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Republicans’ New Campaign Strategy: Lie, Then Lie Some More

As momentum builds to maintain protections for people with pre-existing conditions, Republicans have taken to covering up their records by trying to portray themselves as defenders of people with pre-existing conditions even as they continue efforts to demolish the very protections they claim to support. Across the country, the media have caught on to their plan.

Republicans’ claims have been fact-checked:

NBC News Fact Check Of Trump Claim That He Supports People With Pre-existing Conditions: “This Is False.” “‘We totally support people with pre-existing conditions,’ Trump said at the White House last week. This is false. The Trump administration is backing a Republican-led lawsuit that claims Obamacare’s protections for pre-existing conditions are illegal. If the suit succeeds, insurers would be able to start denying coverage to those people. The White House has not proposed alternative legislation that would offer those with pre-existing conditions the protections Obamacare gives consumers.” [NBC News, 10/23/18]

New York Times Fact Check: Trump Claims To Protect Pre-existing Health Conditions. That’s Not What The Government Says. “At a campaign rally in Las Vegas, President Trump said that he and Republicans “will protect patients with pre-existing conditions.” But his Justice Department has said that those provisions under the Affordable Care Act should be overturned.” [New York Times, 10/21/18]

And outlets have called out Republicans’ attempts to hide the truth:

Washington Post Editorial: “It’s The Height Of Free-Lunch Irresponsibility For Republicans To Suggest That Consumers Could Have Mandatory Coverage For Preexisting Conditions Otherwise.” “It’s the height of free-lunch irresponsibility for Republicans to suggest that consumers could have mandatory coverage for preexisting conditions otherwise. It was already the height of hypocrisy for them to render Obamacare’s individual market less stable — then pledge to keep the part of it everyone likes. As the saying goes, though, hypocrisy is the compliment vice pays to virtue.” [Washington Post, 10/22/18

Time Magazine on Trump’s Pre-existing Conditions Statements: “To Say That These Claims Are Fantastical Is Almost An Understatement.” “In recent days, Trump has responded by making two bold pronouncements that have little grounding in the facts: that Republicans will protect people with pre-existing conditions, and that he is working on a big middle-class tax cut that will be voted on soon. ‘We’re going to be putting in a 10 percent tax cut for middle-income families. It’s going to be put in next week,’ he told attendees at an Oct. 22 rally in Houston. ‘We’ve been working on it for a few months, a 10 percent brand-new — and that is in addition to the big tax cuts that you’ve already gotten.’ To say that these claims are fantastical is almost an understatement…In both cases, Trump is essentially admitting that his approach on two signature issues was not popular and may end up costing some Republican lawmakers their jobs in the midterms.” [Time, 10/24/18]

CNN: Republicans Engaged In Tactical Ducking And, At Times, Outright Lies“ Over Pre-existing Condition Protections. “After two years of trying to repeal Obamacare outright, the President and some GOP candidates are suddenly claiming they support the Affordable Care Act’s protections for those with pre-existing conditions — even though they voted for repeal bills that would weaken them, or are suing to eliminate Obamacare altogether…But Republicans’ tactical ducking and, at times, outright lies over their roles in efforts to unravel the current system either through legislation or in the courts has left some Democratic candidates exasperated — and led to a new wave of Democratic attacks over the GOP’s inconsistencies.” [CNN, 10/25/18]

Axios: “Trump’s Tweet Is Wrong On Pre-existing Conditions.” “Reality check: Democrats have been criticized for a lot of things about the Affordable Care Act, which they passed over GOP objections. But this may be the first time they’ve been accused of not protecting people with pre-existing conditions, since the ACA does that and Republicans have been on the defensive ever since they tried to repeal it.” [Axios, 10/24/18]

Bloomberg: “In The Real World, President Donald Trump’s Justice Department Is Arguing In Court That The Affordable Care Act’s Protections For Pre-existing Medical Conditions Are Unconstitutional And Should Be Nullified.” “In the real world, President Donald Trump’s Justice Department is arguing in court that the Affordable Care Act’s protections for pre-existing medical conditions are unconstitutional and should be nullified. On top of that, his administration explicitly supported a bill passed by House Republicans that would have weakened those protections…That gets at the heart of Republicans’ dilemma: It’s one thing to promise an end to Obamacare’s burdensome regulations while vowing to lower premiums and maintain patient protections. But it’s actually a phenomenally difficult policy problem, and the GOP hasn’t offered a proposal that solves it.” [Bloomberg, 10/19/18]

HuffPost On Trump’s Claim That Republicans Will Protect People With Pre-existing Conditions: “Anybody Even Dimly Aware Of Recent History…Should Recognize The Claim As A Lie.” “President Donald Trump on Wednesday sent out another tweet on health care. ‘Republicans will totally protect people with Pre-Existing Conditions,’ he wrote. ‘Democrats will not!’ By now, the fundamental dishonesty of that statement shouldn’t require explanation. Anybody even dimly aware of recent history ― specifically, the part where Democrats passed the Affordable Care Act, only to have Republicans spend eight years trying to repeal it ― should recognize the claim as a lie. And anybody unfamiliar with that saga could simply have paid attention this week, when the Trump administration announced a major reinterpretation of the Affordable Care Act’s insurance rules. The change means that states can undermine some of the law’s key provisions that help people with serious medical problems.” [HuffPost, 10/25/18]

Slate: “More Than Obfuscation Or Spin, This Is Outright Lying.” “Republicans still want to repeal Obamacare, but they’re telling voters the opposite. On the campaign trail, Republican candidates are stalwart defenders of the Affordable Care Act and its most popular provision: a regulation that prohibits insurers from discriminating on the basis of pre-existing conditions. More than obfuscation or spin, this is outright lying. And as they do it, Republicans are showing contempt for voters, and further fraying our ability to do electoral democracy…When the Affordable Care Act was unpopular, Republicans promised to repeal it. Now that it’s popular, Republicans are essentially promising to protect it—even as they plan to deliver the opposite if given the chance.” [Slate, 10/19/18]

ABC News: Republicans Trumpet Pre-existing Condition Protections Despite Votes To Repeal Obamacare. “According to data gathered by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and confirmed by ABC News, the following Republicans in competitive races, Chabot included, all voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act and pass the ACHA, but have also, in the final months of their midterm campaigns, released ads targeted to people with pre-existing conditions: Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill.; Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, R-Fla.; Rep. John Faso, R-N.Y.; Rep. Bob Gibbs, R-Ohio; Rep. George Holding, R-N.C.; Rep. French Hill, R-Ark.; Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif.; Rep. Keith Rothfus, R-Pa.; Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas; Rep. Kevin Yoder, R-Kan.; Rep. David Young, R-Iowa.” [ABC News, 10/21/18]

