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“Today Is A Health Care Day!”: Reps. Castor and Underwood Celebrate Record-Breaking Enrollment Numbers

As Trump Calls for ACA Repeal, Record Numbers of Americans Enroll in Affordable Coverage

Watch the Full Event Here.

Washington, DC — Today, Representatives Kathy Castor (D-FL-14) and Lauren Underwood (D-IL-14) joined Protect Our Care to discuss the release of the final record-breaking ACA open enrollment numbers from the Department of Health and Human Services. This morning the Biden Administration announced that a record 21.3 million Americans have signed up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplaces – over nine million more than when President Biden took office. These numbers are nearly double the number of people enrolled when President Biden took office, including more than 5 million new signups. 

The Inflation Reduction Act’s cost-saving measures helped more Americans enroll in coverage than ever, with 80 percent of enrollees able to find a health plan through the Marketplace for $10 or less per month. However, we must protect this progress. These tax credits are set to expire in 2025 without congressional action.

Donald Trump has also fully reignited his war on health care as record numbers rely on the ACA for affordable coverage. Repealing the ACA means millions of Americans would lose coverage, costs would skyrocket, and people with pre-existing conditions would lose essential protections. 

“We have just hit an all-time high in the number of Americans who have affordable health care coverage because of the Affordable Care Act,” said Representative Kathy Castor (D-FL-14). “The Affordable Care Act is keeping people healthy and helping to keep money in their pockets at a time that they need it. Millions of Floridians and millions of Americans have peace of mind that a preexisting condition or medical diagnosis will not bankrupt them. But former President Trump is threatening to rip affordable coverage away and repeal the ACA if he is elected. He wants to take us backward and take away affordable health plans, so we must rally to prevent him from ever getting back to the White House.”

“Today is one of my favorite days in Congress because today is a health care day!” said Representative Lauren Underwood (D-IL-14). “This is the third straight year of record-breaking enrollment, with more than 23 million Americans signing up for coverage on the Affordable Care Act marketplaces. We’ve reached this milestone in part because of my Health Care Affordability Act, which has helped four out of five people find coverage for $10 or less. Congress must build on this progress and make these savings permanent.”

“I was diagnosed with cervical cancer on my 26th birthday,” said Kat Klawes, patient storyteller from Wisconsin. “However, my biggest concern with my diagnosis wasn’t the cancer but how I would be able to afford health care. Thankfully, I was able to register for ACA coverage online. The ACA saved my life and continues to do so by covering preventative care so I know if the cancer ever comes back, but there have been over 50 votes in Congress since 2011 to repeal the ACA. Trump’s repeated statements condemning the ACA and his promises to repeal and replace it, along with GOP policies that have consistently opposed expanding health care access, show the prioritization of political agendas over the well-being of the American people.”

“Democrats have led the charge to make quality, affordable health care a top priority, and as a result, millions more Americans are saving money on premiums and have the care they need to stay healthy,” said Leslie Dach, chair of Protect Our Care. “They continue to fight to lower health care costs for every American and protect those with pre-existing conditions. However, last night Donald Trump all but secured the Republican nomination, putting the ACA at risk once again of repeal and sabotage. It is unconscionable that Trump and his MAGA allies are promising to rip all of this progress away. With a record number of Americans signing up for coverage, it’s clear that Americans want and need the affordable, quality health care made possible through the ACA.”

BREAKING: President Biden Announces More Than 21 Million Enroll in ACA Coverage — Breaking All Records

As Trump Calls for ACA Repeal, Record Numbers of Americans Enroll in Affordable Coverage  

Washington, D.C. — Today, the Biden Administration announced that a record 21.3 million Americans have signed up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplaces – over nine million more than when President Biden took office. Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act lowering health insurance premiums, 80 percent of enrollees were able to find a health plan through the Marketplace for $10 or less per month. Additional sign-ups are still expected in state-based marketplaces with extended deadlines and HHS will update final enrollment numbers in the coming weeks. 

