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ROUNDUP: Leaders Celebrate New Benefits to Seniors from the Inflation Reduction Act

As of January 1, 2023, Insulin Is Capped at $35 a Month for Insulin for Medicare Beneficiaries, and Adults on Medicare Part D Will Have Access to Vaccines at No Cost

Thanks to the leadership of President Biden and Democrats in Congress for passing the Inflation Reduction Act, millions of seniors will start the new year by saving big on their health care costs. The shingles vaccine is now free for seniors and Medicare recipients will no longer have to pay more than $35 on insulin per month, delivering widespread, immediate relief to millions. These policies do more than save money, they save lives. These policies will be a lifeline for millions of Americans, particularly seniors, people of color, rural Americans, and people with disabilities. Too many seniors on fixed incomes are up at night worried about paying the bills, but this new law will finally give some breathing room to seniors who have worked hard their whole lives.

President Biden: “As of this moment, a month’s supply of insulin will be capped at $35 for anyone on Medicare. $35. That’s it.” [1/1/23]

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra: “It’s officially 2023! Which means new savings for seniors start today. With the Inflation Reduction Act, @POTUS has delivered on lowering health care costs for Americans.” [1/1/23]

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra: “Happy New Year! Today begins the cap on insulin copays for #Medicare beneficiaries. For patients ages 65+, @POTUS’ #InflationReductionAct is continuing to lower prescription drug costs and help those who struggle to cover the costs of insulin.” [1/1/23]

Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “Starting today, thanks to relentless patient advocates and courageous Democrats, insulin for which Big Pharma charged hundreds of dollars per month will be capped at $35 per month for seniors on Medicare. We’ll keep fighting to expand health care and lower costs.” [1/1/23]

Senator Amy Klobuchar: “For too long, Americans have paid the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. Thanks to legislation we passed to allow Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices, help is on the way.” [1/2/23]

Senator Mark Warner: “BIG NEWS: As of TODAY, those on Medicare will have their insulin capped at $35/month.” [1/1/23]

Senator Elizabeth Warren: “Insulin out-of-pocket costs are now capped at $35 a month for Americans on Medicare. Every Republican voted against this life-changing policy. Democrats are making government work for the people.” [1/2/23]

Senator Tina Smith: “A great way to ring in the new year: a $35 cap on insulin for seniors.” [1/1/23]

Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock: “GREAT NEWS: If you’re an insulin user on Medicare, as of *today* your out-of-pocket insulin costs are now capped at $35 a month! I’m so proud we got this part of my #AffordableInsulinNow Act done—and I’m going to keep fighting to get the rest of the bill over the finish line.” [1/1/23]

Congressman Bill Pascrell Jr.: “Democrats capped the price of insulin for millions of Americans. Republicans blocked our efforts to cap insulin for all Americans but we will keep trying.” [12/31/22]

Congresswoman Barbara Lee: “Now that it’s officially 2023, seniors will pay NO MORE than $35/month for their insulin—thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act (and no thanks to Republicans, who all voted against it). This is life-changing.” [1/2/23]

Congressman Adam Schiff: “Insulin is now capped at $35 for Americans on Medicare. Every single Republican voted AGAINST lowering the cost. While Democrats voted FOR lowering your health care costs. We know what side Republicans in Congress are on. And it isn’t yours.” [1/2/23]

Congresswoman Yvette Clarke: “By this time tomorrow, no seniors on Medicare will ever be charged more than $35 a month for their insulin again. That’s progress.” [12/31/22]

Congressman Ruben Gallego: “On Jan. 1, our legislation to lower healthcare costs takes effect. That means: Lower Medicare prescription drug prices through price negotiation w/ manufacturers, Capped out-of-pocket prescription drug costs in Medicare, & lower ACA health insurance premiums. It’s a big deal!” [12/30/22]

Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal: “Starting TODAY, thanks to the American Rescue Plan, the cost of insulin will be capped at $35/month out of pocket for seniors on Medicare. That’s real savings for millions. Democrats are delivering!” [1/1/23]

Congressman Colin Allred: “Great news: thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, seniors on Medicare will now get the shingles vaccine for free next year, saving over $100 on their shots.” [12/28/22]

Congressman Ritchie Torres: “Starting in January, the Inflation Reduction Act will cap the price of insulin at $35 a month for senior citizens on Medicare. Thank you, President Biden and House Democrats, for delivering for everyday Americans.” [12/29/22]

White House Chief of Staff Ronald Klain: “A major achievement in 2022: the price of insulin capped at $35 for seniors. A major agenda item for 2023: extending that cap to cover everyone.” [12/30/22]

ROUND UP: Ron DeSantis Spreads Dangerous COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories For His Own Gain

This week, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis called on the state Supreme Court to empanel a grand jury to investigate the COVID-19 vaccinations, despite the fact that a recent study showed COVID-19 vaccines saved millions of lives in the United States. This comes after a years-long effort to undermine scientists, spread disinformation, and prolong the pandemic in order to hurt Democrats and the Biden administration politically. Coverage indicates this is a purely political move to pander to right-wing conspiracy theorists ahead of his rumored presidential campaign in 2024. DeSantis has made it clear he cares more about his own political career than the health and safety of his constituents. 

