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ROUND UP: Protect Our Care Launches Campaign to Protect Health Care for Millions, Telling Republicans “Hands Off Medicaid”

Yesterday, Protect Our Care launched a multi-million dollar campaign, “Hands Off Medicaid,” to block the Republican-led plan to slash Medicaid funding to pay for another round of tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporations. Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress are openly plotting trillions of dollars in cuts to Medicaid in order to fund their outrageous tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans. As a result, millions – including working folks, children with disabilities, expectant mothers, and seniors in nursing homes – could lose critical health care coverage.


Washington Post: Democrats Move to Protect Medicaid, Wary of Trump’s Looming Changes.

  • Protect Our Care, an advocacy group aligned with Democrats, on Tuesday will launch a $10 million “Hands Off Medicaid” campaign that highlights how the program helps protect Americans who are older, disabled or low-income, among other vulnerable populations.
  • “What we’re focused on are those members who come from states with large Medicaid populations, and who should have the guts to stand up for their constituents,” Dach said in an interview Monday. “This is a campaign designed to stop these cuts from happening in reconciliation.”

Axios: 1 Big Thing: Swing GOPers Deflect on Medicaid Cuts

  • The other side: The Democratic group Protect Our Care launched an eight-figure ad campaign today targeting vulnerable Republicans, warning of health care being “ripped away.”

Politico: Ad It Up. 

  • Protect Our Care is making a preemptive move to pressure Republicans not to cut Medicaid with a $10 million “Hands Off Medicaid” ad campaign, WaPo’s Dan Diamond and Jeff Stein report. They’re focused specifically on 17 representatives and senators, largely moderates and members with a lot of constituents on Medicaid.

The Hill: Advocates Roll Out Efforts to Shield Medicaid.

  • “The American people didn’t vote in November to have their grandparents kicked out of nursing homes or health care ripped away from kids with disabilities or expectant moms in order to give Elon Musk another tax cut,” Protect Our Care chair Leslie Dach said in a statement.  

Common Dreams: Targeting Vulnerable Republicans, Campaign Demands ‘Hands Off Medicaid’ in Spending Cut Talks.

  • Dach noted on Tuesday that Republicans are eyeing cuts to social spending after an election in which the party “claimed to care about working people and the cost of living.” “Nothing could be more outrageous than ripping away healthcare from millions of seniors, children, moms, and workers to pay for another round of tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires,” said Dach. “The American people didn’t vote in November to have their grandparents kicked out of nursing homes or healthcare ripped away from kids with disabilities or expectant moms in order to give [billionaire Trump backer] Elon Musk another tax cut.” “We know firsthand from the campaign to defeat [the] ACA repeal eight years ago, and every healthcare fight since, that healthcare is a top-of-mind issue for Americans—and they want lawmakers to do more to ensure affordable access to coverage, not less,” Dach added. “Our ‘Hands off Medicaid’ campaign will make that abundantly clear and demand that Medicaid cuts are off the table—for good.”

Republicans Want To Rip Away Health Care From Over 72 Million Americans on Medicaid

Republicans Eye Medicaid Cuts to Fund Tax Breaks for Their Billionaire Friends

This morning, Protect Our Care launched its multi-million dollar “Hands Off Medicaid” campaign to sound the alarm on Republicans working to slash Medicaid funding to pay for another round of tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporations. As the largest health insurance program in the country, providing health care to more than 72 million people, Medicaid covers one in five Americans, including kids, moms, seniors, people of color, rural Americans, and people with disabilities. But Republicans are targeting Medicaid for deep budget cuts, putting Americans’ health care at risk. 

Working families will lose the care they need to stay healthy, people with disabilities will lose access to the services they need, seniors will be kicked out of nursing homes and lose home-based long-term care, and millions of kids, including those with special needs and cancer, will be left behind. If Republicans get their way, hard-working Americans will have their health care ripped away from them while the ultra-rich get trillions in tax breaks.

By The Numbers

  • The GOP is putting health care at risk for more than 72 million Americans. Medicaid disproportionately serves children, older people, and people with disabilities, this includes:
  • Republicans will create at least a $50 billion hole in state budgets annually to pay for tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations.
  • 12 states have a Medicaid expansion trigger law, which means that if Republicans gut funding for Medicaid expansion, 4.2 million would quickly lose their health care.

Who Would Lose Coverage?

Approximately half of America’s children have health care coverage through Medicaid. Over 30 million children are enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP. This represents nearly half of all people who depend on Medicaid and CHIP. Access to health care coverage allows children to stay healthy and avoid health complications when they grow older. Increasing access to Medicaid for children results in lower high school dropout rates, higher college enrollment and completion rates, and higher wages later in life. For each additional year of Medicaid eligibility as a child, adults by age 28 had higher earnings and made $533 additional cumulative tax payments due to their higher incomes.

