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Momentum Builds For House Democrats’ Prescription Drug Bill While Republicans Continue to Stand with Big Pharma

By September 27, 2019No Comments

Last week, Speaker Pelosi, along with Chairmen Richard Neal, Frank Pallone, and Bobby Scott unveiled the Lower Drug Costs Now Act (H.R. 3), monumental legislation that will lower prescription drug costs by allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices and hold the big insurance and drug companies accountable. Since the bill was introduced, there has been widespread support within the House Democratic Caucus, as Members speak out about why this legislation is the best way to lower drug costs for families across the country.  

And while 86 percent of Americans favor the Democrats’ plan to end the ban on Medicare negotiating for lower drug prices, Republicans in Congress instead are standing with the big drug companies and against the Lower Drug Costs Now Act.  

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA-12): “The #LowerDrugCosts Now Act will be transformative – not only lowering prescription drug costs for Medicare beneficiaries, but making those lower prices available to all Americans.” [Speaker Pelosi Twitter, 9/26/19]

Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (MD-05): “House Dems introduced the #LowerDrugCostsNow Act to bring down prescription drug prices for all Americans. I’m pleased @EnergyCommerce & @EdLaborCmte subcommittees held hearings this week to receive input from Members and the public as we advance this bill through the House.” [Leader Hoyer Twitter, 9/26/19]

Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal (MA-01): “Proud to partner with @SpeakerPelosi on this bill to #LowerDrugCosts. People make unthinkable sacrifices just to afford medications they need to stay alive & that shouldn’t be the case. Our bill has teeth to ensure patients come first.” [Chairman Neal Twitter, 9/20/19]

Energy and Commerce Chairman Frank Pallone (NJ-06): “Any plan to #LowerDrugCosts has to empower Medicare to negotiate with drug companies. My new legislation does exactly that, and then ensures those negotiated prices are available to all Americans.” [Chairman Pallone Twitter, 9/24/19]

DCCC Chairwoman Cheri Bustos (IL-17): “Our Majority is taking action to relieve the burden of soaring prescription prices. The #LowerDrugCosts Now Act would hold companies accountable and stop them from ripping off hardworking Americans. I stand with @teampelosi in the fight to #ProtectOurCare.” [Chairwoman Bustos Twitter, 9/19/19]

Rep. Steven Horsford (NV-04): “In the first 6 months of 2019, more than 3,400 prescription drugs raised their prices. That’s money out of your pocket. That’s why I stood today with @HealthCareVoter and @LittleLobbyists to take a stand and declare that it’s time for Congress to take action to #LowerDrugCosts!” [Rep. Horsford Twitter, 9/25/19]

Rep. Lucy McBath (GA-06): “Families across the country are being faced with drug costs that force them to choose between health & paying their bills. We held a hearing in @EdLaborCmte today to #LowerDrugCosts & make sure Americans have access to the medicine they need. #ForThePeople.” [Rep. McBath Twitter, 9/26/19]

Rep. Susan Wild (PA-17): “People are dying because they can’t afford their lifesaving prescription medications. The days of Big Pharma putting their profits over people must come to an end.” [Rep. Wild Twitter, 9/27/19]

Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (NM-03): “Drug companies are charging Americans 10x more for the same drug than what people in other countries pay. There’s bipartisan support to #LowerDrugCosts, negotiate drug prices, and stop drug companies from ripping off Americans. Let’s get this done #ForThePeople.” [Rep. Lujan Twitter, 9/25/19]

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (NY-08): “Prescription drug prices are out of control. House Dems have a plan to dramatically #LowerDrugCosts for everyday Americans. Pharma strongly opposes it. But we work for the public interest (not the special interests). We. Will. Not. Back. Down.” [Rep. Jeffries Twitter, 9/21/19]

