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REALITY CHECK: Donald Trump’s Real Record on Rising Cost of Prescription Drugs

Despite Donald Trump’s latest tweets and pronouncements, his record on drug pricing is crystal clear: higher bills for us, huge tax breaks for the drug companies.

“While drug prices hikes squeeze families even harder, all Donald Trump has done is give record-breaking tax breaks to the big drug companies while blocking Medicare from negotiating for lower prices,” said Leslie Dach chair of Protect Our Care. “Tuesday morning, Trump’s lawyers will be in court trying to overturn our health care laws. If they succeed, health insurance companies would be free to stop paying any of the costs of prescription drugs. That’s Donald Trump’s health care plan.”

DONALD TRUMP’S RECORD: Rising Cost of Prescription Drugs

Trump falsely claims he’s done something about it…

  • STAT NEWS: Trump falsely claims ‘drug prices declined in 2018’

In reality, it’s getting worse under Trump…

  • CBS NEWS: Drug prices in 2019 are surging, with hikes at 5 times inflation

But Trump’s buddies and backers at the big drug companies have gotten more rewards…

  • AXIOS: 4 pharma companies saved $7 billion from GOP tax law

Trump Triples Down on Lawsuit to Overturn America’s Health Care

Washington, DC — A brief was filed today by the Trump administration in the Texas lawsuit and, unsurprisingly, Trump’s lawyers tripled down on overturning America’s health care. If Trump’s lawsuit is successful, it will drive our system into chaos, rip away protections for Americans with pre-existing conditions, strip coverage from millions more and drive up costs for premiums and prescription drugs. In response, Protect Our Care chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement: 

“In his administration’s brief filed today, President Trump tripled down on sending our health care system into complete chaos. President Trump’s true health care plan couldn’t be clearer: If he wins in court, it means stripping health care from millions of Americans, ending protections for pre-existing conditions and driving up premiums and prescription drug up costs for tens of millions more. The American people overwhelmingly stand against President Trump and the Republican party’s relentless war on their health care.”

WINNERS & LOSERS: The Cost of Prescription Drugs

Americans are struggling with the rising cost of prescription drugs – having to cut pills in half or even go without doses. 

While people who work for a living are paying the price, drug companies & Trump officials are the big winners. 


  • AXIOS – “4 Pharma Companies Saved $7 Billion From GOP Tax Law” 
  • BUSINESS INSIDER – “Ex-FDA Chief Scott Gottlieb Just Joined the Board of $240 Billion Drugmaker Pfizer”


  • WALL STREET JOURNAL – “Drugmakers Push Their Prices Higher”
  • CBS NEWS – “Drug Prices In 2019 Are Surging, With Hikes At 5 Times Inflation”

Drug Prices Soar Despite Trump’s Promises

Despite President Trump’s promise to lower the cost of prescription drugs, prices continue to skyrocket under his administration. Drug companies have increased the prices of thousands of medications in 2019. 

The Wall Street Journal: Drugmakers Push Their Prices Higher. “Drugmakers initiated a new round of price increases on their products Monday, with some of them affecting generic hospital-administered injectable drugs that are in short supply…All told, 20 companies increased the list prices of over 40 prescription drugs by an average of 13.1%, according to Rx Savings Solutions, which sells software to help employers and health plans choose the least-expensive medicines. On July 1 last year, 16 companies raised the list prices of dozens of drugs by an average 7.8%.” [The Wall Street Journal, 7/1/19

Politico: Drug Prices Persistently Rising Despite Trump Efforts.On Monday, 104 brand-name and generic drug prices rose by a combined 13.1 percent on average, compared to a 7.8 percent average increase in the price for 318 products a year earlier, according to data from Rx Savings Solutions, a health software company.” [Politico, 7/1/19]

CBS News: Drug Prices In 2019 Are Surging, With Hikes At 5 Times Inflation — “More Than 3,400 Drugs Have Boosted Their Prices In The First Six Months Of 2019.” “Price hikes on prescription drugs are surging in 2019, despite vows from lawmakers and the Trump administration to rein in pharmaceutical costs. So far in 2019, more than 3,400 drugs have boosted their prices, a 17% increase compared with the roughly 2,900 drug price increases at the same time in 2018, according to a new analysis by Rx Savings Solutions, a consultant to health plans and employers. The average price hike for those 3,400 drugs stands at 10.5%, or about 5 times the rate of inflation, the study found.” [CBS News, 7/1/19]

