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Dr. Hiral Tipirneni, Former Mayor Greg Stanton, State Rep. Kelli Butler, and Mayor Anna Tovar Join Arizonans with Pre-Existing Conditions to Demand that Republicans #ProtectOurCare

“Care Force One” Makes Stop in Phoenix on National Bus Tour

(Phoenix, Arizona) – Today, Dr. Hiral Tipirneni, Former Mayor Greg Stanton, State Rep. Kelli Butler, and Mayor Anna Tovar joined Jeff Jeans, Steven Gomez, and Arizonans with pre-existing conditions at the Arizona State Capitol to speak out against the devastating repercussions of health care repeal. You can watch the press conference here.

The event was part of Protect Our Care’s nationwide bus tour calling attention to Republicans’ attempts to sabotage health care, including a lawsuit signed onto by Attorney General Mark Brnovich that would gut protections for Arizonans with pre-existing conditions.

The 2,763,200 Arizonans living with a pre-existing condition would be in jeopardy if a judge sides with Attorney General Brnovich, President Trump, and the GOP in their lawsuit.

“Republicans in Congress have waged a war on those in our community who live with pre-existing conditions, undermining their access to health care nearly every opportunity they had,” State Rep. Kelli Butler said. “It’s critical that we all take action and fight for affordable healthcare.”

Dr. Hiral Tipirneni said, “I have seen how a lack of access to quality health care affects Arizonans. It is imperative that our leaders stand up and speak out against any effort to sabotage the health care of hardworking families across our state. I will continue to fight, as should every one of our elected officials.”

“We need responsible leaders that are going to protect access to care and fight for people with pre-existing conditions,” former Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton echoed. “The American people are not going to accept their care being put at risk because of irresponsible tax breaks for the wealthy. People here in Arizona are standing up and saying that it’s not right; we must protect our care.“

“Republicans in Washington and the Arizona Statehouse aren’t sticking up for health care protections or working with Democrats to lower costs. Instead, they are ending protections for people with pre-existing conditions, driving up costs, and cutting coverage,” Tolleson Mayor Anna Tovar said.

Jeff Jeans, a Nevadan with a pre-existing condition, said, “I am alive today because of the ACA. But I need to keep my health care, as do 130 million with pre-existing conditions. That’s why we’re here – to hold Republicans accountable for their votes to take away our care.”

Steve Gomez, who son has a pre-existing condition, said “Republicans are using every trick in the book to take away the health care of millions. Arizonans are sick and tired, and we are not going to take it anymore.”

“The stakes have never been higher for Arizonans’ health care,” said Morgan Tucker of Protect Our Care Arizona. “Since the enactment of the Affordable Care Act, almost 410,000 Arizonans have gained health insurance. This is all in jeopardy due to Republicans’ repeal and sabotage agenda, including Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s ludicrous lawsuit and Rep. Martha McSally’s vote to repeal health care. Arizonans want this Republican war on health care to end, plain and simple. That’s why we’re here today.”

The bus heads to Tucson later this afternoon before traveling to New Mexico. More details about upcoming stops can be found here.

HOLD THE PHONE: Ted Cruz Shut Down the Government to Block the Health Care Law Including Protections for People with Pre-existing Conditions

SHOT: During last night’s Senate debate, Senator Ted Cruz said, “On Obamacare, I want to repeal Obamacare, reduce premiums, protect pre-existing conditions, and expand access.”


CHASER: Ted Cruz — one of the Senate’s biggest cheerleaders for health care repeal — lied to Texans last night. From his repeated votes to repeal pre-existing conditions protections, to his vocal support for the Trump-GOP lawsuit to overturn protections for people with pre-existing conditions overnight, to leading the Republican effort to shut down the government over implementation of the Affordable Care Act — which guarantees protections for people with pre-existing conditions — to his votes to cut billions from Medicare and Medicaid, Ted Cruz has worked to rip away protections for people with pre-existing conditions every chance he’s gotten.

Senator Cortez Masto, Rep. Rosen, Rep. Titus, Susie Lee, and Steven Horsford Join Nevadans with Pre-Existing Conditions to Demand that Republicans #ProtectOurCare

“Care Force One” Makes Stop in Las Vegas on National Bus Tour

Sen. Cortez Masto speaks in front of Care Force One in Las Vegas, Nevada.

