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TODAY: Senator Mark Kelly and Advocates to Discuss Lowering Costs for Arizonans


The Biden Administration Announced the First 10 Drugs That Arizonans Will Save Money on Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act

Phoenix, AZ  — On Wednesday, September 6 at 12:15 PM MST // 3:15 PM EDT, Senator Mark Kelly will join Protect Our Care Arizona to discuss how Medicare negotiations will lower prescription drug costs for Arizonans. The Biden administration recently announced the first 10 drugs that will have lower prices negotiated by Medicare under the Inflation Reduction Act, which was passed by Democrats last year. Prescription medicines cannot work if people cannot afford to take them, and high drug prices are keeping too many Americans from the health care they need. Speakers will discuss what these efforts mean for Arizonans and how lowering the cost of health care and prescription drugs remains central to the Inflation Reduction Act’s popularity.

This event comes as Republicans and drug companies attack the Inflation Reduction Act by trying to derail health care policies that will bring down costs. Big drug companies are suing the federal government to protect their massive profits by halting the measure passed in the Inflation Reduction Act that empowers Medicare to negotiate drug prices while Republicans are attempting to repeal it. President Biden and Democrats in Congress are already working to expand these cost savings to more Americans, no matter what age they are or how they get their health insurance. The Biden administration is laser-focused on making medications affordable for families and ending the era of drug companies’ unchecked power and greed.


United States Senator Mark Kelly
Linda Somo, President, Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans
Allison LeFebvre, Arizona patient & health care advocate
Kathy Saulsberry, Arizona patient & health care advocate

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference

WHERE: Register to join the Zoom event (Registration required)

WHEN: Wednesday, September 6 at 12:15 PM MST // 3:15 PM EDT

This Week in Health Equity

This week we highlight the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington and the announcement of the first round of high-cost drugs whose prices will come down as Medicare negotiates with the drug companies, as well as new maternal health and teen pregnancy prevention grants being provided with a focus on reduced health disparities and the shift in biotechnology investment towards accelerating health equity efforts across the country. Even so, from new National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine report findings to climate change to insurer care-delay tactics to an increasing maternal health crisis, there is much work to be done to ensure that systematically marginalized groups benefit from the initiatives highlighted this week and other essential programs to improve health outcomes.

Protect Our Care is dedicated to making high-quality, affordable, and equitable health care a right, and not a privilege, for everyone in America. We advocate for policies that lower health care costs and strengthen coverage, which are critical to expanding access to quality health care and, ultimately, achieving better health outcomes, particularly for people of color, rural Americans, LGBTQI+ individuals, people with disabilities, and more. Our strategies are driven by a broader commitment to tackling systemic inequities that persist due to racism and discrimination and the reality that multi-sector policies are needed to address basic conditions that affect health and related outcomes, particularly for marginalized communities.


Washington Post (Opinion: Joe Biden): We Must Keep Marching Forward Towards Dr. King’s Dream. “Sixty years ago, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and hundreds of thousands of fellow Americans marched on Washington for jobs and freedom. While we’ve never fully lived up to that promise as a nation, we have never fully walked away from it, either. Each day of the Biden-Harris administration, we continue the march forward. That includes a fundamental break with trickle-down economics that promised prosperity but failed America, especially Black Americans, over the past several decades. Vice President Harris and I came into office determined to change the economic direction of the country and grow the economy from the middle out and bottom up, not the top down. Black unemployment fell to a historic low this spring and remains near that level. More Black small businesses are starting up than we’ve seen in over 25 years. More Black families have health insurance. We cut Black child poverty in half in my first year in office. We’re taking the most significant action on climate ever, which is reducing pollution and creating jobs for Black Americans in the clean energy future. For generations, Black Americans haven’t always been fully included in our democracy or our economy, but by pure courage and heart, they have never given up pursuing the American Dream. On this day of remembrance, let us keep showing that racial equity isn’t just an aspiration. Let us reject the cramped view that America is a zero-sum game that holds that for one to succeed, another must fail. Let us remember America is big enough for everyone to do well and reach their God-given potential.” [Washington Post (Opinion: Joe Biden), 8/27/23]

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: How Medicare’s Price Negotiation Will Affect People and Equity Efforts. “After months of speculation, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (known as CMS) has finally released the list of medicines that will be subject to the agency’s new price-negotiating powers. The list should give the public hope that — assuming legal challenges from drugmakers are defeated — the program could yield significant savings and more equitable healthcare access. Studies show that the more expensive drugs are, the less likely patients are to adhere to them. That’s been particularly true of several classes of drugs — diabetes and blood thinners — targeted by this list. Moreover, research also reveals significant racial disparities in the use of several of the medications on this first list, says Utibe Essien, a physician at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA who studies health equity. He found that Black patients, including those on Medicare, were 25% less likely to take newer classes of blood thinners for a type of abnormal heartbeat called atrial fibrillation. Beyond improving equitable access, making these medicines more affordable could lead to healthcare savings, says Essien, by making patients healthier. Patients who take their blood thinners consistently can avoid worse health problems, like strokes or kidney disease.” [Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 8/31/23]

Department of Health and Human Services: HHS Awards $23 Million to Support Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs. “The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Office of Population Affairs (OPA), is announcing approximately $23 million in funding to foster innovation, provide new research, and expand the evidence to support and advance equity in the Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) program. Through the TPP program, HHS seeks to advance equity in adolescent health by supporting projects that create, identify, and scale effective approaches in communities and populations with the greatest needs and facing significant disparities across the country to improve adolescent health and well-being. Collectively, these 18 new Tier 2 projects, along with the 53 new Tier 1 projects OPA announced in June 2023, demonstrate how OPA’s TPP Program is responsive to the needs of youth, their families, and communities. The TPP Tier 2 Rigorous Evaluation cooperative agreements will support 12 projects that will implement and rigorously evaluate a wide diversity of promising interventions. The new interventions include those for youth in foster care, youth in juvenile justice, rural youth, expectant and parenting teens, younger adolescents in middle school, as well as intervention geared for parents, and clinical providers. The projects will also evaluate interventions that use newer modalities including videos, video games, and virtual implementation. These awards are for five-year project periods beginning September 15, 2023.” [Department of Health and Human Services, 8/25/23]

Boston Globe: Governor Awards $1.5 Million in Grants to Promote Maternal Health Equity. “Attorney General Andrea Campbell Tuesday announced $1.5 million in grants to 11 organizations that provide maternal care in Massachusetts as part of her office’s efforts to combat rising maternal health inequities in the state. Campbell hosted the recipients of the Maternal Health Equity Grant for a roundtable discussion about how to reduce negative pregnancy and postpartum outcomes across the state, particularly for Black women, who continue to face the highest rates of pregnancy complications and deaths. First announced by Campbell’s office in April, the grant aims to reduce these racial and ethnic inequities by increasing access to prenatal care, behavioral health support, and breastfeeding support that meets the needs of the state’s diverse population. The Whittier Street Health Center, which serves a large population of low-income individuals and immigrants who receive services in languages other than English, will use the funding to hire bilingual staff and conduct community outreach initiatives to better serve those at highest risk of receiving poor maternal care. The grant also aims to increase access to care from doulas, non-medical professionals trained to offer emotional and informational support to families during and after pregnancy, and support a more robust and diverse workforce.” [Boston Globe, 8/15/23]

Health Affairs: Biotech Industries Are Transitioning Towards a Model of Funding Health Equity Programs. “The biotech story for the rest of 2023 will be neither entirely turmoil nor entirely growth. Instead, it will be a fundamental reset—an industry realignment born of the broader macroeconomic conditions and of the painful lessons learned from the global pandemic that brought us to this moment. As the realignment begins to take shape, one of its most prominent features is already becoming clear: Health equity will be a central focus in biotech. For instance, last year, UCLA Health launched an innovation accelerator to help scale up health equity-focused startups. Johnson & Johnson awarded seed funding to 14 entrepreneurs and organizations with the potential to advance health equity as part of its Health Equity Innovation Challenge. And an increasing number of health-focused private companies are hiring “Chief Health Equity Officers,” as commercial entities awake to longstanding shortfalls. The trend is also reflected in the regulatory landscape, as accrediting bodies and trade associations are increasingly prioritizing key health equity initiatives. Recently, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement and the American Medical Association launched a new National Coalition for Equity in Healthcare. There’s even been major governmental action, including the Biden administration’s 2021 formation of the Office of Climate Change and Health Equity.” [Health Affairs, 8/11/23]

WJTV: Mississippi Community Organization to Receive $6 Million Dollar Grant to Support Health Equity Efforts. “A national bio-tech company, Genentech, announced that a Mississippi based community organization is among 10 chosen to share a $6 million grant. Jackson-based Southern Echo will begin by reaching out to southern states interested in the conversation of health organizing. From there, they will build out a curriculum to better help address issues that can be presented to policy makers. Rachel Mayes, the executive director of Southern Echo, said health plays out in the lives of everyone on a daily basis. She said the grant from Genentech will allow Southern Echo to do what they have in the past. They support organizations in the south in civic engagement, community organizing, the importance of the census, redistricting and voting. This time, the focus is on health equity. Advancing health equity is the purpose behind Genentech’s Community Health Justice Fund, which supports nonprofits.” [WJTV, 8/3/23]