Medicaid covers 41 percent of all births and prevents maternal mortality. As of 2020, 48 percent of maternal deaths occurred during pregnancy and delivery, but more than half, 52 percent, occurred in the year following the birth of a child. 2022 CDC data shows that 4 in 5 maternal deaths were preventable. 12 percent of maternal deaths are deemed “late,” occurring between six weeks to one year following delivery, demonstrating the immense need for continuous health access and coverage for a minimum of one year following the birth of a child. 49 states have begun offering continuous Medicaid or CHIP coverage for 12 months after pregnancy. Maternal mortality rates decreased by 10.6 deaths per 100,000 mothers between 2021, the year postpartum coverage under Medicaid was expanded, and 2022. Between 2018 and 2022, the maternal mortality rate in America was 23 deaths per 100,000 births.

Medicaid covers rural Americans. Health care for rural Americans is especially important due to the higher prevalence of pre-existing conditions and barriers to accessing health care. Medicaid expansion also reduces poverty and income inequality by helping low-income families access care without jeopardizing income that they may use for other basic living expenses, such as rent or groceries. Rural hospitals also benefit from Medicaid funding and are at risk of closing if there are cuts to the program. Rural hospitals in Medicaid expansion states are 62 percent less likely to close. In 2024, over 700 rural hospitals were at risk of closing in the near future, almost all of which were within non-expansion states. If Republicans cut Medicaid expansion, rural hospitals could be at risk.

Americans with disabilities rely on Medicaid. Medicaid is a vital source of care for people with disabilities across the country, over 9 million people with disabilities rely on Medicaid for access to health care. Half of all long-term care in the United States, which includes essential home- and community-based services for people with disabilities, is provided by Medicaid. Individuals with disabilities living in Medicaid expansion states are also more likely to be employed than those living in non-expansion states. They are able to access and maintain Medicaid coverage while earning at levels that previously would have made them ineligible. For people with disabilities in non-expansion states, health disparities may widen. Medicaid also offers essential mental health services. Nearly one in five adults struggling with mental illness have access to care through Medicaid. If Republicans have their way, millions of people with physical or mental disabilities will lose access to essential care.

Medicaid supplements coverage for seniors. The benefits of Medicaid for America’s aging population often go unnoticed but are essential to their health and well-being. For seniors and older Americans with lower incomes, Medicare premiums are paid by Medicaid, as well as deductibles and health care that requires cost-sharing. 63 percent of nursing home residents are primarily covered by Medicaid. Without Medicaid’s supplemental coverage, millions of seniors would be forced to go without needed care.

Medicaid is a lifeline for Americans of color. Generations of structural racism have resulted in people of color experiencing lower rates of health coverage, worse health outcomes, and staggering health inequities. As a result, Medicaid coverage remains a critical source of coverage, especially for Black, Latino, and Indigenous families in America who experience poverty at a higher rate than white Americans and remain less likely to have access to quality care – an important driver of health. 60.5 percent of those covered by Medicaid are people of color. Research confirms that Medicaid expansion saves lives and drastically reduces racial/ethnic health disparities. States that expanded their Medicaid programs saw a 51 percent reduction in the gap between uninsured white and Black adults after expansion, and a 45 percent reduction between white and Hispanic/Latino adults.  

Key Points: The GOP Plan for Medicaid

Republicans Want to Gut Federal Funding for Medicaid, Forcing States to Cut Benefits and Kick People Off Coverage. Three proposals would dramatically reduce federal funding for Medicaid: block grants, per capita caps, and reducing Medicaid matching rates. The federal government is an essential source of funding for Medicaid programs and Republicans’ proposals to slash billions in federal funding from Medicaid would strain already tight state budgets, leave tens of millions of people uninsured, and force Governors to make the hard choices on reimbursement rates and cutting benefits and services. Any flexibilities offered to states will not offset the significant budget effects.

Republicans Want To Throw Millions Off Their Coverage By Adding Burdensome Work Reporting Requirements To Medicaid. By imposing so-called work requirements, Republicans are only seeking to cut Medicaid and kick millions of people off the rolls. Research shows that work reporting requirements cost states money and do not improve people’s ability to find work. In Georgia, a GOP alternative to Medicaid expansion emphasizing work requirements cost taxpayers $26 million, spending more than 90% of those funds on administrative and consulting costs while providing care to only 5,500 people while 359,000 Georgians would be eligible for coverage if Georgia expanded Medicaid. If Republicans succeed in enacting work requirements, up to 36 million Americans could be denied Medicaid coverage.

