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Big Pharma’s First Quarter Earnings Show Massive Profits As Patients Struggle to Afford Lifesaving Medications

Manufacturers of Top Selling Drugs in U.S. Reported Nearly $128 Billion in Revenue for the First Three Months of 2023

Despite decreased COVID-19 drug sales, pharmaceutical companies, among the most profitable firms in the country, reported approximately $128 billion in revenue for the first quarter of 2023. During this period, Eli Lilly spent $750 billion on stock buybacks. Meanwhile, more than a third of Americans report not filling a prescription they need because they can’t afford it.

For too long, drug companies have been able to charge whatever they want, gouge whoever they want and profit as much as they can. President Biden and Democrats passed a plan to give Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices, which takes effect in 2026. Congress should build on this and expand Medicare’s ability to negotiate lower drug prices.

A Closer Look at Big Pharma’s Q1 2023 Earnings

  • AbbVie reported quarterly revenue of $12.2 billion
  • Amgen reported quarterly revenue of $6.1 billion
  • AstraZeneca reported quarterly revenue of $10.9 billion, driven by a 15 percent increase in non-COVID revenues.
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb reported quarterly revenue of $11.3 billion in the first three months of 2023 and told investors they expect to earn more this year than previously expected.
  • Eli Lilly reported nearly $7 billion in revenue following 10 percent growth in non-COVID drug sales. The company informed investors that they are on track to make nearly $1 billion more than their expected annual revenue. Eli Lilly rewarded investors by spending $750 million on stock buybacks.
  • Gilead reported nearly $6.4 billion in revenue, despite significantly lower remdesivir sales.
  • Johnson and Johnson reported $24.7 billion in revenue. The company spent nearly all of its quarterly net profits on its talc powder-related lawsuits.
  • Merck reported revenue of nearly $14.5 billion for the first quarter of 2023.
  • Novartis reported $13.2 billion in revenue.
  • Pfizer reported revenue of nearly $18.3 billion for the first quarter of 2023.
  • Regeneron reported quarterly revenue of $3.2 billion.

Pharma Executives Brag About Strong Performance

“In Q1 2023…we returned just over $1 billion to shareholders in dividends and repurchased $700 million in stock.” [Eli Lilly Q1 Earnings Call, Anat Ashkenazi, 4/27/23]

“This performance is really quite remarkable when you consider that a 15% growth in revenue from our ex-COVID medicines. Core earnings per share grew 6% compared to the first quarter of 2022.” [AstraZeneca Q1 Earnings Call, Pascal Soriot, 4/27/23]

“We’re off to an excellent start in 2023 with each of our five key therapeutic areas meeting or exceeding our first quarter expectations…Total net revenues were $12.2 billion, approximately $400 million ahead of our expectations.” [AbbVie Q1 Earnings Call, Rob Michael, 4/27/23]

“We Cannot Allow People to Slip Through the Cracks”: U.S. Senator Casey and Representative Dingell Call on States to Protect Medicaid Coverage for People with Disabilities

Watch the Event Here. 

Washington, DC — Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), U.S. Representative Debbie Dingell (D-MI-06), and the National Council on Independent Living’s Theo Braddy joined Protect Our Care for a press conference to discuss how the end of the Medicaid continuous coverage requirement especially impacts people with disabilities. During the event, speakers discussed how governors must follow the Biden-Harris administration’s guidance and do everything in their power to ensure that people counting on Medicaid do not lose coverage due to burdensome paperwork and red tape. 

Congress passed legislation at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic to protect access to Medicaid by ensuring no one could be disenrolled during the public health emergency. This provision expired on April 1, and an estimated 15 million people are at risk of losing coverage. Medicaid covers 45 percent of nonelderly adults with disabilities – that’s 10 million people, including people with physical disabilities, developmental disabilities, and brain injuries. Medicaid is also an important source of coverage for people with mental health and substance use disorders. 

In addition to the challenges from Medicaid unwinding, House Republicans recently passed their Default on American Act, threatening health coverage for 21 million people and creating more administrative burdens for states as they work on redeterminations of Medicaid eligibility. The bill also includes radical cuts to vital health care programs, including veterans’ health care, nursing home safety, mental health services, and more. 

“Medicaid is vital for millions of people,” said U.S. Senate Aging Committee Chairman Bob Casey (D-PA). “Over 9 million people with disabilities are covered by Medicaid, and 72 percent of children could lose their Medicaid or CHIP coverage as the continuous coverage provision ends, even though they are still eligible. I want to impart an urgent message to people across the country enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP—make sure you get informed, make a plan for health care enrollment, and visit to find resources to maintain your coverage.”