Rep. Joyce Beatty (OH-03): “Here are the key takeaways from @HouseDemocrats’ new plan to #LowerDrugCosts #ForThePeople. Ends ban on Medicare negotiating drug prices. Makes lower prices negotiated by Medicare available to all Americans. Stops drug companies from ripping off Americans.” [Rep. Beatty Twitter, 9/23/19]

Rep. Ed Case (HI-01): “Gladly cosponsoring H.R. 3 to tackle straight on the outrageous and increasing prices of prescription drugs. There is simply no reason, no explanation, no excuse that justifies not only the costs but the impacts on our very lives. #LowerDrugCosts #ForThePeople.” [Rep. Case Twitter, 9/20/19]

Rep. Kathy Castor (FL-14): “Drug companies have doubled the price of nearly half of brand-name prescription drugs in less than a decade. Negotiation can drive down the costs of prescription drugs and the Lower Drug Costs Now Act will benefit our neighbors across #Florida and America. #LowerDrugCosts now!” [Rep. Castor Twitter, 9/25/19]

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (MO-05): “This week, @HouseDemocrats will keep our promise to #LowerDrugCosts by advancing #HR3, which would: Allow Medicare to negotiate directly w/ drug companies, make the negotiated prices available to all Americans, stops drug companies from charging Americans more than other nations.” [Rep. Cleaver Twitter, 9/27/19]

Rep. Diana DeGette (CO-01): “Insulin prices are out of control, and families across America are struggling because of it. We need to pass the #LowerDrugCosts Now Act!” [Rep. DeGette Twitter, 9/24/19]

Rep. Mike Doyle (PA-18): “Americans are struggling to afford the prescription drugs they need. The #LowerDrugCosts Act would allow Medicare to negotiate the prices of prescription drugs and would extend those lower prices to all Americans. We need to get drug companies to the table and drive down costs!” [Rep. Doyle Twitter, 9/25/19]

Rep. Marcia Fudge (OH-11): “Across America, seniors and families are forced to decide whether to purchase prescription drugs or put food on the table.  It’s time for Congress to act to #LowerDrugCosts!” [Rep. Fudge Twitter, 9/19/19]

Rep. Joe Neguse (CO-02): “Key takeaways from @HouseDemocrats’ new plan to #LowerDrugCosts? Allows Medicare to negotiate drug prices. Makes lower prices negotiated by Medicare available to all Americans. Stops drug companies from ripping off American.” [Rep. Neguse Twitter, 9/23/19]

Rep. Raul Ruiz (CA-36): “I’ve seen firsthand the devastating impacts of skyrocketing prescription drug prices on my patients. My primary goal is to reduce out of pocket costs—that’s why I support the #LowerDrugCosts Now Act.” [Rep. Ruiz Twitter, 9/26/19]

Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger (MD-02): “In the first 6 months of 2019, pharmaceutical companies raised their prices on more than 3,400 drugs. What’s the use of life-saving medication if the people who need it can’t afford it? Americans deserve lower prescription drug prices NOW. #LowerDrugCosts.” [Rep. Ruppersberger Twitter, 9/20/19]

Rep. Bobby Rush (IL-01): “ We can no longer live in a nation where one must choose between life-saving medical treatment and putting food on the table. We must #LowerDrugCosts NOW and pass H.R. 3!” [Rep. Rush Twitter, 9/25/19]

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (MI-13): “In the first six months of 2019, more than 3,400 prescription drugs raised their prices. What’s the use of lifesaving medication if the people who need it can’t afford it? It’s time for Congress to take action to #LowerDrugCosts!” [Rep. Tlaib Twitter, 9/20/19]

Rep. David Trone (MD-06): “Seniors and families across America are struggling to afford the prescription drugs they need to stay healthy. I’m proud that Democrats are taking action to #LowerDrugCosts now.” [Rep. Trone Twitter, 9/19/19]

Rep. Frederica Wilson (FL-24): “Drug companies are using out-of-control prices to pad profits – not fund research and innovation. It’s time to #LowerDrugCosts!” [Rep. Wilson Twitter, 9/26/19]