At the same time, Donald Trump’s victory in New Hampshire last night has laid the path for another Trump run for the presidency, putting the ACA in grave danger once again. In response, Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement:

“The Affordable Care Act is now woven into the fabric of America. More than 21 million people are enrolled in quality, affordable health coverage on the ACA exchanges today because of the tireless efforts of President Biden and Democratic lawmakers. Health insurance gives people peace of mind knowing they won’t go bankrupt over an injury or illness, and lower premiums means more money is in the pockets of hardworking families. 

President Biden lowered costs and invested in outreach, helping folks who have historically been left behind, like rural Americans, people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, and people with disabilities. Importantly, Democrats lowered health insurance premiums through the Inflation Reduction Act, helping millions of people afford their coverage. It’s critical that those tax credits are made permanent. 

Unfortunately, this victory comes as Donald Trump has all but secured the Republican nomination, putting the ACA at risk once again of repeal and sabotage. It is unconscionable that Trump and his MAGA allies are promising to rip all of this progress away. The American people are sending a clear message: they want and need the affordable health care made possible by the ACA.” 

STATEMENT: Trump’s Victory in New Hampshire Puts Health Care At the Forefront of the Presidential Race

With Trump Marching Toward the GOP Nomination, Health Care is Once Again on the Chopping Block

Washington, D.C. — This evening, Donald Trump secured another victory in the 2024 primary, bringing him one step closer to the GOP nomination. Already, Trump has reignited his calls to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which would hike health care costs, throw millions of Americans off their coverage, and rip away vital protections from millions more. Once again, the issue is front and center leading up to this election. In response, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement: 

“Trump’s victory in New Hampshire shows he is marching toward the GOP nomination, threatening the health and livelihoods of millions of households across the nation. We’re at a crossroads: While President Biden has delivered real relief to the American people by lowering costs and expanding affordable coverage, Trump has vowed to take all of this progress away and throw the health care system into chaos. Trump’s relentless calls for repealing the ACA demonstrate that the issue of health care will be front and center as voters head to the polls in November. Repealing the ACA would rip away protections for millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions, hike health care costs for working families, and throw millions of people off their health insurance. At a time when more Americans are enrolling in the ACA than ever before, it is outlandish that the likely GOP nominee is even considering another attempt at repeal. Sadly, the threat to American health care is as real as ever.” 

If the Affordable Care Act is repealed:

  • GONE: 2.3 million adult children will no longer be able to stay on their parents’ insurance. 
  • GONE: Insurance companies will be able to charge women more than men.
  • GONE: Ban on insurance companies having annual and lifetime caps on coverage.
  • GONE: Requirements that insurance companies cover prescription drugs and maternity care.
  • GONE: Protections for 135 million Americans with pre-existing conditions, including 54 million people with a pre-existing condition that would make them completely uninsurable.
  • GONE: Medicaid expansion, which covers more than 22 million people. 
  • GONE: Quality, affordable coverage that over 15.5 million people who buy insurance on their own.
  • GONE: Premium tax credits that make premiums affordable for 80 percent of people who purchase health care on the marketplace.
  • GONE: 50 million seniors will have to pay more for prescription drugs because the Medicare ‘donut hole’ will be reopened.
  • GONE: Critical funding for rural hospitals. 
  • GONE: 61.5 million Medicare beneficiaries will face higher costs and disruptions to their medical care. 

GREED WATCH: Johnson and Johnson Touts Strong Earnings As They Sue to Protect Their Profits By Blocking Medicare From Negotiating Lower Prices

Johnson & Johnson announced it raked in $85.2 billion this past year – a $5.2 billion increase over 2022 revenue – during their earnings report today. While they make billions, Americans pay exorbitantly high prices for prescription drugs. Johnson & Johnson opposes the Biden administration reforms that lower prescription drug prices. 