Stat: New Report Says Ending Health Disparities Will Require a Permanent Federal Regulatory Body. “In its many recommendations, the committee that wrote the report called for Congress to create a scorecard to assess how new federal legislation might affect health equity; urged all federal agencies to conduct an equity audit of current policies; asked the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to create and facilitate the widespread use of measurements of social determinants of health, including racism; and urged the Office of Management and Budget to oversee efforts to improve the poor and sporadic collection of data about the nation’s racial and ethnic groups. The report’s authors stressed that improving health equity cannot be accomplished by the government’s health agencies alone. Education, income, transportation issues, and the quality of neighborhoods, the report noted, all play a role in harming or helping people’s health. While programs like Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program have proven to be the most effective policies to reduce health disparities, the report found policies that increase the federal minimum wage or close gaps in education spending have also promoted better health. The report details the nation’s many racial and ethnic disparities, including the fact that maternal mortality rates are two to three times higher in Black and Native American populations, and notes that in 2019, Black Americans lived more than four years less than white people and Native Americans lived more than five years less than those who are white. Because income is so closely tied to health and because past policies, such as redlining neighborhoods, have led to the massive loss of generational wealth for many Black Americans, the report urged the adoption of policies to boost income and housing security. These include providing more housing vouchers for low-income people; offering government-subsidized savings accounts for children; promoting fairer financial services that offer lower-cost credit for people with low incomes; and expanding social benefit programs to many who have been left out, including immigrants, people who have been incarcerated, and adults who do not have children.” [Stat, 7/27/23]

NPR: Heatwaves are Increasing Disparities in Health Across the Country. “Within the past five years, Dr. Sameed Khatana says, many of his patients in Philadelphia have realized how climate change hurts them, as they fared poorly with each wave of record heat. Record heat scorching the country is especially dangerous for the many, many people with common conditions like diabetes, obesity and heart disease. And within cities, many vulnerable communities face greater exposure to heat, fewer resources to address it or escape it, and higher rates of the diseases that make heat more dangerous for people. Heat stroke happens when the body’s core temperature rises so fast and high it rapidly becomes lethal. The heart pumps blood away from vital organs to dissipate heat. That can overload weakened hearts or lungs. Many of his patients also have obesity or diabetes, which can affect circulation and nerve function. That also affects the ability to adapt to heat. In addition, common medications his patients take for heart disease — beta blockers and diuretics — can make heat symptoms worse. Just as seen in other public health concerns like obesity or COVID-19, the elderly, communities of color, and people with lower socioeconomic status bear the highest risk. Those most in danger live in the Deep South and across the Midwest — where heat, older populations and rates of complicating disease run highest.” [NPR, 8/10/23]

Capitol News (Opinion): Insurer Tactics to Delay Care Makes Achieving Health Equity More Difficult. “Long plagued by racism and discrimination, communities of color lag on many healthcare measures. Eliminating disparities requires increasing access to care and improving outcomes. Unfortunately, some insurance companies are erecting extraordinary barriers that will actually delay necessary treatment for patients — and exacerbate inequities. UnitedHealthcare (UHC) just rolled out a nebulous new Advance Notification Program for all commercial plans that will require doctors to gather data at a granular level to order most gastrointestinal (GI) colonoscopy and endoscopy procedures for their patients — an arduous process that will be used to create a “Gold Card” prior authorization program in early 2024. Prior authorization, a process through which insurance companies can overrule doctors’ expertise and deny coverage for medically necessary care, will seriously disrupt patients’ ability to receive life-saving colonoscopies and endoscopies that can detect pre-cancers and cancers in the esophagus, stomach, small intestines, and colon. Unfortunately, any delay in treatment, by definition, prolongs patients’ pain and anxiety. And, even worse—since some forms of gastrointestinal cancers progress quite rapidly, it is not a stretch to say that these prior authorization requirements could cost lives. That is especially true for communities of color, which suffer higher burdens of colorectal cancer and which, due to a range of existing social determinants of health, also face significant access barriers to the procedures necessary to diagnose and monitor disease development. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), colorectal cancer is the second-most common cause of cancer death in the country, with incidence and mortality rates highest among American Indian, Alaska Native, and non-Hispanic Black individuals. The racial disparities in incidence and mortality rates for colorectal cancer are largely driven by differences in risk factors and access to care, including screening and cancer treatment.” [Capitol Weekly (Opinion), 7/31/23]

U.S. News: One in Five Mothers Report Mistreatment in Maternity Care. “One-fifth of U.S. mothers say they have experienced mistreatment by their health care provider during their pregnancy and delivery care and 29% say they have faced discrimination, according to new research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with higher rates of such incidents reported among women of color. Approximately 20% of more than 2,400 women surveyed in a CDC Vital Signs report released Tuesday said they experienced some form of physical neglect or verbal abuse during their maternal care. The report’s findings were based on a survey conducted from April 24 through April 30 by public relations firm Porter Novelli. Higher rates of mistreatment were reported by mothers who identify with a racial and ethnic minority group, including 30% of Black women, 29% of Hispanic women and 27% of multiracial women during their pregnancy care, compared to 19% of white women and 15% of Asian mothers. Nearly 30% of women who were uninsured and 26% of those covered by Medicaid reported mistreatment during their maternity care compared to 16% of women with private insurance, according to the analysis. In addition, 29% of women surveyed said they experienced at least one form of discrimination during their pregnancy care, with 40% of Black women, 39% of multiracial women, and 37% of Hispanic women reporting such incidents, compared to 26% of white women and 23% of Asian women. The most common reasons for discrimination reported included issues concerning age, weight and income.” [U.S. News, 8/23/23]

PR Newswire: New Report Shows Maternity Care is Worsening for Millions of Americans. “March of Dimes today released Where You Live Matters: Maternity Care Deserts and the Crisis of Access and Equity, a new collection of reports that shows more than 5.6 million women live in counties with no or limited access to maternity care services, forcing families to find new ways to get the care they need. The new research from March of Dimes shows that for millions of women in the United States, it is more difficult to access maternity care.  One of the largest analyses on maternity care access, the report offers insight into the factors that impact pregnancies in all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. More than one third (36%) of U.S. counties are considered maternity care deserts, which are defined as counties without a hospital or birth center offering obstetric care and without any obstetric providers. The loss of obstetric units in hospitals was responsible for decreased maternity care access in 369 counties since the 2018 report, nearly 1-in-10 counties across the U.S. 70 additional counties have been classified as maternity care deserts due to a loss of obstetric providers and obstetric units in hospitals, since the initial report in 2018. More than 32 million reproductive-age women are vulnerable to poor health outcomes due to a lack of access to reproductive healthcare services, like family planning clinics and skilled birth attendants. States with the highest rates of maternity care deserts include North Dakota, South Dakota, Alaska, Oklahoma and Nebraska, states with more rural populations.” [March of Dimes Press Release, 8/1/23]

KFF Health News: Dangers and Deaths Around Black Pregnancy a Completely Preventable Health Crisis. “Black women are less likely than women from other racial groups to carry a pregnancy to term — and in Harris County, where Houston is located, when they do, their infants are about twice as likely to die before their 1st birthday as those from other racial groups. Black fetal and infant deaths are part of a continuum of systemic failures that contribute to disproportionately high Black maternal mortality rates. In fact, Harris County ranks third, behind only Chicago’s Cook County and Detroit’s Wayne County, in what are known as excess Black infant deaths, according to the federal Health Resources and Services Administration. Those three counties, which also are among the nation’s most populated counties, account for 7% of all Black births in the country and 9% of excess Black infant deaths, said Ashley Hirai, a senior scientist at HRSA. The counties have the largest number of Black births but also more deaths that would not occur if Black babies had the same chance of reaching their 1st birthdays as white infants. No known genetic reasons exist for Black infants to die at higher rates than white infants. Such deaths are often called “deaths of disparity” because they are likely attributable to systemic racial disparities. Regardless of economic status or educational attainment, the stress from experiencing persistent systemic racism leads to adverse health consequences for Black women and their babies, according to a study published in the journal Women’s Health Issues.” [KFF Health News, 8/24/23]