NEW: Protect Our Care Launches Eight-Figure “Hands Off Medicaid” Campaign to Protect Health Care from Devastating Cuts

As Republicans Hatch a Plan to Ram A Massive Tax Cut for Billionaires Through Congress, Medicaid Benefits for Millions of Americans Are at Stake 

Washington, D.C. – This week, Protect Our Care is launching a multi-million dollar “Hands Off Medicaid” campaign — one of its largest single advocacy campaigns since the defeat of the Affordable Care Act repeal attempt in 2017 — to block the Republican-led plan to slash Medicaid funding to pay for another round of tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporations. Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress are openly plotting TRILLIONS of dollars in cuts to Medicaid in order to fund their outrageous tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans. As a result, millions – including working folks, children with disabilities, expectant mothers, and seniors in nursing homes – could lose critical health care coverage.

“After an election where Republicans claimed to care about working people and the cost of living, nothing could be more outrageous than ripping away health care from millions of seniors, children, moms, and workers to pay for another round of tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires,” said Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach. “The American people didn’t vote in November to have their grandparents kicked out of nursing homes or health care ripped away from kids with disabilities or expectant moms in order to give Elon Musk another tax cut. We know firsthand from the campaign to defeat ACA repeal 8 years ago, and every health care fight since, that health care is a top-of-mind issue for Americans – and they want lawmakers to do more to ensure affordable access to coverage, not less. Our ‘Hands off Medicaid’ campaign will make that abundantly clear and demand that Medicaid cuts are off the table – for good.”  

Project Our Care’s “Hands Off Medicaid” campaign will feature every possible tactic to block any effort to slash this vital health care program:

Paid advertising, including:

  • Traditional cable and network television nationally, in Washington, D.C., and in targeted states and congressional districts
  • Streaming services like YouTube and ROKU across the country
  • Direct mail 
  • Rural and other targeted radio advertising 
  • Digital advertising across platforms targeting the Medicaid population in areas around nursing homes and rural hospitals
  • Out-of-home advertising including billboards, mobile billboards, bus stop wraps, and wheat pasting

Advocacy and earned media activities, including: 

  • Coalition organizing nationally and in key states and districts
  • Op-eds and Letters to the Editor placed by experts, elected officials, doctors, nurses, advocates for seniors, children, moms, and other people who rely on Medicaid and their family members
  • Grassroots and grasstops lobbying and meetings with members and staff
  • In-person and virtual events in key states, districts, and Washington, D.C.
  • Research, fact sheets, and reports on the impacts of Medicaid cuts on people, disease mitigation, rural and community-based hospitals, nursing homes, local and state budgets, and more

The eight-figure campaign will be national in scope but will largely focus on a handful of Republican lawmakers in the House and Senate:

House of Representatives
David Schweikert (AZ-1)
David Valadao (CA-22)
Young Kim (CA-40)
Ken Calvert (CA-41)
Nick LaLota (NY-01)
Andrew Garbarino (NY-02)
Mike Lawler (NY-17)
Ryan Mackenzie (PA-07)
Rob Bresnahan (PA-08)
Dan Newhouse (WA-04)

Lisa Murkowski (AK)
Susan Collins (ME)
Tom Tillis (NC)
Jim Justice (WV)
Shelley Moore Capito (WV)
Bill Cassidy (LA)
Chuck Grassley (IA)
Joni Ernst (IA)


Medicaid is an essential pillar of our health care system. It is the largest health insurance program in the country, providing health care to more than 70 million Americans — nearly a quarter of the country. It covers one in five Americans, including kids, moms, seniors, people of color, rural Americans, and people with disabilities. 

By The Numbers

  • Republican threats to Medicaid put health care at risk for 72 million (21 percent) Americans including:
  • Republicans will create a $50 billion hole in state Medicaid budgets to pay for tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations. 
  • If Republicans decrease federal funding for people in the Medicaid expansion population, it would immediately rip health care away from over 4.2 million Americans across eleven states and jeopardize health care for about 21 million people.
  • Republicans threaten care for 18.5 million people on Medicaid by imposing lifetime caps.
  • Republicans could deny coverage to 21 million Americans through burdensome bureaucratic reporting requirements.

WATCH: Senator Murray Sounds the Alarm on “Conspiracy Theorist” RFK Jr.’s Nomination

Senators Baldwin and Schatz Are Also Speaking Out Against RFK Jr.’s Dangerous Lies and Extremism as Opposition Builds Up Ahead of HHS Secretary Confirmation Hearings

As RFK Jr. continues his meetings on Capitol Hill and attempts to cover up his extreme record, a wave of opposition and concern is mounting. Yesterday, Senator Patty Murray took to the Senate floor to sound the alarm on the threat that RFK Jr.’s nomination poses to Americans’ health, safety, and well-being. Senator Murray slammed RFK Jr. as a “conspiracy theorist who is openly antagonistic to public health and will have tremendous authority over Americans’ lives and their health care.”