  • During the call, CEO Joaquin Duato bragged about the company’s unexpected revenue boosts and outlook on its pending lawsuits saying, “We have entered 2024 from a position of strength.”
  • Johnson & Johnson announced it would spend $2 billion to acquire cancer drugmaker Ambrx Biopharma while seeking to use bankruptcy to get out of injury lawsuits filed by over 52,000 plaintiffs over their talcum baby powders causing cancer.
  • Johnson & Johnson is suing the Biden administration to stop Medicare from negotiating lower drug prices for patients because it would endanger their massive profits. In 2023 alone, Johnson & Johnson took in $2.4 billion from sales of its heart disease drug Xarelto and $10.9 billion from Stelara sales. Over 64 percent of Johnson & Johnson’s revenue from Stelara came from sales to U.S. patients. All of the company’s revenue from sales of Xarelto came from U.S. patients.
  • Johnson and Johnson charges U.S. customers 3 to 7 times more for Xarleto than customers in other high-income countries. 
  • Johnson and Johnson charges U.S. customers 2 to 7 times more for Stelara than customers in other high-income countries. 
  • On aggregate, drug companies charge Americans prices up to four times higher than prices in other countries, forcing patients to cut pills and skip doses. 
  • Over 80 percent of voters support giving Medicare the power to negotiate, making it the most popular provision in the Inflation Reduction Act. 

The Inflation Reduction Act brings down prescription drug costs for everyday Americans, especially seniors, by capping the price of insulin at $35 per month and providing free vaccines including shingles, giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices, and limiting the amount people have to pay each year for prescription drugs to $2,000 annually starting in 2025.  

Read more:

REPORT: Why Medicare Needs the Power to Negotiate for Lower Drug Costs: the Five Drugs That Tell the Story

FACT SHEET: Big Drug Companies Are in Court to Stop Medicare Negotiation and Protect Their Sky-High Profits

PRESS CALL: Reps. Castor and Underwood Join Protect Our Care Reacting to Record-Breaking Open Enrollment Numbers


21.3 Million Have Enrolled in ACA Plans, According to Biden Administration

Washington, DC — On Wednesday, January 24, 2024, at 2 PM ET // 1:00 PM CT, Representatives Kathy Castor (D-FL-14) and Lauren Underwood (D-IL-14) will join Protect Our Care for a press call following the release of the final ACA open enrollment numbers from HHS. A record-breaking 21.3 million people across the nation have signed up for ACA coverage, according to a new report from HHS. These numbers are nearly double the number of people enrolled when President Biden took office and include more than 5 million new signups. 

Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act’s reduction of health insurance premium costs, 80 percent of enrollees were able to find a health plan through the Marketplace for $10 or less per month. Representative Underwood is fighting to make these cost savings permanent by championing the Health Care Affordability Act. 

As record numbers are relying on the ACA for affordable coverage, Donald Trump has fully reignited his war on health care. Repealing the ACA means millions of Americans would lose coverage, costs would skyrocket, and people with pre-existing conditions would lose essential protections. 


U.S. Representative Kathy Castor (D-FL-14)
U.S. Representative Lauren Underwood (D-IL-14)
Kat Klawes, patient storyteller from Wisconsin
Leslie Dach, Chair of Protect Our Care

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference 

WHERE: Register for the Event Here.

WHEN: Wednesday, January 24 at 2:00 PM ET // 1:00 PM CT

Maternal Health Awareness Day: Biden-Harris Administration Takes Action to Fight Maternal Health Crisis

January 23 is Maternal Health Awareness Day

Washington, D.C. — Today marks Maternal Health Awareness Day, an important reminder that the U.S. is facing a worsening maternal health crisis. This crisis is compounded by Republicans’ decades-long attacks on reproductive health and abortion care culminating in the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Pregnancy-related deaths have worsened over the last three decades, and Black and Native women are two to three times more likely than white women to die of pregnancy-related causes. Rates of maternal deaths are increasing most quickly for Hispanic women. Access to care is increasingly more difficult as one-third of U.S. counties are considered maternity care deserts. Complications related to pregnancy led to over 700 deaths in 2022, many of them preventable.