The Bulwark: DeSantis Sucks Up To The Anti-Vax Crowd. “As he seeks to elevate his profile further and distinguish himself from potential 2024 presidential rivals, DeSantis is sucking up to the anti-vax crowd and styling himself as a crusader against what he calls the “biomedical security state.” And, like most of DeSantis’s political stunts, his overtures to the fringe are pretty cringey… Since his appointment, Ladapo has found himself mentioned in the news for making the rounds on conspiracy-themed conservative podcasts. The people of Florida deserve better from their surgeon general. And on the part of Gov. DeSantis, the selection of and reliance on Ladapo demonstrates not an admirable desire to encourage unconventional thinking but rather a desperate wish to kiss up to cranky, conspiracist anti-vax voters.” [The Bulwark, 12/15/22]

NBC News: Ron DeSantis Outflanks Trump On The Right With His Call For COVID Vaccine Probe. “At a roundtable he convened of Covid vaccine skeptics and opponents — including his own surgeon general — he formally called on the state Supreme Court to impanel a grand jury to investigate whether pharmaceutical companies criminally misled Floridians about the side effects of vaccines, a position at odds with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention… The decision by DeSantis to now investigate the vaccines was widely panned by those in Trump’s orbit.” [NBC News, 12/13/22]

Vox: Ron DeSantis’s Vaccine “Investigation” Is All About Beating Trump. “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is widely expected to run for president in 2024, is escalating his campaign to discredit the Covid-19 vaccines, the drug companies that produced them, and the public health officials and government leaders who urged Americans to get them. Florida under DeSantis has been home base for anti-vaccine, anti-mask, and anti-lockdown policies in the past three years… Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is widely expected to run for president in 2024, is escalating his campaign to discredit the Covid-19 vaccines, the drug companies that produced them, and the public health officials and government leaders who urged Americans to get them.” [Vox, 12/15/22]

Politico: DeSantis Calls For Grand Jury To Investigate COVID-19 Vaccines. “Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday asked the Florida Supreme Court to empanel a grand jury to investigate “wrongdoing” linked to the Covid-19 vaccines, including spreading false and misleading claims about the efficacy of the doses… He sought to undermine the efficacy of the Covid vaccine and claimed that vaccine manufacturers such as Moderna have made a fortune on Covid-19 mandates… DeSantis has built a national reputation fighting against Covid-related mandates such as vaccine requirements or schools ordering students to wear masks.” [Politico, 12/13/22]

The Washington Post: DeSantis Forms Panel To Counter CDC, A Move Decried By Health Professionals. “DeSantis’s press office accused pharmaceutical companies and the Biden administration of pushing the distribution of mRNA vaccines “through relentless propaganda while ignoring real-life adverse events.” Ladapo joined that criticism, and said the state would work with the University of Florida to study autopsy results in cases of “sudden deaths of individuals that received the COVID-19 vaccine in Florida.”” [The Washington Post, 12/13/22]

Business Insider: DeSantis Latest Anti-COVID-19 Vaccine Pust Puts Him On A Collision Course With Trump Over The Pandemic. “DeSantis held a 90-minute roundtable with COVID vaccine skeptics and asked the Florida Supreme Court to set up a statewide grand jury to investigate “crimes and wrongdoing” related to the COVID-19 shots, weaponizing life-saving vaccines ahead of a potential fight with not just Trump but President Joe Biden… DeSantis is seen as one of Trump’s most formidable opponents in a hypothetical presidential matchup. In a USA Today-Suffolk University poll released Tuesday, DeSantis led Trump by 23 points among Republicans.” [Business Insider, 12/13/22] 

Huffpost: DeSantis, Who Once Praised Vaccines, Now Wants Them To Prosecute Those Who Pushed Them. “Two years after mounting an aggressive campaign to vaccinate Floridians against COVID and a year after praising their efficacy, Gov. Ron DeSantis now wants to prosecute those who pushed the vaccines… The move puts DeSantis squarely on the side of the anti-vaccination activists in the Republican voting base and, more generally, a broader GOP effort to demonize retiring White House medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci and other mainstream medical experts ahead of an expected presidential run in 2024.” [Huffpost, 12/13/22]

ROUND UP: Republicans Threaten Social Security and Medicare Days Before The Election

In a speech earlier this week, President Biden sounded the alarm on Republican threats to Medicare and Social Security programs. With the election on the horizon, President Biden and Democratic lawmakers fight hard to preserve and expand health care for Americans, while Republicans are plotting to cut and privatize these programs. Without these programs, many senior citizens would not be able to afford their health care. And these programs are particularly important for people of color, people with disabilities, and women. Due to higher disability rates, lower lifetime earnings, and a significant racial wealth gap, Social Security is a critical source of income for Black and Latino workers and tool in reducing economic disparities.

