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NEW ADS: Protect Our Care Releases New $1 Million Ad Campaign to Hold Lawmakers Accountable for Opposing Lower Drug Prices

By May 15, 2024No Comments

New Ads Highlight Members’ Opposition to Lowering Drug Prices and Calls on Them to Vote Against Repealing the Inflation Reduction Act

Watch the New Ads Here. 

Washington, D.C. — Protect Our Care is launching a $1 million dollar ad campaign to hold lawmakers accountable for opposing legislation lowering prescription drug prices. Each of the members featured in the ads opposed or spoke out against the Inflation Reduction Act, which capped the price of insulin at $35 per month and gave Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices. Polling shows that these drug pricing provisions are widely popular across parties, but Republicans unanimously voted against the law, and they are now trying to repeal it. These ads call out their opposition to the Inflation Reduction Act and urge them to vote against any effort to repeal the law. 

The program focuses on the following members: David Schweikert (AZ-01), David Valadao (CA-22), Mike Garcia (CA-27), Brett Guthrie (KY-02), and Mike Lawler (NY-17). This ad campaign is part of Protect Our Care’s ongoing work to inform Americans about the benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act and to educate people about where their lawmakers stand on policies to lower drug prices. Protect Our Care is also running a $5 million campaign to recognize health care champions and urge them to continue the fight to lower health care costs.

“We are continuing to spotlight the benefits passed in the Inflation Reduction Act and to educate Americans about where their members of Congress stand on these issues,” said Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach. “The Inflation Reduction Act is lowering drug prices for millions of families, saving them money so they can afford the drugs they need to stay alive. It is unfathomable that Republican lawmakers stood with big drug companies and voted against lower drug prices. We urge these members of Congress to do the right thing, reverse course, and side with America’s families by supporting the Inflation Reduction Act and opposing efforts to replace it.”

The seven-figure ad campaign begins on Wednesday, March 15. The digital campaign will reach people through OTT/streaming, YouTube, Hulu, Meta, and more. The program also includes on-the-ground events and organizing to make sure people in these communities know about these reforms. 

Links to each of the new ads can be found below:

David Schweikert (AZ-01)

David Valadao (CA-22)

Mike Garcia (CA-27)

Brett Guthrie (KY-02)

Mike Lawler (NY-17)

Sample Ad Script for AZ-01:

Narrator: The Inflation Reduction Act lowered insulin prices for America’s seniors. Now insulin is only $35 a month for seniors. But Representative David Schweikert voted against it. This new law put seniors’ pocketbooks ahead of big drug companies’ profits.