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New Polls: Health Care Is The Top Issue in Pennsylvania’s Battleground House Districts

Voters Highly Concerned About Health Care and Disapprove of Republican Attacks on Pre-Existing Conditions and the Affordable Care Act

“The new PPP survey…comes amid a surprisingly tight race between Kelly and DiNicola,” says PennLive.

Washington, DC – New Public Policy Polling (PPP) surveys commissioned by Protect Our Care find that health care may be a decisive issue for voters in the Pennsylvania  battlegrounds of PA-10, PA-16 and PA-17. Leslie Dach, chair of Protect Our Care, issued the following statement in response to the poll findings:

“It’s clear that Pennsylvanians are deeply concerned about health care. That must worry Scott Perry, Mike Kelly, and Keith Rothfus, who put their party ahead of Pennsylvanians when they voted to bring back the age tax, voted to eliminate protections for people with pre-existing conditions and stood by while the Trump Administration went to court to throw our health care overboard.”

Key Findings from PPP-Protect Our Care Poll PA-10

  • Health care is an important issue to voters when deciding who to vote for. 56% say it is either the most important issue or a very important issue when deciding who to vote for.
  • Pennsylvanians are very concerned about the possible consequences of repealing the ACA. 62% of voters think charging people 50+ years old, five times more than younger people for health insurance is a major concern. Eliminating protections for people with pre-existing conditions is a major concern for 57% of voters.
  • 57% oppose the Trump administration lawsuit to eliminate the health care law’s protections for people with pre-existing conditions, including a 42% plurality of Republicans. Pennsylvanians are also less likely to vote for Republicans who stayed silent on this lawsuit. A plurality of voters (42%) say they are less likely to vote for Congressman Perry because of his silence on the lawsuit.


Key Findings from PPP-Protect Our Care Poll PA-16

  • Health care is a very important issue to voters when deciding who to vote for. 58% say it is either the most important issue or a very important issue when deciding who to vote for.
  • Pennsylvanians are very concerned about the possible consequences of repealing the ACA. 60% of voters think charging people 50+ years old, five times more than younger people for health insurance is a major concern. Eliminating protections for people with pre-existing conditions is a major concern for 62% of voters.
  • 57% oppose the Trump administration lawsuit to eliminate the health care law’s protections for people with pre-existing conditions, including a 41% plurality of Republicans. Pennsylvanians are also less likely to vote for Republicans who stayed silent on this lawsuit. A plurality of voters (42%) say they are less likely to vote for Congressman Kelly because of his silence on the lawsuit.

Key Findings from PPP-Protect Our Care Poll PA-17

  • Health care is a very important issue to voters when deciding who to vote for. 60% say it is either the most important issue or a very important issue when deciding who to vote for.
  • Pennsylvanians are very concerned about the possible consequences of repealing the ACA. 62% of voters think charging people 50+ years old, five times more than younger people for health insurance is a major concern. Eliminating protections for people with pre-existing conditions is a major concern for 63% of voters.
  • 68% oppose the Trump administration lawsuit to eliminate the health care law’s protections for people with pre-existing conditions, including a 54% majority of Republicans. Pennsylvanians are also less likely to vote for Republicans who stayed silent on this lawsuit. A plurality of voters (47%) say they are less likely to vote for Congressman Rothfus because of his silence on the lawsuit.


The PPP-Protect Our Care Polls Mirror Data from Google Trends Showing that Searches for Health Care Dominate across the State — including in PA-10, PA-16 and PA-17.

  • Nearly 60 percent of issue based searches in the counties in PA-17 were on health care.
  • In PA-16, health care is the top ranked search in all three counties, by double-digit margins in all counties.
  • In PA-10, health care is the top ranked search in six out of nine counties, representing 64 – 44% of searches


Here’s how the PPP-Protect Our Care polls were covered locally:

PennLive: Access to Healthcare is Driving Voters in this Key Pa. Congressional Race, Poll

New polling data out of Pennsylvania’s surprisingly competitive 16th Congressional District drives that reality home, with a bare majority of voters (51 percent) saying they support keeping, and improving, on the Affordable Care Act.