“Every American has the right to quality, affordable healthcare, period,” said U.S. Representative Debbie Dingell (D-MI-06). “But currently, millions of Americans are at risk of losing coverage due to the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous enrollment provision. We cannot allow people to slip through the cracks and lose critical coverage simply because they don’t have the right paperwork or don’t know what steps to take to work through the red tape. And it’s especially vital that individuals with disabilities have the support they need to navigate this challenging transition.”

“People with disabilities are more likely to have health issues that require them to use healthcare services at a significantly higher rate than those without disabilities – especially Black, Indigenous, and People of Color with disabilities, having experiences of lower socio-economic status and greater lack of availability to quality healthcare services,” said Theo Braddy, Executive Director of the National Council on Independent Living. “The continued enrollment policy of the pandemic made it possible for people with disabilities to rely on Medicaid as their primary health care coverage and to get better, more consistent healthcare that resulted in better health care outcomes. States need to actively reach out to older adults and people with disabilities who may be disenrolled and work to connect them with other providers such as managed care providers.”

“Medicaid is facing existential threats. The Republican ‘Default on America’ bill, the latest GOP attack on health care, could rip Medicaid coverage away from 21 million people. Medicaid unwinding could result in 15 million people losing coverage. It is the responsibility of every state and every governor to be sure that those at risk from Medicaid unwinding who qualify for Medicaid or the Affordable Care Act stay covered,” said Leslie Dach, Chair of Protect Our Care. “People with disabilities are at particular risk of falling through the cracks and losing their coverage due to paperwork and red tape. It is critical to understand what’s at risk here – the families, people who are working hard every day, people with disabilities, children, moms who rely on Medicaid could lose access to basic health care.”

PRESS CALL: U.S. Senator Casey and Representative Dingell to Join Protect Our Care to Call on States to Protect Medicaid Coverage for People with Disabilities


Washington, DC – On Thursday, May 4, 2023, at 9:30 AM ET, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), U.S. Representative Debbie Dingell (D-MI-06), and Theo Braddy, Executive Director of the National Council on Independent Living, will join Protect Our Care for a press conference to discuss how the end of the Medicaid continuous coverage requirement would affect people with disabilities. The speakers will talk about the responsibility governors have to use their authority and resources to ensure those with disabilities counting on Medicaid do not lose coverage due to burdensome paperwork and red tape. 

Congress passed legislation at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic to protect access to Medicaid by ensuring no one could be disenrolled during the public health emergency. This provision expired on April 1, and an estimated 15 million people could lose coverage. Medicaid covers 45 percent of nonelderly adults with disabilities – that’s 10 million people, including people with physical disabilities, developmental disabilities, and brain injuries. Additionally, Medicaid is an important source of coverage for people with mental health and substance use disorders. 

The Biden-Harris administration provided guidance to states to assess eligibility in a way that will minimize coverage losses, particularly for children, pregnant women, seniors, people of color, people with disabilities, rural Americans, and others who rely on the Medicaid program for their health care. In addition to the challenges from Medicaid unwinding, House Republicans passed their Default on American Act, threatening to throw millions off of their coverage and to create more administrative burdens for states as they work on redeterminations of Medicaid eligibility.


U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA)
U.S. Representative Debbie Dingell (D-MI-06)
Theo Braddy, Executive Director, National Council on Independent Living
Leslie Dach, Founder and Chair, Protect Our Care

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference 

WHERE: Register for the Event Here.

WHEN: Thursday, May 4 at 9:30 AM ET

Lawmakers and Advocates Joined Protect Our Care to Celebrate Medicaid Awareness Month This April

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Peter Welch, U.S. Representatives James E. Clyburn, Jan Schakowsky, Gwen Moore, Steve Cohen, Hank Johnson, Judy Chu, Nanette Barragán, Steven Horsford, Shontel Brown, Don Davis, and Dan Goldman Headline Events Across the Nation.

April was the fifth annual Medicaid Awareness Month, and Protect Our Care hosted nationwide events to recognize the crucial role Medicaid plays in Americans’ health care and highlight how recent Republican attacks come at a time when more Americans are relying on the program than ever before. A record 92 million Americans are enrolled in Medicaid, which provides affordable care to people from all backgrounds, especially people with disabilities, people with mental health and substance use disorders, children, pregnant women, seniors in nursing homes, rural Americans, and people of color. But Republicans haven’t stopped their attacks, they just passed their extreme “Default on America” Act attempting to rip away health care for 21 million people who rely on Medicaid, and cutting critical health programs by 22 percent. Medicaid has strengthened local economies, provided Americans with access to quality, affordable health care, and improved health outcomes across the country.