Today’s Republican party is showing us their real interests, and it is not in the well-being of the American people. For decades now, the GOP has made promises to defund Social Security and Medicare. President Biden and Congressional Democrats are ready to defend and expand crucial programs like Medicare and Social Security. The proposed Republican plan of cutting, privatizing and ending the Social Security system will result in ripping away essential lifelines from those who need it most.


Axios: GOP Floats Medicare Changes While Ducking Details. “Some House Republicans aren’t waiting for the election to think about overhauling Medicare. But it’s hard to tell if there are specifics behind the talking point… Past GOP attempts to cut Medicare landed with a thud, and Democrats in recent weeks have been hammering on the message that Republicans are intent on gutting the program. The critical moment could be next year’s talks on the debt ceiling, if Republicans flip one or both houses of Congress.” [Axios, 11/3/22]

The New York Times: GOP Signals Plans To Shrink Social Security. Risk To The Safety Net Energizes Dems. “Congressional Republicans, eyeing a midterm election victory that could hand them control of the House and the Senate, have embraced plans to reduce federal spending on Social Security and Medicare, including cutting benefits for some retirees and raising the retirement age for both safety net programs… Yet several influential Republicans have signaled a new willingness to push for Medicare and Social Security spending cuts as part of future budget negotiations with President Biden. Their ideas include raising the age for collecting Social Security benefits to 70 from 67 and requiring many older Americans to pay higher premiums for their health coverage.” [The New York Times, 11/2/22]

The Washington Post: Republicans Plan Health-Related Probes If They Win The House. “House Republicans are plotting a flurry of probes into the Biden administration’s pandemic response and the health industry if the party retakes control of the chamber next week. Key party leaders have already drummed up lists of their oversight priorities amid growing confidence they’ll win control of the House in the midterm elections. This includes investigating the origins of covid-19, cracking down on prescription drug middlemen, examining how pandemic relief dollars have been spent and scrutinizing key federal agencies.” [The Washington Post, 11/3/22]

CNBC: As Election Day Approaches, Democrats Warn That Social Security And Medicare Are At Stake. “At the event, Biden touted the recent passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, which will curb Medicare prescription drug costs for seniors. The legislation gives Medicare the ability to negotiate prices for certain high-price drugs, caps insulin at $35 per month under Medicare Part D and limits out-of-pocket prescription costs under Part D to $2,000 per month, among other changes. But Republican opposition could lead the party to stop those changes if they win control on Election Day, Biden warned.” [CNBC, 11/3/22]

The Hill: Why The Fate Of Medicare And Social Security Is A Midterm Issue. “The fate of Social Security and Medicare is back in the spotlight less than two weeks before the midterms. The White House and Democrats have made both entitlements central to their closing pitch to voters, sounding the alarm that a Republican majority in the House would look to cut programs that millions of Americans rely on in a bid to reduce spending… Biden vowed Tuesday to refuse any effort to cut entitlements in the next Congress during an address to the Democratic National Committee, highlighted past GOP comments on the programs during a Thursday appearance in Syracuse, and he tweeted Friday that Republicans “are so determined to cut these programs they’re willing to take down the American economy over it.”” [The Hill, 10/31/22]

Los Angeles Times: Column: GOP Promises To Gut Your Social Security, Medicare If It Takes Power. “In its latest manifestation, four Republicans angling to become chair of the House Budget Committee in a Republican House talked openly about holding the federal debt ceiling hostage to an agreement on “entitlements” — that is, Social Security and Medicare — plainly aimed at cutting benefits… This isn’t the first time that the GOP has tried to depict Social Security and Medicare as enemies of sound fiscal policy. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell spelled it out in 2018. Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) talked openly about making cuts “behind closed doors.” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) cooked up a plan for family leave funded by raiding future Social Security benefits.” [Los Angeles Times, 10/19/22]


President Biden. “Let’s be clear about what “changes” Republicans in Congress want to make to Medicare and Social Security. They want to raise the retirement age, move towards privatization, and put these programs on the chopping block every five years.” [11/3/22]

The White House. “President Biden and Congressional Democrats: Took on Big Pharma allowing Medicare to negotiate prescription drug costs, Capped seniors’ pharmacy drug costs and the cost of insulin, Kept health insurance premiums low for people who get coverage through the Affordable Care Act.” [11/2/22]

U.S. House of Representatives Ways & Means Committee. “This is not a new fight. Democrats created #SocialSecurity 87 years ago and Republicans have tried to slash it ever since. Republicans continue to put Americans second and their special interests first.” [11/2/22]

U.S. House of Representatives Ways & Means Committee. “When Republicans launch a vicious attack on Social Security and Medicare that would have harsh, long lasting consequences on retirees, seniors, and workers” [11/2/22]

U.S. House of Representatives Ways & Means Committee. “Dems have been working to expand Americans’ ability to access health care services under #Medicare, by: Increasing training for physicians, making it easier for beneficiaries to enroll, improving access to mental health & substance use services. That’s what Democrats do.” [11/2/22]

U.S. House of Representatives Budget Committee and Ways & Means Committee. “Republicans aren’t even trying to hide their extreme plan to gut Social Security and Medicare anymore. They’re plotting to tank our economy by forcing cuts to Americans’ hard-earned benefits. They’re saying it out loud — and will do it.” [10/28/22]