Rising Prices For Commonly Used Drugs, Such As Saline, Hurt Hospitals. “Bob Ripley, chief pharmacy officer at Trinity Health, a nonprofit hospital system in Michigan, said he was surprised to see B. Braun raise prices for products used regularly, such as a saline-solution product whose new price will affect Trinity’s budget. ‘We’re going to buy it, we’re going to pay for it,” he said. “We’re going to have to trim the budget somewhere else.’” [The Wall Street Journal, 7/1/19]

More Broken Promises From President Trump as Drug Prices Continue to Skyrocket

Washington, DC — Today, Politico reported that drug prices rose 10.5 percent over the first six months of 2019 despite President Trump’s constant promises that he would lower them. In response, Protect Our Care executive director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement:

“When Donald Trump ran for president he promised universal health care at cheaper prices, and nearly three years later, all he’s done is sabotage Americans’ health care and allowed drug prices to skyrocket. While drug prices spike through the roof, President Trump has put a former drug industry executive in charge of HHS, done nothing to lower prices, but made darn sure the drug companies and their CEOs got billions in tax cuts. On every score related to health care President Trump has failed the American people and the soaring cost of prescription drugs is the most crippling example.”

Reminder: Trump’s Texas Lawsuit Would Destroy America’s Health Care

Yesterday, the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals brought the Trump lawsuit to destroy America’s health care into sharper focus when they asked for further briefing on the standing of the House of Representatives and intervenor states to appeal the case. This development comes just two weeks before the Fifth Circuit is slated to hear oral arguments in Donald Trump’s lawsuit that would destroy the health care of millions of Americans, end protections for 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions and plunge our health care system into chaos. The threat of this lawsuit is real, and the American people – who understand their health care is at stake – will undoubtedly hold Republicans responsible for supporting Trump in his quest to destroy America’s health care. 

Given yesterday’s developments here’s a reminder of what would happen if Trump’s lawsuit is successful:

Fact Sheet: Trump Lawsuit To Overturn ACA

State-By-State Impact Of Trump Lawsuit 

If the Affordable Care Act is struck down:

GONE: Protections for 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions. The uninsured rate will increase by 65 percent.

GONE: Medicaid expansion, which covers 17 million people.

GONE: Nearly 12 million seniors will have to pay more for prescription drugs because the Medicare ‘donut hole’ will be reopened.

GONE: 2.3 million adult children will no longer be able to stay on their parents’ insurance.

GONE: Insurance companies will be able to charge women 50 percent more than men.

GONE: Financial assistance that helps 9 million people purchase health care in the marketplace.

GONE: Key support for rural hospitals. As Americans lose coverage, already struggling hospitals will be hit even harder as their costs increase.

GONE: Ban on insurance companies having lifetime caps on coverage.

GONE: Requirements that insurance companies cover prescription drugs and maternity care.

Thanks To The Republican Lawsuit, Nearly 20 Million People Could Lose Their Coverage

According to the Urban Institute, 19.9 million people could lose coverage by repealing the Affordable Care Act, meaning the number of uninsured Americans would increase from 30.4 million to 50.3 million, representing a leading to a 65 percent increase in the uninsured rate. As the uninsured rate swells, so will the amount of uncompensated care, which Urban predicts will grow by at least 82 percent.

Republicans Want To Put Insurance Companies Back In Charge, Ending Protections For The 130 Million People With A Pre-Existing Condition

According to a recent analysis by the Center for American Progress, roughly half of nonelderly Americans, or as many as 130 million people, have a pre-existing condition. This includes:

44 million people who have high blood pressure

45 million people who have behavioral health disorders

44 million people who have high cholesterol

34 million people who have asthma and chronic lung disease

34 million people who have osteoarthritis and other joint disorders

Republicans Want To Give Insurance Companies The Power To Charge You More, While Their Profits Soar

