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SHOT/CHASER: People Can’t Afford Prescription Drugs, Trump Opposes Lower Costs

New GALLUP data today revealed that 58 million people were unable to afford medicine that they were prescribed in the past year. Sure enough, President Trump is siding with big drug companies to oppose the “Lower Drug Costs Act (H.R. 3)” which allows Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices for people on Medicare and people on private insurance. The nonpartisan CBO says it reduces the most expensive drugs by as much as 55 percent. 

SHOT: GALLUP: “The survey also found that 58 million people, roughly one-quarter of all U.S. adults, were unable to pay for drugs they were prescribed during the last 12 months.” [GALLUP, 11/12/19

CHASER: MARKETWATCH: “White House rejects Pelosi’s plan to lower drug prices” [Marketwatch, 11/5/19

LIME: POLITICO: “Federal health contract funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to Trump allies” [POLITICO, 11/12/19

White House Puts Politics Over Popular and Effective Measures To Lower Drug Prices

Washington, DC — Speaking at a conference today, a senior White House official claimed House Democrats’ landmark bill giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices is “unworkable” and “hyper-partisan.” In a recent poll by Hart Research for Protect Our Care, 77% of Americans, including 54% of Republicans supported giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices for all Americans. In response, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse released the following statement: 

“The only ones being ‘hyper-partisan’ in the debate over lowering drug prices are President Trump and his Republican allies who continue to put big pharma profits over patients. The American people overwhelmingly support the measures put forward in the House Democrats’ bill to lower drug costs, including giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, and reining in drug and insurance companies. It’s clear to the American people that the Trump administration hasn’t lifted a finger to tackle prescription drug costs. Their failure to even consider the effective and popular measures in the House bill proves the Trump administration has no interest in making progress or solving this problem.” 


Recent national polling from Hart Research Associates for Protect Our Care of 1,000 voters confirms the provisions of H.R. 3 are supported by the majority of Americans across the political spectrum. 

  • 77% of Americans support giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices for all consumers.
  • 77% of Americans support Democrats’ proposal to use the savings Medicare would achieve by negotiating for lower drug prices to provide vision, dental and hearing benefits for seniors. 
  • 97% of Americans support the H.R. 3 provision preventing drug companies from charging Americans more for the same drug than they charge people in other countries. 


Health Care Was The Winning Issue For Democrats In Kentucky And Virginia

Last night’s elections made clear that rejecting Trump’s sabotage agenda and protecting health care remain top priorities for voters. 

Washington Post Health 202: Medicaid Work Requirements “Clear Loser” In Last Night’s Elections. “There was a clear loser in last night’s elections: Medicaid work requirements in Kentucky and Virginia. To accomplish its goals for Medicaid, the Trump administration needs the help of state political leaders – and election results in Kentucky and Virginia yesterday made that less likely as Democrats widened their control in those states.” [Washington Post, 11/6/19

Axios: In Kentucky, The Trump Administration’s Health Care Agenda Lost One Of Its Closest Allies. “The Trump administration’s health care agenda appeared likely to lose one of its closest allies last night as Democrat Andy Beshear declared victory over Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin, Axios health care editor Sam Baker notes. Driving the news: Beshear has pledged to reverse Kentucky’s plan for Medicaid work requirements — which took a backseat to national issues in the campaign, but was nevertheless one of Bevin’s most significant policy legacies.” [Axios, 11/6/19

Politico: Likely Governor-Elect Andy Beshear “Fully Embraced The Affordable Care Act In Kentucky” During Campaign. “Democrat Andy Beshear appears to eke out a win over Gov. Matt Bevin — Beshear, the son of the state’s previous Democratic governor who fully embraced the Affordable Care Act in Kentucky, made defending Medicaid expansion and Obamacare patient protections a central theme of his campaign against the unpopular Republican incumbent.” [Politico, 11/6/19