Throughout the month, Protect Our Care also released a series of fact sheets on how Medicaid is a lifeline for women and children, communities of color, and rural Americans, as well as fact sheets covering states’ unwinding processRepublican threats to Medicaid, and the “Default on America” Act.

Medicaid Awareness Month 2023 included the following theme weeks:

  • Week 1: Republican threats to Medicaid. Week one focused on how Republicans are actively seeking cuts to Medicaid while GOP leaders in 10 states continue to block Medicaid expansion. 
  • Week 2: Medicaid helps women and kids. Week two brought attention to the vital role of Medicaid for mothers and children across the country. 
  • Week 3: Medicaid helps people of color and rural Americans. Week three highlighted how Medicaid is a critical tool to expand access to coverage, which together with policies that address other social and structural determinants of health, narrow stark disparities in health care, improve families’ financial security, and make people healthier.
  • Week 4: Medicaid helps seniors and people with disabilities. The final week focused on how Medicaid helps seniors and people with disabilities access lifesaving care.


Monday, March 20 — U.S. Representatives and Tri-Caucus Chairs Nanette Barragán, Judy Chu, and Steven Horsford, joined civil rights leaders and Protect Our Care for a press conference releasing a letter to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) calling for state and federal action to keep families in America covered as Medicaid’s continuous coverage requirement ends. The letter stresses the importance of states meeting their obligations to ensure that millions of people in America do not lose critical health care coverage, and calls on HHS to clearly define and enforce states’ legal obligations. You can watch the full event here.


Tuesday, April 11 — Democratic Women’s Caucus Communications Task Force Co-Chairs Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI-04) and Rep. Shontel Brown (D-OH-11), and President of the National Partnership for Women & Families Jocelyn Frye joined Protect Our Care for a press conference to discuss the ways Medicaid helps women and children across the nation stay healthy. U.S. Representative Shontel Brown (D-OH-11) said, “Women of color consistently experience higher maternal mortality rates than white women primarily due to the intersection of multiple socio-economic factors, including generations of health inequities, and quite simply, institutional and structural racism. Expanding Medicaid and closing the coverage gap is a key element to improving maternal and reproductive health, especially for women of color.” You can watch the full event here.


Thursday, April 13 — U.S. Representatives and Co-Chairs of the Medicaid Expansion Caucus, Steve Cohen (D-TN-09), Hank Johnson (D-GA-04), and Don Davis (D-NC-01) joined Protect Our Care for a press conference discussing the urgency for the remaining 10 non-expansion states to follow North Carolina’s lead and finish the job to extend coverage to the estimated 1.9 million Americans in the coverage gap. During the call, the speakers discussed how expansion has never been more important as states face threats of major coverage losses due to the ongoing Medicaid unwinding. You can watch the full event here.


Thursday, April 20 — Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden, House Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn, and Joan Alker with the Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy joined Protect Our Care to discuss Republicans’ radical plan to take health care away from millions of Americans. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy released the Republican plan to slash health care funding and Medicaid enrollment by imposing burdensome paperwork requirements. “The fact is Americans working in modestly-paid jobs often aren’t given affordable health care coverage by their employers,” said Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR). “Sometimes they’re working two or three part-time jobs. What House Republicans are essentially asking of these people, who are already on an economic tightrope, is to go out and fill out a mountain of paperwork every single month to maintain their health care. We ought to be looking at approaches that help people get more for their health care dollar.” You can watch the full event here.

Thursday, April 27 — Senator Peter Welch (D-VT), Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-IL-09), and Nicole Jorwic, Chief of Campaigns and Advocacy at Caring Across Generations join Protect Our Care to discuss the Republicans’ ongoing threats and radical plan to cut Medicaid and take health care away from millions. The House Republicans recently passed the Republican plan which imposes cuts in key programs, including slashing health care and other vital discretionary funding and taking Medicaid away from millions by imposing burdensome paperwork requirements in exchange for not defaulting on the nation’s debt. You can watch the full event here.


