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Health Care Under Attack: Five Ways Republicans Want to Raise Costs & Rip Away Care

By May 30, 2024No Comments

Protect Our Care Released New Report on the MAGA Republican War on Health Care

Read the Report Here. 

The MAGA Republican Party, led by Donald Trump, wants to deny tens of millions of Americans affordable, lifesaving health care. Yesterday, Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-11) joined Protect Our Care and patient storytellers to release a new report on how Republicans are escalating their attacks on American health care. Trump has vowed to “terminate” the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Republican Study Committee, which represents a majority of House Republicans, recently released a FY 2025 Budget. The far-right Heritage Foundation also released a blueprint for a second Trump term: Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership. Together, their plans for 2025 are clear as day: MAGA Republicans want to destroy the ACA, slash Medicare and Medicaid, and hike the cost of prescription drugs and health insurance — all while slashing taxes for billionaires, CEOs, and corporations.

“Over the last several months, Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans have doubled down on their promises to raise drug prices and the cost of health insurance and rip away health care from millions of families,” said Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach. “After enormous strides to expand affordable health care under President Biden, the GOP is laser-focused on turning back the clock and putting drug and insurance companies back in charge. Republicans are once again saying the quiet part out loud. Donald Trump is calling for total ACA repeal while Republicans in Congress are trying to overturn the entire Inflation Reduction Act, slash Medicare and Medicaid, and dismantle protections for pre-existing conditions.

“Health care is a key kitchen table issue that receives strong support from an overwhelming majority of voters, whether they live in red or blue states, or rural, suburban, or urban zip codes. Yet, the MAGA Republican Party, led by Donald Trump, has doubled down on their losing strategy of denying tens of millions of Americans affordable lifesaving health care. The GOP agenda is reckless and unpopular among voters of all parties, and it would be devastating for hardworking people across our country.” 

Here are five key ways Republicans want to sabotage your health care if they win in November: 

  1. Republicans will cut Medicaid and throw millions off their coverage: MAGA Republicans propose cutting Medicaid spending by over 54 percent in the next decade and ripping coverage away from tens of millions of children, seniors, and people with disabilities.
  2. Republicans will repeal the Inflation Reduction Act and hike drug costs for seniors and families: MAGA Republicans want to fully repeal the Inflation Reduction Act’s prescription drug provisions that are saving Americans thousands of dollars on health care.
  3. Republicans will hike premium costs by hundreds of dollars a year, locking millions out of affordable coverage: MAGA Republicans want to end enhanced premium tax credits that lower insurance costs for Americans, which were originally enacted in the American Rescue Plan and extended through 2025 by the Inflation Reduction Act. These enhanced tax credits have reduced ACA Marketplace enrollees’ premiums by an average of $800 per year and contributed to record enrollment.
  4. Republicans will dismantle protections for people with pre-existing conditions: MAGA Republicans want to remove many protections for the over 100 million Americans with pre-existing conditions made possible through the ACA, allowing insurers to deny coverage or charge more. MAGA Republicans also want to codify rules put forth by the Trump administration that expanded junk health insurance plans. These plans are not required to cover the essential health benefits required by the ACA and are allowed to charge people more based on their age, health status, and gender.
  5. Republicans will repeal the ACA: Donald Trump sabotaged affordable health care and pre-existing condition protections while he was in office, and has renewed his calls to “terminate” the ACA at least seven times over the last several months with MAGA Republicans echoing his calls. If Trump doesn’t succeed at repealing the ACA altogether, he will stop at nothing to gut it and other critical protections that the American people rely on.