(Las Vegas, Nevada) – Today, Senator Catherine Cortez Masto, Congresswoman Jacky Rosen, Congresswoman Dina Titus, former Congressman Steven Horsford, and Susie Lee joined Joe Merlino, Allison Stephens, and Nevadans with pre-existing conditions at University Medical Center of Southern Nevada to speak out against the devastating repercussions of health care repeal. You can watch the full press conference here.

The event was part of Protect Our Care’s nationwide bus tour calling attention to Republicans’ attempts to sabotage health care, including a lawsuit that would gut protections for Nevadans with pre-existing conditions.

The 1,215,300 Nevadans living with a pre-existing condition would be in jeopardy if a judge sides with President Trump and the GOP in their lawsuit.

“The Trump Administration’s repeated efforts to sabotage the Affordable Care Act threaten to put the cost of health care out of reach for too many families and once again allow insurance companies to discriminate against people with preexisting conditions. I’ll continue fighting to improve the ACA, make premiums more affordable, and ensure that every Nevadan is able to access quality, affordable health care,” said Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto.

“Right now, our health care system is under attack from the Trump Administration and Republicans in Washington,” said Rep. Jacky Rosen. “I’m fighting in Congress to stabilize the markets, bring down the cost of premiums and prescription drugs, and ensure hardworking Nevadans with pre-existing medical conditions are protected. It’s time for Republicans to work with Democrats to protect and improve our health care system instead of sabotaging and dismantling it.”

Rep. Dina Titus echoed this, saying, “I’m proud to stand with the Protect Our Care campaign and the millions of Americans speaking out against the Republican attacks on our health care. Democrats are standing with our children, with our seniors, with women, with persons with disabilities, with the most vulnerable in our communities to say health care is a right for all, not a privilege for the rich and powerful.”

“Health care is a deeply personal issue to me,” said Susie Lee. “My parents nearly lost their home due to medical bills after being denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions. I am proud to stand here today to defend the protections and coverage that Nevadans depend on.”

Donald Trump and Cresent Hardy will make it their number one priority to strip health care away from millions of Americans and thousands of Nevadans with pre-existing conditions. Nevadans need someone to fight for them, not a rubber-stamp for the effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act,” said former Rep. Steven Horsford.

Joe Merlino, a Nevadan with a pre-existing condition, said, “If it weren’t for the ACA and its Medicaid expansion, I surely wouldn’t be standing here right now, a cancer survivor, to tell you my story.”

Nevada health care advocate Allison Stephens, who brought her son who has a pre-existing condition to the event, said, “Republicans are using every trick in the book to take away the health care of millions. Nevadans are sick and tired, and we are not going to take it anymore. That’s why we’re here – to hold Republicans accountable for their votes to take away our care.”

“The stakes have never been higher for Nevadans’ health care,” said Andres Ramirez of Protect Our Care Nevada. “Since the enactment of the Affordable Care Act, approximately 294,000 Nevadans have gained health insurance. This is all in jeopardy due to Republicans’ repeal and sabotage agenda, including Sen. Dean Heller’s votes to repeal health care. Nevadans want this Republican war on health care to end, plain and simple. That’s why we’re here today.”

You can watch the full event here. The bus was in Reno yesterday and travels to Arizona tomorrow. More details about upcoming stops can be found here.

CONFIRMED CON: GOP Gunning to Cut Medicaid and Medicare to Pay for Deficit Busting Tax Cuts for The Rich

“The Republican Agenda is the Same as it Ever Was, and the American People are Sick and Tired of It,” says Brad Woodhouse

Washington, DC – In response to Senator Mitch McConnell joining the pack of Republicans pledging to further slash Medicaid and Medicare to pay for deficit busting tax cuts for big corporations and the super rich.  Brad Woodhouse, executive director of Protect Our Care, issued the following statement in response:

“The Republican agenda is the same as it ever was: explode the deficit by trillions of dollars giving tax breaks to big corporations and the wealthy and then slash Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security which ordinary Americans rely on.  Mitch McConnell is a serial liar and only a fool would have believed him when he said that the tax scam they passed would pay for itself and only a fool would believe him or Republicans now when they say they care about getting the deficit they created under control. No, like always they have exploded the deficit by showering tax breaks on their friends and donors with the express purpose of turning around and slashing these programs which they have been out to dismantle for years. And we will all be damn fools if we let them get away with it.”