Monday, April 3 — PHE Medicaid Unwinding Event with HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, Governor Katie Hobbs, and Arizona Health Care Advocates: Secretary Becerra virtually joined a panel of Arizona health leaders at Ability 360 to discuss efforts to expand access to quality health care, strengthen Medicaid, and promote equity. Additionally, on site, Navigators were available  to update contact information for community attendees. “Because we know from many people who have never had insurance, or never known that they have access to insurance through programs like Medicaid, that oftentimes they don’t know how to navigate the system, they don’t know what they’re entitled to. And they end up not getting the coverage even though they could,” said Secretary Becerra.



Tuesday, April 25 — Medicaid Awareness Month Event with HHS Regional Director Antrell Tyson, House Minority Leader James Beverly, Dr. Karen Kinsell, and Georgia Health Care Advocates: Minority Leader James Beverly, HHS Regional Director Antrell Tyson, Georgians for a Healthy Future Executive Director Laura Colbert and Dr. Karen Kinsell, a rural healthcare provider, joined Protect Our Care Georgia to highlight the value of Medicaid and access to health care for Georgians. “The GOP continues to push for reduced health care for the most marginalized members of our population including black and brown people, low-income wage earners, and the elderly. Their approach is one that strips away care from our most vulnerable citizens,” said Representative James Beverly, Minority Leader in the Georgia House of Representatives. “Speaker McCarthy and his counterparts continue to mock democracy by underserving the people. Their health care “plan” will only burden health providers, worsening our health care crisis.” Speakers noted a similar attitude toward Medicaid playing out in Georgia, one of 10 states that hasn’t fully expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, choosing instead to pursue a limited expansion which includes a work requirement. “It is a myth that scores of Georgians are enrolled in Medicaid while actively choosing not to work” said Laura Colbert, Executive Director of Georgians for a Healthy Future. You can watch the event here.



Thursday, April 27 — Medicaid Awareness Month Event with Congressman Dan Goldman: Congressman Dan Goldman (NY-10) joined Protect Our Care New York to highlight that House Republicans from the New York delegation voted for the “Default on America Act” legislation that rips away health care from as many as 21 million people who count on it. Congressman Goldman highlighted how Republicans, like Rep. George Santos (NY-03) and Rep. Mike Lawler (NY-17), are attacking Medicaid and access to health care as more Americans are relying on the program than ever before. Medicaid has strengthened local economies, provided New Yorkers with access to quality, affordable health care, and improved health outcomes across the state. “New Yorkers need to get out there and make their voices heard and make sure that every Republican member of the New York delegation who voted for this bill has to be held accountable,” said Congressman Goldman. “They’re voting to cut veterans’ care, they’re voting to cut child care, they’re voting to cut assistance for seniors, they’re voting to cut health care, they’re voting to cut food benefits and job programs. People rely on getting these benefits and services to subsist. It’s really emblematic of where Republican’s values are.” You can watch the event here.



Saturday, April 15 — Health Care and Medicaid PHE Unwinding Roundtable with State Delegates and Virginia Health Care Advocates: Protect Our Care Virginia joined Virginia state legislators and the Virginia Young Democrats to host a health care roundtable on how we can move forward in our fight to protect and strengthen health care in the face of escalating attacks on vital health care programs that millions of Virginians rely on. Happening during Medicaid Awareness Month, topics this panel discussed are threats to health care access including the recent Braidwood decision that guts the Affordable Care Act’s provision guaranteeing free preventive health care for 150 million Americans, recent rulings limiting access to mifepristone, the impacts of Medicaid unwinding in Virginia, and Republicans attacks on affordable health care. You can watch the event here.

Thursday, April 27 — Medicaid PHE Unwinding Event with Delegate Mark Sickles and Virginia Health Care Advocates: Delegate Mark Sickles and health care advocates joined Protect Our Care Virginia to highlight the current threat to the health care coverage of more than 300,000 Virginians, as Medicaid begins a process called “unwinding.” This event also follows House Republicans passing legislation that rips away health care from as many as 21 million people who count on it, and speakers highlighted how Republicans in Congress are attacking Medicaid and access to health care as more Virginians are relying on the program than ever before. “This is a great challenge for America, not just Virginians, who deal with this unwinding after the public health emergency,” said Delegate Mark Sickles, the former Chair of the Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee in the Virginia House of Delegates. “We need to make sure we are spending this money [for Medicaid] effectively, efficiently and get as close to universal coverage as we can, under this system we have now. So that is what we are working to do.” You can watch the event here.


