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NEW REPORT: One Year Later, The American Rescue Plan Has Delivered For The American People

ARP Delivered Jobs, Tools to Tame the Pandemic, and Affordable Health Care for the American People

Read the full report here.

Washington, DC — This week marks the one-year anniversary of President Biden signing the American Rescue Plan into law, and Protect Our Care is releasing a new report outlining the impact of its critical provisions. The American Rescue Plan has been the cornerstone of the nation’s COVID-19 recovery, providing funding for vaccination distribution, resources to local communities, and direct relief to families. As a result, the law reopened schools and businesses, and allowed millions of Americans to safely get back to work. Additionally, the American Rescue Plan included measures to make health care premiums more affordable than ever before, resulting in millions of Americans gaining health care coverage. In response, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement: 

“Thanks to President Biden and Congressional Democrats, the American Rescue Plan fueled the greatest economic recovery in the history of this country. By delivering billions in state and local aid and robust funding for vaccine distribution, we have been able to keep schools and businesses open while protecting families and workers. With historic job growth and more Americans getting vaccinated and boosted, we are still seeing the impact of the American Rescue Plan every day. The anniversary of the American Rescue Plan serves as an important reminder of who is working for the American people and who is working against us. We can’t lose sight of the fact that, while President Biden and Democrats have worked tirelessly to put an end to this crisis, Republicans have done everything in their power to slow our recovery and make the pandemic worse for their political gain — as evidenced  by not a single Republican voting for this vital legislation.”

NEW REPORT: How The Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act Will Improve Maternal Health And Reduce Racial Disparities 

The Momnibus Act Is Needed Now More Than Ever As Newly Released Data Shows Maternal Mortality Disparities Worsened in 2020

Washington, DC — Today, Protect Our Care is releasing a new report in response to new data from the National Center for Health Statistics, revealing that the U.S. maternal mortality rate jumped from 20.1 per 100,000 live births in 2019 to 23.8 in 2020. This increase was primarily driven by disproportionate mortality rates among Black mothers. In 2020, the maternal mortality rate for Black women (55.3 per 100,000) was three times higher than the rate for white women (19.1 per 100,000) in 2020. The Momnibus Act, championed by Representative Lauren Underwood (IL-14), includes critical investments to help address the systemic causes of the nation’s high maternal mortality rate. In response, Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement:

“It is unfathomable that in the wealthiest nation on earth, our mothers are dying from  preventable causes. The racial disparities in maternal mortality have been exacerbated by the pandemic, and the latest data confirms that this crisis is only getting worse without meaningful intervention. The Momnibus Act is a critical step toward ending the maternal mortality crisis and improving the health and well-being of mothers and babies. The Momnibus provisions have broad, bipartisan support, and Congress should do everything in its power to pass this legislation.”


  • The United States has the highest maternal mortality rate of the industrialized world. Women in the United States suffer from maternal mortality at a rate twice that of other industrialized nations, with health outcomes worsening over the last two decades. In 2020, the maternal mortality rate in the United States rose to 861 deaths, up from 754 in 2019.
  • Women of color are acutely impacted by the maternal mortality crisis. Systemic racism and its direct impacts on the health care system, create dangerous and deadly outcomes for women of color, particularly Black, American Indian, and Alaska Native women. The racial disparities in maternal health between Black and white women are at the same rate recorded in the 1940s.
  • The Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act investments will provide funding to address the root causes of maternal mortality. The Momnibus will provide funding to address social determinants of health, invest in health equity research and practices, and provide health care workers with the necessary tools to confront discriminatory and biased practices.

Read the full report here. 

FACT SHEET: President Biden’s Visit to Virginia Will Show Why Build Back Better Is Needed To Lower Prescription Drugs Prices Now More Than Ever

On Thursday, President Biden will travel to Virginia to join U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger (D-VA-07) and discuss the urgent need to drive down drug prices for the American people. Democrats are continuing to fight tirelessly to pass the legislation to give Medicare the power to negotiate, rein in Big Pharma’s greed, and lower prescription drug prices for millions of people across the country. Voters across the political spectrum support Democrats’s drug pricing measures and are demanding lawmakers get this done.  