Politico: Virginia Democrats Flipped The State Legislature “Due In Part To The Party’s Promise To Protect The State’s Medicaid Expansion.” “Democrats flipped the state legislature — a victory that is due in part to the party’s promise to protect the state’s Medicaid expansion that’s covered more than 300,000 people.” [Politico, 11/6/19

Wall Street Journal: “Democrats Hailed The Election Gains As A Sign That Their Stance On Expanding Health Care Coverage Still Resonates With Voters.” “Democrats hailed the election gains as a sign that their stance on expanding health-care coverage still resonates with voters. Candidates had criticized their Republican challengers who opposed expanding Medicaid, a federal-state program for low-income and disabled people. The wins also thwart President Trump who has called for nationwide work requirements in Medicaid.” [Wall Street Journal, 11/6/19

The Atlantic: “Bevin Made It His Top Priority As Governor To Shred The ACA In Kentucky.” “Matt Bevin made it his top priority as governor to shred the ACA in Kentucky. He shifted 31,000 people off Medicaid and S-Chip, the state children’s health-insurance plan. He added work requirements for Medicaid, and other practical barriers to coverage. Bevin’s personal behavior may have been extreme, but his policy priorities as governor were squarely in the GOP mainstream. Squeezing the ACA has been Trump policy, too.” [The Atlantic, 11/6/19

Experts Confirm Health Care Was At The Center Of Democratic Wins In Kentucky And Virginia:

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra: “Congrats to Kentucky’s next Governor, @AndyBeshearKY! Democrats are fighting to #ProtectOurCare, uplift hardworking families, and strengthen our communities. Voters in Kentucky made the right choice today — and it won’t be their last. CC: @SenateMajldr. [AG Becerra Twitter, 11/5/19

Steve Schale: “One lesson from Kentucky – Protecting and building on the Affordable Care Act is both good policy and good politics. Beshear: I’m leading Kentucky’s fight to protect affordable health care for families.” [Steve Schale Twitter, 11/6/19

Alice Miranda Ollstein: “Beshear’s father implemented a Medicaid expansion in Kentucky that cut the state’s uninsured rate in half. Bevin fought for a work requirement that by his office’s own data would have dropped 90k+ people from the rolls.” [Alice Miranda Ollstein Twitter, 11/5/19

Joan Alker: “Fascinating and good night for Medicaid 1. KY Gov. Bevin losing – his own #’s showed his Medicaid work requirements/other punitive measures would cost 100k their coverage 2. VA D’s have run on Medicaid expansion and are winning; R’s there also pushed punitive work requirements.” [Joan Alker Twitter, 11/5/19

John Weaver: “Also a reminder tonight about the power of the health care debate and why Democrats must drive this home.” [John Weaver Twitter, 11/5/19

Joy Reid: “Matt Bevin ran in 2014 as a Trump before Trump, campaigning on getting rid of Obamacare in Kentucky. Then people found out Obamacare was “Kenect” — the healthcare they got when Dem Gov Steven Beshear expanded Medicaid under Obamacare. Beshear’s son just proved people noticed. [Joy Reid Twitter, 11/5/19

Matt McDermott: “Democrats have flipped the Virginia House and Senate, securing a legislative trifecta & with it can control redistricting, protect Medicaid expansion, institute universal gun background checks, and secure protections for LGBTQ people.” [Matt McDermott Twitter, 11/5/19

Anthony Wright: “Remarkable that the #KYGov– elect’s first week promise “I will rescind the Medicaid waiver” was the first on the list and got the biggest applause. #Kentucky. [Anthony Wright Twitter, 11/5/19]

New Poll From Hart Research and Protect Our Care Confirms Democrats’ Advantage On Health Care Heading Into 2020

One Year After Health Care Propelled House Democrats to Historic Victory in the House, Health Care Remains the Top Issue For Voters Heading Into 2020 

View findings from the poll HERE

Washington, DC — On a press call today, Hart Research President Geoff Garin and Protect Our Care unveiled findings from a new national survey showing that, among other things, health care remains the top priority for voters nationwide and across the political spectrum. Most importantly, the survey made clear that Democrats are well positioned to keep and expand their majority in the House if they continue to focus on lowering costs, improving and expanding access to health care and reversing the Trump-Republican sabotage agenda. Results also show that Trump’s sabotage agenda including his continued attacks on Medicaid, lawsuit to overturn the Affordable Care Act and repeated attempts to strip coverage from millions, is wildly unpopular with voters and stand to cost him at the ballot box next year. 