ROUNDUP: “Landmark” Inflation Reduction Act Provision to Stop Drug Company Price Hikes Kicks In

Help Is on The Way as Critical Drug Pricing Provision Takes Effect 

Last week, the first health care provision in the Inflation Reduction Act took effect, an important step to deliver lower costs to millions of Americans. As of October 1, 2022, drug companies will now be charged a penalty when they raise drug prices faster than the rate of inflation. News coverage makes clear that this provision marks a turning point in the drug pricing landscape, subjecting drug companies to steep penalties if they hike the price of lifesaving drugs. Along with the provisions to give Medicare the power to negotiate, cap seniors’ out-of-pocket costs, and drive down premium costs, the Inflation Reduction Act is set to make health care more affordable, accessible, and equitable for the American people. 


Forbes: HHS Begins Implementation of Inflation Rebates for Medicare Part D Drugs. “On October 1st, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) began implementing one of three main prescription drug pricing provisions contained in the Inflation Reduction Act. The Department of HHS now requires that drug manufacturers pay the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) rebates for raising list prices of outpatient drugs for Medicare in excess of inflation. Any difference between the inflation percentage in a given year and the increase in price above inflation must be rebated to Medicare.” [Forbes, 10/5/22]

Bloomberg Law: Inflation Rebates Explained. “Makers of some of the highest-cost medications could start seeing Medicare rebate invoices as a provision of the Biden administration’s landmark drug pricing law takes effect. As of Oct. 1, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will measure price increases for prescription drugs covered by Medicare Part D. Any increases exceeding the rate of inflation over the next 12 months will be subject to payments. w.” [Bloomberg Law, 10/4/22]

Endpoints News: New Inflation Rebates Program Going Into Effect on Saturday. “The new rebates are part of the newly signed Inflation Reduction Act, which introduces this new requirement that manufacturers pay rebates to Medicare for Part D drugs whose price increases exceed inflation, and in January 2023, the same will occur with Part B drugs. The rebate system ‘was designed to reduce the frequency and size of drug price increases,’ HHS says. The IRA also includes a provision that allows CMS to negotiate and/or cap the prices of 10 of the most expensive drugs. While those negotiations will be limited, the rebates paid by the industry may be significant.” [Endpoints News, 9/30/22]


Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden Hails Introduction of Rebates. “Starting this week, there is finally accountability for Big Pharma’s indiscriminate price gouging. Seniors and taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to foot the bill while Big Pharma raises prices faster than the cost of living every year. This step is just the beginning of a seismic shift in the relationship between Big Pharma and taxpayers.” [10/6/22]

Statement From HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. “Today’s action marks a critical step toward reducing health care costs for American families and increasing competition. We’re moving full-speed ahead on Inflation Reduction Act implementation to deliver results for millions of Americans.” [10/3/22]

Statement From CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure. “CMS is swiftly implementing the historic Inflation Reduction Act to make the new law and the benefits it provides a reality for the people we serve. The temporary Medicare Part B payment increase for qualifying biosimilars that is now in effect will foster competition in the drug marketplace for conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and immune disorders, and will improve access to these life-saving medicines that help keep people with Medicare healthy.” [10/3/22]

White House Press Secretary Kevin Munoz on the New Rebates. “Important HHS report showing prices of 1,200 drugs rose faster than inflation. The Inflation Reduction Act requires companies to pay rebates to Medicare if prices rise beyond the rate of inflation. GOP wants to repeal the Inflation Reduction Act.” [9/30/22]

ROUNDUP: Senate Democrats Celebrate Passage of Inflation Reduction Act

Yesterday, Senate Democrats overcame unified Republican opposition and a record-breaking lobbying campaign from Big Pharma to pass the most significant health care legislation since the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Along with combating inflation and making key investments in climate and energy, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 will drive down health care and prescription drug costs for the American people. By giving Medicare the power to negotiate, capping seniors drug costs, limiting many of Big Pharma’s price hikes, and lowering premium costs, this historic legislation will deliver long-overdue relief to millions of Americans, making health care more affordable, accessible, and equitable. Here’s what Democratic Senators are saying about their historic victory: 

Majority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer: “The Inflation Reduction Act that Senate Democrats delivered will bring down health care costs and lower prescription drug costs.” [8/8/22]

Majority Whip Senator Dick Durbin: “@SenateDems have heard the American people: do something to fight inflation, lower prescription drug prices, and combat the climate crisis. Today’s historic legislation—the Inflation Reduction Act—will do just that.” [8/7/22]

Chair of Policy and Communications Committee Senator Debbie Stabenow: “PASSED! After many long hours, the Inflation Reduction Act has passed. A historic bill to lower the cost of prescription drugs, lower energy costs, address the climate crisis, and create millions of jobs.” [8/7/22]

Chair of Steering Committee Senator Amy Klobuchar: “Hard to put into words how big of a deal it is that we are finally lifting the ban on Medicare being able to negotiate drug prices. Over a decade of fighting. Millions and millions of seniors fought for this. Finally, they’ll have lower costs.” [8/8/22]