  • Blue Virginia: Video: Delegate Sickles, Health Advocates Discuss Medicaid Unwinding and GOP’s Ongoing Threats following House Passage of Legislation to Take Away Health Care
  • Dogwood: House GOP Passes Bill That Would Take Food and Healthcare From Virginia Families
  • Cape Charles Mirror (an outlet on the Eastern Shore of Virginia) Medicaid’s impact on rural Americans
  • WVTF: Advocates worry thousands of Virginians could lose health insurance as pandemic rules come to an end
  • Virginian-Pilot: An estimated 350,000 people will lose Medicaid coverage as Virginia resumes eligibility review


Tuesday, April 26 — Morning Call Op-Ed on Medicaid by Action Together NEPA’s Kristin Volchansky on Medicaid: Protect Our Care Pennsylvania placed an opinion piece in the Morning Call by Kristin Volchansky, an advocate with Action Together NEPA, speaking out against proposed Medicaid cuts and the need to expand the program. “April is Medicaid Awareness Month, and while Medicaid provides access to care and financial security to more Americans than ever before, Republicans in Congress are threatening Medicaid by seeking severe cuts in budget negotiations. They are trying to impose burdensome paperwork requirements that could result in people losing coverage even when they are still eligible. Millions of people — seniors, people with behavioral health issues, people with disabilities, moms, children and so many more who rely on this program — could see their health care ripped away under the GOP plan,” Volchansky writes. You can read the full op-ed here.


Monday, April 17 As Goes Wisconsin Radio Show with Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Sarah Rodriguez, North Carolina State Representative Sarah Crawford, and Protect Our Care Wisconsin: Lieutenant Governor Sarah Rodriguez was joined on As Goes Wisconsin by North Carolina State Representative Sarah Crawford to discuss the importance of expanding Medicaid, and highlight lessons from the North Carolina state legislature, which recently approved Medicaid expansion, extending affordable health care to 600,000 North Carolinians. Lieutenant Governor Rodriguez highlighted how Wisconsin could bring $4 billion into the state by expanding BadgerCare, money that Republican lawmakers continue to leave on the table, despite overwhelming support for expansion.”The vast majority of Wisconsinites want us to expand BadgerCare – that includes Democrats and Republicans. We should be doing what the people of Wisconsin want, and that is expanding BadgerCare. It’s time to bring those federal dollars home.” You can listen to this segment of As Goes Wisconsin here

Thursday, April 27— Medicaid Awareness Month Event with Lieutenant Governor Sara Rodriguez and Wisconsin Health Care Advocates: Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Sara Rodriguez joined Protect Our Care Wisconsin for a roundtable discussion to highlight the value of Medicaid and access to health care for Wisconsinites. Speakers callED on state Republicans to finally fully expand Medicaid to bring billions of our tax dollars back to the state and provide an additional 90,000 Wisconsinites with access to quality, affordable health coverage. “It’s long past time for Wisconsin to finally take a leap forward and expand BadgerCare,” said Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Sara Rodriguez. “Expanding BadgerCare would not only provide healthcare coverage to nearly 90,000 Wisconsinites, including about 30,000 who are currently uninsured, but it would also help us draw down more than $2 BILLION in federal funding and save our state more than $1.6 BILLION over the biennium.” You can watch the event here.


  • UpNorthNews: House GOP Passes Bill That Would Take Food and Healthcare From Wisconsin Families

ROUNDUP: Leading Patient Groups and Experts Denounce GOP Bill to Rip Health Care Away From 21 Million Americans

This week, House Republicans passed their extreme “Default on America Act,” which is among the GOP’s most extreme health care bills to date. The bill not only rips away coverage for as many as 21 million people who rely on Medicaid, but it also cuts vital health initiatives by 22 percent. From funding for veterans’ health care to nursing home safety to mental health, these cuts will take desperately-needed health care away from families across the nation. Read more about the Republican bill here


National Health Council, Comprising More Than 150 National Health-Related Organizations And Businesses — Including Alzheimer’s Association, NAMI, Susan G. Komen, And More: “Our organizations urge Congress to reject adding a ‘work requirement’ policy to the Medicaid program, recognizing this policy is a thinly veiled effort aimed at cutting and further restricting access to quality and affordable healthcare for millions of Americans. Our organizations represent more than one hundred million Americans living with serious, acute and chronic health conditions, including tens of millions who rely on Medicaid as their primary source of healthcare coverage. Many of our organizations have previously urged opposition to these policies, emphasizing that they do nothing more than result in significantly worsened health outcomes. If enacted, work requirements would also increase uncompensated care, further jeopardizing the financial stability of hospitals on which our patients rely and are the largest employers in many communities.” [National Health Council, 4/17/23]