  • 138 Million Americans  Could Once Again Have To Pay For Preventive Care. Because of the ACA, health plans must cover preventive services — like flu shots, cancer screenings, contraception, and mammograms – at no cost to consumers. This includes nearly 138 million Americans, most of whom have employer coverage.
  • Premium Surcharges Can Once Again Be In The Six Figures. Thanks to the Republican lawsuit, insurance companies can charge people more because of a pre-existing condition. The House-passed repeal bill had a similar provision, and an analysis by the Center for American Progress found that insurers could charge up to $4,270 more for asthma, $17,060 more for pregnancy, $26,180 more for rheumatoid arthritis and $140,510 more for metastatic cancer.
  • Women Can Be Charged More Than Men For The Same Coverage. Prior to the ACA, women, for example, were often charged premiums on the nongroup market of up to 50 percent higher than they charged men for the same coverage.
  • People Over The Age of 50 Can Face A $4,000 “Age Tax.” Thanks to the Republican lawsuit, insurance companies can charge people over 50 more than younger people. The Affordable Care Act limited the amount older people could be charged to three times more than younger people. If insurers were to charge five times more, as was proposed in the Republican repeal bills, that would add an average “age tax” of $4,124 for a 60-year-old in the individual market, according to the AARP.
  • Nine Million People In The Marketplaces Will Pay More For Coverage. Thanks to the Republican lawsuit, consumers no longer have access to tax credits that help them pay their marketplace premiums, meaning roughly nine million people who receive these tax credits to pay for coverage will have to pay more.
  • Seniors Will Have To Pay More For Prescription Drugs. Thanks to the Republican lawsuit, seniors will have to pay more for prescription drugs because the Medicare “donut” hole got reopened. From 2010 to 2016, “More than 11.8 million Medicare beneficiaries have received discounts over $26.8 billion on prescription drugs – an average of $2,272 per beneficiary,” according to a January 2017 Centers on Medicare and Medicaid Services report.
  • Patients And States Would Lose Important Federal Health Care Funding — An Estimated Reduction Of $135 Billion In The First Year. The Urban Institute estimated that with a full repeal of the ACA, “Federal spending on Medicaid/CHIP acute care for the nonelderly and Marketplace premium tax credits in 2019 would fall by $134.7 billion, or 34.6 percent. The decline in federal Medicaid/CHIP spending alone would total $82.2 billion; the elimination of tax credits and reinsurance would reduce federal spending by $52.5 billion.”

Protect Our Care Responds to the First Democratic Presidential Debate

Washington, DC–Tonight, Democratic presidential candidates met in Miami to discuss health care and other national issues at the first debate of the 2020 election. In response, Protect Our Care executive director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement:

“The American people saw a spirited discussion tonight in the first Democratic presidential debate on the issue of health care. While there were differences among the candidates and their plans, every person on that stage agreed that health care is a right, that costs should be reduced and coverage expanded. On the other hand, President Trump’s lawsuit to terminate the health care law and rip coverage away from millions took another step forward in court today. That’s the difference in this election.” 

New Development In Fifth Circuit Brings Trump’s Lawsuit To Destroy Health Care Into Sharper Focus

Washington, DC — Today, the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals asked for further briefing on the standing of the House of Representatives and intervenor states to appeal the Texas lawsuit. This development comes just two weeks before the Fifth Circuit is slated to hear oral arguments in Donald Trump’s lawsuit that would destroy the health care of millions of Americans, end protections for 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions and plunge our health care system into chaos. In response, Protect Our Care chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement:

“Make no mistake, the threat posed by President Trump’s lawsuit to destroy health care is real, ongoing and puts American lives at risk. Trump’s lawsuit was designed solely to terminate protections millions of Americans rely on every day. It is a politically-motivated attack on health care that will raise costs, strip coverage, and hurt millions of people with pre-existing conditions. Democrats in Congress and in states across the country have made clear they won’t stand for these attacks on our health care and are fighting on behalf of the American people. Every day this lawsuit inches closer to a decision, Republicans who refuse to denounce it bear more and more responsibility for Trump’s reckless attempt destroy health care.”    