NPR: Abortion Bans Are Leading to an Influx of High-Risk Patients in Illinois Hospitals. “Since the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022, who can get an abortion and where has been complicated by medically ambiguous language in new state laws that ban or restrict abortion. Doctors in those states fear they could lose their medical licenses or wind up in jail. Amid these changes, physicians in abortion havens like Illinois are stepping up to fill the void and provide care to as many patients as they can. But getting each medically-complex patient connected to a doctor and a hospital has been logistically complicated. In response to the growing demand, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker recently launched a state program to help. The goal is to get patients who show up at clinics, yet need a higher level of abortion care, connected more quickly with Illinois hospitals. Providers will call a hotline to reach nurses who will handle the logistics. There is little concrete data on how many more patients are traveling to other states for abortions at hospitals. Hospitals are a “black box” for abortion-related data, according to Rachel Jones, a longtime researcher at the nonprofit Guttmacher Institute. Even before Roe fell, it was hard to get through the bureaucracy of hospitals to understand more comprehensively how abortion care was provided, Jones said. Guttmacher has tracked hospital-based abortions in the past, but doesn’t have updated figures since Dobbs. WeCount, widely considered a reliable tracker of shifts in abortion care over the past year, doesn’t break out hospital data separately. WeCount co-chair Ushma Upadhyay said the data would have gaps anyway. She said it’s been difficult to get providers in banned states to report what’s happening.” [NPR, 8/23/23]

Missouri Independent: One-Third of Rural Hospitals in Missouri At Risk of Closure. “A July report from the Center for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform, a national policy group, found that 19 of Missouri’s 57 rural hospitals are at risk of shuttering because of ‘serious financial problems.’ Many of those hospitals at risk of closure could sustain themselves financially for six to seven years, according to the report.  Eight rural hospitals, however, are in particularly dire straits, according to the report, and are at risk of ‘immediate closure’ — meaning they are at risk of closing in the next two to three years. That is up from only two rural hospitals at risk of immediate closure in the previous year’s report. The state’s 57 rural hospitals are providers located outside the 34 counties that make up Missouri’s metropolitan statistical areas. Ten rural hospitals in Missouri have closed since 2012. Those that remain open, but are faltering, often consider cutting services in an attempt to remain afloat — gradually chipping away at care as the prospect of closure looms. Cox Monett Hospital, in Southwest Missouri, announced earlier this year its plan to close its inpatient labor and delivery this summer, citing difficulty recruiting doctors. Some patients would need to travel upwards of 45 minutes from Monett to Springfield to access obstetric care, KY3 reported. In 2020, almost half of rural community hospitals nationally did not offer obstetric care, according to the American Hospital Association. Studies have found a higher risk of complications for those giving birth in rural areas. The last year of inflation and a tight labor market, along with the end of COVID federal grants, contributed to hospital losses increasing, Miller said. Many rural hospitals lost more money in 2022 than in pre-pandemic years, he said.” [Missouri Independent, 8/1/23]

IN THE NEWS: Americans Across the Country Read and Heard How the Inflation Reduction Act is Lowering Health Care Costs

Protect Our Care’s “Lower Costs, Better Care” Bus Tour Sparked Conversation Traveling Across 14 States, Making Over 25 Stops and Covering Nearly 8,000 Miles in Four Weeks

This summer, President Biden and Congressional Democrats are celebrating the one-year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act. Between lowering premium costs by 151 percent on average, capping insulin costs, and stopping Big Pharma’s egregious price hikes, the new legislation is already working for the American people. Seniors’ drug costs will be capped at $2,000 annually, and Medicare can finally negotiate lower drug prices — no thanks to Republicans who unanimously voted to maintain the status quo and keep health care costs high.

The “Lower Costs, Better Care” four-week tour celebrated the work of lawmakers who are fighting tirelessly to improve health care and hold Republicans accountable. Event speakers included 11 members of Congress, 3 administration officials, 26 state and local elected officials, and 51 advocates and storytellers. From New Hampshire to California, here is what people were reading during the August recess. 

Here’s a sampling of headlines from across the country:

(NY) Mid Hudson Valley News: Protect Our Care Group Brings Bus Tour to Ulster County. “‘Greed is not good. Any individual that calls themselves a public servant, while at the same time working to keep, or make it more difficult for you to vote, or is trying to undermine your ability to collectively bargain or supports big pharma at the expense of your health and wellbeing is lying to you when they call themselves a public servant. They are not a friend of the people.’ State Lt. Governor Antonio Delgado said.” [Mid Hudson Valley News, 8/1/23]

(NY) Daily Freeman: In Kingston, New York Democrats Blast Efforts to Repeal Drug Pricing Controls. “Lt. Governor Antonio Delgado blasted House Republicans efforts to repeal drug pricing measures in the Inflation Reduction Act and litigation brought by pharmaceutical companies to limit the power of Medicare to negotiate prices, saying Tuesday that if elected officials weren’t interested in protecting healthcare for vulnerable communities, the should ‘get out of politics.’” [Daily Freeman, 8/1/23]

(NY) Hudson Valley Press: “Lower Costs, Better Care” Tour Stop in Kingston. “Protect Our Care’s Care Force One arrived in Kingston to spotlight how recent legislative victories by President Biden and Democrats in Congress are “driving down” health costs for the American people.” [Hudson Valley Press, 8/9/23]

(NY) Westchester Examiner News: Bus Tour Celebrates Anniversary of Inflation Reduction Act. “It’s the fifth coast to coast tour spanning 16 states and 8,000 miles led by Protect Our Care, a non-profit organization dedicated to making high quality, affordable and equitable health care a right, and not a privilege, for everyone in America.” [Westchester Examiner News, 8/14/23]

(PA) Daily Courier: Davis Headlines Lower Costs, Better Care Stop in Uniontown. “‘The Inflation Reduction Act touches nearly every household in America, whether you’re a senior or individual with a disability struggling to afford prescription drugs, a family purchasing your own coverage, or a taxpayer who is sick and tired of lining the pockets of Big Pharma.’ said Protect our Care Pennsylvania State Director Michael Berman.” [Daily Courier, 8/4/23]

(PA) Observer-Reporter: Lt. Gov. Davis Urges Continued Relief of Health Care Costs During Uniontown Stop. “Signed into law in August 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act has a number of facets, among them the goal of lowering health care costs. ‘We must not go backwards on those big wins,’ Davis said, adding that the lack of access to health care is a major problem in this part of the state.” [Observer-Reporter, 8/5/23]

(OH) Toledo Blade: Health Care Advocacy Group Fights in Toledo to Lower Costs. [Toledo Blade, 8/8/23]

(MI) MIRS: Anthony: Shame On Us If Reducing Healthcare Costs Isn’t A Priority. “Following a visit from the ‘Lower Costs, Better Care’ bus tour, Senate Appropriations Chair Sarah ANTHONY (D-Lansing) said that if lawmakers don’t prioritize legislation to reduce healthcare costs upon returning from summer recess, ‘shame on us.’” [MIRS, 8/9/23]

(MI) Gongwer: Officials: Federal Health Care Changes Must Be Protected. “Sen. Sarah Anthony (D-Lansing), chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee Tracked, said maintaining lower health care costs is critical for older residents on fixed incomes and communities of color…‘This is real reform in action that is saving lives as we speak,’ Anthony said. ‘We cannot afford to turn back the clock on these major achievements.’” [Gongwer, 8/9/23]

(WI) La Crosse Tribune: Sen. Baldwin touts lower prescription drug costs in Onalaska. “‘I have heard from seniors across the state of Wisconsin who have been forced to ration or forgo their medications all while drug companies are turning record profits,’ said Senator Tammy Baldwin. ‘No American, especially our seniors who live on a fixed income, should have to choose between putting food on their table or accept the prescriptions they need to stay healthy.’” [La Crosse Tribune, 8/9/23]

(CA) Pasadena Now: Congresswoman Chu Headlines Care Force One’s Visit to Pasadena on Tuesday. “Rep. Judy Chu will welcome health advocates on board. She will be joined by Ingrid Rivera-Guzman, President of Latino Coalition of Los Angeles and cancer survivor Laura Packard. During the event, speakers will discuss how the Inflation Reduction Act and other healthcare measures will improve care and lower costs.” [Pasadena Now, 8/15/23]

(CA) World Journal: Nursing Buses Arrive in Los Angeles to Curb Drug Prices and Medical Expenses. “‘We cannot risk losing the tremendous progress we have made in expanding health care coverage and reducing family health care costs,’ Rep. Judy Chu said, ‘so I am proud to stand with all of you against any attempt to repeal this legislation.’” [World Journal, 8/15/23]

(AZ) Yellow Sheet Report: Congressman Greg Stanton and HHS Regional Director Headline “Lower Costs, Better Care” Bus Tour Stop in Tempe. “‘After decades of politicians talking about lowering health care and prescription drug costs, we got it done with the Inflation Reduction Act. One year later, it’s already made a huge difference for Arizona seniors,’ said Rep. Stanton. ‘Now I’m not going to let extreme House Republicans or Big Pharma undo the progress we’ve made.’” [Yellow Sheet Report, Page 9, 8/17/23]

(GA) Gwinnett Daily Post: U.S. Rep. Lucy McBath and Health Care Advocates Celebrate 1-Year Anniversary of Insulin Price Cap. “‘This is monumental for every individual in this country that suffers by diabetes, and has been paying exorbitant prices for a life-saving drug that they need to survive,’ McBath said. ‘These are victories for Americans who need insulin to survive and to live, but we’ve got to continue to march forward.’” [Gwinnett Daily Post, 8/22/23]