The new survey by Public Policy Polling also shows voters in the race between GOP incumbent U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly and Democrat Ron DiNicola giving a clear thumbs-down on President Donald Trump’s job performance (52-44 percent, disapprove), and a clear majority (57 percent) opposing the White House’s support for a court case seeking to eliminate the healthcare law’s protections for people with preexisting conditions.

Nearly six in 10 of the 659 voters who responded to the push-button poll (58 percent) listed healthcare as either a “very” important or the “most” important issue in this November’s mid-term election. And a clear majority of respondents (54 percent) said they voted for Trump in 2016.

The new PPP survey, conducted in conjunction with the advocacy group, Protect Our Care PA, comes amid a surprisingly tight race between Kelly and DiNicola.


Kingston Leaders Stand Up to Say, “It’s Time to End the Republican War on Health Care”

Local Health Care Advocates Join Protect Our Care to Call for an End to GOP Attacks on New Yorkers’ Health Care

View photos of today’s event here.

KINGSTON, NEW YORK- This morning, Protect Our Care’s nationwide bus tour arrived in Kingston to call attention to the ongoing Republican war on health care care. Headlined by Assemblymember Kevin Cahill, small business owner Pat Strong, and cancer survivor Laura Packard, the event highlighted the actions Republicans are taking to harm New Yorkers’ care and called on Republicans to work instead to protect our health care.

“I’m alive because of the Affordable Care Act,” said Packard. “I’m a stage four cancer survivor and I’m on this tour to defend our attacks against the GOP. President Trump may have blocked me on Twitter, but he can’t stop me and the American people from fighting to protect our care.”

Her sentiments were echoed by Assemblymember Cahill:

“We in New York state have been doing our part to make sure the protections in the Affordable Care Act remain in New York state and we are committed to making sure every New Yorker has access to health care,” said Assemblymember Cahill. Health champions in the legislature expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, and as a result an additional 143,000 New Yorkers have gained coverage. “The policies we’re so upset about coming out of the White House are also the policies of this Congress, and we need to fight back,” he said.

Indeed, small business owner Pat Strong spoke of her struggles to afford quality insurance. “Our premiums are too high and we’re struggling with prescription drug costs,“ she said. Because of Republican sabotage, it is estimated that New Yorkers will see their premiums rise by an average of 8.6 percent next year. And if the U.S. House of Representatives-passed American Health Care Act had become law, out of pocket costs for older people could have increased by as much as $3,679 by 2026 in New York.

“A few weeks ago, a column ran that said: Get sick, go broke, and die. And that really is the Republican agenda,” said local resident Paul Cooper, who emphasized that he is “angry” about the continued attacks on health care. Republicans in Washington have cut hundreds of billions of dollars have been cut from Medicare and Medicaid.

Later today, “Care Force One” will head to Binghamton, where Protect Our Care will be joined by Ron Deutsch, executive director of the Fiscal Policy Institute, Julie Weisburg of Family Planning Advocates of South Central New York, Jim Carr of the New York State Alliance for Retired Americans, and New Yorkers Linda Quilty and Mike Hermann. For more information, please visit

New Polls, New Data: Health Care is a Top Issue in Texas’s Battleground House Districts

Voters Disapprove of Republican Attacks on Pre-Existing Conditions and Incumbents’’ Pro-Repeal Record, Say They Want Affordable Care Act Improved Rather than Repealed, and Trust Democrats More Than Republicans With Their Health Care

“The 7th Congressional District – stretching west from some of the city’s most affluent neighborhoods into the Harris County suburbs – has become critical turf in the November midterm elections,” says the Houston Chronicle

Texas Congressional District 32 is “the most competitive race in North Texas,” says ABC News in Dallas

Washington, DC – New Public Policy Polling (PPP) surveys commissioned by Protect Our Care find that health care may be a decisive issue for voters in the Texas battlegrounds of TX-07 and TX-32. Said Leslie Dach, chair of Protect Our Care, in response to the poll findings:

“From their repeated votes to repeal protections for people with pre-existing conditions, to their votes to allow insurance companies to charge people over 50 five times more for healthcare, Pete Sessions and John Culbertson’s repeal-and-sabotage records are out of step with Texas voters, who say that health care is one of the most important issues to them this election.”