Columnists were also taken aback by the lies:

Paul Krugman, New York Times Columnist: “Goodbye, Political Spin, Hello Blatant Lies.” “But Republicans no longer bother with deceptive presentations of facts. Instead, they just flat-out lie. What do they lie about? Lots of things, from crowd sizes to immigrant crime, from steel plants to the Supreme Court. But right now the most intense, coordinated effort at deception involves health care — an issue where Republicans are lying nonstop about both their own position and that of Democrats…Republicans don’t just hate the subsidies that help people buy insurance; they also hate the regulations that prevent insurers from discriminating against people with pre-existing conditions. Indeed, 20 Republican state attorneys general filed a lawsuit trying to eliminate protection for pre-existing conditions, and the Trump administration has declined to oppose the suit, in effect endorsing it.” [New York Times, 10/11/18]

Paul Waldman For Washington Post On Trump Claim That Republicans Will Protect Pre-existing Conditions: “It Simply A Lie.” “Let’s focus on the idea that “All Republicans support people with pre-existing conditions.” As our video shows, this has become a common refrain among Republican candidates, claiming that despite what Democrats are alleging, they would never, ever seek to take away protections from people with preexisting conditions. That is simply a lie. Here are the facts. Until the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, insurance companies routinely denied people coverage if they had a preexisting condition, or they said that they would cover you, but the insurance would not cover that condition or that part of your body. Or they would offer you coverage, but set the premiums so high that you couldn’t possibly afford them. The ACA outlawed that practice, mandating both ‘guaranteed issue’ (they have to cover you) and ‘community rating’ (everyone gets charged the same premium for the same plan regardless of whether they have a preexisting condition).The ACA was opposed by every single Republican in both houses of Congress, and they immediately began holding votes to repeal the law and filing lawsuits asking the courts to strike it down. So there’s no confusion: If they succeed in what they’re trying to do, there would be no more protection for preexisting conditions.” [Washington Post, 10/19/18]

Frank Bruni, New York Times Columnist: On Pre-existing Conditions, Republicans Are “Brazenly Denying The Past.” “Meanwhile, many Republican candidates who fought proudly and persistently to junk Obamacare without any suitable alternative are brazenly denying that past and fashioning themselves as the planet’s greatest champions of guaranteed health insurance for Americans with pre-existing conditions. That’s less an artful flip-flop than an extravagant fiction, and it’s of a piece with Republicans’ sudden complacency about deficits now that they’re ballooning under the party’s governance.” [New York Times, 10/23/18]

Dana Milbank For Washington Post: Republican Websites Continue To Cover Up Their Health Care Histories. “And they are vigorously scrubbing their records, according to archived versions of their websites reviewed by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Rep. Tom MacArthur’s (R-N.J.) site last year vowed: ‘Tom will work to repeal Obamacare, but won’t stop there.’ Now? ‘Tom opposed his own party’s efforts at a speedy Obamacare repeal.’ Rep. Ted Budd (R-N.C.), in 2016, had a pledge: ‘I will do everything I can to repeal every word of Obamacare.’ That passage is now repealed from his website. Rep. Leonard Lance’s (R-N.J.) website, in 2016, boasted that ‘Lance is on the front-lines in the fight to repeal and replace Obamacare.’ Now, that same passage has been rewritten: ‘Lance is leading the fight for real Health Care Reform.’ Their problem: Of the 73 incumbent House Republicans in competitive races, 67 voted at least once to eliminate Obamacare’s protections for those with preexisting conditions according to an analysis by the liberal Center for American Progress Action Fund.” [Washington Post, Milbank, 10/19/18]

Local media outlets have joined in taking on candidates’ lies:

Portland Press Herald Editorial Board Endorses Candidates On Health Care: “The Races In Maine’s Two Congressional Districts Are About Health Care, Taxes And Who Can Best Represent Our State In Washington.” “President Trump and other Republicans have demonstrated bad faith on health care, environmental policy and immigration. Pingree, however, has shown she’ll fight for the right side of those issues and others. She deserves another term…Where we think Golden would stand up for Mainers, Rep. Bruce Poliquin has, for the most part, let them down…Poliquin also voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act in ways that would have been devastating, stripping 24 million Americans of health insurance by 2026, including more than 100,000 Mainers. And while Poliquin has become an ardent supporter of protecting Americans with pre-existing conditions since he got on the campaign trail, his votes say otherwise.” [Portland Press Herald, 10/22/18]

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Leah Vukmir Claims To Support Pre-existing Condition Protections, But Only Offers Solutions Possible For Those Who Are Wealthy. “Leah Vukmir, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, also opposes the ACA but has said she supports covering people with pre-existing conditions. She hasn’t provided details on what she would support, but she has cited the state’s former Health Insurance Risk Sharing Plan of Wisconsin, known as HIRSP, as a model. HIRSP was an option, however, only for people who could afford health insurance.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 10/19/18]

Even Republicans are calling out their own:

Former Kasich Aide John Weaver: Republicans Lying About Pre-existing Conditions “Do Not Deserve Your Vote.” Just saw a clip of @RepMcSally flat out lying about her longstanding opposition to insurance for those with pre-existing health conditions. She & the other Republicans lying about this issue & giving cover to Trump on so many other fronts do not deserve your vote.” [The Hill, 10/26/18]

Stacey Abrams, Atlanta Leaders Stand Up to Say, “It’s Time to End the Republican War on Health Care”

Local Health Care Advocates Join Protect Our Care to Call for an End to GOP Attacks on Georgians’ Health Care

Stacey Abrams speaks at this morning’s event in Atlanta.

ATLANTA, GEORGIA – This morning, Protect Our Care’s nationwide bus tour arrived in Atlanta to call attention to the ongoing Republican war on health care care. Headlined by Stacey Abrams and former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, the event highlighted the actions Republicans are taking to harm Georgians’ care and called on them to work instead to protect our care.

Abrams spoke of her parents, recalling the time they nearly lost their health care when the church they worked at couldn’t afford to pay their premiums, and she was able to help cover the cost.

