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Republicans Stand With Trump Lawsuit; Continue Their War on Health Care

Washington, DC — Today, the House voted on a resolution condemning Trump’s lawsuit and his continued war on health care introduced by Representative Collin Allred (TX-32). Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) introduced a similar resolution in the Senate. Protect Our Care chair Leslie Dach released the following statement:

“Democrats gave their Republican colleagues a clear choice today. Republicans could vote to support ripping health care away from millions or vote to condemn the President’s disastrous lawsuit, and, unsurprisingly, they chose the former. Every Member of Congress who promised to protect people with pre-existing conditions and who voted against this resolution is lying about their position on health care. Democrats are focused on lowering costs and improving care, while Republicans remain dead set on their agenda of sabotage, higher costs, and worse care.”


Truth Bomb: Trump Says 2020 is About Health Care, and He’s Right

Americans have already figured out what President Trump and his Republicans want to do to our health care – they’ve gone to court to overturn and strike down our health care laws.

The lawsuit gives power to insurance companies to charge as much as they want – with double digit premium hikes and increases in prescription drug costs – while they cover as little as they want – gutting protections for people with pre-existing conditions and dropping young adults from their parents’ plans.


POLITICO: Poll: Majority of voters don’t trust Trump on health care

AXIOS: Even Republicans don’t hate the entire ACA

LAST NIGHT: President Trump again promised that the 2020 election will be about health care


April is Medicaid Awareness Month: Nationwide Push On Importance of Medicaid And How Trump’s Lawsuit, Medicaid Sabotage Hurts Americans

Washington, DC – Protect Our Care along with advocates and activists will observe Medicaid Awareness Month this April by highlighting Medicaid’s vital importance for millions of Americans in communities across the country and how President Trump’s agenda of repeal and sabotage threatens Medicaid coverage for millions of Americans.

To mark the start of the Medicaid Awareness Month, Protect Our Care executive director Brad Woodhouse released the following statement:

“From providing health insurance to children and those with disabilities to critical programs for seniors to combating the scourge of opioid addiction, Medicaid serves as a lifeline for millions of Americans, without which many of whom would not get the care they need. While Democrats have made clear that strengthening and expanding Medicaid is a key part of their health care agenda, President Trump and Republicans remain dead set on gutting it and ripping up the entire health care system. With Trump’s lawsuit, Republicans are returning to an agenda of repeal that will strip coverage from millions of Americans and prevent those on Medicaid from getting the care they need. Make no mistake, from so-called ‘work requirements’ and ‘block grants’ to budget cuts, failed repeal attempts and the Trump lawsuit, the President has declared outright war on Medicaid.”

Medicaid is an essential program for more than 75 million Americans currently receiving coverage, including more than 35 million children, and nearly 7 million seniors. While Democrats have taken concrete steps to expand and strengthen Medicaid, Republicans and the Trump administration continue to do everything they can to gut Medicaid and strip people of their coverage.

The Trump lawsuit that aims to dismantle the entire health care system, the effort by President Trump to impose so-called ‘“work requirements” on Medicaid recipients, his recent proposed $1.3 trillion cut to the program in his budget and his pledge to again pursue legislative repeal that would slash Medicaid and end the Medicaid expansion represents the most significant assault on the program since it was signed into law more than 50 years ago.

Throughout the month of April, Protect Our Care and other partner organizations will host dozens of events nationwide to raise awareness of the critical role that Medicaid plays in America as well as the consequences of the Trump Administration’s war on Medicaid, and what his health care sabotage means for the future of the program.

The month will include the following theme’s each week:

  • Week 1: The Republican War On Medicaid
  • Week 2: Medicaid Expansion — And The States Rolling It Back
  • Week 3: Medicaid Is A Lifeline For Rural America And Veterans
  • Week 4: The Cost Of Sabotaging Medicaid

See below for background on this week’s Medicaid Awareness focus, the Republican war on Medicaid:

The Republican War On Medicaid

President Trump and Republicans in Congress have waged a relentless war on Medicaid. Their war on Medicaid is a war on children, seniors, people with disabilities, rural Americans, those fighting the opioid crisis, our schools, and everyone else who benefits from Medicaid.