Vice Chair of Policy and Communications Committee Senator Cory Booker: “It [the Inflation Reduction Act] contains commonsense reforms that will allow Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices and cap out-of-pocket costs. We will protect seniors from outrageous prices charged by pharmaceutical companies for lifesaving medications. It also provides an additional three years of Affordable Care Act subsidies which will lower health care premiums for millions of Americans.” [8/8/22]

Secretary of Conference Senator Tammy Baldwin: “After a long weekend of pushing to lower costs for working families, @SenateDems have passed the #InflationReductionAct. Our reforms will close tax loopholes for big corporations, cut the deficit, and lower out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs & health care premiums.” [8/8/22]

Chairman of Senate Finance Committee Senator Ron Wyden: “I’d like to say a huge thanks and kudos to my staff, especially those on @SenateFinance, who have been working tirelessly to craft this legislation to tackle the climate crisis and lower prescription drug costs. They’re the best in the business and set the bar for public service.“ [8/7/22]

Chairman of Senate Aging Committee Senator Bob Casey: “With the Inflation Reduction Act, families who rely on the ACA for health care plans can breathe easier because the boosted subsidies from the American Rescue Plan would be extended through 2025. Many families would pay little to nothing for their health care premiums.” [8/7/22]

Chair of Senate Commerce Committee Senator Maria Cantwell: “Washingtonians are paying way too much for prescription drugs. For example, the average cost of insulin more than tripled over the past 10 years to over $735 a month per patient. Now, with the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, Medicare beneficiaries are guaranteed to pay no more than $35 a month.” [8/7/22]

Chair of Small Business Committee Senator Ben Cardin: “Senate Democrats have stepped up and passed legislation that will make it easier for American families to afford health insurance coverage and prescription drugs, while lowering energy costs and boosting job creation in the growing clean energy sector.” [8/7/22]

Chairman of Senate Armed Services Committee Senator Jack Reed: “The Inflation Reduction Act will help working families, lower deficits, create jobs, & boost private investment. For the 1st time, the Senate voted to lower Rx drug costs for seniors by finally giving Medicare bargaining power. It also addresses the climate crisis in a historic way.” [8/7/22]

Chairman of Joint Economic Committee Senator Martin Heinrich: “With the Inflation Reduction Act we are combating the climate crisis, fighting inflation, lowering health care and prescription drug costs, and finally making the tax code fairer so it’s no longer rigged in favor of corporations and the ultra-rich. What a momentous step forward.” [8/8/22]

Chairman of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Senator Gary Peters: “Senate Democrats have taken a historic step to lower costs like prescription drug prices, tackle inflation and address working families’ most pressing concerns.” [8/7/22]

Senator Mazie Hirono: “The Inflation Reduction Act will lower costs for families, combat the climate crisis, reduce the deficit, and tackle inflation. Every single Republican just voted against it. Once again, Democrats are delivering for our families while Republicans sit on their hands.” [8/8/22]

Senator Raphael Warnock: “Great news, folks! After a long night, we passed the Inflation Reduction Act. This legislation finally caps drug costs for seniors and helps Georgians save money on their health care, all while reducing the deficit. This is a big win for Georgians!” [8/7/22]

Senator Maggie Hassan: “Prescription prices don’t just ‘go up.’ Big Pharma executives choose to raise them behind closed doors. The Inflation Reduction Act takes on Big Pharma by allowing Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices – driving down prices across the board.” [8/8/22]

Senator Richard Blumenthal: “Democrats have fought for years to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices which will result in huge savings for seniors. This bill is the largest investment & most important action to fight climate change in history.” [8/7/22]

Senator Angus King: “The Senate just passed the Inflation Reduction Act – this historic package will lower healthcare and energy costs for Maine people, fight climate change, and reduce the deficit. I’m proud to have supported the bill, and look forward to seeing the incredible impact it will have.” [8/7/22]

Senator Jacky Rosen: “From lowering prescription drug costs for seniors & making health care more affordable, to creating good-paying jobs as we invest in clean energy & our water future, the Inflation Reduction Act is a huge & historic win for Nevada families. I’m proud to have voted YES.” [8/7/22]

Senator Jeanne Shaheen: “Senate Democrats just passed historic legislation that will directly address inflation & make critical investments in working families. This includes my provision to extend ACA tax credits & historic action to combat climate change.” [8/7/22]

Senator Tina Smith: “Like I said before — this is a BIG deal. Senate Democrats got climate, health care, deficit reduction and tax fairness done – without the help of a single Republican.” [8/7/22]

ROUNDUP: “Big Win” for Health Care in the Inflation Reduction Act

Democrats Reach Historic Reconciliation Deal that will Lower Health Care Costs to Millions 

Yesterday, the Democrats announced a historic reconciliation deal that will deliver lower health care costs for millions of families. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 lowers health care premiums by extending ACA financial assistance for three years and lowers prescription drug prices by giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower costs for millions of Americans, caps seniors’ out-of-pocket costs for drugs at $2000 per year, and stops Big Pharma’s egregious annual price hikes. Polling shows how these provisions meet the needs of the American people; over 80% of Americans support giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, including over 80 percent of Republicans and independents, and 71% of voters say it’s important to renew Affordable Care Act subsidies, including 68% of independents and 55% of Republicans. Media coverage reinforces how this agreement delivers for the American people and is the biggest step towards equitable health care coverage since the Affordable Care Act. 