Key Findings from PPP-Protect Our Care Poll in TX-07

  • Health care is a very important issue to voters when deciding who to vote for. 65% say it is either the most important issue or a very important issue when deciding who to vote for.
  • Texans are very concerned about the possible consequences of repealing the ACA. 58% of voters think charging people 50+ years old, five times more than younger people for health insurance is a major concern. Eliminating protections for people with pre-existing conditions is a major concern for 61% of voters.
  • In a preview of the November election, Democrat Lizzie Pannill Fletcher holds a slight lead over Republican John Culberson, 47-45.

Key Findings from PPP-Protect Our Care Poll in TX-32

  • Health care is a very important issue to voters when deciding who to vote for. 66% say it is either the most important issue or a very important issue when deciding who to vote for.
  • Texans are very concerned about the possible consequences of repealing the ACA. 58% of voters think charging people 50+ years old, five times more than younger people for health insurance is a major concern. Eliminating protections for people with pre-existing conditions is a major concern for 61% of voters.
  • In a preview of the November election, Democrat Colin Allred has a lead over Republican Pete Sessions, 47-42.

The PPP-Protect Our Care Polls Mirror Data from Google Trends Showing that Searches for Health Care Dominate across the State — including in TX-07 and TX-32.

  • In Dallas County (TX-32), 46 percent of all issue searches were on health care; the next highest immigration (34 percent).
  • In Harris County (TX-07), 41 percent of all issue searches were on health care; the next highest was immigration (37 percent).
  • In a preview of the November election, Democrat Colin Allred has a lead over Republican Pete Sessions, 47-42.

Here’s how the PPP-Protect Our Care polls were covered locally:


Qurorum Report: PPP Poll Shows both Sessions and Culberson Trailing Challengers

“A new round of polling out from Public Policy Polling finds both Representatives Pete Sessions, R-Dallas, and John Culberson, R-Houston, trailing their Democratic opponents Colin Allred and Lizzie Pannill Fletcher, respectively.

“[…] 66% of those surveyed in Sessions’ district said health care is either the most important or a very important issue when choosing who to vote for. 58% of voters think charging those over age 50 more than the young for health insurance is a major concern.

“Eliminating protections for people with pre-existing conditions is a major concern for 61% of voters in Sessions’ district.

“Similar numbers appeared in Harris County, where 65% said health care was either the most important or a very important issue. 61% of voters there felt eliminating protections for people with pre-exisitng conditions is a major concern.”

Texas Tribune’s Patrick Svitek:

Protect Our Care Missouri Statement on Dishonest Josh Hawley Ad

Kansas City, MO – Following Josh Hawley’s latest ad, Protect Our Care Missouri spokesperson Tom Bastian released the following statement:

“Coming just days after his office participated in an all-out attack on these same consumer protections in a Texas courtroom, Josh Hawley’s lies are an insult to every Missourian with a pre-existing condition, and an affront to the voters he purports to represent. Before he spends one more dollar to keep this misleading ad on the air, Attorney General Hawley should withdraw from the GOP strikedown lawsuit and apologize for putting people with pre-existing conditions at risk.”