Despite repeatedly promising not to cut Medicaid when he ran for president in 2017, President Trump’s latest budget called for $1.5 trillion in cuts to Medicaid. Trump’s lawsuit to fully repeal the Affordable Care Act would end Medicaid expansion, kicking 12.7 million who depend on the program off their insurance.

With the support of the Trump Administration, House Republicans in 2017 voted to repeal the ACA — the American Health Care Act (AHCA) — which would have cut Medicaid by $834 billion and turned it into a per capita program. The Senate repeal bill — Graham-Cassidy — would have slashed Medicaid funding by $4 trillion over 20 years.


When they are not calling for dramatic cuts to Medicaid, Republicans are finding other ways to sabotage the program. For instance, Republicans in state after state are proposing illegal and burdensome “work requirements” which do nothing but take health care away from people who need it. Medicaid work requirements are blatantly designed to strip health care away from low-income Americans. Thankfully, they have now been declared illegal by multiple courts. Republican governors now want to appeal these decisions.

Despite these court decisions, President Trump’s 2020 budget proposed a nationwide work requirement which experts estimate will cause up to 4 million people to lose coverage, mostly due to paperwork and red tape. More than 18,000 people lost their Medicaid in Arkansas because of the work requirement the courts have now overturned.

In November’s elections, voters moved to expand Medicaid in three states and elect pro-Medicaid governors in even more. Now, Republlican officials are doing everything in their power to deny voters’ will in states that elected to expand Medicaid and prevent Medicaid expansion initiatives in states now starting to consider them. Just last week the Trump administration approved a request from Utah to cap its Medicaid enrollment, fundamentally restricting the number of people who can access life-saving health care.


In 2017, President Trump signed a $1.5 trillion tax bill that disproportionately benefits the wealthy and that is already padding health company’s profits. How do Republicans plan on paying for it? Former Speaker Ryan’s answer left no doubt: “Frankly, it’s the health care entitlements that are the big drivers of our debt.” In an attempt to pay for these tax cuts, last April, House Republicans passed a balanced budget amendment that would slash Medicaid funding by $114 billion in a single year alone. President Trump’s fiscal 2020 budget called for $1.5 trillion in cuts over ten years.

The Republican plan is clear: give companies like drug giant Pfizer a $563 million tax benefit, and make low and middle income Americans pay the price.


  • Children & Families. Roughly 9 million children in the United States are enrolled in Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Nationally, nearly 2 in 5, or 39% of children in America have health insurance through Medicaid, as do 17 Percent of parents. 49 percent of births are covered by Medicaid.
  • More than 6.9 million American seniors have Medicaid coverage. More than 8.5 million Americans ages 50 to 64 have health coverage through Medicaid. Medicaid covers 6 in 10 nursing home residents.
  • People with disabilities. Nearly 7 million adults enrolled in Medicaid have a disability. Of this group, only 43 percent qualify for social security income. More than 1 in 3 adults under age 65 enrolled in Medicaid lives with at least one disability. Medicaid covers 45 percent of nonelderly adults with disabilities, including adults with physical disabilities, developmental disabilities, brain injuries, and mental illness.
  • People in rural areas. The ACA has expanded access to health care to nearly 7 million rural Americans who have gained coverage through the Medicaid expansion, not only playing a central role in improving rural communities’ health, but also supporting these communities’ economic well-being. Medicaid covers nearly 24 percent of rural Americans, 45 percent of rural children, 15 percent of rural seniors, and pays for 51 percent of rural births. The uninsured rate in rural areas in states that expanded Medicaid has dropped by a median of 44 percent since expansion.
  • Fighting the opioid crisis. More than half of people with an opioid use disorder earn incomes below 200 percent of the federal poverty line. In 2014, Medicaid paid for 25 percent of all addiction treatment nationwide. It is estimated that Medicaid expansion covers four in ten people with an opioid use disorder.

Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Susan Collins’ Letter Makes Her Part of the Problem On Health Care, Not the Solution

Washington, DC — After Senator Susan Collins wrote a letter to Attorney General Bill Barr regarding the Trump lawsuit to destroy the ACA, Protect Our Care executive director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement:

“Susan Collins may want us to believe that a letter to the attorney general will absolve her ownership of the Trump lawsuit, but we know that her vote on the Trump tax bill opened the door for this disastrous move to ‘terminate’ our health care. Senator Collins voted to confirm Attorney General Bill Barr who is executing Trump’s disastrous lawsuit and pro-repeal Justice Brett Kavnauagh, and once again millions of people are in danger of losing their live-saving care. Mainers deserve a leader who will do more than write an empty letter.”


Susan Collins was a key vote for the Republican tax bill, which repealed a key provision of the Affordable Care Act that required most people to have health coverage and which is the basis of the Trump-Republican lawsuit seeking to overturn the Affordable Care Act.

Susan Collins voted to confirm Attorney General Bill Barr. Six weeks after Barr’s confirmation he led the DOJ to back a full invalidation of the Affordable Care Act in Texas v. Azar, a sharp escalation of the Trump administration’s ongoing war on the law.  

Susan Collins refused to support a Senate Resolution that would authorize the Senate legal counsel to intervene in a lawsuit seeking to overturn the Affordable Care Act. Collins refused to sponsor the resolution (S. Res. 581), which would authorize Senate legal counsel to defend the Affordable Care Act against attack in Texas v. Azar.

Susan Collins was a key vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh.  Collins voted to confirm Justice Brett Kavanaugh.  Kavanaugh authored rulings expressing skepticism about the Affordable Care Act and could be the pivotal vote to overturn the law if Texas v. Azar were to reach the Supreme Court.

  • August 2018:  Collins Said It Was A “Stretch” To Be Concerned About Brett Kavanaugh’s Record On The Affordable Care Act.  As the Texas lawsuit makes its way through the courts and as Brett Kavanaugh refuses to weigh in on the case that even conservative legal scholars call “a mockery of the rule of law,” Collins refuses to acknowledge the threat Brett Kavanaugh poses to Americans’ health care: “Susan Collins: For those who have somehow drawn the connection between [Kavanaugh’s] not wanting to hear that case because of jurisdictional issues and the very important consumer protections that are part of the ACA is, to me, a stretch.”

SHOT/CHASER: Known Medicare Fraudster And Repeal Fanatic Rick Scott Tapped To Lead Trump’s Latest Round Of Health Care Sabotage

SHOT: Sen. Rick Scott Becomes Trump Point Man On GOP Health Care Policy. [Orlando Sentinel, 3/30/19]

CHASER: Rick Scott Has Vocally Supported Trump’s Failed Health Care Repeal Efforts.

  • Rick Scott Urged Repeal Of The ACA On “Day One” Of The Trump Administration. “Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) is ramping up pressure on Republicans in Congress to aggressively and immediately pursue a repeal of ObamaCare, despite any politically damaging effects.” [The Hill, 12/13/16]
  • Rick Scott Called The AHCA “Way Better Than Obamacare” And Said He Would Do “Everything I Can” To Pass It. “Gov. Rick Scott said Thursday the failed GOP health care bill was ‘way better than Obamacare’ and that he remains optimistic President Trump and Congress can get it done.” [Tampa Bay Times, 3/30/17]
  • Rick Scott Continued To Push For Repeal Even After It Failed In The Senate. “Gov. Rick Scott, whose political career is largely defined by opposition to the Affordable Care Act, still wants Republicans to repeal the federal health care law despite their apparent failure to do so.” [Orlando Sentinel, 7/18/17]

CHASER: Rick Scott’s Company Committed Historic Medicare Fraud. He Will Now Lead Trump’s Health-Care Push. “On Thursday, Trump told reporters that Scott, and fellow Republican Senators John Barrasso of Wyoming and Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, would lead the party’s push on health-care reform. ‘They are going to come up with something really spectacular,” the president said. If by spectacular, he means a candidate who was at the helm of a company that pleaded guilty to historic efforts to defraud Medicare, the president has found his man.’” [New York Magazine, 4/1/19]


Protect Our Care Responds to House Democrats’ Resolution Condemning Trump Legal Assault On Health Care

Washington, D.C. —  Today, House Democrats announced they will hold a vote in the next week on a resolution introduced by Rep. Colin Allred (D-TX) condemning the Trump administration’s latest legal assault on health care. In response, Protect Our Care chair Leslie Dach released the following statement:

“Every Member of Congress who claims to care about health care or has promised their constituents to protect people with pre-existing conditions will be judged by how they vote on this resolution. You can stand for affordable quality health care or you can stand with Donald Trump — you can’t do both.”