The Build Back Better Act is a historic plan that will bring down prescription drug prices so people can afford the medicines they need. Build Back Better gives Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices, ensures no senior pays more than $2,000 a year for their prescriptions, and protects every American from egregious price increases for the drugs they need to survive. No matter what form the final bill takes, it is clear that Build Back Better’s drug pricing measures must remain fully intact. 

For 20 years, big drug companies have been able to dictate the price that Americans pay for prescription drugs and 2022 has been no exception. In January alone, Big Pharma hiked the prices of more than 740 drugs. The medications seeing the biggest increases are the very drugs already raking in blockbuster profits for drugmakers, with 11 of the 15 top selling drugs experiencing large increases. A shocking 93 percent of the drugs with growing price tags saw price hikes higher than the projected rate of inflation for 2023. This shameless greed by Big Pharma means patients can’t afford what they need to stay healthy, but that status-quo ends with Build Back Better. Reining in Big Pharma’s greed will reduce racial inequities in health care, improve the health and well-being of seniors and people with disabilities, strengthen families, and save lives. 

Here Are The Three Main Ways Build Back Better Will Drive Down Drug Prices For Patients: 

1) Giving Medicare The Power To Negotiate Lower Drug Prices. For nearly 20 years, Medicare has been banned from negotiating the price of prescription drugs, and Big Pharma has been able to dictate prices while Americans pay three times more for their medications than people in other countries. Under Build Back Better, Medicare will be empowered to negotiate prices for select drugs purchased at the pharmacy counter and administered at a doctor’s office. Beginning in 2025, 10 drugs, in addition to insulin, will be negotiated with that number increasing to 20 drugs in 2028 and into the future. Drug companies who refuse to come to the negotiating table will be subject to an excise tax.

2) Protecting Insulin Access For Millions With Diabetes. Starting in 2023, insulin products will also be negotiated. Under Build Back Better, all Americans with insurance will see their insulin co-pays capped at $35 each month. Currently, as many as one in four of the 7.5 million Americans dependent on insulin are skipping or skimping on doses, which can lead to death. The insulin provisions in Build Back Better are expected to provide savings to millions of insulin users across the country.

3) Putting An End To Runaway Price Increases. Build Back Better stops Big Pharma from raising prices faster than the rate of inflation. For example, Humira, a medication commonly used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, is one of the nation’s highest revenue generating drugs, raking in $21 billion in sales in 2019. AbbVie, Humira’s manufacturer, has hiked the price of Humira more than 25 times, including in January 2022 when it raised its cost by 7.4 percent, bringing the price up a staggering $441, creating a cost of $6,409 for a single month’s supply. This cap would apply to all Americans, and is essential to stop arbitrary price increases on essential medications. Over the past 20 years, price increases for brand-name drugs in Medicare Part D have risen at more than twice the rate of inflation.

4) Capping Out-Of-Pocket Spending For Seniors. Seniors with serious conditions like cancer, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis could save thousands of dollars on prescriptions under the Build Back Better Act. Medicare Part D out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs will be capped at $2,000 per year. The redesign of Medicare Part D will also allow out-of-pocket spending to be smoothed over the course of the year, so patients are not forced to pay the entirety of their out-of-pocket cost at the beginning of the year.

FACT SHEET: Senator Ron Johnson’s Abysmal Record On Health Care and Covid-19 Disqualifies Him For Another Term in the Senate

Senator Ron Johnson’s record on health care and fighting COVID-19 is as abysmal as they come and disqualify him for another term in the U.S. Senate. Over the years, Ron Johnson voted to rip health care coverage from 416,600 Wisconsinites and strip protections from 2.4 million Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions. Senator Johnson opposes provisions before Congress that would lower drug prices, expand coverage, improve care for seniors, and level the playing field for working families — policies that are supported by Wisconsonites from all walks of life. Senator Johnson has repeatedly spread disinformation about vaccines and undermined our response efforts. Republicans like Senator Johnson are completely out of touch with the economic and health worries that keep families up at night as they continue to put industry profits ahead of their constituents. Wisconsin voters are sick and tired of Ron Johnson’s dangerous antics.