American Lung Association, CEO Harold Wimmer: “The House passage of the budget bill yesterday is disappointing. If passed into law, this bill would set the country on a path toward a future where fewer Americans are able to access lifesaving medical care, clean air for all becomes harder to achieve and public health agencies are left under-resourced and unprepared for emerging threats. The American Lung Association is deeply disappointed in this bill’s passage.” [American Lung Association, 4/27/23]

American Cancer Society, President Lisa Lacasse: “We’re disappointed by the House passage of a proposal that includes harmful public health policies that would roll back our nation’s progress in the fight against cancer in an aim to address the debt limit. Data show work requirements won’t achieve any intended stated outcomes –  including increasing employment. Restricting access to care by enacting far-reaching work requirements in Medicaid and cutting critical funding for cancer research does nothing more than leave individuals and families diagnosed with and at risk of cancer even more vulnerable to the disease and its costs.” [American Cancer Society, 4/26/23]

American Academy of Pediatrics: “The bill proposed in the U.S. House of Representatives to address the debt limit includes numerous polices that are harmful to the health of children and families. At a time when families need to be supported, this proposal does the opposite – jeopardizing key programs and policies that young people and their families rely on. Pediatricians know first-hand the importance of programs like Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to the health of children and families across the country. It is critical that they can access these vital health care coverage and nutrition programs without added, unnecessary administrative barriers or paperwork. Policies like work requirements make it harder for families to access the health care services and nutrition assistance they need to be healthy.” [American Academy of Pediatrics, 4/26/23]

Families USA, Letter Signed On By Nearly 230 National And State Groups: “Our health should not depend on our wealth in this country. Efforts to undermine Medicaid would harm millions of families whose health hangs in the balance when they cannot get the care they need otherwise. Medicaid is a lifeline to 91 million Americans, providing insurance coverage for millions of children, veterans, and people who own and work at small businesses… These ideas are not new: they were resoundingly rejected by people across the country when they were proposed as part of efforts to repeal the ACA in 2017. Unsurprisingly, the American public continues to strongly oppose them – new polling shows that 71 percent of Americans say it is important to prevent Medicaid cuts. Our collective message is as clear today as it was then: cuts to the Medicaid program are unacceptable.” [Families USA, 4/19/23]

The Leadership Council On Civil And Human Rights Letter Signed On By Fellow Civil Rights Organizations (NAACP, National Action Network National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, National Council of Negro Women, National Urban League, and UnidosUS): “No poor household in this country should have their basic food and health assistance conditioned upon their ability to work or prove they are exempt from work requirements. Past experience shows that a significant number of people would likely lose benefits because their state agency failed to screen them for an exemption they should have qualified for or because they were unable to navigate the verification system to prove they are working.” [The Leadership Council On Civil And Human Rights, 4/25/23]

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation: “We strongly urge Congress to protect Medicaid, a vital source of coverage for half of children and one-third of adults with CF. We oppose any barriers that might prevent people with CF from accessing the specialized, high-quality care they need. The evidence is clear that Medicaid work requirements are not about work, rather they’re about paperwork. Making work a condition of Medicaid eligibility could threaten access to care for people with CF, as their ability to work can vary over time with changes in health status. Declines in health status due to pulmonary exacerbations, infections, and other events are common and can take someone out of the workforce for significant periods of time. The added administrative burden of navigating these proposed requirements can also lead to confusion for beneficiaries, even those who are exempt from the work requirements, and cause them to lose health care coverage.” [Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, 4/26/23]

MomsRising: “While Republicans in the House congratulate themselves for passing the Limit, Save, Grow Act, moms and families across America shudder to think about the hardship and trauma this legislation would cause, should it ever become law. America’s moms are counting on Congress to act responsibly by passing a clean debt ceiling increase that does not cut SNAP, Medicaid, WIC, early childhood education, and other programs families rely on, does not create insurmountable barriers that prevent children and families from accessing the supports they need, and does not prevent our government from addressing the student debt crisis.” [MomsRising, 4/26/23]

“Cruelty Seems to Be the Point”: Senator Peter Welch, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Health Care Advocates Blast the GOP’s Ongoing Threats to Medicaid