KFF: “How Would the Prescription Drug Provisions in the Senate Reconciliation Proposal Affect Medicare Beneficiaries?” The Senate Finance Committee recently released legislative text to be included in a forthcoming reconciliation bill that includes several provisions to lower prescription drug costs for people with Medicare and private insurance and reduce drug spending by the federal government…This provision is expected to limit out-of-pocket drug spending growth for people with Medicare and private insurance and put downward pressure on premiums by discouraging drug companies from increasing prices faster than inflation. [KFF, 7/27/22]

Bloomberg Editorial: “New Budget Deal Would Be a Big Win for Congress — And the Country.” The new bargain would also put $64 billion toward extending Covid-era subsidies for Obamacare health insurance, thus helping millions of Americans avoid significant premium increases…The plan would remove a legal prohibition that has long prevented Medicare from bargaining with pharmaceutical companies on behalf of the 49 million Americans in its drug-insurance program. This barrier has kept US drug prices the highest in the world — $1,300 per person per year, on average. [Editorial, Bloomberg, 7/27/22]

Politico: “Biden Thanked Manchin and Schumer for Their Work and Described the Deal as ‘the Action the American People Have Been Waiting For.’” Notably, the legislation also extends Affordable Care Act subsidies through the 2024 election and the first term of Biden’s presidency, taking a big political headache off the table for Democrats. Manchin said that “helps people because you just can’t throw [increases] on them during inflammatory times like this.” In a statement, Biden thanked Manchin and Schumer for their work and described the deal as “the action the American people have been waiting for.” [Politico, 7/27/22]

NPR: The Inflation Reduction Act Will “Continue Expansions To The Affordable Care Act” And “Allow Medicare To Pursue Lower Drug Costs.”  The legislation — called the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 — would also continue expansions to the Affordable Care Act that passed during the pandemic though 2025 and allow Medicare to pursue lower drug costs by negotiating directly with drug companies. [NPR, 7/27/22]

Washington Post: The “Spending Package That Aims To Lower Health-Care Costs” “Mark[s] A Massive Potential Breakthrough.” Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) on Wednesday reached a deal with Democratic leaders on a spending package that aims to lower health-care costs, combat climate change and reduce the federal deficit, marking a massive potential breakthrough for President Biden’s long-stalled economic agenda. [Washington Post, 7/27/22]

ROUNDUP: President Biden and Representative Spanberger Urge Congress to Get Build Back Better Over the Finish Line for Lower Drug Prices

Today, President Biden joined U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger (D-VA-07) in Virginia to stress Democrats’ commitment to passing the Build Back Better Act’s critical provisions to lower prescription drug costs. President Biden emphasized the importance of delivering relief to families who are struggling to make ends meet, noting that “everyone has less money in their pockets today because of high drug costs.” Build Back Better gives Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, caps seniors’ out-of-pocket costs, holds drug companies accountable for excessive price increases, and limits insulin copays to $35 per month for people with insurance. During the event, Rep. Spanberger and President Biden urged the Senate to move quickly to pass the historic legislation. 

Richmond Times-Dispatch: Biden, With Spanberger In Culpepper, Urges Lower Prescription Drug Prices. “President Joe Biden visited a heavily Republican rural stronghold in Virginia on Thursday to join Rep. Abigail Spanberger, D-7th, to push Congress  to take action on proposals to reduce the price of insulin and other prescription drugs… The $1.75 trillion package stalled in the Senate this year after failing to win support of all 50 Democrats necessary to pass the bill in the evenly divided chamber. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., said he was unwilling to support such a large spending package with inflation rising, but he signaled he still wants to take action to lower drug prices.” [Richmond Times-Dispatch, 2/10/22]

AP: Biden Puts Focus On Drug Prices In Fight Against Inflation. “President Joe Biden stressed Thursday that his administration’s policies would cut prescription drug prices and make life more affordable for families… Spanberger said she welcomes any effort to lower prescription drug prices and told reporters that the effort was about a broader attempt to reduce inflation.” [AP, 2/10/22]

The Washington Post: Spanberger Joins Biden In Her District To Talk Prescription Drug Costs. “Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.) appeared with President Biden in her district Thursday to speak with him about federal action to lower the cost of prescription drugs, part of Biden’s Build Back Better agenda and one of the congresswoman’s foremost priorities as she heads into a heated reelection campaign.” [The Washington Post, 2/10/22]