Blocking Health Care And Relief for Wisconsinites

Senator Johnson Is In The Pocket Of Big Pharma. It is no wonder why Senator Johnson is so opposed to Build Back Better, which includes historic provisions to rein in pharmaceutical companies and lower the cost of prescription drugs for millions of Americans. Since taking office in 2011, Ron Johnson has received $250,464 in contributions from pharmaceutical PACs and executives. 

Senator Johnson Was A Leader In Efforts To Repeal The Affordable Care Act. In 2017, Senator Johnson co-sponsored the Cassdiy-Graham-Heller-Johnson bill which would have repealed the Affordable Care Act, and was widely considered to be the worst of the repeal efforts. Had Senator Johnson been successful, his bill would have dismantled Medicaid expansion, eliminated the Affordable Care Act tax credits, capped and cut Medicaid funding — permanently transforming the program into a per capita program, and caused millions of Americans to lose coverage and protections for pre-existing conditions. 

Senator Johnson’s Reckless Policies Would Have Harmed Wisconsinites. Senator Johnson repeatedly voted to rip coverage from 416,600 Wisconsinites who gained coverage under the Affordable Care Act. His actions would have also stripped protections from 2.4 million Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions.

Senator Johnson Has Been Front And Center On The Most Outlandish ACA Attacks. In 2014, Senator Ron Johnson filed a lawsuit challenging a rule allowing lawmakers and their staff to continue to receive a government contribution toward premiums, but only if they enroll in a specific ACA plan. The Justice Department asked that the lawsuit be dismissed due to the fact Johnson was not “directly injured” by the regulation and therefore had no legal standing to sue. Johnson continued with the suit despite pleas from the Republican delegation in his own state to stop the scarade. Johnson also disclosed that he was planning to use his campaign account to raise funds for the suit, clearly demonstrating the political motive driving his actions. 

Even After The Republican Party Moved On, Senator Johnson Refused To Stop ACA Repeal Efforts. Senator Johnson has repeatedly demonstrated that he is an extremist within his party, refusing to move on after defeat. After Republicans could not muster the votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act in 2017, Senator Johnson said he remained hopeful that the Cassidy-Graham-Heller-Johnson bill would pass. 

Senator Johnson Prioritized Eliminating Protections For People With Pre-Existing Conditions. Senator Johnson was determined to eliminate one of the most popular aspects of the Affordable Care Act — its protections for millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions — arguing that insurance companies should not be forced to cover people regardless of their health status. Johnson even went so far as to claim covering individuals with pre-existing conditions would collapse the health care system, stating, “We know what caused premiums to increase…th[e] guaranteed issue [of health insurance] collapses markets.”

Senator Johnson Has Fought To Cut Health Care For The Elderly, Disabled, And Children. In 2017, Senator Johnson claimed that Medicaid expansion put at risk “traditional Medicaid for the elderly, disabled and children.” The real threat to traditional Medicaid existed in the years-long Republican repeal efforts which worked to gut the program and turn it into a “per capita” program. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found the Senate repeal bill Johnson backed would have cut Medicaid by $756 billion over the following decade, and another estimate found it would have cut Medicaid by more than $2 trillion over the following 20 years, or more than one-third. 

Senator Johnson Voted Against The American Rescue Plan And Relief For Thousands Of Wisconsin Families. Alongside all of his Republican colleagues, Ron Johnson voted against the American Rescue Plan, historic legislation which provided measures to expand coverage and to dramatically lower health care costs for thousands of Wisconsin families. In addition to providing critical pandemic relief, the ARP lowers premiums for people purchasing coverage through the marketplaces and expands access to financial assistance for more middle-class families.  

Senator Johnson Tried To Blame The Opioid Crisis On The Affordable Care Act. Stooping to a new low, Senator Johnson claimed that Medicaid expansion created the opioid epidemic. Despite the fact that the CDC declared the opioid crisis an epidemic in 2011, three years prior to Medicaid expansion, Johnson attempted to draw a nonexistent connection between affordable health care and increased substance abuse. 