State Representatives Join Former Mayor Baldacci and Mainers to Demand that Republicans #ProtectOurCare

“Care Force One” Makes Stop in Bangor on National Bus Tour

Bangor, ME – Today, State Representatives Steve Stanley, Anne Perry, and Ryan Tipping joined former Mayor Joe Baldacci and Mainers with pre-existing conditions at Waterfront Park in Bangor to speak out against the devastating repercussions of health care repeal.

The event was part of Protect Our Care’s nationwide bus tour calling attention to Republicans’ attempts to sabotage health care, including a lawsuit signed by Governor Paul LePage that would gut protections for Mainers with pre-existing conditions and Rep. Bruce Poliquin’s (ME-02) repeated attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

The 548,000 Mainers living with a pre-existing condition would be in jeopardy if a judge sides with Paul LePage, President Trump, and the GOP in their lawsuit. What’s more, 70,000 Mainers have been denied access to affordable health coverage through Governor LePage’s refusal to expand Medicaid.

“Our message today is that Senator Collins and Congressman Poliquin need to listen to the people of Maine and their needs,” said former Bangor Mayor Joe Baldacci. “There are hundreds of thousands of people who benefit from the all the protections provided under the ACA. The economy of rural Maine will take a devastating blow if it is repealed. So I stand here today to say this is what is right for the people of Maine.”

Ashley Homstead, who works in the recovery community, said, “If I didn’t get the treatment I needed when I was younger, I would not be here today. Today, I work with women on the waitlist waiting for treatment. I have 43 women on my waitlist, 36 of which do not have insurance, and I can guarantee you they’d be eligible for Medicaid if it were to expand. When you’re thinking about the ACA and expanding Medicaid, think about these women and their families.”

“I was diagnosed with a pre-existing when I was 17, before the ACA,” said Kristen Nilsen, a mental health counselor. “A few years later when I was in between jobs, the only coverage available to me – because of the pre-existing condition in my medical history – was $1,500 a month. I had to go without health insurance because I needed to put food on the table.”

State Representative Anne Perry highlighted the importance of expanding Medicaid in the state, adding, “We cannot afford to go back to the way things were. We were in trouble before the ACA.” State Representative Ryan Tipping concluded the event by saying, “we should be moving forward, making sure care is more affordable and more available. We shouldn’t be moving backwards. Call Senator Collins and Representative Poliquin and tell them to stop this attack on health care throughout the country.”

“The stakes have never been higher for Mainers’ health care,” said TJ Helmstetter of Protect Our Care. “Since the enactment of the Affordable Care Act, almost 70,000 Mainers have gained health insurance. This is all in jeopardy due to Republicans’ repeal and sabotage agenda, including Governor LePage’s ludicrous lawsuit and Rep. Poliquin’s vote to repeal health care. Mainers want this Republican war on health care to end, plain and simple. That’s why we’re here today.”

You can watch the full video here. The bus now travels to New York for an event tomorrow. More details but upcoming stops can be found here.


Today in Health Care Sabotage: Administration Shifts Millions Away From Health Care Services…and Toward Child Detention

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar Undermines Health Care in Decision to Shift Funds Away from Health Care Services

Washington, D.C. – In its latest act of health care sabotage and in support of its cruel immigration policy, HHS Secretary Azar is shifting nearly half a billion dollars away from medical research, HIV/AIDS treatment and Affordable Care Act implementation toward detention of migrant children. Leslie Dach, chair of Protect Our Care, released the following statement in response:

“This is more than just health care sabotage, this is health care sabotage committed for the purpose of keeping children and families apart. It is shameful and outright wrong. Azar is only the latest Republican to play a dangerous game with the individuals who need health care the most.”

Sen. King, Rep. Pingree, and Mainers with Pre-Existing Conditions Gather to Demand that Republicans #ProtectOurCare

“Care Force One” Makes Stop in Portland on National Bus Tour

Portland, Maine – Today, Senator Angus King and Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (ME-01) joined state representatives and three Mainers with pre-existing conditions at Portland City Hall to speak out against the devastating repercussions of health care repeal.