The Hill: Biden Calls On Senate To Pass His Agenda To Lower Drug Prices. “President Biden on Thursday called on the Senate to pass his currently-stalled Build Back Better legislation, touting that it would lower prescription drug prices, a popular issue ahead of the midterm elections. Biden traveled to the Virginia district of vulnerable Democratic Rep. Abigail Spanberger, saying that drug prices are “outrageously expensive” and calling for action.” [The Hill, 2/10/22]

Bloomberg: Biden Urges Congress To Pass His Plan To Lower Drug Prices. “President Joe Biden called on lawmakers to pass his plan to lower prescription drugs prices, saying he’s seeking to reduce rising costs faced by families at a time when inflation is surging… Biden’s stalled $2 trillion Build Back Better social spending plan seeks to lower prescription medication costs for people with Medicare and private insurance by allowing the federal government to negotiate the price of some drugs, cap out-of-pocket spending for some Medicare enrollees and limit costs for insulin.” [Bloomberg, 2/10/22]

Spectrum News 1: Biden Pushes For Action On Lowering Drug Costs To ‘Ease The Burden On Working Families.’ “President Joe Biden on Thursday called on Congress to take further action to address the skyrocketing prices of prescription drugs across the country, saying it is far past time to ‘ease the burden on working families.’ ‘In America, we pay the highest prescription drug prices of any nation – developed nation – in the world,’ Biden said Thursday. ‘Everyone has less money in their pockets today because of high drug prices, drug costs and health insurance and it’s more expensive for everyone.’” [Spectrum News 1, 2/10/22]

ROUNDUP: House Democrats Pass Build Back Better Act With Vital Health Care Measures

Millions of Americans Will Benefit from Lower Costs, Better Care, Expanded Coverage

On Friday, November 19, House Democrats passed the Build Back Better Act. The landmark legislation includes measures to deliver relief to American families by lowering insurance premiums, giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, expanding affordable coverage to millions by closing the Medicaid coverage gap, expanding Medicare benefits to cover hearing, and investing $150 billion in home care for seniors and people with disabilities. Coverage makes clear that Build Back Better’s health care measures will drive down costs for seniors and working families across the country. 

“With Build Back Better, millions of Americans will finally be able to afford the health care they need,” said Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse. “For far too long, Americans have had to pay too much to see the doctor or get the medications they depend on. Now, once the Senate passes this historic bill, working families, seniors, and parents will pay less for prescription drugs and health insurance, and millions of Americans will gain affordable coverage. While every Republican in the House voted against lowering costs for families, Democrats delivered on their promise to drive down health care costs for all Americans.” 

New York Times: What’s in the $2.2 Trillion Social Policy and Climate Bill. “For the first time, the government would be given the power to regulate the prices of certain prescription drugs. Medicare would be allowed to negotiate directly with drug makers over a subset of expensive drugs in the coming years. And drugmakers would be barred from raising the prices of their medicines by more than the rate of inflation. The drug price provisions are less aggressive than an original House proposal, but still expected to have substantial effects over time.” [New York Times, 11/21/21]

Washington Post: House Passes Roughly $2 Trillion Spending Package That Would Expand Social Benefits And Fight Climate Change. “Targeting health care, the measure offers new Medicare benefits covering hearing services and empowers the government for the first time to negotiate some prescription drug prices, aiming to lower the costs that seniors pay for lifesaving medicines such as insulin.” [Washington Post, 11/19/21]

New York Times: House Narrowly Passes Biden’s Social Safety Net And Climate Bill. “‘Under this dome, for centuries, members of Congress have stood exactly where we stand to pass legislation of extraordinary consequence in our nation’s history and for our nation’s future,’ [Speaker Pelsoi] said, adding, the act ‘will be the pillar of health and financial security in America.’” [New York Times, 11/19/21]

Fierce Healthcare: Here Are The Policies And Reforms That Could Reshape Healthcare In The $2T Bill Just Passed By The House. “The House passed a massive roughly $2 trillion infrastructure package that will give Medicare the power to narrowly negotiate prices on certain prescription drugs and close the Medicaid coverage gap.” [Fierce Healthcare, 11/19/21]

Wall Street Journal: House Passes Roughly $2 Trillion Social Spending And Climate Bill. “Many of the measures in the House product, including expanded subsidies for healthcare premiums, appear on track toward becoming law by the end of the year.” [Wall Street Journal, 11/19/21]

Vox: House Democrats Finally Pass A Massive Social Spending Bill. “Democrats have used the bill to address their long-held policy goal of enabling Medicare to negotiate drug prices. The legislation would allow the federal government to renegotiate how much Medicare pays for 10 drugs in the near term, a change that’s expected to help lower costs significantly — not just for the government, but for all of those who need those medicines — given the leverage that Medicare has.” [Vox, 11/19/21]

AP: Dems Sweeping Social, Climate Bill Passes Divided House. “The 2,100-page bill’s initiatives include bolstering child care assistance, creating free preschool, curbing seniors’ prescription drug costs and increasing efforts to slow climate change. Also included are tax credits to spur clean energy development, bolstered child care assistance and extended tax breaks for millions of families with children, lower-earning workers and people buying private health insurance.” [AP, 11/19/21]