COVID-19 Misinformation

Senator Ron Johnson Downplayed Vaccines Against Natural Immunity, Asking Why We Think We Science Could Make Something Better That Works Better Than God. The latest in a series of highly bizarre and scientifically dubious comments from Senator Johnson came last week on the Vicki McKenna radio show. Senator Ron Johnson asked, “Why do we think that we can create something better than God in terms of combating disease? Why do we assume that the body’s natural immune system isn’t the marvel that it really is?” When the comments drew sharp criticism, Senator Johnson responded, saying “I won’t apologize for being in awe of creation or for the assumption that immunity from COVID infection might outperform immunity created in a lab. Unfortunately, the vaccines aren’t as safe or effective as we hoped.”

Senator Johnson Falsely Claimed Unvaccinated People Are Being Put Into ‘Internment Camps’. In yet another disingenuous attempt to misrepresent COVID-19 safety measures, Senator Johnson recently said “I’m going to actually utilize my own freedom, my own health autonomy, and I’m going to choose not to get the vaccine, and now we are demonizing those people. Around the world, they’re putting them basically into internment camps. What is going on?’…When Johnson was asked to clarify this claim, his office said he was referencing a COVID-19 quarantine site in Australia that requires residents returning from international travel to quarantine for two weeks and produce a negative COVID-19 test. 

Senator Ron Johnson Has Refused To Get Vaccinated And Continues To Spread Disinformation. Senator Johnson has become notorious over the course of the pandemic for making outrageous, misleading, and blatantly false claims about COVID-19, even going so far as to accuse public health experts of withholding information about the ‘dangers’ of COVID-19 vaccines from the American people. “But the information he provides in media appearances, ostensibly to fill in the gaps, is highly suspect. Take this interview with a conservative radio host in Wisconsin. The senator was asked how many people have died after getting vaccinated against the coronavirus, which causes the disease covid-19. He cited data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and suggested the death count was above 3,000. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says this data does not establish cause and effect between coronavirus vaccinations and reported deaths. A range of experts on immunology told [The Washington Post] Johnson was misusing the data and exaggerating the known risks of getting the shot.” 

NEW REPORT: Pharma’s Greed and the Battle to Lower Drug Prices

Report Exposes Lies and Front Groups Pushed By Big Pharma and Their Republican Allies as Democrats Work to Pass Build Back Better Act

Washington, DC — Today, Protect Our Care is releasing a new report exposing Big Pharma’s campaign of lies and front groups as part of an effort to maintain the status quo that allows drug companies to dictate profits while millions struggle to afford their prescriptions. As Congress is on the cusp of passing the historic Build Back Better Act, Big Pharma is spending millions on their K Street lobbyists and advertisements to block its key provisions that bring down drug prices. With the help of their Republican allies, drug companies have been relentless in their efforts to spread lies about the Democrats’ plan to lower drug prices for working families as part of the Build Back Better Act. 

“Democrats in Congress reached a historic agreement to lower prescription drug prices for all Americans through the Build Back Better Act and Big Pharma is running scared,” said Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse. “Fortunately, the American people remain unswayed, with poll after poll showing that policies to reduce drug costs are the most popular provisions in the entire Build Back Better Act. With the support of voters of all parties, President Biden and Democrats in Congress are committed to reining in Big Pharma’s greed and delivering real relief to millions of families. It’s time to put an end to Big Pharma’s greed and give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices.”

Read the new report on Big Pharma’s campaign of front groups and lies on drug pricing here.

FACT SHEET: Big Pharma’s Greed Results In Medicare Premium Hikes

Last week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced an increase in Medicare Part B premiums, due to the out of control rise in prescription drug prices. All Medicare beneficiaries will feel the impacts of this increase, which will make it more expensive to visit a physician and receive outpatient care, all because Republicans in Congress refuse to empower Medicare to negotiate the cost of life saving medication for seniors. This simply cannot continue. The Build Back Better Act will put a check on Big Pharma’s price gouging, lower costs, and ensure seniors are able to access the prescription drugs they need to live full and healthy lives. 

