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Congressman Greg Stanton, AARP, Advocacy Groups to Discuss Once-in-a-Generation Legislation to Lower Health Care Costs

By August 31, 2022No Comments


The Inflation Reduction Act Will Lower Costs, Help Arizonans Save on Premiums, and Allow Medicare to Negotiate Drug Prices

Phoenix, AZ —On Wednesday, August 31, 2022 at 9 AM AZ time, Congressman Greg Stanton will join Protect Our Care Arizona to discuss the Inflation Reduction Act, historic legislation that will lower prescription drug costs and health insurance premiums for millions of Americans.

The Inflation Reduction Act will lower the cost of health insurance and drive down prescription drug prices by giving Medicare the power to negotiate, capping seniors’ out-of-pocket costs for drugs at $2,000 per year, capping insulin costs, and stopping Big Pharma’s egregious price hikes. This bill will help lower costs for millions of working families, address the deep racial inequities in our health care system and save lives. This historic legislation ends a 20-year era of pharmaceutical companies’ greed taking precedence over the health and well-being of the American people.

By passing this legislation, President Biden and Democrats delivered on their promise to lower health care costs and rein in high drug prices — a stark contrast from every Republican who voted no. American families have been asking and waiting for this day, and now help is on the way.

WHO: Congressman Greg Stanton, [AZ-09] Dana Kennedy, AARP Arizona
Dora Vasquez, Executive Director, Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans
Carmen Heredia, CEO Valle Del Sol
Dr. Karuppana, Chief Medical Officer, Valle Del Sol
Morgan Finkelstein, Arizona Protect Our Care

WHAT: Press Conference

WHEN: Wednesday, August 31 at 9:00 AM AZ Time

WHERE: Valle del Sol Community Health Center Corporate Office
3877 N 7th St
Phoenix, AZ 85014

The press conference will be livestreamed here.