Huffington Post: House Passes Build Back Better Bill. “The $1.7 trillion in spending over 10 years is aimed at lowering the cost of health care, child care and other measures, including another year of monthly payments to parents, universal pre-kindergarten and prescription drug reform.” [Huffington Post, 11/19/21]

USA Today: House Passes Biden’s Build Back Better Bill, Sending Measure With Free Preschool, Climate Initiatives To The Senate. “The legislation was approved on a 220-213 vote clearing a major hurdle for a plan that is the cornerstone of his sweeping domestic agenda to expand the nation’s social safety net, confront climate change, and help Americans bounce back from the COVID-19 pandemic….the roughly $2 trillion package of progressive priorities would provide…caps certain drug costs… and provides new hearing benefit for seniors.” [USA Today, 11/19/21]

POLLING ROUNDUP: Americans Don’t Trust Big Pharma To Play Fair

In the coming days, Congress will pass the Build Back Better Act, historic legislation that will drive down health care costs and level the playing field for working families. Central to the Build Back Better Act is giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices. Big Pharma has spent more than $250 million to try to stop it, but the American people remain unswayed. 

Polling clearly shows the American people do not trust the pharmaceutical industry. After years of putting profits over people and pushing life saving medications out of reach, Americans have had enough.

Americans Do Not Trust Drug Makers To Set Fair Prices. With skyrocketing price increases year after year, three in four Americans do not trust drug companies to price their products fairly. 

Americans Believe Big Pharma Puts Profits Over People. The vast majority of Americans, from across the political spectrum, because the high cost of prescription drugs is caused by Big Pharma’s greed. 78 percent report pharmaceutical company’s profits are a major factor contributing to the soaring cost of medications.


Americans Believe Pharmaceutical Companies Have Too Much Influence. 72 percent of Americans say the pharmaceutical industry has too much influence over the federal government. In 2021 alone, Big Pharma has spent nearly $263 million on lobbying — devoting three lobbyists to each member of Congress.

Americans Hold Overwhelming Negative Views Of The Pharmaceutical Industry. A 2019 Gallup poll found the pharmaceutical industry to be “the most poorly regarded industry in Americans’ eyes.” The critique of Big Pharma included their seemingly never ending price increases, massive lobbying influence, and role in the opioid crisis, proving distrust of the pharmaceutical industry is far reaching. 

Majority Of Americans Don’t Buy Pharma’s Argument. Nearly seven in 10 Americans are not convinced by the pharmaceutical industry’s argument that drug price negotiation will harm innovation. 

ROUNDUP: Members of Congress Pledge to Include Medicare Negotiation in Final BBB Package

Yesterday, Democrats announced a framework for the Build Back Better Act. While the agreement includes historic measures to dramatically lower health costs and expand care, it is missing a critical provision: giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower prescription drug prices for all Americans. Medicare negotiation is the most popular and transformative health care measure in the entire bill. As Big Pharma and their allies in Congress continue to fight against reform, Democrats from across the political spectrum agree that Medicare negotiation must remain in the final package. 

House Energy and Commerce Chair Frank Pallone (D-NJ): “[Pallone] does not think the Build Back Better Act can pass the House without meaningful reforms to lower the cost of prescription drugs.” [@rachel_roubein, 10/28/21]

House Energy and Commerce Chair Frank Pallone (D-NJ): “I remain committed to finalizing an agreement that includes price negotiation, a cap on seniors’ out-of-pocket drug spending, and a penalty for Big Pharma companies that unfairly raise prices.” [Time, 10/28/21]

House Energy and Commerce Chair Frank Pallone (D-NJ): “I still feel confident that we’re going to get a drug pricing initiative, but I just want you all to know that pharma is doing whatever they can to try to prevent any drug pricing provision being in this bill. And if it doesn’t get in the bill, it’s totally because of them and their lackeys here in the House and the Senate.” [Roll Call, 10/28/21]

Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-OR): “We’re staying at it. This is too important.” [Time, 10/28/21]

Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-OR): “The deal isn’t done until the Senate acts.” [The Washington Post, 10/28/21]

Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-OR): “The way I would put it — if you want you know, my bottom line — it is non-negotiable that negotiation become a part of Medicare now.” [Roll Call, 10/28/21]

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-VT): “I have some serious concerns about what is not in the bill. For years, we have been talking about lowering the cost of prescription drugs and that is not in the bill. At all.” [The Wall Street Journal, 10/29/21]

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-VT): “Bottom line is that any reconciliation bill must include serious negotiations on the part of Medicare with the pharmaceutical industry, lower the cost of prescription drugs.” [@MedicareWorld, 10/26/21]

House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA): “It’s not dead. I think that’s a fair statement.” [The Washington Post, 10/29/21]

Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN): “It is time for Americans to get a better deal and I won’t stop fighting for it.” [@amyklobuchar, 10/28/21]

Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT): “We should keep fighting to get the best deal in the package and push for it to include negotiation of drug prices.” [@ChrisMurphyCT, 10/28/21]

Representative Susan Wild (D-PA-07): “I’m not backing down.” [@RepSusanWild, 10/27/21]