“I know what it’s like to lose everything and to not necessarily have children or family members to step up and help,” said Abrams. “800,000 people in Georgia live in a household where there’s a full-time worker and yet they do not have coverage. This is a solvable problem in the state of Georgia, and that’s why I’m fighting so hard for Medicaid expansion.”

Abrams’ remarks were echoed by Richards, who discussed her time working for Planned Parenthood, which provides health care coverage for more than two million Americans each year.

“The most important work that we did was creating an alliance with folks all across the country to pass the Affordable Care Act,” said Richards. “Because of the Affordable Care Act that women no longer have to pay more for the same health care coverage that men recieve. It’s because of the Affordable Care Act women can’t be denied coverage because they’ve been pregnant or had breast cancer… Because of the ACA, being a woman is no longer a pre-existing condition in the United States of America.”

Former U.S. Representative Donna Edwards discussed voting for the ACA, and what its passage meant to her.

“At the time, I thought that it was about everybody else’s coverage [but] when I was set to depart Congress in 2016, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis,” said Edwards. “Today, I pay for my own health care coverage… I’m afraid that with the current Administration and the moves of Republicans in Congress, my pre-existing prediction will not longer be protected and I will lose my health care.”

The importance of Abrams’, Richards’, and Edwards’ comments were made clear by cancer survivor Laura Packard.

“I’m alive because of the Affordable Care Act,” said Packard. “I’m a stage four cancer survivor and I’m on this tour to defend our attacks against the GOP. President Trump may have blocked me on Twitter, but he can’t stop me and the American people from fighting to protect our care.”

Abrams, Richards, Edwards, and Packard were also joined by Staci Fox, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Southeast, who highlighted the actions Georgia Republicans have taken to defund health care centers and deny women coverage; Janel Greene, co-founder of the Georgia Alliance for Social Justice, who discussed her battle with breast cancer and conversations she has had with family members explaining that the ACA is not a handout, but rather provides important protections for millions of Americans; and Janna Blum of Little Lobbyists, who spoke of her four-year-old son, Elijah, who was born with a pre-existing condition, and the need to maintain these crucial protections provided under the ACA.

At today’s event, Atlanta residents, health care advocates, elected officials, and members of Protect Our Care detailed the numbers ways in which Republicans have attacked health care, and how these actions have cut coverage and increased costs for Georgians’. Because of the Republican repeal-and-sabotage agenda:

  • Georgians will see their premiums rise by as much as 14.7 percent next year. It’s expected that 40 year old Georgians  will face an extra $1,270 for marketplace coverage in 2019 because of Republican sabotage of the health care market.
  • In Georgia  out of pocket costs for older people could have increased by as much as $10,553 by 2026 if the House-passed American Health Care Act had become law.
  • Nearly 475,000 Georgians have been denied access to affordable health coverage through Republican state officials’ refusal to expand Medicaid.
  • Junk insurance plans that charge money for skimpy coverage could return to Georgia and 242,000 Georgians could lack comprehensive coverage in 2019 because they will either become uninsured or will be enrolled in junk plans that don’t provide key health benefits.
  • 404,000 Georgians who have obtained health insurance through the ACA marketplace could lose their coverage if a judge sides with Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr, President Trump and the GOP in their lawsuit; and protections for 4.3 million Georgians  living with a pre-existing condition would be in jeopardy.
  • Hundreds of billions of dollars have been cut from Medicare.
  • Dozens of hospitals in rural areas have closed, including six in the state of Georgia, exacerbating the care and coverage gaps that exist for families in America’s rural communities.

Next week, Care Force One will wrap up its nationwide bus tour with five stops across Florida. For more information, please visit

Kaiser Family Foundation Confirms That Trump, GOP Sabotage Means Americans Pay More For Insurance Than They Should

As President Trump repeats the lie that he is responsible for relatively low premium increases on the Affordable Care Act marketplaces this year, new Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) analysis says otherwise. The analysis released this morning finds that President Trump has actually caused 2019 premiums to be 16 percent higher than they otherwise would have been absent GOP sabotage. Among the report’s key findings:

  • On-exchange consumers’ premiums for 2019 are 16 percent higher than they should be because of GOP sabotage. The key drivers of these higher premiums are policies enacted by the Trump Administration and its Republican allies: “Altogether, on-exchange silver premiums in 2019 are therefore approximately 16% higher than would otherwise be the case if federal CSR payments had continued (the loss of which contributed approximately 10% to silver exchange premiums), the individual mandate penalty were still enforced, and more loosely-regulated plans were not expanding (the latter changes contributed an additional 6% to 2019 rates).”
  • The repeal of the individual mandate and the expansion of junk plans has caused 2019 premiums to be  6 percent higher than they should be. Kaiser estimates that the repeal of the individual mandate penalty and the expansion of junk plans (association and short-term plans) will cause consumers to pay 6 percent more than they would absent these actions in their 2019 premiums.
  • The administration’s decision to halt cost sharing reduction payments will cause on-exchange consumers to pay 10 percent more than they would have had CSRs not been stopped.
  • Even consumers off the ACA exchange will pay 6 percent more because of Republican sabotage. Kaiser found, “Looking ahead to 2019, premiums in much of the country are holding flat or decreasing a bit, but unsubsidized off-exchange consumers on average will nonetheless pay an average of 6% more than they otherwise would have, if it were not for repeal of the individual mandate and expansion of more loosely regulated plans.”

Raleigh Local Leaders Gather to Say, “It’s Time to End the Republican War on Health Care”

Linda Coleman, Local Health Care Advocates Join Protect Our Care to Call for an End to GOP Attacks on North Carolinians’ Health Care

Linda Coleman speaks on the Halifax Mall in Raleigh.

RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA – This afternoon, Protect Our Care’s nationwide bus tour arrived in Raleigh to call attention to the ongoing Republican war on health care care. Headlined by Linda Coleman, Allison Dahle, Mack Paul, and health care advocate Laura Packard, the event highlighted the actions Republicans are taking to harm North Carolinians’ care and called on Rep. George Holding to work instead to protect our care.

“It’s a crisis. We’ve got to make sure we protect people with pre-existing conditions,” said Linda Coleman. “As soon as the the 2019 session begins, every Republican is going to vote to repeal whatever protections they have already gutted, and so what’s going to be left is nothing. We’ve got to fight to make sure people have the right to quality, affordable, accessible health care.”

Coleman’s thoughts were echoed by Mack Paul and Allison Dahle.

