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Health Care Champion Xavier Becerra Puts His Exceptional Qualifications on Display During Confirmation Hearings

By February 24, 2021No Comments

Washington, DC — Today, the confirmation hearings for Xavier Becerra concluded, leaving Senators and the public no doubt that he is a well qualified nominee to lead the Department of Health and Human Services. Becerra has decades of experience and was an architect of the Affordable Care Act when he served in the House. Becerra also led the charge to protect Americans’ health care against constant, baseless Republican attacks as California’s Attorney General. In response, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement: 

“Xavier Becerra has once again shown us why he’s the right person for the job. Becerra dedicated his decades-long career to fighting to expand access to health care and protecting underserved communities while taking on powerful special interests to help working families. From his time in the House working tirelessly on the Affordable Care Act to his time as California’s Attorney General defending the law from relentless Republican attacks, Xavier Becerra has always prioritized health care. Becerra is a historic pick, and as Secretary of Health and Human Services, he will build on the strong foundation of the Affordable Care Act to lower health care costs including prescription drugs and expand access for all Americans. He is ready to lead HHS on day one, and the Senate should move quickly to confirm him so we can get the pandemic under control and get the country back on track.”