Trump Administration Approves Dangerous Medicaid Work Requirements, Cap On Enrollment In Utah Just Days After Judge Strikes Down HHS Sabotage

Washington, DC — Following the Trump Administration’s decision today to approve a cap on Medicaid enrollment and impose dangerous Medicaid work requirements in Utah in as many days as similar requirements in Kentucky and Arkansas were struck down by a federal judge, Protect Our Care chair Leslie Dach released the following statement:

“Two days after a federal judge ruled the Trump Administration’s dangerous Medicaid work requirements illegal, Seema Verma is at it again, trying to impose the same work requirements in Utah. If Administrator Verma spent less time spending millions of dollars on her image consultants and more time understanding her duties as CMS administrator, she might realize these work requirements are not only illegal, but extremely harmful to Americans.”


Editorial Boards Reject Trump’s “Senseless” War On Health Care, Laud Democrats For Smart Plan To Deliver Lower Costs & Better Care

This week, Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats announced legislation that would deliver Americans lower costs and better care. President Trump announced his full support of a lawsuit that would strip health care and pre-existing condition protections from millions. Editorial boards across the country have taken note — the contrast could not be more clear. Take a look for yourself:

Bloomberg Editorial: House Democrats’ Smart Plan To Bolster Obamacare. “The ACA remains under fierce assault. And that is all the more reason to welcome a new effort by Democratic leaders in the House of Representatives to buttress the law.Assorted blows against Obamacare have caused premiums for individual health-care policies to be set about 16 percent higher than they otherwise would have been this year. Enrollment fell by 300,000 for 2019 — extending a disgraceful pause in what had been, after passage of the ACA, a steady expansion in American health-care security…With this measure, the Democratic leadership isn’t proposing a revolutionary single-payer plan, but more of the incremental progress toward health-care security that’s already been accomplished by the ACA — which, by the way, is now a broadly popular law. As the Trump administration pursues a radical legal attack on Obamacare’s achievements, the new bill shows that the Democrats can lead responsibly on this vital issue.” [Bloomberg, 3/27/19]

Washington Post Editorial: Trump’s New Attempt To Undo Obamacare Is Senseless. “Previously, the Trump administration argued that only some of the law would have to be quashed. Now, the Justice Department says the whole thing must disappear. This is bonkers. Obamacare is a sprawling law that includes big changes in Medicaid, Medicare, hospital regulation and public-health policy that have no relationship with the individual mandate. The loss of the mandate poses no threat to the viability of Obamacare’s expanded Medicaid program, on which 17 million Americans rely. It has no bearing on whether restaurants should have to post calorie counts on their menus or whether payments to Medicare providers should be cut. Mandate or no, these reforms could persist.” [Washington Post, 3/27/19]

Wall Street Journal Editorial: A Losing Health-Care Strategy. “An abiding mystery of the Trump Presidency is why it can’t stand prosperity. And right on time, after its victory on Russian collusion, the Administration decided this week to elevate a legal fight over health care that it is almost sure to lose…As for the politics, the White House calculation seems to be that a legal decision striking down the law would force Congress to act. President Trump said on Wednesday that ‘if the Supreme Court rules that ObamaCare is out, we will have a plan that is far better than ObamaCare.’ The GOP and Democrats can then offer Americans their competing health-care visions in 2020, and may the best plan win. But the White House had better hope it doesn’t have that debate after millions have lost their insurance in an election year due to a court case. The GOP couldn’t agree on a plan to replace ObamaCare when it ran all of Congress, and many of the GOP Members most knowledgeable about health care have retired. If there’s some new emerging GOP consensus, we haven’t heard about it.” [Wall Street Journal, 3/27/19]