Senator Tammy Baldwin also spoke out against RFK Jr. after meeting with him yesterday, saying that his confirmation would be “downright dangerous” and “a risk to Wisconsinites and Americans.” Senator Baldwin said her meeting with RFK Jr. “did nothing to ease my grave concerns about his long list of conspiracy theories and anti-vaccine positions.”

Senator Brian Schatz joined the chorus of senators slamming RFK Jr.’s extreme positions, telling The New Abnormal podcast that RFK Jr. “is in serious peril” of losing his nomination battle and blasting him as “super, super dangerous.” Senator Schatz added that “people really will die if this person is in charge of HHS.”


  • Earlier this week, Protect Our Care released a new report on RFK Jr.’s demonstrated history of leading the extremist anti-vaccine movement, laying out his anti-vaccine lies in detail, ranging from linking vaccines in general to autism to attacks against all kinds of disease-specific vaccines, chiefly measles, COVID-19, polio, and HPV – all vaccines that have been instrumental in eradicating or curbing the spread of life-threatening, harrowing diseases over the past century.
  • Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden also discussed RFK Jr.’s upcoming confirmation hearing on MSNBC, saying that Democrats will bring “the receipts” on his dangerous anti-vaccine positions and the threat he would pose to Americans’ health care as Secretary of HHS.
  • Senators on both sides of the aisle are raising concerns about RFK Jr.’s nomination because of his repeated spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories.
  • New reporting this week revealed how RFK Jr. failed to disclose hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from his anti-vax crusade.
  • Last week, over 17,000 doctors signed a letter urging senators to reject RFK Jr.’s nomination as HHS secretary, and a group of health professionals and scientists released a public letter warning that his ‘unfounded, fringe beliefs could significantly undermine public health practices across the country and around the world.’”

STATEMENT: ACA Enrollment Reaches 24.2 Million, Doubling Under President Biden

Republicans Are Taking Away the Enhanced Tax Credits That Have Enabled Record Number of Americans to Enroll

Washington, D.C. — Today, the Department of Health and Human Services announced that a record 24.2 million Americans have signed up through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplaces for 2025 health insurance so far – including 3.9 million new enrollees. This is more than double the number enrolled in 2020, the final year of the first Trump administration. 

Democrats in Congress passed tax credits for people buying coverage on their own, lowering the cost of premiums for millions – including self-employed Americans, small business owners, people living in high-cost rural areas, farmers, people with pre-existing conditions, older adults, and more. Thanks to President Biden and Democrats in Congress, 80 percent of people can find a health plan through the Marketplace for $10 or less per month. 

Every Republican voted against these tax credits and now they want to take them away, raising costs and ripping away health care from millions of Americans — all while they hand out tax breaks to billionaires and drug company CEOs. If Congress fails to act soon, 5 million Americans will become uninsured and costs will skyrocket for millions more. In response, Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement:

“President Biden is leaving office with yet another record enrollment period under his belt. Millions more people have health care today because of the hard work of President Biden and Democrats in Congress. These record-breaking coverage numbers would not have been possible without the tax credits that passed without a single Republican vote.

“Republicans now want to take these tax credits away. Republicans are trying to raise costs for middle-class families while they hand out tax breaks to millionaires and big corporations. If they get their way, premiums will increase by up to 90 percent and at least five million people will lose their coverage. That’s not all: Donald Trump and his GOP allies continue their threats to repeal the ACA including its protections for pre-existing conditions. They want to gut Medicaid and raise prescription drug costs for seniors and families. Hard-working Americans are depending on Congress to protect their health care, and Republicans must get on board or they will have to own the consequences.”

BREAKING: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Second Round of Drugs to Negotiate Lower Prices Through Medicare

Republicans and Big Drug Companies Vow to Stop Medicare from Negotiating Raising Drug Prices for Millions of Seniors

Washington, DC – This morning, the Biden-Harris administration announced the next 15 drugs whose prices will come down as Medicare continues to negotiate with the drug companies. The news comes as drugmakers and their GOP allies continue working to ban negotiations in order to protect drug company profits and raise drug costs for seniors. Drugmakers spent $400 million on lobbyists to oppose negotiations and they are fighting in the courts and alongside Republicans to stop negotiations. 

The Medicare drug negotiation program will lower prices for some of the highest-priced prescription drugs with the first round of negotiated prices set to go into effect in 2026. In the first year, the negotiated prices cut list prices by up to 79 percent, saving seniors an estimated $1.5 billion in out-of-pocket costs and taxpayers $6 billion. The second set of drugs up for negotiation cost Medicare over $40 billion between November 2023 and October 2024 alone. Similar to the first round, these drugs are used to treat conditions like cancer, asthma, and diabetes – conditions that disproportionately impact women, communities of color, and people in rural areas.