Today, Senator Angus King and Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (ME-01) joined state representatives and three Mainers with pre-existing conditions at Portland City Hall to speak out against the devastating repercussions of health care repeal.

The event was part of Protect Our Care’s nationwide bus tour calling attention to Republicans’ attempts to sabotage health care, including a lawsuit signed onto by Governor Paul LePage that would gut protections for Mainers with pre-existing conditions.

The 548,000 Mainers living with a pre-existing condition would be in jeopardy if a judge sides with Paul LePage, President Trump, and the GOP in their lawsuit. What’s more, 70,000 Mainers have been denied access to affordable health coverage through Governor LePage’s refusal to expand Medicaid.

Senator Angus King kicked off the event, saying, “What worries me is that there’s this ongoing effort to undo the advances made by the Affordable Care Act. And make no mistake, the Affordable Care Act is not collapsing – it’s being mugged. We’ve been able to beat back these repeal efforts in the past, and we need to continue to do so.”

“The Republicans in Congress and this administration have been destroying the ACA. They couldn’t repeal it, so they’ve just been trying to destroy it,” Congresswoman Pingree echoed. “Almost half of the state of Maine has one pre-existing condition, and we want to make sure they have the care they need, so we are going to continue to fight very hard on this.”

They were joined by State Rep. Heather Sanborn, State Rep. Matt Moonen, and Mainers living with pre-existing conditions, who shared their stories and talked about the protections provided to them under the Affordable Care Act.

“The stakes have never been higher for Mainers’ health care,” said TJ Helmstetter of Protect Our Care. “Since the enactment of the Affordable Care Act, almost 70,000 Mainers have gained health insurance. This is all in jeopardy due to Republicans’ repeal and sabotage agenda, including Governor LePage’s ludicrous lawsuit and Rep. Poliquin’s vote to repeal health care. Mainers want this Republican war on health care to end, plain and simple. That’s why we’re here today.”

You can watch the full video here. The bus travels to Bangor this afternoon, then onto New York. More details but upcoming stops can be found here.

Another Day, More Polling Shows Health Care Backlash Against GOP

FOX POLL: Dems hold 15 Point Advantage on Health Care, Health Care #1 Issue

New polls from the weekend give further evidence to the supercharged backlash against Republican for trying to repeal health care – gutting protections for pre-existing conditions and raising costs, especially for people over 50.

“Every poll shows that voters have uncovered the truth about the Republican health care repeal and they don’t like what they see,” said Brad Woodhouse, executive director of Protect Our Care. “Republicans can’t defend their indefensible plan to rip health care away from people with pre-existing conditions and raise costs, especially on seniors, while giving tax breaks to their insurance and drug company donors.”

A FOX News Poll Shows:

  • Voters disapprove of Trump’s handling of health care by 14 points (39-53 percent). This margin grows to 24 points among independents (28-52 percent).
  • When making their decision of who to vote for, voters say health care is their #1 issue (59 percent extremely important and 27 percent very important).
  • By 15 points (49-34 percent), voters say Democrats are doing a better job on health care than Republicans. The lead grows to 16 points (51-35 percent) with likely voters and holds up at 12 points (48-36 percent) even with voters over 45 years old.
  • For the first time in their survey since the Affordable Care Act passed, less than 40 percent believe the law went too far (only 37 percent). In fact, 54 percent believe either didn’t go far enough (31 percent) or was about right (23 percent).

A CBS Battleground Survey Shows:

  • Seventy percent of voters in these battleground districts say health care will be a very important issue in their vote, just ahead of Supreme Court appointments (66 percent), immigration (63 percent), and gun policy (60 percent).
  • Health care ranks number one on the list of “very important” issues to voters. Eighty-seven percent of Democrats say it is very important, as do 64 percent of independents.

