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New Navigator Polling Shows Strong and Enduring Support of President Biden’s Efforts to Lower Prescription Drug Costs

By May 1, 2024No Comments

New Navigator polling found that President Biden and Democrats are more trusted on health care. From making prescription drugs more affordable to protecting Medicare, Democrats have a major advantage. This follows Navigator data released yesterday showing that seven in 10 Americans (71 percent) support the Inflation Reduction Act, with large majorities supporting the law’s health care policies to cap the cost of insulin, provide free vaccines, and give Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices. A closer look: 

Voters Across Parties Support The Inflation Reduction Act’s Measures To Lower Drug Prices. The poll shows a growing share of support for the Inflation Reduction Act, including nearly half of Republicans. Capping the cost of insulin (87 percent), providing free vaccines (87 percent), and giving Medicare the power to negotiate (87 percent) are among the most supported health care policies under President Biden. [Navigator, 4/30/24] 

Voters Strongly Support Messages About Bringing Down Prescription Drug Costs. Strong majorities support messages about bringing down costs and making sure Americans aren’t charged three to four times more than people in other countries. According to Navigator, “Focusing on bringing down prescription drug costs overwhelmingly defeats arguments about drug regulations harming innovations and concerns about debt from health care spending.” [Navigator, 5/1/24

Voters Report Concern Over Drug Company Profits While Americans Struggle To Afford Their Medications. The poll found that drug company favorability remains low (34 percent) and that voters are highly concerned about drug company profits. Per Navigator: “The strongest criticisms of big pharmaceutical companies focus on their record-breaking profits while Americans cannot afford the prescription drugs they need.”  [Navigator, 5/1/24