  • Last month, Larry Kudlow, Director of the National Economic Council, confirmed that he has his sights on cutting Medicare. Asked when programs like Social Security and Medicare will be looked at for reforms, Kudlow replied, “Everyone will look at that — probably next year.”
  • Paul Ryan on Medicare: “It’s the biggest entitlement we’ve got to reform.” Paul Ryan, December 6, 2017: “We’re going to have to get back next year at entitlement reform, which is how you tackle the debt and the deficit…Frankly, it’s the health care entitlements that are the big drivers of our debt, so we spend more time on the health care entitlements…In- think the president is understanding that choice and competition works everywhere in health care, especially in Medicare…This has been my big thing for many, many years. I think it’s the biggest entitlement we’ve got to reform.”



  • President Trump and Congressional Republicans are targeting Medicare and Medicaid to pay for tax cuts for the wealthiest. Last December, President Trump signed a $1.5 trillion tax bill that disproportionately benefits the wealthy. How do Republicans plan on paying for it? Speaker Ryan’s answer is clear: “Frankly, it’s the health care entitlements that are the big drivers of our debt.” In an attempt to pay for these tax cuts, in April, House Republicans passed a budget amendment that would slash Medicare funding by $537 billion over the next decade.



  • Congressional Republicans proposed these cuts after passing a budget resolution last year that cut Medicare by $473 billion. The 2018 budget resolution passed by Republicans in December 2017 cut Medicare by $473 billion.
  • Congressional Republicans Voted to Slash An Additional $1.3 Trillion From Medicaid and other Health Care Programs. The 2018 budget resolution passed by Republicans in December 2017 cut non-Medicare health programs, most notably Medicaid, by $1.3 trillion, a 20 percent cut over the course of 10 years, increasing to a 29.3 percent cut by 2027.


REVEALED: Trump has Handed Medicaid Over to an Enemy of Medicaid

“Putting Mary Mayhew in charge of Medicaid is like handing Society Security over to Bernie Madoff,” said Brad Woodhouse, executive director of Protect Our Care

Yesterday, the Trump Administration announced that Mary Mayhew, a devoted Medicaid opponent, would be the new head of Medicaid and CHIP programs. Said Brad Woodhouse, executive director of Protect Our Care, about the announcement: “Putting Mary Mayhew in charge of Medicaid is like handing Social Security over to Bernie Madoff. The American people want Republican war on health care to end, but this is just more of the same Trump administration sabotage.”

People have noticed that Trump wants an anti-Medicaid head of Medicaid:

Bangor Daily News: Mayhew Was “The Face Of LePage’s Crusade Against Medicaid Expansion.”  “No member of the LePage administration except for the governor himself has been a more polarizing figure than Mayhew, whose arch-conservative six-year tenure in the often-embattled health department became a road map for Republicans after the inauguration of Trump in 2017. She was the face of LePage’s crusade against Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act, which was approved by voters in 2017 but has languished unimplemented in a court fight with a pending expansion plan and a request for new Medicaid work requirements sitting before the agency where Mayhew will be a key official.” [Bangor Daily News, 10/15/18]

FierceHealthcare:  Mayhew Is “An Ardent Opponent Of Medicaid Expansion.”  “A former Maine health official and an ardent opponent of Medicaid expansion has been appointed to oversee Medicaid at the federal level.” [FierceHealthcare, 10/15/18]

Fiscal Times:  “Trump’s New Medicaid Chief Is a Medicaid Critic.”  [Fiscal Times, 10/15/18]

Healthcare Finance:  Mayhew “Opposed The Expansion Of Medicaid In Maine.” “Mayhew is a conservative who, under Maine Governor Paul LePage,  oversaw major changes to Maine’s public assistance programs, including MaineCare, its Medicaid program, according to the Press Herald report.   She opposed the expansion of Medicaid in Maine. LePage has fought a court order to expand Medicaid, saying the state does not have the financial means to pay for it. Voters in 2017 approved a ballot measure to expand Medicaid in the state.” [Healthcare Finance, 10/15/18]

AP:  Mayhew Is A “Strong Opponent” Of Expanding Medicaid.  “Mayhew and LePage are both strong opponents of expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. When she announced her run for governor last year, Mayhew said: ‘I adamantly reject that growing government is the answer to our challenges.'” [Associated Press, 10/15/18]

Modern Healthcare:  Mayhew “Staunchly Opposed The State’s Ballot Measure To Expand Medicaid.”  “Mary Mayhew, who as Maine Gov. Paul LePage’s top health official staunchly opposed the state’s ballot measure to expand Medicaid, will lead Medicaid policy at the federal level in her new position as new deputy administrator and director of the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services.” [Modern Healthcare, 10/15/18]