Coming off the heels of Democrats’ historic wins in Kentucky and Virginia where health care was a central campaign issue, the results of last night’s elections confirm our survey’s findings that health care is a winning issue for Democrats now, and will likely remain so heading into 2020. 

“Health care is now and will almost certainly remain the number one issue for voters across the country next November,” said Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse. “Americans are tired of Republican’s constant attacks on their health care and Democrats are well positioned to take advantage of that fact by making lowering costs, expanding access and reversing the Trump-GOP sabotage agenda their number one priority. Just as health care propelled Democrats to win a majority in the House one year ago, it remains the issue that will put Democrats in a position to maintain their majority and take back the Senate and White House next November.” 

Press call audio available HERE

Health Care Drives Virginia Democrats To Historic Victory In State Elections

Washington, DC — Tonight, Virginia Democrats won an historic victory, electing a majority in both the House of Delegates and State Senate. Health care was a prevailing issue throughout the election, as Democrats across the commonwealth ran aggressive campaigns on successfully implementing Medicaid expansion, protecting Virginians with pre-existing conditions and lowering prescription drug costs. In response to Democrats’ victory, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement:

“Virginia Democrats won because they put health care front and center this election. Whether delivering on Medicaid expansion, working to lower prescription drug costs or ensuring that Virginian’s with pre-existing conditions maintain their protections, Virginia Democrats showed they are the only party serious about defending and improving Virginians’ health care. This historic win should serve as a warning to Republicans across the country that their years of attacks on Americans’ health care won’t stand with voters any longer.”  

Health Care Propels Andy Beshear to Victory in Kentucky Governor’s Race

McConnell Be Warned: Matt Bevin’s War on Kentuckians’ Health Care Comes Back to Bite Him in Bluegrass State  

Washington, DC — Tonight, Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear (D) defeated incumbent Governor Matt Bevin (R) to become Kentucky’s next governor-elect. Beshear ran a campaign focused on improving Kentuckians’ health care, preserving Medicaid expansion and reversing Matt Bevin’s years-long sabotage of health care. In response to Beshear’s victory, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse released the following statement: 

“Andy Beshear won this race by making health care a centerpiece of his campaign. By vowing to protect Medicaid expansion, ensure protections for Kentuckians with pre-existing conditions, rein in pharmaceutical companies, and reverse Matt Bevin’s sabotage, Beshear made clear to voters he was the only candidate serious about improving their health care. Beshear’s victory in Kentucky sends a warning to Republicans across the country that even in Mitch McConnell’s backyard, their relentless war on Americans’ health care will continue to cost them at the ballot box.” 

Senators Shaheen and Murphy Introduce Legislation to Fight Increased Health Care Costs Created By Trump’s Sabotage

Washington, DC — Today, Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Chris Murphy (D-CT) introduced the “Fair Indexing for Health Care Affordability Act,” legislation that would reverse the Trump administration’s rule change making fewer Americans eligible for premium tax credits provided by the Affordable Care Act and also significantly increasing their out-of-pocket costs in the process. Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement in response:

“Senator Shaheen and Senator Murphy are fighting back against the Trump administration’s sabotage agenda with legislation that takes aim at their harmful actions that increase out-of-pocket costs for patients. While President Trump and Republicans do everything in their power to undermine Americans’ access to health care, Senate Democrats are taking action to make health care more affordable for millions of Americans.” 