While Democrats have worked tirelessly to improve the health of mothers and their families, Republicans have rejected expanding affordable health care at every turn and instead fight to repeal advancements made. Despite these setbacks, the Biden-Harris administration is dedicated to expanding and protecting maternal health care. The White House released the Biden-Harris Administration’s Blueprint for Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis, a government-wide strategy to cut the rates of maternal mortality and morbidity and reduce disparities among maternal health outcomes. In addition, the Administration has worked to expand postpartum Medicaid coverage from 13 states in 2021 to 46 states and the District of Columbia that presently offer or plan to offer the coverage.

In response, Protect Our Care Director of Policy Programs Andrea Harris issued the following statement: 

“This Maternal Health Awareness Day we recognize the progress made by the Biden-Harris administration while also assessing the work that needs to be done. By working to eliminate Medicaid coverage gaps, diversifying the perinatal workforce, and strengthening social and economic supports for pregnant women and new parents, the Biden-Harris administration is saving lives and addressing the unacceptable inequities in maternal health outcomes. Meanwhile, Republicans have undermined access to contraception and preventive services and are fighting legislation to drive down health care costs and expand affordable care. With the federal right to a safe and legal abortion stripped, enacting strong measures to protect maternal health is more vital than ever.”


Biden-Harris Administration Has Expanded Medicaid Coverage Through 1 Year Postpartum. The Biden-Harris Administration, with Democrats in Congress, offered states incentives to expand Medicaid coverage for a full year postpartum first on a temporary basis through the American Rescue Plan and then permanently in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022. President Biden is so committed to ensuring new mothers have the health care they need that he has proposed in his Budget to make 12 months of postpartum coverage mandatory for all Medicaid programs. The Biden-Harris administration announced that as of March 2023, an estimated 462,000 Americans have access to 12 months of postpartum coverage. 46 states and the District of Columbia have expanded or have made plans to expand Medicaid coverage to cover a full 12 months postpartum. Four states – Wisconsin, Arkansas, Iowa, and Idaho – have not made plans to expand postpartum Medicaid. 

HHS Awarded More Than $103 Million For A New Maternal Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Task Force And A National Public Education Campaign On Postpartum Depression. This past fall, the Biden-Harris Administration announced new actions and funding to fight the maternal health crisis. More than $103 million has been awarded to create a maternal mental health and coexisting substance use disorder task force to improve federal data collection and health equity, and implement best practices for prevention, screening, diagnosis, intervention, treatment, community practices, communication, and community engagement. The focus of the task force will be to ensure mental health equity and promote trauma-informed practices. The funding is also going towards a national public education campaign, called Talking Postpartum Depression, which will increase awareness of postpartum depression symptoms, share reliable resources, and demonstrate the many ways to access care. 

  • HHS Awarded Nearly $90 Million To Expand Maternal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Programs. The HRSA programs that have been awarded additional funding from HHS focus on expanding and diversifying the perinatal workforce, increasing access to maternal health services in underserved and rural communities, investing in maternal mental health research, and supporting patients and families postpartum by training additional OB/GYNs, midwives, and maternal health care providers.

CMS Launched ‘Birthing Friendly’ Designation On Comparing Care Tool. The Biden-Harris Administration and CMS launched the ‘birthing friendly’ designation on CMS’s online Care Compare tool. This designation allows patients to search for a hospital that participates in a perinatal quality improvement collaborative program and that implements evidence-based care to improve maternal health. More than 24 health plans agreed to use this designation on their consumer-facing websites, reaching more than 150 million people.

PRESS CALL: Rep. Mike Levin to Join Protect Our Care California to Introduce New Legislation to Lower Health Care Costs 


Rep. Levin’s Health Insurance Premium Fairness Act would close loophole to save aging couples thousands of dollars. 