New Polls, New Data: Health Care is a Top Issue in Minnesota’s Battleground House Districts

Voters Disapprove of Republican Attacks on Pre-Existing Conditions and Incumbents’’ Pro-Repeal Record, Say They Want Affordable Care Act Improved Rather than Repealed, and Trust Democrats More Than Republicans With Their Health Care

Washington, DC – New Public Policy Polling (PPP) surveys commissioned by Protect Our Care find that health care may be a decisive issue for voters in the Minnesota battlegrounds of MN-02 and MN-03. Said Leslie Dach, chair of Protect Our Care, in response to the poll findings:

“If I’m Erik Paulsen and Jason Lewis, I’m sweating today because mounting evidence shows that voters know about, care about and fundamentally oppose the health care repeal-and-sabotage record of these Republican incumbents and their relentless attacks on Minnesotans with pre-existing conditions.”  

Key Findings from PPP-Protect Our Care Poll in MN-02

  • Health care is a very important issue to voters when deciding who to vote for. 62% say it is either the most important issue or a very important issue when deciding who to vote for.
  • Minnesotans are very concerned about the possible consequences of repealing the ACA. 62% of voters think charging people 50+ years old, five times more than younger people for health insurance is a major concern. Eliminating protections for people with pre-existing conditions is a major concern for 63% of voters.
  • In a preview of the November election, Democrat Angie Craig holds a lead over Republican Jason Lewis, 48-45.

Key Findings from PPP-Protect Our Care Poll in MN-03

  • Health care is a very important issue to voters when deciding who to vote for. 65% say it is either the most important issue or a very important issue when deciding who to vote for.
  • Minnesotans are very concerned about the possible consequences of repealing the ACA. Two-thirds (66%) of voters think charging people 50+ years old, five times more than younger people for health insurance is a major concern. Eliminating protections for people with pre-existing conditions is a major concern for 67% of voters.
  • In a preview of the November election, Democrat Dean Phillips holds a lead over Republican Erik Paulsen, 52-39.

The PPP-Protect Our Care Polls Mirror Data from Google Trends Showing that Searches for Health Care Dominate across the State — including in MN-02 and MN-03.

  • In MN-03 between 63 percent of all issue searches were on health care; the next highest issue being immigration at 17 percent.
  • In MN-02 health care was the top researched issue in every county.

Here’s how the PPP-Protect Our Care polls were covered locally:

MinnPost: Two Major Political Handicappers Find Minnesota’s Third District Slipping out of Erik Paulsen’s Grasp

A new poll conducted by Democratic-leaning firm Public Policy Polling and commissioned by health care advocacy group Protect Our Care also shows Phillips with a sizable advantage over Paulsen. Phillips has a 13-point lead over Paulsen in that poll, notching 52 percent of support over Paulsen’s 39 percent among the 538 respondents in the poll.

The poll, which focused on voter attitudes about health care in CD2 and CD3, also found that 56 percent of those polled had an unfavorable view of Trump, and of GOP efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act — both of which could influence the outcome in those key races.

WCCS Sunday Morning: Angie Craig Joins Esme Murphy In Studio

Esme Murphy, WCCS: One of the things I thought was interesting in that [PPP] poll…is the numbers of people that said health care is their number one concern and also the number of people that actually support the Affordable Care Act.  

Angie Craig, candidate for MN-02: Fifty-one percent of people in my district have a pre-existing condition, so if you’re not willing to stand up when you need to, then you need to stand down and let someone else take your place.

Sen. Angus King, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, AFT President Randi Weingarten, and Health Care Advocate Laura Packard Among Superstar Headliners on the Next Leg of Protect Our Care’s Nationwide Bus Tour


Care Force One Continues 11,505 Mile Bus Tour with Stops This Week in Maine, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Ohio

Washington, D.C. – This week, Protect Our Care will continue the first week of its nationwide bus tour, a 48-stop, 23-state bus tour highlighting the Republican war on health care and its impact on Americans from coast to coast. Following yesterday’s launch event in Bridgeport, Connecticut, Care Force One travels to Maine, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Ohio.

