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Meet the Press Guest: Republicans Could Lose the House in 2018 Because of Affordable Care Act Repeal Attempts

By March 18, 2018No Comments

Washington, D.C. – This morning on Meet the Press, Cook Political Report National Editor Amy Walter told Chuck Todd: “Republicans could lose the House in 2018 by trying to repeal Obamacare.” Here are Walter’s full remarks:

“It was in Pennsylvania-18 where the generic ballot, when you ask that question right before the election, was 42-42 in a district that Trump carried by twenty points. The challenge for Republicans right now isn’t just that the President is unpopular and has lost popularity even in districts he won in 2016 – the Party’s unpopular, and the issues are unpopular. What Conor Lamb talked about, and Senator Brown raised this, about the issue of health care, is gonna be a big issue in this election. The irony is Democrats lost the House in 2010 on Obamacare, Republicans could lose the House in 2018 by trying to repeal Obamacare.”

Watch the full clip here.