Health Care Remains Dominant Issue in Key 2019 Races

One year ago, in reaction to President Trump and the GOP’s efforts to repeal and sabotage the Affordable Care Act, Democrats rode the issue of health care to victories up and down the ballot, including capturing the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. A year later, President Trump and Republicans have continued to mount a relentless war on health care and not surprisingly the issue, and Medicaid expansion in particular, is dominating in elections across the country. 


Politico: “Today’s Elections Could Alter Several Southern States’ Health Care Agendas.” [Politico, 11/5/19]  

  • Kentucky: “In Kentucky, unpopular incumbent Gov. Matt Bevin has threatened to throw hundreds of thousands of low-income people off coverage if his pioneering Medicaid overhaul doesn’t survive a legal challenge that’s winding its way through the courts. Meanwhile, Bevin’s Democratic opponent Andy Beshear, the state’s attorney general, has made Obamacare a prominent focus of his campaign and vowed to undo Bevin’s controversial Medicaid reforms.”
  • Mississippi: “Mississippi would inch closer to expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act if it elects Democrat Jim Hood, the state’s popular attorney general who has made the coverage program a signature issue in his competitive challenge against GOP Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves. The state, known for having some of the worst health outcomes in the nation, is one of 14 that has refused to adopt the Obamacare coverage program.”
  • Virginia: “Democrats are trying to win control of the state legislature in part by relying on a health care-heavy message, including that only they can be trusted to protect the state’s expansion of Medicaid that’s covered more than 300,000 people.” 

NBC News: Medicaid Expansion Core Campaign Issue Of Gubernatorial Election. “Meanwhile, health care costs continue to grow, creating a core campaign issue in Mississippi’s gubernatorial election that will be decided Tuesday. State Attorney General Jim Hood, a Democrat, supports expansion to address costs, while Republican Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves opposes it.” [NBC News, 11/4/19

Roll Call: “Republicans In Kentucky, Mississippi And Louisiana Vow To Scale Back Or Block Expansion.” “Races next month for governor in three states could affect the medical coverage of hundreds of thousands of people and offer test cases of how voters might view health care issues — particularly Medicaid for lower-income people.In Mississippi, the Democratic candidate vows to expand Medicaid under the national health care law, while the Republican opposes that. Kentucky GOP Gov. Matt Bevin wants to scale back coverage that his Democratic opponent’s father, a former governor, expanded. And in Louisiana, incumbent Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards touts his expansion of Medicaid while his GOP rival would freeze enrollment. [Roll Call, 10/30/19

Vox: Health Care Is On The Ballot In State Elections. “The races for governor this November in Kentucky, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Virginia haven’t attracted nearly as much attention as next spring’s presidential primaries, but they are hugely important to hundreds of thousands of voters without access to health care.” [Vox, 10/29/19

Washington Times: Medicaid Expansion Is “Back On The Ballot Across The South.” “The decision by states whether to extend their Medicaid coverage to low-income, able-bodied people under Obamacare has put the topic back on the ballot across the South. In looming gubernatorial contests, voters are debating whether Louisiana and Kentucky should stay the course and in Mississippi whether they should join the Medicaid expansion club.” [Washington Times, 10/2/19

Politico: Democrats In Kentucky, Louisiana, And Mississippi “Embracing” ACA And Medicaid Expansion As Elections Approach. “Although the states are Trump strongholds, Democrats are embracing the ACA — a strategy that helped them win the House last November and pick up several governorships.” [Politico, 10/8/19

Trump Campaigns in Kentucky to Stand Side-By-Side With His Partner in Relentless War on Health Care

Washington, DC — President Trump is heading to Lexington, Kentucky for a rally tonight to campaign for one of America’s least popular governors, Matt Bevin. Bevin’s deep unpopularity stems from his unwavering support for Trump’s war on health care that puts Kentuckians at risk of higher costs and worse or lost coverage. In response to tonight’s rally, Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement:

“President Trump’s visit to Kentucky tonight only brings greater attention to his and Matt Bevin’s relentless attacks on Kentuckians’ health care. From rolling back Medicaid expansion, supporting junk insurance plans that don’t protect people with pre-existing conditions, and repealing the Affordable Care Act to rip away health care from hundreds of thousands of Kentuckians, Matt Bevin is a shameless ‘yes man’ for Trump’s sabotage agenda. Tomorrow, voters in Kentucky have a chance to put an end to Matt Bevin’s disastrous tenure as governor and make clear to Donald Trump that they reject his war on health care.” 