The second round of drugs under the Medicare Drug Negotiation Program include:

  • Ozempic, Rybelsus, and Wegovy which are sold by Novo Nordisk to treat type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease and relied on by over 2.2 million people on Medicare
  • Trelegy Ellipta which is sold by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) to treat asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and relied on by over 1.2 million people on Medicare
  • Linzess which is sold by AbbVie to treat gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and relied on by 627,000 people on Medicare
  • Breo Ellipta which is sold by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) to treat asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and relied on by 634,000 people on Medicare
  • Tradjenta which is sold by Boehringer Ingelheim to treat type II diabetes and relied on by 278,000 people on Medicare
  • Janumet and Janumet XR which are sold by Merck to treat type II diabetes relied on by 243,000 people on Medicare
  • Vraylar which is sold by AbbVie to treat depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia and relied on by 116,000 people on Medicare
  • Xtandi which is sold by Astellas to treat prostate cancer and relied on by 35,000 people on Medicare
  • Ibrance which is sold by Pfizer to treat breast cancer and relied on by 16,000 people on Medicare
  • Calquence which is sold by AstraZeneca to treat blood cancers like multiple myeloma and Kaposi sarcoma and relied on by 15,000 people on Medicare
  • Xifaxan which is sold by Salix to treat diarrhea, hepatic encephalopathy, and irritable bowel syndrome bacterial infections and relied on by 104,000 people on Medicare
  • Austedo which is sold by Teva to treat neurological diseases like tardive dyskinesia and Huntington’s disease and relied on by 26,000 people on Medicare
  • Ofev which is sold by Boehringer Ingelheim to treat chronic lung disease and relied on by 24,000 people on Medicare
  • Pomalyst which is sold by Bristol Myers Squibb to treat blood cancers and relied on by 14,000 people on Medicare
  • Otezla which is sold by Amgen to treat plaque psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and oral ulcers and relied on by 31,000 people on Medicare

Overall, the Inflation Reduction Act is saving Americans thousands of dollars by giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug costs, capping out-of-pocket prescription costs at $2,000, and penalizing drug companies for raising prices faster than inflation. Negotiating lower prices is overwhelmingly popular across the country, but Republicans are threatening to hike prescription drug prices in order to line the pockets of big drug companies and their CEOs. Every Republican voted against the Inflation Reduction Act, and now they’re trying to repeal it. 

Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement: 

“President Biden is leaving office on a high note. By announcing the second round of negotiated drugs, President Biden is taking another critical step to lower drug prices for millions of Americans. Medicare negotiations and other cost-saving measures under the Inflation Reduction Act are giving seniors long-overdue relief and saving taxpayers billions of dollars. Our nation’s seniors depend on these savings so they don’t have to choose between filling their prescriptions and filling their refrigerators. 

“However, all these savings are now at risk. Donald Trump and his GOP allies are once again cuddling up with big drug companies, promising to take away Medicare’s power to negotiate lower drug prices, which would raise costs for hardworking families in order to line the pockets of shareholders and CEOs. During Trump’s first term, he let drug companies run wild and charge whatever they wanted, and he’s given every indication that he wants to do it again. The American people have made it clear they want lower costs, and it’s up to Republicans to put people over profits.” 

FACT SHEET: RFK Jr., An Anti-Vaccine Extremist, Has Been Targeting the HPV Vaccine For Years

For years, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has used scare tactics and misinformation campaigns to dissuade the public from receiving HPV vaccines. As he has with many other vaccines, Kennedy linked the HPV vaccine to autism, pushing a long-debunked pseudoscientific claim. Then, he baselessly claimed that the HPV vaccine could cause a “cascade of debilitating autoimmune diseases.” He linked the HPV to cancer, when in fact, the HPV vaccine is one of the most effective tools we have deployed to bring down rates of cervical cancer, with one study showing that the vaccine stops 90 percent of cervical cancer cases. Kennedy recently even blamed poor teen mental health on HPV vaccines.

Even though none of these lies have any merit, Kennedy has filed at least six lawsuits against the HPV vaccine manufacturer – they all went nowhere, but Kennedy still got paid for using his own law firm to litigate the cases. Make no mistake: Kennedy is a liar, an anti-vaccine extremist, and a grifter – his antipathy for the HPV vaccine is one of many conspiratorial ventures demonstrating his utter lack of fitness to run the nation’s top health agency.