(GA) Atlanta Journal Constitution: Protect Our Care Rolling Through. “McBath spoke about the $35 per month cap on insulin costs for people on Medicare that became law as part of last year’s Inflation Reduction Act. ‘Life-saving medicine should never be kept out of reach of those who need it most,’ McBath said in a post on social media about the event.” [Atlanta Journal Constitution, 8/22/23

(VA) Richmond Times-Dispatch: Health Care–and Democratic Politics–In Focus As Bus Tour Hits Richmond. “Rep. Jennifer McClellan, D-4th, said the Inflation Reduction Act’s health care measures, which also include new authority to push prescription drug prices down, had made a big difference to thousands of Virginians. She said Virginia’s new health benefit exchange, a state-run marketplace for health insurance and dental coverage set up under legislation she sponsored in 2020, will reduce coverage costs beginning with policies for 2024.” [Richmond Times-Dispatch, 8/24/23]

(VA) Blue Virginia: Video: Reps. Spanberger, McClellan; Former Speaker Filler-Corn; Richmond Mayor Stoney Headline Richmond Stop of Protect Our Care’s “Lower Costs, Better Care” National Bus Tour. “The Inflation Reduction Act and other health care measures will improve care and lower costs for the American people.” [Blue Virginia, 8/24/23]

Opinion Pieces

Laura Packard: Expanding Affordable Health Care in New Hampshire. “We live in a country where too many still can’t afford or can’t access the care they need. But under the leadership of President Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress, we continue to make progress.” [New Hampshire Bulletin, 8/17/23]

Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania Austin Davis: Your Turn: Let’s Keep Pennsylvania’s Progress Moving Forward. “Pennsylvanians depend on quality, affordable health care to live healthy, secure lives, and the Inflation Reduction Act is a historic step forward to lowering costs. Nearly 19 million Americans on Medicare will save approximately $400 annually thanks to this legislation, and big drug companies finally have an important check on their power.” [Beaver County Times, 8/27/23]

Nicole Frith: Inflation Reduction Act at One Year: New Yorkers Are Already Seeing Lower Health Care Costs. “While Americans are cutting pills and skipping doses, drug companies are claiming their industry should be exempt from negotiating with Medicare and they should continue to be allowed to overcharge seniors and have taxpayers pad their sky-high profits. This is insulting to the New Yorkers and all American patients who pay up to four times more for the same drugs as patients in other wealthy countries.” [amNY, 8/28/23]

BREAKING: Biden Administration Takes Critical Step to Protect Medicaid Coverage for Families

Washington, DC — Today, the Biden administration announced that it is requiring states to take immediate action to ensure their systems to automatically renew coverage do not disenroll people who currently qualify for Medicaid. This action is essential to protecting coverage for people who rely on Medicaid and will especially help children and people of color stay covered. If states refuse to follow the law, they will lose access to enhanced Medicaid funding made available by Congress to administer the unwinding process. 

Some states like Florida, Georgia, and Texas, have been kicking people off the rolls who are still eligible, including thousands of children. Many of the states that are needlessly throwing people off the rolls have also failed to expand Medicaid, showing how some governors are using the redetermination process as another way to limit Medicaid enrollment. In response, Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement:

“This action by the Biden administration is a critical step to protect health coverage during the Medicaid redetermination process. It is unacceptable for children and families to lose Medicaid coverage because their state’s renewal system is not properly run. Governors bear responsibility for ensuring people who qualify for Medicaid are not being kicked off, and the administration is right to tell states that if they don’t take appropriate steps to prevent needless coverage loss, they will lose federal Medicaid funding. Many of the states that are failing to keep people covered, like Texas, Georgia and Florida, are the same ones that have rejected Medicaid expansion, leaving families with no place to turn for basic health care. Every state elected official must think of their own families and what it would be like if health care was ripped away from them for no reason.”

That’s a Wrap: Protect Our Care’s “Lower Costs, Better Care” Bus Tour Concludes After Four Weeks of Driving Down Health Care Costs

Care Force One Traveled Across 14 States, Made Over 25 Stops and Covered Nearly 8,000 Miles in Four Weeks

Watch the Bus Tour Wrap Up Video Here

Watch All Bus Tour Stops Here

Over the last four weeks, Protect Our Care’s Care Force One 8,000 mile bus tour made over 25 stops across 14 states demonstrating how recent victories by President Biden and Democrats in Congress are already “Driving Down Health Care Costs” by thousands of dollars a year — with even more savings on the way.

Protect Our Care was joined by three senators, eight representatives, one governor, three attorney generals and lieutenant governors, three directors from the Department of Health and Human Services, 36 local officials, and dozens of health care advocates. Headliners of the events included Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Representatives Bobby Scott (D-VA-03), Judy Chu (D-CA-28), Susie Lee (D-NV-03),  Lucy McBath (D-GA-07), Abigail Spanberger (D-VA-07), Greg Stanton (D-AZ-04), Valerie Foushee (D-NC-04), Jennifer McClellan (D-VA-04), and Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers. 


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by State Senate Minority Leader Donna Soucy, and health care advocates at Veteran’s Memorial Park in Manchester to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 

Watch the event here and a personal video with health care advocate Jennifer Coffey here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by State Senator Rebecca Perkins Kwoka, State Representative Robin Vogt, and health care advocates at Prescott Park in Portsmouth to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 

Watch the event here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by State Senators John Mannion, Rachel May, and health care advocates at Clinton Square in Syracuse to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 


Watch the event here and a personal video with health care advocate Bill Spreter here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by Lieutenant Governor Antonio Delgado, State Senator James Skoufis, Ulster County Executive Jen Metzger, and health care advocates at Academy Green Park in Kingston to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 


Watch the event here, remarks by Lieutenant Governor Antonio Delgado here, and a personal video with health care advocate Deborah Scarborough here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Senate Health Chair Gustavo Rivera, Former Representative Mondaire Jones, and health care advocates at SUNY Westchester Community College to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 


Watch the event here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, and health care advocates at Senator Gillibrand’s office in New York City to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 


Watch the event here and a personal video with 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers Representative Nicole Frith, LPN, here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by State Representative Tarik Khan, and health care advocates at 1500 Race Street in Philadelphia to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 

Watch the event here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by Lieutenant Governor Austin Davis, and health care advocates at Teamsters #491 in Uniontown to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 


Watch the event here and remarks by Lieutenant Governor Austin Davis here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by Mayor Jamael Tito Brown, and health care advocates at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Youngstown to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 


  • WFMJ (NBC): Bus Tour on Lowering Health Care Costs 

Watch the event here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by State Senator Paula Hicks-Hudson, and health care advocates at UAW Local 12 in Toledo to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 


  • WTOL (CBS): Lower Costs, Better Care Bus Tour in Toledo
  • Toledo Blade: Health care advocacy group fights in Toledo to lower costs

Watch the event here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by State Senator Darrin Camilleri, and health care advocates at City Hall in Trenton to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 

Watch the event here and watch a video with RN and patient advocate Carlie Wilson here


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by State Senator Sarah Anthony, and health care advocates at the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 


  • WILX (NBC Lansing): ‘Care Force One’ visits Lansing to promote better healthcare
  • MIRS: Anthony: Shame On Us If Reducing Healthcare Costs Isn’t A Priority
  • Gongwer: Officials: Federal Health Care Changes Must Be Protected

Watch the event here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by Senator Tammy Baldwin, and health care advocates at Gundersen Pharmacy in La Crosse to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 


  • WKBT (CBS): Tammy Baldwin Visits Gundersen Pharmacy
  • WXOW (ABC): Sen. Baldwin highlighting lower prescription drug costs at a stop in Onalaska
  • La Crosse Tribune: Sen. Baldwin touts lower prescription drug costs in Onalaska 

Watch the event here and watch a video with health care advocate Amy Taebel here


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by Governor Tony Evers, and health care advocates at Leicht Memorial Park in Green Bay to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 


  • WGBA (NBC): Governor Evers Calls for Expanding Medicaid 
  • WFRV (CBS): Health Care Bus Tour 
  • WFRV (CBS): Gov. Evers Promoting Health Care 
  • WBAY (ABC): Governor Evers Visits Green Bay for Protect Our Care Bus Tour 
  • WLUK (Fox): Governor Evers to Show How Democrats Are Lowering Costs 

Watch the event here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by Senator Amy Klobuchar, Attorney General Keith Ellison, Mayor Jake Spano, State Rep. Kelly Morrison, and health care advocates at Louisiana Oaks Park in St. Louis Park to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 

Watch the event here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by U.S. Representative Susie Lee (D-NV-03), and health care advocates at the West Flamingo Senior Center in Las Vegas to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 


  • KSNV (NBC): Protect Our Care Nevada “Lower Costs Better Care” Bus Tour
  • KVCW (CW): Protect Our Care Nevada “Lower Costs Better Care” Bus Tour