“400,000 adults, 150,000 children could be covered if we expanded Medicaid,” said Paul. “These are people who are not going to the doctor when they need to, end up in the emergency room, folks who would become bankrupt if they have a severe medical situation. We need to support that. It’s time we put people ahead of politics.”

“If we were to expand Medicaid, people could actually get their health care,” said Dahle, echoing Paul’s comments on the hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians who have been denied coverage due to Republicans’ actions. “I am ready to expand Medicaid so that we have more alternatives for more people to provide a better health and a better future for North Carolina.”

The importance of Coleman, Paul, and Dahle’s comments were made clear by cancer survivor Laura Packard.

“I’m alive because of the Affordable Care Act,” said Packard. “I’m a stage four cancer survivor and I’m on this tour to defend our attacks against the GOP. President Trump may have blocked me on Twitter, but he can’t stop me and the American people from fighting to protect our care.”

Coleman, Paul, Dahle, and Packard were joined by Dr. Eleanor Greene, former president of the North Carolina Medical Board, who spoke of the difficulty her patients faced before the Affordable Care Act was signed into law and the consequences repeal would bring, and Stacy Staggs, whose daughters were born prematurely and are covered by Medicaid, who spoke of the importance of maintaining this crucial program.

At today’s event, Raleigh residents, health care advocates, elected officials, and members of Protect Our Care detailed the numbers ways in which Republicans have attacked health care, and how these actions have cut coverage and increased costs for North Carolinians’. Because of the Republican repeal-and-sabotage agenda:

  • North Carolinians have seen years of premium increases.  It’s expected that 40 year old North Carolinians will face paying an extra $1,440 for marketplace coverage in 2019 because of Republican sabotage of the health care market.
  • In North Carolina, out of pocket costs for older people could have increased by as much as $21,018 by 2026 if the House-passed American Health Care Act had become law.
  • As many as 400,000 North Carolinians have been denied access to affordable health coverage through Republican state officials’ refusal to expand Medicaid.
  • Junk insurance plans that charge money for skimpy coverage could return to North Carolina and 402,000 North Carolinians could lack comprehensive coverage in 2019 because they will either become uninsured or will be enrolled in junk plans that don’t provide key health benefits.
  • More than 450,000 North Carolinians who have obtained health insurance through the ACA marketplace could lose their coverage if a judge sides with President Trump and the GOP in their lawsuit; and protections for 3.9 million North Carolinians  living with a pre-existing condition would be in jeopardy.
  • Hundreds of billions of dollars have been cut from Medicare.
  • Dozens of hospitals in rural areas have closed, including five in North Carolina, exacerbating the care and coverage gaps that exist for families in America’s rural communities.
  • Rep. George Holding voted for and passed a health care repeal bill that would cause 23 million people to lose coverage and gut protections for people with pre-existing condition; voted for a budget amendment that would cut Medicaid by $700 billion over ten years, $114 billion in a single year alone; voted for a tax scam that doubled as a sneaky repeal of the Affordable Care Act  by kicking 13 million people off of their insurance and raising premiums by double digits for millions more.

Tomorrow, “Care Force One” will head to Atlanta, Georgia. For more information, please visit

Trump’s Speech: “A Desperate Attempt to Mask Republican Efforts to Gut Protections For Preexisting Conditions And Allow Insurance Companies to Deny Coverage for Prescription Drugs.”

Another PR Stunt that Will Do Little to Bring Down Costs for Americans

Remember: Health Repeal Bills and GOP’s ACA Lawsuit would Repeal Prescription Drug Coverage for Millions of Americans; Junk Plans Pushed by Trump Don’t Require Any Prescription Drug Coverage


Washington, D.C. – Ahead of President Trump’s latest effort to hide the truth of the Republican war on health care, Leslie Dach, chair of Protect Our Care, released the following statement:


“Donald Trump’s speech fails the one in four Americans struggling to afford the prescription drugs they need. Today’s speech flouts  Trump’s campaign promise to let Medicare negotiate drug pricing for drugs sold in pharmacies, and it does nothing to change the fact that Trump and Republicans called for, voted to, and are now suing to repeal the requirements in current law that prescription drugs are covered in insurance plans.


“Between their efforts to repeal prescription drug coverage in Congress and the courts and their work to push junk plans that don’t cover prescription drugs, Trump’s posturing on drug prices is as outrageous as Trump’s professed care and concern for people with pre-existing conditions. Making this announcement 13 days before an election where health care is the number one issue to voters just goes to show the desperation of a president who has led a GOP war on health care and who promised prescription drug price cuts, while drug costs go up for Americans at the same time drug company profits  skyrocket.”




  • After Trump Promised Prescription Drug Price Cuts, Costs Went Way Up. In May, President Trump promised that prescription drug price cuts would be coming in “two weeks.” Months later, the Financial Times reported that several drugmakers raised their prices significantly, including double-digit increases in many cases, and an analysis by the Associated Press found “there were 395 price increases and 24 decreases” in the wake of the announcement and “the two dozen cuts were up from the 15 decreases in those same two months last year.”



  • Drug Prices Continue To Soar Under Trump. From January 1 to July 31 of this year, the Associated Press found there were 96 price hikes for every price cut this year. A recent report by Senate Democrats finds that the prices of the 20 most-prescribed drugs under Medicare Part D have increased substantially over the past five years, rising 10 times faster than inflation. Another report from the Pharmacy Benefits Consultants finds that over the past 14 months, 20 prescription drugs saw list-price increases of more than 200 percent.



  • Trump’s Previous Announcement Was Described As A “Big Win” For Big Pharma. In May, President Trump gave a speech billed as a major policy initiative to lower prescription drug costs. The phony speech was described as everything from a “big win” for pharmaceutical companies to him “[backing] out of his own plan to make drugs cheaper.” Said one drug lobbyist: “A lot of this [stuff] is meaningless to satisfy Trump.”




  • Drug Companies Using Windfall From GOP Tax Scam To Pad Investors’ Pockets. In February, Axios reported that America’s largest pharmaceutical companies were using their windfall from the GOP tax scam to drive up their own stock prices to the tune of $50 billion, “a sum that towers over investments in employees or drug research and development.”