Portland Press Herald:  Mayhew “Played A Major Role In Eliminating Nearly 70,000 People From The State’s Medicaid Program.”  “Mayhew is best known for her seven years as commissioner of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services under Gov. Paul LePage. During her tenure, she oversaw major changes to nearly all of Maine’s public assistance programs, including food stamps and the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. Mayhew also played a major role in eliminating nearly 70,000 people from the state’s Medicaid program and, like LePage, she was an ardent opponent of expanding Medicaid, which was made allowable at the state level under the Affordable Care Act.”  [Portland Press Herald, 10/15/18]

Politico:  Mayhew Was The “Architect” Of Maine’s “Aggressive” Cuts to Medicaid Enrollment. “The Trump administration has tapped Mary Mayhew — the architect of Maine’s aggressive conservative reforms to the social safety net — to oversee the national Medicaid program. She has been an ally of outgoing Maine Gov. Paul LePage, a Republican who has fought as hard as any governor against expanding Medicaid under Obamacare. CMS announced the move internally Monday, the day Mayhew began as the agency’s deputy administrator and director of Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Mayhew served as Maine’s health commissioner for six years under LePage, leading efforts to tighten the state’s Medicaid eligibility standards, add work requirements to the food stamp program and implement other conservative reforms. She supported LePage as he rejected efforts to expand the state’s Medicaid program — repeatedly vetoing legislation and then resisting after nearly 60 percent of Maine voters approved expansion on a ballot measure in 2017. ” [Politico, 10/15/18]

Vox:  Mayhew Is A “Strident Medicaid Critic.”  “The Trump administration’s choice to run the Medicaid program nationwide is Mary Mayhew, a strident Medicaid critic who has urged states not to join the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion.” [Vox, 10/15/18]

Washington Examiner:  Mayhew “Shepherded Work Requirements For Food Stamps” In Maine. “Mary Mayhew, a Maine official who shepherded work requirements for food stamps in the state, has been appointed to a top role at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, where she will be responsible for overseeing health programs for low-income people. Mayhew is joining the agency as the Trump administration is working to expand work requirements in the Medicaid program. Under the proposals, approved in a handful of states, certain low-income people who are covered by Medicaid would need to work, take classes, or volunteer as a condition of staying enrolled in the program. Mayhew oversaw the rollout of food stamp work requirements in 2014, when she was commissioner for Health and Human Services under GOP Gov. Paul LePage. Mayhew co-authored an opinion piece on Fox News earlier this year with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich praising the Trump administration’s push to add work requirements to more welfare programs and close exemptions.” [Washington Examiner, 10/15/18]

She Lied: Rep. Martha McSally Voted to Gut Protections for People with Pre-Existing Conditions

“McSally is the latest in a long line of Republicans telling shameful, outright lies out of desperation to conceal their votes to strip the pre-existing conditions protections millions of Americans depend upon,” said Brad Woodhouse, executive Director  of Protect Our Care.


SHOT: At last night’s Senate debate, Congresswoman Martha McSally stated, “I voted to protect people with pre-existing conditions.”


Chaser:  McSally lied to Arizonans last night. She voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act, including its protections for people with pre-existing conditions. In its place, she tried to pass “the American Health Care Act,” (AHCA) which would have gutted protections for pre-existing conditions and forced people to spend thousands more for the care they need: an estimated $4,270 extra for asthma, $17,060 extra for pregnancy, $26,180 extra for rheumatoid arthritis and $140,510 for metastatic cancer.


That’s not all: The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found that the ACHA would have raised premiums 20 percent in 2018 and the negative economic impact of the American Health Care Act would cause 60,714 Arizonans to lose their jobs by 2022.


Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto, Reps. Jacky Rosen and Dina Titus, Former Reps. Ann Kirkpatrick and Steven Horsford, and Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach Headline Week Four of Protect Our Care’s Nationwide Bus Tour

Protect Our Care Continues 11,505 Mile Bus Tour With Stops in Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado

Washington, D.C. – This week, Protect Our Care is continuing its nationwide bus tour, a 49-stop, 24-state bus tour highlighting the Republican war on health care and its impact on Americans from coast to coast. In its fourth week, Care Force One is traveling to Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado.

The tour will continue highlighting that the Republican war on health care is very much alive, with GOP officials using legislation, regulations, and the courts to continue their attacks on protections for the 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions, for women and older Americans, and on Medicaid and Medicare.