The tour will continue highlighting that the Republican war on health care is very much alive, with GOP officials using legislation, regulations, and the courts to continue their attacks on protections for the 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions, for women and older Americans, and on Medicaid and Medicare. Thanks to the Republicans’ tax bill and junk plan regulations, a typical family of four could see their health insurance premiums increase by $3,110 next year.

The week continues this morning in Portland, Maine:

WHO: U.S. Sen. Angus King

U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree

State Rep. Heather Sanborn

State Rep. Matt Moonen

Laura Packard, cancer survivor

WHERE: Portland City Hall
389 Congress Street, Portland, ME

WHEN: Monday, September 24

10:00 AM ET

LIVESTREAM: The event will be streamed on the Protect Our Care Facebook page

Later in the week, Care Force One will travel to Pittsburgh:

WHO: Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro

Dr. Geoffrey L. Ruben, Ruben, Doctors for America

Lisa Frank, Service Employees International Union

Laura Packard, cancer survivor

Joe DiFazio, Pennsylvanian with health care story and concerns over GOP actions

Michelle Boyle, registered nurse

WHERE: Pittsburgh City-County Building

401 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA

WHEN: Thursday, September 27

10:00 AM ET

LIVESTREAM: The event will be streamed on the Protect Our Care Facebook page

And as the week comes to an end, Care Force One will visit Columbus:

WHO: American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten

Columbus City Attorney Zach Klein, who recently filed a lawsuit against the Trump Administration’s health care sabotage

Laura Packard, cancer survivor

John Ost, Ohioan with health care story and concerns over GOP actions

WHERE: Street address forthcoming.

WHEN: Friday, September 28

3:00 PM ET

LIVESTREAM: The event will be streamed on the Protect Our Care Facebook page

Check out for the latest information on the tour. The remaining schedule of Care Force One appearances is below:

Portland, ME on Monday, September 24, 2018

Bangor, ME on Monday, September 24, 2018

Kingston, NY on Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Binghamton, NY on Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Burlington County, NJ on Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Harrisburg, PA on Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Pittsburgh, PA on Thursday, September 27, 2018

Erie, PA on Thursday, September 27, 2018

Cleveland, OH on Friday, September 28, 2018

Columbus, OH on Friday, September 28, 2018

Parkersburg, WV on Monday, October 1, 2018

Morgantown, WV on Monday, October 1, 2018

Charleston, WV on Monday, October 1, 2018

Cincinnati, OH on Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Indianapolis, IN on Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Lansing, MI on Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Kalamazoo, MI on Wednesday, October 3, 2018

South Bend, IN on Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Milwaukee, WI on Thursday, October 4, 2018

Green Bay, WI on Thursday, October 4, 2018

Madison, WI on Friday, October 5, 2018

Cedar Rapids, IA on Friday, October 5, 2018

Des Moines, IA on Monday, October 8, 2018

Minneapolis, MN on Monday, October 8, 2018

Fargo, ND on Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Bismarck, ND on Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Billings, MT on Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Butte, MT Thursday, October 11, 2018

Missoula, MT on Friday, October 12, 2018

Reno, NV on Monday, October 15, 2018

Las Vegas, NV on Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Phoenix, AZ on Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Tucson, AZ on Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Denver, CO on Friday, October 19, 2018

Kansas City, MO on Monday, October 22, 2018

Springfield, MO on Monday, October 22, 2018

St. Louis, MO on Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Memphis, TN on Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Nashville, TN on Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Richmond, VA on Thursday, October 25, 2018

Raleigh, NC on Thursday, October 25, 2018

Atlanta, GA on Friday, October 26, 2018

Sarasota, FL on Monday, October 29, 2018

Orlando, FL on Monday, October 28, 2018

Miami, FL on Wednesday, October 31, 2018

St. Lucie, FL on Thursday, November 1, 2018

West Palm, FL on Friday, November 2, 2018