Watch the event here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by health care advocates at the Rasmussen Senior Center in Bakersfield to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 


Watch the event here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by U.S. Representative Judy Chu (D-CA-28), and health care advocates at Brookside Park in Los Angeles to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 


  • Pasadena Now: Congresswoman Chu Headlines Care Force One’s Visit to Pasadena on Tuesday
  • World Journal: 護理巴士抵洛杉磯 抑制藥價降醫療費 (Buses arrive in Los Angeles to curb drug prices and medical expenses)
  • Spectrum 1: Judy Chu on Bidenomics

Watch the event here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by City of Irvine Mayor Farrah Khan, and health care advocates at Mike Ward Park in Irvine to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 

Watch the event here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by City of Palm Desert Mayor Pro Tem Karina Quintanilla, and health care advocates at Ruth Hardy Park in Palm Springs to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 

Watch the event here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by U.S. Representative Greg Stanton (D-AZ-04), and health care advocates at the Tempe Public Library to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 


  • Yellow Sheet Report: Congressman Greg Stanton and HHS Regional Director Headline “Lower Costs, Better Care” Bus Tour Stop in Tempe

Watch the event here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by U.S. Former State Sen. Kirsten Engel and health care advocates at the YWCA of Southern Arizona in Tucson to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 

Watch the event here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by Mayor Tim Keller and health care advocates at Civic Plaza in Albuquerque to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 

Watch the event here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by U.S. Representative Lucy McBath, State Senator Sheikh Rahman, and Health Care Advocates at Gas South Arena in Duluth to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 


Watch the event here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by Minority Leader State Rep. James Beverly, and Health Care Advocates at IBEW Local 1316 in Macon to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 

Watch the event here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by State Senator Rachel Hunt, and Health Care Advocates at Mecklenburg Government Center in Charlotte to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 

Watch the event here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by State Senator Michael Garrett, and Health Care Advocates at Center City Park in Greensboro to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 


Watch the event here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by U.S. Representative Valerie Foushee, and Health Care Advocates at Moore Square Park in Raleigh to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 

Watch the event here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by U.S. Representative Bobby Scott, and Health Care Advocates at New Teamsters Facility in Norfolk to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 


  • WTKR: Rep. Bobby Scott Speaks On Healthcare Costs
  • WVEC: Rep. Bobby Scott holds Norfolk Health Care Event 

Watch the event here.


Protect Our Care’s Care Force One was joined by U.S. Representatives Jennifer McClellan, Abigail Spanberger, and Health Care Advocates at Diversity Richmond in Richmond to highlight how the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures will lower premiums and prescription drug costs for millions of Americans. 


  • Richmond Times-Dispatch: Health care — and Democratic politics — in focus as bus tour hits Richmond 
  • Blue Virginia: Video: Reps. Spanberger, McClellan; Former Speaker Filler-Corn; Richmond Mayor Stoney Headline Richmond Stop of Protect Our Care’s “Lower Costs, Better Care” National Bus Tour 
  • CBS6: Reps. McClellan and Spanberger Headline Richmond Stop of Lower Costs, Better Care Bus Tour
  • WRLH (FOX): Lower Costs, Better Care Bus Stops in Richmond
  • WWBT (NBC): Lower Costs, Better Care Bus Tour Stops in Richmond

Watch the event here.

What They’re Saying: Biden Administration’s Medicare Negotiation Announcement Marks Historic Step to Lower Drug Prices for Patients

Washington, DC – Yesterday, the Biden administration announced the first round of high-cost drugs whose prices will be lowered as Medicare begins to negotiate with drug companies. The new program, created in the Inflation Reduction Act, will lower costs for some of the highest-priced prescription drugs on the market used to treat conditions like cancer, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders – conditions that disproportionately impact women, communities of color, and people in rural areas.

President Biden and Democrats in Congress stood up to big drug companies and won a decades-long battle to lower the cost of prescription drugs for millions of Americans. Negotiating lower prices is overwhelmingly popular across the country, yet big drug companies are suing the federal government to protect their massive profits by halting the program while Republicans are attempting to repeal it. Read more about the first 10 drugs here.

Here’s what Biden Administration officials, members of Congress, and the leading advocacy organizations are saying:


President Biden: “No senior should have to overpay for life-saving drugs to pad Big Pharma’s pockets. My Administration is announcing the first 10 Medicare Part D drugs selected for price negotiation. We’re ending the days of deciding between buying your medicine or putting food on the table.” [@POTUS, 8/29/23]

Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra: “Not only is the Inflation Reduction Act providing people with Medicare $35 caps on insulin & free recommended vaccines, but now Medicare can directly negotiate Rx drug prices, strengthening the program’s ability to serve people with Medicare now and for generations to come!” [@SecBecerra, 8/29/23]

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure: “Today, @CMSGov announced the first 10 drugs covered under #Medicare Part D selected for Medicare drug price negotiation. Negotiations with participating drug companies will occur in 2023 & 2024, and any negotiated prices will become effective in 2026. Lowering health care costs is a key priority. Thanks to the #InflationReductionAct, #Medicare will be able to negotiate prices directly with drug companies, improving access to some of the costliest prescription drugs for millions of people.” [@BrooksLaSureCMS, 8/29/23]


Majority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer: “The American people have sent Congress a message: reduce costs. And when it comes to prescription drugs, we are delivering for the American people in a very real way.” [@SenSchumer, 8/29/23]

President Pro Tempore Senator Patty Murray: “We have more to do, but this is going to bring down drug costs significantly for so many patients. I fought hard to pass Medicare negotiation in the Inflation Reduction Act because we need to put patients over profits.” [@PattyMurray, 8/29/23]

Chair of the Finance Committee Senator Ron Wyden: “Today marks the beginning of a new era for seniors and families that have been breaking the bank for far too long to pay for expensive prescription medicines. […] This step, plus other cost saving measures in the Inflation Reduction Act, represent a seismic shift in the relationship between Big Pharma, the federal government, and seniors who are counting on lower prices.” [Senator Ron Wyden Press Release, 8/29/23]

Majority Whip Senator Dick Durbin: “After decades of empty promises, @POTUS & Congressional Dems are successfully forcing down drug prices. First insulin to $35/month for Seniors on Medicare, & now the biggest drugs on the market. For the record: there was not 1 GOP vote in support of the Inflation Reduction Act.” [@SenatorDurbin, 8/29/23]

Senator Debbie Stabenow: “The Inflation Reduction Act is delivering real results for Michiganders like Pam Bloink. Pam is a retired teacher & assumed she was set for retirement. Rising costs left her struggling to make ends meet. The $35 a month insulin cap has been a lifesaver for Pam.” [@SenStabenow, 8/29/23]

Chair of Outreach and Chair of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Senator Bernie Sanders: “We should not be paying any more for prescription drugs than other countries around the world. As the Chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, I look forward to working with the President and my colleagues to make that happen.” [@SenSanders, 8/29/23]

Chair of Senate Banking Committee Senator Sherrod Brown: “For years we fought Big Pharma to allow Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices. For these 10 drugs that cost people on Medicare $3.4 BILLION last year — negotiations finally start today. We’re bringing costs down & keeping Ohioans from footing the bill of Big Pharma’s greed.” [@SenSherrodBrown, 8/29/23]

Chair of Senate Aging Committee Senator Bob Casey: “Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act Medicare is able to negotiate drug prices for the first time in history. Today the Biden Admin announced the first 10 drugs to be negotiated. This is a huge step towards lowering costs for families & we’re not done yet.” [@SenBobCasey, 8/29/23]

Chair of Steering Committee Senator Amy Klobuchar: “Pharma’s sweetheart deal has ended. First list of ten blockbuster drugs eligible for negotiation under Medicare is out and includes blood thinners and diabetes and arthritis drugs that millions and millions of seniors take. Pharma is fighting this in court. The President is standing up for what’s right. I spent years on this bill. Let’s get it done!” [@AmyKlobuchar, 8/29/23]

Chair of the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Senator Jon Tester: “GOOD NEWS: Cheaper prescription drugs are coming to Montana. Nobody should ever have to choose between life-saving meds and putting food on the table. That’s why we took on Big Pharma to lower drug prices—starting with these 10 critical medications…” [@SenatorTester, 8/29/23]

Senator Mark Warner: “Thrilled to see Medicare announce the first ten prescription drugs eligible for price negotiations! This is a monumental and historic step forward in lowering costs for Americans. I’m proud to have fought for this day for years and supported the law that made it possible.” [@MarkWarner, 8/29/23

Senator Tammy Baldwin: “I voted for the Inflation Reduction Act to take on big drug companies & finally allow Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs.  I’m proud our legislation is going to cut costs for Wisconsinites and make a real difference in families’ lives.” [@SenatorBaldwin, 8/29/23]