The week kicked off in Nevada with an event in Reno yesterday morning. Another will take place tomorrow in Las Vegas:

What: Protect Our Care Nevada Rally – Las Vegas:

Who: Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto

Rep. Jacky Rosen

Rep. Dina Titus

Former Rep. Steven Horsford

Susie Lee

Leslie Dach, founder and chair of Protect Our Care

Laura Packard, cancer survivor

Nevadans with pre-existing conditions and concerns over GOP actions

Where: Medical Center of Southern Nevada
1800 W Charleston Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89102

When: Tuesday, October 16

10:00 AM

Livestream: The event will be streamed on the Protect Our Care Facebook page

The Care Force One bus will then travel to Arizona:

What: Protect Our Care Arizona Rally – Tucson:

Who: Former Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick

Leslie Dach, founder and chair of Protect Our Care

State Rep. Charlene Fernandez

Jeff Jeans, cancer survivor

Laura Packard, cancer survivor

Arizonans with pre-existing conditions and concerns over GOP actions

Where: Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger Health Center
2255 N Wyatt Dr
Tucson, AZ 85712

When: Wednesday, October 17

2:00 PM

Livestream: The event will be streamed on the Protect Our Care Facebook page

And later in the week, Care Force One will visit Albuquerque, New Mexico and Denver, Colorado.

Check out for the latest information on the tour. The remaining schedule of Care Force One appearances is below:

Las Vegas, NV on Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Phoenix, AZ on Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Tucson, AZ on Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Albuquerque, NM on Thursday, October 18, 2018

Denver, CO on Friday, October 19, 2018

Kansas City, MO on Monday, October 22, 2018

Springfield, MO on Monday, October 22, 2018

St. Louis, MO on Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Memphis, TN on Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Nashville, TN on Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Richmond, VA on Thursday, October 25, 2018

Raleigh, NC on Thursday, October 25, 2018

Atlanta, GA on Friday, October 26, 2018

Sarasota, FL on Monday, October 29, 2018

Orlando, FL on Monday, October 28, 2018

Miami, FL on Wednesday, October 31, 2018

St. Lucie, FL on Thursday, November 1, 2018

West Palm, FL on Friday, November 2, 2018


Assemblywoman Joiner, Councilman Bobzien, Clint Koble, and Nevadans With Pre-Existing Conditions Gather to Demand that Congress #ProtectOurCare

“Care Force One” Makes Stop in Reno on National Bus Tour

(Reno, Nevada) – Today, Assemblywoman Amber Joiner joined Councilman David Bobzien and Nevadans with pre-existing conditions at Rancho San Rafael Regional Park to speak out against the devastating repercussions of health care repeal.

The event was part of Protect Our Care’s nationwide bus tour calling attention to Republicans’ attempts to sabotage health care, including a lawsuit that would gut protections for Nevadans with pre-existing conditions.

The 1,215,300 Nevadans living with a pre-existing condition would be in jeopardy if a judge sides with President Trump and the GOP in their lawsuit.

At the event, Clint Koble said, “The threat to health care is very real – from votes in Congress to repeal health care, to the current lawsuit that would eliminate protections for pre-existing conditions. Republicans just won’t stop on their mission to make health care coverage harder to access for everyday Americans. That’s what we’re fighting here today.”

Nearly every family in Nevada would be affected by the change to deny access to affordable health insurance to those with pre-existing conditions. We are here today to stand up, take action, and fight for what is right. All families must have access to quality, affordable health care,” Assemblywoman Amber Joiner said.

“Since day one of the Trump Administration, the agenda has been to eviscerate the Affordable Care Act,” echoed Councilman David Bobzien. “I am proud to stand here today and stand up to leaders in Congress who have aided and abetted this mission, and threatened the health care protections and coverage of millions of Nevadans.”

Vivian Leal, a Nevadan with Multiple Sclerosis, said, “Senator Heller´s betrayal perpetuates a Nevada and a nation of medical hostages. We have them in every family and every social group. Our collective lack of health care as a country is a crisis level plague on our citizens. The sicker we are, the higher the profits for an exploitative industry and the larger the donations Heller pulls in from them. Our NV Senator is complicit in a legislatively-enabled racket where a few make a killing while patients pay, suffer and die. He sold us out.”

Cory Hernandez, who also has a pre-existing condition, “Republicans are using every trick in the book to take away the health care of millions. Nevadans are sick and tired, and we are not going to take it anymore.”