Kennedy Has Filed A Half-Dozen Lawsuits Against the HPV Vaccine. As of 2022, Kennedy has filed at least six lawsuits against Merck, the manufacturer of the HPV vaccine Gardasil, through his law firm Wisner Baum and his nonprofit Children’s Health Defense on behalf of several children who had side effects from taking the vaccine. While Children’s Health Defense served as a plaintiff for one of these lawsuits, Kennedy led a nearly hour-long presentation against Gardasil. Although none of these lawsuits have resulted in bans or restrictions on Gardasil, Kennedy himself has made money off the lawsuits by using his own law firm to litigate the cases pushed by his nonprofit.

Kennedy Spread Lies About The HPV Vaccine For Years. For years, Kennedy has been deploying a set of misinformed beliefs and scare tactics intended to deter people from getting the HPV vaccine:

  • Kennedy Linked The HPV Vaccine To Cervical Cancer. The Opposite Is True. During his anti-HPV vaccine campaign, Kennedy falsely linked the HPV vaccine to cervical cancer in Australia. In reality, studies have shown that the HPV vaccine is incredibly effective against cervical cancer. Most sexually active individuals will eventually be infected with HPV. The magnitude of the risk of HPV infection is incredibly high; over 80 percent of sexually active people will be infected at some point during their lifetime. 10 percent of infected women retain the virus, which can lead to precancerous cervical lesions. Across the board, research shows that the HPV vaccine has been an essential tool in combating cervical cancer, with one study showing that the vaccine stops 90 percent of cervical cancer cases. Another study even found zero cases of cervical cancer among women vaccinated against the virus before age 14. Researchers also found a 62 percent drop in cervical cancer deaths in young women over the last decade due to HPV vaccination! As Bloomberg columnist Lisa Jarvis wrote, “Imagine if vaccination against HPV (alongside regular screening) eventually allowed the US to cut the 4,000 annual deaths from cervical cancer to zero — or dramatically reduce or even eliminate the nearly 38,000 HPV-related cancers diagnosed in the country each year. […] These new data drive home the profound impact this vaccine has in preventing unnecessary suffering and deaths from HPV-related cancers. What a colossal shame it would be to go backward — at the cost of women’s lives.”
  • Kennedy Baselessly Claimed That The HPV Vaccine Is Unsafe And Can Cause A “Cascade Of Debilitating Autoimmune Diseases.” Kennedy also falsely claimed that there was a link between vaccines and autoimmune diseases like postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS): “Mainstream media is finally taking notice of link [sic] between vaccines and this cascade of debilitating autoimmune diseases like POTS. I’m currently representing hundreds of young women and men who got this devastating injury from Gardasil (HPV) vaccines.” 
  • Kennedy Blamed The HPV Vaccine For Rising Teen Mental Health Challenges Without Any Evidence. Kennedy even blamed the HPV vaccine for a spike in mental health challenges among adolescents, including rising teen anxiety and depression, blaming aluminum present in the vaccine for causing adverse public health outcomes even though experiments have proven definitively that dietary and immunization-based aluminum consumption has no significant impact.
  • Kennedy Pushed False Claims Linking The HPV Vaccine To Autism. In 2019, Kennedy published a lengthy article through Children’s Health Defense railing against the HPV vaccine. In this article, he pushed false claims that the vaccine contains autism-causing toxins – a long-debunked trope he has pushed about all kinds of different vaccines. As early as 2005, Kennedy wrote an article for Rolling Stone and Salon asserting that the government was conspiring to cover up the connections between autism and vaccines. later retracted the article because of factual errors, and Rolling Stone deleted it. Kennedy once called vaccination a “Holocaust,” repeating his claims about autism and comparing it to genocide.  In 2016, he became the chair of Children’s Health Defense, a group considered one of the main sources of misinformation about the supposed dangers of vaccines. As recently as 2023, Kennedy reportedly told Fox News that he “still believes in the long-ago debunked idea that vaccines can cause autism.” Of course, none of these claims hold up. As the American Association for the Advancement of Science noted, “Suffice it to say that this connection has been investigated thoroughly for many years now, and that no such connection has ever been shown to exist…Kennedy’s views on science and medicine are not only wrong, they are actively harmful and destructive.”

IN THE NEWS: RFK Jr. and His Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s nomination for Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is in serious jeopardy. Headlines from across the nation highlight growing opposition to his confirmation and more information on his grifting and lies. Between growing concerns from key senators on RFK Jr.’s dangerous views on vaccines to new revelations about RFK Jr.’s failure to disclose hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits from his anti-vaccine group, his nomination has hit rough waters. 

Coverage paints a clear picture of the deep danger RFK Jr. poses to American health care. Not only does he oppose lifesaving vaccinations, but he has also downplayed the severity of infectious diseases and plans to gut funding from the FDA and NIH, which will halt progress of essential research on lifesaving drug and vaccine development. He also doesn’t have the experience and skills to run major health care programs like Medicare and Medicaid. RFK Jr. won’t follow the science or trust the experts. Instead, he’ll embrace fringe ideas and promote conspiracies and that’s the last thing we need in charge of America’s health care. 