Senator Elizabeth Warren: “Today, @HHSGov announced the first 10 prescription drugs that will be negotiated under Medicare. This is an important win that will bring down costs for seniors and families — and Republicans and Big Pharma fought against it every step of the way.” [@SenWarren, 8/29/23]

Senator Catherine Cortez Masto: “@POTUS just announced that Medicare is bringing Big Pharma to the table to lower the cost of 10 of the costliest medications – thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act that I voted for. This is going to deliver life-changing savings for families across Nevada.” [@SenCortezMasto, 8/29/23]

Senator Peter Welch: “This announcement is a major milestone in our fight to hold Big Pharma accountable for skyrocketing drug costs, and it’s just the beginning. […] In 2022, folks on Medicare spent over $3 billion out of pocket on these drugs, which treat and prevent medical conditions that impact so many Americans. I will keep fighting to lower the cost of prescription drugs for Vermont seniors and families.” [Senator Peter Welch Press Release, 8/29/23]

Democratic Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries: “The Biden administration is negotiating lower drug prices for millions of Americans. We continue to put people over politics. And build an economy that works for everyone.” [@RepJeffries, 8/29/23]

Democratic Whip Rep. Katherine Clark: “Big Pharma lost. American seniors won. In 2022, 9 million seniors and other Americans on Medicare spent over $3.4 billion out-of-pocket for these drugs. This is the Inflation Reduction Act saving you money and saving lives.” [@WhipKClark, 8/29/23]

Speaker Emerita Rep. Nancy Pelosi: “The Inflation Reduction Act was a monumental victory in Democrats’ long fight to make prescription drugs more affordable: empowering Medicare to negotiate lower prices. Today’s announcement is an important step to delivering these lower costs to millions of America’s seniors.” [@SpeakerPelosi, 8/29/23]

Ranking Member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee Rep. Frank Pallone: “This is a historic day for health care in America. For the first time in the Medicare program, we are going to negotiate the price of prescription drugs for America’s seniors.” [@FrankPallone, 8/29/23]

Ranking Member of the House Ways and Means Committee Rep. Richard Neal: “America’s seniors shouldn’t have to forgo the medications they need because of Big Pharma’s price gouging. Today’s announcement comes after Ways & Means Democrats took on special interests with the #InflationReductionAct’s drug pricing provisions. And we won’t stop there.” [@RepRichardNeal, 8/29/23]

Ranking Member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce Rep. Bobby Scott: “@POTUS and Congressional Democrats took on Big Pharma when we passed the Inflation Reduction Act. Now, Medicare is announcing which prescription drugs will be negotiating prices. This will cut costs and lower prices for consumers.” [@BobbyScott, 8/29/23]

Rep. Pete Aguilar: “9 million Americans will soon be paying significantly less for 10 different, widely-used medications thanks to @HouseDemocrats and @POTUS.” [@RepPeteAguilar, 8/29/23]

Rep. Judy Chu: “No other country in the world pays as much as we do for our prescription drugs. For the first time in history, Medicare can now negotiate lower prices for some of our nation’s costliest prescription drugs thanks to the #InflationReductionAct! Millions of seniors rely on these drugs to treat diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, blood clots, and cancers. In 2022, just one  of these drugs could cost seniors up to $6,497 in out-of-pocket costs.” [@RepJudyChu, 8/29/23]

Rep. Susan Wild: “HUGE news! I’ve been taking on Big Pharma to lower your drug costs since my first day in Congress. Today, we’re chipping away at Big Pharma’s power to price-gouge and rake in billions in profit at your expense. I’m proud to have fought to make it happen.” [@RepSusanWild, 8/29/23]

Rep. Abigail Spanberger: “Today, @POTUS announced the first 10 drugs for Medicare price negotiation. For years, the top issue I’ve heard from Virginia seniors is high prescription drug costs. That’s why I was proud to vote for the Inflation Reduction Act to save Virginians money.” [@SpanbergerVA07, 8/29/23]


Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach: “Americans deserve financial security and some peace of mind when they go to sleep at night. But, too many are forced to choose between being able to afford their medicines or paying for food or housing. Prescription medicines cannot work if people cannot afford to take them, and high drug prices are keeping too many Americans from the health care they need. Patients should not be paying out-of-control prices for medicines they need when all it’s doing is increasing drug company profits and footing the bill for outrageous CEO salaries. President Biden and Democrats in Congress stood up to big drug companies and won a decades-long battle to lower the cost of prescription drugs by giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower prices. The Biden administration is laser-focused on making medications affordable for families and ending the era of drug companies’ unchecked power and greed.” [Protect Our Care, 8/29/23]

AARP President Executive Vice President and Chief Advocacy and Engagement Officer Nancy LeaMond: “AARP applauds CMS for taking this next critical step to bring down out-of-control prescription drug prices. For too long, big drug companies have fleeced our country and padded their profits by setting outrageous prices, all at the expense of American lives. The number one reason seniors skip or ration their prescriptions is because they can’t afford them. This must stop. Allowing Medicare to negotiate prices for these first 10 drugs will finally bring much-needed access and relief to American families, particularly older adults. We cannot overstate how monumental this law is for older Americans’ financial stability and overall health.” [AARP, 8/29/23]

Patients for Affordable Drug Prices Founder David Mitchell: “This is a momentous day for patients across the country. Finally beginning to undo the nearly 20-year ban on Medicare using its purchasing power to get lower prices, Medicare will now negotiate for a better deal for these ten high-cost drugs. The list includes essential life-saving medications – cancer treatments, blood thinners, autoimmune disease treatments, diabetes drugs – that people in this country have been paying unjustified amounts for decades, while drug companies have used Medicare as a piggy bank raising prices to hit profit targets and trigger executive bonuses.” [Patients for Affordable Drug Prices, 8/29/23]

Center for American Progress Senior Vice President for Inclusive Growth Emily Gee: “Today’s announcement is a watershed moment to make lifesaving medications more affordable for millions of Americans on Medicare. Millions of seniors rely on these drugs to treat cancer and blood clots, and manage chronic conditions, including diabetes and heart failure. The Biden administration is growing the middle class by giving more Americans economic security, including better protections against high health care costs.” [Center for American Progress, 8/29/23]

Coalition on Human Needs: “A key provision to reduce prices for seniors came closer to reality Tuesday as the Biden Administration announced the first ten prescription drugs that will be subject to price negotiations between pharmaceutical companies and Medicare. Under the Inflation Reduction Act, Medicare now has the power to directly negotiate drug prices with manufacturers for the first time in the federal program’s nearly 60-year history. The new prices will be announced next year and will take effect in 2026. Barring successful legal challenges by drug companies, these ten drugs will be only the first to be negotiated. For the next four years, 15 drugs each year will be selected; following that, the number will go up to 20 drugs a year.” [Coalition on Human Needs, 8/29/23]

Small Business for America’s Future Senior Advisor Rhett Buttle: “Today’s anticipated remarks by President Biden and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding prescription drugs is a significant stride forward in addressing the soaring cost of healthcare, a top concern in the small business community. For far too long, the rising cost of healthcare has been a huge burden on small business owners that has prevented them from hiring and retaining workers, affecting their competitiveness in the labor market and cutting into their bottom lines. Prescription drug costs are one of the key drivers of high healthcare costs. Addressing healthcare costs can help continue the positive momentum of our economy with solid new jobs numbers and near record low unemployment. I am urging lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to take a strong look at other policies that can continue to help combat high healthcare costs.” [Small Business for America’s Future, 8/29/23]

Building Back Together Interim Executive Director Mayra Macías: “For the first time in our history, Medicare will have the authority to negotiate the cost of prescription drugs directly with major drug manufacturers. For years, these major drug companies have seen record-breaking profits made off the backs of Americans just trying to make ends meet and stay healthy. That ends today. For Americans who take vital medications like Eliquis, Jardiance, Xarelto, Januvia, Farxiga, Entresto, Enbrel, Imbruvica, Stelara, and Fiasp/NovoLog, help is on the way.” [Building Back Together, 8/29/23]

Public Citizen Director of the Access to Medicines Program Peter Maybarduk: “The negotiated drugs list is a watershed moment for medicine affordability. Drug corporations pretend this is a catastrophe, but I would rather see that money in seniors’ pockets than Big Pharma’s.Drug corporations, in crude arrogance, are suing to limit price negotiations under the IRA. But the list shows instead how important it is to expand those negotiation powers.” [Public Citizen, 8/29/23]

Unrig Our Economy Campaign Director Sarah Baron: “While Biden and congressional Democrats fought fiercely to include Medicare’s ability to negotiate lower drug costs as part of the Inflation Reduction Act, Republicans chose to vote “NO” on lower drug prices for hard-working Americans. We’re thrilled to see the Administration begin to lower drug prices despite Republican opposition and look forward to seeing more drug prices negotiated down in the future.”  [Unrig Our Economy, 8/29/23]

Groundwork Collaborative Acting Executive Director Kitty Richards: “For too long, millions of Americans have been forced to pay outrageous prices for life-saving drugs while pharmaceutical companies extract record profits. We applaud the Administration for using the power of government to rein in the pharmaceutical industry’s profiteering and begin building an economy where no one has to choose between life-saving medications and paying their rent.” [Groundwork Collaborative, 8/29/23]

Accountable.US Executive Director Tony Carrk: “Big drug companies raked in billions in profits while standing in the way of lower prescription drug costs for millions of seniors. The time of Big Pharma grossly overcharging American seniors on life-saving medicines is coming to an end. This historic achievement is still under threat, however, because the MAGA House Majority is hellbent on repealing the Inflation Reduction Act. They would rather pad the profits of their major industry donors than help seniors who are literally choosing between food and medicines.” [Accountable.US, 8/29/23]

By the Numbers: The Ten Costly Drugs That Are Now Eligible to Have Lower Prices Negotiated by Medicare

Big Drug Companies Have Made $493 Billion in Revenue on These Drugs, Which Account For Nearly $174 Billion in Medicare Spending¹

Today, the Biden administration announced the first ten prescription drugs eligible for Medicare negotiation under the Inflation Reduction Act. The extremely popular Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program will save seniors and taxpayers tens of billions of dollars. Not surprisingly, now big drug companies and their mega lobbying groups are raising bogus arguments and going to court to stop the negotiation program.