“The stakes have never been higher for Nevadans’ health care,” said Andres Ramirez of Protect Our Care Nevada. “Since the enactment of the Affordable Care Act, approximately 294,000 Nevadans have gained health insurance. This is all in jeopardy due to Republicans’ repeal and sabotage agenda, including Rep. Mark Amodei and Sen. Dean Heller’s votes to repeal health care. Nevadans want this Republican war on health care to end, plain and simple. That’s why we’re here today.”

The bus heads to Las Vegas tomorrow before traveling to Arizona. More details about upcoming stops can be found here.

NEW POLL: Health Care Is A Top Issue in Arizona Senate Race

In A New Poll Released Ahead of Reps. Kyrsten Sinema and Martha McSally’s Senate Debate Tonight Finds Health Care a Top Issue for Majority of Voters, and Strong Opposition to Repeal of ACA and Pre-existing Conditions Protections


Washington, DC – Ahead of tonight’s debate between U.S. Representatives Kyrsten Sinema (D) and Martha McSally (R) in Phoenix, Arizona, a new poll from Public Policy Polling (PPP) for Protect Our Care is the latest to show health care is a top issue for voters. Building upon today’s bombshell AP story about the heat McSally is getting on the campaign trail for her votes to repeal health care and gut pre-existing conditions protections, the poll also shows that Arizonans strongly oppose Republican health care agenda across the board. Brad Woodhouse, executive director of Protect Our Care, issued the following statement ahead of the debate:


“Martha McSally has had a bull’s eye on Arizonans’ health care her whole career, and a promotion to the Senate could make her the deciding vote to rip away protections for millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions like diabetes, heart disease or cancer. But as this poll shows, the more Arizonans learn about her repeal-and-sabotage record, the more likely they will be to vote for her opponent and a real health care champion, Kyrsten Sinema.”


Key Findings from the Protect Our Care Public Policy Polling survey of Arizona Voters:

  • Forty percent of voters say health care is very important when deciding who to vote for in the US Senate election
  • Sixty-six percent of voters have a “major concern” with efforts to eliminate protections for people who have pre-existing medical conditions.
  • Forty-seven percent of women say health care is very important when deciding who to vote for in the US Senate election
  • Sixty-four percent of women and fifty-four percent of men say they want to keep what works and fix what doesn’t in the health care law
  • Fifty percent of voters oppose Republican efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act
  • Sixty-three percent of voters have a “major concern” with Martha McSally’s support for repealing the Affordable Care Act
  • Fifty-nine percent of voters oppose the Trump’s Administration’s lawsuit strike down the healthcare law’s protections for people with pre-existing conditions

Public Policy Polling surveyed 726 Arizona voters on October 12-13, 2018.  The margin of error for the poll is +/- 3.6%. This poll was conducted using automated telephone interviews on behalf of Protect Our Care.


What would full repeal of the Affordable Care Act eliminate?

  • Protections for 2,763,200 Arizonans with pre-existing conditions, if they buy coverage on their own
  • Improvements to Medicare, including reduced costs for prescription drugs
  • Allowing kids to stay on their parents’ insurance until age 26
  • Ban on annual and lifetime limits
  • Ban on insurance discrimination against women
  • Limit on out-of-pocket costs
  • Medicaid expansion currently covering 425,800 Arizonans


2012:  McSally Supported Repealing The ACA: “A Vote For Obamacare Is A Vote Against Small Business And A Vote Against Fiscal Responsibility.”  “The United States House of Representatives today passed the Repeal of Obamacare Act, 244-185, with bi-partisan support.  Arizona’s 8th Congressional District Representative and candidate in the newly drawn 2nd District, Ron Barber, voted against the Act and in support of Obamacare.   ‘Mr. Barber’s vote to save Obamacare is example number 1 of why he needs to be replaced in Congress. Obamacare is costing Americans jobs and driving up our debt. Ron Barber has only been in Washington for 3 weeks and has already become part of the problem. A vote for Obamacare is a vote against small businesses and a vote against fiscal responsibility.'” [Martha McSally for Congress Press Release, 7/11/12]


2015:  McSally Voted For A Total Repeal Of The ACA.  McSally voted for HR 596, an act “to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.”  The bill also ordered House committees to develop a replacement that would “provide people with pre-existing conditions access to affordable health coverage,” but provided no specifics. [HR 596, Roll Call Vote #58, 2/3/15]


2017: McSally Voted For AHCA, Which Was a Vote AGAINST Pre-existing Conditions Protections.   [HR 1628, Roll Call Vote #256, 5/4/17]


The American Health Care Act weakens key protections of the Affordable Care Act by allowing states to let insurers charge people with pre-existing conditions more, among other provisions. The bill would also make it more likely insurers would cherrypick young and healthier people, causing costs to skyrocket for older, sicker people.