The Hill: Critics Lambast RFK Jr.’s Vax Rhetoric.

  • “‘RFK Jr. can’t hide from his record of spreading baseless lies and conspiracy theories about vaccines – it speaks for itself,’ Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse said in a statement. ‘RFK Jr. has more than earned his reputation as an anti-vaccine extremist, and Americans will lose their lives if he is confirmed as HHS Secretary.’ 

Roll Call: How RFK Jr. Drove Mistrust of a Cancer Prevention Vaccine.

  • “If confirmed as Health and Human Services secretary, Kennedy, whose confirmation hearings have not yet been announced, would have a megaphone to spread those claims to the broader public — even as the federal government works to increase HPV vaccination rates among teens.

CBS News: Over 17,000 Doctors Sign Letter Urging Senate to Reject RFK Jr. As Health Secretary

  • “In a letter posted online by the Committee to Protect Health Care, a physician organization that advocates for health policy issues, thousands of doctors urge senators to reject the nomination of Kennedy, saying he is ‘unqualified to lead’ and is ‘actively dangerous.’ ‘This appointment is a slap in the face to every health care professional who has spent their lives working to protect patients from preventable illness and death,’ the letter reads. ‘Americans deserve better.’” 

The New York Times: Group of Experts Says R.F.K. Jr. Would ‘Significantly Undermine’ Public Health. 

  • “A new national coalition of health professionals and scientists, mobilizing to oppose Senate confirmation of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to be the United States’ next health secretary, released a public letter on Monday warning that his ‘unfounded, fringe beliefs could significantly undermine public health practices across the country and around the world.’”

NPR: RFK Jr. Faces a Complicated Confirmation With Some Opposition on Both Sides of the Aisle.

  • “Kennedy denies spreading misinformation, though his criticism of vaccines is well known. That’s why some Republicans are also raising concerns, including Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana. ‘I’m old enough to remember when children couldn’t go to school for quite some time because of measles,’ Cassidy told NewsNation in November, when Kennedy was being floated as a potential pick for the Department of Health and Human Services.”

Politico: Sen. Bill Cassidy Offers Tepid Response After Meeting With RFK Jr.

  • “Bill Cassidy (R-La.) wrote in a tepid social media post following the meeting that he had a ‘frank’ conversation with Kennedy and that the two spoke ‘at length’ about vaccines. On Sunday, Cassidy, a doctor, told Fox News that Kennedy, who has for years contradicted health authorities by advocating against vaccination, was ‘wrong’ about them.”

Daily Beast: RFK Jr. Admits He Didn’t Come Clean on Anti-Vax Fortune.

  • “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. failed to disclose hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from his anti-vax crusade, Donald Trump’s transition team has admitted to the Daily Beast. Trump’s pick for health secretary previously said his career as the founder, chairman, and general counsel of the nonprofit Children’s Health Defense was ‘unpaid’ and ‘the opposite of a profit motive.’”

Mother Jones: At RFK Jr.-Led Environmental Group, Insiders Questioned How He Spent $67 Million.

  • “Tamminen’s letter suggested that he was concerned about possible misconduct at Waterkeeper Alliance, a network of hundreds of organizations across the globe that protect bodies of water, and that he worried that Kennedy was not being straightforward about the matter. The Nygård complaint was ultimately dismissed. But with Kennedy, an anti-vaxxer and conspiracy theorist, tapped by President-elect Donald Trump to run the massive Department of Health and Human Services, this episode—involving millions of dollars—could shed light on his managerial experience and competence.”

Senator Patty Murray: Senator Murray Statement on Meeting with HHS Secretary Nominee RFK Jr.

  • “‘But as I have said from the outset—I utterly oppose RFK Jr.’s nomination. If you cannot tell American families the same thing centuries of science and experience tells us—that vaccines save lives—you have no business leading HHS.’”
  • “‘It takes no imagination to see how dangerous it would be to confirm RFK Jr. as Health Secretary, and it takes mountains of willful ignorance to ignore it.’”

New York Times: How Lagging Vaccination Could Lead to a Polio Resurgence.

  • “Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a longtime vaccine skeptic who may become the secretary of health and human services, has said the idea that vaccination has nearly eradicated polio is ‘a mythology.’”
  • “But the secretary of health and human services has the authority to discourage vaccination in less direct ways. He or she could withdraw federal funds for childhood vaccination programs, hasten the end of school mandates in states already disinclined toward vaccines or fuel doubts about the shots, exacerbating a decline in immunization rates. If polio vaccination rates were to fall, scientists say, the virus could slip into pockets of the country where significant numbers of people are unvaccinated, wreaking havoc once more. The virus may be nearly eradicated in its original form, but resurgence remains a constant threat.”