Big Pharma’s Greed Forces Medicare To Increase Premiums

Aduhelm Alone Increases Medicare Premiums For Seniors. Premiums for 56 million Medicare Part B beneficiaries will be impacted due to one drug company’s greed and the outrageous price of Aduhelm, Biogen’s controversial new Alzheimer’s drug. Aduhelm’s $56,000 annual precise tag has forced Medicare to establish a contingency reserve in the event Medicare decides to cover the medication. 

Cost-Sharing Requirements For Seniors Will Increase. Aduhelm’s astronomical price will expose six million Medicare beneficiaries with no supplemental coverage to the full brunt of Medicare’s cost-sharing requirements. This cost sharing responsibility for Part B medications, like Aduhelm, will be particularly painful for the 90 percent of Medicare Advantage beneficiaries with plans requiring 20 percent coinsurance rates for in-network providers, with that figure surging to 50 percent for medications provided out-of-network. 

Lowering Costs & Keeping Big Pharma In Check

High Drug Prices Cause Higher Premiums. The excessive cost of prescription drugs is felt far beyond the pharmacy counter. High medication costs are reflected in higher insurance premiums for seniors on Medicare, individuals purchasing insurance on their own, and for employers providing coverage to their workers.

Build Back Better Will Lower The Cost Burden On Seniors. By giving Medicare the power to negotiate prescription drug prices and preventing drug companies from raising the cost of medications faster than inflation for all Americans, Build Back Better will lower the cost of health care across the board. When drug prices skyrocket, premiums increase. By requiring the pharmaceutical industry to play fair, Medicare will serve as a check on arbitrary and extreme prices set by drug makers.

Republicans In The Pocket Of Big Pharma Are Blocking Reform

Republicans Teaming Up With Pharma To Kill Drug Provisions. In 2021 alone, Big Pharma has spent nearly $263 million on lobbying — devoting three lobbyists to each member of congress. This strategy has worked on Republicans, now promising to “challenge anything and everything” in order to protect drug companies’ profits while millions of families struggle to afford the medications they need to survive.

Republicans Continue To Carry Water For Pharma. While Republicans are busy peddling Big Pharma’s lies, Democrats are working to make prescription drugs affordable. Medicare drug price negotiation included in the Build Back Better Act allows the federal government to establish fair prices with drug makers, not decide what medications Medicare beneficiaries can and cannot access. Republicans are attempting to scare the public with false statements about restricting innovation and government interference in health care, but the American people know better. Polling has clearly demonstrated that giving Medicare the power to negotiate drug prices is one of the most popular provisions in Build Back Better.

FACT SHEET: How The Build Back Better Act Delivers Lower Prescription Drug Prices

Build Back Better is a historic plan that will bring down prescription drug prices so people can afford the medicines they need. The Build Back Better bill gives Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices, ensures no senior pays more than $2,000 a year for their prescriptions, and protects every American from egregious price increases for the drugs they need to survive. 

For 20 years, big drug companies have been able to dictate the price that Americans pay for prescription drugs and Americans pay three times more than people in other countries. That status-quo means patients can’t afford what they need to stay healthy, but that status-quo ends with this plan. Reining in Big Pharma’s greed will reduce racial inequities in health care, improve the health and well-being of seniors and people with disabilities, strengthen families, and save lives. 

Here Are The Three Main Ways Build Back Better Will Drive Down Drug Prices For Patients: 

1) Giving Medicare The Power To Negotiate Lower Drug Prices. For nearly 20 years, Medicare has been banned from negotiating the price of prescription drugs, and Big Pharma has been able to dictate prices while Americans pay three times more for their medications than people in other countries. Under Build Back Better, Medicare will be empowered to negotiate prices for select drugs purchased at the pharmacy counter and administered at a doctor’s office. Beginning in 2025, 10 drugs, in addition to insulin, will be negotiated with that number increasing to 20 drugs in 2028 and into the future. Drug companies who refuse to come to the negotiating table will be subject to an excise tax.