USA Today Editorial: Trump Prattles On About Making GOP ‘The Party Of Health Care,’ But Republicans Have No Such Plan. “While President Donald Trump prattled Wednesday about some forthcoming, unspecified offering that would be ‘far better than Obamacare’ and make the GOP ‘the party of great health care,’ he has no such plan. Such a plan has never existed for one simple reason: The ACA largely is that plan. Its basic architecture was devised in the 1990s as a conservative alternative to the proposals of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Later, it would be put into practice by Republican Mitt Romney, when he was governor of Massachusetts, and appropriated by Democrat Barack Obama when he was a presidential candidate.  Ironically, and cynically, the biggest winner from the renewed effort to kill Obamacare is Democratic lawmakers. With Trump off the hook on Russian collusion, they could hardly restrain their glee this week as they attacked the president and unveiled plans to expand coverage.” [USA Today, 3/27/19]

Columbus Dispatch Editorial: Trump’s Delusion Won’t Make GOP Health Care Champions. ‘Let me tell you exactly what my message is: The Republican Party will soon be known as the party of health care,’ he told reporters on Tuesday.

We suggest he left a word off the end of that comment: devastation. That will be the result if Trump and his Justice Department are successful in pursuing total invalidation of the Affordable Care Act through a court challenge pending in a federal appeals court in New Orleans…Democrats are understandably gleeful at Trump’s folly in claiming Republicans can transform into health care champions. The fantasy in that view is why Democrats regained the House in the 2018 midterm elections.” [Columbus Dispatch, 3/29/19]

Charleston Gazette-Mail Editorial: Having Learned Nothing, Trump Goes After Obamacare Again. “President Donald Trump, feeling exuberant from an exoneration that was not at all an exoneration from the Mueller investigation, has again decided to set his sights on destroying the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. Trump is once more proving he never learns from anything, and GOP incumbents are wondering what to do with this new landmine as the 2020 election approaches…If the ACA is repealed, Americans will suffer. They will be denied health insurance, and their out-of-pocket medical expenses will soar. In a state like West Virginia, it would likely mean more medical providers would shut down, making health care even more inaccessible for rural residents.” [Charleston Gazette-Mail, 3/29/19]

St. Louis Post-Dispatch Editorial: Trump, Hawley Bid To Kill Obamacare Endangers America’s Health — And The GOP’s. “In its place, the White House offers mendacious rhetoric about bringing more and better coverage to the most vulnerable Americans, while working in plain view to do exactly the opposite: to return America to a place where having a pre-existing medical condition can mean personal bankruptcy or worse…And how would President Donald Trump address the gaping health care hole he proposes to open? He offered typically empty bluster: ‘The Republican Party will soon be known as the party of health care. You watch.’ America will. And if this suit succeeds, the walloping the GOP took in House races last year — largely because of Republican intransigence on health care — would look like a pin prick compared to the political health crisis the GOP could be facing.” [St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 3/27/19]

Protect Our Care Responds to Exclusive Politico Reporting On Seema Verma’s Taxpayer-Funded Image Consultants

Washington, DC — In response to exclusive Politico reporting exposing how CMS uses taxpayer-funds to employ a team of GOP consultants who travel with Seema Verma around the country and polish her brand, Brad Woodhouse, executive director of Protect Our Care, issued the following statement:

“It’s not working.”


Exclusive: Key Trump health official spends millions on GOP-connected consultants

Politico // Adam Cancryn & Dan Diamond // March 29, 2019


The Trump appointee who oversees Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare quietly directed millions of taxpayer dollars in contracts to Republican communications consultants during her tenure atop the agency — including hiring one well-connected GOP media adviser to bolster her public profile.

The communications subcontracts approved by CMS Administrator Seema Verma — routed through a larger federal contract and described to POLITICO by three individuals with firsthand knowledge of the agreements — represent a sharp break from precedent at the agency. Those deals, managed by Verma’s deputies, came in some cases over the objections of CMS staffers, who raised concerns about her push to use federal funds on GOP consultants and to amplify coverage of Verma’s own work. CMS has its own large communications shop, including about two dozen people who handle the press.

Verma, a close ally of Vice President Mike Pence, has become a lightning rod for pushing work requirements in Medicaid and spearheading the Trump administration’s efforts to unilaterally unwind pieces of Obamacare. She previously worked as a consultant to conservative states seeking to reshape health care programs for the poor.