Legislation is latest effort to expand affordable health coverage.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Monday, January 22 at 9:30 AM PT // 12:30 PM ET, Congressman Mike Levin (CA-49) will join Protect Our Care California and health care advocate Ted DeBont to discuss their latest efforts to make health care premiums more affordable. This week, Rep. Levin and Rep. Linda Sanchez introduced the Health Insurance Premium Fairness Act, which closes a loophole in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) premium tax credit that penalizes households where one member ages into Medicare. The bill would adjust the ACA premium tax credit formula to account for any Medicare premiums paid by the household, saving dually enrolled American households thousands of dollars per year on healthcare premium costs and bills.

The Health Insurance Premium Fairness Act is the latest effort by Rep. Levin and Congressional Democrats to make health care more affordable for consumers. Thanks to the new measures in the Inflation Reduction Act, signed by President Biden, 80 percent of Californians can find coverage for $10 or less per month on the ACA marketplace. California residents can apply for coverage on Covered California, the state’s ACA marketplace, through the open enrollment period ending January 31. With Donald Trump and other Republican leaders promising to repeal the ACA, there has never been a more urgent time to make sure Californians can secure the best coverage for them. 


Rep. Mike Levin
Ted and Carla DeBont, health care advocates
Matthew Herdman, Protect Our Care California state lead

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference

WHEN: Monday, January 22, 2024 at 9:30 AM PT // 12:30 PM ET

WHERE: Register for the Zoom here

Roe Anniversary Underscores Ongoing Need to Protect Reproductive Rights and Women’s Health In the Courts

Fifty-one years ago, the Supreme Court affirmed that the Constitution grants bodily autonomy and protects the right to reproductive health care as part of their decision in Roe v. Wade. However, Donald Trump’s ultra-conservative Supreme Court overturned this long-standing precedent in June 2022, leaving regulation of reproductive health care to the states. Now, MAGA Republicans are fighting for a national abortion ban, affirming that the fight for safe and reliable reproductive health care is far from over.

Two cases are being considered now that could further disrupt access to reproductive health care, including abortion, across the nation. Both cases are backed by the same conservative activists who oppose abortion rights, women’s health, LGBTQI+ rights, and affordable health care. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA threatens to revoke access to Mifepristone, which is used for medication abortions, while also compromising the entire FDA drug approval system that ensures access to safe, lifesaving medications. Braidwood v. Becerra seeks to eliminate access to free preventive care under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) — a benefit relied on by more than 150 million Americans. If this case succeeds, access to free contraception and pregnancy-related care could be eliminated.

Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA 

Judge Matthew Kacysmaryk, a federal judge in Texas, revoked authorization for Mifepristone, a safe and effective medication essential for abortion access that was approved by the FDA more than 20 years ago. The ruling in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration puts at risk not only the use of mifepristone for safe and legal medication abortions for millions of women, but it opens the door for the politically-motivated removal of other safe and effective drugs from the market — throwing the entire U.S. drug approval process into chaos.

Experts fear that a wide range of approved medicines could be targeted, including contraceptives, or any class of medicines that may be politically unpopular. Kacsmaryk was the first federal judge to endorse an attack on the right to contraception after the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade.

The Supreme Court will schedule its upcoming term which includes Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA.

Anti-abortion advocates, represented by a far-right legal organization, brought suit before this specific judge in Amarillo, Texas, with the sweeping aim of achieving a nationwide ban and the ability to go after contraceptives next.

Read Protect Our Care’s report on Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA.

Braidwood v. Becerra

In March 2023, radical District Judge Reed O’Connor struck down a provision of the ACA that requires insurers to cover lifesaving preventive services without cost-sharing — protection relied on by 150 million Americans. Over two-thirds of the Affordable Care Act’s preventive care for women, infants, and children would be eliminated, including prenatal care and contraception coverage.