Watch the Full Event Here

Washington, DC – Today, Senator Peter Welch (D-VT) and Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-IL-09), joined Caring Across Generations’ Nicole Jorwic and Protect Our Care for a press conference to discuss the Republicans’ ongoing threats and radical plan to cut Medicaid and take health care away from millions. The House Republicans recently passed the Republican plan which imposes cuts in key programs, including slashing health care and other vital discretionary funding and taking Medicaid away from millions by imposing burdensome paperwork requirements in exchange for not defaulting on the nation’s debt. Read more about how Republicans are demanding health care cuts here

A record 92 million Americans are enrolled in Medicaid, which provides affordable care to people from all backgrounds. President Biden and Democrats in Congress are working tirelessly to protect Medicaid from GOP attacks and strengthen the program to ensure everyone has the health care they need. April marks the 5th annual Medicaid Awareness Month.

“Medicaid offers essential health coverage to Vermonters who otherwise couldn’t afford health care,” said Senator Peter Welch (D-VT). “The House GOP’s debt plan to attach work requirements to Medicaid would kick thousands off of their health insurance. It would be absolutely detrimental to those who need access to essential care, including seniors and people living with disabilities. I’m thankful for the advocacy work of Protect our Care and Caring Across Generations, and will continue to stand up and protect Medicaid from these misguided cuts.”

“We’re talking about 92 million Americans right now who are enrolled in Medicaid and this is a lifeline for so many people,” said Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-IL-09). “Cruelty seems to be the point of these work requirements and in what they did yesterday when they decided to hold our economy hostage and cut the most important benefits. We need to protect our care, we need to protect Medicaid. We have to fight back against these terrible cuts. I do believe that when we fight, we win.”

“I’m frankly pretty upset that we have to be here again because one party continues to go to the Medicaid program to get it to pay for things that help the wealthy corporations or gut the ACA while harming people that I love,” said Nicole Jorwic, Chief of Campaigns and Advocacy at Caring Across Generations. “This no good, very bad, ‘Live Grow Save’ bill moves to slash support for Medicaid by over $110 billion dollars by imposing work requirements that are certainly a solution in search of a problem because over 70% of Medicaid beneficiaries are working and the majority of the rest of them are providing care. We shouldn’t have to keep fighting against cuts to these programs at a time when we need to be expanding them.”

“I have been on Medicaid, home and community based services since I was 18,” said Jyll Allen, a patient storyteller from Vermont. “Now Vermont Medicaid and its program called Flexible Choices provide me funding with which to hire my own caregivers. Any cuts to Medicaid really really scare me because the Medicaid home- and community-based waiver has allowed me to be in the community and to access the community as much as I do. I fear that I could lose access to a lot of services that I need and my quality of life would plummet.”

“Republicans should be ashamed that they are more willing to default on the nation’s debt than guarantee affordable health care for families across America,” said Protect Our Care Communications Director Anne Shoup. “Imposing these burdensome paperwork requirements will result in as many as 21 million people losing their health care, throwing patients and hospitals and other providers into chaos as they are forced to pick up the tab. This default bill not only attempts to rip away health care for millions of people who rely on Medicaid, but it also cuts critical health programs by 22 percent. The Republicans have one goal in mind with this legislation: rip away benefits and deny people access to health care.

Biden-Harris Administration Improve Access to Care for Millions of People on Medicaid

New Rules Come As Republicans Passed Bill to Rip Away Medicaid Coverage From 21+ Million Americans

Washington, DC — Today, CMS issued two new rules to strengthen access to care for millions of people who depend on Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Together, the two new rules would ensure the 92 million adults and children who rely on Medicaid have meaningful access to health care services including primary care, behavioral health and substance use disorder services, and OB/GYN care by establishing national standards for the time patients must wait to see a provider and the distance they must travel. This and other policy changes will expand access to affordable care, address disparities, and ensure value for taxpayer money in the Medicaid program. In response, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement: 

“The Biden-Harris administration’s new rules will improve access to care for the 54 percent of children in America who rely on Medicaid and CHIP, and for the 92 million people who depend on Medicaid. The contrast could not be clearer: while Republicans are passing harmful legislation to slash vital programs and throw people off of their health care, President Biden is working to strengthen Medicaid for families across America.” 

BREAKING: GOP Passes “Default on America Act,” Taking Away Medicaid From Over 21 Million Americans

Washington, DC — House Republicans just passed their extreme “Default on America Act” which rips away health care from as many as 21 million people who count on it. Sixty percent of children with disabilities and 30% of adults with disabilities get their coverage from Medicaid. 3.2 million Americans count on Medicaid for their long-term care bills, including six in 10 nursing home residents.