The American Health Care Act allowed states to eliminate community rating, meaning insurers would be able to charge people with pre-existing conditions more. This surcharge could be in the tens of thousands of dollars and even six figures: up to $4,270 for asthma, $17,060 for pregnancy, $26,180 for rheumatoid arthritis and $140,510 for metastatic cancer.


  • McSally Encouraged Her GOP Colleagues To “Get This F——g Thing Done” And Repeal The ACA.  “Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and his GOP leadership team held what amounted to a pep rally for rank-and-file members in the Capitol basement Thursday morning as they predicted victory in their push to repeal and replace ObamaCare. Leaders played the ‘Rocky’ theme song as lawmakers walked into the meeting. Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) put an image of George S. Patton on the screen and read inspirational quotes from the general. ‘Let’s get this f–king thing done!’ Rep. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) told her colleagues, according to sources in the room.” [The Hill, 5/4/17]



As Trump Appoints Health Care Obstructor to Run Medicaid Program, New GAO Report Finds Widening Divide Between Medicaid Expansion and Non-Expansion States

“This report is a call for change, yet the Trump Administration delivers more of the same sabotage” said Amanda Harrington

Washington, DC — At the same time as the release of a new report issued by the U.S. Government Accountability Office today finding a vast gulf in access to health care between people who live in states that have expanded Medicaid in contrast with those that have not, the Trump Administration announced that Governor Paul LePage’s former health-obstructer-in-chief Mary Mayhew has been tapped to lead Medicaid and CHIP.

The GAO report puts into sharp view the harm that can be done when officials like Mayhew block Medicaid expansion in their states. Among the report’s findings, low-income adults in states that expanded Medicaid were almost half as likely to have unmet medical needs, more than half as likely to forego medical care due to cost and nearly half as likely to report needing mental health care or prescription medication but not being able to afford it.

Amanda Harrington, spokeswoman for Protect Our Care, issued the following statement in response:

“The new GAO report is not only a call to action for states that haven’t expanded Medicaid yet, it’s a call for change in leadership. Medicaid expansion is front and center in many competitive governor’s races around the country, and this report shows why: Your ability to access medical care when you need it shouldn’t depend on who you are, how much money you make or what your ZIP code is, but unfortunately that’s the reality for far too many Americans living in states that refuse to expand Medicaid.

“Putting Mary Mayhew in charge of the critical Medicaid and CHIP programs, where she will actively be working to block people from the care they need, is just more Republican health care sabotage. Numerous times, Mary Mayhew and Governor Paul LePage have sought to obstruct the will of Mainers by blocking Medicaid expansion — and as this report shows, she did so at great cost to the people in her state.”


Key Findings from the GAO report, Access to Health Care for Low-Income Adults in States with and without Expanded Eligibility

  • An estimated 5.6 million uninsured, low-income adults—those ages 19 through 64—had incomes at or below the income threshold for expanded Medicaid eligibility as allowed under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA); of these, 3.7 million live in non-expansion states.
  • Low-income adults in expansion states were less likely to report having any unmet medical needs compared with those in non-expansion states, and low-income adults who were insured were less likely to report having unmet medical needs compared with those who were uninsured.
  • Among the low-income adults who were uninsured, those in expansion states were less likely to report having any unmet medical needs compared with those in non-expansion states.
  • Low-income adults in expansion states were more likely to report having a usual place of care to go when sick or needing advice about their health and receiving selected health care services compared with those in non-expansion states.

