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Lower Prescription Drug Costs At Risk as Judge Considers Chambers of Commerce Case

By September 15, 2023No Comments

Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce et al. v. Becerra et al. Brings Meritless Challenge to Medicare, Threatening Billions in Savings for Seniors and Taxpayers 

Washington, DC — Today, a federal judge in Ohio held oral arguments in a lawsuit brought by the Chambers of Commerce to stop Medicare from negotiating lower drug prices for millions of seniors. The lawsuit was brought by a group of national, state, and regional Chambers of Commerce that asked for a nationwide preliminary injunction to halt the Biden administration’s implementation of the program and allow drug companies to continue to charge whatever they want for lifesaving medications. A ruling on the case is expected before October 1st.

The Chambers’ case is one of eight meritless lawsuits seeking to protect drug companies’ outrageous profits. While the drug companies rake in billions and force seniors to skip doses of their life saving medicines, they charge up to four times more in the U.S. than in other countries. Read more about the lawsuits brought by big drug companies and their allies here.

In response, Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement: 

“This case has no legal merit. Drug companies and the Chambers of Commerce that are doing their bidding are basically asking a judge to protect their massive profits at the expense of millions of seniors. This case is just one of many in which drug companies and their mega lobbying group allies are desperately suing the federal government in an effort to protect their ability to charge whatever they want for drugs that millions rely on to stay alive. Meanwhile, seniors are cutting pills and skipping doses of lifesaving medications. Millions are depending on the savings from the Medicare negotiation program, and it is vital that Judge Newman reject this meritless lawsuit.”