Her agency’s use of outside contracts and subcontracts is legal, but experts and current officials say it is not transparent and raises ethical questions.

“Outsourcing communications work to private contractors puts the agency’s ability to protect ‘potentially market-moving’ information from premature disclosure at considerable risk,” said Andy Schneider, a Medicaid expert who worked at CMS during the Obama administration and is now a professor at Georgetown University.

And whether the issue was Medicare, Medicaid or Obamacare, prior heads of the agency were often quoted, profiled and in the news, so current officials said they’re puzzled why so much work is being outsourced.

“The head of Obamacare doesn’t need outside consultants to get reporters to talk to her,” said one CMS official, who asked for anonymity. “The job pitches itself.”

The subcontracts are part of a $2.25 million contract administered by Porter Novelli, an international public relations firm that performs a wide variety of government services. CMS’ new top communications official Tom Corry confirmed the arrangement. Two other individuals said CMS also spent at least $1 million on earlier contracts with GOP communications consultants.

One subcontract is with Pam Stevens, a longtime GOP media adviser who specializes in setting up profiles of Republican women. A second subcontract is with Marcus Barlow, whom Verma worked with in Indiana and considered hiring as a top communications official in 2017 before he was blocked by the White House.

As contractors, Stevens and Barlow are paid between $185 and $200 per hour, said two individuals with knowledge of their contracts — a far higher pay rate than the majority of high-level government officials.

A third contract is with Nahigian Strategies, a firm run by a high-profile pair of brothers. Keith Nahigian consulted with several GOP presidential campaigns; Ken Nahigian briefly led President Donald Trump’s presidential transition team in 2017. Nahigian Strategies staff have supported and advised Verma on messaging strategy for nearly two years, including accompanying Verma to Denver on Tuesday for meetings with digital health experts and CMS staff. One individual familiar with the relationship said Nahigian Strategies was paid at least $2 million for its work with CMS over the past two years.

Stevens, Nahigian Strategies and Porter Novelli referred questions to CMS. Barlow declined to comment for this article.

In an interview with POLITICO, Verma’s newly installed communications director Corry couldn’t specify how much CMS had spent on GOP communications consultants, but stressed that he planned to cut them back now that the agency had personnel in place — after a slow start early in the Trump administration.

“Now that we’re fully staffed up, contractor resources are going to be used less than they were,” said Corry, who ran a health care consulting firm before joining CMS on March 4 to head its 200-person communications office. Their work includes running consumer-facing websites.

“We use our resources judiciously,” Corry said. “We’re not wasting the taxpayer dollar.”

While Corry said he wasn’t sure about overall spending on communications consultants, “it’s a small number compared to all the contracts we have,” he said.

Federal agencies are not required to proactively disclose arrangements with subcontractors, or even that those subcontractors exist — a gray area that gives them broad leeway to bring on individuals and outside firms under the cover of vague public contracts. For instance, public spending records describe the Porter Novelli contract simply as “strategic communications.”

But some career CMS staff have voiced their concerns to political appointees within the agency about routing taxpayer dollars to GOP consultants and helping a federal official like Verma improve her personal brand, said two individuals aware of those conversations. Oversight groups also have raised concerns, saying the behavior, as described to them by POLITICO, would appear to cross ethical lines.

“There are a host of ethical and contractual problems with appointees steering contracts to political allies and subcontractors, and possibly a violation of the ban on personal services contracts if the work is being performed at the direction of the appointee,” Scott Amey, general counsel of the Project on Government Oversight, told POLITICO. “Contracts are supposed to be above reproach, with complete impartiality, and without preferential treatment, and the HHS Inspector General should review this [Porter Novelli] contract and the activities under it to ensure they are proper.”

In her two years leading CMS, Verma has drawn attention for regularly criticizing Obamacare — a law she administers — as well as trading Twitter barbs with Democratic lawmakers and mocking progressive ideas like “Medicare for All.” She also has battled with health experts, including the committee created to advise Congress on Medicaid, which broadly has warned the administration’s push to shrink government health programs will reverse coverage gains made under Obamacare.