As Medicaid’s Popularity Grows, It Has Become  a Key Issue in Competitive Governor’s Races

In Ohio, Cordray Blasts DeWine – Who Flip Flopped on Medicaid Expansion. “Cordray also dinged DeWine on Ohio’s Medicaid expansion, which provides health coverage to nearly 700,000 Ohioans. Republican Gov. John Kasich has ‘done some things that are very good for Ohio,’ Cordray said. ‘He had real courage on the Medicaid expansion, bringing that to Ohio and fighting the naysayers in his own party who said, ‘Gee, that’s part of Obamacare.’ And my opponent was part of those naysayers.’ DeWine now says he’ll keep the expansion. But Eck didn’t answer a question asking why, if he favored it, DeWine repeatedly sued to kill the law that made it possible.” [Columbus Dispatch, 9/20/18]

In Wisconsin, Democratic Challenger Targets Walker For Not Taking Federal Medicaid Expansion. “Evers made health care the focus of his only television ad to date, faulting Walker for not taking the federal Medicaid expansion and pointing out that the cost of an average health insurance plan sold on the private market this year in Wisconsin was more expensive than in Minnesota. Walker argues the ad is misleading and health insurance costs will decrease in Wisconsin once a recently approved reinsurance program takes effect.” [Minneapolis Star Tribune, 9/7/18]

In Maine, the Race For Governor Could “End Mediaid Standoff.” “Nearly 60 percent of voters said yes to the ballot initiative last November to approve expansion, but Republican Gov. Paul R. LePage — who is term limited  — has done everything he can to block its implementation, citing concerns over funding. Before it appeared on the ballot, he had vetoed bills to expand Medicaid five times, and now it’s tied up in an ongoing legal battle. Candidates who could follow LePage appear to be more open to implementing the ballot initiative. Democratic gubernatorial candidate Janet Mills has been a vocal supporter of Medicaid expansion. Independent candidates Terry Hayes and Alan Caron have also said they would implement it. The Republican candidate Shawn Moody previously seemed to follow LePage’s lead in opposing expansion, but now says he would implement the law as long as there is funding.” [Washington Post, 10/15/2018]

In Michigan, Candidates Gretchen Whitmer (D) And Bill Schuette (R) Spar Over Medicaid Expansion. “As attorney general, Schuette joined at least nine lawsuits fighting the Affordable Care Act. In a 2017 fundraising mailer, he said he opposed the law, ‘including the ‘free’ federal Medicaid dollars from Obama that leave Michigan taxpayers on the hook for more!’ ‘He has been the chief advocate against Healthy Michigan in our state ever since we started the bipartisan negotiations on it,” Whitmer told The Detroit News. ‘The biggest threat to health care in Michigan is Bill Schuette.’ But the Medicaid expansion program is threatened by declining federal aid, Schuette notes. The federal government fully funded the Medicaid expansion program the first three years, but the state began paying a share in 2017 and will be required to cover 10 percent of the costs by 2020. By then, it’s estimated to cost the state roughly $380 million a year.” [Detroit News, 9/18/19]

In Georgia, Democratic Candidate Stacy Abrams Has Said The First Thing She Would Do Is Expand Medicaid. “Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams has said the first thing she would do as governor is expand Medicaid. That’s the decision each state can make to give more low-income people access to health care. States receive federal funding for it, though they, too, have to pay into the program. ‘And you’ll hear me talk about this ad nauseam because it’s the only answer to Georgia’s challenges,’ Abrams said at a health care policy press conference Monday. ‘We have an uncompensated care rate of $1.7 billion.’…Republican Gov. Nathan Deal has refused to expand the program in Georgia, and Republican candidate Brian Kemp said he wouldn’t expand it either. ‘Government programs that aren’t working now are not a reason to give them more money,’ Kemp said at an event last week. Kemp said, instead, he favors opening up the private sector market to more competition to lower health care costs.” [WABE, 9/12/18]

In Alabama, Democratic Challenger Walt Maddox Is Running On Medicaid Expansion. “The Democratic nominee began the tour in Tuscaloosa where he is mayor. Describing himself as the only candidate in the race talking about the state’s “big problems”, Maddox is running on a platform of establishing a state lottery to fund education programs and expanding Medicaid. Standing with his wife, Stephanie and his two children, Maddox said the race is about ensuring the state’s children have opportunities.” [Associated Press, 9/17/18]
In Florida, Andrew Gillum is running on Medicaid Expansion, with polling showing Floridians want to expand Medicaid. “According to new data from the left-leaning think tank Data for Progress, an estimated 65 percent of Florida voters support expanding Medicaid across the state — and, amazingly, voters in every legislative or congressional district from the Keys all the way up to the Panhandle support the idea.” [Miami New Times, 5/25/18]

In Tennessee, Karl Dean is running on Medicaid Expansion, with polls showing voters support it strongly. “The poll, conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research in April, showed 63 percent support Medicaid expansion with the use of federal funds to 21 percent against and 16 percent undecided.” [Nashville Tennessean, 5/7/18]