From funding for veterans’ health care to nursing home safety to mental health and substance use, these cuts will take desperately needed health care away from families across the nation. In response, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement: 

“This is the most extreme attack on American health care that we’ve seen in years. These MAGA Republicans are trying to force their plan to take away Medicaid from people who count on it. The Republican plan to impose so-called work requirements alone will result in as many as 21 million people losing their health care, creating chaos for patients and for hospitals, other providers, and states who will be forced to pick up the tab. It’s shameful that the GOP would rather default on our nation’s debt than ensure that families across America have access to the affordable care they deserve.”

PRESS CALL: Senator Peter Welch, Rep. Jan Schakowsky Join Protect Our Care to Discuss the GOP’s Ongoing Threats to Medicaid


GOP Budget Plan Threatens to Rip Health Care Away from Families in Vermont and Illinois

Washington, DC – On Thursday, April 27, 2023, at 3:00 PM ET, Senator Peter Welch (D-VT), Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-IL-09), and Nicole Jorwic, Chief of Campaigns and Advocacy at Caring Across Generations, will join Protect Our Care for a press conference to discuss the Republicans’ ongoing threats and radical plan to cut Medicaid and take health care away from millions. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy recently announced the Republican plan to hold the U.S. economy hostage in order to impose cuts in key programs, including slashing health care and other vital discretionary funding and taking Medicaid away from millions by imposing burdensome paperwork requirements. This plan would disproportionately harm rural Americans, people with disabilities, people with mental health and substance use disorders, children, pregnant women, seniors in nursing homes, and people of color. Read more about how Republicans are demanding health care cuts here

A record 92 million Americans are enrolled in Medicaid, which provides affordable care to people from all backgrounds. President Biden and Democrats in Congress are working tirelessly to protect Medicaid from GOP attacks and strengthen the program to ensure everyone has the health care they need. April marks the 5th annual Medicaid Awareness Month.


U.S. Senator Peter Welch (D-VT)
Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-IL-09)
Nicole Jorwic, Chief of Campaigns and Advocacy, Caring Across Generations
An impacted Vermonter
Anne Shoup, Communications Director, Protect Our Care

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference 

WHERE: RSVP to Emily Becker ([email protected]) for Zoom link

WHEN: Thursday, April 27 at 3:00 PM ET

21 Million Americans Could Lose Medicaid Coverage Under GOP’s Reckless Plan

Washington, DC — Yesterday, the White House released a new analysis showing that 21 million Americans are at risk of losing their health care under the latest Republican plan to impose so-called work requirements for millions of people on Medicaid. Research shows the vast majority of people with Medicaid coverage who can work are already working and that applying this type of restriction only serves to throw people off the rolls due to bureaucratic hurdles and paperwork requirements. Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement: 

“The GOP debt default proposal is nothing more than a ploy to cut vital programs like Medicaid. Kevin McCarthy and Republicans in Congress have eyed cuts to Medicaid for decades, and so-called work requirements are just their latest method for kicking people off the rolls. If this draconian proposal passes, as many as 21 million people will lose their Medicaid coverage, creating chaos for families and for hospitals and states who have to pick up the tab. This plan will impose severe harm on people with disabilities, parents, rural Americans, and others who fall victim to MAGA Republicans’ ongoing war on American health care. This is an absolute non-starter.” 

  • The GOP Plan Could Make It Harder For People To Meet Basic Needs. Work reporting requirements could put over 21 million Medicaid beneficiaries—nearly 1 in 3 Medicaid enrollees in expansion states—at risk of losing coverage. Millions of people in America would lose coverage if all states were required to implement Medicaid work requirements, and research suggests that work requirements could have “particular adverse effects on certain Medicaid populations, such as women, people with HIV, and adults with disabilities including those age 50 to 64.”
  • Medicaid Work Reporting Requirements Have A History Of Significantly Reducing Enrollment. Restricting access to Medicaid for adults reduces coverage for children who are still eligible, and requiring people on Medicaid to prove they are working adds an administrative burden that is hardest on low-income enrollees. The industries that employ the most Medicaid enrollees tend to have extremely volatile hours, threatening loss of coverage under expanded work requirements: “The two industries that employ the most Medicaid enrollees potentially subject to work requirements are restaurants/food services and construction; many enrollees also work at grocery stores, department stores, and discount stores or provide home health or child care services. These industries generally have above-average rates of involuntary part-time work, where employees want full-time work but can’t get it.”