Verma recently completed several interviews, arranged by Stevens, that focused on emphasizing her personal life and her role as a prominent Republican woman. The cover profile in this month’s AARP bulletin, which went to more than 24 million people, included a sidebar on Verma’s husband’s experience in the health system.

Consultants help shape CMS strategy

Before the Trump administration, communications consultants were used mostly for sweeping agency priorities, like raising awareness of Medicare open enrollment or encouraging sign-ups for the Affordable Care Act, five current and former officials said.

CMS’ current use of communications contractors has gone well beyond the norm, those five sources said, and comes at a time when Verma has made cuts elsewhere, such as reducing advertising for Obamacare enrollment by tens of millions of dollars. The outside consultants frequently handled Verma’s media calls, joined her on promotional trips and wrote her speeches.

Those functions historically were performed by career civil servants in the CMS Communications Office.

“We have no idea who some of these people are and why they’re in meetings with the administrator,” said one senior CMS official, who asked for anonymity. “They’re not introduced … It’s become a guessing game for us.”

The GOP consultants also brought a political edge to the agency’s communications.

In a February 2018 incident, contractor Brett O’Donnell barred a Modern Healthcare reporter from a media call for refusing to alter a story that had rankled Verma. CMS officials walked back that threat within days and said a week later that Porter Novelli’s subcontract with O’Donnell, a longtime GOP consultant, would not be renewed. But CMS never provided any explanation of O’Donnell’s role or responsibilities. O’Donnell declined to comment for this article.

Corry said Porter Novelli handled finding consultants including O’Donnell, Barlow and Stevens and the finer details of their contracts. “We have no idea what they’re paid per hour,” he said.

Stevens — a former Condoleezza Rice aide who did two short stints in the Trump administration in 2017 — pitched Verma to media outlets like Fox News, CBS and NBC, as well as for events hosted by the Milken Institute and other organizations. Widely known for her extensive Rolodex, Stevens generally has avoided the health journalists who regularly cover CMS in favor of brokering conversations with media executives or lifestyle reporters, and shepherding Verma to after-hours networking events with prominent journalists.

She also came to CMS with a reputation for securing flattering profiles of Republican women, an effort she developed as a House GOP strategist and continues to cultivate as a consultant. “Proud to have made this great piece happen,” she posted on Facebook on Feb. 20, linking to a Glamour magazine article about Rep. Elise Stefanik’s (R-N.Y.) effort to recruit more Republican women to Congress.

Stevens has played a similar role securing opportunities for Verma to showcase her work within the administration. In recent weeks, her outreach led to Verma’s appearance on POLITICO’s “Women Rule” podcast, which profiles women leaders, and she worked on Verma’s appearance on a panel hosted by Woman’s Day magazine. (Verma’s interview at a POLITICO policy event last July predated Stevens’ involvement with CMS.)

CMS’ Corry said Stevens was used to book interviews for Verma but is being phased out. “Her time is getting less and less anyway,” he said. Corry also noted that he has his own network after 25 years in the field, including being friendly with the editor of The Wall Street Journal’s opinion section and other reporters, and could fill Stevens’ role.

Nahigian Strategies, a GOP-aligned public relations firm, has managed a wide variety of CMS communications functions for nearly two years. Its consultants have set up meetings and accompanied Verma around the nation to promote her key projects, like a March 2018 trip to a Las Vegas health technology conference to unveil Verma’s digital health initiatives aimed at giving patients easier access to their own medical records.

“Check out this op-ed placed in Recode on how the @RealDonaldTrump admin is leading in giving patients their health info,” the Nahigian Strategies Twitter account posted a week after the Las Vegas trip.

CMS’ Corry said the Nahigian Strategies team helped Verma with travel, planning and other logistical issues. “It’s pretty basic stuff,” he said.

Verma also relied on subcontracting to bring aboard longtime associate Barlow — after the White House blocked him from a permanent job leading CMS communications. Barlow, who served as a spokesperson for Verma’s health care consulting firm in Indiana, had run afoul of the White House for writing a column critical of Trump, POLITICO reported at the time.

Nahigian Strategies hired Barlow instead in March 2017, which helped the firm strengthen its relationship with Verma. When Barlow left Nahigian Strategies in August 2018 to return to his own consulting firm, he continued to work for CMS under a separate subcontract that remains in effect, according to two individuals with knowledge of the arrangement.

Barlow helped write some of Verma’s most high-profile speeches, including a November 2017 address in which she signaled the Trump administration’s plan to require some Medicaid enrollees to work to keep their coverage for the first time — a controversial policy that a federal judge blocked for the second time on Wednesday.

“Believing that community engagement requirements do not support or promote the objectives of Medicaid is a tragic example of the soft bigotry of low expectations consistently espoused by the prior administration,” Verma said in the speech that Barlow helped write. “Those days are over.”

Advocates panned Verma’s remarks, contending she misrepresented the patients that she was appointed to serve. The speech “was rife with offensive rhetoric about the Medicaid program and individuals enrolled in it,” the National Women’s Law Center said.

Verma’s remarks also stunned Schneider, the former Obama appointee — who called them “reprehensible” at the time. But Schneider said he’s more surprised to learn that Verma and her staff don’t always write their own speeches, like CMS did when he worked there in 2016.

“I actually thought that her [Medicaid] speech was in her own voice,” he said.

Members of Congress Discuss Democrats’ Agenda of Lower Costs and Better Care; Call Out Trump’s Health Care Sabotage on Press Call

Full press call audio here

Protect Our Care, Chairwoman Anna G. Eshoo, Rep. Lauren Underwood and Rep. Angie Craig Speak Out  

Washington, DC – On a press call yesterday, Rep. Anna G. Eshoo (CA-18), Chair of the Health Subcommittee of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, and Rep. Lauren Underwood (IL-14) and Rep. Angie Craig (MN- 2) along with Protect Our Care highlighted legislation introduced by House Democrats that will improve the nation’s health care system by strengthening protections for people with pre-existing conditions and lowering the cost of health care. That legislation includes Rep. Underwood’s Health Care Affordability Act, which expands coverage to over nine million Americans, and Rep. Craig’s State Health Care Premium Reduction Act, which helps to lower the cost of insurance premiums.

Participants on the call also discussed President Trump’s reckless health care sabotage, including his administration’s decision this week to push for dismantling the entire Affordable Care Act, which would rip away health care and raise costs for millions of Americans.

“In November, Democrats made a promise to the American people to lower their health care costs and undo the Trump Administration sabotage of the ACA, and this week the Democratic House is delivering on that promise,” said Chairwoman Anna G. Eshoo. “On Wednesday, we passed twelve bills out of the Health Subcommittee that lower the costs of prescription drugs and make health care more affordable, while the Trump Administration tries to take health care away from millions of Americans.”

“Every American deserves access to quality and affordable health care, and I’m excited to work with my Democratic colleagues to strengthen and approve the nation’s health care system and lower prices for the American people,” said Congresswoman Lauren Underwood. “The legislation I introduced this week, which expands accessibility for premium tax credits for all income brackets and immediately lowers premiums for anyone who buys a marketplace plan, is part of an incredible step forward to giving Americans better health care at a lower cost.”

“In my conversations with hardworking families, the number one issue they want to tackle is healthcare – because they are experiencing the heart of the problem: if health care isn’t affordable, it isn’t accessible,” said Congresswoman Angie Craig. “That’s why I’ve been leading efforts to lower the cost of health insurance premiums through the State Health Care Premium Reduction Act and am grateful it has been incorporated into the Protecting Pre-Existing Conditions & Making Health Care More Affordable Act of 2019, which we are introducing yesterday to protect people with pre-existing conditions from unfair treatment and lower the cost of healthcare.”

“Thanks to the leadership of Chairwoman Eshoo and Representatives Underwood and Craig, Democrats are moving forward with an aggressive agenda that lowers health care costs, improves care, and reverses Republican sabotage,” said Protect Our Care chair Leslie Dach. “The contrast could not be clearer: Democrats are more focused than ever on delivering their promise of lower costs and better care, while Trump continues to sabotage the health care system and tries to rip health care away from millions of Americans.”

Full press call audio here
