Advises Seniors To Avoid Large Gatherings As Two New Coronavirus Cases Confirmed
Los Angeles Times: Battling Coronavirus, California Distributing Millions Of Face Masks To Healthcare Providers
NBC: Medical screener at LAX airport tests positive for coronavirus
USA Today: First Californian to die from coronavirus likely caught it on cruise ship, health officials say

Tampa Bay Times: Coronavirus tests DeSantis’ pick for Florida surgeon general

Atlanta Journal Constitution: Coronavirus to test Georgia’s chronic health gaps

Des Moines Register: Coronavirus: Iowans Already Feeling Virus’ Effect In Business, Travel

New Hampshire
New Hampshire Public Radio: 2nd Person Tests Positive For Novel Coronavirus In N.H.

New York
New York Times: Coronavirus In N.Y.: Second Case Sets Off Search For Others Exposed
NBC News: Coronavirus Forces New York City Subways, Trains To Clean Up Their Act
Washington Post: How coronavirus spread in New York: From a man to his family. Then a neighbor. Then friends.

North Carolina
North Carolina Health News: Coronavirus Confirmed In North Carolina

Associated Press: San Antonio: CDC Planned To Drop Cruise Passengers At Mall