Repealing the Affordable Care Act Would Devastate Kentuckians

  • 379,000 Kentuckians could lose coverage. According to the Urban Institute, 379,000 Kentuckians would lose coverage by repealing the Affordable Care Act, leading to a 151 percent increase in the uninsured rate.
  • 1,795,500 Kentuckians who have pre-existing conditions could lose key protections, including 240,400 Kentucky children, 907,000 Kentucky women, and 412,100 Kentuckians between ages 55 and 64. 
  • 479,600 Kentuckians enrolled through Medicaid expansion could lose coverage. Seventeen million people have coverage through the expanded Medicaid program, including 479,600 in Kentucky. 

Bevin Wants To Dismantle Medicaid Expansion. Under the leadership of Governor Bevin, Kentucky proposed a Medicaid overhaul that would throw nearly 86,000 enrollees off the rolls within five years. Bevin also led the charge in imposing harmful Medicaid work requirements, which have since been blocked by a federal judge.

Bevin Supports The Trump Lawsuit’s Goal Of Repealing The ACA “In Its Entirety.” “Gov. Matt Bevin has taken a stronger stance against Obamacare than his fellow Republican governors, urging Congress to repeal it ‘in its entirety’ and saying that if Medicaid expansion under the reform law must continue, then only those under the federal poverty line (FPL) should get it.” [Kentucky Health News, 1/26/17

Bevin Supports Skimpy Association Health Plans. “Would association health plans, a type of insurance that makes it easier for small employers to band together, free of many of the requirements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, provide enough protections to consumers? Gov. Matt Bevin’s health secretary says they would. Attorney General Andy Beshear, who is running against Bevin, says they wouldn’t. Bevin and officials from 15 other states, filed a court brief June 7 urging the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia to reverse a lower court’s decision against expanded access to association health plans.” [Kentucky Health News, 6/21/19

  • AHPs Can Discriminate Against People With Pre-Existing Conditions And Charge Higher Premiums Based On Age, Gender Or Geography. “The American Medical Association sides with Beshear on this issue. In a 2018 friend-of-the-court brief, the AMA laid out a list of concerns. ‘There is a significant risk that AHPs could disproportionately impact individuals with pre-existing conditions,’ the AMA said. ‘To be sure, on its face, the regulation states that it protects coverage of pre-existing conditions. But in reality, AHPs can easily evade that crucial legal requirement by using proxies for health status.’  For example, AMA wrote that AHPs ‘can charge premiums based on factors that are not explicitly defined in terms of health or medical conditions, but that closely track those forbidden factors.’ Further, it notes that the AHP rule allows them to charge different premiums based on age, gender, industry or geography. ‘But each of those seemingly neutral characteristics can be used to disguise differential treatment based on health status or one’s likelihood of suffering from particular pre-existing conditions.’” [Kentucky Health News, 6/21/19

Arizonans, Coloradans, Iowans and North Carolinians Condemn Senate Republicans’ Vote Against Protections for Pre-Existing Conditions

On Wednesday, Senate Democrats forced a vote to roll back the Trump administration’s promotion of junk insurance plans that don’t protect people with pre-existing conditions. Unsurprisingly, Senate Republicans blocked the bill’s passage, and in doing so, made clear they side with insurance companies over the wellbeing of their constituents with pre-existing conditions. 