If the Affordable Care Act is struck down:

  • GONE: Protections for 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions. The uninsured rate will increase by 65 percent. 
  • GONE: Medicaid expansion, which covers 17 million people. 
  • GONE: Nearly 12 million seniors will have to pay more for prescription drugs because the Medicare ‘donut hole’ will be reopened.
  • GONE: 2.3 million adult children will no longer be able to stay on their parents’ insurance. 
  • GONE: Insurance companies will be able to charge women 50 percent more than men.
  • GONE: Financial assistance that helps 9 million people purchase health care in the marketplace.
  • GONE: Key support for rural hospitals. As Americans lose coverage, already struggling hospitals will be hit even harder as their costs increase.
  • GONE: Ban on insurance companies having lifetime caps on coverage.
  • GONE: Requirements that insurance companies cover prescription drugs and maternity care.



In HELP Committee Markup, Republicans Stand By Decade-Long Repeal and Sabotage Agenda

Washington, DC — Today, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) marked up several bills, including the Lower Health Care Costs Act (S. 1895). Brad Woodhouse, executive director of Protect Our Care, released the following statement in response: 

“The biggest surprise the American people face in health care is the loss of protections for those with pre-existing conditions and the loss of coverage for millions through ongoing Republican sabotage of the health care law and the Texas lawsuit. Republicans refuse to stop the Texas lawsuit, end junk plans, or stop their decade-long campaign to repeal American health care. As long as they continue their support for President Trump’s repeal and sabotage agenda to rip our health care system apart, Republicans will continue to earn the criticism of Americans across the political spectrum.”

Senators Stabenow and Murphy, Protect Our Care Highlight New Battleground Poll On Health Care and Denounce Trump Texas Lawsuit on Press Call

Senators, Protect Our Care Denounce Trump Texas Lawsuit, Discuss New Poll and Kick Off National Mobilization Efforts Ahead of Oral Arguments in the Case On July 9

Call audio available HERE

Washington, DC – Today, Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Protect Our Care held a press call where they denounced President Trump’s disastrous Texas lawsuit to destroy America’s health care and kicked off mobilization efforts leading up to oral arguments in the case on July 9. Also on the call, Jim Williams with Public Policy Polling discussed a new poll from PPP in key battleground states that found Trump would lose in 2020 – even to the worst villains imaginable – if the presidential race was defined by Trump’s health care sabotage agenda. Key findings: 

  • 72% say they would not consider voting for a presidential candidate who supports plans that eliminate health care protections for people with pre-existing conditions.
  • 73% of voters say they would not consider voting for a candidate who proposes a budget that includes $845 billion in cuts to Medicare.
  • A majority (52%) of voters trust also trust Democrats more than President Trump on healthcare, with only 43% of voters trusting President Trump more. 
  • Among independents, 59% trust Democrats more, and only 36% of independents trust President Trump. 
  • Voters would prefer a zombie who supports health care over Trump who will repeal it by 4 points (46-42) and prefer Dracula who supports health care over Trump who will repeal it by 4 points (46-42). 

“Voters in Michigan made their voices heard last November and elected many new leaders who are committed to protecting our health care and lowering the cost of prescription drugs,” said Senator Stabenow. “Yet the Trump Administration is doing everything in its power to take away people’s health care, including supporting the ongoing lawsuit to overturn the health care law. It’s clear that President Trump and Republicans who back him don’t stand with Michigan families.”

“This administration has been engaged in a disinformation campaign against the ACA since day one, working to sabotage Americans’ access to health care, disrupt insurance markets, and sow as much confusion and pain as possible,” said Senator Murphy. “Since President Trump took office, over one million Americans have lost their insurance. But it doesn’t stop there. They failed to destroy the ACA through Congress so now they’re trying through the courts, and if the Republican lawsuit prevails, all of the protections for preexisting conditions that Americans depend on will disappear. This fight is far from over, and now is the time to sound the alarm.” 

“It speaks volumes about the state of the Republican party that the American people would prefer a blood-sucking vampire over Trump when it comes to protecting their health care, but that’s exactly what this new poll finds.” said Protect Our Care executive director Brad Woodhouse. “Voters are paying attention while Trump wages his war on America’s health care, and his Texas lawsuit is the clearest indication of his intention to strip coverage from millions of Americans and decimate protections for pre-existing conditions.” 

Call audio available HERE