2) Capping Out-Of-Pocket Spending For Seniors. Seniors with serious conditions like cancer, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis could save thousands of dollars on prescriptions under the Build Back Better Act. Medicare Part D out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs will be capped at $2,000 per year. The redesign of Medicare Part D will also allow out-of-pocket spending to be smoothed over the course of the year, so patients are not forced to pay the entirety of their out-of-pocket cost at the beginning of the year. Insulin co-pays for all Americans with insurance will also be capped at $35 each month.

3) Putting An End To Runaway Price Increases. Build Back Better stops Big Pharma from raising price increases faster than the rate of inflation. For example, Humira, a medication commonly used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, is one of the nation’s highest revenue generating drugs, raking in $21 billion in sales in 2019. AbbVie, Humira’s manufacturer, has hiked the price of Humira 27 times, including in January 2021 when it raised its cost by 7.4 percent. This cap would apply to all Americans, and is essential to stop arbitrary price increases on essential medications. Over the past 20 years, price increases for brand-name drugs in Medicare Part D have risen at more than twice the rate of inflation.

New Report Shows Millions Would Benefit From Democrats’ Health Care Priorities Under Consideration in Congress

Commonwealth Analysis Says Millions Would Benefit from ACA Enhancements and Closing Medicaid Coverage Gap

Washington, D.C. — As Democrats in Congress work to include key health care priorities in upcoming budget legislation, the Commonwealth Fund released a new report showing that seven million Americans would gain coverage by passing ACA enhancements and closing the Medicaid coverage gap. Every single state would see a drop in their uninsured population, with the most significant declines in the 12 states that have not expanded Medicaid, and premiums on the ACA marketplaces would fall by an average 18 percent. In response, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement:

“Under the leadership of President Biden, Democrats are working tirelessly to lower costs and strengthen health care for every American. This fall, Congress has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform the lives of millions by giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices, closing the Medicaid coverage gap, expanding Medicare benefits to include vision, dental, and hearing, and further reducing health care premiums for families purchasing coverage through the ACA. The Commonwealth Fund report shines a bright light on the sweeping impact just a handful of these policies can have. It is imperative that lawmakers work quickly to pass all of these health reforms to ensure healthcare is a right for every American.” 

Some Highlights From The Report:

  • Making ARPA premium subsidies permanent and filling the Medicaid coverage gap would reduce the number of people without insurance by nearly one-quarter, or 7.0 million people, in 2022.
  • All states would see a drop in their uninsured population, with the largest percentage declines in states that have not yet expanded Medicaid eligibility.
  • Enrollment in subsidized marketplace plans would nearly double, while premiums would fall by 18 percent on average.

NEW REPORT: Drug Companies on the Wrong Side of the Drug Pricing Issue Launch Campaign of Big Lies and Fake Front Groups

Washington, DC — As Democrats in Congress work to respond to their constituents and pass reforms that lower the price of prescription drugs for patients, Big Pharma has begun to deploy it’s vast warchest – and a series of well-funded front groups – to mislead, distort and outright threaten patients in their effort to hold on to their staggering prices and profits.

For 20 years, drug companies have benefited from a law that bans Medicare from negotiating lower prices for patients. As a result, Americans now pay three times more for the same drugs as people do in other countries. Democrats in Congress want to give Medicare the power to negotiate lower prices for all Americans, including people on Medicare and people with private insurance. The Congressional Budget Office found that these reforms could save patients as much as 55 percent on the price of their prescription drugs.

So, like clockwork, Big Pharma has started launching misleading ad campaigns. Almost all of them are channeled through groups with patient-friendly names that have one thing in common: drug industry money or connections.

This new report details how the many major ad campaigns currently running against prescription drug price reform are actually backed by pharmaceutical industry funds. The ads are paid for by the same people who profit by keeping the prices artificially high and protecting their monopoly while millions of American families cannot afford life saving medicines.