In response, Protect Our Care held events in Arizona, Colorado, Iowa and North Carolina to hold Republican Senators Martha McSally, Cory Gardner, Joni Ernst, Chuck Grassley and Thom Tillis accountable for failing to support the 135 million Americans with pre-existing conditions.

Here’s a brief roundup of Protect Our Care’s Senate Accountability events:


Visit to Senator McSally’s Phoenix Office Condemning Her Vote Against Pre-Existing Conditions

Protect Our Care Arizona joined Pat Thomas, an Arizonan with a pre-existing condition, and health care advocates on Thursday to condemn Senator McSally’s ‘no’ vote and failure to protect the health care of Arizonans with pre-existing conditions. Thomas criticized her Senator for prioritizing special interests over those of Arizonans. You can view the post-event release here.


Visit to Senator Gardner’s Denver Office Condemning His Vote Against Pre-Existing Conditions

Protect Our Care Colorado was joined by Adela Flores-Brennan of the Colorado Consumer Health Initiatives, Laura Packard, a health care activist and cancer survivor, and  Dana Miller of Indivisible Front Range Resistance on Thursday to condemn Senator Cory Gardner’s ‘no’ vote and failure to protect the health care of Coloradans with pre-existing conditions. Following the vote, Senator Gardner released a statement mischaracterizing his vote, and attempting to hide behind the 1332 waivers which allowed Colorado to add a reinsurance program. However, the Warner/Shaheen resolution would not have eliminated 1332 reinsurance plans. Instead, it would have precluded the existing regulation that expands the use of the 1332 waivers to make short-term limited duration (STLD) plans more available and affordable and would not have resulted in the elimination of Colorado’s reinsurance plan. View the post-event release here.

Colorado Times Recorder: Gardner Falsely Claims His Vote Protects People With Pre-existing Conditions


Rally Outside Sen. Ernst’s and Grassley’s Des Moines Offices

After the Senate held a vote on the Protect Pre-Existing Conditions Resolution, Iowans rallied together on Thursday to condemn Senators Joni Ernst and Chuck Grassley for voting ‘no’ and failing to protect the health care of Iowans with pre-existing conditions. Iowans gathered outside the Senators’ offices in Des Moines, and constituents delivered hundreds of signatures on a petition condemning the vote. You can view the post-event release here

Rally Outside Sen. Ernst’s and Grassley’s Cedar Rapids Offices

Iowans showed up outside both Senator Ernst’s and Grassely’s offices in cedar rapids after the CRA vote to express their disagreement with the senators’ votes. Attendees also delivered the petition and talked with Senate staff about their disappointment with the way the senators voted. You can view the post-event release here

Rally Outside Sen. Ernst’s and Grassley’s Waterloo Offices

In Waterloo, Iowans showed at their senators’ offices with a copy of the petition to emphasize their disagreement on the votes. They demanded that Ernst and Grassley stand up and protect their care in the future. You can view the post-event release here

Iowa Starting Line: Iowans Protest Ernst, Grassley’s Votes for Junk Insurance Plans

Iowa Labor News: Iowans Hold Ernst, Grassley Accountable for Pre-Existing Conditions VoteErnst and Grassley’s Vote Will Harm Iowans With Pre-Existing Conditions

Iowa Labor News: Stop Ernst & Grassley’s spooky Halloween vote


Press Call with Health Care Advocates to Condemn Senator Tillis’ Vote Against North Carolinians with Pre-Existing Conditions 

Protect Our Care North Carolina was joined by Brad Woodhouse, the Executive Director of Protect Our Care, Stacy Staggs of Little Lobbisysts, and Kara Konrad, a North Carolinaian with a pre-existing condition on a press call Thursday to condemn Senator Tillis’ ‘no’ vote and failure to protect the health care of North Carolinians with pre-existing conditions. Stacy Staggs and Kara Konrad, North Carolinians who rely on these protections to access health care and provide care to their families, blasted Senator Tillis for failing them with this vote. View the post-event release here, and listen to the call audio here