The ruling puts millions at the mercy of insurance companies and employers, who could eliminate the benefits entirely or start charging for them, increasing patient costs and creating major obstacles to care.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has tentatively scheduled oral arguments in this case for the week of March 4, 2024.

This lawsuit is being driven by extremist, longtime foes of the ACA and objections by employers to mandates that they cover services like contraception.

Watch Protect Our Care’s event with the American Lung Association, the American Public Health Association, and legal expert Andrew Pincus on Braidwood v. Becerra.

Read Protect Our Care’s report The MAGA Republican War on Health Care for more details on both cases.

PRESS EVENT: Legislators Begin Push to Expand Maryland Drug Board’s Authority to Help Bring Down Prescription Drug Costs

Contact: Vincent DeMarco: 410-591-9162 


Campaign is Supported by New Report Detailing How Big Drug Companies Spend More on Stock Buybacks, Dividends, Executive Compensation, and Advertising than Drug Research

Annapolis, MD — Legislative sponsors and advocates will hold a January 18th press conference to kick off the campaign to pass major legislation in 2024 to expand the authority of the Maryland Prescription Drug Affordability Board and continue the work of bringing down high costs for medications. 

The press conference will also highlight key findings in a new report from Public Citizen and Protect Our Care detailing how big drug companies are spending far more on self-enrichment, such as stock buybacks, dividends, executive compensation and advertising than on investments in new prescription drugs. 

The Prescription Drug Affordability Board, created in 2019 as the first of its kind in the country, has worked tirelessly to determine how to bring down the high costs of drugs. The General Assembly charged the Board with developing strategies to aid local and state governments in reducing the cost of providing prescriptions to their employees, a recognition of just how much governments must pay for drug coverage for their employees.

The Board will soon take a major step and announce upper payment limits for certain expensive drugs – which will help bring down drug costs for governments and save taxpayer dollars. Legislation to be introduced in the General Assembly would expand the Board’s authority to develop similar upper payment limits for high-cost drugs for all Marylanders. 

The new report from Public Citizen and Protect Our Care details how big drug companies are more focused on enriching their shareholders and executives than innovation and undercuts the drug industry’s arguments against expanding the PDAB’s authority. The report examined big drug manufacturers’ expenditures and found that they spend far more on dividends, stock buybacks, executive compensation, and advertising than they invest in research.


Delegate Bonnie Cullison, Vice Chair, House Health and Government Operations Committee
Senator Dawn Gile
Senator Brian Feldman, Chair, Senate Education, Energy and the Environment Committee Delegate Jennifer White Holland
Delegate Jheanelle Wilkins, Chair, Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland
Peter Maybarduk, Public Citizen
Vincent DeMarco, President, Maryland Health Care For All! Coalition 

WHAT: Press conference to launch legislation to expand authority of the Maryland Prescription Drug Affordability Board – and to highlight a new report detailing the drug industry’s troubling spending patterns 

WHERE: Media Room, Miller Senate Office Building, 11 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401. The press conference will be live-streamed on

WHEN: Thursday, January 18, 2024, 11 AM ET

HEADLINES: Across the Country, Americans are Seeing Headlines on the Record-Breaking ACA Enrollments

Thanks to President Biden’s leadership, a record 20 million Americans have signed up for health insurance through the ACA marketplaces – nearly double the number of people enrolled when he took office. With just under one week left in the 2024 open enrollment period for most states, 80 percent of people can still find a health plan through the Marketplace for $10 or less per month thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act lowering health insurance premium costs. The Biden administration has done everything in its power to lower costs and get the word out about affordable coverage, with historic investments in outreach to rural Americans, people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, and people with disabilities – in stark contrast to the Trump administration which sabotaged open enrollment at every turn. But don’t just take our word for it:

(AZ) Cronkite News: Record Numbers Sign Up for Obamacare Health Coverage in Arizona, U.S. “A record number of Arizonans signed up for health insurance this year under the Affordable Care Act, as enrollment in the program continues to rebound from the Trump administration’s efforts to suppress coverage. The 235,229 Arizonans who signed up in the enrollment period that ended Jan. 15 were part of 16.3 million people nationwide who got coverage from the “Obamacare” marketplace, also a record for covered individuals. Advocates credited the increase to aggressive efforts by the Biden administration that included a longer enrollment period and an extension of financial support for the federally subsidized health care that they say allows some low-income clients get coverage for as little as $10 a month.” [Cronkite News, 1/11/24]

(AZ) KJZZ: Record Number Of Arizonans Enroll In Affordable Care Act Marketplace Health Plans. “In Arizona, it’s also a record. More than 325,000 Arizonans have picked a plan on – a nearly 40% jump since last year. This year’s high participation comes after about 14 million people nationwide were disenrolled from Medicaid programs, as pandemic-era protections for that coverage expired in 2023. In Arizona, about 436,000 people have lost Medicaid coverage, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. The deadline for open enrollment through is Jan.16.” [KJZZ, 1/11/24]

(FL) Florida Politics: Diagnosis for 1.10.24: Checking the Pulse of Florida Health Care News and Policy. “Florida is once again leading the nation in the number of people relying on Obamacare for health insurance as more than 4 million residents have signed up according to the latest numbers released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. More than 20 million Americans are relying on health coverage either through or state-created marketplaces — a record according to federal officials. Florida’s overall numbers have jumped from 3.2 million in 2023 to 4.03 million this year, CMS reported Wednesday. The numbers could still climb even higher as the enrollment deadline for the year is next week.” [Florida Politics, 1/10/24]

(GA) Atlanta Journal-Constitution: More Than 1 Million Georgians Sign Up For ACA Health Plans, A Big Record. More than 1.2 million Georgians have signed up for health insurance plans on the Affordable Care Act marketplace, breaking all previous records and adding several hundred thousand to the state’s rolls of those with private insurance. […] This year, Georgia’s record sign-ups rose nearly 40% from last year, well over the nation’s average increase of 25%, said Krutika Amin, associate director of the Program on the ACA at the health research organization KFF. And the number of new sign-ups this year, an additional 350,000 over 2023, was the third biggest number in the country, behind only Texas and Florida.” [Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 1/11/24]

(KY) BollyInside: Open Enrollment for Federally Subsidized Health Insurance Ends Jan 16; Kentucky Enrollment Surpasses Last Year’s Numbers. “Most Kentuckians are eligible for tax credits that can make premiums less than $10 a month, and many are eligible for $0 monthly premiums. As of Jan. 4, 71,414 Kentuckians have signed up for health insurance through Kynect, 8,852 more than last year.” [BollyInside, 1/07/24]

(MI) WXYZ: Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment Extended Due to MLK Holiday. “More than 394,000 Michiganders have enrolled so far for 2024 open enrollment, an increase of almost 25% over this time last year. For 2023, more than 85% of enrollees qualified for savings, with many consumers able to get health insurance for less than $10 per month,” DIFS said.” [WXYZ, 1/11/24]

(NC) WNCN: Record Enrollment In Affordable Care Act Plans Highlighted In Raleigh.The Biden administration announced record enrollment Wednesday in health plans offered under the Affordable Care Act’s insurance marketplace, highlighting the work in North Carolina to sign people up for those plans. So far, more than 20 million people have enrolled, according to the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, eclipsing the 2023 total of 16.6 million. In N.C., nearly a million people have enrolled.” [WNCN, 1/10/24]

(NC) WRAL News: Cooper, Medicaid Leader Push Insurance Enrollment As North Carolina Medicaid Expansion Also Grows. “Brooks-LaSure also said Wednesday that some 20 million people nationwide — a record — have selected a plan so far on online insurance marketplaces since open enrollment started Nov. 1. CMS said in a statement that North Carolina has seen more than 996,000 plan selections during the enrollment period, which largely ends next Tuesday. […] Cooper, who is barred by term limits from seeking reelection this year, suggested that Medicaid expansion and other Affordable Care Act benefits could be threatened should some Republicans win in November. He pointed to Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, who is now running for governor and has said he didn’t support expansion legislation, and to former President Donald Trump, who said recently that he was ‘seriously looking at alternatives’ to the ACA should he win a second term.” [WRAL News, 1/10/24]

