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EXPOSED: Three GOPers Admit Real Anti-Health Care Agenda in Tax Plan

By December 5, 2017December 7th, 2017No Comments

No matter how hard Republicans try to pretend like this tax bill isn’t an assault on health care for middle class families, the truth is becoming clearer by the day.

While a top plan author confirmed his plan to include a sneaky health care repeal in the tax plan, a top Trump adviser confirmed that the intention of this sneaky health care repeal is to dismantle the Affordable Care Act altogether. And report after report has shown Republicans intend to use the ballooning deficit this tax bill creates to go after Medicare.

Trump Advisor Stephen Moore: “And getting rid of the mandate is to eventually dismantle Obamacare”

CNBC: “Top House tax writer Brady expects final tax bill to repeal Obamacare individual mandate”

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy: “Then, you’ve got to look at the entitlements.”

“Any Republican who backs this tax plan is backing a health care repeal that rips apart health care for 13 million Americans, forces premiums to go up 10% and lays the foundation for Medicare cuts,” said Protect Our Care Campaign Director Brad Woodhouse “What is it with Republicans and this political suicide they insist on committing on health care? Their repeal bills are among the most unpopular legalization ever, they lost across the country on the issue of health care in November and all signs point to more political pain for them down the road. If they insist on repealing health care to pay for tax breaks for the well-to-do and then using it as a precursor to ravage American health care even further, they can expect to be held accountable.”