Drugmakers of the Ten Eligible Drugs Have Made Tens of Billions In Revenue From Medicare and Other Sources While Spending Billions on Stock Buybacks and Lobbying.

  • Eliquis, a drug used to treat blood clots manufactured by Bristol Myers Squibb and Pfizer, has cost Medicare over $41 billion through 2021. Meanwhile, the two companies have executed more than $97 billion in stock buybacks while bringing in nearly $91 billion in global sales and spending over $172 million on lobbying since launch.
  • Januvia, a type 2 diabetes drug manufactured by Merck, has cost Medicare around $28 billion through 2021. Meanwhile, Merck has executed more than $52 billion in stock buybacks while bringing in nearly $51 billion in global sales and spending more than $115 million on lobbying since launch.
  • Xarelto, a blood clot drug manufactured by Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen Pharmaceuticals and Bayer, has cost Medicare more than $25.1 billion through 2021. Meanwhile, the manufactures have transacted around $54 billion in stock buybacks while bringing in just under $56 billion in global sales and spending $175 million on lobbying since launch.
  • Fiasp, a diabetes drug also known as NovoLog manufactured by Novo Nordisk, has cost Medicare more than $24.8 billion through 2021. Meanwhile, Novo Nordisk has initiated at least $33 billion in stock buybacks while bringing in around $38.6 billion in global sales and spending more than $132 million on lobbying since launch.
  • Enbrel, an immunosuppressant drug manufactured by Amgen, has cost Medicare more than $19.2 billion through 2021. Meanwhile, Amgen has executed around $89 billion in stock buybacks while bringing in around $82 billion in global sales and spending $213.6 million on lobbying since launch.
  • Imbruvica, a leukemia drug manufactured by AbbVie and Johnson & Johnson, has cost Medicare more than $13.6 billion through 2021. Meanwhile, the two manufacturers have transacted around $90 billion in stock buybacks while bringing in more than $54.5 billion in global sales and spending around $130 million on lobbying since launch.
  • Jardiance, a type 2 diabetes drug manufactured by Boehringer Ingelheim and Eli Lilly, has cost Medicare more than $8.6 billion through 2021. Meanwhile, Eli Lilly has transacted nearly $13 billion in stock buybacks while the two companies have collectively brought in over $26.8 billion in global sales and spent more than $98 million on lobbying since launch.
  • Farxiga, a diabetes, heart failure, and kidney disease drug manufactured by AstraZeneca, has cost Medicare $3.4 billion through 2021. AstraZeneca has made more than $17.7 billion in global revenue and has spent $33.8 million on lobbying since launching the drug. 
  • Stelara, a drug for psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis manufactured by Johnson & Johnson, has cost Medicare $5.3 billion through 2021. Meanwhile, Johnson & Johnson has executed over $77 billion in stock buybacks while bringing in $58.7 billion in global sales and spending $91.3 million on lobbying since launching the drug.
  • Entresto, a heart failure drug manufactured by Novartis, has cost Medicare $4.5 billion through 2021. Novartis has executed $42.6 billion in stock buybacks since launching the drug while bringing in over $17 billion in revenue and spending $55.6 million on lobbying.

Drug company power has gone unchecked for far too long. Some of the most expensive drugs have made as much as $90.9 billion in revenue – making drug makers among the most profitable companies in the world. Rather than pricing their drugs reasonably so they’re affordable and accessible to people, big drug companies spend hundreds of billions on stock buybacks for their investors and reward their executives with massive salaries and bonuses. While drug companies rake in billions, U.S. drug prices are up to four times higher than prices in other high-income countries, leading patients in America to cut pills and skip doses to make ends meet.

Big Drug Companies Spend More on Stock Buybacks Than R&D. While raking in hundreds of billions in revenue, large pharmaceutical companies reward their shareholders through billions in stock buybacks. Our findings are consistent with previous research that found that over the past decade, the largest publicly traded pharmaceutical companies spent $747 billion on stock buybacks and dividends — substantially more than the $660 billion they spent on research and development. 

Big Drug Companies are Bragging About Their Future Financial Performance. The same drug companies expressing concerns about the Inflation Reduction Act’s impact on innovation have been painting a rosier picture for Wall Street; global drug company revenues are projected to grow by 5.8 percent annually over the next five years. Recent research from the Brookings Institute found “little evidence suggesting a disruption in activities and investments that will yield new pharmaceutical products in the years to come.”


DrugManufacturerGlobal Revenue Since LaunchMedicare Spending on Drug Through 2021Corporate Stock Buybacks Since LaunchLobbying Spending Since Launch
FiaspNovo Nordisk$37,470,020,114$24,718,435,749$33,959,880,000$50,544,718
JardianceBI*/Eli Lilly$26,800,851,385$8,678,834,746$13,340,400,000$98,565,350

*private company
**cumulative buybacks less than stock sales


¹ This spending and the other Medicare spending noted in this report does not include some rebates and discounts, which CMS is prohibited from publicly disclosing. However, since these drugs do not have competitor drugs, any negotiated rebates or discounts are likely to be very low.

BREAKING: Biden Administration Announces First 10 Drugs to Have Lower Prices Negotiated

President Biden is Standing Up to Drug Companies’ Greed and Lowering Drug Prices for People on Medicare

Washington, DC – The Biden administration just announced the first round of high-cost drugs whose prices will come down as Medicare negotiates with the drug companies – a new power they have under the Inflation Reduction Act. This new program will lower prices for some of the highest-priced prescription drugs on the market used to treat conditions like cancer, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders – conditions that disproportionately impact women, communities of color, and people in rural areas. The 10 drugs are:

  • Eliquis which is sold by Bristol Myers Squibb to treat blood clots
  • Enbrel which is sold by Amgen to treat arthritis and psoriasis
  • Entresto which is sold by Novartis to treat heart failure 
  • Farxiga which is sold by AstraZeneca to treat diabetes
  • Fiasp/NovoLog which is sold by Novo Nordisk to treat diabetes
  • Imbruvica which is sold by AbbVie to treat leukemia and lymphoma 
  • Januvia which is sold by Merck to treat diabetes
  • Jardiance which is sold by Boehringer Ingelheim to treat diabetes
  • Stelara which is sold by Johnson & Johnson to treat psoriasis and Crohn’s disease
  • Xarelto which is sold by Johnson & Johnson to treat blood clots

President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act is bringing down drug costs by giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug costs and penalizing drug companies for raising prices faster than inflation. Negotiating lower prices is overwhelmingly popular across the country, yet big drug companies are suing the federal government to protect their massive profits by halting the program while Republicans are attempting to repeal it. President Biden and Democrats in Congress are already working to expand these cost savings to more Americans, no matter what age they are or how they get their health insurance. Read more here. 

Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement: 

“Americans deserve financial security and some peace of mind when they go to sleep at night. But, too many are forced to choose between being able to afford their medicines or paying for food or housing. Prescription medicines cannot work if people cannot afford to take them, and high drug prices are keeping too many Americans from the health care they need. Patients should not be paying out-of-control prices for medicines they need when all it’s doing is increasing drug company profits and footing the bill for outrageous CEO salaries. President Biden and Democrats in Congress stood up to big drug companies and won a decades-long battle to lower the cost of prescription drugs by giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower prices. The Biden administration is laser-focused on making medications affordable for families and ending the era of drug companies’ unchecked power and greed.”