  • Trump Installed Big Pharma Executives In Key Administration Posts. President Trump installed a former Eli Lily executive, Alex Azar, as his secretary of Health and Human Services and his appointment of Scott Gottlieb at FDA was described as “music to pharma’s ears.” Other pharma lobbyists writing Trump’s health policy include senior adviser at FDA, Keagan Lenihan, who joined the administration after lobbying for the drug distribution giant McKesson, former Gilead lobbyist, Joe Grogan, who reviews health care regulations at the Office of Management and Budget, and Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy Lance Leggitt, who has lobbied for a variety of drug-industry clients.



Trump Lied Today on Pre-Existing Conditions and You Can Bet He Will Lie Tomorrow — Just Like Republicans Have Been Lying on the Trail

As President Trump prepares to deliver a speech tomorrow at HHS, there can be no doubt he will repeat the lie that he and other Republicans are defenders of pre-existing conditions protections for the 130 million Americans that depend on them for their health and economic security.

“President Trump and Republicans are gaslighting America, all because their deeply unpopular war on health care is totally at odds with what voters want,” said Brad Woodhouse, executive director of Protect Our Care. “Another day, another pack of lies from the GOP.”

Here’s the truth about how Trump has taken a sledgehammer to health care and pre-existing conditions protections, as well as some of the top Republicans aiding and abetting the president in his ongoing war on health care.

ONE: A Republican lawsuit could wipe out protections for people with pre-existing conditions virtually overnight.

Key players: Trump’s Attorney General Jeff Sessions, indicted Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley and Scott Walker’s Attorney General Brad Schimel.

TWO: Republicans have expanded junk plans that allow insurers to discriminate against pre-existing conditions and are expected to drive up the cost of care.

Key players: Current HHS Secretary and former drug executive Alex Azar, Montana Insurance Commissioner Matt Rosendale,

THREE: Republicans passed a repeal bill just last summer that would have let insurers go back to discriminating against people with pre-existing conditions.

Key players: Just about every Republican member of Congress, including Kevin Cramer (R-ND), Martha McSally (R-AZ), Jim Renacci (R-OH), Lou Barletta (R-PA), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Brian Mast (D-FL), Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL), Carlos Curbelo (R-FL), Bruce Poliquin (R-ME), Jason Lewis (R-MN), Erik Paulsen (R-MN), Troy Balderson (R-OH), John Culberson (R-TX), Pete Sessions (R-TX), Scott Taylor (R-VA), and David Brat (R-VA).

FOUR: Republicans still want to repeal health care.

Key players: Vice President Mike Pence, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, House Republican Whip Steve Scalise, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Wisconsin state Senator Leah Vukmir, Pete Sessions (R-TX), Scott Perry (R-PA), Mike Kelly (R-PA), Keith Rothfus (R-PA), Dave Brat (R-VA).

FIVE: Republicans keep raiding Medicaid, by the hundreds of billions of dollars, in order to pay for tax breaks for the wealthy.

Key players: Trump’s economic chief Larry Kudlow, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and just about every Republican member of Congress that voted for tax breaks for the wealthiest.

SIX: Many Republicans are restricting access to Medicaid, preventing millions of Americans from receiving life-saving health care.

Key players: Trump’s CMS head Seema Verma, Trump’s Medicaid director Mary Mayhew, Florida Governor Rick Scott, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, Maine Governor Paul LePage.

Care Force One Barnstorms Missouri

Protect Our Care Calls Out Josh Hawley’s Crusade Against Care Statewide

If the myriad mailers didn’t make it clear, the big blue bus parked near the Country Club Plaza should have: Health care is dominating [the election],” says Kansas City Star

Protect Our Care’s nationwide bus tour arrived in Missouri this week to sound the alarm about Republicans’ ongoing efforts to repeal protections for people with pre-existing conditions. Events in Kansas City, Springfield and St.Louis were headlined by former secretary of health and human services Kathleen Sebelius, Neera Tanden, CEO of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, state Representative Crystal Quade and attorneys Sharice Davids and Cort VanOstran. Residents and health care advocates joined them to detail the numerous ways in which Republicans have attacked health care, specifically calling on Attorney General Josh Hawley, Congressman Kevin Yoder, Congressman Billy Long and Congresswoman Ann Wagner to end their attacks on health care.

“Instead of protecting people with pre-existing conditions, politicians like Attorney General Josh Hawley and Congressman Kevin Yoder have joined the assault against them – forcing millions of families across Missouri and Kansas to live in fear of their coverage being taken away,” said Secretary Sebelius. “These Republicans have tried every trick in the book to let insurance companies go back to discriminating against people based on their medical histories. I’ve seen first-hand the lifesaving impact these protections have had, and today people across the heartland are standing up, speaking out and calling on Republicans to stop this harmful war on health care once and for all.”

“The war on health care has already taken a devastating toll on families and communities – driving up premiums, shuttering rural hospitals, and forcing people with pre-existing conditions to live in fear of once again being denied coverage,” said Neera Tanden. “Today we’re here to sound the alarm: the Trump administration and its GOP allies need to stop siding with insurance companies and start putting the people of Missouri first.”

In Kansas City, Paul Washington discussed his fears for his son, who was diagnosed with cancer, if protections for pre-existing conditions are removed. Beth Partin, a cancer survivor, shared how protections in the ACA allow her to afford regular screening and preventative care. Joe Tilleray, a college student from Overland Park, spoke about life with cystic fibrosis. Laura Roberson, whose son was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, detailed the impact of the GOP’s sabotage efforts on her family.

In St. Louis, Elinor Simmons discussed being diagnosed with stage 3 cancer, and her concerns that the war on health care will put her coverage at risk. Teresa Johnson, the mother of a child with Down Syndrome and other serious health conditions, shared how Senator Claire McCaskill helped him get the care he needed at home. And Dr. Pam Gronemeyer, a pathologist, talked how health care is a human right.

In Springfield, Cheyenne Mauzy shared her fears for her son who was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder and the impact if protections for pre-existing conditions are removed. John Mihalevich provided his perspective as a retired doctor on the impact of the state legislature’s failure to expand Medicaid and the devastation that has caused in rural communities.

After Missouri, Care Force One travels to Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia. You can view all the upcoming stops here.