(NC) WRAL News: National Medicaid Leader Joins NC Gov. Cooper To Celebrate Affordable Care Act, Medicaid Expansion. “One of the nation’s top Medicaid leaders was in Raleigh on Wednesday to celebrate a big milestone in health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act, sometimes called Obamacare. … As of Jan. 10, there are 996,250 people in North Carolina covered through the federal ACA marketplace, found at ‘Think about how complicated health insurance can be,’ Cooper, a Democrat, said. ‘For people who really haven’t even had the opportunity much to deal with health insurance, having a navigator who can help explain it to them in everyday language is critical.’” [WRAL News, 1/10/24]

(TX) ReformAustin: Texas No. 2 During Record-Breaking Obamacare Enrollment. For the third straight year, enrollees in the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare) have broken records. Texas is, by far, the state with the most customers, new and returning. On the CMS website, the enrollment is broken down by state. The state with the most enrollees during the 2024 open enrollment period is Florida with 4,034,546. Next is Texas with 3,291,543. From there, it’s a long way to third place, California, with 1,733,137. […] Florida and Texas would likely have even higher numbers if either state had accepted the ACA Medicaid expansion.” [ReformAustin, 1/11/24]

(WI) Wisconsin Examiner: Affordable Care Act Health Insurance Enrollment Reaches New Record In Wisconsin. Through Dec. 23, 254,482 Wisconsin residents have signed up for insurance coverage on the portal during the current open enrollment period, the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) reported. The portal, also known as the health care exchange, was established under the ACA and offers health plans that individuals or families can purchase. That exceeds the previous record, set in 2017, when more than 242,000 people signed up for coverage, according to the office of Gov. Tony Evers.” [Wisconsin Examiner, 1/11/24]

(WI) Channel 3000: Wisconsin Sees Record Health Insurance Enrollment Through Individual Marketplace. “More Wisconsinites signed up for health insurance through the federal marketplace during the most recent enrollment period than ever before, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced Wednesday. As of Dec. 23, 2023, over 254,000 had signed up for insurance using the marketplace. That soars well above the state’s previous record of 242,863, which was set during the 2017 open enrollment period. ‘Every Wisconsinite should have access to quality, affordable healthcare,” Gov. Tony Evers said in a statement.” [Channel 3000, 1/10/24]

(WI) WKBT: Evers: Wisconsinites Sign Up In Record Numbers For Health Insurance On Individual Marketplace. “Residents in Wisconsin signed up in record numbers for health insurance on the federal marketplace. According to a release from Gov. Tony Evers’ office, as of Dec. 23, 254,482 signed up for plans through the individual marketplace made available in the Affordable Care Act, more commonly referred to as ‘Obamacare’.This is the highest enrollment number in the state since the ACA’s implementation, according to the release. The data come from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Gov. Evers attributes the increase in enrollment to subsidies provided by federal legislation including the American Rescue Plan Act and the Inflation Reduction Act. Open enrollment for the year continues through Jan. 16.” [News8Now, 1/10/24]

(WI) WEAU 13 News: Gov. Evers Announces Wisconsin Reaches Highest Enrollment Ever On “Gov. Tony Evers today announced that, according to new enrollment data released by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as of Dec. 23, 2023, 254,482 Wisconsinites have signed up for health insurance on the individual marketplace. This marks the highest enrollment Wisconsin has ever reached. … ‘By getting insured, you are investing in your health and the health of those around you,’ said Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI) Commissioner Nathan Houdek.” [WEAU 13 News, 1/10/24]