“From this report, everyone can find out the truth about who’s behind these ad campaigns –  and it’s the same drug companies that want to keep prices high and profits skyrocketing,” said Leslie Dach, Chair of Protect Our Care. “Members of Congress can either vote with these drug companies or vote for reforms that lower the price of drugs for patients. Lives are on the line.”

Read the full report here: REVEALED: 8 PHARMA FUNDED AD CAMPAIGNS

NEW REPORT: How High Drug Costs Hurt Children

Protect Our Care, MomsRising, and Little Lobbyists Release New Report As Part of Lower Rx Summer

Washington, DC — Today, Protect Our Care is kicking off week 8 of Lower Rx Summer with a report cosponsored by MomsRising and Little Lobbyists underscoring how high drug costs hurt children. Throughout the week, Protect Our Care will host events and release additional research to demonstrate the urgency for reform to bring down drug prices for children.

Remaining Theme Weeks for Lower Rx Summer
Week 8 (July 26): How High Drug Prices Hurt Children
Week 9 (August 2): Expanding Medicare Benefits—Dental, Vision, and Hearing

Children enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP are more likely to have access to their prescription drugs, however, the children’s uninsured rate in states that have rejected Medicaid expansion is nearly double the rate in states that expanded the program. Between 2016 and 2019, the number of uninsured children increased by more than 700,000. The Urban Institute estimates that more than 6 million people would enroll in Medicaid if the remaining states implemented expansion, including some children who are currently eligible for the program, but would newly enroll as their parents seek coverage. 

“Nothing is more heartbreaking than a sick child, and it is unconscionable that so many families in our country can’t afford the medications their children need,” said Tasmiha Khan, Campaign Director for Health Care at MomsRising. “Lawmakers should act now to ensure that all families can access prescription drugs for their children, without being forced to sacrifice essentials or go into debt to pay for them. We need Congress to take action to reduce the cost of prescription medications now.”

“Many of our families rely on the innovation and development of life-saving medications to treat and sustain our children with complex medical needs and disabilities. Those medications, however, are only life-saving if the patient can afford them,” said Elena Hung, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Little Lobbyists. “Therefore, we call on Congress to give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices so our families can access the life-saving medications our children need to survive and thrive.”

“It’s shameful that children are forced to bear the burden of Big Pharma’s profit motivations,” said Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse. “American families should not have to pay three times more for the same medicines as people in other countries. Children and their families should not be put in the impossible position of choosing between paying for lifesaving drugs and paying for housing or food. It’s time to put an end to Big Pharma’s greed and give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices.”

In 2019, the House of Representatives passed the Lower Drug Costs Now Act (H.R. 3), historic legislation that would lower drug prices for all Americans. H.R. 3 would save patients over $150 billion and reduce the price of the costliest drugs by as much as 55 percent

Not only does giving Medicare the power to negotiate help patients at the pharmacy counter, but it would save the federal government $500 billion, which could be reinvested to strengthen health care. These savings could help lower premiums, expand coverage, and strengthen Medicare benefits to include hearing, vision, and dental. As the nation recovers from the coronavirus pandemic, ensuring access to affordable health care, and specifically prescription drugs, has never been more critical. 


  • Economic and racial inequity limit access to needed medications for children. One in seven children live below the federal poverty line. Factors contributing to systemic racism make children of color more than twice as likely to live in poverty. Children living in households with incomes below $40,000 per year have an increased likelihood of struggling with prescription costs. 
  • Big Pharma’s price gouging puts millions of children at risk. More than one in five children take prescription medication, many for chronic conditions. A recent report found that children zero to four are nearly five times more likely to experience anaphylaxis than their adult counterparts, but many parents are forced to send their children to school without lifesaving medications due to EpiPen price increases. 
  • Government action is essential to improving health outcomes for children. Even young children are being charged nearly three times what patients in other countries are spending on the same prescription drugs. Health coverage, specifically Medicaid and CHIP, helps shield children from pharmaceutical corporation’s price gouging, yet more than eight percent of children remain uninsured in states refusing Medicaid expansion. 

Read the new report on how high drug costs hurt children here.