If Republicans Are Serious About The Opioid Epidemic, They Need To End Their Assault On Health Care

To get serious about opioids, Republicans need to stop their assault on Medicaid, quit pushing the sale of junk plans and end their relentless war on our health care,” says Leslie Dach

Washington DC – This week, President Trump and Congressional Republicans continue their campaign of deception, attempting to cloak themselves as caring about health care when instead they have waged a war on the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid. While the Trump administration claims the legislation they are signing will address the opioid epidemic sweeping the nation, their recent calls for cuts to Medicaid — which pays for one-fifth of all substance abuse treatments nationwide — and continual expansion and promotion of junk plans without substance use disorder coverage tells another story. Leslie Dach, chair of Protect Our Care, issued the following statement in response:

“Let’s be clear, President Trump and his Republicans are doing more to undermine efforts to address the opioid crisis than they doing to help those Americans who are suffering. In reality, Trump and his allies are undermining the fight against the opioid crisis by raiding Medicaid for hundreds of billions of dollars in cuts in order to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy and by making it easier for insurance companies to sell junk plans without mental health or substance use disorder treatment coverage. To get serious about opioids, Republicans need to stop their assault on Medicaid, quit pushing the sale of junk plans and end their relentless war on our health care.”  



Medicaid Is Part Of The Solution To Curbing Opioid Epidemic. “Medicaid is the most powerful vehicle available to states to fund coverage of prevention and treatment for their residents at risk for or actively battling opioid addiction….The greatest opportunity to address this crisis is in those states that have elected to expand Medicaid, given the greater reach of the program, additional tools available, and the increased availability of federal funds.” [State Health Reform Assistance Network, July 2016]

Thanks To Medicaid Expansion, The Uninsured Rate For Opioid-Related Hospitalizations Dropped In Expansion States. “In Medicaid expansion states, the uninsured rate for opioid-related hospitalizations plummeted by 79 percent, from 13.4 percent in 2013 (the year before expansion implementation) to 2.9 percent in 2015.  The decline in non-expansion states was a much more modest 5 percent, from 17.3 percent in 2013 to 16.4 percent in 2015.” [Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 2/28/18]

Just This Week, An Associated Press Study Affirmed That “Medicaid Expansion States Had A Running Start On The Opioid Crisis.”In states that expanded Medicaid, the insurance program already covers addiction treatment for nearly everyone who is poor and needs it. Medicaid allows states to go beyond the basics with the grant money, while non-expansion states have to fill in for basic needs with fewer dollars, said Brendan Saloner, an addiction researcher at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. In effect, Medicaid expansion states had a running start on the opioid crisis, while states without the extra Medicaid funding hastened to catch up…States that did not expand Medicaid spent $2,645 per patient on opioid addiction treatment on average. Expansion states spent $1,581 per patient for treatment. States that did not expand Medicaid spent $1,170 per person served on recovery support services. Expansion states spent $446 per person served on recovery.” [Associated Press, 10/22/18]

(Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 2/28/18)

In States Without Medicaid Expansion, Grant Funds Are Spent At A Faster Rate.  An analysis of state use of opioid grant money found states that have expanded Medicaid spend the grant funds at a slower pace than non-expansion states, because Medicaid already covers addiction treatment for the low-income population, allowing the state to direct the grant money to invest in new infrastructure. Non-expansion states spent 71 percent of their grant money in the first year, compared to 59 percent spent by expansion states. [AP, 10/22/18]

Medicaid Expansion Has Improved Access To Substance Treatment Services. “Evidence also suggests that Medicaid expansion improved access to substance use treatment services more broadly. After expanding Medicaid, Kentucky experienced a 700 percent increase in Medicaid beneficiaries using substance use treatment services.  Use of treatment services rose nationally as well; one study found that expanding Medicaid reduced the unmet need for substance use treatment by 18.3 percent.” [Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 2/28/18]

Medicaid Helps Make Buprenorphine And Naloxone, Drugs Used To Treat Opioid Use Disorder, Affordable. “These data are consistent with other evidence that Medicaid expansion is improving access to care for people with opioid use and other substance use disorders. Medicaid makes medications like buprenorphine and naloxone, which are prescribed to combat opioid use disorders, affordable for beneficiaries.“ [Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 2/28/18]


Short-Term Junk Plans Can Refuse To Cover Essential Health Benefits, Like Mental Health Treatment. “Typical short-term policies do not cover maternity care, prescription drugs, mental health care, preventive care, and other essential benefits, and may limit coverage in other ways.” [Kaiser Family Foundation, 2/9/18]

Short-Term Plans May Exclude Coverage For Pre-Existing Conditions. “Policyholders who get sick may be investigated by the insurer to determine whether the newly-diagnosed condition could be considered pre-existing and so excluded from coverage.” [Kaiser Family Foundation, 2/9/18]

  • As Many As 130 Million Nonelderly Americans Have A Pre-Existing Condition. [Center for American Progress, 4/5/17]
  • One in 4 Children Would Be Impacted If Insurance Companies Could Deny Coverage Or Charge More Because Of A Pre-existing Condition. [Center for American Progress, 4/5/17]

Junk Plans Mean Higher Premiums For People With Pre-Existing Conditions. “By promoting short-term policies, the administration is making a trade-off: lower premiums and less coverage for healthy people, and higher premiums for people with preexisting conditions who need more comprehensive coverage.” [Washington Post, 5/1/18]

Under Many Short-Term Junk Plans, Benefits Are Capped At $1 Million Or Less. Short-term plans can impose lifetime and annual limits –  “for example, many policies cap covered benefits at $1 million or less.” [Kaiser Family Foundation, 2/9/18]


Last week, Mitch McConnell Blamed Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security for the massive increase in the debt, calling for cuts. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blamed “bipartisan reluctance” to reform federal entitlement programs for the rising federal deficit, which the Treasury Department said Monday reached $779 billion in 2018.  “There’s been a bipartisan reluctance to tackle entitlement changes because of the popularity of those programs,” McConnell told Bloomberg News. “Hopefully at some point here, we’ll get serious about this.”

Last month, Larry Kudlow, Director of the National Economic Council, confirmed that he has his sights on cutting Medicare. Asked when programs like Social Security and Medicare will be looked at for reforms, Kudlow replied, “Everyone will look at that — probably next year.”

Paul Ryan on Medicare: “It’s the biggest entitlement we’ve got to reform.” Paul Ryan, December 6, 2017: “We’re going to have to get back next year at entitlement reform, which is how you tackle the debt and the deficit…Frankly, it’s the health care entitlements that are the big drivers of our debt, so we spend more time on the health care entitlements…In- think the president is understanding that choice and competition works everywhere in health care, especially in Medicare…This has been my big thing for many, many years. I think it’s the biggest entitlement we’ve got to reform.”