HEADLINES: President Biden Kicks Off Medicare Negotiation With 10 Drugs That Will See Lower Prices

Today, the Biden administration announced the first round of high-cost drugs whose prices will come down as Medicare negotiates with the drug companies thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act. This new program will lower prices for some of the highest-priced prescription drugs on the market used to treat conditions like cancer, blood clots, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders – conditions that disproportionately impact women, communities of color, and people in rural areas. Coverage confirms that President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act is bringing down drug costs and saving seniors and taxpayers billions of dollars. Negotiating lower prices is overwhelmingly popular across the country, yet big drug companies are suing the federal government to protect their massive profits by halting the program while Republicans are attempting to repeal it. Read more about the first 10 drugs here. 

New York Times: Biden Administration Announces First Round of Drugs Up for Price Negotiation. “The negotiation program is projected to save the government an estimated $98.5 billion over a decade. It is also expected to eventually reduce insurance premiums and out-of-pocket costs for many older Americans, though the magnitude of those savings remains to be seen. Polling by KFF, a health policy research organization, has found broad, bipartisan public support for allowing Medicare to negotiate prices. In a survey late last year, 89 percent of Democrats and 77 percent of Republicans said they favored the plank of the Inflation Reduction Act that authorizes negotiations. “There are very few issues in American politics that are popular no matter where you live or what your political party is,” said Leslie Dach, a longtime Democratic strategist and the chairman of Protect Our Care, a health care advocacy group.” [New York Times, 8/29/23]

ABC: Biden Administration Names 10 Prescription Drugs for First-Ever Medicare Price Negotiations. “The Biden administration on Tuesday unveiled the first 10 prescription drugs that will be subject to price negotiations with Medicare, marking a milestone for Democrats in their yearslong push to lower rising health care costs. […] President Joe Biden, in a statement, said the medications are “among the most common and costly prescriptions that treat everything from heart failure, blood clots, diabetes, arthritis, Crohn’s disease — and more.For far too long, Americans have paid more for prescription drugs than any major economy. And while the pharmaceutical industry makes record profits, millions of Americans are forced to choose between paying for medications they need to live or paying for food, rent, and other basic necessities,” Biden said. “Those days are ending.”” [ABC, 8/29/23]

AP: Biden Administration Targets Diabetes Drug in Their Price Negotiation Announcement. “The administration on Tuesday released a list of the 10 drugs for which prices will be negotiated directly with the manufacturer. The move is expected to cut costs for many patients, but it faces litigation from the drugmakers and heavy criticism from Republican lawmakers, and it could be years before consumers notice any savings. […] More than 52 million people who either are 65 or older or have certain severe disabilities or illnesses get prescription drug coverage through Medicare’s Part D program, according to CMS. About 9% of Medicare beneficiaries age 65 and older said in 2021 that they did not fill a prescription or skipped a drug dose due to cost, according to research by the Commonwealth Fund, which studies health care issues.” [AP, 8/29/23]

Axios: Biden Administration Picks the First Ten Drugs Up for Medicare Price Negotiation. “The administration’s landmark announcement Tuesday detailed the first-ever set of drugs subject to Medicare price negotiations, a longtime Democratic priority included in last year’s Inflation Reduction Act over drug companies’ fervent objections. The drugs’ manufacturers will have just over a month to decide whether to participate in negotiations — which the industry is battling in court — or sit out the process, at the risk of significant financial penalty.” [Axios, 8/29/23]

CNN: List of the First Ten Drugs Subject to Medicare Price Negotiations. “The medications treat heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes and autoimmune diseases. Some 9 million Medicare enrollees took the medications on the list and paid a total of $3.4 billion in out-of-pocket costs last year, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. Those who didn’t receive additional financial assistance shelled out as much as $6,500 on average. ” [CNN, 8/29/23]

The Hill: Timeline for Medicare Price Negotiation on the 10 Drugs Announced Today. “These single-source drugs were chosen based on their eligibility under the IRA and are the ‘highest total Part D gross covered prescription drug costs’ under Medicare Part D, according to the CMS. In total, these medications account for $50.5 billion in total gross Part D costs. Negotiations over these drugs, if manufacturers agree to the process, will take place over 2023 and 2024. Drugmakers have until Oct. 1 to sign agreements. The CMS will publish the “maximum fair prices” for these drugs in September 2024. The negotiated prices for these drugs will go into effect beginning in 2026.” [The Hill, 8/29/23]

HuffPost: White House Eager For Prescription Drug Fight Ahead Of 2024. “In a new memo, released just hours after the federal government named the first 10 drugs set to be subject to price negotiations, administration officials made clear they hope to continue driving at the difference between Biden and congressional Republicans on the issue. […] “This fight is far from over. President Biden is pushing to expand Medicare’s capacity to negotiate lower drug costs, which he released a concrete plan for in his budget,” White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates wrote in the new memo. “[C]ongressional Republicans continue to side with Big Pharma’s price gouging and cuts to Medicare benefits instead.”” [HuffPost, 8/29/23]

NBC News: Medicare Names First 10 Drugs Up for Price Negotiations With the Government. “The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on Tuesday announced the first 10 prescription drugs that will be subject to Medicare price negotiations under the Inflation Reduction Act, a critical step in the Biden administration’s attempt to drive down the high cost of prescription drugs for older people. Medicare provides health insurance coverage to 65 million people in the United States, according to KFF, a nonpartisan group that studies health policy issues. While the program wields enormous power over the costs of other aspects of medical care, dictating how much doctors and hospitals can be paid for medical services, it has been barred from negotiating drug costs.That will change next year, when Medicare for the first time will be able to directly haggle with drugmakers over prices for the costliest medications.” [NBC News, 8/29/23]

Politico: Analysis on Whether the New Medicare Price Negotiations Will Work. “If the law goes forward as prescribed, then the final negotiated price for the products won’t be reached until Sept. 1, 2024. However, Medicare patients will see some relief from drug prices before 2026. Starting in 2025, another provision in the Inflation Reduction Act will cap a beneficiary’s Medicare Part D out-of-pocket costs at $2,000 a year. CMS also installed a $35 cap for a monthly supply of insulin earlier this year. After the prices on the 10 drugs are finalized, standalone Part D and Medicare Advantage plans are required to put the drugs on their formularies at the negotiated rate. ” [Politico, 8/29/23]

Reuters: White House Announces First 10 Drugs for Price Negotiation. “[O]nce implemented, the prices on negotiated drugs will decrease for up to 9 million seniors who currently pay as much as $6,497 in out-of-pocket costs per year for these prescriptions. […]Shares of drugmakers were mostly flat in premarket trading. This kicks off the negotiation process for the 10 drugs whose new prices will go into effect in 2026. The program aims to save $25 billion per year on drug prices by 2031. Wells Fargo analyst Mohit Bansal said the savings made from negotiations on Jardiance, Januvia, Farxiga and Insulin Aspart, which cost the agency about $16.5 billion, could potentially free up CMS’s budget and make it easier to cover diabetes or obesity drugs.” [Reuters, 8/29/23]

Stat: U.S. Announces First Round of Drugs Up for Price Negotiation From Medicare. “The drugs were chosen from a list of 50 treatments that cost Medicare’s pharmacy drug benefit the most money. The selected medicines cost Medicare more than $50 billion and made up 20% of the Medicare program’s pharmacy drug costs over a one-year period, the Department of Health and Human Services said. […] “For far too long, pharmaceutical companies have made record profits while American families were saddled with record prices and unable to afford life-saving prescription drugs,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. “Although drug companies are attempting to block Medicare from being able to negotiate for better drug prices, we will not be deterred.”” [Stat, 8/29/23]

Washington Post: Biden Administration Names 10 Prescription Drugs For Price Negotiations. “The Biden administration Tuesday identified 10 expensive prescription drugs that have been chosen for price negotiations with pharmaceutical manufacturers as the government seeks to ease the financial burden on older and disabled Americans. The announcement marks an unprecedented step in a long political war over the nation’s exorbitant drug costs even as the pharmaceutical industry is still trying to block the plan.” [Washington Post, 8/29/23]

NEW: Hart Research Polling Confirms Medicare Negotiation’s Widespread Popularity Ahead of Biden Administration Announcement

Biden Administration Set to Announce First Round of Drugs to Be Eligible for Medicare Negotiation by Sept. 1

Read the New Hart Research Polling Here.

New Hart Research polling on behalf of Protect Our Care confirms the popularity of the Inflation Reduction Act’s Medicare Drug Negotiation Program. This week, the Biden administration is expected to announce the first round of drugs subject to negotiations. These drugs are likely to be some of the costliest medications on the market and treat conditions like cancer, autoimmune disorders, and diabetes. 

The new polling shows that 96 percent of Americans agree that lower drug prices “is an important way to help people afford the cost of living,” and nearly three-quarters of Americans favor Democrats’ move to pass Medicare negotiation. Meanwhile, pharmaceutical companies’ arguments against negotiation are overwhelmingly rejected by the American people. A closer look at the results: 

73 percent of Americans support President Biden and Democrats in Congress passing legislation to give Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices:

The pharmaceutical industry and drug companies are extremely unpopular, with more than 7 in 10 reporting an unfavorable view of drug companies:

Americans reject drug companies’ arguments that Medicare negotiation will hurt innovation: