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Georgia’s Proposed Waiver Will Throw Georgians’ Health Care Into Chaos

By November 1, 2019No Comments

Washington, DC — Yesterday, Georgia’s Republican governor requested a 1332 waiver to enact drastic changes to the state’s health care program that will put Georgians’ health care at risk. The proposed waiver would dismantle Georgia’s marketplace and push consumers to junk plans that don’t protect people with pre-existing conditions. In response to the state’s waiver request, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse released the following statement: 

“Georgia’s Republican governor is taking unprecedented steps to enact Trump’s sabotage agenda by injecting chaos into Georgia’s health care system and putting the health care of over one million Georgians at risk. The proposed waiver would ban Georgians from using to purchase plans on the ACA marketplace, pushing them instead to junk insurance plans that don’t cover essential health benefits and insurance brokers who won’t act in patients’ best interests. This proposal is the actualization of Trump’s sabotage agenda to strip protections for pre-existing conditions and kick people off their coverage. Georgia’s actions should be a wakeup call that state Republicans are dead-serious about following through on the Trump administration’s war on health care.”