President Trump and Congressional Republicans are targeting Medicare and Medicaid to pay for tax cuts for the wealthiest. Last December, President Trump signed a $1.5 trillion tax bill that disproportionately benefits the wealthy. How do Republicans plan on paying for it? Speaker Ryan’s answer is clear: “Frankly, it’s the health care entitlements that are the big drivers of our debt.” In an attempt to pay for these tax cuts, in April, House Republicans passed a budget amendment that would slash Medicare funding by $537 billion over the next decade.

Congressional Republicans proposed these cuts after passing a budget resolution last year that cut Medicare by $473 billion. The 2018 budget resolution passed by Republicans in December 2017 cut Medicare by $473 billion.

Congressional Republicans Voted to Slash An Additional $1.3 Trillion From Medicaid and other Health Care Programs. The 2018 budget resolution passed by Republicans in December 2017 cut non-Medicare health programs, most notably Medicaid, by $1.3 trillion, a 20 percent cut over the course of 10 years, increasing to a 29.3 percent cut by 2027.

ROUNDUP: Experts Slam Trump’s Backdoor Repeal through 1332 Waivers

Experts condemned the Trump Administration’s new federal policy to water down the guardrails ensuring health insurance plans sold in states that are seeking approvals of “1332 waivers” provide the full range of benefits and the cost-sharing protections in the Affordable Care Act. Here’s a look:

Larry Levitt, Senior Vice President Of Kaiser Family Foundation: Trump 1332 Waiver Guidance Gives States Much The Same Flexibility As Repeal Would. “Republicans couldn’t repeal and replace the ACA last year, but this guidance gives states the flexibility to shift the law in much the same way…It’s hard to overstate how much flexibility states will have under the Trump administration’s new guidance for ACA waivers,” he said. “This will likely widen the gap between red states and blue states for access, affordability, regulation, and protections for pre-existing conditions.” [Business Insider, 10/22/18]

HuffPost: 1332 Waiver Rule Change “Almost Certainly Means That, Overall, People With Serious Medical Problems Are Likely To Have A Harder Time Finding Coverage.” “But Monday’s rule change almost certainly means that, overall, people with serious medical problems are likely to have a harder time finding coverage ― and, ultimately, paying their medical bills. Under guidance from the Department of Health and Human Services that takes effect immediately but likely won’t affect insurance markets for another year, state governments will have new leeway to request waivers from some of the federal health care law’s core requirements…But this latest regulatory change is a reminder that the GOP has never given up on its goal of wiping ‘Obamacare’ off the books, and that people with serious medical problems are likely to suffer as a result.” [HuffPost, 10/22/18]

Axios: The Waiver Announced Yesterday “Could Add Up To One Of Its Most Substantive Blows Yet Against The Affordable Care Act.” “As in-the-weeds as a revised waiver process sounds, the practical effects of what the Trump administration announced yesterday could add up to one of its most substantive blows yet against the Affordable Care Act…Under the Obama administration, states seeking a waiver from the ACA’s rules had to show that their alternatives would cover just as many people as the ACA, with insurance that’s just as robust, for the same cost. That’s why only 8 waivers have ever been granted. But under the Trump administration’s approach, if the same number of people have access to ACA-level coverage, that’ll count — even if few of them actually choose it.” [Axios, 10/23/18]

Sabrina Corlette, Research Professor At Georgetown University: New Guidance Essentially Means That It’s Okay If Certain Subpopulations Are Harmed So Long As Things Work Out In Aggregate. “‘The guidance under Obama… meant that a state’s plan couldn’t result in fewer people enrolled in affordable, comprehensive coverage,’ Corlette explained. ‘This new guidance is saying that so long as people in the state have ‘access’ to [comprehensive] coverage, it doesn’t matter what they actually do… If un-insurance spikes or there’s a big movement to [less comprehensive plans] a state won’t get dinged for that.’ Corlette noted that the Obama administration insisted that state waivers not hurt certain vulnerable populations, including those with severe medical needs. ‘This is saying that so long as things work out in the aggregate, then it’s OK if certain subpopulations are harmed,’ she said.” [HuffPost, 10/22/18]

Waiver Could Allow States To Let Residents Use Subsidies Intended For Comprehensive Coverage To Cover Junk Plans. “Perhaps the biggest change states could enact would involve who would receive Obamacare’s federal premium subsidies, which have been critical to sustaining enrollment in recent years. Currently, subsidies can only be used to buy policies on the exchanges and can only go to those who earn less than 400% of the poverty level (just over $48,500 for a single person or $100,000 for a family of four). States could file waivers asking to provide subsidies to those buying short-term health plans, for instance, Verma said on a call with reporters. The Trump administration is pushing these policies, which have terms of less than a year, as a more affordable alternative to Obamacare. These plans typically have lower premiums so they could be more attractive to younger and healthier people who may not need all of the benefits required under Obamacare.” [CNN, 10/22/18]

New York Times: Timing Of The Announcement Was “Puzzling” Coming Just Before An Election In Which Protection Of People With Pre-existing Conditions Has Been Top Tier Issue. “Coming two weeks before Election Day, the new policy appeared to be a political gift to Democrats, who are making health care a potent campaign theme…The timing of the announcement, just before an election in which the protection of people with pre-existing conditions has been a top-tier issue, was puzzling.” [New York Times, 10/22/18]

Trump Administration Opening Door For States To Gut Protections For People With Pre-existing Conditions. “But the latest administration proposal to weaken insurance standards comes as President Trump and Republican congressional candidates are intensifying their bid to convince voters that the GOP backs patient protections in the 2010 law, often called Obamacare…The new proposal from the Department of Health and Human Services and the Treasury Department would not explicitly scrap the law’s protections, which bar health plans from denying coverage to people with preexisting medical conditions. But the administration plan would dramatically reshape rules established by the 2010 law that were designed to prevent states from weakening these protections.” [Los Angeles Times, 10/22/18]

“October Surprise”: Trump Goes Straight After Pre-existing Conditions Protections in Latest Front of GOP War on Health Care

“Trump’s ‘October Surprise’ is to prove once and for all that Republicans don’t care about protecting people with pre-existing conditions or making health care more affordable,” says Brad Woodhouse

Washington, DC – One year ago — after the American people rose up to defeat health care repeal — the Trump Administration issued an executive order outlining three ways that it would circumvent the will of the public and roll back health care protections in the Affordable Care Act. Today, the Trump administration has checked all three things off its list: this summer, it eased restrictions on junk plans (association health plans, or AHPs, and short-term health plans, or STLDIs); yesterday it made it easier for states to allow insurance companies to sell junk plans, and today it announced it has expanded health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), over the overwhelming opposition of health care experts and advocates. In response, Brad Woodhouse, executive director of Protect Our Care, issued the following statement:

“It’s the trifecta of health care sabotage: not satisfied with just undermining protections for people with pre-existing conditions or pushing junk plans for individuals, now the Trump Administration is working to undermine comprehensive employer coverage, as well. Trump’s ‘October Surprise’ is to prove once and for all that Republicans don’t care about protecting people with pre-existing conditions or making health care more affordable. If we know one thing to be true, it’s that the GOP’s ongoing war on America’s health care isn’t slowing down — in fact, it’s on overdrive as long as they have power.”