ProPublica: The Second Trump White House Could Drastically Reshape Infectious Disease Research. Here’s What’s at Stake.

  • More recently, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Trump’s nominee to run the Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees the NIH, has said he wants to fire and replace 600 of the agency’s 20,000 employees and shift research away from infectious diseases and vaccines, which are at the core of NIAID’s mission to understand, treat and prevent infectious, immunologic and allergic diseases.

The Guardian: ‘Life-Or-Death Consequences’: Families Fear Rollback of School Vaccine Requirements Under RFK Jr.

  • “Currently, all 50 states have vaccine requirements for children entering childcare and schools. But with Robert F Kennedy Jr – who has peddled baseless conspiracy theories and once said: ‘There’s no vaccine that is safe and effective’ – potentially at the helm of the Department of Health and Human Services, advocates and parents are right to fear a rollback of requirements, enforcements and funding, according to interviews with about a dozen experts.”

NPR: How Would RFK Jr. Handle Bird Flu? His Record On Vaccines Has Experts On Edge. 

  • At every step, he can certainly play a role in hampering or being a barrier,” says Syra Madad, director of the special pathogens program at NYC Health + Hospitals. This could be of huge consequence for how prepared the country is to face an escalating crisis. 

Politico: Pence Organization Slams RFK Jr. 

  • “Former Vice President Mike Pence’s organization, Advancing American Freedom, is calling for senators to vote against Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s nomination for Health and Human Services secretary over his past support for abortion access.”

TODAY: Protect Our Care Hosts Events in North Carolina and Iowa to Discuss How RFK Jr.’s HHS Nomination Poses a Serious Threat to American Health Care


If RFK Jr. is Appointed to Lead HHS, Americans’ Health and Well-Being Will Be on the Line 

On Thursday, January 16, Protect Our Care North Carolina and Protect Our Care Iowa will host events to sound the alarm on Donald Trump’s nomination of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary. Speakers will discuss the danger he poses to Americans’ health and the country’s health care system if he is confirmed. In the wake of his nomination, RFK Jr. has been on a whirlwind media tour attempting to persuade the public that he is up for the job despite his complete lack of qualifications. His lack of leadership in any role in public health or a government agency and radical views on vaccinations and health care make it clear that RFK Jr. is a threat to Americans’ health and well-being, and he has absolutely no place leading our health care system.

As HHS Secretary, RFK Jr. would prioritize his own interests over the needs of the American people. Not only does he oppose lifesaving vaccinations, but he has also undermined the severity of infectious diseases and plans to gut funding from the FDA and NIH, which will halt progress of essential research on lifesaving drug and vaccine development. Working families deserve access to affordable, high-quality health care and an HHS leader who trusts science and is committed to strengthening public health. 


Pediatrician, Dr. David Hill
Stacy Staggs, Little Lobbyists Family Storyteller
Laura Casey, Family Storyteller
Diane Sheehan, Family Storyteller

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference

WHEN: Thursday, January 16 at 10:30 a.m. ET

WHERE: Register for the virtual event here (Registration required)


Matt Sinovic, Protect Our Care Iowa
Mary Weaver, Retired Nurse
Dr. Andrea Greiner

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference

WHEN: Thursday, January 16 at 12 p.m. CT/1 p.m. ET

WHERE: Register for the virtual event here (Registration required)

SHOT/CHASER: GOP Mulls Medicaid Cuts to Pay for Tax Breaks for the Rich – Because Who Needs Health Care in Rural America Anyway?

Republicans on the Energy and Commerce Committee have met to discuss how to rip Medicaid away from millions of Americans so they can hand out $4.6 trillion in tax breaks to their billionaire friends and big corporations, including the CEOs at some of the largest drug and insurance companies.

SHOT: E&C GOP huddles on Medicaid Cuts as Offsets. “House Energy and Commerce Committee Republicans met Tuesday to suss out how changes to Medicaid or other health care measures could be used as offsets in a reconciliation bill. Why it matters: Although no decisions were made, the closed-door discussion showed how controversial cuts to the safety net program are seriously under consideration.” [Axios, 1/15/25]

CHASER: Cuts to Medicaid Will Shift Costs to Families, Providers and Will Be Especially Harmful to Rural Communities. Medicaid – our nation’s health care insurer for the most vulnerable people in society — is at the top of the list for cuts to generate revenue that Republicans are looking for to finance among other things, extending tax cuts which will disproportionately benefit the wealthy.  As the report findings make clear, rural communities are at grave risk if substantial federal cuts are enacted. [Center for Children & Families of the Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy, 1/15/25]