Standalone HRAs By Definition Contain An Annual Limit and Are Not Required to Cover Certain Preventive Services. “The ACA requires group health plans to meet certain standards that HRAs can’t meet, specifically the ban on annual and lifetime limits and the requirement to cover certain preventive services at no cost to plan enrollees. (HRAs by definition contain an annual limit on the amount of the employer’s contribution, and they are just accounts that do not cover any benefits.)” [Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 11/29/17]

Increasing Access To Standalone HRAs Could Incentivize Businesses To Offer Limited Coverage HRAs Instead Of Full Health Coverage. “If the Administration attempts to broaden the availability of such “standalone” HRAs, that would likely prompt fewer businesses to offer health coverage to their employees.  Workers who now have good coverage and substantial contributions from an employer could see those benefits dropped and replaced with an HRA that leaves them paying higher premiums for less comprehensive coverage than what they have today.” [Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 11/29/17]

HRAs Could Raise Premiums in the Individual Market By Drawing Healthy People Out Of Individual Market. “Depending on the specific proposals, and what employers do in response, HRAs could negatively affect the individual market by moving more high-cost people into that risk pool, raising overall premiums, and leaving other individual-market consumers and the federal government (through the premium tax credit) paying more.” [Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 11/29/17]

American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, American Heart Association, America’s Health Insurance plans, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation, Epilepsy Foundation, Families USA, March of Dimes, The National Multiple Sclerosis Society Are Opposed to Expanding HRAs: “Expanding and extending short-term, limited-duration health plans, increasing enrollment in Association Health Plans (AHPs), and relaxing rules for employer Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs) all increase adverse selection in insurance markets that serve millions of individuals and employers. We are concerned that this could create or expand alternative, parallel markets for health coverage, which would lead to higher premiums for consumers, particularly those with pre-existing conditions. Further, these actions destabilize the health insurance markets that guarantee access to comprehensive health coverage regardless of health status.” [Letter to State Departments of Insurance, 12/14/17]


  • Protections for people with pre-existing conditions would be essentially meaningless. The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network said allowing states to waive essential health benefits “could render those protections meaningless” for people with pre-existing conditions.
  • It would be harder for people with pre-existing conditions to get affordable coverage. As Consumers Union stated, allowing states to waive essential health benefits would be “putting meaningful coverage out of reach for many Americans, especially those with chronic and pre-existing conditions.”
  • You could pay more for the same coverage. 1332 waivers allow states to adjust the amount of premium tax credits and cost-sharing consumers receive to help lower their costs. Without the guardrail to ensure coverage is just as affordable, many consumers could end up paying more for the same care.
  • Insurers would not have to cover essential benefits, like maternity care. Right now, every insurance plan must cover the 10 essential health benefits. Because states could opt out of covering these basic benefits, insurers would likely only offer policies that covered much less than they do now. The Kaiser Family Foundation found that the benefits most likely to no longer be covered would be maternity care, mental health or substance abuse coverage. According to the Brookings Institution, the result would be “that no one in a state’s individual market that waived EHBs would have access to comprehensive coverage. Insurers would likely sell separate policies for benefits not covered in their core plan offerings, but these supplemental policies would be subject to tremendous adverse selection, leading to very high premiums and enrollment almost exclusively by those with pre-existing conditions.” For example, a woman who purchases a separate insurance rider for maternity care would have to pay $17,320 more, according to the Center for American Progress. For states that no longer required substance use disorders or mental health to be covered, coverage for drug dependence treatment could cost an extra $20,450.
  • Insurers could reimpose lifetime and annual limits. Allowing states to opt out of the essential health benefits coverage means that insurance companies could once again put lifetime and annual limits on the amount of care you receive. Moreover, as the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities notes, this would even impact people with coverage from their employer: “The ACA’s prohibition on annual and lifetime limits is tied to the definition of Essential Health Benefits. Thus, repeal of Essential Health Benefit standards could make this protection meaningless, putting almost all Americans with private health insurance coverage — not just those with individual or small-group market coverage — at risk.” The Center for American Progress estimates that 20 million people with health coverage through their employer would face lifetime limits on coverage, and 27 million would face annual limits.


Short-Term Junk Plans Can Refuse To Cover Essential Health Benefits. “Typical short-term policies do not cover maternity care, prescription drugs, mental health care, preventive care, and other essential benefits, and may limit coverage in other ways.” [Kaiser Family Foundation, 2/9/18]

Short-Term Plans May Exclude Coverage For Pre-Existing Conditions. “Policyholders who get sick may be investigated by the insurer to determine whether the newly-diagnosed condition could be considered pre-existing and so excluded from coverage.” [Kaiser Family Foundation, 2/9/18]

  • As Many As 130 Million Nonelderly Americans Have A Pre-Existing Condition. [Center for American Progress, 4/5/17]
  • One in 4 Children Would Be Impacted If Insurance Companies Could Deny Coverage Or Charge More Because Of A Pre-existing Condition. [Center for American Progress, 4/5/17]

Junk Plans Mean Higher Premiums For People With Pre-Existing Conditions. “By promoting short-term policies, the administration is making a trade-off: lower premiums and less coverage for healthy people, and higher premiums for people with preexisting conditions who need more comprehensive coverage.” [Washington Post, 5/1/18]

Under Many Short-Term Junk Plans, Benefits Are Capped At $1 Million Or Less. Short-term plans can impose lifetime and annual limits –  “for example, many policies cap covered benefits at $1 million or less.” [Kaiser Family Foundation, 2/9/18]